Page 1: Mass schedule/horario - Clover · through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August

4600 Preserve Parkway

Hoover, aL 35226

205.822.9125 | Fax: 205.822.9127

Mass schedule/horario

Saturday/Sabado..................... 5:00 pm Sunday/Domingo.................... 8:30 & 11:00 am (Nursery) 1:30 pm(Hispanic), 5:00 pm Monday/Lunes........................... 8:30 am, 6:30 pm Tuesday/Martes......................... 8:30 am, 6:00 pm(Hispanic) Wednesday/Miércoles............. 5:00 pm Thursday/Jueves....................... 8:30 am Friday/Viernes............................ 8:30 am


Saturday/Sabado...................... 4:00 pm (& by appointment) Sunday/Domingo..................... 12:30 - 1:00 pm Tuesday/Martes......................... 5:00 - 5:45 pm



anointing of the sick


adventure ark Playschool

(6 mo – 2 yr old) Director.........................205.822.9125ext15,Fax822.9127

christian forMation

Religiousinstructionoffered(3 yr old - adult) Director....................................... [email protected]

Prince of Peace school

(3 yr old preschool – 8th grade) Principal....................................... 205.824.7886,Fax824.2093 Website........................................ E-mail............................................ [email protected]

Parish MeMbershiP


Page 2: Mass schedule/horario - Clover · through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August

T h e M o s t H o l y B o d y a n d B l o o d o f C h r i s t 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings for August 24

Mass Intentions 8/18-8/24

Monday 8::30 am Rosalie Dichiara SI

6:30 pm Charlotte Lusco †

Tuesday 8:30 am Vincent Piazza †

Wednesday 5:00 pm Carol & Frankie Juliano SI

Thursday 8:30 am Michael Zarichnak †

Friday 8:30 am Bishop James Quinn †

Saturday 5:00 pm Dora Burghart †

Sunday 8:30 am Connie Lees †

5:00 pm Garyn Strong †

Prayer List Our love and prayers

are offered for the following:

To be included on the prayer list, please call the church office. To be a part of the parish email prayer chain, please contact: Dolores Kremer, 979-0229 or [email protected].

Hunter Pace John Durnak Libby Troncalli Bill Muldowney,Sr. Charles Pardi Frances Pardi Margaret Fenn Mary Ellen Bolin

Katie Crook Bryan Rosenstiel Kathy Mahon Mary Kay Minor Paul Bochnak Mary Jane Serio Sammy Lorino, Jr. Buster Bandino

Kate B. Camiliere C ynthia Johnson Frank Simonetti David Seeley Mark Scalco Jimmy Shields Shay McNamee Patricia Hunter

Virginia Guarino Jack Moore Helen Majerik Lois Bradley Fr. Roy Runkle Virginia Lorino Frances DeJohn

Financial Stewardship In today’s second reading, St. Paul tells the

Romans, “God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.”

To what is God calling me today?

What gifts are mine to share?

Financial Stewardship for August 9 & 10th,

Regular - $15,749.00

Building - $13,557.50

Faith Direct - $23,602.50

One Voice - $35.00

Adventure Ark Playschool

We are looking forward to a fantastic year! Information packets have been sent out. Meet your Teacher Days are Monday, August 25 and Tuesday, August 26. Our first days of Playschool will be Tuesday, Sept 2 & Wednesday, Sept 3. See you soon!

Church Nursery Church Nursery is available to children ages 6 months through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August 17 & Sunday August 24.There will be NO Nursery Sunday, August 31 due to the Labor day weekend holiday. Church nursery will resume September 7th. Please contact Kara Woodard at 822-9125 ext. 15 for more information.

Reading 1: Isaiah 22:19-23 Reading 2: Romans 11:33-36 Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20

On Sunday, September 14 a group

from Prince of Peace will serve

lunch to the needy at the Church of

the Reconciler. Volunteers are

needed to provide food and

desserts and help serve the meal on that Sunday.

If you would like to help with this ministry, please call

Cathy Bertanzetti at 907-8345 or email

[email protected]


& Roses

Caring Needles

On Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the St. Elizabeth Room, parishioners come together to knit and crochet

shawls to distribute to the sick. These gifts are given as reminders of prayers and support during times of

serious health needs. Please contact Pam Ozeki at 205.481.1528 for more information.

Breast Cancer

Survivors Our next meeting will be Tuesday, August 19 at

7:00 pm in the St. Catherine Room. If you have any questions, please call Bette Graffeo at


Page 3: Mass schedule/horario - Clover · through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August

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& H
















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High School Youth

Upcoming Events:

The High School will resume classes on Wednesday August 20th from 6:30 -8:00 pm on the red steps in the school. No meal will be provided Please join us for a fun night of lesson and fellowship. Hope to see you all there! Please contact Lauren Atchison with any questions at [email protected].

