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Beyond 10 Factor Matching

The expectations from marriage are different when compared

to the Vedic period for example, the importance for wealth

generation, competitive environment, mental tension

upbringing the children, lifestyle etc, but surprisingly the Vedic

astrology has answers for all these problems and he is the one

to have analytical skills to go in-depth of this wonderful subject.

Today's advancement in science and technology should be

taken into the account especially in the case of marriage and

marital discord and the reasons based on today’s life style. The

expectations are different, it is not only the physical

appearance that matters, it is more of the support to the

family earning capabilities economic reasons and so on.

The requirements for marriage matching goes beyond the

normal ten traditional parameters like understanding, character,

intelligence etc.

Some of the common problems found in delayed


• For marriage the involvement of third house[9th from 7th

house] 11th house[5th from the 7th house] and the 7th

house. The eighth house represents the longevity or a

secured marriage popularly known as magalya bhava.

• Here the presence of ketu may cause delays, these delays

are due to the moods of the person having ketu in the 7th

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house. Here one has to be cautious and should be aware,

due to his/her expectations the disappointment occurs.

• The presence of Saturn in the 7th house always leads to

delays in marriage for a male around 30th year and for a

female around 27th year.

• The affliction of the 7th house due to the aspect of Saturn

or the placement of the Saturn in the stars that denotes

the 7th house. For example if a person is born in mesha

rasi the placement of Saturn in libra or in the star of

sukra, namely bharani, puram, purvaasada, may

contribute to this delay

• The onset of ketu dasa may also cause the delay, the

aspect of Saturn on the 7th house in gochara[from the

moon sign] may also cause delays.


This means equality of Malific nature. This factor is also

important, the presence of papa planets namely mars, Saturn,

rahu, ketu, sun placement in 2nd, 4th, 7th,8th,12th cause

papasamyam, we can consider one point for each house

placement of malefics mentioned above. The rule is the points

should either be equal or lesser than the male. These factors

are also responsible for causing the delay.

Affliction to Venus

The affliction to the Venus by way of combustion with sun,

planetary war, placement with mars and the adverse planets in

the 7th house from Venus, combination of rahu or ketu with

Venus may cause serious set backs in relationship.

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In case of the presence of the malefics in the 7th house, the

partner’s horoscope the aspect of the planets to the 7th house

or presence in the 7th house is a positive factor.


It is very important to clarify the strength of the planets in

navamsa for a healthy married life. in case of the afflictions

there as well as in rasi then one has to do some remedial

factors. Based on the nature of the affliction.

The third house represent sangamam, the 7th house represents

desire and the 11th house represents progress associated with

marriage. The 7th house is the fulcrum or the lagna for

marriage. All these factors should be properly examined for


Added to the above factors the man made factors like earning

capabilities, status and sleek appearance, the riders are so

many that causes serious set backs, for example if the eligible

bride studied M.S and earning say 12 lacs per annum, she is

not merely satisfied if the groom is earning more than her, but

he should also have more than her education say M.S and

M.B.A etc, just analyze your expectations and give importance

accordingly, suppose if you are interested to lead a peaceful

life with the caring husband then you better formulate your

ideas according to your requirement, by marrying the money

making machine, you can be initially happy but the frustration

will certainly follow, be clear with your ideas and search

accordingly, too much of money does not guarantee you the

passport for a happy married life, also match your ideas with

other persons point of view and be realistic, in order to avoid

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man made problems, status alone does not bring you the

happiness and the person with only objective of caring for you

may turnout to become a disappointment, balanced approach is

essential, it is important that a girl should some how get

engaged before her 27/28th year and a male should not cross

his 31/32nd year in order to excise better choice. Do not keep

postponing things, it is your life make it a merrier one!

The Science of Horoscope Matching – For Lasting


Now a days every one expects the bride to be employed and

should have equal status and sharing the responsibilities at

home as well as to carry out the responsibilities in profession,

in addition to that she will have to carry the responsibility of

pregnancy and deliver the child, adding to this it is not fair for

any one to expect her to do the cooking and house hold works.

These type of pressures may not last long and a a girl easily

gets frustrated with too many responsibilities and shows her

displeasures. If some one gets into the shoes of the girl

perhaps they can understand things better, if a girl is also

employed and the bread winner of the family, the equation

certainly changes and adaptability to the situation can only

bring in the peace to any family. There is no point in blaming

the girl or her horoscope matching.

The traditional ten matches are sufficient in analyzing the

compatibility, but the present day’s situation is different, she

also go through the professional pressures and strenuous

travels and overtime working etc.

