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Marlboro Cigarettes

Marlboro Cigarettes[Document subtitle]

Table of ContentsIntroduction:3Reasons for Attraction towards Smoking and Role of Society:4Adverse Effects of Smoking:5Conclusion6References6

Introduction:One of many problems that humanity has been confronted with in present world is the issues of cigarettes smoking. Cigarette smoking has a long history associated with it. Philip Morris is considered as one of the largest cigarette producer in the world. One of the best brands of Philip Morris is Marlboro. It was initially launched in 1924 as a finest quality cigarette with women as its primary target market (Hemdev, 2005). Cigarette smoking was ultimately become prevalent in all of the European countries with equally popularity among females as highlighted by Marlboro. With the advancement in technology, the unfavorable impact of cigarette smoking on mankinds health have risen alarmingly. In 1950s, researches came to surface highlighting cigarette smoking as the foremost reason behind lungs cancer. Scholars have announced cigarette smoking as a dangerous addiction publicly that is majority of the scenarios lead to destructive consequences. These kind of news indeed hit the sales of Marlboro cigarettes across the globe (Shapiro, 1993).The purpose of this essay is to emphasize the negative consequences of getting addicted to cigarettes such as Marlboro among teenagers from all economic classes, cultures, religions, and the lesson that they and the whole society can learn from the side effects of smoking addiction. A society with high ratio of smokers faces serious consequences. Reasons for Attraction towards Smoking and Role of Society:There are numerous reasons regarding why individuals especially teenagers get attracted to Marlboro cigarettes. On majority of occasions, it is based on personal decision making. A big role is this decision making is played by the extensive advertisement of Marlboro cigarettes by Philip Morris. It was very common to see advertisements involving smoking on electronic and print media. Children in their early teen age get easily influenced by the misleading advertisements with their favorite stars doing smoking, though, in some cultures there have been restrictions being laid that prohibit smoking advertisements. In various advertisements of Marlboro cigarettes, people like a navy officer and rancher were shown to attract people towards it. Marlboros advertisement came up with messages like a safer filtered brand of cigarette that do not cause any harm to body. An advertisement of Marlboro Macho Man with tattoos really attracted people towards it (Headden, 1998). According to some stats, around 90% of the cigarette smokers had started smoking Marlboro in the teenage. The pressure of peers and group conformity also play its part in influencing teenagers to get involve in smoking addiction. Smoking cigarettes is mostly represented as a cool and stylish activity to do. The message of cool looks can easily tempt children to start smoking Marlboro and consequently harm their health. Culture also play its part in deciding whether smoking is acknowledged by the community or not. For instance, in Turkey it is not considered as bad as in Switzerland (Connolly, 2012).Adverse Effects of Smoking:Smoking results in endangering the lives of people in the long run. The ingredients like nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide can result in causing deadly diseases to individuals. For instance, Tar stains the teeth of smoker and its accumulation in lungs can ultimately cause cancer. Similarly, the inhale of carbon monoxide can lessen the consumption of oxygen by red blood cells in the body. The end result in breath shortness, exhaustion, and various diseases of lungs and heart (Percival, 2009). According to a survey conducted in US, around 480,000 people die due to smoking cigarettes in the country. It is approximately equal to death of one person in every five. Cigarette smoking has resulted in more deaths than the whole combination of HIV, alcohol, road and fire related accidents. Cigarettes smoking has help responsible for around 90% of lung cancer deaths in both male and female around the world. The ratio of female die of cigarette smoking is larger than death from any other disease (CDC, 2014). Cigarette smoke affect the vessels of blood and make them stiffen and develop slimmer. It results in heart beating at a faster rate and rises blood pressure. Cigarette smoking help responsible for around 30% of all the deaths involving use to tobacco. Around one billion consumers smoke cigarettes and approximately 6 million die per year due to it. These deaths also involves those people who are regarded as non-smokers but get exposed to second-hand smoke (AMC, 2015).ConclusionThe conclusion is that smoking cigarettes like Marlboro is considered as a silent killer that take the smoker towards serious fatal diseases. It is not only bad for smoker itself but also to the society. Individuals who remain in the company of cigarette smokers can also face the same diseases because of inhaling of carbon monoxide from the smoke. Therefore, it is very important to start educating children from small age about the bad effects of cigarette smoking (Elwany, Saeed, & Talaat, 2013). The society and government has to play its part in stopping any such material that can have influence on teen age children with respect to cigarette smoking. Governments has to decide whether they want economic benefits of allowing cigarettes like Marlboro in the countries or protect younger generation from the severe side effects of cigarette smoking (Mendes, Kapur, Wang, Feng, & Roetihig, 2008). ReferencesAMC. (2015, May 12). Global Tobacco Control. Retrieved from American Cancer Society: (2014, November 21). Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:, G. N. (2012). How society treats smoking. Connolly Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 1-5.Elwany, S., Saeed, Y. H., & Talaat, I. (2013). Effects of passive smoking on adult nasal respiratory mucosa. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 977-981.Headden, S. (1998). The Marlboro Man lives! U.S. News & World Report, 58.Hemdev, P. A. (2005). Marlboro A Mini Case Study . The Marketing Review, 73-96.Mendes, P., Kapur, S., Wang, J., Feng, S., & Roetihig, H. (2008). A randomized, controlled exposure study in adult smokers of full flavor Marlboro cigarettes switching to Marlboro Lights or Marlboro Ultra Lights cigarettes. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 295-305.Percival, J. (2009). Stop smoking interventions. COMMUNITY PRACTITIONER, 38-39.Shapiro, E. (1993). Marketing: Marlboro smokers defect to discounters. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition.


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