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( 27TH DECEMBER,2010 )

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I,EKTA PATEL hereby to declare that this projectis the record of authentic work carried

out by me during my academics e s s i o n   y e a r 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 a n d h a s n o t

b e e n s u b m i t t e d t o a n y o t h e r   university or institute towards the award of any


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I have the pleasure in certifying that EKTA PATEL Is a bonafide student of BBA THIRD YEAR of SEVENDAY ADVENTIST COLLAGE under ID NO.P221.

She has completed her project work entitled AIRTEL under my supervision.

I certify that this is her original effort & has not been copied from any other source. This project has also not been submitted in any other University for the purpose of award of any degree.

This project fulfills the requirements of the curriculum prescribed by University Of Nehu ,for the said course.


Name of the Guide:


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This is serve gratitude to all those people without whom this PROJECT would have never seen the light of day.

An endeavor is difficult to even initiate without the help of many souls who are always there by the grace of God. Researcher project is are sult of help provided by many people.

My project becomes a reality only because of cooperation of many people who had helped me in completing this project. I sincerely extend my gratitude to Mr.Anmol singh who has given me this golden opportunity to have an insight in the corporate world and who has been a source of guidance and support.

I sincerely thank my esteemed guide Mr. Anmol singh for his valuable guidance and co-operation rendered to me through out the project report. It would not have been possible for me to complete this project without there meticulous guidance and suggestions.

I give my thanks to MISS. SAZIYA (PROJECT GUIDE) andMISS. KHUSHBOO for their valuable contribution, co-operation and guidance from time to time for completion of this project.

Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents, friends, Colleagues and the staff of Bharti Airtel surat, who directly or indirectly help me during the course of project without which project would have been a Herculean task.

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The project aims at understanding the Marketing strategies at Airtel and its impact on the

perception ofAirtel Cellular Services.

Research has demonstrated conclusively that it is far more costlyto win a new customer

than it is to maintain an existing one. And there is no better way to retain a customer than

to exceed his expectations. For this purpose it is essential to know the level of customer

satisfaction. The focus of my research was theme asurement of customer satisfaction

level for the services provided by Bharti Airtel. The research was done for thecorporate

clients of Bharti Airtel. My job was not only to represent the Corporate Sales Dept. and

collect the feedback from the clients but also to get the major complaints resolved

through internal counselling. There can be no better opportunity to interact with the

external as well as the internal customers ofan organization. Finally the results of the

research verify the fact that keeping the customer satisfied is the best strategy to not only

retain the existing customers but also to expand the business to new horizons.

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Industry profile

Basic introduction

Early telecommunicationsA replica of one of Chappe's semaphore towers in Nalbach

During the Middle Ages, chains of beacons were commonly used on hilltops as a means of relaying a signal. Beacon chains suffered the drawback that they could only pass a single bit of information, so the meaning of the message such as "the enemy has been

sighted" had to b e agreed upon in advance. One notable instance of their use was during the Spanish Armada, when a beacon chain relayed a signal from Plymouth to London that signaled the arrival of the Spanishwarships.In 1792, Claude Chappe, a French engineer, built the first fixed visual telegraphy system (orsemaphore line) between Lille and Paris. However semaphore systems suffered from the need for skilled operators and the expensive towers at intervals of ten to thirty kilometers (six to twentymiles). As a result of competition from the electrical telegraph, the last commercial semaphore line was abandoned in 1880.

The telegraph and the telephoneThe first commercial electrical telegraph was constructed by Sir Charles Wheatstone and SirWilliam Fothergill Cooke, and its use began on April 9, 1839. Both Wheatstone and Cooke viewed their device as "an improvement to the [already-existing, so-called] electromagnetic telegraph" not as a new device. The businessman Samuel F.B. Morse and the physicist Joseph Henry of the United States developed their own, simpler version of the electrical telegraph, independently. Morse successfully demonstrated this system on September 2, 1837. Morse's most important technical contribution to this telegraph was the rather simple and highly efficient Morse Code, which was an important advance over complicated Wheatstone's telegraph system. The communications efficiency of the Morse Code anticipated that of the Huffman

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code in digital communications by over 100 years, but Morse had developed his code purely empirically, unlike Huffman, who gave a detailed theoretical explanation of how his method worked.The first permanent transatlantic telegraph cable was successfully completed on 27 July 1866, allowing transatlantic electrical communication for the first time.[6] An earlier transatlantic cable had operated for a few months in 1859, and among other things, it carried messages of greeting back and forth between President James Buchanan of the United States and Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.However, that transatlantic cable failed soon, and the project to lay a replacement line was delayed for five years by the American Civil War. Also, these transatlantic cables would have been completely incapable of carrying telephone calls even had the telephone already been invented. The first transatlantic telephone cable (which incorporated hundreds of electronic amplifiers) was not operational until 1956.[7]

The conventional telephone now in use worldwide was first patented by Alexander Graham Bell in March 1876.[8] That first patent by Bell was the master patent of the telephone, from which all other patents for electric telephone devices and features flowed. Credit for the invention of the electric telephone has been frequently disputed, and new controversies over the issue have arisen from time-to-time. As with other greatinventions such as radio, television, the light bulb, and the digital computer, there were several inventors who did pioneering experimental work on voice transmission over a wire, and then they improved on each other's ideas. However, the key innovators were Alexander Graham Bell and Gardiner Greene Hubbard, who created the first telephone company, the Bell Telephone Company of the United States, which later evolved into American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T).The first commercial telephone services were set up in 1878 and 1879 on both sides of the Atlantic in the cities of New Haven, Connecticut, and London, England.[9][10]

Radio and televisionIn 1832, James Lindsay gave a classroom demonstration of wireless telegraphy via conductive water to his students. By 1854, he was able to demonstrate a transmission across the Firth of Tay from Dundee, Scotland, to Woodhaven, a distance of about two miles (3 km), again using water as the transmission medium.[11] In December 1901, Guglielmo Marconi established wireless communication between St. John's, Newfoundland and Poldhu, Cornwall (England), earning him the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1909, one which he shared with Karl Braun.[12]However small-scale radio communication had already been demonstrated in 1893 by Nikola Tesla in a presentation before the National Electric Light Association.[13]

On March 25, 1925, John Logie Baird of England was able to demonstrate the transmission of moving pictures at the Selfridge's department store in London, England. Baird's system relied upon the fast-rotating Nipkow disk, and thus it became known as the mechanical television. It formed the basis of experimental broadcasts done by the British Broadcasting Corporation beginning September 30, 1929.[14] However, for most of the 20th century, television systems were designed around the cathode ray tube, invented by Karl Braun. The first version of such anelectronic television to show promise was produced by Philo Farnsworth of the United States, and it was demonstrated to his family in Idahoon September 7, 1927.[15]

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Computer networks and the InternetOn 11 September 1940, George Stibitz was able to transmit problems using teletype to his Complex Number Calculator in New York and receive the computed results back at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.[16] This configuration of a centralized computer or mainframe computer with remote "dumb terminals" remained popular throughout the 1950s and into the 60's. However, it was not until the 1960s that researchers started to investigate packet switching — a technology that allows chunks of data to be sent between different computers without first passing through a centralized mainframe. A four-node network emerged on December 5, 1969. This network soon became theARPANET, which by 1981 would consist of 213 nodes.[17]

ARPANET's development centred around the Request for Comment process and on 7 April 1969, RFC 1 was published. This process is important because ARPANET would eventually merge with other networks to form the Internet, and many of the communication protocols that the Internet relies upon today were specified through the Request for Comment process. In September 1981, RFC 791 introduced theInternet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and RFC 793 introduced the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) — thus creating the TCP/IP protocol that much of the Internet relies upon today.However, not all important developments were made through the Request for Comment process. Two popular link protocols for local area networks (LANs) also appeared in the 1970s. A patent for the token ring protocol was filed by Olof Soderblom on October 29, 1974, and a paper on the Ethernet protocol was published by Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs in the July 1976 issue of Communications of the ACM.[18][19] The Ethernet protocol had been inspired by the ALOHAnet protocol which had been developed by electrical engineeringresearchers at the University of Hawaii.[edit]Key conceptsA number of key concepts reoccur throughout the literature on modern telecommunication systems. Some of these concepts are discussed below.

Basic elementsA basic telecommunication system consists of three primary units that are always present in some form:A transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal.A transmission medium, also called the "physical channel" that carries the signal. An example of this is the "free space channel".A receiver that takes the signal from the channel and converts it back into usable information.For example, in a radio broadcasting station the station's large power amplifier is the transmitter; and the broadcasting antenna is the interface between the power amplifier and the "free space channel". The free space channel is the transmission medium; and the receiver's antenna is the interface between the free space channel and the receiver. Next, the radio receiver is the destination of the radio signal, and this is where it is converted from electricity to sound for people to listen to.Sometimes, telecommunication systems are "duplex" (two-way systems) with a single box of electronics working as both a transmitter and a receiver, or a transceiver. For example, a cellular telephone is a transceiver.[22] The transmission electronics and the receiver electronics in a transceiver are actually quite independent of each other. This can

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be readily explained by the fact that radio transmitters contain power amplifiers that operate with electrical powers measured in the watts or kilowatts, but radio receivers deal with radio powers that are measured in the microwatts or nanowatts. Hence, transceivers have to be carefully designed and built to isolate their high-power circuitry and their low-power circuitry from each other.Telecommunication over telephone lines is called point-to-point communication because it is between one transmitter and one receiver. Telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter and numerous low-power but sensitive radio receivers.[22]

Telecommunications in which multiple transmitters and multiple receivers have been designed to cooperate and to share the same physical channel are called multiplex systems.

