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    Holy Eucharist

    Sunday service is at 10 616 Stockell Drive,

    Eureka, MO.

    Office: 210 S. Central Ave-nue, Eureka, MO 63025

    Phone: 636-938-3733


    The Rev. Sally S. Weaver

    Phone No.s: Home 636-938-7773

    C e l l : 3 1 4 - 6 5 1 - 3 8 3 6

    Bishops Committee: Rich-ard Mayfield, Sr. Warden,Bob Hosutt, Jr. Warden;

    Kathleen McDonald, Clerk;Lori Scissors; Debbie

    Pizzella; Michael Booker;Paddy Wrob; Cassie Eck-hardt; Barb Sacco; Steve


    Nancy Bergman, Treasurer.

    Annual Meeting

    An Annual Meeting is heldeach year at the end of Janu-ary at which new BishopsCommittee and Convention

    Delegates are elected.

    St. Francis EpiscopalChurch is a mission of theEpiscopal Diocese of Mis-


    The Chalice is the newslet-ter of St. Francis EpiscopalChurch, Eureka, and is pub-lished at least 10 times per


    Submissions for The Chal-ice are due approximately

    the 20th of each month andmay be e-mailed to the Of-

    fice .

    The ChaliceSt. Francis Episcopal Church

    Eureka MO

    M a y 2 0 1 1

    On Palm Sunday we completed our 6-week series on Unbinding the Gospel, a cur-riculum about evangelism. In May we haveseveral opportunities to put what we discussed

    into practice. Since the word evangelism tends to strike fear in our hearts, heres a reminder of what evangelism is: Its sharing your faith with others. Or, as author Martha Grace Reese puts it, Itssharing something you love with someone you like. Now that does-nt sound scary, does it?

    On Saturday, May 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. well enjoy a dayof spiritual retreat at Shaw Nature Reserve in Gray Summit (see the

    article in this issue). Do you have friends or associates who wouldenjoy a day of nature, conversation, prayer, and silence? Invite themto join us.

    On Tuesday, May 10 professionals will be photographing our parishioners for a pictorial directory. Although only members of St.Francis will be put into the directory, anyone is welcome to have ahigh-quality portrait taken. If you know someone in your extendedfamily or in your circle of friends who might be interested, invitethem to sign up. (Theres an article explaining how in this issue.)

    On Friday, May 13 at 6 p.m. the parish is invited to theBooker household for potluck. At 7 p.m. well engage in a brief wor-ship service a house blessing. Who doesnt like to eat and social-ize? So bring a dish and a friend.

    The Pastors Corner

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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    New In this Issue

    Adult Forum Calendar, p 3;

    Attendance Statistics, p 6;

    Birthdays/Anniversaries, p 13;

    Bishops Committee Information, p 12;

    Bishops Easter Message, 9;

    Blessing of Animals, 21;

    Calendar, p 178

    Calendar for Vicar on Line, p 2;

    Cartoons, pp 11 & 19;

    Chalice/Calendar/ Worship Schedule, p 21;

    Childrens Reflections, p 16;

    Conversation with God, 10; Evangelism, 15;

    Fifth Sunday Trinity, p 21;

    Financial Update, p 20;

    A Holy Week, p 4;

    Jackie Selle Honor, p 3;

    Lions Club Mouse Races, p 4;

    Pastors Corner, p 1 -2;

    Pictorial Directory, p 17;

    Planning Calendar, p 13; Prayer for St. Francis, p 3;

    Prayer list, p 17;

    Readers for The Current, p 6;

    Recipe, p 7;

    Renewal of Ministry Event, p 8;

    Spiritual Retreat, p 11;

    Spiritual Offerings for the Week, p 21;

    Spotlight On , p 14;

    Stewardship Thought, p 20;

    Upcoming Events, p 5-6;

    Voices in Prayer, p 7;

    Weekly Offerings, p 21;

    Worship Schedule, p 19.

    The Vicars Calendar is On -linePastor Sallys calendar is on our website, . Select Calendar, thenVicars Calendar. Its the only calendar Pastor Sally uses,

    so it is complete and up-to-date.

    On Friday, May 20 St. Francis will affix tempo-rary tattoos to youngsters (and those young at heart) atConcerts on Central in Eureka. Well be raffling off aweek at Camp Phoenix, the Diocesan summer camp for children aged 8-15. This is a great chance to participate

    in the life of the community and offer a week of faith andfun to a youngster.

    Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is simpleand, as the above indicates, can be stress-free. The Spiritis moving among us and through us. So ask others tocome and share a meal and conversation with us and stayfor the best meal of all the gift of Christ himself in theLords Supper. Alleluia, Christ is risen!

