Page 1: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend

MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass | Tuesday & First Friday & Saturday 8am

Second, Third & Fourth Fridays at Nursing Homes 9:15am Weekend Mass | Saturday 4:30pm • Sunday 10am Any Mass schedule changes will be noted in “This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar

DEVOTIONS Rosary: Prayed Before Each Mass Eucharis c Adora on: First Friday in Chapel Friday 8:30am to Saturday 4pm

SACRAMENTS Reconcilia on: Every Saturday 3:30pm to 4:15pm in Reconcilia on Room in Chapel and any me by appointment. Bap sm & Marriage: Contact office for arrangements.

PARISH PERSONNEL Father Alex Gabriel, Pastor Chet Zuck, Deacon 573-369-2446 Gary Christoff, Re red Deacon 573-645-6814 Amy Frank, Secretary 573-375-4892

PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Sundays before Mass, 8:45am to 9:45am September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12

DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, Bishop |

ANNUAL PARISH PICNIC Sunday, August 25, 2019

540 North Mill Street | Eldon MO 65026 | Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 2:30pm Office (573) 392-5334 • Fax (573) 392-3493 • Email [email protected] •

PARISH MISSION: Sacred Heart Parish is commi ed to build up a Christ-centered family which is nourished by His Word and Sacraments and lives out its Faith in selfless service using its gi s and talents. PARISH MOTTO: I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Noon Monday prior to weekend announcement is to appear.

Page 2: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend

February 10, 2019 | Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time


SAT - 2/9 Reconcilia on 3:30pm, Mass 4:30pm

SUN - 2/10 PSR 8:45am Mass 9am

TUE - 2/12 Mass 8am, Quil ng 8:30am

WED - 2/13 RCIA 7pm Rectory Basement


Parish Council Mtg. 6:30pm Altar Sodality Mtg. 7pm

FRI - 2/15 Mass 9:15 am Rock Island

SAT - 2/16 Reconcilia on 4pm, Mass 4:30pm

SUN - 2/17 PSR 8:45am Mass 9am


SUN - 2/10 Jack Graessle Clarence & Kathlene Leuthen

TUE - 2/12 Sharon Cole

FRI - 2/15 Jack Graessle

SAT - 2/9 Sharon Cole

SUN - 2/10 Clara Harms

Tues.-2/12 Augus ne Family

FRI.– 2/15 Jack Graessle

WEEKLY OFFERING 02/03/2019 Regular - $3978.00 Food for the needy $20.00 Samaritan Fund $100.00

TOTAL - $4,098.00 ____________________________________

CSA 2019 As of 01/31/2019

Goal:20,212.00 $ Received:$16,979.00 (commitments) Over(Under): ($3,233.00) % Goal: 84.00% # Donors: 58

FROMTHEPASTOREucharis c Adora on: Our Parish has been blessed to have Eucharis c Adora-

on star ng on every First Friday a er mass and ending up on first Saturday at 4 pm. It is a very powerful devo on that has been quite profound in the Church. It is a me one spends with the Lord either in silence or in prayer. He is invi ng us ‘come to me all you who labor and are burdened I will give you rest’. The presence of Jesus permeates the en re church which cannot be ex-plained but it has to be experienced. A gentle man under church improvement project told me, Father, ‘it is so peaceful out here in the Chapel.’ This is not the first me I have heard such good news. How the Good Lord fills the persons with His peace!

I do appreciate all those who par cipate in the Eucharis c adora on on a reg-ular basis. I thank Be y Markway who has been coordina ng it very well. What I have no ced is the most of the people who sign up for adora on are the same all the me. Hence, I invite others who have not been yet to taste how good the Lord is! Please spare a bit of your me at least once a month to be with the Lord. Every one of us has got too many things going on. In the midst of that en re if we want, we can certainly spare me for spiritual experi-ence. I suggest that you make it as your monthly schedule. When husband and wife are praying together, it makes immense difference in their married life. More so, if their kids are with them, they will also learn to spend me with the Lord. Some parents do bring their kids.

I have found some inspiring thoughts by saints on their devo on to the Eucha-ris c Lord which I am sharing with you as following:

"I have a burning thirst to be honored by men in the Blessed Sacrament, and I find hardly anyone who strives, according to My desire, to allay this thirst by making Me some return of love." (Words of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary) "The me you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best me that you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlas ngly more glorious and beau-

ful in heaven, and will help bring about an everlas ng peace on earth. ""Perpetual Eucharis c Adora on with exposi on needs a great push. People ask me: 'What will convert America and save the world?' My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacra-ment in holy hours of prayer."(Mother Teresa of Calcu a) "When I stand up to talk, people listen to me; they will follow what I have to say. Is it any power of mine? Of course, not. St. Paul says, 'What have you that you have not received and you who have received, why do you glory as if you had not?' But the secret of my power is that I have never in fi y-five years missed spending an hour in the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. That's where the power comes from. That's where sermons are born. That's where every good thought is conceived." (Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen)