Analog or digital communications?Communications signals can be either by analog signals or digital signals. There are analog communication systems and digital communication systems. For an analog signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the information. In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values (for example, a set of ones and zeros). During the propagation and reception, the information contained in analog signals will inevitably be degraded by undesirable physical noise. (The output of a transmitter is noise-free for all practical purposes.) Commonly, the noise in a communication system can be expressed as adding or subtracting from the desirable signal in a completely random way. This form of noise is called "additive noise", with the understanding that the noise can be negative or positive at different instants of time. Noise that is not additive noise is a much more difficult situation to describe or analyze, and these other kinds of noise will be omitted here.On the other hand, unless the additive noise disturbance exceeds a certain threshold, the information contained in digital signals will remain intact. Their resistance to noise represents a key advantage of digital signals over analog signals.[23]

Communications networksA communications network is a collection of transmitters, receivers, and communications channels that send messages to one another. Some digital communications networks contain one or more routers that work together to transmit information to the correct user. An analog communications network consists of one or more switches that establish a connection between two or more users. For both types of network, repeaters may be necessary to amplify or recreate the signal when it is being transmitted over long distances. This is to combatattenuation that can render the signal indistinguishable from the noise.[24]

Communication channelsThe term "channel" has two different meanings. In one meaning, a channel is the physical medium that carries a signal between the transmitter and the receiver. Examples of this include the atmosphere for sound communications, glass optical fibers for some kinds ofoptical communications, coaxial cables for communications by way of the voltages and electric currents in them, and free space for communications using visible light, infrared

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waves, ultraviolet light, and radio waves. This last channel is called the "free space channel". The sending of radio waves from one place to another has nothing to do with the presence or absence of an atmosphere between the two. Radio waves travel through a perfect vacuum just as easily as they travel through air, fog, clouds, or any other kind of gas besides air.The other meaning of the term "channel" in telecommunications is seen in the phrase communications channel, which is a subdivision of a transmission medium so that it can be used to send multiple streams of information simultaneously. For example, one radio station can broadcast radio waves into free space at frequencies in the neighborhood of 94.5 MHz (megahertz) while another radio station can simultaneously broadcast radio waves at frequencies in the neighborhood of 96.1 MHz. Each radio station would transmit radio waves over a frequency bandwidth of about 180 kHz (kilohertz), centered at frequencies such as the above, which are called the "carrier frequencies". Each station in this example is separated from its adjacent stations by 200 kHz, and the difference between 200 kHz and 180 kHz (20 kHz) is an engineering allowance for the imperfections in the communication system.In the example above, the "free space channel" has been divided into communications channels according to frequencies, and each channel is assigned a separate frequency bandwidth in which to broadcast radio waves. This system of dividing the medium into channels according to frequency is called "frequency-division multiplexing" (FDM).Another way of dividing a communications medium into channels is to allocate each sender a recurring segment of time (a "time slot", for example, 20 milliseconds out of each second), and to allow each sender to send messages only within its own time slot. This method of dividing the medium into communication channels is called "time-division multiplexing" (TDM), and is used in optical fiber communication.[24][25] Some radio communication systems use TDM within an allocated FDM channel. Hence, these systems use a hybrid of TDM and FDM.

ModulationThe shaping of a signal to convey information is known as modulation. Modulation can be used to represent a digital message as an analog waveform. This is commonly called "keying" - a term derived from the older use of Morse Code in telecommunications - and several keying techniques exist (these include phase-shift keying, frequency-shift keying, and amplitude-shift keying). The "Bluetooth" system, for example, uses phase-shift keying to exchange information between various devices.[26][27] In addition, there are combinations of phase-shift keying and amplitude-shift keying which is called (in the jargon of the field) "quadrature amplitude modulation" (QAM) that are used in high-capacity digital radio communication systems.Modulation can also be used to transmit the information of low-frequency analog signals at higher frequencies. This is helpful because low-frequency analog signals cannot be effectively transmitted over free space. Hence the information from a low-frequency analog signal must be impressed into a higher-frequency signal (known as the "carrier wave") before transmission. There are several different modulation schemes available to achieve this [two of the most basic being amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM)]. An example of this process is a disc jockey's voice being impressed into a 96 MHz carrier wave using frequency modulation (the voice would then be

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received on a radio as the channel "96 FM").[28] In addition, modulation has the advantage of being about to use frequency division multiplexing (FDM).Society and telecommunicationTelecommunication has a significant social, cultural. and economic impact on modern society. In 2008, estimates placed the telecommunication industry's revenue at $3.85 trillion (USD) or just under 3.0 percent of the gross world product (official exchange rate).[1]The following sections discuss the impact of telecommunication on society.

Economic impact

MicroeconomicsOn the microeconomic scale, companies have used telecommunications to help build global business empires. This is self-evident in the case of online retailer but, according to academic Edward Lenert, even the conventional retailer Wal-Mart has benefited from better telecommunication infrastructure compared to its competitors.[29] In cities throughout the world, home owners use their telephones to organize many home services ranging from pizza deliveries to electricians. Even relatively-poor communities have been noted to use telecommunication to their advantage. In Bangladesh's Narshingdi district, isolated villagers use cellular phones to speak directly to wholesalers and arrange a better price for their goods. In Côte d'Ivoire, coffee growers share mobile phones to follow hourly variations in coffee prices and sell at the best price.[30]

MacroeconomicsOn the macroeconomic scale, Lars-Hendrik Röller and Leonard Waverman suggested a causal link between good telecommunication infrastructure and economic growth.[31] Few dispute the existence of a correlation although some argue it is wrong to view the relationship as causal.[32]

Because of the economic benefits of good telecommunication infrastructure, there is increasing worry about the inequitable access to telecommunication services amongst various countries of the world—this is known as the digital divide. A 2003 survey by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) revealed that roughly one-third of countries have fewer than one mobile subscription for every 20 people and one-third of countries have fewer than one land-line telephone subscription for every 20 people. In terms of Internet access, roughly half of all countries have fewer than one out of 20 people with Internet access. From this information, as well as educational data, the ITU was able to compile an index that measures the overall ability of citizens to access and use information and communication technologies.[33] Using this measure, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland received the highest ranking while the African countries Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Mali received the lowest.[34]

Social impactTelecommunication has played a significant role in social relationships. Nevertheless' devices like the telephone system were originally advertised with an emphasis on the practical dimensions of the device (such as the ability to conduct business or order home

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services) as opposed to the social dimensions. It was not until the late 1920s and 1930s that the social dimensions of the device became a prominent theme in telephone advertisements. New promotions started appealing to consumers' emotions, stressing the importance of social conversations and staying connected to family and friends.[35]

Since then the role that telecommunications has played in social relations has become increasingly important. In recent years, the popularity of social networking sites has increased dramatically. These sites allow users to communicate with each other as well as post photographs, events and profiles for others to see. The profiles can list a person's age, interests, sexuality and relationship status. In this way, these sites can play important role in everything from organising social engagements to courtship.[36]

Prior to social networking sites, technologies like SMS and the telephone also had a significant impact on social interactions. In 2000, market research group Ipsos MORI reported that 81% of 15 to 24 year-old SMS users in the United Kingdom had used the service to coordinate social arrangements and 42% to flirt.[37]

Other impactsIn cultural terms, telecommunication has increased the public's ability to access to music and film. With television, people can watch films they have not seen before in their own home without having to travel to the video store or cinema. With radio and the Internet, people can listen to music they have not heard before without having to travel to the music store.Telecommunication has also transformed the way people receive their news. A survey by the non-profit Pew Internet and American Life Project found that when just over 3,000 people living in the United States were asked where they got their news "yesterday", more people said television or radio than newspapers. The results are summarised in the following table (the percentages add up to more than 100% because people were able to specify more than one source).[38]

Local TV National TV Radio Local paper Internet National paper

59% 47% 44% 38% 23% 12%

Telecommunication has had an equally significant impact on advertising. TNS Media Intelligence reported that in 2007, 58% of advertising expenditure in the United States was spent on mediums that depend upon telecommunication.[39] The results are summarised in the following table.


RadioCable TV

Syndicated TV

Spot TV

Network TV






7.6% 7.2%12.1%


17.1% 18.9% 20.4% 2.7%100%


$11.31 billion

$10.69 billion

$18.02 billion

$4.17 billion

$16.82 billion

$25.42 billion

$28.22 billion

$30.33 billion

$4.02 billion

$149 billion

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Telecommunication and governmentMany countries have enacted legislation which conform to the International Telecommunication Regulations establish by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which is the "leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues."[40] In 1947, at the Atlantic City Conference, the ITU decided to "afford international protection to all frequencies registered in a new international frequency list and used in conformity with the Radio Regulation." According to the ITU's Radio Regulations adopted in Atlantic City, all frequencies referenced in the International Frequency Registration Board, examined by the board and registered on the International Frequency List "shall have the right to international protection from harmful interference."[41]

From a global perspective, there have been political debates and legislation regarding the management of telecommunication andbroadcasting. The history of broadcasting discusses some of debates in relation to balancing conventional communication such as printing and telecommunication such as radio broadcasting.[42] The onset of World War II brought on the first explosion of international broadcastingpropaganda.[42] Countries, their governments, insurgents, terrorists, and militiamen have all used telecommunication and broadcasting techniques to promote propaganda.[42][43] Patriotic propaganda for political movements and colonization started the mid 1930s. In 1936, the BBC did broadcast propaganda to the Arab World to partly counter similar broadcasts from Italy, which also had colonial interests in North Africa.[42]

Modern insurgents, such as those in the latest Iraq war, often use intimidating telephone calls, SMSs and the distribution of sophisticated videos of an attack on coalition troops within hours of the operation. "The Sunni insurgents even have their own television station, Al-Zawraa, which while banned by the Iraqi government, still broadcasts from Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, even as coalition pressure has forced it to switch satellite hosts several times." [43]

Modern operation


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Optical fiber provides cheaper bandwidth for long distance communicationIn an analog telephone network, the caller is connected to the person he wants to talk to by switches at various telephone exchanges. The switches form an electrical connection between the two users and the setting of these switches is determined electronically when the caller dials the number. Once the connection is made, the caller's voice is transformed to an electrical signal using a small microphone in the caller's handset. This electrical signal is then sent through the network to the user at the other end where it is transformed back into sound by a small speaker in that person's handset. There is a separate electrical connection that works in reverse, allowing the users to converse.[44][45]

The fixed-line telephones in most residential homes are analog — that is, the speaker's voice directly determines the signal's voltage. Although short-distance calls may be handled from end-to-end as analog signals, increasingly telephone service providers are transparently converting the signals to digital for transmission before converting them back to analog for reception. The advantage of this is that digitized voice data can travel side-by-side with data from the Internet and can be perfectly reproduced in long distance communication (as opposed to analog signals that are inevitably impacted by noise).Mobile phones have had a significant impact on telephone networks. Mobile phone subscriptions now outnumber fixed-line subscriptions in many markets. Sales of mobile phones in 2005 totalled 816.6 million with that figure being almost equally shared amongst the markets of Asia/Pacific (204 m), Western Europe (164 m), CEMEA (Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa) (153.5 m), North America (148 m) and Latin America (102 m).[46] In terms of new subscriptions over the five years from 1999, Africa has outpaced other markets with 58.2% growth.[47]Increasingly these phones are being serviced by systems where the voice content is transmitted digitally such as GSM or W-CDMA with many markets choosing to depreciate analog systems such as AMPS.[48]

There have also been dramatic changes in telephone communication behind the scenes. Starting with the operation of TAT-8 in 1988, the 1990s saw the widespread adoption of systems based on optic fibres. The benefit of communicating with optic fibers is that they offer a drastic increase in data capacity. TAT-8 itself was able to carry 10 times as many telephone calls as the last copper cable laid at that time and today's optic fibre cables are able to carry 25 times as many telephone calls as TAT-8.[49] This increase in data capacity is due to several factors: First, optic fibres are physically much smaller than competing technologies. Second, they do not suffer from crosstalk which means several hundred of them can be easily bundled together in a single cable.[50] Lastly, improvements in multiplexing have led to an exponential growth in the data capacity of a single fibre.[51]