    Pastor Sally

    "Blessed be all mothersWho have come into our livesWhose kindness, care and lovingRemain with us to guide.

    Your inspiration in usMade us strive in every wayEspecially to remember Helping others makes our day.

    Mothers, this little tributeFlows directly from our heartsYou are so loved and cherishedInvaluable, one and all, you are.

    Thought forMothers


    May 8
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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    P a g e 4

    Almighty God, we pray you graciously to behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ

    was willing to be betrayed, and given into thehands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the

    cross. Blessing for Holy Week

    The people of St. Francis kept a HolyWeek before Easter worshiping on their own, insmall groups, in large groups and over dinner.

    Monday night the Prayer Group prayed, amongother things for the chance and the spiritualand physical energy to attend to Holy Week services.

    Tuesday evening, Michael Booker had arranged aseder dinner so that we could come closer toJesus and the disciples at the Last Supper.This year, Lori Scissors repeated a number of the prayers in Hebrew which was very special.We ate, we prayed, we had a great time! Andthe rains came down.

    Wednesday night was the Tenebrae service, aquiet, reserved service of Psalms and readings.

    Step by step, as the psalms and readings fore-told the days ahead, candles burning on thealtar were extinguished. And the rains camedown.

    Thursdays service, a Eucharist, commemoratedthat Last Supper, the creation of the sacramentof the Eucharist, and a reminder of Christsgreat commandment. (Please download Pastor Sallys sermon to see if this is what you think

    it is. ed.) The evening included, as it hadthen, foot-washing and anointing for those whowished to participate in this way. And the rainscame down.

    After Thursdays Eucharist and the tradi-tional stripping of the altar, parishion-

    ers were invited to keep part of thenight vigil, praying as the disciplestried to do in the Garden of Geth-semane. This is a wonderful time

    for some people to reflect and to pray alone or with a partner.

    Good Fridays service, a quiet and solemn one,was offered twice: at noon and at 7:00 p.m.It rained hard through both, but the rain fitthe mood of the day and Pastor Sallys ser-mon reverberated with Christs sacrificeand His love, a love which he asks us toshare with one another.

    Saturday was quiet. And the rains came down.Easter Sunday dawned cold and rainy, but not

    nearly bad enough to dampen the joyfulspirits of more than 90 St. Francis familiesand friends. It was a glorious service withincense and Sanctus bells ( or smells and

    bells as they say in some churches) andanother amazing sermon to leave us feelingloved and challenged as we went out intothe world.

    Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia! Recessional hymn, St. Francis Eureka

    Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

    Lions Club Mouse Races

    On Saturday, May 14 the Wildwoodarea Lions Club is holding mouse races. The

    event, held at the Wildwood YMCA, costs $20 per person. The races begin at 7:30 p.m. Youmust be 21 to attend. Check out St. Francisad in the racing bulletin when youre there.See Jim Eckhardt for more information.

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    A Glimpse into Diocesan YouthEvents for 2011

    June 4-11 Mission trip to Pine Ridge

    July 24-30 Camp Phoenix

    October Happening

    Also check out:

    Facebook: Episcopal Youth Missouri andGoogle Groups: Episcopal Youth Ministry

    Concerts on CentralJoin us on the following Fridays from

    6:30- 8:30 p.m. Wear your St. Francis tee shirtand help affix free temporary tattoos upon thecrowd of enthusiastic young people who line upto receive them. Contact Kathleen McDonald to

    volunteer to help or just show up to join the fun.Theres live music, street vendors, and a greatcommunity spirit.

    May 20

    June 17

    July 15

    August 19

    An Invitation: St. Martins VacationBible School

    My name is Michelle Magee and I am aco-director of St. Martin's Vacation Bible Schoolin Ellisville for 2011. I am reaching out tonearby congregations to invite any children 3rdto 5th grade who may be interested in participat-

    ing in VBS at St. Martins. If you are not hostinga VBS this year and have children in your congre-gation who would like to attend, we would love tohave them.

    The dates are June 13-17, 2011, from 9a.m. to noon each day. You can check on line atour VBS website with more information: The cost of VBS is $20.00 per

    child and a maximum of $40.00 per family.Scholarships are available.

    If you are interested in more information, please contact Michelle Magee or Colleen Hall [email protected] or at the numberslisted below. Thank you we look forward tohaving you visit us.

