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MAY 2016 NISAN/IYAR 5776

Madison Jewish Center SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR MAY 2016

Friday, May 6

Candle Lighting 7:40 pm

Service 7:30 pm

Saturday, May 7

Services 9:00 am

Jr. Congregation 10:30 am



Weekly Portion: AHAREI MOT

Leviticus 17:1-18:30

HAFTARAH: I Samuel 20:18-42


Friday, May 13

Candle Lighting 7:47 pm

Service 7:30 pm



Saturday, May 14

Services 9:00 am

Jr. Congregation 10:30 am


Weekly Portion: K’DOSHIM

Leviticus 19:23-20:27

HAFTARAH: Amos 9:7-15

Friday, May 20

Candle Lighting 7:53 pm

Service 7:30 pm

special Shabbat Speaker Norman Sapoznik

Saturday, May 21

Services 9:00 am

Jr. Congregation 10:30 am

Weekly Portion: EMOR

Leviticus 23:23-27:23

HAFTARAH: Ezekiel 44:15-31


Friday, May 27

Candle Lighting 7:59 pm

Service 7:30 pm

Saturday, May 28

Services 9:00 am

NO Jr. Congregation

Weekly Portion: B’HAR

Leviticus 25:29-26:2

HAFTARAH: Jeremiah 32:6-2


Our 85th


Tel: 718-339-7755 * WWW.MADISONJC.ORG

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Page Two Madison Jewish Center

In case you missed it here is the Sermon I gave

at the Kings Highway United Methodist Church on March 1, 2016

Rabbi Shae J. Kane D.D.

Truth or Consequences

A jazz pianist complained to the club owner about the piano, but the owner did nothing.

Angry and frustrated, the pianist announced that he would not show up for work until the piano

was repaired. A week later, he received a call from the owner that the piano was now fine. The

pianist returned to work, but found that the piano was still badly out of tune. He confronted the

owner: "I thought you told me the piano was now fine; but it is not fine at all." The owner replied

with a surprised look. "I did have the piano fixed. Don't you see that it has been freshly painted?"

This story epitomizes a massive and widespread problem that faces all of us as human

beings. We are confronted with items, individuals, institutions and even politicians, that are

seriously flawed. Instead of analyzing the problem and coming to a reasonable and intelligent

solution, there is a tendency to seek superficial cover-ups that merely serve as camouflages. We

think that if we paint the piano, put make-up on an individual, or do a p.r. job for an

institution...we thereby have solved the problem. But, of course, we have left the core problem

in tact; it will surface soon enough in spite of the superficial cover-up job.

In this past week's portion of the Torah – the Five Books of Moses taken from the The Book

of Exodus and chanted in Synagogues throughout the Jewish World – we read the truly startling

story of the Children of Israel and the molten calf – commonly called the golden calf. Moses had

ascended Mount Sinai - and the people were awaiting his return at a certain time. In their

calculation, the time had elapsed. Immediately they panicked and compelled Aaron to make a

molten calf of gold for them to worship. When Moses came down from the mountain and saw

the Children of Israel worshiping the molten calf, he cast the Tablets of God’s Law to the ground

and shattered them. The Children of Israel suffered great punishment for this foolishness.

When Moses failed to appear at the time they expected him, how did the Children of Israel

evaluate the situation? What options did they have? They could have waited another day or two

to see if Moses would return? Or they could have appointed or elected someone else - Aaron or

Hur - to become their leader in place of Moses. But instead of going to the core of the problem

and finding a solution, they sought a quick fix. They wanted a molten calf, even though the idol

surely could not replace Moses, nor could it provide proper leadership. Why would anyone want

a glittering calf instead of a real human leader? Why would anyone forsake God in order to

worship idols? Sometimes people are simply perverse or misguided. Sometimes they are fearful

or confused. In desperation, they may turn to someone who will build for them a golden wall -

paid for by someone else - as a quick fix, or to a false idol which they think is "good luck" and to

which they can attribute magical or supernatural powers or even divinity.