Page 3: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend


Harold Berendzen John Brockmeier Kimberly Burton Gary Clark Bernard Evers Ben Galeski Ella Mae Gibbs Therese Ambrose Hunt Marguerite Kemna Daniel Kempker, Sr. Al Lepper Aiden McDowell

Teresa Mergelkamp Arline Mergelkamp Suzanne Michels Colleen Michelson Don & Kathy Ressel Phillip Regalado Louis Sandbothe Doris Sanning Gerold Sanning Susan Schulte Chris nea Schwarzer Bonnie Schwintek Marcy Wall Pauline Whi en Sue Wilmesher

FAMILY & FRIENDS Ed & Joan Albes Ron Arnold Sharon Barnhart Lynn Beanland Chris e Belk Pam Block Theresa Bi le-Harenza Hunter Bushnell Kodie Cain Mike & Julie Carr Janet Coffman Pat Conger Bill Courter Leah Creekbaum Dick Dolby Mike Dowler Margaret Dowling Mary Eatherton Ronnie Fields Abigail Fisher Bob Fournier Jr. Aaron Fuerst Ma & Melissa Graves Graham Grimes John Grimson Mar n Halderman

Shelby Hall Dolores Harms Be y Hees Leeann & Jase Higgins Earnie Johannes Eric Johannes Sylvia Kimball Alberts Malayter Janet Mays Kyhl McDevi Shirley McIlwain Bill Parish Sara Payne Tony Phelps Ethan Pike Linda Presue Carol & Norb Rudroff Eas n Rustemyer Aiden Joseph Reichel Gary Riley Jaxton Sapp Ron Spencer Ken Thomas Catherine Wiseman

MILITARY FAMILY Brad Bus n & Meg Bus n Children, Joe &

Mary Bus n Jesse Jones Ma hew Marra & wife, Danielle Grandson,

Lore a Keilholz Larry Ruiz, Grandson, Eileen & Larry Sullivan Erik Michels, Son, Steve & Suzanne Michels Leroy Gilbert, Husband, Andrea Gilbert Paul Ambrose For those military who’ve returned from war,

may they truly be at peace.

Please contact the Parish Office and let us know if you wish to add a name to any of these parish prayer lists

or to let us know when prayers have been answered so we can refresh our prayer lists. Thank you!

ANNOUNCEMENTS&ACTIVITIESFeast of St. Valen ne: The feast of St. Valen ne falls on February 14. It is to honor the saint who went against the order of Emperor Claudius who had banned all marriages in 269 AD. Because, the Emperor wanted to have a big army for which he made it compulsory for all the youth to join the military. Valen ne was a priest then. He defied the order and started blessing the wed-dings of young couples in secret with candlelight. One day as he was perform-ing a marriage ceremony, he was caught and imprisoned. While he was in pris-on, many young folk who received marriage blessing threw flowers and notes of apprecia on through his prison window as they walked by. One of these young people was the daughter of the prison guard. With the permission of her dad, she visited with him in his prison cell. She would sit and talk for hours and thus helped him to keep his spirits alive. This went on for a while. Finally, the day before he was going to be executed, he le her a li le note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty signing it as,” Love from your Valen ne.” In the recent years, the business world has made it ‘lovers’ day making all kinds of gi s and cards available. Now the younger genera on not knowing the real meaning of Chris an love is blindly carried away by glamourous things of the market. It is a love with sacrifice which is selfless. It always and everywhere seeks the good and wellbeing of others. I wish and pray that we all may under-stand the true meaning this love revealed by Jesus which inspired Saints like St. Valen ne. A bulle n insert will give you more details about the saint. I ex-tend you all ‘A happy Valen ne Day.’

Many thanks: Debbie Guthrie who served in the Parish Finance Council for over 8 years has resigned to take up a new job at Eldon City Council. On behalf of the Parish, I extend her many thanks and apprecia on for her commendable service to the Parish and wish her well in her new job.

Lifetouch Photo Directory

You are invited to par cipate in our upcoming professional photography session for the new Sacred Heart Parish Directory.

Photography Dates:

February 21, 22, 23 (Thu-Sat) & March 1, 2 (Fri-Sat)

For complete informa on and to schedule your appointment online, visit While we encourage online sign-up, you

also may sign up a er Mass or call Melissa Albertson at 573-392-8247 to schedule a me.

If for some reason you CANNOT be present for the photo dates, please contact Melissa to inquire about submi ng a photo for the directory.

