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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTEC Extended Diploma in GAMES DESIGNUnit 73: Sound For Computer Games

Game Title

Provide detailed descriptions from chosen examples that establish… Clearly state what production technique(s) you think have been used to create specific soundtrack elements

Setting Very military sounding beginning, electronic syfi battles. Explosions and fighting Deep hollow drums, high string instruments.

Mood Epic, intense, fighting mood. Using the drums in ‘drums’ up the players need to finish the fight that has been going on over the past 3 games

Game genre Science fictio, action, shooter Electric sounds. Futuristic guns firing and spaceship flying over. All put together to make the feeling of a sc-fi.

Narrative Mostly battle communications and commands spoken by the main hero A very tinny sounding radio communication gives the impression of radio talk.

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