Assisting communication across many modern optic fibre networks is a protocol known as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The ATM protocol allows for the side-by-side data transmission mentioned in the second paragraph. It is suitable for public telephone networks because it establishes a pathway for data through the network and associates a traffic contract with that pathway. The traffic contract is essentially an agreement between the client and the network about how the network is to handle the data; if the network cannot meet the conditions of the traffic contract it does not accept the connection. This is important because telephone calls can negotiate a contract so as to guarantee themselves a constant bit rate, something that will ensure a caller's voice is not delayed in parts or cut-off completely.[53] There are competitors to ATM, such

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as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), that perform a similar task and are expected to supplant ATM in the future.[54]

Radio and television

Digital television standards and their adoption worldwide.In a broadcast system, the central high-powered broadcast tower transmits a high-frequency electromagnetic wave to numerous low-powered receivers. The high-frequency wave sent by the tower is modulated with a signal containing visual or audio information. The receiver is then tuned so as to pick up the high-frequency wave and a demodulator is used to retrieve the signal containing the visual or audio information. The broadcast signal can be either analog (signal is varied continuously with respect to the information) or digital (information is encoded as a set of discrete values).[22][55]

The broadcast media industry is at a critical turning point in its development, with many countries moving from analog to digital broadcasts. This move is made possible by the production of cheaper, faster and more capable integrated circuits. The chief advantage of digital broadcasts is that they prevent a number of complaints with traditional analog broadcasts. For television, this includes the elimination of problems such as snowy pictures, ghosting and other distortion. These occur because of the nature of analog transmission, which means that perturbations due to noise will be evident in the final output. Digital transmission overcomes this problem because digital signals are reduced to discrete values upon reception and hence small perturbations do not affect the final output. In a simplified example, if a binary message 1011 was transmitted with signal amplitudes [1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0] and received with signal amplitudes [0.9 0.2 1.1 0.9] it would still decode to the binary message 1011 — a perfect reproduction of what was sent. From this example, a problem with digital transmissions can also be seen in that if the noise is great enough it can significantly alter the decoded message. Using forward error correction a receiver can correct a handful of bit errors in the resulting message but too much noise will lead to incomprehensible output and hence a breakdown of the transmission.[56][57]

In digital television broadcasting, there are three competing standards that are likely to be adopted worldwide. These are the ATSC, DVB andISDB standards; the adoption of these standards thus far is presented in the captioned map. All three standards use MPEG-2 for video compression. ATSC uses Dolby Digital AC-3 for audio compression, ISDB uses Advanced Audio Coding (MPEG-2 Part 7) and DVB has no standard for audio compression but typically uses MPEG-1 Part 3 Layer 2.[58][59] The choice of modulation also varies between the schemes. In digital audio broadcasting, standards are much more

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unified with practically all countries choosing to adopt the Digital Audio Broadcastingstandard (also known as the Eureka 147 standard). The exception being the United States which has chosen to adopt HD Radio. HD Radio, unlike Eureka 147, is based upon a transmission method known as in-band on-channel transmission that allows digital information to "piggyback" on normal AM or FM analog transmissions.[60]

However, despite the pending switch to digital, analog television remains being transmitted in most countries. An exception is the United States that ended analog television transmission (by all but the very low-power TV stations) on 12 June 2009[61] after twice delaying the switchover deadline. For analog television, there are three standards in use for broadcasting color TV (see a map on adoption here). These are known as PAL (British designed), NTSC (North American designed), and SECAM (French designed). (It is important to understand that these are the ways from sending color TV, and they do not have anything to do with the standards for black & white TV, which also vary from country to country.) For analog radio, the switch to digital radio is made more difficult by the fact that analog receivers are sold at a small fraction of the price of digital receivers.[62][63] The choice of modulation for analog radio is typically between amplitude modulation (AM) orfrequency modulation (FM). To achieve stereo playback, an amplitude modulated subcarrier is used for stereo FM.

The Internet

The OSI reference modelThe Internet is a worldwide network of computers and computer networks that can communicate with each other using the Internet Protocol.[64] Any computer on the Internet has a unique IP address that can be used by other computers to route information to it. Hence, any computer on the Internet can send a message to any other computer using its IP address. These messages carry with them the originating computer's IP address allowing for two-way communication. The Internet is thus an exchange of messages between computers.[65]

As of 2008, an estimated 21.9% of the world population has access to the Internet with the highest access rates (measured as a percentage of the population) in North America (73.6%), Oceania/Australia (59.5%) and Europe (48.1%).[66] In terms of broadband

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access,Iceland (26.7%), South Korea (25.4%) and the Netherlands (25.3%) led the world.[67]

The Internet works in part because of protocols that govern how the computers and routers communicate with each other. The nature of computer network communication lends itself to a layered approach where individual protocols in the protocol stack run more-or-less independently of other protocols. This allows lower-level protocols to be customized for the network situation while not changing the way higher-level protocols operate. A practical example of why this is important is because it allows an Internet browser to run the same code regardless of whether the computer it is running on is connected to the Internet through an Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection. Protocols are often talked about in terms of their place in the OSI reference model (pictured on the right), which emerged in 1983 as the first step in an unsuccessful attempt to build a universally adopted networking protocol suite.[68]

For the Internet, the physical medium and data link protocol can vary several times as packets traverse the globe. This is because the Internet places no constraints on what physical medium or data link protocol is used. This leads to the adoption of media and protocols that best suit the local network situation. In practice, most intercontinental communication will use the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol (or a modern equivalent) on top of optic fibre. This is because for most intercontinental communication the Internet shares the same infrastructure as the public switched telephone network.At the network layer, things become standardized with the Internet Protocol (IP) being adopted for logical addressing. For the World Wide Web, these "IP addresses" are derived from the human readable form using the Domain Name System (e.g. is derived At the moment, the most widely used version of the Internet Protocol is version four but a move to version six is imminent.[69]

At the transport layer, most communication adopts either the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). TCP is used when it is essential every message sent is received by the other computer where as UDP is used when it is merely desirable. With TCP, packets are retransmitted if they are lost and placed in order before they are presented to higher layers. With UDP, packets are not ordered or retransmitted if lost. Both TCP and UDP packets carry port numbers with them to specify what application or process the packet should be handled by.[70] Because certain application-level protocols use certain ports, network administrators can manipulate traffic to suit particular requirements. Examples are to restrict Internet access by blocking the traffic destined for a particular port or to affect the performance of certain applications by assigning priority.Above the transport layer, there are certain protocols that are sometimes used and loosely fit in the session and presentation layers, most notably the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. These protocols ensure that the data transferred between two parties remains completely confidential and one or the other is in use when a padlock appears in the address bar of your web browser.[71] Finally, at the application layer, are many of the protocols Internet users would be familiar with such as HTTP (web browsing),POP3 (e-mail), FTP (file transfer), IRC (Internet chat), BitTorrent (file sharing) and OSCAR (instant messaging).Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks

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Despite the growth of the Internet, the characteristics of local area networks ("LANs" - computer networks that do not extend beyond a few kilometers in size) remain distinct. This is because networks on this scale do not require all the features associated with larger networks and are often more cost-effective and efficient without them. When they are not connected with the Internet, they also have the advantages of privacy and security. However, purposefully lacking a direct connection to the Internet will not provide 100% protection of the LAN from hackers, military forces, or economic powers. These threats exist if there are any methods for connecting remotely to the LAN.There are also independent wide area networks ("WANs" - private computer networks that can and do extend for thousands of kilometers.) Once again, some of their advantages include their privacy, security, and complete ignoring of any potential hackers - who cannot "touch" them. Of course, prime users of private LANs and WANs include armed forces and intelligence agencies that must keep their information completely secure and secret.In the mid-1980s, several sets of communication protocols emerged to fill the gaps between the data-link layer and the application layer of theOSI reference model. These included Appletalk, IPX, and NetBIOS with the dominant protocol set during the early 1990s being IPX due to its popularity with MS-DOS users. TCP/IP existed at this point, but it was typically only used by large government and research facilities.[72]

As the Internet grew in popularity and a larger percentage of traffic became Internet-related, LANs and WANs gradually moved towards the TCP/IP protocols, and today networks mostly dedicated to TCP/IP traffic are common. The move to TCP/IP was helped by technologies such as DHCP that allowed TCP/IP clients to discover their own network address — a function that came standard with the AppleTalk/ IPX/ NetBIOS protocol sets.[73]

It is at the data-link layer, though, that most modern LANs diverge from the Internet. Whereas Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) orMultiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) are typical data-link protocols for larger networks such as WANs; Ethernet and Token Ring are typical data-link protocols for LANs. These protocols differ from the former protocols in that they are simpler (e.g. they omit features such as Quality of Service guarantees) and offer collision prevention. Both of these differences allow for more economical systems.[74] Despite the modest popularity of IBM token ring in the 1980s and 90's, virtually all LANs now use either wired or wireless Ethernets. At the physical layer, most wired Ethernet implementations use copper twisted-pair cables (including the common 10BASE-T networks). However, some early implementations used heavier coaxial cables and some recent implementations (especially high-speed ones) use optical fibers.[75] When optic fibers are used, the distinction must be made between multimode fibers and single-mode fiberes. Multimode fibers can be thought of as thicker optical fibers that are cheaper to manufacture devices for but that suffers from less usable bandwidth and worse attenuation - implying poorer long-distance performance.[76]

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Company profile



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Telecom giant Bharti Airtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The BhartiGroup, has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in thetelecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as BhartiRetail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It hassuccessfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to exportfresh agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has launched BhartiAXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA, world leader infinancial protection and wealth management.

Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, India’s largest integrated and the first private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles. Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered thecourse of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and services .The businesses at Bharti Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBU’s) - Mobile Services, Airtel Telemedia Services & Enterprise Services. The mobile business provides mobile & fixed wireless services using GSM technology across 23 telecom circles while the Airtel Telemedia Services business soffers broadband & telephone services in 95 cities. The Enterprise services provideend-to-end telecom solutions to corporate customers and national & international longdistance services to carriers. All these services are provided under the Airtel brand.


Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless andunwavering determination to succeed. A spirit charged with energy, creativity and ateam driven “to seize the day” with an ambition to become the most globallyadmiredtelecom service. Airtel, in just ten years of operations, rose to the pinnacle of achievement.As India's leading telecommunications company Airtel brand has played the role as amajor catalyst in India's reforms, contributing to its economic resurgence.Today we touch peoples lives with our Mobile services, Telemedia services, toconnecting India's leading 1000+ corporates. We also connect Indians living in USA,UK and Canada with our callhome service.

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By 2010 Airtel will be the most admired brand in India:

Loved by more customers

Targeted by top talent

Benchmarked by more businesses

“We at Airtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of ourcustomers and how we want them to feel. We deliver what we promise and go out ofour way to delight the customer with a little bit more”


We believe that one of the most important drivers of growth and success for anyorganization is its people. At Bharti Airtel, our ‘Mantra’ for employee delight focuseson 5 Ps- People, Pride, Passion, Processes and Performance.

