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  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    2014 Council Campaign Video Script

    Hey guys!!

    Before I get on to the scripts, heres a brief overview:

    Plot Structure

    Scene 1: An introductory scene about the 4 gods and why they have come to HC.

    Scene 2: This scene shows how the 4 gods are living the typical life of a Hwa Chong student.

    Scene 3: This scene brings in an antagonist and also serves to create a sense of suspense.

    Scene 4: This scene creates comedy and is also the scene where the gods save the day.

    Scene 5: This is a closing scene where students will celebrate the victory of the 4 gods.


    Ares: The leader of the pack, and also the first to point out things; the first to act. In the storyboard,

    he is the one wearing shades: [B-)]

    Artemis: She is aggressive, a hunter, yet crude at times. In the storyboard, she looks like this: [:-)]

    Athena: She is quiet, but inquisitive, innovative, and wise. In the storyboard, she looks like this: [=)]

    Apollo: She is goofy and random at times, but she is very enthusiastic. Contrary to what you might

    think, Apollo has an important role as not only does she add comical value to the video, she also

    contributes to the plot structure (see scene 4.26). In the storyboard, she has a sun around her face.

    Do familiarize with when and how you come in and your characterizations! Also, think about how

    we could go about filming the scenes/how we could even improve some of the scenes. Enjoy!!

    p.s. For scenes requiring us to film in person, Ill add an asterisk in front of the scene, i.e. *scene 1.3

    p.p.s The approximate time for each scene is at the back in italic square brackets, i.e. [0s]or [20s]

  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    Narrators Script

    Scene 1

    1.1: Once upon a time, there was a planet. The planet was known as..

    1.2: ..the Red Planet.

    1.3: On the planet, there lived four mighty gods:

    1.4: The God of War,

    1.5: The Goddess of Hunt,

    1.6: The Goddess of Wisdom, and

    1.7: The God of the Sun.

    1.8: They each had a unique and special ability. Apollo has the flashbang..

    1.10: ..and Athena is acquainted with the Angry Birds..

    1.12: ..Artemis has a forte in whacking people..

    1.13: ..and Ares is just the coolest of them all.

    1.14: But together, the 4 gods had an awesome ultimate skill.

    1.17: There came a time that the four mighty gods prepared..

    1.18: leave for its neighbor, Earth, to go for none other than..

    1.19: ..the unprecedented Hwa Chong Exchange Programme.

    1.20: And so, their journey began

    Scene 3

    3.1: Far far away, a crazy and evil mastermind lived..

    3.2: ..on a dwarfplanet nine-thousand-six-hundred-and-forty-three-lightyears away.

    3.3: For decades, he has been observing the 4 gods of Mars..

    3.4: ..waiting for the opportunity to strike.

  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    Scene 1: Introduction

    1.1: Start with a red planet in space narrator starts speaking [5s]

    1.2: MARS in big and bold letters pops out suddenly [1s]

    *1.3: 4 gods pose in center [3s]

    *1.4: Pan-right unto Ares and pose [1s]

    *1.5: Pan-left unto Artemis and pose [1s]

    *1.6: Zoom centre-out unto Athena and pose [1s]

    *1.7: Quick transition to Apollo and pose [1s]

    *1.8: Apollo shoots one hand into the air and there is a sudden burst of white that turns screen

    white [3s]

    *1.9: Angry bird plushie thrown at Apollo from right [1s]

    *1.10: Apollo collapses while Athena takes center and poses [2s]

    *1.11: Big-whacking-thing swings in from right, and Athena cringes and falls [2s]

    *1.12: Artemis takes center and poses while Ares is in the background with his dual-pistols [2s]

    *1.13: Ares comes towards the foreground and shoots, and Artemis falls, then Ares poses [3s]

    *1.14: Apollo, Athena, and Artemis get up from the ground and pose next to Ares [3s]

    *1.15: Everyone shouts Time Freeze! and stops moving[1s]

    *1.16: Still holding it there [3s]

    1.17: Quick flip over to space, showing Mars and Earth [4s]

    1.18: Zoom onto Earth [3s]

    1.19: HWA CHONG EXCHANGE PROGRAMME pops up word after word as it is being said[5s]

    1.20: Slow zoom into Earth, scene slowly fades out [6s]