Volunteers Needed The POP community serves lunch at the Church

of the Reconciler on the 2nd Sunday of each

month to the homeless and those in need. The

guests are very grateful for the hospitality and

service we provide each month. Due to the loss

of a sponsoring faith community, there is a need

for additional service on the following dates:

August 31, and September 7 .

This is a wonderful opportunity for you and your

family to witness your faith and to follow the

Gospel call to “Feed the Hungry”.

For more information and if you can provide

leadership for one or more dates, please contact

Carol Binder (540-5784)

Shared Blessings Shared Blessings is a ministry that serves people in need through household donations. Prince of Peace parishioners have served over 50 families in our parish and community through this ministry in the last year. Thank you to all the parishioners who have been so generous! We are currently in need of a sofa, tv stand, 2 twin beds, dryer, small kitchen table with chairs, baby girl summer clothing size 9-12 months and winter clothing size 12-18 months. We are always looking for willing volunteers to help transport large items. Please assure that items are clean and ready to be placed in someone’s home. If you have items to donate, please contact Jacqueline McCleod at 248-444-7411. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please call Kathy Claypoole at 205-451-3332.

Soccer and Volleyball registration at Prince of Peace

are now open on the church website under the sports link.

Soccer is open to all children, starting at age 3 years

(Pre -K) up to 4th graders.

Volleyball is open to 3rd and 4th grade boys or girls

who attend POP school or Religious Ed, and Girls in

grades 5th-8th who attend POP school or Religious


Please contact Joe Kraus with any questions

@ 205.587.1882

The Knights of Columbus

Ladies Auxiliary

The Ladies Auxiliary will meet Monday,

August 18 at 7 pm in the St Jude Room. We

will be making mats for the homeless to sleep

on using plastic grocery bags. Bring a friend

and a pair of scissors along with all the plastic

grocery bags you have collected. We will also

continue this project on Saturday, August 23

from 9-12 am in Deasy Hall.

If you would like to help please bring your

extra grocery bags to church this weekend

August 16 & 17. Anyone interested in helping

is invited to attend. Any questions please call

Lois Mores 205-425-1767.

“The POP Chapter of The Holy Name

Society will be conducting monthly Peanut

Butter and Jelly drives for the Catholic

Center of Concern’s food pantry every third

weekend of the month. This Diocese mission

provides food for needy families from their

West Birmingham location. Peanut Butter

and Jelly are their most in demand food

staples. Once a month, please place jars of

Peanut Butter and/or Jelly in the

appropriately marked boxes in the

gathering space.

Middle School Youth

The middle school youth will begin meeting on

Wednesday, September 17! All children in

middle school are welcome to attend for

formation, fellowship and fun! We will meet in

Deasy Hall at 5:30pm for dinner and will

conclude at 7:30pm. More information will be

coming soon...please mark your calendars for

our first meeting. See you soon!

Page 4: Mass schedule/horario - Clover · through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August

Religious Education

We need your help! Fall Sunday School will begin soon and we desperately need a few more teachers to fill some gaps. Teaching Sunday School is a wonderful Stewardship activity in the Formation Ministry! We provide all the materials you will need and easy instructions to follow. A teacher’s meeting will be held on August 27th, followed by an Open House on September 7th. Classes begin on September 14th. Please contact Megan Everett at [email protected] or stop by the Religious Education office if you can help in this Formation Ministry. Registration for Fall Sunday School continues! You may register your children (K3-GR12) on the Prince of Peace website ( or pick up a form in the labeled basket by the Religious Education Office. Payment can be made via Paypal on the website or by check made payable to ‘Prince of Peace’. We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to sharing the richness of our faith with your children in this Formation Ministry! Upcoming Events: Summer Sunday School: Classes Aug. 17, 24 during the 8:30 and 11:00 am Mass times. No class Aug. 31. All children K3 - Grade 1 are welcome. No registration required. Religious Education : Confirmation Parent Meeting on August 24th at 9:35 am in the main church. Fall Sunday School (K3 thru GR12) - Register now! See details above. Sept 7 - Open House; Sept 14 - Classes begin.








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JustFaith - A Journey into Compassion

“None of us can think that we are exempt from

concern for the poor and for social justice. Spiritual

conversion, the intensity of the love of God and

neighbor, zeal for justice and peace, the Gospel

meaning of the poor and of poverty, are required of

everyone.” Pope Francis The Joy of the Gospel

Do you find yourself wondering how to live your faith

in today’s complex world? Living our faith and

understanding today’s challenges takes reflection,

study, prayer, and community. All of these are offered

in JustFaith, a 24 week program that provides a

lively and challenging format to read, view, discuss,

pray, experience and be formed by the faith tradition

that changes lives, inspires compassion and

transforms the world through love and service. You’re

invited to learn more on Sunday, August 17th after

the 8:30 & 11:00 Masses. Please join us for coffee and

pastries in St Monica Room.