Bharti Airtel has been recognized among the Best Employers in the Country for twosuccessive years – being 14th in 2003 & jumping ahead of several other largeconglomerates to an enviable position of the 2nd Best Employer in the Country in 2004.This is a clear demonstration & acknowledgement of the robust, progressive, people aswell as business aligned Human Resource practices, which the organization hasdeveloped and implemented remarkably in a very short span of time.

Bharti Airtel follows an “open door policy” to approach the management, which helpsresolve issues with mutual agreements. We encourage people to stand up against anyunfair treatment for which we have the Office of the Ombudsman, where employeescan raise any issues regarding business and workplace conduct. Bharti ensurestransparency through the various communication policies, strategies and plans. .Regular Employee Communication Forums provides a platform for the employees toraise issues that require resolution.

Our leaders strongly believe in facilitating and initiating activities that help employeesmanage their health and well-being. Our focus always remains to redefine leadership;we develop leaders who enable performance and inspire their people to unleash theirpotential. Our people orientation reflects in our vision of being “targeted by top talent”,and a key aspect of our business focus “building a best-in-class leadership team thatnurtures talent at every level.’’

Employee friendly HR policies have been put in place, which amply reflect theorganization’s concern for its people. Some typical examples of these policies and

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practices include a family-day at office, half day leave for birthdays, gifts foranniversaries, compulsory 10 days off, festival celebration with family, no officialmeetings on weekends, five day weeks, concierge services, call centre engagementprograms etc. These “care” policies and practices are applied across the organizationallevels without any discrimination.

From self-management workshops to aerobics sessions, yoga classes to provision ofrelaxation/meditation rooms, we ensure that every employee keeps a check on his/herfitness. Tie-ups with leading health service organizations enable our employees toundertake periodical health check-ups depending upon their age. This facility is alsoextended to employee family members at discounted rates. The company providesFlexible Group Mediclaim insurance to all employees, covering all kinds of illnesses,accidents and hospital coverage for serious ailments. Apart from these specificengagements, we regularly organize health check up camps, eye check-up camps and stress management sessions. Some of our offices have opened gymnasiums/fitnessfacilities to ensure that the fitness fanatics do not have to worry about time constraintsto remain fit. At many of our locations, we have hired psychologists who undertakepersonal counselling sessions for employees.

Bharti Airtel offers a flexible compensation structure to its employees wherein theemployees have the flexibility to structure their fixed component of their compensationaccording to their requirements within the ambit of legislation.

Our Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes are linked with the variablecomponent of our compensation structure. This component is linked to both theindividual performance against his/ her set KRAs (Key Result Areas) and the overallperformance of the business entity that an employee belongs to.Our leaders and managers understand the need to bring clarity to employees about howtheir roles, goals and actions align the realization of organization’s vision and goals.The mechanisms like Performance Management System (PMS) and TalentManagement Process (TMP) are the key sources of identifying the training needs of theemployees and check to competency levels for promotion.

Environment, Health and Safety

At Bharti we believe in the philosophy to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. Thecompany has taken many initiatives in this regard, both within the offices for thebenefit of our employees; and for outside world for the convenience of the peopleFew examples of the initiatives taken are mentioned below:

(a) Most of the new Airtel buildings recycle waste water for sanitary and cooling ofequipment purposes e.g. DG sets and AC systems. These buildings also have rain waterharvesting systems for ground water replenishment where appropriate.

(b) All Airtel offices have energy efficient light fittings and DG sets. We also ensureautomation that enables energy savings in our buildings. Building Management System

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(BMS) – Intelligent Building concept is being followed in all the new Airtel buildingand campuses that are coming up. TheBMS controls The Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC) system,, electricity load management, water management,parking management, security and safety systems to ensure an efficiently run buildingon optimal resources.

(c) New buildings also incorporate the concept of and Energy Wheel which optimisesenergy efficiency in buildings. The AC system in our buildings adds a certain amountof fresh air periodically; In the process of adding this fresh air the cool air within thebuilding vents out which may result into higher usage of energy to bring the cooling/temperature back. The Energy Wheel concept ensures that as we bring the fresh air in itis pre-cooled thereby optimizing energy efficiency.

(d) Air quality is checked periodically in all Bharti Airtel offices, and based on theresults, duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, chair and sofa shampooing is undertaken. Waterquality is also monitored in cooling towers for DG sets and Air Conditioner systems sothat water born diseases such as legionella, etc. are avoided.

(e) Use of air curtains on major office exits and double glazing also results insignificant energy saving.

(f)At the time of oil change in DG sets etc. the discarded oil for disposal is only sent tocompanies/ vendors approved by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) forproper disposal as per CPCB approved processes. All Bharti Airtel offices follow thebasic requirements specified by the Pollution Control Board) and ensure statutorycompliance.

(g) All Bharti Airtel offices have fire alarm systems. Periodic fire drills are carried outin Bharti Airtel offices as a practice. All Airtel offices are provided with First Aidboxes and have identified people as First Aid specialists.

Community InitiativesCorporate Social Responsibility is embedded in, and built upon, the stated ‘values’ ofBharti – the institution. These values guide all our activities and each employee isencouraged to take decisions and design business-linked processes that are sensitive tocommunities and environment.

“We have an obligation to fulfill to society and the communities in which we operate,and help improve the quality of life for everyone, today and in the future.”Based on the basic guidelines and direction provided in the Code of Conduct, Bhartihas undertaken many community programs.

Bharti’s contribution to society is structured through two channels, namely,

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(a) Bharti’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives, including initiativesundertaken by way of employee mobilization as well as running environment relatedprograms; and

(b) Bharti Foundation, a separate vehicle established in 2000 to lead the CSR agenda ofBharti Group of Companies

Business division

Bharti Airtel offers GSM mobile services in all the 23-telecom circles of India and is the largest mobile service provider in the country, based on the number of customers.

The group offers high speed broadband internet with a best in class network. With Landline services in 94 cities we help you stay in touch with your friends & family and the world. Get world class entertainment with India’s best direct to home (DTH) service digital TV in more than 150 cities.

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Enterprise Services provides a broad portfolio of services to large Enterprise and Carrier customers. This division comprises of the Carrier and Corporate business unit. Enterprise Services is regarded as the trusted communications partner to India's leading organizations, helping them to meet the challenges of growth.

Discover the magical experience of digital enterainment with Airtel. From DVD quality picture and sound, the best and widest variety of channels and programmes to the best on-demand content on Airtel Live, your TV viewing experience change forever with digital TV from Airtel!

Broadband & Internet

Broadband Advantage

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Now experience the internet in a new way with Airtel Broadband.It is powered by DSL technology which gives you blazing-fast; secure Internet accessas soon as you switch on your computer.We give you the power of limitless discovery on Internet– from shopping tobanking, paying bills to making new friends and not to mention endless fun & learningfor children.

Switch today to airtel Broadband!

Why wait to connect?With Airtel Broadband, the internet is always ON, always available! No more waitingfor dial-up to connect. You are ready to use the internet as soon as you switch on your computer.

Power SurfingWith speed of up to 2Mbps, feel the excitement of doing more on Internet. Shop,download MP3, exchange heavy files and chat at an enviable speed, all thanks to anextensive Broadband Services infrastructure. No more disconnections in the middle ofdownload.

Surf while you talk!No more missed calls or blocked telephone lines while using the internet. AirtelBroadband Services connection does not block existing telephone lines and allows onefamily member to use the phone while another member surfs the net. No more missedcalls and no more fight!

Robust installationOur world class infrastructure & end-to-end digital network of underground coppercable lines ensure an extremely robust connection that eliminates the risk of damage.Superior server technology and a dedicated port provide total security to data storageand information exchange through the Internet.

24x7 customer supportWe are just an email or a phone call away. Round-the-clock, 365 days a year! To helpus serve you even better, we look forward to your feedback. Your suggestionsFor improvement, brickbats and even an occasional bouquet, will only help us realize ourpromise! 

Hot and HappeningSpeed On Demand With our innovative service, you can enjoy a dedicated speed of up to2 Mbps without having to change your subscription plan. What’s more, you only payfor what you use.With a view to simplify the process for our customers, we have set up a fully automated online process that delivers bandwidth upgradation as and when required.Key benefits of Speed On Demand:-

Upgrade to higher bandwidth instantly No need to change your tariff plan

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Pay only as much as you use

Entertainment On Airtel

Choose your style. Now even for your homepage

Unlimited games on demand @ Rs.99 per month. Experience Wiz kid on Airtel.

Just log-in with your Airtel Broadband ID andunleash great music at great prices.

Airtel brings you a wide range of high-quality and exciting games in alliance with Indiagames. Just login with your Airtel Broadband ID and start playing.

Reach Airtel

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Our aim is to help you as quickly and as efficiently as possible at first point of contact.In this section you'll find an opportunity to email us directly, useful telephone numbers,quick links to store locations, payment centers and much more.

Customer SupportAs an Airtel customer you have the convenience to access our 24-hr customer servicenumber from any part of India, from your Airtel phone. What's more, you can access usfrom your landline too.

Payment CentresChoose from a host of convenient payment options only with Airtel. Walk into anyAirtel relationship centre and make your payment by cash or credit card. Drop a chequeat any of our conveniently located cheque drop boxes.

Airtel Relationship CentresNeed to get yourself a new Airtel connection, subscribe to any of our value addedservices and get more information on them, pay your bill or get a new handset? Visitthe nearest Airtel Relationship Centre.

TechnologyAirtel Broadband is powered by DSL technologyDSL provides blazing-fast, secure Internet access and can be delivered to both homesand to businesses. Delivered right through a regular telephone line, data rates can varyfrom 128Kb to 8Mb per second depending on the type and cost of the service.

Instant AccessDigital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology provides instant Internet and network accessat speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8Kbps modem on a standard analogue phoneline. There are no dial-up delays, no busy signals. What used to take minutes or hoursto download, will now take just seconds or minutes.

Experience MultimediaWith DSL Internet Service you can download graphics-heavy files, large documents,software, photos, email attachments, and more, instantly. It's perfect for real-timeinteractive multimedia, broadcast quality video, distance learning, and video-on-demand. And because DSL Internet Service sends data and voice over the same line,you can talk on the phone while you are online.

Never Wait!It's also a service that you don't have to dial into. Just turn on your PC, open a browser,and you're ready to surf. (No more hearing those annoying beeps and tones, thenwaiting to be connected. You're always connected whenever you wish to!). BeyondInternet access, DSL also has the ability to carry additional phone lines andentertainment services using the same pair of wires.High-speed Internet access through DSL, changes your Internet experience perceptibly.

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ServicesVideo Surveillance SolutionsControl your business. 24x7Now you can observe your office, warehouse, shop and staff from your PC fromAny where and at all times, with the Video Surveillance Solution.

BusinessLive@24X7With BusinessLive@24X7, it's like being there! 24 hours a day, 365 days ayear. BusinessLive@24X7 is a PC based multi-channel system that utilises the mostadvanced digital video compression technologies to bring you the highest stillpicture quality and video clarity. It is a custom-made, remote, digital VideoSurveillance Solution, that will let you keep an eye from your office or home onwhat is going on at a specific location. It ensures safety and peace of mind alongwith quality service, technical warranty and maintenance.

