

• October 2012 •Mawrginalia [mawr-juh-ney-lee-uh]: Latin, plural noun. Notes, commentary

and similar material about or relating to The Bryn Mawr School.




6 | THIS MONTH IN PICTURES Fall Spirit Day, the Fall Festivals, and Halloween


9 | MAWRTIAN MINUTES In the Classroom; Introducing Bryn Mawr’s New Planned

Giving Website; Meet Our Ex Solo Ad Solem Members; Special Thanks to Our Annual Fund Volunteers








Want to be updated on all there is to know about Bryn Mawr? Well check us out on social media:


Editor’s Note: Your feedback is important to us. If you have any comments, or if there is a story you’d like to see in Mawrginalia, please email me!

Laurel M-O Weijer Assistant Director of Communications [email protected]

FEATURES 12 | FALL SPORTS REPORT Bryn Mawr girls have been busy on the courts and the

fields this fall!

17 | DEVELOPING A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Seventh-grade students travel to the Heifer

International Global Village for a taste of what it is like to live in a developing country.

19 | CELEBRATING THE BRYN MAWR VILLAGE On Founders Day 2012, the Bryn Mawr community

gathers to commemorate our founders and recognize outstanding faculty and staff.


Middle School girls dress in their most festive attire to show their Bryn Mawr pride on Fall Spirit Day!




Maureen E. WalshHeadmistress

“We embrace with

enthusiasm our growing

international community.”

Recently I joined Upper School teachers Erin Munoz and Jenniffer Grey to speak via Skype with a colleague who runs a bilingual school in Quito, Ecua-dor. I had studied with him at Columbia University a couple of years ago in a visiting heads of schools program sponsored by the Klingenstein Center at Columbia. Now, we are preparing a new exchange program with his school, Collegio Menor, thereby fulfilling a dream to provide Bryn Mawr students with the opportunity to visit and attend classes in South America.

During the last eight years we have significantly expanded the opportunities for students to travel and become part of an international school experience. Beginning with Christ’s Hospital School in the United Kingdom and PORG in Prague, our program then expanded to two girls’ schools in Cape Town, South Africa; to St. Hilda’s in Queensland, Australia; and most recently to Quito, Ecuador. These exchanges enable our students to broaden their understand-ing of the world. Whether they travel to our partner schools or interact with the exchange students who come to Bryn Mawr (or both!), we are able to help expand their world view beyond our little corner of the Mid-Atlantic.

Through a tri-school partnership with Gilman School and Roland Park Country School, we welcomed four new students from China to our Upper School this fall. This new venture to enroll international students is fueled by prosperous and well-educated international parents seeking an American education for their children. We believe that this is just the beginning of an international demand for a Bryn Mawr education.

We step into this new opportunity excitedly, but also carefully. All the while we remember that if we continue to be inspired and driven by our founders’ vi-sion for a school that would prepare young women for higher education, then we believe that increasing our connection to international schools, students and issues only furthers our mission to prepare our girls for the world they will lead. Certainly our students will have opportunities to study abroad as well as to study with international students in their college years. But our own school community has been enriched by so many parents who were born and raised overseas, by students who are themselves recent immigrants to the United States, and by the many families coming to the Baltimore-Washington corridor for the major scientific and medical institutions right here in our state.

We embrace with enthusiasm our growing international community. Like the British mantra in the nineteenth century, I sometimes smile when imagining that “the sun will never set over the Bryn Mawr worldwide community.”

4 / Mawrginalia / October 2012


Amanda MacomberMiddle School Director

Five years ago, as schools began to dip more than a toe into the use of tech-nology, I must admit I was a true skeptic. I worried that schools would rush into technology initiatives for the “glitz” factor and that our efforts would not yield true benefits to our students. However, now that we are knee-deep in an excit-ing one-to-one laptop initiative, I can say with confidence that Bryn Mawr has done right by its faculty and students, and I witness significant improvements in teaching and learning for our students every day thanks to technology.

Our teachers are choosing websites and software with care—ones that truly support greater learning, collaboration, and engagement. They are taking time to teach our students digital citizenship and information literacy. My col-leagues are reporting more authentic learning, like blogging to classmates about their summer vacation in Spanish or creating original musical scores on a software program called Noteflight. They report spending less time on “administrivia” like handing out and collecting papers, as it can all be done electronically. Online textbooks and flipped classrooms mean lighter back-packs and more time in class for advanced topics and higher order thinking. Shared Google documents and original video creation projects mean students and teachers are connecting, sharing, and supporting each other in new ways. Education is becoming even more personalized as math teachers assign small online quizzes for homework and find out in real time how well their lesson reached each student that day, and who they may need to support, or to stretch, tomorrow.

Students, too, are receiving more immediate feedback on their work, so that they know which topics they have mastered and which areas still require work. We are teaching students how to teach themselves, and how to build a net-work of quality resources (both human and Internet-based) to advance their own passions. School has more choice and more joy—two things that we know, through research, enhance learning.

Don’t get me wrong. The marriage of technology and education is not without its frustrations and concerns. Students, teachers and parents are still trying to craft the best ways for technology and kids to mesh. No one is quite sure what schools of the future may look like, although many have ventured a guess. However, all of the fears I once had about technology potentially destroy-ing “bricks and mortar” schools are subsiding. I am quite convinced that with technology, our school communities—particularly independent school com-munities—are only going to become more significant and exciting places to learn.

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 5

“School has more choice

and more joy—two

things that we know enhance



6 / Mawrginalia / October 2012

Clockwise from top left: Upper School girls decorate spirit towels; arts and crafts

at the Little School Fall Festival; pumpkins and

face-painting at the Fall Fest hosted by the Class

of 2013; a senior helps a Lower Schooler toast

marshmallows at the Class of ‘13 Fall Fest; songs on the

Little School playground.

Visit our Facebook

page to see more great


Counter-clockwise from top left: the English department’s favorite books theme; there’s no place like Bryn Mawr for the history faculty; the fifth grade teachers are too cool for school; Mr. and Mrs. Letras take on Phineas and Ferb from the Disney Channel!

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 7

Want more Mawrtian tricks & treats? Click here to check out the special episode of the Mawrtian Transmission all about Bryn Mawr Halloween traditions!

TEACHERS’ CORNEREach month we profile three teachers to give them a chance to share, in their own words, what brought them to Bryn Mawr, what their teaching philosophy is, and why they love working here.

Kati MawhineyKindergarten

Years at Bryn Mawr: 1Years Teaching: 5

Matt Horwitz-LeeString Ensemble

Years at Bryn Mawr: 10Years Teaching: 13

Elyse FioritoMiddle School Latin

Years at Bryn Mawr: 7Years Teaching: 9

What brought you to Bryn Mawr?