    Michelle Magee, 636-573-1319Colleen Hall, 636-273-3996

    Guest Speaker at Adult ForumOn Sunday, June 19, St. Francis will have

    a guest speaker from St. Marthas Hall, a shelter for abused women and their children. On SundayJune 5 as well as June 12, there will be a collec-tion of items much needed by St. Marthas Hall toaid in this ministry. Wish List of items needed:

    womens underwear -all sizes; bras-all sizes (new);

    laundry detergent (powdered only); bedroom slippers-for women and chil-dren;copier paper;2-pocket folders;

    ballpoint pens.Submitted by Paddy Wrob

    Upcoming Events

    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . o r g
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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . o r g

    WANTED: Readers of The Current Newsletter

    Do you enjoy reading The Current cover-to- cover? If so, youre exactly the type of people theMarketing & Communications team is looking for! The circulation area of The Current Newsletter is anideal radius for St. Francis to attract new members, so it is our media of choice for paid advertising.

    Aside from helping us reach prospective members, the events published in The Current provideopportunity for St. Francis to participate in various activities and functions in our com-munity. Marketing and Communications would like to ask those who read every issueof The Current to help alert us to these opportunities. Please volunteer to scour thecommunity Events for trivia nights, craft shows, free concerts, fair, pet-related func-tions or other activities you think St. Francis members might enjoy as a group.

    Please sign up to be a spotter for the edition of The Current you receive atyour home: Eureka-Pacific, Wildwood, Big River, Fenton or Valley Park. Simply circle or cut out theevents and give them to Debbie Pizzella, Kathleen McDonald or Pastor Sally.

    Submitted by Debbie Pizzella

    Sunday Attendance Statistics2010 2011

    4 Lent 30 46

    5 lent 31 38

    Palm Sunday 39 54Tenebrae - 13

    Maundy Thursday 17 12

    Good Friday 11 12

    Easter 75 94

    Save the Date: July 23Well be fishing (for those who want to) and relaxing and eating at

    Meramec Springs Park in St. James, Missouri. More information nextissue. See the flier at the Lodge.

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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    Bake for 1:15 -- 1:45 or to the temperature rec-ommended on the packaging.

    Note: This is REALLY flavorful because thearomatics are on the inside as it bakes.

    Please let me know if you have a recipe to share.636-938-1452

    Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

    Voices in PrayerIn April we were

    graced to hear the world pre-mier of a very special offer-tory anthem. The work,

    From Psalm 90 , Solo for High Voice , was sung by the choirs own CoryLawson. The composer, Ed Kindley, is also amember of St. Francis Church and he dedicatedthis beautiful work to Cory.

    We have received several requests for a printed text of the anthem and are glad to com- ply. Thank you, Ed and Cory, for a beautiful, prayerful moment of music in our worship.

    From Psalm 90 , Solo for High VoiceLord, thou hast been our dwelling place in

    all generations,Before the mountains were brought forth,Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the

    world,From everlasting to everlasting, Thou art

    God!For a thousand years in thy sight are but as

    yesterday when it is gone and as a watchin the night.

    For all our days are passed away in thywrath; we spend our years as a tale thatis told.

    So help us, help us to number our days thatwe may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

    Sylvias Call Lets Eat Well! We have a lot of really good cooks at St.

    Francis, and about the same number of us whoknow how to cook a few things wonderfully well.Sylvia Ahmed has suggested that we might want tosubmit sharable recipes and thus increase our rep-ertoires with tried and true recipes that keep uswell fed and healthy.

    Im taking Sylvias suggestion as an invita-tion to get the ball rolling. This is the roastchicken we had as part of our Seder Dinner duringHoly Week. Not to boast (St. Paul doesnt recom-mend boasting) but this chicken was very wellliked and it really is easy and deliciously flavorful.If you take the skin off before serving, its evenhealthier.

    Roast Chicken

    Gather together:Whole roasting chicken1 small lemon, cut in half 1 small onion, cut in half or quarters1-2 cloves of garlic, whole but with paper off Olive oilSalt and Pepper Fresh herbs (on hand or well-loved)Process:Heat oven to 350Rinse the chicken inside and out, removingany innardsSalt & Pepper the inside and out.

    On the inside, stuff the lemon, the garlicand onion, and place the other lemon at theopening.Rub olive oil on the outside of the chicken and paton chopped herbs (I used rosemary and thyme be-cause thats what I had.)

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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    Renewal ofMinistry

    The headline of the Eureka-Pacific Cur-rents article covering this important event says itall: St. Francis Episcopal Church Opens arms toReverend Sally Weaver .

    Pastor Sally has been vicar of our church for about 15 months and the April 7 th service at St.Francis was a renewal of commitment between theVicar and her parishioners. Officiated by BishopSmith and witnessed by parishioners, friends andmany of the diocesan clergy, the service was an op-

    portunity for public commitment and a declarationthat we believe that God has called Sally Weaver to

    be the Vicar of St. Francis Eureka.

