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Marketing Planning for Able Power(and other SMEs or Startups)

SME 2.03rd August 2011

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Introduction Situation Analysis Objectives Strategic Choice The Task Wrap-Up & Conclusions

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Andy BargeryManaging Director Klaxon MarketingTwitter: @andybargerySpecialist skills: Marketing strategy, communication, lead generationAssociate Member of the CIM

Who are Andy & Phil?

Phil SzomszorDirector & Head of DigitalCitigate Dewe RogersonTwitter: @theredrocketSpecialist skills: digital strategy, media relations, start-up communications

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Session aims What is the ‘Headless Chicken Trap?’ How can marketing planning help? What does a simple marketing plan look like?

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PR Smith’s framework for straight forward planning

1. Situation2. Objectives3. Strategy4. Tactics5. Action 6. Control

→ Where are we now?→ Where do we want to get to?→ How are we going to get there?→ What’s actually going to happen?→ When is it going to happen?→ How will I know it’s been achieved?

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Marketing Plan 2011                               

    Summary Objectives  1. Grow sales of software by 20% during 2011        Summary Strategy  1. build sales pipeline within financial services sector  2. invest in CRM platform     

Tactic Budget Target / Measure LeadsCost per lead Owner Jan-11 Feb-11

Mar-11 Apr-11

May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11


Sep-11 Oct-11



Campaign Led                                  Targeted advertising: Linkedin inMail, Google CPC, 1x trade press

£8,000 100 new leads into pipeline 100 £60                          

design creative - copy and artworking      Implement campaign      Measure effectiveness      Assess and take corrective action      Ensure leads built into pipeline      Three step campaign: email, whitepaper & telemarketing

£10,000 50 new leads acquired 50 £400                          

Design creative assets 25 leads into warm propsects        Create whitepaper      Build campaign landing page and data capture      eDM broadcast      TM follow-up      Assess and take corrective action      Ensure leads built into pipeline      Momentum Led                                  Search Engine Optimisation £1,000 20 enquiries, 1st page google 20 £100                          Social media management - Twitter / LinkedIn / Blog £1,000 1,000 followers, 5 enquiries 5 £200                                                        TOTAL £20,000   90                                Agency Fees £5,000                                     Total Marketing spend £25,000                                

Total Leads Generated 175 at 25% conversion rate =   35new clients                        

Average Cost per Lead £143  Average cost per client   £715                           

SOSTAC ® in Practice

1. Summary objectives and core strategy 4. Assign a timeline to each tactic

3. Allocate a budget, measure of success, target leads and an owner

2. Define your tactics and steps required to execute

5. Assess likely performance and align to marketing objectives

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Situation Analysis

What do we know so far about Able Power? Offer companies the opportunity to save money on their energy bills A young company that has a proven business model and now wants to grow Model is like an IFA i.e. make money on commission on the brokerage deal Growth to date through referrals and networks Good customers are power hungry businesses: hotels, manufacturing / processing There is a volume revenue opportunity from smaller energy consumers too Little marketing to date, wary of being “leaflet leavers” and want to be green Want to position as open, honest and providing a service with integrity Aim is to provide a high quality service to all customers Brochure website is on the way The industry as a whole does little marketing, there is a lack of trust The industry has a bad reputation Starting point for any new client is an energy audit, then consult on brokered deals

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Now that the concept has been proved to work, the objective is to ‘launch’ Able Power to the market We recommend focusing on three core areas: football clubs, hotels/restaurants and body shops The aim is to create a pipeline of leads through a sales and marketing campaign – one that is scalable and doesn’t rely solely on the founders’ personal networks Communicate the company’s USPs in a crowded and messy market

This is where you come in…

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Strategic Choice

Recommend a three pronged strategy for Able Power1. Establish a market position

• Branding• Communications

2. Focus on targeted lead generation• Content strategy• DM / TM / eDM• Other

3. Develop an effective referral programme• Channels• Incentives

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The Task

Bullet 1 Sub bullet 1

Bullet 2 Sub bullet 2

Comms challenge:Develop the comms tactics…1. Decide on the

comms tools – e.g. Twitter, PR, blog, website

2. How these tools will be rolled out across markets

3. Creative ideas for campaigns

Lead generation challenge:Establish a set of tactics for generating leads and winning business1. Consider the

content assets required

2. Think about budget and timing

3. Factor in likely success criteria

Brand challenge:Develop the brand proposition…1. A strapline2. An elevator pitch,

explaining what problem the company solves (30 words)

3. Key messages4. Visual cues – e.g.

colours, logo, visuals

1 2 3

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Wrap-up & Conclusions

Time to turn these ideas into a structured marketing planRemember this:

Marketing Plan 2011                               

    Summary Objectives  1. Grow sales of software by 20% during 2011        Summary Strategy  1. build sales pipeline within financial services sector  2. invest in CRM platform     

Tactic Budget Target / Measure LeadsCost per lead Owner Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov-11Dec-11

Campaign Led                                  Targeted advertising: Linkedin inMail, Google CPC, 1x trade press

£8,000 100 new leads into pipeline 100 £60                          

design creative - copy and artworking      Implement campaign      Measure effectiveness      Assess and take corrective action      Ensure leads built into pipeline      Three step campaign: email, whitepaper & telemarketing £10,000 50 new leads acquired 50 £400                          Design creative assets 25 leads into warm propsects        Create whitepaper      Build campaign landing page and data capture      eDM broadcast      TM follow-up      Assess and take corrective action      Ensure leads built into pipeline      

Momentum Led                                  Search Engine Optimisation £1,000 20 enquiries, 1st page google 20 £100                          Social media management - Twitter / LinkedIn / Blog £1,000 1,000 followers, 5 enquiries 5 £200                          


TOTAL £20,000   90                                

Agency Fees £5,000                                     

Total Marketing spend £25,000                                

Total Leads Generated 175 at 25% conversion rate =   35new clients                        

Average Cost per Lead £143  Average cost per client   £715                           

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