I moved to Baltimore to be with my husband after we got married two years ago. I came from Atlanta, where I taught first grade. I loved the concept of the all-girls education, which is why I took a substitute position at Bryn Mawr last fall, which then became full-time. I fell in love with the girls—they are so much fun to work with, and love being here. If they kids love being here, the teachers are going to love being here.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I have a very hands-on philosophy. I want the girls to have real-world experiences and to understand that learning is a life-long process. I try to keep what we are doing exciting and interesting, and sometimes I like to let them lead, and tell me what they are interested in and what they want to talk about. It’s all about encouraging them to explore their interests, and to be life-long learners.

What is your favorite thing about working at Bryn Mawr?

I love my colleagues, and I just love the kids and their families. I feel like I’ve been able to connect with them right away.

What brought you to Bryn Mawr?

When I first came to Baltimore, I auditioned at the Friends School, Baltimore School for the Arts, the Peabody Conservatory, and Bryn Mawr. I was really impressed with the people and the atmosphere at Bryn Mawr, so I chose to teach here and at the Peabody.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I am a firm believer in the notion of development and evolution. What that means in teaching is that I see all kids as being at different points along a developmental track. I see mistakes as essential to learning, and I’m always interested in helping a girl figure out how to get to the next step—to a higher degree of playing with more subtlety and more awareness.

What is your favorite thing about working at Bryn Mawr?

The environment, the collegiality, and the girls’ attitudes. They have a desire to create something of quality, and they are very conscientious. They care about what they are doing, so they are wonderful to work with.

What brought you to Bryn Mawr?

I wanted to live in Baltimore, and I was curious about the single-sex environment, because I had never experienced that. I was teaching in the University of Maryland Classics Department before I came to Bryn Mawr, which, being co-ed and college level, was very different. I love it here.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I want to make whatever I am teaching fun and meaningful to the girls. If it doesn’t mean anything to them, they’re not going to retain it. Imagine trying to do that with Latin! But it’s all about finding ways to get them interested. After seven years here, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t.

What is your favorite thing about working at Bryn Mawr?

The girls. It’s great working with them—they are so driven and enthusiastic. Initially, I didn’t think that I wanted to work in a middle school environment—I was looking for high school positions. But now I’m in love with middle school, and I would never leave it.

8 / Mawrginalia / October 2012

In October, the Upper School Spanish Club celebrated Hispanic Heritage Month by sharing its knowledge of countries such as Mexico and Chile and having its members interact with the culture of these countries. The club wrapped up the

month by celebrating Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with activities such a face painting and “calaca” (skeleton) games!

On October 8, Bryn Mawr welcomed two very special guests: David “Sonny” Lacks and Victoria Baptiste. Lacks and Baptiste are descendants of Henrietta Lacks, whose cancer cells were taken without her knowledge by Johns Hopkins University for study in the 1950s. Today the “HeLa” cells are incredibly vital to scientific research. This unusual story was chronicled by Rebecca Skloot in her bestselling book, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.”

Lacks and Baptiste gave a great presentation about the impact that this has had on their lives, and answered thoughtful student questions.

The A.P. Environmental Science class, one of the tri-school coordination classes, took on a unique challenge in October, as students waded into the Northwoods portion of Bryn Mawr’s property to remove invasive porcelaine berry plants that are outcompeting native plants. As science teacher Mary Beth Kircher aptly observed, “Studying invasive species is one thing, but identifying them and actively participating in their removal is another.” The students did a great job, eliminating several large invasive plants.

MAWRTIAN MINUTESNoteworthy news from around the school

In the Classroom

Introducing Bryn Mawr’s New Online Planned Giving Site Although planned giving at Bryn Mawr is nothing new, our redesigned planned giving website certainly is! On these easy-to-navigate pages, you’ll find information about the many planned giving options that exist. We hope that you will explore the options available to see which one might be right for you. In some cases, including Bryn Mawr in your estate plans can help you save on taxes and increase your income—a true win-win.

More than 150 members of our community have already included Bryn Mawr in their financial plans, thereby

becoming members of Ex Solo Ad Solem, the planned giving society. To learn more about why they give, be sure to see the member spotlights on the following page. Find out more and become a member now at

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Asst. Director of Development Suzy Feldman Rosenthal ’72 at [email protected] or at 410-323-8800, ext. 1215. Also, please let us know if you have included Bryn Mawr in your estate plans, so that we can thank you!

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 9

Meet Bryn Mawr’s Ex Solo Ad Solem Members

Making a planned gift is my way of thanking Bryn Mawr. Including Bryn Mawr in my will has been particularly meaningful because the school was something of an anchor for me. When there were

sad years at home, my teachers and friends were there to counter that. I will always have a deep affection for the place and the people.

Although many teachers during my 13 years at Bryn Mawr added immeasurably to my personal and intellectual growth, my kindergarten and first grade teachers, Miss White and Miss Clark, remain my favorites. Even now, when I come back to Bryn Mawr for Alumnae Weekend or just to visit, I find myself drawn to the Gordon Building, where we had our first classes, and to the old playground, where I remember the fun of jumping rope with my friends.

It’s heartening that so many women in the Class of 1956 have decided to become members of the Ex Solo Ad Solem Society. In addition to expressing my thanks to Bryn Mawr, my gift is in honor of Raymond Smith. Though not related to me, he helped raise my sisters and brother and me. Raymond died when I was just 13 years old. He was a much loved part of our family, but it took years to fully appreciate just how much he had given us. Raymond didn’t have the advantage of an education like ours. I hope my bequest will help girls who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to go to Bryn Mawr. A bequest is a wonderful way not only to honor the school, but to recognize someone in your life whom you especially valued and loved.


GILDA MANN ZIMMET ’89 As Bryn Mawr students, we live in the moment—really absorbing all that Bryn Mawr has to offer. For me, it has been in my years as a young alumna that I have had the chance to step back

and say, “Wow, Bryn Mawr had such an impact on my life.” I always tell people that without a doubt, my Bryn Mawr years were the most formative years of my life. At this time, that realization can be backed up by both annual giving and planned giving. Whenever I come back to campus, I am flooded with memories that inspire me to give back to Bryn Mawr.

Regarding planned giving, I must disclose that I am an estate planning attorney and had a will prepared sooner than others. The act of estate planning is about taking care of your family and the organizations and institutions that shaped you. There is a standard clause in most wills that says, in effect, pay my debts. Well, I am indebted to Bryn Mawr—not in the traditional sense of indebtedness, but in ways that made me want to leave something to Bryn Mawr in my will. In my case, it is a simple bequest, but there are many ways to make a planned gift. Everyone who knows me knows that I love Bryn Mawr. Twelve great years yielded lasting friendships, intellectual growth, and wonderful relationships with teachers.