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What is the essence of idolatry? It is the assigning of false value to an individual or to an

object. Idolaters think that if they worship an idol, bow to it, bring it offerings or rally and support

it --then it must be god! They convince themselves that a falsehood is actually true. If they can

get others to, also, foster the falsehood, this gives it the appearance of being true. The evil of

idolatry is: believing in falsehood and abandoning truth. The Torah warns us not to fall into this

trap. This applies not only to idols, but to everything and everyone. This applies to any

demagogues or p.r. experts who try to make us believe things we know to be wrong or go against

the moral and ethical ideals of our religious heritage and of our great American Society. Too

many people succumb to these falsehoods. The Torah commands us to cling to truth and to reject


In our society, there are many who foster an idolatrous worldview. They attempt to

convince us that a painted piano is fixed, even if it is out of tune with our spiritual and communal

values. They promote products or people or institutions or ideas by spinning superficial images

that are false and rotten at the core. They seek to make us fall into line with a lynch mob

mentality, so that we suspend our own sense of clear judgment and become an idolater. The

Torah warns us: do not be an idolater, do not veer from truth, do not falsely evaluate things or


Our Talmud (Hagigah 14b) tells of four great sages who entered the "pardes" i.e. the world

of profound speculation. Rabbi Akiva, one of the four, warned the others: "when you reach the

domain of pure marble, don't call out 'water, water'; as it is written (Psalms 101:7), ‘one who

speaks falsehoods will not be established before My eyes.’" Rabbi Akiva knew how easy it is to

mistake clear marble for water, a metaphor for how easy it is to succumb to falsehood instead of

clinging to truth. The marble looks so much like water: but it is not water, it is cold stone. If we

wish to pursue truth, we need to evaluate people and things and ideas as they really are and not

as they appear to be in their painted cover-up. Molten calves do not bring redemption. Painted

pianos do not produce good music if the piano is out of tune even golden walls will not protect

us. If we succumb to falsehood, we will surely pay the severe consequences. Because fakes and

fakery because demagogues and demagoguery because lies and lying cannot and will not lead us

to the promised land.

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Page Four Madison Jewish Center

President’s Message

MAY 2016

Greetings everyone. We hope everyone enjoyed getting together with family and friends at your Passover seders. During Hol Hamoed many of us had a fun time on our Atlantic City bus ride. Earlier in the month, Sisterhood arranged a fascinating trip to the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. There was plenty of time for socializing afterwards at a local restaurant. . May is a very busy month at Madison. We begin with our very moving Yom Hashoah program, featuring our Youth Chorus, on Wednesday evening, May 4th. Then, on Wednesday evening, May 11, our choir will sing at our Yom Ha Zikaron/Yom Ha’atzma’ut observance. Israeli treats will be served. Friday, May 13th is new member Shabbat. Please attend services to support them. Saturday, May 14th is this year’s wonderful Social Club Shabbat. The service will be run by our members. Cantor Rimer’s classes begin Wednesday evening, May 18th. They are always interesting. We begin a monthly program of Friday evening special speakers with Norman Sapoznik on May 20th. The month ends with our two largest fundraisers, the Journal celebration honoring past president Ruth Rosenberg on Sunday, May 22nd and the Fashion Show on Thursday evening, May 26th. If you haven’t made reservations yet for either event, now is the time to do so. Our affiliates work hard to prepare a variety of social and interesting programs. All our religious services are friendly, inviting and meaningful. And, since we are Jewish, most are followed by food. So, join us here at Madison. Try out our brand new sidewalk. Attendance has been increasing. I look forward to the day when we can no longer fit in the Beit Ha Midrash and must return to the Main Sanctuary. This month, continuing what I began last month, the “spotlight” falls on one of our newer members, Cecile Kops. Cecile, who has been coming to Madison for almost two years, grew up in Washington Heights and Laurelton, Queens in an orthodox home. She was a student at Yeshiva Central Queens. She has a BA in history from City College and a MA in political science from Brooklyn College. After retirement from the teaching profession she earned a second BA degree in Judaic Studies. Cecile belonged to the Flatbush Jewish Center for several years before moving, in 2003, to Nostrand Avenue and Quentin Road. While walking her dog, Toffee, one morning at about 6:35 AM, she crossed paths with Ilene Karpas, who invited her to the morning minyan. Cecile liked the people here; she said, “everyone was so pleasant and friendly” and almost immediately became one of our “regulars”. She particularly liked that we were egalitarian and that women received aliyot. But, there is much more to Cecile. Years ago when she was teaching on the Lower East Side, on a lark she went into a nearby ceramics studio and discovered a latent talent which has given her hours of pleasure. She is an accomplished potter and also designs and makes jewelry. Oh, and she makes books by hand. Another passion is her love of animals. Her beloved dog, Toffee, recently died leaving an empty space but she has several cats which she has rescued over the years. Cecile feels right at home at Madison Jewish Center.


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MAY 2O16

The Sisterhood trip to the Tenement Museum on Sunday, April 3, 2016 was a huge

success. All who attended had a great time. The tour guide was very informative and a dynamic

speaker. The tour group also had an interactive experience where they visited an actual apartment

where a former resident spoke and responded to questions from the people on the tour (this

was an actor wearing the clothing from the time period and role playing one of the people who

lived in that apartment). This made the experience come alive for the tour group. Thanks go to

Rachel Streich and Ilene Shapiro for organizing this wonderful event.