Unmatched features empowering businesses

Virtual ControlEven when you are away from your premises, you can observe, record and be incontrol. BusinessLive@24X7 makes multiple viewing possible. While you aretravelling, you can see your business run smoothly from a distance

16 Videos on One ScreenClick on different display mode icons and monitor live! Activate the built-inswitcher and have different cameras display sequentially, one after the other, as peryour time setting, in single or multiple windows. Monitor multiple sites withmultiple cameras, simultaneously.

Digital Video PlaybackUse your PC like a digital video player to playback the recorded video or browseframe by frame. And just in case you want to review something before therecording is over, you can! Your recording will continue, virtually uninterrupted.You can playback one camera at a time, or even multiple cameras (up to 4).

Secure and ReliableBusinessLive@24X7 is completely network ready and you can set up all levels ofpasswords and access within the network or use the two-level, multiple-userpassword protection

Give yourself the advantageYou will be delighted to know that adding these huge benefits to your business doesnot mean huge costs. All you need is our Video Surveillance Solution that comes ata surprisingly low investment.

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In TouchCreate and share your precious moments with your loved ones with In Touch. In Touchis more fun and personal than email or voicemail. It’s a great way to reach out to yourloved ones who are far away.

What is ‘In Touch’?In Touch is a great way to stay connected. It is an easy-to-use personal communicationsservice that connects you with your friends and family, using a PC or a TV and aBroadband (high speed) Internet connection.

What can I do with ‘In Touch’?

Video Message & Audio MessageAfter years of using e-mail, finally, here’s a really unique way to communicatewith friends, family & even colleagues using ‘In Touch services’. Our serviceallows you to create, review, send & receive video messages. It also allows youto create, review, send & receive Audio messages

Video Call & Voice CallEnjoy full motion video and voice telephony with a service, that’s as simple touse as your phone. Our service allows you to make or receive Video/Voice Callsto In Touch users quickly and easily.

Video Postcard TMHere's a really unique way to communicate with family, friends, businessassociates & colleagues, even if they're not In Touch subscribers. Our serviceallows you to create, review and send a Video Post Card TM to any valid e-mailId. They get an e-mail that links to your Video Post Card TM recorded in fullmotion video and sound.

SecurityAn important feature of the In Touch system is the security of yourcommunications. Our secure network ensures that your profile informationremains completely confidential.In Touch will not publish your name in any directory (online or print). You can receive messages or calls from family and friends only. In Touch does not offer the option to ‘find-a-friend’ (common among manycommunity solutions) as this has proven to be a source of abuse and spam.

Requirementyou must be a registered member to use this service.

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Experience a Broadband life and discover endless possibilities. Download yourfavourite songs, play exclusive games, send or receive large documents photos as emailattachments on a lightening fast, secure & reliable Internet connection. With Airtel’shigh speed Broadband, enjoy superior way to access rich information of internet withenough fun & learning for everyone. To find out the Airtel broadband & internet tariffsavailable in your city, please select your location from the drop-down. Broadbandinternet definition as per the TRAI -Always on connection with minimum downloadspeed of 256 kbps.

What is Wifi ?Wifi is a wireless technology brand by the Wifi Alliance that gives you a host offantastic advantages ranging from reliability to security. The simple installationprocedure gives you access to unsurpassed performance instantly. Commonapplications for Wife include Internet and VoIP phone access, gaming, and networkconnectivity for consumer electronics such as televisions, DVD players, and digitalcameras. Just like cell phones, televisions and radios, the wireless network also usesradio waves.Wireless technology is clearly the future of networking.

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Current Situation In MarketHighlights for Second Quarter ended September 30, 2008Overall customer base at 7.99 crore.Highest ever-net addition of 82.11 lakh customers in a single quarter.Market leader with a market share of all India wireless subscribers at 24.6%.Total Revenues of Rs. 9,020 crore (up 42% Y-o-Y).EBITDA of Rs. 3,699 crore (up 37% Y-o-Y).Cash Profit of Rs. 3,125 crore (up 20% Y-o-Y).Net Income of Rs. 2,046 crore (up 27% Y-o-Y).

New Delhi, India, October 31, 2008: Bharti Airtel Limited (“Bharti Airtel” or “thecompany”) today announced its audited US GAAP results for the second quarter andhalf year ended September 30, 2008. It has once again maintained its strong growthmomentum.The consolidated total revenues for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 of Rs.9,020crore grew by 42% and EBITDA of Rs. 3,699 crore grew by 37% on a year on yearbasis. The net income for the quarter ended September 30, 2008 was Rs. 2,046 crore, agrowthof27%overlastyear.

Bharti had 7.99 Cr subscribers, as on September 30, 2008, an increase in the totalsubscriber base of 57% over the corresponding period last year and maintained itsleadership position through an improved market share of all India wireless subscribersat 24.6% as on September 30, 2008, up from 23.4% corresponding to the same periodoflastyear.

Commenting on the results and performance, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman &Managing Director, Bharti Airtel Limited, said “With record customer additionsevery month, Airtel continues to consolidate its leadership position in the market. Thesuccessful launch of DTH service has provided another opportunity to the brand tostrengthen it’s connect with the customers, while generating a new revenue stream.”

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Bharti airtel limited –summary of consolidated financial statements:-Represent conslidaed statement of income as per united states generally accepted accounting principles (US GAPPA)

(Amount in Rs. Cr, expert ratios)


Quarter ended

Y-O-Y Growth

Total revenue EBITDA




Cash profit from operation 3125 2597 20%Income before income taxes

1,972 1,747 13%

Net income 2,046 1,614 27%

Operating highlights(Figures in nos ,expect ratios )

Particulars Unit Sept 30,2008

June 30 ,2008

Q-ON-Q Growth

Sept 30,2008

Y-ON-Y Growth

Customers on our NetworkMobile Services 000’s 77,479 69,384 12% 48,876 59%

Tel-media service 000’s 2,509 2,394 5% 2,075 27%Total 000’s 79,989 71,777 11% 50,951 51%

Market Share of Major mobile OperatorsMobile operators Market sharesBharti airtel 24.96Reliance 18.22Vodafone 17.76Bsnl 12.19Idea 9.88Total teleservices 9.54Others 7.54

Sept.2008 Sept.2007Audited Audited

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Investor Relations

Creating value for our customers, employees, investors, partners, vendors and thesociety at large lies at the root of our fundamental business strategy. Our core principlesof trust and transparency have come a long way in helping us develop and nurture long-term relationships with our key stakeholders. Our performance exudes from our beliefin and commitment to the telecom sector; and translates into creating innovativeexciting opportunities for one and all.We are one of India’s leading providers of telecommunication services with anationwide presence in all the 23 licensed jurisdictions (also known as TelecomCircles). We served an aggregate of 82,748,790 customers as of October 31, 2008; ofwhom 80,199,747 subscribe to our GSM services and 2,549,043 use our TelemediaServices either for voice and/or broadband access delivered through DSL. We are thelargest wireless service provider in the country, based on the number of subscribers asof October 31, 2008. We also offer an integrated suite of telecom solutions to ourenterprise customers, in addition to providing long distance connectivity both nationallyand internationally. We have recently forayed into media by launching our DTHServices in October 2008. All these services are rendered under a unified brand “Airtel”

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Fact sheet

Name Bharti Airtel Limited


Provides GSM mobile services in all the 23 telecom circles in India, and was the first private operator to have an all India presence. Provides tele-media services (fixed line and broadbandservices through DSL) in 95 cities in India.

Established July 07, 1995, as a Public Limited Company


Rs. 270,122 million (year ended March 31, 2008-Audited) Rs. 184,202 million (year ended March 31, 2007-Audited)As per Indian GAAP Accounts


Rs. 114,018 million (year ended March 31, 2008 -Audited) Rs. 74,407 million (year ended March 31, 2007 -Audited)As per Indian GAAP Accounts

Shares in Issue

1,898,101,604 as at September 30, 2008

Listings The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE)The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)


Market Capitalisation (as on January 05, 2009)Approx. Rs. 1,301 billionClosing BSE share price = Rs. 685.35

Customer Base

80,199,747 GSM mobile and 2,549,043 Telemedia Customers (status as on October 31, 2008)


Provides GSM mobile services in all the 23 telecomcircles in India, and was the first private operator tohave an all India presence. Provides telemedia services (fixed line) in 95 cities inIndia.

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Company’s Current SituationBharti Airtel is one of India’s leading providers of telecommunication services with anationwide presence in all the 23 licensed jurisdictions (also known as TelecomCircles). We served an aggregate of 82,748,790 customers as of October 31, 2008; ofwhom 80,199,747 subscribe to our GSM services and 2,549,043 use our TelemediaServices either for voice and/or broadband access delivered through DSL.

We also offer an integrated suite of telecom solutions to our enterprise customers, inaddition to providing long distance connectivity both nationally and internationally. Wehave recently forayed into media by launching our DTH Services in October 2008. Allthese services are rendered under a unified brand “Airtel”

.The company also deploys, owns and manages passive infrastructure pertaining totelecom operations under its subsidiary Bharti Infratel Limited. Bharti Infratel owns42% of Indus Towers Limited.Bharti Infratel and Indus Towers are the two top providers of passive infrastructure services in India Company shares are listed on The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)

PartnersThe company has a strategic alliance withSi ngT el. The investment made by SingTel isone of the largest investments made in the world outside Singapore, in the company.The company’s mobile network equipment partners include Ericsson and Nokia. In thecase of the broadband and telephone services and enterprise services (carriers),equipment suppliers include Siemens, Nortel, Corning, among others. The Companyalso has an information technology alliance with IBM for its group-wide informationtechnology requirements and with Nortel for call center technology requirements. Thecall center operations for the mobile services have been outsourced to IBM Daksh,Hinduja TMT, Teletech & Mphasis.

Managing Director’s profileSunil Bharti Mittal

Chairman & Managing Director since October 2001Board director since: July 1995Age: 51 yearsSunil Bharti Mittal is the Chairman & Managing Director of Bharti Airtel Ltd. head quartered at New Delhi, India.

Bharti Airtel, India’s leading private integrated telecom company, has been atthe forefront of the telecom revolution and has transformed the telecom sectorwith its world-class services built on leading edge technologies.Bharti has beena

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pioneering force in the telecom sector and today enjoys a strong nationwidepresence.

Sunil started his career at a young age of 18 after graduating from PunjabUniversity in India and foundedBharti, with a modest capital, in the year1976.

Bharti has grown successfully in partnership with various leading companies of the world - Singapore Telecom, Vodafone, Warburg Pincus, British Telecom to name a few.