To young alumnae, I would say that you shouldn’t wait to have a will and that remembering Bryn Mawr in your will can be very easy, whether the amount or percentage you are bequeathing is small or large. Certainly, as you accumulate assets during your lifetime, you may be in a position to increase your bequest. Often, bequests can benefit family members and Bryn Mawr at the same time. I would also say that planned giving is not just for the rich; it is for anyone who wishes to express gratitude for her experiences and learning at Bryn Mawr, even if the size of the gift is modest.

Why do alumnae choose to include Bryn Mawr in their estate plans? Hear directly from two Ex Solo Ad Solem members about why they joined the so-ciety, and what their planned gift means to them.

10 / Mawrginalia / October 2012

Every October, more than 200 volunteers rally for Bryn Mawr’s Annual Fund. These volunteers reach out via telephone, email, and text to parents, alumnae, and other members of the community to seek support for Bryn Mawr students and teachers. Annual Fund volunteers, and Annual Fund donors, provide essential support to Bryn Mawr’s overall fiscal health. Please join us in thanking the full list of Annual Fund volunteers!

One of the main reasons that the Annual Fund is so vital is that tuition alone does not cover the full cost of a Bryn Mawr education for any student. Every student’s education, even those paying full tuition, is supplemented by the Annual Fund.

The Annual Fund goal for this year is $1,375,000. To date, an incredible $543,000 has already been committed! Please consider giving now to invest in Bryn Mawr students and faculty and join the growing list of donors. To check out last year’s donors, and to view a video about what your gift can do, click here. Log in with the username “community” and the password “owlgate.”

Looking for other ways to get involved? Please consider becoming a volunteer! For more information or to sign up, please contact Ann Kangas, Assistant Director of Development, at [email protected].

Special Thanks to Our Annual Fund Volunteers

Kelli M. Anderson ‘98Neilson Peirce Andrews ‘58Genie Arnot Titus ‘93Greg BaconSusan D. Baker ‘73Carroll Rowland Barrett ‘68David Bayer Renee L. Best ‘08Kaleena N. Black ‘05Emilie Hilgartner Blaze ‘83Eleanor Wheeler Bogert ‘58Barbara Johnson Bonnell ‘48Deanna M. Boyd ‘05Kate BrendlerAnne Eggleston Broadus ‘88Daniel Broh-Kahn Lee Lafferty Broh-Kahn ‘82Teresa BrooklandTed BrownSara Riedner Brown ‘88Carol Siegrist Caballero ‘81Anna Steck Carey ‘53Tea CarnellCatherine Chen ‘93Sandra Y. Cho ‘92Karen ClarkCardella ColemanTerry Inman Conlon ‘68Anne Edmunds Croker ‘58Christine CrossMartha Scholz Cukor ‘66Kate Deering-Grieves ‘78Carmen Del GuercioStephen DelwicheAnn Lawrason Perkins deMuth ‘48David deMuth Anne Sapir deMuth ‘82Meara DentonSue Little Diehl ‘55Elisa E. Diener ‘98Rebecca Beall DiSabato ‘83Carol Hilbert Domnisse ‘63Amy Moran Durocher ‘89Sarah EastmanAlan S. Edelman

Hilary Harp Falk ‘97Eugenia T. Farley ‘78Maggie F. Farrand ‘05Mandy German Fine ‘95Victoria Kempton Fingles ‘64Sarah FinlaysonDebbie FinnertyMary Joyce Klapproth Forsyth ‘57Jennie Lee Williams Fowlkes ‘65Marika Frank ‘83Tenny H. Frost ‘83Bobby BatraMaeve D. Gately ‘08Ellett L. George ‘03Julia Devereux Glynn ‘63Sara Auchincloss Goberdhansingh ‘00Mary Meeker Golden ‘63Margaret Smith Green ‘65Lexie Bozzuto Greene ‘95Jan GubenSue GubenLeslie W. Guthrie ‘08Brooke K. Hairston ‘05Leigh Swann Halstad ‘81Colleen T. Harrington ‘08Margot Wurtzburger Heller ‘53Robin HexterCathy HirschSara Backstrom Hollands ‘88Hallie Stith Howell ‘53Ralph H. HrubanDavid HurwitzElizabeth Himelfarb Hurwitz ‘93Katelin P. Isaacs ‘98Rosalie McCabe Jamrosz ‘63Deborah Shephard Jencks ‘62Clifton T. JohnsonJoanna M. Kelly ‘78Kari KellySarah E. Keogh ‘98Natalie KeysRachel M. Kiselewich ‘03Ruth Fulton Kiselewich ‘72Meaghan Walsh Knaub ‘89Yaro Kulchyckyj

Mariah S. Lees ‘06Michelle LeffTom Liebel Patty Cornbrooks Link ‘66Fred LohrLeslie M. Londeree ‘73Colleen Donahue Lorenzen ‘69Hannah E. Lowe ‘01Jacque Lyles-HarrisIra MaineGail N. Mangels ‘67Lynn Sanders Manthy ‘92John MarantoElizabeth Bone Martin ‘89Meredith Martin Mason ‘98Karen Byank Mathura ‘91Rebecca Buhner Maumenee ‘93Jessica S. McAdams ‘99Mary Sue McCarthy ‘73Bill McComasAlexa DeLoskey McCulloch ‘96Amanda Thompson McGreevy ‘63Frances McCabe McWilliams ‘62Midge Feiss Menton ‘66Cheryl MickelEvan MickelMary Hassett Miles ‘62Mary Holman Miller ‘53Merrit DiLeonardi Miller ‘88Carrie KrugCarey Hoff Mitchell ‘78Lindsay B. Moore ‘03Eugenia B. Morgan ‘53Elizabeth Goodell Morrison ‘83Rebecca Banks Mowbray ‘63Sarah Fowlkes Mumford ‘96Kari MutschellerJasmine E. Myers-Duncan ‘06Runa Z. HaqJennifer B. Nelson ‘01Jennifer A. Ness ‘88Debbie PawlikPenelope Primus Pine ‘63Howard PollackJanet Strahorn Powell ‘53