The Sisterhood Board Meeting held on Monday, April 18 was devoted to the Fashion Show.

Thank you all who attended.

Sunday, May 15, 2016 is our next Maj and Mingle from 10:00 AM– 12:00. Please contact

Teresa Gottesmann if you are attending this event.

The next Sisterhood Board Meeting will be Thursday, May 19, 2016. This will be both a

Sisterhood board meeting and a Fashion Show meeting. Hope you can attend.

Looking forward to seeing you at our annual Fashion Show on Thursday, May 26. Everyone

who attends always enjoys this event. The theme is “Disco” and look forward to music, dancing,

raffles, dinner and exciting fashions from TJ Maxx. If you have not made reservations, please

contact Irene Cimini or Bonnie Solomon.

Our annual Sisterhood End of Year dinner will be held in June of this year. A flyer will be


Check the MJC website for upcoming events.

Harriett Cohen and Shelli Feldman

Sisterhood Co-Presidents

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Great events are happening at MJC. Try to attend as many as you can. You will

have an enjoyable time. Our annual Passover trip to Atlantic City was on Tuesday, April

26th. We enjoyed Passover snacks and had fun playing Bingo on the bus. Everyone had

a wonderful day gambling, shopping, and walking on the Boardwalk.

The Social Club Shabbat will take place on Saturday, May 14th. Social Club

members will be conducting many parts of the service. Please try to attend and show

your support. A delicious Kiddush luncheon will follow.

The end of the year election barbecue is scheduled for the afternoon of June 5th.

We will be honoring Rabbi and Arlene Kane, Cantor and Kate Rimer. A proposal was

made for a golf outing in the fall. It sounds like a great event. More information will be

available soon.

Please mark your calendars and join us as often as you can. You are guaranteed to

have a wonderful time.

Every member of MJC is also a member of the Social Club. Please take

advantage of the many opportunities to spend time with friends. Let’s keep MJC as the

center of Egalitarian Conservative Judaism in this part of Brooklyn.

Check our website (, watch for flyers, and check the Message for

further information. Reservations for all activities can be made through our email

address ([email protected]).

Ilene Karpas

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I can’t believe how fast this school year has

gone! Last month we had the Tzivos Hashem

matzah bakery come to our Hebrew School. This

workshop was a lot of fun for all the students and

adults who attended.

The last Junior Congregation of this school year will be

Saturday, May 21.

We commend all the students and their parents who have been coming to

Junior Congregation on a regular basis! Also parents mark your calendars

Friday, June 3rd is our annual moving up/graduation ceremony.

We are still selling gift cards, you can order online or pick up an order

form in the office. Thanks again for your support. Finally we would like to

wish all moms a happy and healthy Mother’s Day.

Melanie Green

The Parents’ Association

Online Gift Cards Are Now Available at M.J.C. through the

Parents Association. It is Easy, Fast, and Available all year long!

See further information on page 10.

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Page Eight Madison Jewish Center


Brian Klasewitz

Bella Benders

Florence Benstein

Stacie Bono

Harry Cooper

Betty Goldenkranz

Arlene Gordon

Teresa Gottesmann

Randye Gravitz

Ruth Greenspun

Thelma Gruber

Mady Kiner

Jennifer Kubasky

Steven Lampert

Marilyn Madans

Howard Madans

Stanley Moldovan

Diane Morgan

Edith Novikoff

Phyllis Pack

Helene Pelowitz

Leonard Podell

Paul Podell

Taba Rubinowitz

Fern Rudorfer

Jules Sachson

Lillian Schreibstein

Rochelle Siller

Harold Silver

Karyn Weintraub

Alex Yakubovich

THE MESSAGE Published 11 times a year * July/August * 1 issue

Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

2989 Nostrand Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-339-7755 * email: [email protected]

Fax: 718-375-2271 Shae J. Kane D.D. ……………………….……..Rabbi Leslie Rimer……………………..………….…..Cantor Roy Alexander………………..…………….President

Sisterhood Presidents Harriett Cohen & Shelli Feldman

MJC Social Club President Norman Green

P.A. President: Steven Green

Message Layout Bruce Herman

Editorial Staff Rabbi Shae J. Kane D.D. Monique Ander Ellen Green Ilene Karpas Roy Alexander Bruce Herman Marlene Podell

SERVICE SCHEDULE Friday Evening & Erev Yom Tov………………7:30 PM

Saturday Morning & Yom Tov Morning……9:00 AM

Weekday Minyanim (Mon. & Thurs.)….…..6:45 AM

Sunday Morning & Legal Holidays………...…8:30 AM

If you need a Minyan at any other time, please

call the office and we will attempt to assemble one.