Please call Carol Binder (540-5784) for more


RCIA - Why Do Catholics Do That?

Are you interested in learning more about the

Catholic Church? Perhaps you’ve been thinking

about becoming a member of the Church or perhaps

you are just curious about what Catholics believe.

Our Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

program will begin on Wednesday, September 17.

Sessions meet on most Wednesday evenings from

6:30 to 8:00. If you have questions, want more

information, or know someone who is interested,

contact Mike Brown, Director of Adult Education, at

822.9125 or by email at [email protected]

All are Welcome!

Women of Worship meets each Tuesday

from 9:30 -11:30 am throughout the school

year for bible study, prayer and fellowship.

We welcome women of all ages to join us

for a study of the book of Acts.

Study materials can be found at: If you

would like to know more, please call

Anne Giraud at 205-910-7767 or email

[email protected]

Sunday School for Adults

Religious education is just for kids, isn’t it?

Admittedly, adult Sunday school doesn’t seem

to be in our Catholic DNA, but it surely is

common among other Christian traditions.

Maybe the Protestants are doing something we

should emulate.

A small but growing number of Prince of Peace

members are making faith study part of their

Sunday routine. They are taking advantage of

class offerings to learn more about the Bible

and other aspects of our Catholic faith. Join

them between the Sunday Masses, from 9:45 to

10:45, beginning September 14.

Popes, Saints and Infidels will be offered in the

St. Monica room. This program will take a

unique approach to significant events in

Christian development from the perspective of

key people who influenced them. Gain new

insights into early Christianity, the Crusades,

the Inquisition, the Reformation and other

events throughout Church history.

Bible study sessions will also be available.

Watch the bulletin for details.

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Stewardship: Parishioners Answering God’s Call

The new school year has begun. Children returning are full of excitement and stories of how they spent their summer break. Almost every one of them seems to have grown inches, and sometimes pounds, over the summer. One of the younger elementary students very proudly showed off her new short haircut. When asked about it, she replied that she had grown her hair long so that she

could donate it to the ‘Locks of Love’ charitable organization to be used to make wigs and hairpieces for children undergoing severe medical treatment.

Please submit your stewardship story examples to [email protected]. They may be edited for space consideration.

Youth Protection 1 Training Classes

As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the

spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate

in activities within or sponsored by our diocese, it is our commitment to provide an environment

which is safe and nurturing.

In accordance with Diocese of Birmingham it is policy to offer continued Youth Protection

Training to all employees and volunteers who have routine contact with children or vulnerable

adults. All employees and volunteers MUST BE TRAINED. You have 2 options to take the


The complete schedule of free classes can be found at under ‘Child and

Youth Protection Information’. You may register and take one of the offered classes. A class at

Prince of Peace will be Monday, October 27th from 6:00- 8:00 pm in Deasy Hall.

An online class is offered for a fee. For information about the process requirements and sign up

instructions please go to and on the Church tab click on ‘Parish Services’,

‘Youth’, Online Alternative Youth Protection 1’. After completing the online class, a copy of the

completion certificate and a completed AS1 form must be returned to the Religious Ed Office for


PraySing! Is a parent/child music, rhythm, prayer and song session created to guide parents to

interact with their children through songs while helping your child develop a lifelong love of music.

We play, we sing, we dance, we learn how music affects our whole being positively. We practice

learning skill development like, clapping, hopping, jumping, sharing and praying. You and your

child will have great fun playing drums, bells, singing and dancing with each other. The class is

filling quickly!! Only a few spots remain in the Tuesday morning class and Wednesday morning

class, both begin at 9:30. The first class begins on September 16 and will run for 6 weeks and is

40 minutes in length. Children newborn through age 5 are welcome. A parent must accompany

their child in the class. Please contact Megan Everett, [email protected] to register

or for more information.

Casting Lots for the Seamless Garment (John 19:23-24)

Love or Money

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your

hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. (Mother Teresa)







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Page 6: Mass schedule/horario - Clover · through 2 years of age during the 8:30 am and 11:00 am Masses. We will be open on Sunday August

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Over the Mountain1220 Alford AvenueBirmingham, Alabama 35226

Cellular: 205-310-8600Office: 205-822-2364Office Fax: 205-822-2610E-mail: [email protected]

Ashley JonesREALTOR®

Over the Mountain1220 Alford AvenueBirmingham, Alabama 35226

Cellular: 205-310-8600Office: 205-822-2364Office Fax: 205-822-2610E-mail: [email protected]

Ashley SellersRealtoR®

Over the Mountain1220 alford avenueBirmingham, alabama 35226

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Adventure Ark Playschool

Prince of Peace Catholic Church4600 Preserve Parkway | Hoover, AL 35266 | 205.822.9125 Ext. 15

[email protected]

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