    Approximate time: 51s 1 min

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  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    Scene 2: Exploration

    *2.1: Start with angle of the sunny sky, then pan-down to see 4 gods sprawled on grass [5s]

    *2.2: Athena rubs eyes and asks, Where are we? Apollo replies I dunno.[2s]

    *2.3: Ares shouts Look! Switch to frontal view of Hwa Chong from flagpoles, panning up slowly.[5s]

    *2.4: Ares says Were in Hwa Chong! and everyone coos ooooooh while 4 gods walk towards

    central plaza. [4s]

    *2.5: Small group of students dancing randomly in inner plaza. Apollo exclaims So many students!!

    and Artemis asks What are they doing?[6s]

    *2.6: Ares answers Theyre dancing!! Everyone coos oooooooooooh (hahahah jiahua)[3s]

    *2.7: Suddenly, Wild Wild West track starts to play. Someone shouts EVERYBODY! and everyone

    starts dancing (left jerk right jerk, etc), including the 4 gods [15s]

    *2.8: Period bell rings. Students scatter and music stops. Apollo says Guys the bell rang!! and Ares

    says I think we gotta go for lecture now. Athena exclaims Lets go! while Artemis mumbles

    Whatever.. 4 gods walk towards background, scene slowly fades out [10s]

    2.9: switch to close-up view of LT3 sign [1s]

    2.10: flip to view of a lecturer teaching through angle from back of lecture theatre [3s]

    *2.11: 4 gods sit alone at extreme corner. Artemis grunts I hate math! while Athena delightedly

    says omg so fuuuuuun~ Apollo simply dozes off while Ares says I love Mr Lau!!(this one can

    anyhow haha) [5s]

    *2.12: Period bell rings. Artemis, sounding sarcastic, goes like yaaaaaaaay and turns to shake

    Apollo awake. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake UP!!! Apollo jumps in shock and stretches. Ares says hey

    guys lets go canteen and Apollo says YAY FOOD!!!![10s]

    *2.13: Flip to 4 gods walking to canteen, talking among themselves (surroundings are rather empty)


    *2.14: Flip to top-view of canteen, which is totally crowded, while 4 gods enter from a corner. Await-what?? sound effect is played (record scratching sound) and Artemis says whaaaaaaaat[4s]

    *2.15: Show the whole queuing process next(in fast forward) until all food has been bought.

    Meanwhile Artemis says something like siaaaan leh why so long and Athena says like im so


    *2.16: 4 gods walk to a table and sit down to eat. 4 gods take a bite and look at camera and together

    say Mmm! while pointing thumbs up, then Apollo goes like omnomnomnomnomnomnom.

    Scene slowly fades out while panning up [10s]

    Approximate time: 93s 1.5 min

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  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    Scene 3: Antagonist

    3.1: From a dark screen, brighten a bit to reveal a vague, dark figure(with back facing screen) who is

    chuckling hehehe as narrator starts to speak[6s]

    3.2: Switch to space, showing Earth, Mars, and Pluto which is 9643 lightyears away [5s]

    3.3: Switch to a dim, dark view of a laptop showing 4 gods doing random things [5s]

    3.4: Switch back to dark figure who is using the laptop. After narrator finishes speaking, he says You

    are not alone and chuckles hehehe[10s]

    3.5: Dark figure turns around to reveal scream face. He speaks: THEY HAVE LET DOWN THEIR

    GUARD!! Now is the time hehehe[6s]

    3.6: Switch to a view of Earth, zooming into it slowly. He speaks with vengeance: For no reason at

    all I shall find them, and I SHALL KILL THEM!!! (raises voice) WAHAHA[10s]

    3.7: Flip to Plutoman standing in front of (refer to scene 2.3), laughing thunderously


    3.8: As Plutoman continues his diabolical laugh, scene slowly fades out while panning down [4s]

    Approximate time: 52s 1 min

  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


  • 8/12/2019 Mars Video Notes


    Scene 4: Confrontation

    *4.1: 4 gods playing basketball with a few Hwachies(in PE attire). Ares passes to Artemis and says


    *4.2: Artemis shoots and scores and everyone cheers GOAAL![3s]

    *4.3: Ares brings the ball to the 3-point-line to start a new round. He checks the ball to Apollo [5s]