The Synagogue office will be open Monday

through Thursday from 9:00am to 4:00pm,

Friday from 9:00am -12 noon

We are closed on all Jewish and legal holidays.

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Social Club Saturday, May 14 9:00am Social Club Shabbat

Sisterhood Sunday, May 15, 2016 10 am -12 noon Maj & Mingle Thursday, May 26 7:00pm Fashion Show

Parents’ Association

Sunday, May 15, 2016 10 am – 4 pm Flea Market

Congregation Wednesday, May 4th 7:00pm Yom HaSHOAH service Wednesday, May 11th 7:30pm Yom Haatzmaut service Sunday, May 22nd 11:00am Journal Celebration

Jewish Humor

A man says to his Jewish friend, “Why does a Jew answer a

question with a question?” His friend responded, “Why shouldn’t

a Jew answer a question with a question?”


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Page Ten Madison Jewish Center

Online Gift Cards Are Now Available at M.J.C. through the Parents Association It is Easy, Fast, and Available all year long!

1. Go to

2. Click on family signup and then click on create an account.

3. Next fill out all the necessary info and set up an account.

4. You will see “join a nonprofit”. Underneath will be a box marked

“enrollment code”. Enter A3897D5229989 and then click on join.

5. Now you will be able to order your gift cards online through M.J.C.

6. All money for gift cards must be checks payable to M.J.C and sent to the office after you order

your gift cards online. Please Label the envelope Attention Melanie or Steven Green.

7. For those of you who are not comfortable ordering online we also have a printed list of gift cards that

are available and a printed order form. These also get sent to the

office with a check payable to M.J.C and marked attention Melanie or

Steven Green.

8. No gifts cards will be sent to us unless we send them a check first.

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To: Norman Green & Family

A donation has been made in memory of your

beloved brother Syras Green

By: Fern & Leonard Rudorfer

To: Norman Sapoznik

A donation has been made in memory

of your beloved mother Pearl Sapoznik

By: Sheila & Bert Goodman

Judy Posniack

Marlene & Paul Podell

Irma & Roy Alexander

Monique & Richard Ander

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Ellen & Norman Green

Diane & Greg Posniack

Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels

Ilene Karpas

Irene & Frank Cimini

Harriett & Stephen Cohen

Shelli & Ronald Feldman

To: Loretta Packer & Family

A donation has been made in memory of your

beloved husband Dr. Arnold Packer

By: Ellen & Norman Green

Monique & Richard Ander

Sheila & Bert Goodman

Marlene & Paul Podell

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Irma & Roy Alexander

Diane & Greg Posniack

To: Curtis Packer & Family

A donation has been made in memory of your

beloved father Dr. Arnold Packer:

By: Irma & Roy Alexander

Ellen & Norman Green

Sheila & Bert Goodman

Marlene & Paul Podell

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Barbara & Barry Stein

Judy Posniack

Andrew Menkes & Ruth Richards

Diane & Greg Posniack

Elysa & Seth Resnikoff


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Page Twelve Madison Jewish Center

For: Suellen Schussel

By: Sheila & Bert Goodman

Marlene & Paul Podell

Irma & Roy Alexander

Monique & Richard Ander

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Ellen & Norman Green

Diane & Greg Posniack

Judy Posniack

Hannah Dreifus & Family

For: Lauren Szcapa

By: Sheila & Bert Goodman

Marlene & Paul Podell

Irma & Roy Alexander

Monique & Richard Ander

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Ellen & Norman Green

Diane & Greg Posniack

Arlene, David & Jonathan Abels

Hannah Dreifus & Family

Ilene Karpas

Judy Posniack

For : Yaffa Sapoznik

By: Judy Posniack

Ellen & Norman Green

Diane & Greg Posniack

Marlene & Paul Podell

Sheila & Bert Goodman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Irma & Roy Alexander

Monique & Richard Ander

Ilene Karpas

Irene & Frank Cimini

Teresa & Mario Gottesmann

Shelli & Ronald Feldman

Harriett & Stephen Cohen




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MAY 2016

1 Stacie & James Bono 19 Elissa & Steven Bieber

5 Bunny & Brian Bender 31 Terri & Joseph Harary









If we have misspelled a name, left something out, or have failed in any way

to properly acknowledge anyone who should have been acknowledged,

please forgive us. Please note that some names may not have not been


Anniversary List

Birthday List

3 Monique Ander 9 Sara Koprak

3 Matthew Cohen 11 Marilyn Cohen

3 Warren Leibowitz 21 Ilene Marcus

3 Heather Pallone 22 Ellen Green

6 Eric Shapiro 22 Randi Herman

8 Harriet Cohen 25 Jodie Cohen

8 Burton Siegel

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Page Fourteen Madison Jewish Center

