
Mary, Mother of God, Dogma

Slideshow by:

• Ericka Hiser

• Nathan McBeth

• Diego Chavez

• Paul Becker

• Shania Duling

The concerning event that is found in Luke 1:26-36 is when Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and

tells her that she is to conceive a son and call him Jesus.

Mary, Mother of God

The Blessed Virgin Mary was given the great privilege to be the Mother of God, and God entrusted his infant Church to St Peter and the apostles under the guidance of Mary, Mother of Divine Grace. Since that time Mary has watched over us as a mother who would watch over a tender child on a tempestuous night, and there are many titles that have been given to Mary through the church by God, not man.

Titles of Mary • Our Lady of Guadalupe

• Queen of Heaven

• The Blessed Virgin Mary

• The Blessed Mother

• Our Lady

1. The other titles flow from this one. If you can accept this title, the others are easier to accept.It is the easiest to defend doctrinally, biblically, and historically.Each of the three great pillars of the reformation-Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli have accepted this doctrine wholeheartedly.

What determines that Mary is the mother of Jesus? It is the logical argument that Jesus is God; therefore, Mary is the Mother of God. The Church Fathers, of course, agreed, and the following passages witness to their lively recognition of the sacred truth and great gift of divine maternity that was bestowed upon Mary, the humble handmaid of the Lord. 

Jesus implications referred to as one human and one divine as two persons and is not God

Nestorius in 428 rejected the title of what is two persons, human and divine.

The Council of Ephesus in 431 taught that Mary is truly the Mother of God, since she gave birth to the Second Person of the Trinity who became man for our sake.

Various names are what have been used to describe Mary's role as mother of Jesus. She is called "Mother of God" which translates the more accurately stated Greek term "Theotokos" or "Birth giver of God."

There are protestant concerns about the title of a mother that gives birth to a person, nature or bodies. It is proven because you are a person from when you are born to when you die.

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