Alison Esposito Pritchard ‘96Tracy Runge Quintero ‘93Jennifer M. Redd ‘03Stephanie Lassotovitch Rich ‘71Sarah Swindell Rinehart ‘58Rachel Arnot Rockwell ‘97Michael RosenbaumMara S. Rubin ‘88Eric A. SaiontzKristin D. Schaffner ‘93Hillary Hollander Shankman ‘96Faye ShayaAllison B. Sheff ‘02Sarah Isaacs Shelfer ‘00Donna Whiteley Sieverts ‘62Paula SilvermanSallilynch Currin Smith ‘58Jay SnoufferJennifer Ghingher Snouffer ‘74Stephanie G. Stamas ‘03Megan Arnold Standing ‘00Katharine Ridgely Stierhoff ‘48Jessica Wolf Suriano ‘92Alexandra E. Sutton ‘03Nancy Cotton Swindell ‘53Jennifer S. Taff ‘91Lydia S. Thomas ‘73Bradley TroyMonica TuckerFlorence Kendall Tyler ‘62Cynthia WestAnn Whitman Hurd ‘73Mary Webster Wiglesworth ‘63Betsy Strobel Wilgis ‘58Jennie Lee Williams Fowlkes ‘65John A. WolfJanet L. Wolfe ‘87Emily WoodsAmanda Yu ‘08Gilda Mann Zimmet ‘89Trent Zivkovich

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 11


Varsity Field Hockey

Varsity Field Hockey had a great season, finishing with an impressive record of 18-5, and coming in second to Garrison Forest in the IAAM Conference Championships. The team recorded seven shutouts over the course of the season against tough opponents including Saint Paul’s, Roland Park Country School, and Archbishop Spalding.

Assistant Coach Kelley Wuenschell said that there were several highlights this year. Some of the top moments were winning the South River Tournament for the first time; beating archrival RPCS twice, thereby winning the Roland Park cup; and being ranked in the top five all season by the Baltimore Sun. “The team plays in one of the hardest conferences in the state, so being ranked so high shows how talented they are,” Wuenschell said.

As a coach, Wuenschell said that the best part has been watching the ten senior members of the team provide dedicated leadership. “It has been such great fun coaching such a talented group of girls, and we will miss them terribly next year!” Wuenschell said. Head Coach Jeanette Budzik added that her favorite part of coaching this team has been “working with a skilled and committed group of athletes, laughing a lot with the team, and seeing how they enjoy being together.”


12 / Mawrginalia / October 2012

Varsity Soccer

This year, Varsity Soccer made the jump to the IAAM “A” Conference, after enjoying a record “three-peat” as IAAM “B” Conference champions. The transition was a tough one, especially after losing ten seniors. But the challenge was worth it, says Head Coach Tina Steck, and has made them stronger as a team. “I have been really happy with the way they responded game after game and how much we have improved throughout the season,” Steck said.

The team finished the season with a hard-fought record of 5-11. One of the outstanding highlights of the season came against #2 ranked Archbishop Spalding on October 5, when the team came together for a 1-0 win. Another highlight was junior Dani Hogarth being named WMAR’s Athlete of the Week in early October.

Steck said that it was great to see the vast improvements that the team made over the course of the season. “I enjoyed watching them become better soccer players, and also observing the positive attitude and high work ethic that the players brought to every practice,” Steck said. “I was impressed with the resilience the team demonstrated as well as the energy and determination exemplified in our win against #2 Spalding.”

Next year, Steck says, the team will come back with more experience and confidence, as well as a better understanding of the level of play required to compete in the “A” Conference. She also anticipates that several members of the current eighth grade class will be able to make immediate contributions when they enter as ninth graders.

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 13

Cross Country

Conference Champions!

The Cross Country team had a banner year, finishing as IAAM “B” Conference champions. The team was also undefeated, finishing with a 7-0 record—an impressive achievement that Head Coach Jim Lancaster says the team has not done in almost a decade.

On the way to a stellar record, the team collected several exciting wins. One of the highlights was com-ing in first in the private school division of the Maymont X-Country Festival in late September. “That really set the tone for the season,” Lancaster said. “It showed we had great depth, because winning an event like that is much harder than winning an invitational.”

Another highlight came at the IAAM “B” Conference Championship on October 17. Not only did the team win, but several runners set personal records by impressive amounts, like 60 to 90 seconds. “That was absolutely amazing,” said Lancaster. “These are kids who have been on the team for two, three, four years and were running their fastest times ever. It was awesome to see.”

Aside from the wins, however, Lancaster said that the best part of coaching this year’s team was the chemistry between the girls. “They were so sup-portive of each other,” he noted. “Chemistry is not something that is overrated in team sports, and is very hard to grow that.”

Lancaster said that the outlook for next year is good, with 11 of the top 14 runners returning.

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Junior Varsity Field Hockey

The Tennis team had a rebuilding year, with Varsity holding a 5-5 record and JV a 6-3 record. Head Coach Tilly Taborda-Almaguer said that she and Co-Head Coach Kate Brendler knew it was going to be a challeng-ing season, but that the team had a great time together and worked hard. “We were impressed with how well the team faced the different challeng-es,” Taborda-Almaguer said. “They kept a positive attitude, and they were

‘resilient in the face of adversity,’ as any good Mawrtian would be.”

Taborda-Almaguer said that they most enjoyable part of the season for her was the team chemistry and camaraderie. Brendler added that she enjoyed watching the team put in a 100% effort when playing in matches.

Next year, the Tennis team looks forward to continuing to make progress, and to welcoming several new players. Said Taborda-Almaguer, “We are always excited to see both new and returning players fill the tennis courts every fall!”

The JV Field Hockey team had a very successful season, Coach Megan Han-son said, measured by the fun had by all of the players and the improve-ment of the team throughout the season. The team finished with a record of 5-5-6 in a season dominated by tough matches that resulted in ties. Hanson noted that the team often faced older opponents, but that she was very proud of the girls for playing hard and as a team in each game. “They were extremely supportive of one another,” Hanson said. “They will walk away from this season with pride, and with a smile on their faces!”

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 15

Varsity Volleyball

Junior Varsity


This season was chal-lenging for the Varsity Volleyball team, which ended with a 3-13 record. However, there were many bright spots in the season, said

coach Eric Green, such as winning their first game against St. Mary’s and going 6-0 in their pool at the Dig Pink Tournament at Annapolis Area Christian School. Senior Kate McCarthy also received an All-Tournament team award at the Dig Pink Tourna-ment, both for the quality of her play that day and for the way that she led the team.

As a coach, Green said that he most enjoyed see-ing how much the girls improved over the course of the season. “I didn’t expect them to improve as much as they did,” Green said. He also enjoyed watching them come together as a team, and seeing the way that they supported one another.

Next year, Green says, he expects to have a more experienced roster, with strong contributions from returning players as well as those coming up from junior varsity.

The JV Volleyball team finished the season with a record of 1-14.Despite the record, Coach Meredith Lars-en said, the team had a great time together. “The biggest highlight was coming to together as a team on and off the court,” Larsen said. “The girls’ volleyball skills improved tremendously from tryouts to our last game. Many of them had little to no knowledge or ability during tryouts, but by the end of the season, they were able to serve, hit and pass in a game situation. It was really fun to see the girls gain confidence in their volleyball ability as the season progressed.”