Dear friends at Madison Jewish Center

Thank you for your support & contributions

in memory of my mother Pearl Sapoznik

From: Norman Sapoznik

Dear everyone, I very much appreciated the best wishes

for my recovery. Surgery is hard, healing is hard as well,

and every time someone has taken the time

to call or write to hope that I’m feeling better,

has made it all easier. Thank you all very much,

I am absolutely overwhelmed.

Matthew Eli Resnick

To our Madison family: Thank you for your good wishes and donations

in honor of Ingrid and Rob's marriage Judy Posniack


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To: Greg Goldstein & Family

A donation has been made in memory

Of your beloved wife & mother Renee Goldstein

By: Marlene & Paul Podell

To: Loretta & Curtis Packer & Family

On the loss of their beloved husband, father & grandfather

Dr. Arnold Packer

IN MEMORIAM We record with sorrow the passing of our esteemed member

Dr. Arnold Packer

May his soul be bound up in the bonds of eternal life.

Heartfelt sympathy is extended to his family.

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To: Vicky & Gary Dreifus

A donation has been made in honor of the birth of your granddaughter Cloe

By: Ruth Siegel

To: Hannah Dreifus

A donation has been made in honor of the birth of your great granddaughter Cloe

By: Ruth Siegel

To: Ingrid & Robert

A donation has been made in honor of your marriage

By: Ruth Rosenberg

To: Judy Posniack

A donation has been made in honor of the marriage of your daughter Ingrid to Robert

By: Sheila & Bert Goodman

Marlene & Paul Podell

Ellen & Norman Green

Ruth Rosenberg

Linda & Steve Bell

Irma & Roy Alexander

Monique & Richard Ander

Myra Lee & Albert Fleischman

Bunny & Brian Bender

Diane & Greg Posnaick

Ilene Karpas

Barbara & Barry Stein

Irene & Frank Cimini

Shelli & Ronald Feldman

Harriett & Stephen Cohen

Teresa & Mario Gottesmann


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Annual Kiddush Sponsors:

Arlene and David Abels Monique and Richard Ander

Ellen and Max Hamou Ilene Karpas

Barbara and Joseph Kowalski Cecile Kops

Diane and Greg Posniack Judy and Max Posniack

Barbara and Barry Stein Terri and Joseph Harary

Harriett and Stephen Cohen Shelli and Ronald Feldman

Platinum Kiddush Sponsors:

Irma and Roy Alexander Bunny and Brian Bender

Sheila and Bert Goodman Ellen and Norman Green

Randi and Bruce Herman Marla and Matt Hesse

Beverly and Seymour Hoffnung Mady Kiner

Helene and Susan Master Marlene and Paul Podell


If you would like to be a sponsor, contact:

Norman Green (917) 545-4442 • email: [email protected]

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Page Eighteen Madison Jewish Center


Cordially Invites You to Attend Our




Woman of the Year

Ruth Rosenberg

Sunday, May 22, 2016 11:00 AM

Madison Jewish Center

2989 Nostrand Avenue

Brooklyn, New York 11229

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MAY 2016 NISAN/IYAR 5776

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Nisan 23


Nisan 24


Nisan 25


Nisan 26




7 pm


Nisan 27


Nisan 28

Candle Lighting 7:39


Services 7:30pm


Nisan 29

Services 9am

Jr. Congregation



Nisan 30





Iyar 1




Exec Bd



Iyar 2





Iyar 3




7:30 pm


Iyar 4


Iyar 5

Candle Lighting

7:46 pm

Services 7:30pm





Iyar 6

Services 9am

Social Club


Jr. Congregation



Iyar 7

Maj &


10 am- noon

Flea Market

10am - 4pm


Iyar 8


Iyar 9 18



Iyar 11


Iyar 12

Candle Lighting

7:53 pm

Services 7:30pm

Speaker: Norman



Iyar 13

Services 9am

Jr. Congregation



Iyar 14



11 am




Iyar 15


Iyar 16

Social Club



Iyar 17


Iyar 18



Show 7 pm

Lag B’Omer


Iyar 19

Candle Lighting

7:59 pm

Services 7:30pm


Iyar 20

Services 9am

No Jr.



Iyar 21


Iyar 22


Iyar 23

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