    Both The Current and the diocesan publica-tion iSeek had excellent coverage of this formal yetwarm event with text and pictures that share thedetails and the feeling of the evening. One factthey did not have at their time of publication is this:the collection taken that evening, to the benefit of the Vicars Discretionary Fund, netted $465.Knowing that she now has this sum in the account

    to serve the needs of the poor, Sally is relieved

    and feels better prepared to assist those who callor come by every day seeking monetary helpthey desperately need to feed their children, finda temporary shelter, to clothe themselves, or tosee a doctor.

    Most of the gifts presented to the Vicar that evening were symbolic and related to therituals of Sallys ministry. These gifts, the lov-ing tone of the evening and the collection for the Vicars Discretionary Fund proved that weall have heard Sally proclaim Jesus directive tolove and care for others in His name.

    Click on section A and a PDF file will load.This article is on p. 15. publicationarchives/seekarchives.htm

    Click on Spring 2011 to download the archivedversion of this newsletter.

    Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

    Pictures by Jackie Selle
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    Conversation Between God and St.Francis

    God: Frank, you know all about gardens and

    nature; what in the world is going on down therein the U.S.? What happened to the dandelions,violets, thistles, and the stuff I started eons ago? Ihad a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those

    plants grow in any type of soil, withstanddrought, and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies,honeybees, and flocks of songbirds. I expected tosee a vast garden of color by now. All I see are

    patches of green.

    St. Francis: Its the tribes that settled there,Lord. They are called the Suburbanites. Theystarted calling your flowers weeds and went togreat lengths to kill them and replace them withgrass.

    God: Grass? But its so boring, its not colorful.It doesnt attract butterflies, bees or birds, onlygrubs and sod worms. Its temperamental with

    temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really wantgrass growing there?

    St. Francis: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as ithas grown a little they cut it sometimes twotimes a week.

    God: They cut it? Do they bale it like hay?

    St. Francis: Not exactly, Lord. Most of themrake it up and put it in bags.

    God: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Dothey sell it?

    St. Francis: No sir, just the opposite. They payto throw it away.

    God: Now let me get this straight: They fertilizeit to make it grow and when it does grow they cut

    if off and pay to throw it away?

    St. Francis: Yes, sir.

    God: These Suburbanites must be relieved in

    the summer when we cut back on the rain andturn up the heat. That surely slows the growthand saves them a lot of work.

    St. Francis: You arent going to believe thisLord, but when the grass stops growing so fast,they drag out hoses and pay more money to wa-ter it so they can continue to mow it and pay toget rid of it.

    God: What nonsense! At least they kept someof the trees. That was a sheer stroke of genius,if I do say so myself. The trees grow leaves that

    provide shade in the summer. In the autumn theleaves fall to the ground and form a natural

    blanket to keep the moisture in the soil and pro-tect the trees and bushes. Plus, as they rot theleaves become compost to enhance the soil. Itsa natural circle of life.

    St. Francis: Youd better sit down, Lord. Assoon as the leaves fall the Suburbanites rakethem into great piles and pay to have themhauled away.

    God: No way! What do they do to protect theshrubs and tree roots in the winter to keep thesoil moist and loose?

    St. Francis: After throwing the leaves awaythey go out and buy something called mulch.

    They haul it home and spread it around in placeof the leaves.

    God: And where do they get this mulch?

    St. Francis: They cut down the trees and grind

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    Continued on next page

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    Bishops Committee Meeting Schedule The Bishops Committee meets on the third

    Sunday of the month beginning at 12:15 p.m. Allare welcome to sit in and listen.

    Bishops Committee HighlightsApril 17, 2011

    The Bishops Committee met on April 17 th after Palm Sunday service. A copy of the official

    minutes, as well as the Treasurers Report and com-mentary are on the bulletin board in the coffee areaat the Lodge. These are bullet point summaries of the key issues before the board in April.

    Pictorial Directory

    Tuesday, May 10 th, at the Lodge in afternoonand evening. Please sign up for your photo if you havent already.

    Doorways BoardPastor Sally has been asked to serve on the

    board of directors of this agency starting inJune. Doorways is a regional agency provid-ing housing for people with HIV/AIDS.

    New Ministries to Celebrate

    One sign of growth in our congregation is thequality and quantity of new ministries begunin the last month. Kristie Lenzen led a valu-able series during Lent on the theory and

    practice of prayer. Kevin Selle has reinsti-tuted St. Francis popular and thought -

    provoking book club. Kathleen McDonald isstarting an initiative to enhance St. Francisefforts at being green leaders in our com-munity. Pastor Sally also has reason to hope

    Bishops Committee News

    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    for two other ministries to break outsoon: a youth group and the use of our Parish House for a community meet-ing.