The other businesses in the group are consumer electronics (Beetel), lifeinsurance with AXA of France (Bharti AXA), and a joint venture with theRothschild group to develop Indian horticulture and export fruits and vegetablesto the world (FieldFresh)

Bharti has recently entered into a JV with Wal-Mart for setting up supply chain,logistics and cash and carry to support the burgeoning retail market in India.

Sunil is an alumnus of Harvard Business School, MA, USA. Sunil has been conferred one of the highest civilian award – Padma Bhushan

Sunil has been conferred the degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) by the G B Pant University of Agriculture & Technology.

Awards and Recognitions

1. August 7, 2008: Bharti Airtel adjudged the 'Best Cellular Service Provider' and 'Best Broadband Service Provider' at the 2008 V&D 100 Awards.

2. July 11, 2008: Bharti Airtel Limited voted as India 's most innovative company ,in a survey conducted by The Wall Street Journal . Bharti Airtel was ranked asthe most innovative in responding to customer needs in a survey conducted todetermine Asia 's 200 most-admired companies.

3. June 13, 2008: Sunil Bharti Mittal received U.S.-India Business Council's'Global Vision' Award . The prestigious award recognizes his entrepreneurialzeal and contribution to Indian business.

4. June 11, 2008: Airtel voted the 2nd Most Trusted Service Brand in the Annual Economic Times-Brand Equity, Most Trusted Brands survey

5. June 2008: Airtel wins the Platinum Trusted Brand Award in the Mobile Service provider category in the Reader's Digest Asia Trusted Brands Survey .

6. May 26, 2008: Airtel was honoured with the prestigious 'Wireless ServiceProvider of the Year' award at the 2008 Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICTAwards.

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7. April 17, 2008: Bharti Airtel had the distinction of being amongst 2 companiesworldwide and the only one in India , to be honoured with the 'Gallup GreatWorkplace Award'.

8. April 8, 2008: Airtel adjudged as the 'Best Carrier India' at the Telecom AsiaAward 2008 . The Telecom Asia Awards, constituted by the Telecom Asiamagazine, seek to recognize outstanding performances of companies andindividuals in the Asian telecommunication industry based on criteria such asfinancials, market standing, technology and corporate governance.

SharesThe equity shares of Bharti Airtel are currently listed on National StockExchange of India Limited (NSE) and The Stock Exchange, Mumbai, (BSE).Bharti Airtel offered 185,336,700 equity shares in the initial public offering (IPO) andraised Rs 8,340.15 million through this process. The shares were over subscribed 2.56times.

With this IPO, Bharti Airtel established certain important landmarks in the history ofthe Indian capital market. Together with being the first 100% book building processthat this country has seen, the listing was completed within a record time of ten workingdays. of the close of the issue. Moreover the process of allotment and issue of shareswas also completed within one day of the last day of pay-in.

The book running lead managers for the IPO were JM Morgan Stanley and DSP MerrillLynch and the registrars to the issue was Karvy Consultants Limited.

Organisation Structure

As an outcome of a restructuring exercise conducted within the company; a newintegrated organizational structure has emerged; with realigned roles, responsibilitiesand reporting relationships of Bharti’s key team players. With effect from March 01,2006, this unified management structure of'One Airtel' will enable continuedimprovement in the delivery of the Group’s strategic vision.

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Corporate Governance

Bharti Airtel Limited firmly believes in the principles of Corporate Governanceand is committed to conduct its business in a manner, which will ensure sustainable,capital-efficient and long-term growth thereby maximising value for its shareholders,customers, employees and society at large. Company’s policies are in line withCorporate Governance guidelines prescribed under Listing Agreement/s with StockExchanges and the Company ensures that various disclosures requirements arecomplied in ‘letter and spirit’ for effective Corporate Governance.During the financial year 2003-04, your Company was assigned highest Governanceand Value Creation (GVC) rating viz. ‘Level 1’ rating by CRISIL, which indicates thatthe company’s capability with respect to creating wealth for all its stakeholders is thehighest, while adopting sound Corporate Governance practices.This rating was re-affirmed by CRISIL on April 20,2006.

Board of Directors

Audit Committee

Human Resource (HR)/ Remuneration Committee

ESOP Compensation Committee

Investor Grievance Committee

Memorandum of Association

Article of Association

Code Of Conduct

Board of Directors

Theboard of directors of the Company has an optimum mix of executive and non-executive directors, which consists of two executive and fourteen non-executivedirectors.The Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, is anExecutive Director and the number of Independent Directors on the Board is 50%ofthe total board strength. The independence of a director is determined on thebasisthatsuch director does not have any material pecuniaryrelationship with theCompany, its promoters or its management, which may affect the independence of thejudgment of a Director. The board members possess requisite skills, experience andexpertise required to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the Company.

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The composition of the Board is as under:

1. Sunil Bharti Mittal

2. Manoj Kohli 

3. Sanjay Kapoor 

4. Atul Bindal

5. K Srinivas 

6. Jyoti Pawar 

7. Shamini Ramalingam

8. Joachim Horn

9. S. Asokan 

10. KrishnamurthyShankar 

11. SrikanthBalachander 

12. Amrita Gangotra 

Tarrif structure

Prepaid TariffsAirtel Prepaid Ready Cellular Card and Recharge Cards areavailable, all over the city at over retail outlets including 24-houroutlets. Airtel Prepaid Ready Cellular Card and Recharge Cardsare available, all over the city at over retail outlets including 24-hour outlets.

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Airtel Prepaid Regular449SUK

Pulse Rate 60 sec

Price of Pack (Rs.) Rs.449

Free Airtime on Pack (Rs.) Nil

Incoming Calls (Rs.) Free while in home network

Airtel GSM / CDMA(10 Digit)

Landline / WLL

LOCAL RATES (Rs./min) Rs.1.20 Rs.2.00 Rs.2.40

STD RATES (Rs./min) Rs.2.75 Rs.2.75 Rs.2.75

ISD (Rs./min)

USA, Canada, Europe (FixedLine), Australia, Singapore,Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia,Indonesia, New Zealand.


Gulf, Europe (Mobile), SAARC countries, Africa & Rest of the world.


Cuba, Sao Tome & Principe,Guinea Bissau, Diego Garcia,Nauru, Solomon Islands,Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Tuvalu,Tokelau, Norfolk Island,Sakhalin


SMS (Rs.)

Local Rs.1.20

National Rs.2.00

International Rs.5.00

Other DetailsRs 50 Local Airtel-Airtel Mobile talktime per month for 6 monthsFirst month Airtel-Airtel credit within 72hrs of activation & balance credit by 1st week of every month)

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The SMS charge as applicable is per 160 charactersValidity- 24 months.


Airtel Postpaid allows you to choose from a variety of affordabletalk plans, convenient payment options and host of rich features.So get set to enjoy a world of limitless possibilities!


Activation Charges Rs. 250

Membership Fee Rs. 250

Security Deposit NA


Bill plan Charge Rs. 444

Monthly Rental Rs. 150

Clip NA


Clip Rs. 99

Airtel GSM/CDMA (10Digit)

Landline /WLL

Locacl rates Rs. 1.99

Rs. 1.99 Rs. 1.99

Std-rates 50-200km200-500500+kmISD

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USA, Canda, Europe (Fixed Line),Austalia, Singapore, Hong Kong,Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, newZealand

Rs. 7.20

Gulf, Europe (Mobile), SAARCCountries, Africa & Rest of theworld Rs 9.99


O N E T I M E C H A R G E SActivation Charges Rs 250

Membership Fee Rs 250 (Converts into securityafter 24 months)

Security Deposit NA


Activation Charges Rs 250

Membership Fee Rs 250 (Converts into securityafter 24 months)

Security Deposit NA


Bill Plan Charge Rs. 50

Monthly Rental Rs. 150

Clip NA


Clip Rs. 50

Bissau, Diego Garcia, Nauru,Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, CookIslands, Tuvalu, Tokelau, NorfolkIsland, Sakhalin


Local Rs 1.00

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National Rs 2.00

Intentional Rs. 5.00

VAS Rs.3.00This Bill Plan is also available under Advance Rental of Rs. 799 for 2 years.Local Pack

Airtel to other local mobiles (non Airtel) At Rs 1 / minMonthly rental Rs 25 per months/-

STD PackAirtel to other mobiles (non Airtel) & fixed lines nos. at Rs 2 / min.Monthly rental Rs 75 per month/-Special offer for Airtel Telephone service customers for availing Airtel Mobile services

If you already have Airtel Telephone service, you can buy a new Airtel Mobile connection under Airtel One Standard150 Plan.

Benefits:Non security deposit.No membership / activation feeEnjoy calls to your Airtel fixed line no. at just 50 P / min.Monthly rent of Rs 25 for reduced call rates to your Airtelfixed line has been waived off for 1 year.For details, call us 516-12345

Advance Rental benefits (1year scheme)Pay an advance rent of Rs 499 and enjoy Airtel One Standard150 plan at Zero monthlyrental for one year.Advance rental of Rs 499 gives you a rental discount of Rs 150every month for the next 2 months. All other options andcharges are as per the existing Airtel One Standard 150 Plan.


Activation Charges Rs. 250

Membership Fee Rs. 250(converts into security after 24 months)

Security Deposit NA


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Bill plan Charge Rs. 150

Monthly Rental Rs. 299

Clip NA


Clip Rs. 50

Airtel GSM/CDMA (10Digit)

Landline /WLL

Locacl rates Rs. 1.00

Rs. 1.00 Rs. 1.00

Std-rates 50-200km 2.00 2.40 2.40200-500 2.00 2.40 2.40500+km 2.00 2.40 2.40ISDUSA, Canda, Europe (Fixed Line),Austalia, Singapore, Hong Kong,Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, newZealand

Rs. 7.20

Gulf, Europe (Mobile), SAARCCountries, Africa & Rest of theworld Rs 9.99

Cuba, Sao tome & Principle,Guinea Bissau, Diego Garcia,Nauru, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,cook island ,Tuvalu , Tokelau ,Norfaulk Island ,Sakhalin



Local Rs. 1.00

National Rs. 2.00

International Rs. 5.00

Value Added Services (Rs.) Rs. 3.00

You also enjoy 25 free local mobile to mobile sms SENIOR CITIZN PLAN

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One time charges Activation charges Rs.250Membership fees Rs.250Security deposite NAMonthly charges (fixed) Rs.150Bill plant charge Rs.51Monthly rental Rs.91Clip NACuba, Sao Tome & Principle,Guinea Bissau, Diego Garcia,Nauru, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu,Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Tokelau,Norfolk Island, Sakhalin

SmsLocal Rs.1.50National Rs.2.00International Rs.5.00Vas Rs.3.00

With senior citizn plan you can take 3 Friends and Family numbers: Airtel to Airtel (1local no.) – Rs. 0.5 / min. Airtel to Airtel (1 STD no.) – Rs 1.5 / min ISD calls to US / Canada / South East Asia / Australia / New Zealand) – Rs. 9.99 / min

You also get FREE alert subscription worth Rs 30 / alert or 3months on: News Astrology Health TipsThe SMS charges as applicable is per 160 Characters.