Page 4: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend



Server(s) - Jacob Miller Lector - Mike Kriegshauser Eucharis c Ministers - Bob Keilholz, Francis Veltrop Greet/Usher - Mike & Jonathan Bax Gary Clark , Tom Burns Music Ministry - Guitar Choir & Musicians

Server(s) - Kate Albertson Lector - Chris e Jung Eucharis c Ministers - Mary Graessle, Marilynn Zuck Greet/Usher - Joe Jung, Jonathan Engelmeyer, Bart & Gus Albertson Music Ministry - Pa Dudenhoeffer w/ Sacred Heart Choir


Server(s) - Sam Schupp Lector - Cheryl Schulte Eucharis c Ministers - Ed & Barb Powell Greet/Usher Bob & Sue Stewart, Brandon Schupp, Sylvester Schulte Music Ministry - Pa Dudenhoeffer w/ Sacred Heart Choir

Server(s) - Youth Mass Lector - Youth Mass Eucharis c Ministers - Terri Thebeau, Lore a Ponce Greet/Usher - Youth Mass Music Ministry - Youth Mass


Server(s) - Bryn Frank Lector - Jeremia Markway Eucharis c Ministers - Bill & Jo Bi le Greet/Usher - Mike & Susan Kriegshauser, Gerry Harms, Gary Block Music Ministry - Pa Dudenhoeffer w/ Sacred Heart Choir

Server(s) - Dalton & Marysa Stocklein Lector - Clint Zuck Eucharis c Ministers - Roseanna Weidinger, Barbar Bell Greet/Usher - Tomas & Barb Dixon, Music Ministry - Guitar Choir & Musicians


Server(s) - Jacob Miller Lector - Angie Fishburn Eucharis c Ministers - Bill Routon, Jane Hoffnerl Greet/Usher - Rhonda Routon, Jeff Fishburn, Bob & Lore a Keilholz Music Ministry - Pa Dudenhoeffer w/ Sacred Heart Choir

Server(s) - Kaeleigh Wickham Lector - Paula Niemeier Eucharis c Ministers - Duane & Cathy Kliethermes Greet/Usher - Ron & Myrna Schwintek, Ryan & Brandon Kliethermes Music Ministry - Guitar Choir & Musicians


Server(s) - Bryn Frank Lector - Susan Kriegshauser Eucharis c Ministers - Bill Routon, Ed Sanning Greet/Usher - Joe Bax, Mike Bax, Brandon Frank, Gerard Harms Music Ministry - To be announced

Server(s) - To be announced Lector - To be announced Eucharis c Ministers - To be announced Greet/Usher - To be announced Music Ministry - To be announced

If you are not able to fulfill your liturgical assignment, please contact Church office 573-392-5334

February 10, 2019 | Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time

Capital Campaign Funds

Total Pledges: $191,667.00

Pledges Received to date $151,401.99

Weekly Pledge total $760.00

Building Expenses

Tom Sater Design Consul ng $2,500.00

Liturgical Arts Studio $2,000.00

Crucifix/Sacred Heart Statue

Columbia Associates Architecture $37,038.05

B Johnson Contrac ng $254,428.09

Light for gathering area $2,700.00

Total to date $197,814.98

Congratula ons to Bishop McKnight,

for his one year

Anniversary of the Bishop's Episcopal

Ordina on , February 6, 2019.

Page 5: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend



1st Friday Mass 8am followed by

adora on

2 First Saturday

Mass 8am, followed by adora on

Reconcilia on 4p Mass 4:30p

3 PSR 8:45

Mass 10am


5 Mass 8am

Quil ng 8:30a



8 Mass at Rock Island Care

Center 9:15a

9 Reconcilia on

3:30pm Mass 4:30p

10 PSR 8:45

Mass 10am


12 Mass 8am

Quil ng 8:30am


14 Parish Council Mtg. 6:30pm Ladies Altar Sodality Mtg


15 Mass at Eldon

Nursing & Rehab 9:15pm

16 Reconcilia on

3:30 pm Mass 4:30pm

17 PSR 8:45

Mass 10am

18 Knights of Columbus

Mtg 7p

19 Mass 8am

Quil ng 8:30a

20 Spring Again


21 22 Mass at Lee House 9:15

23 Reconcilia on

3:30pm Mass 4:30pm

24 PSR 8:45

Mass 10am

25 26 Mass 8am

Quil ng 8:30a

27 28

February 10, 2019 | Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time



Sacred Heart Altar Sodality meeting will be February 14, 2019 at 7p.m. in the Catholic Center. All ladies of the parish are invited. At the meeting an agenda is discussed and then following the business meeting

there is fun and fellowship. Each meeting will have a theme, the February theme is Valentine gifts. For

more information, please call; Mary Ann Otto (president) 573-392-9114 or Barb Powell (vice-president) 573-375-0498.

Bishop McKnight’s February Prayer Intention “For the parishes and institutions of the Diocese of Jefferson City; that through all our pray-ers, works, joys and sufferings together, we may experience the communion of the Church and the bonds of peace.”

Sacred Heart Apprecia on Dinner, February 15th @ 6:30pm

Sign up sheets are located on the back table of the Parish Hall. Meat will be provided, please bring a side

dish or desert.

Page 6: MASS SCHEDULE PARISH PERSONNEL PARISH SCHOOL OF …“This Week In Our Parish” and on the Calendar ... September to April • Grades Pre-K to 12 DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY Most Reverend

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