    Parish House

    Signs: The second, side-of-house signhas been approved.

    Lighting: Thanks to Dan Meredith for bringing our emergency exit lightingup to code.

    Multi-Year Lease: Approved byBishops Committee and by Mrs. But-ler, our landlady. Waiting for dioce-san approval.


    Spruce up porch area: Rich Mayfieldand Bud Goeke will work together todetermine what can be done to stop theleakage on the front porch area. Itseems like a do-able job. We can then

    paint and add a fresher look with some

    porch plants.Regular cleaning: Contractually, thereis no mention of regular cleaning du-ties at the Lodge. Sally will discussthe need for ongoing cleaning with aMason leader and come up with somesolution that we can then put in writ-ing.

    New Business:

    Steve Strathearn is looking for projectmanagers/facilitators for some of our outreach efforts. Please call or emailSteve if you would like to help withone or more of our service projects.

    Submitted by Kathleen McDonald Clerk of the Bishops Committee

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    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    St. Francis 2011

    Planning Calendar May

    Spiritual retreat (Shaw Nature Preserve), 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday, May 7

    Quarterly social at the Booker house and house blessing Friday, May 13

    Vicar at Festival of Homiletics in Minneapo-lis May 16-20

    Concerts on Central May 20

    Trinity hot lunch May 29

    Bishops Committee committees and goalsreview May 15

    Pictorial Directory photo shoot May 10

    Can we publish important dates for your family? Birth dates, anniversaries, andother dates of importance to you? To do that, we need the facts!So that official parish records may be updated, you are urged to

    pick up and complete one of the salmon-colored sheets that areavailable in the lobby at the Lodge each Sunday and return it tothe Parish Office, or just leave it with the Teller sheets for Maxineto pick up. Knowing who to serve and how best to serve our members, requires data on who we are. Lets help the Vicar, Bishops Committee and Committee Chair-

    persons in planning appropriate programs and activities by letting them know who we are with facts andfigures.

    Birthdays in May

    May 4 Lori ScissorsMay 7 Jack LaulessMay 9 Susan Meyer May 10 Jim EckhardtMay 17 Laura Dick May 19 Bud Goeke

    May 20 Sylvia AhmadMay 20 Abigail JonesMay 25 Tim Jones

    Anniversaries in May

    Skip & Patti Moreland, May 6

    Bob & Arlene Underwood, May 30

    Submit Your Favorite QuotationHave a favorite quote that inspires you? Send it in to [email protected] and well publish it in

    an edition of The Chalice .

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Caitlin and Cristin Selle

    Caitlin and Cristin Selle are members of the Eureka High School (EHS)

    Winterguard, a team of 22 girls who perform choreographed routines incorporat-ing dance and work with flags, rifles, and sabres. The EHS Winterguard team ismade up of girls in grades 9-12 with over half the members of this year's squad

    participating in the sport for the first time. The 2011 team recently competed for the state championship in Springfield, Missouri, and the EHS girls took first placein their division with a surprise upset. The girls plan to audition for the team againin the fall and hope to continue with the group.

    Submitted by Jackie Selle

    Carly and Bob ChamplinYoud never guess that Carly and Bob Champlin are new members of our parish, because they

    jumped into parish involvement with all four feet as soon as they came to us in early 2011. They arevery happy at St. Francis, love the people, and, according to Carly, After we heard one of Pastor Sallys sermons, we knew we were in the right place they had found their church home.

    Carly and Bob each lost a spouse to a long-term illness. Each had been asked by a much-belovedspouse to date and to find someone new to love and care for. But theylived in different states, Bob in Missouri and Carly in Oklahoma. Howdid they meet? EHarmony.* Their first date was set for Branson.When they met at Exit 77 in Springfield, Bob knew immediately thatshe was the one and they have since taken 77 as their lucky number.There in Springfield, they shared a picnic lunch that Carly had made.

    At the end of the picnic, Bob kissed her. Now Carly was hooked, too. They married in October of 2010.

    Bob says, We each lost a partner, but we kept all the kids. Their blended family now includeseight sons and one daughter, most of whom are married and most of whom live out of town. They havefour grandsons and nine granddaughters as well as two great-grandsons and one great granddaughter.Just imagine if they lived in town and we could add them to our Average Sunday Attendance!!

    Before they met and married, Bob had retired twice: once after 22 years in the Air Force and thenext retirement after 18 years at Proctor & Gamble. Carly worked as a real-estate appraiser in Oklahomauntil her husband became very ill and needed her full-time care. When she moved to Missouri she waslooking for some kind of employment and found Dove Chocolate Discoveries on line.* Carly, a terrificcook, now arranges chocolate tasting parties, providing and selling Dove chocolate products.