    *4.4: Plutoman suddenly barges in and snatches the ball. He chuckles WAHAHA! and Apollo

    screams HEYY THATS MINE!!![5s]

    *4.5: Plutoman throws it high and far into the background and shouts NOT ANYMORE!! WAHAHA

    Ares raises his voice and says OI WHAT YOU DOING?![7s]

    *4.6: The 4 gods approach Plutoman and question him sternly, Who are you? But Plutoman

    sniggers hehehe and disappears into thin air with a vanishing sound [5s]

    *4.7: the 4 gods look around puzzled and confused and Ares shouts Where is he?![3s]

    *4.8: Suddenly, Plutoman reappears as if he was jumping down. In an outward waving motion, he

    uses the force to throw everyone backwards onto the ground. He laughs WAHAHA[5s]

    *4.9: Everyone, dazed and afraid, takes to their feet and run for their lives. The 4 gods run away in

    one direction [7s]

    *4.10: Ares shouts This way! and the 4 gods run up the stairs in the canteen(closer to drinks stall

    side) [3s]

    *4.11: When they reach the second floor, Plutoman is there waiting. They scream at his sight. He

    says Where do you think youre going? Everyone turns around and Ares shouts Run back down!.

    Plutoman indulges in his diabolical laugh again WAHAHA[5s]

    *4.12: They run down the stairs from the same angle shot in scene 4.9 [3s]

    *4.13: Ares shouts Run there! and the 4 gods run in one direction(right) [3s]

    *4.14: Plutoman pops up again with arms wide spread and exclaims COME TO PAPA!!! WAHAHA

    Everyone screams AAAAAAHHH!![5s]

    *4.15: Ares shouts Run back! and they run in the opposite direction from the same angle shot in

    scene 4.12 [3s]

    *4.16: Still shooting continuous from scene 4.15, Plutoman runs after them and says Im coming for

    ya!!!! [2s]

    *4.17: Switch to rooftop view of Plutoman playing catching with 4 gods around central plaza [10s]

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    *4.35: He opens his legs and spreads his hands open downwards and the camera starts to shake. A

    big black ball of dark energy appears beneath his hands and it appears to be growing. The colour of

    the scene becomes distorted because of this. He dictates YOU WILL ALL DIE NOW!! WAHAHA!!![7s]

    *4.36: Pan to the 4 gods. Athena suddenly has a bright idea and exclaims OH! We can use our ulti

    guys!! Ares says OH YAA!!!! QUICK QUICK QUICK (camera still shaking)[5s]

    *4.37: 4 gods shout Time Freeze! and the camera stops shaking. Everyone stops moving[4s]

    *4.38: Athena says We should create a time warp! Ares nods and the 4 gods proceed to stand in a

    formation like a diamond around the frozen Plutoman, with arms outstretched towards the villain.

    Plutoman starts to distort and warp [7s]

    *4.39: Zoom into Plutomans face as the screen begins to twirl and whirl and distort and warp.

    Plutoman goes like ugh.. what is this.. no.. and the screen slowly fades out[7s]

    4.40: Flip to space showing Earth and a vortex travelling from it to Pluto which is 9643 lightyears

    away. Plutoman is shouting NOOOOOOOO.. in the background, but his voice becomes less and less

    audible and the screen slowly fades out [10s]

    Approximate time: 238s 4 mins

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    Scene 5: Ending

    5.1: On a black background, the words BACK AT THE BPA pop up [3s]

    *5.2: flip to the 4 gods standing in the foreground and many Hwachies standing in the background

    cheering at the BPA [3s]

    *5.3: The 4 gods go like yeah! woohoo! aw yea and celebrate. Wild Wild West track plays and

    everyone starts dancing (left jerk right jerk, etc), including the 4 gods(refer to scene 2.7) [10s]

    5.4: Scene and audio slowly fade into a blur [7s]

    5.5: Flip to Plutoman, who says And thatmy friends, is the story of our four faculties.[5s]

    5.6: The End [2s]

    Approximate Time: 30s = 0.5 min

    5.7(?): Special thanks, Bloopers, Unmasking Plutoman, Campaigning process, Getting supporters to

    say Vote for Mars!. Theme song Wild Wild West?[2mins]

    Total Approximate Time: 8mins + 2mins = 10mins

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