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Airtel to “Touch Tomorrow” with a new brand vision.

The Bharti Mobile promoted AirTel cellular service will go in forrepositioning of its brand image. The new brand ethos isportrayed in two distinct fashions - the tag line "TouchTomorrow", which underscores the leading theme for the newbrand vision, followed by "The Good Life", which underscores amore caring, more customer centric organization. Aimed at re-engineering its image as just simply a cellular service provider toan all out information communications services provider, TouchTomorrow is meant to embrace the new generation of mobilecommunication services and the changing scope of customerneeds and aspirations that come along with it.

The new communication is about a new dimension in the cellularcategory that goes beyond the Internet, SMS, roaming, IVRS, etcbut which engulfs the whole gamut of wireless digital broadbandservices that will constitute tomorrows cellular services. The newcampaign is in two phases - the first of which will communicateoverall brand philosophy and the second products and services.According to Mr. Jagdish Kini, Chief Operating Officer, BhartiMobile Limited, Karnataka "We are adopting a new brand-platform - Touch Tomorrow - not only to reflect our corporate ethos but also business strategy". The new identity will have the logo in Red, Black and White colours along with lower case typography to convey warmth. AirTel will incorporate the latest branding in all of its communication and will soon be going in for an enhanced promotional drive to establish the brand's presence.

LIFE TIME PLANPRE-PAID card users need not worry anymore about rechargingtheir coupons every month. Company has launched a plan thatallows users to take a pre-paid connection with lifetime validityfor a one time payment of Rs. 999. Subscribers availingthemselves of this scheme will also get full talk time for therecharge coupon they purchase and also have the option to buyTaiwanese manufactured Bird mobile handsets for as low as Rs.1,399.The move is aimed at stopping the churn in the pre-paidsubscriber base. Once a subscriber takes this plan, he will alwaysbe an Airtel subscriber whether the mobile is being used or not.

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Airtel launched its services before Essar and skimmed themarket picking up the bulk of the high usage premium clients.This is a very competitive industry with the two companiesdifferentiating either on value-added services or price.Airtel isperceived as the high quality provider and has a premium image.Essar, on the other hand, is perceived as the lower end serviceprovider.Airtel positions itself as the market leader on the basisof the number of subscribers.Essar is trying to counter this byemphasising on the reach of its network and the quality of itsservice.However, Essar is somewhat not been very successfullargely due to the inconsistency in advertising.

To promote themselves, both the players have been dependenton tactical advertising However, they have restrained from usingcomparative advertising Hoardings have been a very popularmedium for carrying the advertisements Airtel has also beenadvertising on television using the Bharti Telecom name.


A.Major Accounts (Direct Channel) Handles corporate (named and famed) accounts Forecasting of sales Mapping the accounts Providing after sales support to the subscribers. Maintaining call reports for records. Providing Feedback to the marketing department regarding the requirement of the

market.B.IDC (indirect Channel) Handling distribution Maintaining records and level check of the channel partner Liaisoning between the channel partner and the company. Target achievement Training the executives of the channel

Distribution Support

1.Logistics Monitor handset and SIM card requirements of

channel partners and co-ordinate with stores

Settle areas of concerns such as incentive claims of channel partners2.Rental

Provide cellular services (SIM cards) on rent. Provide cellular phones on rent Useful for people visiting Delhi for a short interval.

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Call customers and generate sales lead. Follow up with the customers, if they need any assistance Pass on the sales lead to the channel department.

4 Audit

Consultant to the AirTel showrooms. Monitor the operations at the AirTel distribution outlets Organize training.


Locate shops to open retail counters. Monitor the retail counters.


Segmentation is beneficial because of better predictability of thetarget consumer group, minimization of risk exposure, betterability to fine-tune a product / service to the requirement oftarget buyer and the resultant ease in designing a properdesigning marketing mix strategy In this case segmentation is onthe bade of income.In evaluating different market segments the company looks attwo factors The overall attractiveness of the segments and thecompany's objectives & resources The present market forCellular phones, pagers and conventional phones is as follows

Premium Middle EconomyUpper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower

Cellular phones

x X x - - -

pager x X x x - -Conventional Phones

x X x x x -

X market segment targeted


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Airtel has targeted the premium and upper middle class. Therationale behind it is that only those segments should betargeted who value time and have the paying capacity.It Is alsoplanning to target the business tourists during their stay in thecapital About 60% of the clientele are top executives of corporatehouses.About 15% are foreign organisations and the rest areprofessionals and small businessmen.During the introductionstage there was intense pressure to get consumers across tohook up with their brand, because getting them to switch brandloyalty later would be hard So far Airtel marketers have been concentrating totally on thebusiness executive class but now that the basic viable volumeshas beer) built up and prices have declined to a certain extentthey are planning to venture further a field.


The product is sought to be positioned as a business efficiencytool. a lifestyle revolution

and a status symbol The emphasis is toremove misconception that the cellphone is an

expensive means of communication and drive home the point that the cellphone isactually a day-to-day utility


The product or serviceis the heart of the marketing mix.Without a product or a service

customers' needs cannot besatisfied.

The basic product promise by Airtel is mobility.Airtel's mainmarketing strategy is to be a

first mover all the time.It hasrecognised the significance of making the first move--

because inthe field of Communication & Information Technology changesoccur at a

tremendous pace.

Effective product segmentation has to be carried on continuouslybecause basic services

can be and will be copied and in timebecome expected component of the product. Airtel

seeks tocarry out this segmentation through provision of new informationservices and

making new facilities available.The product policyand planning depends on the stage of

the product life cycle.Atpresent the cellular phone market has reached the

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maturitystage.Since, the premium segment is nearing saturation thecompany targeting the

upper middle and middle-middle class.Inorder to do so Airtel is trying to optimise the

price performancepackage by offering suitable "product bundling".

This involves the selection of the suitable hardware (handset)and its software (its

services.) with reasonable price in order todeliver maximum price performance to its


In addition, it offers free Airtime services and other concessions tomake the prices and

thus the product more attractive.It hasalso opened a 24 hours customer service.Only price doesn't serve as an effective differentiator, value added services become the effective differentiator.The "Value Added Services" provided from Airtela re:-

1). Voice Mail service

This system is similar to the answering machine - if the user isnot able to answer a call

for some reason the caller can leavemessages in the voice mail box which can be later

retrieved bythe user

ii) Short Message Service

The short message service is like a two-way pager.It gives anoption of sending and

receiving text messages directly from onemobile phone to another without the

intervention of an operator.

iii) Mobile Fax 1 Data Service

This service helps the subscriber to send and receive Faxes,access E-mail, download computer files from other systems andremotely log on to another computer and surf the Internet.

iv) Cash Card

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The cash card is a pre-paid and pre-activated card which allowsthe buyers to buy air time

in advance.All it requires is thepayment of an initial amount.This is a useful service for

peoplewho travel to Delhi often and those who want to control theexpenses on their calls.

v) Caller ID

Displays calling person's number.

vi) Outgoing call restriction

To prevent or limit outgoing calls, for example, in peak hours.Also possible to exclude

one or several countries, or anygeographical region, to permit only local calls, or to limit

the outgoing calls to a listed number.

viii) Call forwardIncoming calls can be forwarded to another fixed or mobile phone.Besides these some other services provided by Airtel are – Call conferencing, Call Broadcast et cetera.

It is in the operators -Interest that they not only get manysubscribers but also get them to

use the mobile facilityfrequently.In the early stages getting increases to subscribemay be

easier than getting them to talk since they will find itcostlier to use the mobile phone as

compared to a conventionalphone [if is believed that initially cellphones would be used


viii) Roaming Facility

Roaming facility is available while the subscriber is travelling.The billing is done in the

home network (Delhi).Roaming facilityis available manually* as well as semi-

automatically.Once asubscriber is In any other city or country, where a GSM networkis

available, simply insert the SIM card of the local operator Intoyour handset and start


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Manual Roaming means a separate SIM card is provided for each city

Semi automatic roaming means one card has the facility for different cities.


Since this is a high-involvement expensive product, the service provider has to fully take care of the customers.

a) They take personal responsibility to "get" the answer for any problem faced by the customer

b) They anticipate customers' problems and take pro-active steps to prevent them

c) They give answers to the questions & requests, quickly & efficiently.

d) They have a positive tone & manner while interacting with customers.

e) They end the interaction on a positive or a humorous note-making the last30 sec


Airtel realises that attracting people 'Is easy but converting theminto loyal customers is

hard, hence emphasis is on maintaining a'Smiling and a Friendly Atmosphere' to please

and retain thecustomer.


AIRTEL has realised that the Indian market is price sensitive.Therefore it care of the has

come up with various innovativetariff schemes to take needs of different category of

customers-Generally, the cellular services are more expensive than the landline based

telephone services.This is due to the reason that theoperating companies are required to

pay a fee to thegovernment for using airtime.


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Bharti has spent a considerable amount on advertising its mobilephone service, Airtel.Besides print advertising, the companyhad put up large no of hoardings and kiosks in and around Delhi.The objective behind designing a promotion campaign for the‘Airtel’services is to promote the brand awareness and to buildbrand preferences.It is trying to set up a thematic campaign to build a strongerbrand equity for Airtel.Since the cellular phone category itself istoo restricted, also the fact that a Cellular phone is a highinvolvement product, price doesn't qualify as an effectivedifferentiator.The image of the service provider counts a greatdeal.Given the Cell phone category, it is the network efficiencyand the quality of service that becomes important.What nowthe buyer is looking at is to get the optimum price-performancepackage.This also serves as an effective differentiator Brand awareness is spread through the' campaigns and brandpreference through brand stature.Airtel's campaign in thecapital began with a series of 'teaser' hoardings across the city,'bearing just the company's name and without explaining whatAirtel was.In the next phase the campaign associated Airtel withCellular only thereafter was the Bharti Cellular connection brought up. Vans with Airtel logos roamed the city, handing outbrochures aboutthe company and its services to all consumers.About 50,000 direct callers were sent out.When the name waswell entrenched in the Delhiites’s mind, the Airtel campaignbegan to focus on the utility of Cellphone.In the first fourmonths alone Airtei's advertisement spend exceeded Rs. 4 crores. As of today the awareness level Is 60% unaided.This impliesthat if potential or knowledgeable consumers are asked to namea Cellular phone service provider that is on the top of his/hermind 60% of them would name Airtel.As for aided it -is 100%(by giving clues and hints etc.).Brand strength of a product or the health of a brand is measuredby the percentage score of the brand on the above aided and theunaided tests.The figures show that Airtel is a healthy and athriving brand.Every company has a goal, which might comprise a sales targetand a game plan with due regard to Its competitor.Airtel 'scampaign strategy is designed keeping in mind its marketingstrategy.The tone, tenor and the stance of the visual ads aredesigned to convey the image of a market leader in terms of itsmarket share.It tries to portray the image of being a "firstmover every time" and that of a "market leader". The status of the product in terms of its life cycle has justreached the maturity stage in India.It is still on the rising part ofthe product life cycle curve in the maturity stage. The diagram on the left hand side shows the percentage of theusers classified into heavy, medium and low categories.Theright hand side shows the revenue share earned from the threetypes of users. Airtel, keeping in mind the importance of the customer retention, values its heavy users the most and constantly indulges inservice innovation.But, since heavy users comprise only 15 -20% of the population the other segment cannot be neglected.The population which has just realised the importance of cellularphones has to be roped in.It is for this reason that the serviceprovider offers a plethora of incentives and discounts.Concertslike the "Freedom concert" are being organised by Airtel in orderto promote sales.The media channel is chosen with economy inmind.The target segment is not very concrete but, there is anattempt to focus on those who can afford. The printadvertisements and hoarding are placed in those strategic areaswhich most likely to catch the attention of those who need acellular phone.The product promise (which might cost different1 higher) is an important variable in

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determining the targetaudience.Besides this, other promotional strategies that Airtel has adopted are .