    Its a good thing that were all getting to know Carly and Bob as they participate in so many St.Francis activities. Otherwise we might not recognize Carly when she volunteers for the summer Con-certs on Central. Shell be dressed in one of the clown costumes she designed for her clowning ministrywith Happy Hearts Ministry in Oklahoma. Just so you know, this St. Francis friend will be the oneknown as Tender Heart, and her husband will be the quiet one with the happy heart.

    *Can Carly shop online or what!?!Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

    Spotlight On

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    Evangelism at St. Francis

    What follows is the summary from thesmall group discussions of Unbinding the Gos-

    pel on April 3 and April 10, 2011.

    What are the barriers at St. Francis to bring-ing more people in?

    Feeling of intellectual superiority over fundamentalists or evangelicals. A person who is spiritual but not partof a church community may not see the

    benefit of going to church.Some will feel intimidated by the Book

    of Common Prayer, the worship lan-guage.We have our own culture liturgically.Referring to cradle Episcopalianssounds elitist.

    What are the bridges to St. Francis?

    Our kids.Telling a person that he/she has some-thing to offer our faith community, some-thing we need.We could offer a class explaining theBook of Common Prayer and the lan-guage which would be directed at new-comers. Wed include an explanation of our traditions.We are friendly but not intrusive.

    What are we doing well at St. Francis to at-tract new members?

    Were accepting of diverse beliefs. Were welcoming. We have a better presence in the commu-nity than we have in the past.Theres less Episcopal and more St.Francis in our identity.

    We enjoy one anothers company; for ex-ample, when we see each other at theYMCA.

    What could be improved at St. Francis to at-tract new members?

    We could do a better job of inviting othersto join us, particularly at social events likethe ones well have on May 13 at the Book-ers and on July 23 at Meramac SpringsPark for Fishing and Fellowship. We could post notices about our Book &Movie Discussion Group at the Eureka li-

    brary. We could place an ad in the Lions Clubmouse race booklet for St. Francis. Thishas been done, thanks to Debbie Pizzella,Chair of Marketing and Communications,and Jim Eckhardt. We could place an ad about St. Francis inthe LaCrosse booklet. (Alex Branchfield

    plays.) This has been done, thanks to Deb-bie Pizzella, Chair of Marketing and Com-munications, and the Branchfields. We should continue advertising in TheCurrent. We place ads for Christmas and

    Easter. We each should be able to articulate andshare with others why we come to churchon Sundays, why thats important to our lives. We need to tell those we meet that at St.

    Francis we are theologically diverse, thatall are welcome, and that St. Francis is asafe place to worship, ques-tion, and belong.

    P a g e 1 5

    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    P a g e 1 6

    Our Childrens Reflections on

    God and the GospelWhat is an enemy?

    People that dont like Abraham Lincoln and our presi-

    dents. And they [the people who dont like our presi-dents] lost, anyway.

    Somebody whos mean to you.

    What is a friend?

    Somebody who likes you but doesnt love you.

    A girl kissed me, lots of times.

    Did you like it?


    It was a hot stormy night and the lightning stroke thetrain

    What does VIP mean?

    Its a special agent that goes undercover.

    Whats your baby brothers name?

    I forgot.


    Two cannibals are eating a clown. One cannibal says tothe other, Does this taste funny to you?

    Whats your favorite fruit or vegetable? Chocolate strawberry.


    I dont like planets, stars, and seas.

    What tempts you?

    Video games in the middle of the night.

    My mom and dad dont like me to get up too early causethey stay in bed.

    I get my sister up to play with her but my mom doesntlike it.

    I saw a snake in my garden. First my mom saw it. Thenmy friend saw it. Then I saw it. And then we all ranscreaming.

    What are you grateful for?

    One time I saw a bunny. Apple trees. Family. Clothes.

    Video games. Life. Music.

    Water. Trees. Food.

    Food. Games. Toys. Clothes. Family. Peo- ple. Animals.

    Toby. Jake. Tuckabuck. Kiwi. Lily.

    My dad is allergic to kiwi.

    Where do we find water?

    Water spouts and faucets.

    Did the Israelites find water?

    No, the water is under the desertness, whichis a very big state!

    What about after Moses struck the rock?

    I imagine that the rock was very light andvery deep with a hole in the bottom of it. Therock cracked in half and its water gushed out.

    What does water symbolize?

    Snowflakes have water in them.

    If water gets too high and the cloud is kind of low and its dark, then its like the clouds arecrying.

    What is the symbol for math?

    Its like a cross but way smaller.

    Clouds have rain.

    You choose a number to go back: 16 minus 2equals 14.