Off the court, the team bonded by going to see a Towson University volleyball game and eating at Sofi’s Crepes in Belvedere Square. Next year, Larsen says, they look forward to more crepes, as well as bringing back players with another year of experience, more confidence and a better knowledge of the game.

16 / Mawrginalia / October 2012

Today I had to trade and barter with the other countries, and considering all that we had to offer were a few dismal onions and

a bit of salt and pepper, it was tough to convince them to give us their supplies. I, as I was healthy and ready to help (unlike my dear friend Jordan who has contracted a disease from the low-quality drinking water), was assigned the task of fetching rice for our soup. I took an onion and rushed off to Thailand with high hopes. When I arrived, however, they refused my proposal of the onion for a bit of rice and stated that they would only accept eggs or carrots. Annoyed, I ran to Upper Mozambique, where they were preparing their fire. Thankfully, they were considerably more generous, and agreed to trade half of a carrot for my onion. I hurried back to Thailand, only to discover, to my disappointment, that they would only gave us one spoonful of rice for my carrot. Extremely irritated


Each year, seventh graders at Bryn Mawr participate in a program run by Heifer International. Girls travel to Heifer’s Global Village, where they are challenged to live as those in developing countries do. They must trade their goods with other countries to find the most beneficial outcome. Here, three students reflect on their experiences.

Caroline TroyLower Mozambique

October 2012 / Mawrginalia / 17

My house in Kenya had a clay floor and two chairs. There were no beds, but there was a pretty African tapestry on the wall. There was

a separate cooking room with no ceiling and no tables. There were about eleven of us to feed, so five of us went out to trade immediately while the others stayed to negotiate with other traders and to cook our food. I was one of the ones who went out to trade. We knew that rice would be a good part of the meal, so we went first to Thailand, the only country with rice. They wanted two eggs and some kale for a little bit of rice. We would not make the trade because we knew that we could not feed eleven people with two spoonfuls of rice. The refugees were hungry and had no food to start with, so we decided to give them some of our kale. It was getting dark fast, and it was also starting to rain. We got back to Kenya and the fire had not been started yet. We helped by using some matches that we had traded for. Once the fire was started, we cooked potatoes, carrots, and kale in a pan. We also had some rice soup that Lower and Upper Mozambique had kindly given to us for one egg. We ate dinner and savored every last bite because we knew that later there would be no food. After dinner we went into the house and got into our sleeping bags. It was pouring, but we all got through it together.

and even more displeased than before, I returned to my family, where we had gathered a collection of food and supplies such as water, potatoes, onions, kale, and some masa flour. I helped to start the fire, which was sheltered by a small wood structure with no walls. Fortunately, when it began to rain, the ceiling blocked the rain, so we could continue cooking our meal. Upper Mozambique did not have that advantage, so their fire soon turned to a pile of soggy wood. It was surprising, but nice, when they arrived by our fire, requesting the use of it to cook their food. We ended up combining all of our food resources, making one big soup for both Mozambiques. When all were fed, we gave some soup to the refugees, as well as to the other beggars who came by, pleading for a cup of soup for their families. We soon became the go-to for any countries struggling to feed everyone, and we boiled pot after pot of watery broth, handing it out in whatever they brought to us. When the night came, we climbed into our sleeping bags on the lumpy, dirt floor of our hut. Cold, damp, and uncomfortable, yet with filled bellies, we talked of the days ahead, hoping that all could be as lucky as this one.

Yesterday, I worked in the coal mines, getting sicker as the day progressed. I think I may be very ill soon, but I must

keep working so I can support my family. When I got home yesterday, I couldn’t walk. So, while my family went to trade and barter for our dinner, I chopped potatoes and took care of the baby. I would’ve helped cook dinner, but my family said I should stay outside because I was wheezing. Our resources are slim, but compared to surrounding countries, we have a good amount of food. That does not stop us from trading, though. For dinner, we had a medley of slightly raw potatoes, carrots, kale, and best of all, a red bell pepper. We ate our dinner outside on the porch, as we do every night, laying down mats to have a nice dinner as a family. Afterward, my family took pity on me and let me sleep on the porch swing because I am sick. We all sleep outside because our measly stove is inside, and we don’t want to inhale the smoky air. My family fears they will get the awful illness that I have. During the night the wind howled and the rain came pelting down on our tin roof. The rain

Maggie McGregorAppalachia

is not a good sign because our house may flood soon, and we are very poor. When I finally got to sleep I had to wake up almost immediately again, for it was morning. For breakfast we had oatmeal. We always have oatmeal, but this time there was a treat: raisins. We seldom get raisins because we have very little money. We believe that it should be spent on other, more important, things. I guess today was an exception. I must go to work now.

Alice BellKenya

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Celebrating the Bryn

Mawr VillageIn 1885, fIve formIdable young women came up wIth a groundbreakIng Idea: to found a school that allowed gIrls to access the same level of educatIon that boys were afforded.

The result of their efforts was The Bryn Mawr School, which, 128 years later, continues to offer the same kind of high-quality education to girls that our founders envisioned. While many things have changed—the campus, the uniforms, the curriculum—the mission that our founders tasked us with remains at the heart of the everything Bryn Mawr does.

Each year in early October, the entire Bryn Mawr community gathers to celebrate Founders Day, the School’s birthday and a commemoration of the bold women whose pioneering vision led to the creation of Bryn Mawr. Founders Day also recognizes the important contributions of our faculty and staff, marked

Founders Day 2012

“Being a freshman is a humbling experience

whenever it occurs. In life, and for all

freshmen, we learn that it does ‘take a

village’ to get by, and, beyond that, to succeed,

to grow, to thrive. Today, on Founders

Day, we celebrate the fullness of the Bryn

Mawr village.”

-Arna Margolis

by several awards for teaching excellence, as well as recognition of years of service.

Another highlight of Founders Day is the keynote speech, given each year by a distinguished member of the Bryn Mawr community. This year’s speaker was retired Upper School history teacher Arna Margolis, who left Bryn Mawr last year after more than forty years of service, As Headmistress Maureen E. Walsh aptly noted, Margolis is “an important part of the legacy of teaching excellence at Bryn Mawr.”

Margolis spoke about the challenges that face all freshmen, no matter when that experience occurs: in first grade, college, or, as in Margolis’ own experience, as a new teacher. “The first year of teaching is about the hardest, maybe scariest, thing that one can do,” Margolis told her audience. But conquering that fear is simply part of the process, and one that all freshmen push through. “Everyone learns,” she remarked.

Left: Arna Margolis speaks to the community. Above: Peggy Bessent presents Peter Metsopoulos with his ten year service recognition.

