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… MRM, CRM, Digital Communications and Online Research

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Solution Summary

The one tool for marketers

Greater Clarity of Activity & Results

Better Plans & Strategies

Improved Quality of Communications

Increased Effectiveness of


Enhanced Online Relationships

Enhanced Usage of Digital Assets

Improved Efficiency of Communications

Valuable Market Insights

Greater Accountability for Marketing

Powerful End-to-End Marketing Intelligence

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Modular Construction

The one tool for marketers

The Dashboard Quick and easy navigation from simple summaries of activity and results

Business Planner Three tier planning and navigation of customer segments, activities and finances

Campaign Manager

Campaign content, targets, budgets and tasks simply and visibly planned and presented

Customer Manager Segmented, multi-channel communication based on understanding value and need

Web Workshop Websites, microsites, surveys, questionnaires, email marketing and competitions

Digital Library Electronic storage and retrieval of files, documents and recordings

Project Office Automated workflow from templates and task lists managing exceptions and responsibilities

Market Leader Interpret and action brand and customer satisfaction research

Report Viewer Centralised access to a menu of real time reports and briefs

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Benefit Summary

The one tool for marketers

A CommonPlatform

Efficient Workflow

Effective Communications

A single view to manage all activity

Visible allocation of budget Higher retention rates

One process to follow Visible allocation of tasks Higher response and conversion rates

Predefined and agreed templates

Eliminate duplication of tasks Greater market share

Single Repository for all digital assets

Eliminate repetition of tasks Greater share of wallet

Retain customer and campaign learning’s in one place

Defined approval process Greater returns from Channel Partners

Eliminate the need for “other” spreadsheets

Defined and standardised Agency briefing

Identified opportunities for new sales

Executive reporting at summary level with drill down to detail

Visible reporting of variations and exceptions from plans

Lower costs per sale

Standard business reports for all individuals and teams

Less time required to produce personalised and in-depth reporting

Report cause and effect

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A fully integrated & automated programme

Segment Targets & Plans

Segment Targets & Plans

Contact & Channel Plans

Contact & Channel Plans

Marketing Communications


Marketing Communications


Marketing Workflow

Marketing Workflow

Marketing Resources

Marketing Resources

Targeted Segments

Targeted Segments

Triggers & Automation

Triggers & Automation

Sales Funnel / Pipeline

Sales Funnel / Pipeline

Marketing Planning & Resource Management

Marketing Planning & Resource Management Marketing AutomationMarketing Automation Customer Communications

and Lead Generation

Customer Communications and Lead Generation

Marketing Analytics & Reporting

Marketing Analytics & Reporting

Sales Analytics & Reporting

Sales Analytics & Reporting

Customer Analytics & Reporting

Customer Analytics & Reporting

Personalised Content

Personalised Content

Multi-Channel Communications

Multi-Channel Communications

Contact & Relationship Rules

Contact & Relationship Rules

Multi-Wave Campaigns

Multi-Wave Campaigns

Multi-Channel Responses

Multi-Channel Responses

Customer Profile & Behaviour

Customer Profile & Behaviour

Programme Overview

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Marketing Planning and Resource Management

… for the Efficient Marketer

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Marketing Communications Plans

Clear and visible alignment of goals and resources

Better plans and strategies

Five tier planning and navigation of all activities

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Marketing Workflow

Automated workflow from templates and task lists

Accurate capture and presentation of variations and exceptions from plans and stakeholder feedback

Allocate tasks and approval responsibility from predefined templates

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Marketing Resources

Robust financial and resource management

Simple entry and reporting of planned budget and actual expenditure with highly visible variances and exceptions

Easy management of resource usage and conflict resolution

Robust management of planned and actual expenditure

Allocation of non-financial resources to Campaign and Events

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Marketing Automation

… for the Effective Marketer

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Segment Targets and Plans

Align communications to segments to better manage targets with potential value

Strategic approach to the market based on customer value and behaviour

Customer value, behaviour & profile driving targets and communications

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Customer Profile and Behaviour

A single repository for:•Contact information•Profile data•Transaction data•Opportunities•Communications History

Manual and automated management of in depth customer profiles

A single view of customer» Fifth level

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Triggers & Automation

Create Rules for:•Campaigns•Communications•Segments•Individuals•Events

To Manage Customers and Groups:•Create / Duplicate / Split•Build / Rebuild / Extract•Add / Delete / Increment•Assign / Remove•Generate / Test / Send

Manage dependent actions through pre-defined rules

Global and Campaign specific automation» Fifth level

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Contact & Relationship Rules

Based on rules for: •Marketing Communications•Sales Activities

For:•Types of Communications•Types of Relationships•Planned or Reserved communications

By Specifying:•Mandatory exclusions•No. Of Comms Per Days•Stand Down Period

Ensure customers always receive the most important and valuable communications

Prioritise communications based on recency, frequency and monetary criteria» Fifth level

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Targeted Segments

Build your segments:•For B2B or B2C•Automated or manual•Immediately or Scheduled•By Sub-segment or Criteria•With or without control groups•Splitting by specified or random methods •Attach to emails, extracts, campaigns•With Quick estimate of total or by field•By Priority•With or without Seeds