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Under the circumstances, one should understand her potential

earning capabilities, ascertained from analyzing her 10th, 11th

and 2nd house. Analyzing her 4th house reveals her comfort

level. The second and the 9th house , indicates her family and

luck factors, all these matters conveys her moods and

adaptability to the situation.

In a Males horoscope it is important to find out his level of

tolerance and his approach, from his 2nd and the fifth house.

His 9th house and Venus talks about his luck and affection and

romance. It is important for the women to offer security and

soothing words and basic understanding to make the life

smooth, so that both of them engages in working professionally

and also finding time to bring up their children and they can

live with better understanding to lead the better quality of life.

The following things to be analyzed in a female horoscope.

1.7th house- for husband

2.12th house- conjugal life

3.position of the Mars- expectation from her husband

4.2nd house- her tolerance, family finance and talks.

5.4th house her level of comfort

6.10th house her professional responsibilities

7.>star- her approach and character.

8.Venus luxury and happiness

These factors are very much important to analyze the

compatibility with male and also her progressive dasa periods.

Similarly in the case of male his expectations can be gauged by

the position of Venus, his professional competence, his earning

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capabilities, all these factors can be gauged from 2nd, 9th, 10,

11th house, the progeny factor from the 5th house of male and

from the 9th house of female and finally their longevity.

By analyzing in depth, one can come to the conclusion, any

way the god’s will is over and above all these analysis, we are

only making an attempt to do our job at best.

The process goes like this,

First step: picking the right horoscope with the basic

knowledge of star comparability.

Second step: short listing the horoscopes with the help of

the astrologer

Third step: communication to the concerned parents and

arrive the mutual conclusion

Fourth step: meeting of the boy and girl and arriving the


Fifth step: the marriage takes place.

When you are short listing the horoscope it is done on the

random basis. When you are at the stage of finalizing say from

10 short listed horoscopes, you may find mutual interest only

with three or four parties. At that point of time it is better to

have second round of discussion with the horoscopes for a

detailed analysis, in a way this process will reduce the

mistakes and errors and make them to live happily for ever.

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The dasa sandhi

The dasa sandhi is attached with importance in match making,

we are addressing the positive and negative features of the


Dasa sandhi occurs when the dasa period of the male and the

dasa period of the female changes ranging from few days to

one year?

For example a male is running the gurudasa, say it ends by

15th November 2010 and from that time onwards the Saturn

dasa commences.

In the case of the female, suppose the ongoing Mars dasa

coming to an end by say 10th of October 2010 then the

difference between the starting of the dasa’s between the male

and female is just 35 days, this is called the dasa sandhi.

Due to the change of dasa there may be some inherent

changes in life style and that may affect the routines and they

may even go through a period of impediments, as a precaution

this type of horoscopes based on the coincidence of dasa

change is avoided.

The span or the interval between the boy and girl need not

exceed 365 days for this consideration, because in some cases

the dasa sandhi is considered more than three years also,

according to our opinion if the earth completes one cycle in

365 days may not have the chain reaction if the interval is

more than one year.

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Suppose even in case of the dasa sandhi, the change of dasa

period belongs to the benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus,

mercury and moon, this dasa sandhi considered to be

auspicious. hence it can be accepted, in case of the dasa

sandhi of the malefic planets like mars, Saturn, rahu, ketu, sun

and krishnapaksha moon and badly associated mercury can be

associated as malefic and it should be treated on case to case


Mars dosha chevvai dosham-manglik dosham

[Meenam] Mars [mesham] [Rishabam] [Mithunam]







Rasi chart

placement of Mars in the

above places

does not cause dosha. Mars


[Dhanush] Mars

[Vrichigam] [Thulam] [Kanni]

If the mars are in the above places the dosha gets cancelled, if

Saturn aspects the mars even then the dosha stands cancelled.

Rishaba lagnam and simma lagnam the mars in the second

house cancels the mars dosha

For vrichika lagnam mars in 12th house the dosha cancelled.

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As a general rule mars in 2nd,4th,7th,8th,12th house then the

dosha is present.


Malefic planets in Lagnam, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th from the

lagnam is known as Papasamyam, it is important to check up

only 7th, 8th and 12th. As a rule when malefic planet occupies

this place naturally 6th house, 7th house and 8th house is 180

degrees from 12th, 1st, 2nd house.

Only these six houses with reference to lagnam and Venus to

be analyzed, here the affliction of the girl should be less

than that of the boy, for the simple reason a girl should not

add misfortunes, but here the blind application of malefic to be

matched with malefic is wrong, especially for those born in

Katagam and Simmam with rahu in the 7th house, should not

be matched with similar one, similarly matching two kalasarpa

yoga horoscopes etc.