“You’ve heard that there are no dumb questions—well, that applies to the process of moving from freshman teacher to experienced ‘pro’.”

Awards and Recognitions

Alumnae Master Teaching ChairKris Schaffner ’93, Upper School EnglishThe Master Teaching Chair was established by a generous grant from an anonymous Bryn Mawr alumna given to pay tribute to the exceptional teachers at Bryn Mawr who inspired her. This is its inaugural year.

Apgar Award for Teaching Excellence Meaghan Quinn Johnson, Little SchoolThe Apgar Award recognizes a teacher who has made a significant difference in students’ lives by motivating students’ interest, curiosity, and

love of learning; applying new teaching concepts and methods that expand students’ horizons and potential; and serving as a mentor to stimulate students’ intellectual development beyond the curriculum and the classroom.

Blair D. Stambaugh AwardRaymone White, Dining Center (posthumous recognition)The Stambaugh Award was created to honor former Headmistress Stambaugh. It is given annually to a member of the faculty or staff who has contributed the most to the overall welfare and well-being of the school community.

Ella Speer Colhoun & Elizabeth Atkinson Reynolds FundJim Lancaster, Middle School HistoryThis award is given to a teacher who has made a significant contribution to the school outside of the classroom. The fund recognizes an important quality that typifies independent school teaching at its best: a dedication to young people as whole human beings beyond the limited scope and measurements of classroom performance.

Left: Maureen Walsh congratulates Linda Walcutt on 30 years of service; Above: Dayseye sings “Omnia Sol” by Z. Randall Stroope. >Click for a video!

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Julia Clayton Baker Chair in Environmental StewardshipEric Elton, Upper School ScienceThis Chair was established in 2001 in memory of Baltimore philanthropist Julia Clayton Baker, an ardent supporter of environmental and other causes, to help sustain excellence in teaching and learning at Bryn Mawr. This endowed chair is awarded to a faculty member who demonstrates a passion for environmental science, teaching, and research.

Patricia A. Dieter Staff AwardThanasi Letras, TechnologyThe Dieter Award is presented to a member of the clerical or operations staffs who has demonstrated outstanding loyalty, dedication, and hard work in support of the well-being of the school.

“37-45” AwardTerry Detorie, SecurityThe “37-45” Award is presented in honor of the faculty, administration, and staff who worked at

Bryn Mawr during the years from 1937 to 1945. The award is given to faculty members who have served the school with distinction.

Years of Service Awards

Five Years:Tano ArroganciaTed BrodaNicole Cooke Jan Darrah Adele Diaz

Jennifer Galambos Leslie JansenLinda LloydDebra Marcelle Leandro Mendaro Matt Mitchell Tiffany Powell Meaghan Quinn JohnsonMonica Robinson Genie Arnot-Titus ’93 Kathie Guben Wachs ’90

Ten Years:Eliza AdamsCarole Barney Justin Curtis

Ten Years con’t.Matt Horwitz-Lee Kendra Jordan Lee Kladky Merry Krumpholz JR Loder

Peter Metsopoulos Chris Miskiewicz Pat Ramsey

Fifteen Years:Sally Burke Henry DunningErin MunozLarry Perrine Brenda Wilson

Twenty Years: Katherine Halle

Thirty Years:Linda Walcutt

Award recipients (l-r) Kris Schaffner ’93, Meaghan Quinn Johnson, Krystal White (daughter of Raymone White), Jim Lancaster, Eric Elton and Thanasi Letras.

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SENIOR VOICES: THE CLASS OF 2013Each year, seniors have the opportunity to present issues that matter to them to their classmates. Most do this in the form of a Senior Convocation—a twenty-minute speech that can be on any topic. In every issue, we highlight excerpts from convocations given that month. Occasionally, we will also highlight other senior speeches given at special occasions, letting members of the Class of 2013 share, in their own words, what matters to them.

B-T-W, G-T-G, and L-O-L are all part of a texting code—or, dare I say, “words”—that most of us use everyday. Whether it is over text, Facebook or sometimes even in conversation, these terms are a product of our generation—the generation of smartphones, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and so many more. The generation in which we apologize and tell secrets over text, avoid eye contact in person, and reduce our emotions to three letters.

Last summer as I was reading “Marie Claire,” one of these terms caught my attention. In bold letters at the top of the page read “F.O.M.O.” FOMO, I thought to myself, I like the sound of that. I began to read the article without realizing just how much truth it would hold for my life and other twenty-first century teenagers. FOMO stands for “fear of missing out,” and the article talked about how Facebook and other social networking sites perpetuate this normal teenage fear. Since that day I have given a lot of thought to the idea of FOMO and how it influences my life—which it does, in many different ways.

I often remember the days pre-Facebook and smartphones when I was around nine or ten years old and I seemed to live my life fully in the present. I remember when I was so excited to go to the beach, and I didn’t worry about what I was missing at home. I had no way of knowing, because I didn’t have a cell phone or a way to see instant pictures of my friend’s lives. Or when I used to go to sleepaway camp, and the only communication I had from home and with friends was through letters. Whatever information I received was bound to be no less than five days old, and by that time, not very significant. But it did not matter, because life was simple and I lived in the present.

I feel lucky that my relationship with technology did not start until later than most people my age. I did not have cable television growing up, and I never had a screen name in lower or middle school. I rarely used my cell phone after I received it for Christmas in seventh grade, and I delayed having a Facebook account until the summer after ninth grade. I liked to think of myself as a nonconformist, and I did not want to assimilate into the world of technology.


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I like to think now that I consciously delayed my entry into “cyber world” because I knew what lay ahead of me.

After I got my Facebook account, I hardly ever used it. My friends used to make fun of me all the time for not being technologically savvy. When school began sophomore year, I only went on Facebook during the weekends. But by junior year, I had fallen victim to FOMO, especially after I received an iPhone for Christmas. With it right there at my fingertips, the temptation to go on Facebook became harder and harder to resist.

I hate to admit it, but my phone has become a sort of extension of my arm. I am constantly checking it, whether because of a text, a SnapChat or an email. It is almost an unconscious habit, and I notice other people doing it as well. When I walk down the portico, I see girls texting as they go by, their faces aglow from the screen, their eyes turned down, oblivious to what is around them. I sometimes also catch myself texting as I walk, and I try to remember how important it is to say “hi” and to make eye contact, because that is truly the essence of human connection.

As my involvement in the cyber world grew stronger, so did my feelings of jealousy and being left out. I sometimes find that I am envious of the number of Facebook friends someone has. But that is ridiculous, because out of their 2,000 friends, how many can they have a real conversation with, let alone actually confide in? Facebook has led to the weird world of virtual friendships and status updates, where people are always posting photos from the party they went to the night before. It can be difficult, when checking my news feed the next morning, to not feel excluded. I know the exclusion is not purposeful, but the feeling is still awful. Ironically, the website intended to connect people has led to hurt feelings and isolation.