Use segments and filters to easily interrogate your customer base

Easy to build complex segments for target audiences and analysis» Fifth level

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Personalised Content

Use the information you have about your customers with:•Dynamic Text:

•Personalisation•Profile Data•Person specific

•From Team / User / Account Manager•Offers Matrix•Trackable links•Anchors

Personalised communications with your customers from retained knowledge

Personalise content directly into digital comms or extract scripts» Fifth level

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Customer Communication and

Lead Generation

… for the Connected Marketer

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Multi-Channel Communication

Select the method(s) of communication for each campaign either send directly from m-savvy or provide channels specific data to your preferred Comms Partner

Communicate with customers in their preferred manner

Channel specific communications

Email Email

Mail Mail Phone Phone

Online Online SMS SMS

Sales TeamSales Team

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Multi-wave Campaigns

Waves of communications automatically developed for a campaign based on:•Repetitive timings•Specified media channels•Last communication•Customer Responses•Changes in Customer behaviour•Allocated budgets•Allocated tasks

Automated proactive and reactive communications

Campaigns created with multiple interdependent communications

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Multi-channel Responses

Responses received by:•Customers visiting microsites•Call Centre accessing directly•DM responses manually entered•Media responses imported•Online behaviour tracked•Social Media behaviour tracked•Internal responses•Net Promoter responses entered directly•Customer Satisfaction responses entered directly•Individual responses counted

Manually or automatically receive or import data from any channel

Responses received from all channels and then acted on.

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Sales Funnel / Pipeline

Manage opportunities for:•Customers and Contacts•Channels and Partners•Key Dates•Value and weighted average•Multiple stages

Effectively manage Opportunities through the Sales Pipeline to conversion

Multi-stage Sales Pipeline

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Measurement & Reporting

… for the Accountable Marketer

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Marketing Analytics and Reporting

Quick and easy navigation from simple summaries of information

Greater clarity of all activity and results for each individual from personalised views of reports and on their own Executive Dashboard

Visibility of activity and results

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Customer Analytics and Reporting

Actionable conclusions based on valid perceptions and trends. Information presented in all graphical and tabular formats and able to be:•Used within m-savvy•Retained within the Digital Library•Exported as images•Exported as data for further analysis

Valuable Customer Insights to direct future communications

Interpret and action customer behaviour and satisfaction analysis

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Sales Analytics and Reporting

Results presented for:•Corporate customers•Individual customers•Sales Teams•Sales People•Summary Levels•Comparisons by group and / or time periods

Greater accountability for marketing by showing cause and effect of leads generated from marketing activity

Powerful filtered and summarised analytics

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Service and Support

… for an unfair advantage

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Set-up Services

Immediate benefits gained from using best practice

Consulting – Applying Best PracticeProcess :: Define and document the marketing process and integrations.

Marketing handbook, guides and briefing templates

People :: Define roles & responsibilities.Develop RASCI Models, m-savvy permissions and task templates

Technology :: How to use the m-savvy toolset.Data analysis and loading, Systems integration and Segmentation modelling

Measures :: Establishing what should, and can, be measured.Measures modelling, frameworks & templates

Training – Preparing Users to gain immediate benefitAll Users Receive 2 - 4 hours training and support material as required.Specific Process Training as required.

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Ongoing Support

Always there to help!!

User SupportHelp Services

Unlimited Support for the designated AdministratorOnline Help and Help Desk with 0800 and 1800 Free Access

TrainingNew UsersProcesses – Project Management, Content Management

Bureau ServicesData Management

Data Preparation and LoadingData Analysis and Interpretation

Digital CommunicationsEmails and Txt Messaging – Message Production and DespatchWebsite, Microsite and Landing Page Production

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… for a great customer experience

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Integrated Data Flows :: 100%

… for a familiar and intuitive experience

Transaction DataTransaction Data

Customer ProfileCustomer Profile

Contact HistoryContact History

Research & Analytics

Research & Analytics

Marketing Workflow

Marketing Workflow

Digital & Direct

Import & Direct

Digital & Direct


Configuration & User Input


Sales Communications

Sales Communications

Account Management Plan

Account Management Plan

Real Time Reporting

Real Time Reporting

Profile & SegmentCustomers

Profile & SegmentCustomers

Marketing Communications

Marketing CommunicationsOpportunitiesOpportunities

NB: Comms Data includes Web Analytics, Media Analytics, Market Research

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Immediate Deployment :: 100%

Can be immediately accessed from any location

… for a familiar and intuitive experience

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Intuitive Interface :: 100%

Intuitive interface that enables self navigation

… for a familiar and intuitive experience

- Clear Modular structure - Windowing with Minimise / Maximise - Toolbars - Menus - Trees - Drag ‘n Drop

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Technology Independence :: 100%

Technological independence i.e. does not require configuration of user’s computers.

… for a familiar and intuitive experience

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File Compatibility :: 100%

Compatibility across all file types and formats

… for a familiar and intuitive experience

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Training and Support :: 100%

Comprehensive initial and ongoing training and support services

… for a familiar and intuitive experience


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Contact NZ 0-800-550 855AUS 1-800-832 819

… for an unfair advantage

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