Delays in Marriage

If Saturn is in any way associated with the 7th house then the

marriage after 27years for boy and 25 years for girl is the

natural and early marriage in these cases will bring more

difficulties. Also placement of ketu in the 7th house causes


Running of the Ketu dasa causes set backs in marriage

Myths about stars

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In case of aslesha or mulam the last two quarters are not

harmful. In case of visagam only the last quarter is harmful,

the other three are okay.

Economic conditions

Progressive dasa period is essential for a brighter tomorrow, as

well as economic conditions. Presence of dana yoga is also

important. Career and business prospect should also be


Attitude and Qualities

Qualities should be examined properly otherwise the ego

clashes will lead to divorce or separation in today’s context.

For eg. presence of the strong sun associated with 8th house,

strong Jupiter, exalted Saturn or even Venus may cause the

qualities of domination. Naturally the partner must be flexible,

or understanding or friendly for better understanding. Matching

the two powerful horoscope will certainly end in separation.

A proper matching will always ensure a happy married life. You

will have any regrets for missing out prospective horoscopes

for silly reasons.

The importance & significance of traditional marriage


In our ancient scripts astrology is described as “the eye of

Veda”. We are taking this initiative to understand the

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significance of the matches, so that the individuals can decide

the importance rather than depending on the whims & fancies

of various astrologers who simply reject even the best matches

on flimsy grounds. We invite the queries and the clarifications

in this subject. We are attempting to present this article for

the benefit of those who have contemplating in making the

right choice.

DINA Porutham

This is counted with reference to female stars. Here the

important factors to be considered are to omit the 22nd star

also known for its ill effects. This combination is important for

Prosperity & Happiness in life.

GANAM Porutham:

This match essentially talks about the qualities described under

three categories as Deva ganam, Manushya ganam and

Rakshasa ganam. As the name suggests Deva stands for

sathvik quality, Manushya represents rajasya quality and

Rakshasa represents tamasa quality. The important factor here

is female being a weaker sex is expected to have soft qualities

with reference to male. For example, female born under the

Rakshasa ganam can not be matched with a male born under

Deva ganam. In case of this type of marriage, a female always

dominates over male and she will become the deciding

authority. There are possibilities of mutual conflicts and

arguments due to this factor.

MAHENDRA Porutham:

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This match is considered for longevity & offspring and this

match have lesser importance.


This match is also essential for longevity of the couples and

lesser importance is given for this match.

YONI Porutham:

The importance is given for this combination considering the

sexual gratification of the couples. Here the miss matches are

mentioned clearly and importance should be given to this


RASI Porutham:

Counting from the female the 7th rasi to 12th rasi is

considered to be auspicious. This represents compatibility of

the mind as well as progeny. The absence of this match may

lead to disagreement between them.

RASI LORD Combination:

This combination doesn’t have the direct impact on the married

couples and it talks about the friendly atmosphere of the kith &

kin the married couples. Indirectly their enmity may create


VASHYA Porutham: (mutual attraction)

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It is very important to have mutual love & attraction, so that

many differences may get forgotten or forgiven. This

combination talks about everlasting attraction between them.

Though this combination is important the absence of this

combination cannot create any serious setbacks.

RAJU Porutham:

This is the most important combination considered by all the

caste & communities. It talks about the longevity of the

couples, prosperity and their future generation. This

combination should be present. However some exceptions are

also mentioned. But it is advisable have this combination intact.

VEDAI Porutham: (aversion)

Here the stars are listed with mutual enmity. This combination

is also very important because the mutual aversion may result

in separation or remarriage.

NADI Porutham:

In certain cases the mutual union may have adverse effects &

health factors considering this fact. The other parameters in

the horoscope with regard to health factors should be



This factor is very much popular with keralite astrologers. The

combination of lagna in 6th & 8th position with reference to

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female may cause troubles with regard to the quality of the

child. So this combination is considered to be important.


This combination deals with sins committed in the previous

births. This negative factor should be less when compared to

male so that the progress of the male will not get affected.

This is again based on the presence of malefic planets in 1st,

4th, 7th, 8th & 12th houses counted from lagnam & moon sign

and also from Venus.


The birth dates also plays an important role in considering the

qualities of Male & Female. The proper combination is essential

for harmonious life & prosperity. We also consider the

matching of the name by numerology.


Western astrologers give prime importance for the position of

sun & it has lot of meaning. The sun sign gives the exact

qualities of the person, their approach, like & dislikes etc. This

combination also strengthens the mutual love & care between


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