While it is crazy to think that Facebook evokes jealousy and anxiety, it truly does. We can all create how we want to be perceived through Facebook. We choose what to display and what information to withhold. Everyone, myself included, creates an

illusion, or a sort of “airbrushed version,” of who we really are. Facebook invites people to pass judgment. I sometimes get caught up in taking photos to add to my cyber image. I can become so concerned with trying to make it look like I am having the best time that I actually forget to have fun. Someone’s life through the lens of Facebook may seem perfect, but we need to remember that no one leads a perfect life, and everyone has his or her own set of problems. I know that I should not get caught up in the minutiae of other people’s lives, yet I do. I should focus on being happy with myself, yet Facebook seems to make it harder than it already is.

As I slowly became more aware of my descent into the world of FOMO, I began to research it more. According to John M. Grohol’s article about FOMO from “Psych Central,” people upload pictures to feel important. It is a vicious cycle because it generates FOMO in others, so then they feel that they need

to upload photos. I never thought much about the ability to “comment” or “like” on Facebook unless I was checking to see the number of likes I have on a photo. But a New York Times article by Jenna Wortham states that the ability to “like” and “comment” are essentially rewards designed to make people come back for more. Facebook and other social

networks have also cut down on time for quiet and imagination because we are all constantly being stimulated. We seem to know almost instantly what everyone is doing, whether it is via Facebook, text, or some other social media site. Psych Central’s article suggests counting the number of times you check your phone, email and Facebook in a single day. You might be surprised by how often it really is.

The problem with FOMO is that it is not going to go away. The fear of missing out is as old as the human race, but I truly believe that it has become an epidemic in the last five to ten years, with the advent of Facebook and other social networking sites.

Although I have, at times, found myself completely overwhelmed by the cyber world, I am not ready to give it up completely. But to help reduce FOMO, I have created guidelines for myself. Sometimes


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it starts with simply turning off my phone or logging out of Facebook. I have learned that when logging out of Facebook, I should not attempt one quick last look because it can be lethal. I try to keep in mind that not knowing how a friend’s Friday night was is not going to kill me. We should all sometimes try to respond to texts a little bit slower than usual, or to not check our phones as often. We need to fully engage ourselves in conversation at lunch, instead of half listening and simultaneously checking Instagram. But my favorite way to escape the cyber world is to leave my phone at home and completely immerse myself in nature. Trying to distance myself from technology can be challenging, but very liberating at the same time.

I know that I have bashed Facebook enough that you probably think that the Winklevoss twins are paying me, but I do want to say that Facebook and other ways of communicating are not always a bad thing, especially when it helps us keep in touch with people we might not otherwise talk to, like long distance relatives and old friends. But it is just as important that we do not allow FOMO to rule our lives—because a fear of missing out will cause us to miss the biggest thing of all: life itself.


While I am helping her pick peppers in the garden, I remember a moment she arrived into my pink bedroom. I was nine years old, coloring in my Disney princess book, when she came in and saw all of my Barbie dolls on the floor.

“OOMENA SESANGHE, Katieya, why so many Barbie naked?” she asked in confusion. “They’re always like that, Halmoni.” I replied. Some time later, I returned to my room to find an amazing sight. My Barbie dolls had been dressed in toilet paper shirts, pants and dresses tied with rubber bands. A couple of them even had toilet paper headbands. I was ecstatic. My Barbies looked like Greek gods and goddesses.

Many people have been shaped by someone special in their lives. For me, this person is my Halmoni. “Halmoni” is the Korean word for grandmother. When I go to my grandparents’ house, I find my grandmother in the garden where she loves to work, squatting as she plants peppers or pulls up turnips. She speaks in broken English and makes wonderfully expressive gestures with her face, arms, and body, like a smiling mime. I like to ask about stories of her past, and, like a little girl talking about her new doll, she answers each question with excitement and enthusiasm. I wonder how she can remember so many things so vividly. But in rare moments her eyes reveal the reason she remembers so well—it is the pain, like a knife striking in to her heart.

My Halmoni’s past came right out of an A.P. World History chapter. She was born in 1941 in the small village of Duduk in what is now North Korea. She had three brothers, and came from a wealthy family. Her father owned about 200 acres of land and employed 60 workers who helped cultivate crops such as rice, corn, and beans. In 1946, during the chaos at the end of World War II, the Soviets created a provisional government for northern Korea and chose


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the communist leader Kim Il Sung to head it. Kim Il Sung was influenced strongly by Stalin, the communist leader of Russia, and would eventually become the leader of the Korean People’s Army and attempt to unite all of Korea under communism. Before that happened, however, communist principles quickly began to influence the workers on the farm, and these workers came together to fight against Halmoni’s father.

One fall night, she heard shuffling and the clanging of farm tools outside of her house, and then whispering, which grew into shouting. Her dad called her mom to take the kids away. His voice, she recalls, had a great urgency, as if their lives depended on seconds. They ran to the storage house of a nearby store owned by a family friend, like a fawn instinctively sprinting from a piercing gunshot. After a few hours, which seemed like days, she and her family went back to their house. There, she saw her father. His body was broken, swollen, and bloody. These beatings became a daily horror.

My Halmoni’s father had a twin sister in Pyongyang, a prominent city that would become the capital of North Korea. His sister suggested that he and his family temporarily come to live with her in Pyongyang. My great aunt’s family was wealthy and had benefited from the Japanese occupation prior to World War II. After a couple of weeks in Pyongyang, my great aunt realized that the city would not be safe for long because the communists were becoming more influential. She advised her brother to take his family and leave for a safer place in the south. She secretly hired a professional guide to take them. To help the children cope with their fears about leaving and running again, Halmoni’s parents told them that they would all be united with their aunt again very soon. My grandmother eventually learned that lies like this one were to make her feel better, and could even save her life.

When I watch her pluck her precious green peppers, I don’t think about the rough childhood she endured when she was younger. I just see her as my Mary Poppins. She has everything in her magic purse, like chocolate chip bagels, spicy pepper sauce, Sprite bottles, golf balls and tees, and pretty much anything that anyone could need at any time. Instead of spoons full of sugar to make the medicine go down, Halmoni makes crazy funny faces, to help us laugh when life is bitter. Halmoni’s childhood was certainly very bitter.

The journey to southern Korea proved to be long, tiring and dangerous for the young family. At night, the guide would take her family from building to building, without being seen, to hide them from the communist sympathizers. But the guide would take only a few family members at a time. Halmoni, at the time only six years old, remembers being in a room at one point by herself, waiting for the guide to come for her. She was terrified. She felt as if she were alone in an ocean with predators lurking beneath. By day, the guide took them on trains; at night, they traveled on foot. Halmoni even remembers that at night, her dad would carry her on his back. One cold night, she felt the wind brushing against her toes and realized that her shoe had fallen off. Korea, too, was losing a part of itself.