    Water is the symbol of life.

    People dont like large fish. Like tiger sharks. Because they eat all sorts of every-thing.

    Jesus loves us.

    Water could come from Hawaii.

    I drew fish body parts because sharks ate thefish and sharks need water. But baskingsharks dont eat humans.

    Rain makes water if it cries.

    A person can only live 3 days without water.On the 3 rd day dead!

    Im smarter than everybody, even MissLinda.

    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    P a g e 1 7

    Were getting a new pictorial di-rectory! With this, we can easily keep up


    new inour churchfamilyand

    newcomers will be able to recognize and name therest of us. On the afternoon and evening of Tues-day, May 10 th, professionals from LifeTouch will beat the Lodge to take photo portraits. Parishionerswill get a free photo portrait, a copy of the directoryand the opportunity to purchase additional copies of the photo if they choose. While only the membersof St. Francis will be pictured in the directory, other neighbors, friends and extended family members areinvited to sit for their photos for a nominal price.All are welcome to include the family pet (maybenot Ernie & Rosies chickens) or any special book or toy. So, if Katie J. wants to bring Bunny, thatsokay with LifeTouch.

    FAQs Where? At the Lodge, upstairs in our

    sanctuaryWhen? Tuesday, May 10 th, from 2:30 to

    8:50 p.m.

    How to Sign Up?

    Go to the parish website and click on the link.It is VERY easy to do this. If you want to, youcan always have Kathleen make the appoint-ment for you. Call 636-938-1452.

    How long does it take?

    Youll be at the lodge for a little under an hour as you sit for the portrait, wait for the electronic

    proofs, choose one or more, decide if you wantto buy any additional.

    Tom & John Sons of Paddy Wrob

    Judy Parishioner

    Joan Neighbor of Paddy Wrob

    Sam & Jan Parents of Della Hosutt

    Jeffrey Friend of Barb Sacco

    Sedi Friend of Cassie Eckhardt

    Dawn Friend of Lynna Bauer

    Bob Brother of Barb Sacco

    Justin Friend of Sally Weaver

    Desiree Daughter of Lynna Bauer

    Joyce Mother of Lynna Bauer

    Jim, Tammy& Holly

    Neighbors of Lynna Bauer'smother

    Mimi Daughter of Paddy Wrob

    Naseer Son of Sylvia Ahmad

    Tish Co-worker of Debbie Pizzella

    Mike Cousin of Paddy Wrob, in Af-ghanistan

    Josh Son of Dan Merideth, in Iraq

    Prayer List

    Any Special Deals?

    If you bring a bag of groceries, LifeTouchwill donate these to the Eureka Food Pantryand will also give you a $5 discount on any

    photos you wish to buy.

    St. Francis



  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    T h e C h a l i c e w w w . s t f r a n c i s e u r e k a . c o m

    St. Francis Episcopal Church210 S. Central AvenueEureka, MO 63025


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    110 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite I

    11:30 am AdultForum

    266:45 PrayerGroup, ParishHouse

    6:30 p.m. Worship& Music

    3 4 Office closed Vicars Day off

    11:30 am EurekaChamber of Com-merce luncheon

    7:00 pm 12-stepEucharist, Ascen-


    7:00 pm Celebrationof Ministry, Hanni-


    610 am Bible Study,Parish House

    79-4 p.m. ParishSpiritual RetreatShaw Nature Re-serve

    8 MothersDay 10 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

    11:30 am AdultForum


    66:45 PrayerGroup, ParishHouse

    10P2:30-9 p.m. Photoshoot for pictorialdirectory Lodge

    11Office closed

    Vicars Day off

    12 1310 am Bible Study,Parish House

    6:00 Potluck andHouse blessing Bookers


    1510 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

    11:30 am AdultForum

    12:30 BC Mtg


    66:45 PrayerGroup, ParishHouse


    5:30 pm Market-ing & Communic-


    18Office closed

    Vicars Day off


    6:30 8 pmBook Group

    (Kevin Selle)

    2010 am Bible Study,Parish House

    6:30-8:30 pmConcerts on Cen-

    tral All 4Nothin


    2210 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

    11:30 am AdultForum


    66:45 PrayerGroup, ParishHouse

    24 25Office closed

    Vicars Day off

    26 2710 am Bible Study,Parish House


    2910 am Holy Eucha-rist-Lodge, Rite II

    11:30 am AdultForum

    12:45 Trinity hotlunch

    30 MemorialDay

    66:45 PrayerGroup, ParishHouse


  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    P a g e 1 9

    Worship Participant Schedule May 2011

    Ministry 01-May 08-May 15-May 22-May 29-May

    SACRISTAN Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield Jim Eckhardt Jim Eckhardt Rich Mayfield