1. People who have booked Airtel services have been treatedto exclusive premiers blockbuster movies.Airtel has tiedup with Lufthansa to offer customer bonus miles on theGerman airlines frequent flier's programs.

2. There have been educational campaigns, image campaigns, pre launchadvertisements,launchadvertisements,congratulatoryadvertisements,promotional advertise-ments, attacking advertisementsand tactical advertisements.


The- company whose operations are concentrated in and aroundDelhi.It 27 Franchisees

and 15 Distributors- They also have 8'instant access cash card counters- Each franchises

or distributorcan have any number of dealers under him as long as the personis approved

by the Airtel authority.Each franchises has to investRupees Ten Lakhs. to obtain a

franchise and should employ anofficer recruited by Airtel.This person acts as an liaison

betweenthe company and the franchises.The franchises can it anynumber of dealers as


Franchisee Distributor

Dealer Dealers

Customers Customers

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long as their territories do not overlap.Butunfortunately Airtel has not been very

successful in controllingterritorial overlaps of dealers.The franchises can carry out his

1her own promotional strategy.For this the.

company contributes 75% of the money and the franchises contributes 25% of

themoney.The dealers under the franchisee receive the samecommission.The franchises

and the dealer obtain the feedbackfrom the customers and they are sent through the

liaison officeron a day-to-day basis to Airtel.The dealer has to invest Rupees.One Lakh as

an initial investment.The dealer of Airtel are notallowed to provide any other operators'


Target set for distributors and the dealers is 100 -150 activationsper month.Hence the

dealers can also go for their ownpromotions like banners and discounts on festivals

etc.Thedealer provides service promptly.The consumer on providingthe bill of purchase

for the handset and proof of residence hasonly to wait an hour before getting connected.

The staff of thedealers and the franchisees are providedtraining by the Airtelpersonnel.

The complaints encountered by the franchisees and dealers areeither handset being non-

functional or the SIM Card not gettingactivated. Anything more complicated is referred

to the main Airtel office in Delhi.


With Airtel, the subscriber wouldn't just get a personal phonethat lets him/her be in

touch, always, but also gets a host ofbenefits that let him/her manage his/her time like

never before.An Airtel subscriber is provided with a Subscriber Identity ModuleCard

(SIM card) - that is the key to operating his/her cellularphone.His card activates Airtel

cellular services and contains acomplete micro-computer chip with memory to enable one

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toenjoy one's cellular phone thoroughly. Each SIM card contains aPIN code (Personal

Identity Number) which may be entered byone.Just plug your SIM card into your cellular

phone, enter thePIN code and it becomes 'your' personal phone'.


The pattern of cellphone subscriber growth observed elsewherein the world reveals that

the growth in the market is Initially slowfollowed by a sharp acceleration, but so far that

has nothappened in India.As far as the Product Life Cycle is concerned.Indians are at the

beginning of the maturity stage.

introduction Growth Maturity

Marketing objectives Create product awareness and trail

Maximize market share Maximize profit whole defending market share

StrategiesProduct Offer a basic

product service .Offer valued services .

Increase in value added services.

Price Charge cost-plus Price to penetrate market

Price to match or best competitors

Distribution Buid selective distribution

Buid intensive distribution

Build more intensive distribution

Advertising Build productawarenessamong earlyadopters anddealers.

Buildawareness andinterest in themass market

Stress branddifferences andbenefits.

Sales Use heavy sales Increase to Increase to promotion promotion to entice

people to subscribebuild andmaintainrelationshipswith customers


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To study the consumer trends in telecommunication sector.

To study consumer decision-making & preferences.

To study marketing strategies adopted by Airtel.

To study the level of customer satisfaction in Airtel.

To study the market potential.

To study customer purchase decision behaviour.

To understand the needs of different consumer segments.Comparative study of different mobile companies.

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The methodology adopted for this project is exploratory in naturesince there is no

hypothesis that has to be tested. The conclusions have been drawn by exploratory

research work.

There have been two sources of information collected:

a)Primary Sources

I have met retailers of the Airtel of the company and have beenable to get first hand

information regarding the product, itsfeatures and the buying patterns of the product.

Their input hasbeen valuable.

b) Secondary Sources

Secondary source has played a vital role to play in this report. A good amount of data has

been collected from various published articles and reports found in magazines and

journals. Another vital source has been the Internet and particularly the companies own


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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are more aware by the

advertisement in my research there is 36 out of 100 pepole are knowing about airtel by

the advertisement and by the internet only 15 pepole can aware about the airte.



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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are attract to airtel bcoz of airtel’s

gud services,42 person say that they like service of airtel and person can less attract by

the advertisement its only 8 person.



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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are prefare airtel when they are

using mobile in my research 37 person can choose airtel .



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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are go to airtel bcoz of airtel

providing a good services and schemes which is best than any other company .in my

research 44 person think that airtel’s service is best than others .


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30-70 24





Acoording to table and chat its clearly show most of the people are using airtel

connection almost 56 person can say that they have more than 70 numbers in their phone

book .


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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that people like a audiovisual advertisement

almost 44 person can say that they like audiovisual advertisement .



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YES 73

NO 27




Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are mostly get benift of airtel’s

schemes almost 73 person can say that they can get benefit by the airtel schemes .


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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that mostly people like a prepaid and

postpaid services .28 person can say that they like a prepaid services and 26 person can

say that they like postpaid service .


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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that people are like airtel hello tunes .47

person can say that they like a hello tunes .

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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are prefare a both service i.e

prepaid.43 person are prefare a both .


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1 YEAR 25

2 YEAR 23







Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that most of peole are connected with

airtel .almost 30 person say that they are connected with airtel last 2years .


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Acoording to table and chat its clearly show that peole are using airtel bcoz of their

personal use in my research 56 person say that they are using airtel bcoz of their personal

use .


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YES 42

NO 58




Acoording to table and chat its show that stil airtel is not a number one company of the

india .only 42 person say that airtel is number one of India .

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Every attempt will be taken to obtain the error free and meaningful result but as nothing

in this world is 100% perfect I believe that there will still the chance for error on account

of following limitations-

1. Respondent’s unavailability.

2. Time pressure and fatigue on the part of respondents and interviewer.

3. Courtesy bias.

4. The sample survey is done on a very small number of people thus the results

drawn may be different from the opinion of the universe.

5. The time of two months is very less for covering all the aspects of the project.

6. The feedback received from the individuals is according to his perception,

limited exposure and personal knowledge level.

7. Very less time was there for interacting with corporate clients.

8. Problem in meeting with the concern person without appointment.

9. The last but not the least is that the database which I gathered from the

websites is not so reliable because many times I face a difficulty to find the

address of the companies and sometimes the companies change the address

and not upgrade in the websites due to which I waste my time as well as

money also.

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STRENGTHS1.Strong Brand Image.

2.Good Network Connectivity.

3.Wide Network Coverage.

4.Attractive Promotional Schemes.

5.Good Value Added Services.

6.Operating In 65 Countries With 157 Operators.


1.Perceived As An Expensive Brand.

2.Absence In The Rural And Interior Areas.

OPPORTUNITY1.Poor Network Connectivity of Its Competitors.

2.Large Chunk Of Dissatisfied Customer.

3.Though Being The 4th Entrant,They Are Oprating At 900 Frequencies.

THREATS1.Strong Visibility Of Competitors.

2.Sour Experience With Airtel By Few Can Lead To Bad Word Of Mouth.

3.Continous Improvement In Competitor’s Services.

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Liberalization of th e telecommunications market has entered a new phase:competition already exists (albeit in limited form) in some markets, such as the long-distance market and the market for Internet access via the STN. Other segments, suchas the local loop (essentially the high-speed Internet access market), are being openedup. At this stage, it is no longer simply a question of opening up particular markets,but rather, consolidating the play of competition in those markets that have beenopened as well as developing competitive new services. This explains the importanceof high-speed access technologies for the future of the sector.

To face up to these challenges, regulatory activity is changing. It is constantlyadapting to market trends and to economic situations, which are often difficult.Among its priorities it now counts new economic and social concerns as theinformation society develops: national coverage is a major issue and Airtel’intends to play its part to protect the interests of all consumers.

To this backdrop, a new regulatory organisation is emerging. It must supplyregulatory activity with new tools to encourage lasting competition in thetelecommunications sector. It must also contribute to the development of a moreconsistent UP west market that is better able to face up to the challenges of theinformation society within the context of globalisation.

After thorough analysis and interpretation of result obtained I studied overallconsumer trends in Airtel Telecommunication Ltd. How people react to its servicesand schemes. How company attract its customer by adopting effective strategies. Inthe last the conclusion is drawn through this research that being the biggest and oldestnetwork of mobile telecommunication in Uttar Pradesh West, having good quality ofservice, taking along a big part of people aware about Airtel, it is subsisting hard. ForAirtel connection most of customers are professional and business segment.

“Good service is the way to retain clients”

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The Study was conducted in to very vast group of respondents and so its reflections

and interpretations provide a suggestion platform me as:

1.No charge for SMS advertising

2.Advertising should not be over contend, like Advertisements via e-mail

3.Small jingle and funny massage must be used preferably

4.Approach of Advertising should not be like T.V. Advertising but it must be in

SMS Flash or in funny tone.

It these suggestion and limitations will entertained properly the should be verybrighter. SMS Advertising world semester, Innovative and creative way ofAdvertising.

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I Ekta patel a final year of BBA student of Sevenday Adventist collage ,surat presently pursuing BBA(Marketing).I have prepared the following questionnaire for the complition of my summer project .I peomise that all answer provided by you won’t be made public.the questionnaire is purely for education purpose



NAME :-………………………………………………………………….

AGE :-………………………………………………………………….

OCCUPATION :-…………………………………………………………………..

GENDER :- ……………………………………………………………………

ADDRESS :-……………………………………………………………………

PHONE NO. :- ……………………………………………………………………


SERVICE USED :-……………………………………………………………………..










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Q.14 ANY SUGGESTION :-…………………………………….

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