Finally, my grandmother and her family neared the end of the journey. They only had to take one more train, followed by a long hike, to reach a safe place in the south. Because of the impending war, North Korean guards and officials were most prevalent in this area, which would eventually become the border between North Korea and South Korea, called the 38th parallel. These communist guards kept many restrictions on the Koreans living and traveling in the area, and took note of anything suspicious. My great-grandfather knew that if his family got caught leaving to go to the south, they would be separated, imprisoned, or even killed. He told my Halmoni and her brothers that if any soldier came up to them and asked where they were going, they must say they were going to a family member’s house.

After the family boarded their final train, a communist soldier came up to Halmoni’s oldest brother, who was nine years old at the time. My grandmother tells me that he was a good older brother, obedient to his parents, and always honest. So, when the young soldier came up in his formidable uniform and asked where he was going, he said the only thing that he could say: “We are going to a place in the south that is a lot safer than here, sir.” The entire family fell silent. My great-grandfather held his children tightly, his face grim. Halmoni’s mother, who was eight months pregnant at the time, began to whisper a prayer. For five seconds they sat, smothered by indescribable panic and terror. Then, the communist soldier took Halmoni’s brother to a storage room and locked him in. The soldier told them that at the next train stop, the family would be taken in and questioned.

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My great-grandfather knew that the next stop would be the end of their journey, and the end of their family. He had no weapons. He did not even have an argument. He knew this young communist would not let them go out of compassion. The only thing he could do was bribe him. The soldier took the money.

When the family arrived at the train stop, they met another pre-arranged guide to take them to their final destination. Finally, to complete their escape to the south, all they had to do was to cross a section of Haeju Bay, which looked more like an ocean. The bay opens to the Yellow Sea and as a result, there are high and low tides. It was the middle of the night and a period of low tide, so the water was only about two to three feet deep. The guide warned that they had only about an hour left to cross. Impassable cliffs and mountains surrounded the bay. The air was cold and the water was freezing. The guide pointed to a dimly lit house on the other side of the water and said that the people there would give them food and water and let them stay for the night, then show them a place to live. The guide said that he needed to leave to go help other people get to the south. My Halmoni remembers his face and his clothing, all the way down to the torn pockets on his pants. She recalls being sad to say goodbye to this kind man who had guided and saved them.

My Halmoni was terrified to cross the bay. She sat on top of her father’s firm shoulders while her brothers traveled slowly, weighed down by the cotton packed inside their thin pants. Her mother, although pregnant, walked with steady, strong steps. The entire family stayed close together, battered by the cold wind and strong waves. But their hope of living together in safety and freedom had the force of a hurricane. The next morning, when my Halmoni woke up in the safe house, she looked out the window to see the water in the bay high and treacherous, rocked by deadly waves crashing against the rocks and cliffs. She could not believe that she and her entire family had crossed it. They had made it to the south.

Back in my pink ballerina bedroom, I was so excited to play with my toilet paper-clothed Barbies that I almost forgot about Halmoni saying something very

peculiar about the naked dolls: that they were cold and needed warmth. After I came back and saw my fabulously dressed dolls, I asked her, “Halmoni, why are you afraid of the cold?” She replied with a suddenly sharp tone, “When I was a child, I was afraid of the cold, the water and my new life.”

When I look back on that day, I realize what she was talking about. I have heard this story in her garden, at the dinner table, and while we play golf together. Her stories and her life have shaped me. Halmoni has shown me that suffering makes you stronger. My grandmother is one of the strongest people I know, but not because she isn’t afraid of anything. She is strong because she knows that we can overcome suffering and that we can be stronger than we ever thought we could be. Over the years, she has taught me that when we are facing fear, we have a choice. We can let the fear overtake us and defeat us. Or, we can take action and move on, much like she and her family did when they decided to journey to freedom in the south.

Last, my Halmoni taught me that there is nothing that is stronger and more important than the love of family. My Halmoni’s father did not take that fearful journey to make his own life better or to save himself from the daily beatings. My Halmoni’s mother did not suffer the escape to make a better life for herself or to have a nice house in the south. Halmoni’s parents decided to do what they did so that she and her brothers would have a safe and promising future. They escaped so that my Halmoni could grow into a happy woman, and so that their unborn child could have the best future possible. Her parents risked everything for their young family. Because of their sacrifice, my Halmoni shines with life and warmth. Most of all, she shines love.



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Celebrate Bryn Mawr traditions as the Spirit Bracelet marks its 10th year! Little School, grades K-12, Special Activity and Athletic charms are available for purchase at the Bryn Mawrket or online at

Parents Association




Parent Socials for all grades have been taking place throughout the month of October and will continue into November. A special thanks to the class parents and host families in each grade for planning and organizing these evenings! This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to get together outside of school in a fun and social atmosphere, as well as a chance for our new families to meet and get to know more people in the Bryn Mawr community.

The Parent evenings for Phonathon took place on October 15th and 23rd. Many thanks to all of the parents, including those in the Little School, who took time out of their busy schedules to make calls on behalf of Bryn Mawr! These evenings are instrumental in helping Bryn Mawr achieve its Annual Fund goals each year.

FALL SPIRIT DAY Thanks to all of the parents who joined us for Fall Spirit Day! It was, as always, a fun, festive and spirited event.

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Annapolis Alumnae Reception – hosted by Reid Norris Buckley ’80. For details and to RSVP, please email [email protected].


Young Alumnae Reception – for the Classes of 2009-2012. Gather with classmates for dessert in Centennial Hall Lobby and then join us in the KVB Gym for Thanksgiving Convocation. Be sure to bring your graduation and prom dresses to donate to the Dress Sale!

> FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Alumnae Happy Hour - for Bryn Mawr alumnae ages 21 and over at Ryan’s Daughter pub. RSVP to [email protected]. Dresses for the Dress Sale will be collected as well!

> TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 5:30 – 7:30 PM

DC/Northern VA/MD Alumnae Reception – at the home of Natalie Wexler ’72. For details and to RSVP, please email [email protected].

> FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2013, 10:15 AM – 12 PM

Alumnae College Forum – for the Classes of 2009-2012. Stay tuned for more information!


Join the Bryn Mawr Alumnae Group on LinkedIn!

Do you have open positions at your company or business? Are you looking for a job in a particular field? Join the group, post positions and network with other alumnae. The more posts there are, the more useful it is! You can also read articles about what alumnae are up to as well. Click here to join.

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