    LECTORSSarah Branchfield &

    Alex BranchfieldLaura Dick & Ruth

    DickPaddy Wrob &Kristie Lenzen

    Laura Dick &Kathleen McDon-

    aldCristin Selle &

    Bob Smith

    INTERCESSOR Kevin Selle Sue Schmidt Paddy Wrob Sue Schmidt Michael Booker

    CHALICE Barb Sacco Kevin SelleKathleen McDon-

    ald Michael Booker Kevin Selle


    ALTAR GUILD Jerry SmithStevie Sewell &Linda Doolittle

    Linda Doolittle &Brigitte Jung

    Brigitte Jung &Stevie Sewell Jerry Smith

    USHERBob Smith & Nick

    Sacco Jim Eckhardt Michael Booker Carroll Dick Rich Mayfield

    TELLERSBob Champlin &

    Jim EckhardtSuzanne Jones &

    Rich Mayfield

    Jim Eckhardt &Arlene Under-

    woodSuzanne Jones &

    Bob SmithBob Smith & Rich



    Kathleen McDonald& Jack Lauless

    Sue & JohnSchmidt Kristie Lenzen

    If you are unable to participate on your scheduled day, please try to get a substituteand let the Sacristan know who to expect to replace you.

    T h e C h a l i c e

  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    P a g e 2 0

    Financial Update March 2010

    March 2011

    Budgeted for


    YTD 2011


    YTD 2011


    Total Income $ 7,347 $ 8,847 $ 25,299 $ 26,541

    Total Expenses 8,360 8,215 27,277 27,655

    Difference $ (1,013) $ 632 $ (1,978) $ (1,114)

    Checking Account Rockwood Bank $ 7,330

    Balance in Edward Jones Money Market 21,677Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-general 4,499Balance in Diocesan Investment pooled fund-Sp Growth 3,394Received year to date for special growth fund 0

    If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar. Pastor Sally values input and is happy to have aconversation at any time about St. Francis.

    St. Francis In -Depth

    If you would like more details about St. Francis finances, theBishops Committee meetings, and the Vicars activities, please see the bulle-tin board in the lower level of the Lodge. There you will find two monthsworth of:

    Bishops Committee meeting minutes;

    Monthly financial reports;

    Treasurers commentary;

    Vicars activity reports.

    Additionally, on the Sunday immediately following the Bishops Committee meeting (third Sun-day of the month), the financial results for the previous month will be reported in the bulletin insert.

    Financial News and Inform

    A Thought about Stewardship

    Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. Ascribeto the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts.

    Psalm 96:7-8

  • 8/7/2019 May 2011 -- The Chalice from St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka


    St. Francis Spiritual Offerings during the Week Mondays from 6:00-6:45 p.m. at the parish house (210 S. Central) wegather for prayer.

    Using Scripture appointed for that day, we pray for the people of St. Francis, those

    who havent joined us yet, those on our prayer list, the needs of our community,and the world. We close each session with Night Prayer from 6:35-6:45 p.m.

    Fridays from 10-11:30 a.m. at the Parish House (210 S. Central) westudy the Bible readings appointed for the upcoming Sunday.

    Please join us for these meetings whenever you can, whether weekly or once in a while. All arewelcome.

    P a g e 2 1

    Please remember to check in the lobby for an updated copy of the Calendar and Worship Par-ticipation Schedule, and the latest Chalice. Check St. Francis website ( for thelatest Chalice on line. The deadline for articles for the June Chalice is Monday, May 23.

    This is your newsletter, people of St. Fran-

    cis, and we would love to publish pictures andinformation about our activities. Please send in-formation to [email protected] to be pub-lished in the next edition of the Chalice . Let thewhole parish know about the good things that arehappening at our beloved church.

    The Chalice Calendar Worship Schedule

    Blessing of Animals

    The Marketing & Communications Committee plans one major event toraise funds for advertising and promoting St. Francis in our community. The planning for our annual Blessing of the Animals is underway. We need lots of hands (and idea people) on deck to make this our most successful event yet.Please contact Debbie Pizzella if you would like to serve on the planning andcoordinating team, or if you have fund- raising ideas to offer. If youre not intomeetings, we would sure welcome your help the day of the event!

    Fifth Sunday

    May 29 is a fifth Sunday St. Francis day to serve lunch to the neighbors of Trinity Episco- pal Church in the Central West End.

    St. Francis has been involved in this ministry for many years and always has a good group of volunteers. This is a great opportunity to serve someone less fortunate. If you think this is for you,watch for information in the weekly bulletin inserts for information, later in the month of May.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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