Page 1: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

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Margaret Macdiarmid-OR-



Price - - SIXPENCE


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Page 2: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


Page 3: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Margaret Macdiarmid

Page 4: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

'O woman, great is thy faith."—Jesus

Margaret Macdiarmid

Page 5: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


Mrs. Mackay of Sheiggira

and of Melness

Rev. ALEXANDER MACRAE, TongueAuthor of the " Life of Dr. Aird," etc.


The Highland Christian Literature Society,

Tongue, Sutherland


Page 6: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Told for a memorial of her."

Mattìiew xxvi. 13.

All profits on the sale of this booklet

go to a Fund for the erection of a

suitable Memorial of Mrs. Mackay.


Page 7: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


V/fRS. MACKAY, familiarly known throughout**• * the North as Bean a Chreidimh Mhoir, wasso interesting a personality and such a distin-

guished Christian that after a century her

memory is still fresh and fragrant. Those whoknew her personally and who have written regard-

ing her have used language which at first mayseem highly extravagant but which fuller know-ledge of her fully justifies.

Dr. Kennedy, in " The Days of the Fathers,"

p. 169, says :" She was one among a thousand.

Her brilliant wit, her exuberant spirits, her

intense originality of thought and speech andmanner, her great faith and her fervent love,

formed a combination but rarely found."

Mr. Sage wrote in " Memorabilia Domestica,"p. 283 :

" There were a few individuals of whomI have the most pleasing recollections. . . . Themost distinguished as a Christian was Mrs.MacKay of Sheiggira. . . . She was naturally

a superior woman, quick in apprehension andparticularly ready in repartee, especially so whenprovoked by ungodly taunts and sneers. She wasabove all things, howeyer, distinguished for the

vitality of her Christiàn character.


The Rev. Eric Findlater, of Lochearnhead,who knew her •.mtim^ely-- frorri bovhood, wrote :

" The glory of GbeV-seemed'to 'haye been her chief

end ; though mingìi'ng* in the*"~\vurld, she was notof the world, as the most careless could notice


her conversation was in heaven, and she was truly

an epistle unto Christ, known and read of all

men. '


Page 8: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Still more cordial are the sentiments of the

Rev. William Findlater, of Durness, who knewher better than any other of her contemporaries.

After he had passed his 66th birthday, and dur-

ing the trying period that immediately succeededthe Disruption, he composed a beautiful elegy in

her memory consisting of forty-one double verses,

in which he portrayed her life and character, in

incisive language, and with real sympathy andinsight.

She represents a type of religion which pre-

vailed generally throughout the North Highlandsduring the period of the evangelical revival in the

first half of the nineteenth century, and which wasassociat.ed with such names as Dr. MacDonald,Mr. John Kennedy, Mr. John MacRae, and Mr.Roderick MacLeod. It had its roots in a definite

experience of conversion, and in a conscieus de-

pendence on the presence of the Holy Spirit for

the maintenance of the life of grace in the soulThe source of its life and the object of its affec-

tion and inspiration was the Lord Jesus Christ,

crucified, risen, glorified, and ever present to the

believing consciousness of His people. There are

many who hold that nothing better could happenfor the life of our land than a revival of such a

type of living religion.

Page 9: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc



Towards the end of the i8th eentury, MargaretMacDiarmid came from Argyll to Sutherland

along with her brother, Colin, who was employed

as a deer stalker in the Reay Forest. Their

father is believed to have been a Perthshire man.Their mother was a daughter of Colin Campbell,

of Glenure, a man of high standing in the religious

and social life of Argyll in his day and the grand-

father of the Rev. Principal Peter Colin Campbell,

D.D. , of Aberdeen University.

They had not been very long in the district

when her brother was drowned. In order to

intercept a herd of deer he ventured to cross an

arm of a loch on ice. According to tradition it

was Loch Stack. Peggy, as she was familiarly

known, was already engaged to a young manDonald MacKay, o'f Sheiggira, in the parish of

Kinlochbervie. They married, and she lived in

Sheiggira during a considerable period of her

marned life, where their children were born andreared.

The tragic death of her beloved brother was to

her a desolating blow. Her grief was deep and

sore, and even her marriage did not relieve he."

gloom. What she may have thought of death anc.

of her own preparedness for it and for all that ìt

implies is not known. But that solemn event

awakened her to real concern. Her natural grief

deepened into conviction of personal sin and o f

souì sorrow, and she began to seek the Lord.

At that time the Rev. John Kennedy, after-

wards minister of Killearnan, the father of tht

celebrated Dr. John Kennedy, of Dingwall, wasmissionary at Eriboll, and it was part of his dutvto preach at Kinlochbervie every third or fourth

Sabbath. The Lord used his preaching to the

conversion and comforting of many in the district

Page 10: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Among these was Peg-gy. She passed out of dark-

ness into God's marvellous light, and she becampat once a bright and shining witness to the saving

grace of Gocl.

Her circumstances, however, were f'ar fromhelpful to progress in religious knowledge anc

holiness of life. Such occasional spiritual minis

try as came within her reach was fully used b)

her keen and eager soul. The wells of salvation

were graciously opened for her in the Scriptures,

and out of them she drank with joy.

It was in those cfays she used lo walk bare-

footed thrOugh the moor by Gualin to Durnessto hear Mr. Findlater, and to walk back at night

—a distance of fully fourteen miles each way.She carried her boots and put them on again at

some distance from the church. On one occasion

she found she had only one. She had lost the

other in the moor. What was she to do? Wasshe to go to church barefoot was the thought that

naturally rose to her mind? " You devil," she

exclaimed, addressing the evil one that made the

suggestion, " you thought you would cheat meout of the service to-day, but I'll put my pride

where my boots should be—under my feet," and,

so saying, she walked to church in her stocking

soles ! She found her lost boot on her way homeagain.

Her husband, though always kind to her, wasnot in the Kingdom of God himself; her children

were young and needing her loving care ; the workof the home and of the farm was exacting, andyears of hard work and of want of spiritual help

and comfort was a discipline which threw her

more and more into secret communion with Godand His Word for the life and light she needed.It was a hard school in which she devcloped that

whole-hearted trust in God whieli so distinguished

her in after years.

Page 11: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Her husband was led to the Lord by her

prayers. He was opposed to her wandering, as

he called it, to communions and other religious

gatherings. The preaching of the Gospel waslife to her soul. He could not understand her

hunger for it. On one occasion, after a heated

argument, she retired into the barn to pray. Hefollowed, and overheard her passionate tones as

she pled for his conversion. That was the first

thing that moved him to repentance and to seek

tlie Lord for himself.

Long afterwards she said of him :" He was

just made for me by the Lord's own hand ; the

grace he had not at first has now been given him,

and he will all®w me to wander for bread to mysoul wherever I can fìnd it.


Of his pre-converted days the following story

is told. A ship that traded in smuggled brandyhad been wrecked on the coast, and some caskscame ashore on the beach at Sheiggira. Mac-Kay's neighbours, the Morrisons, were away at

a market, and, during the night, he yoked the

black pony and removed three or the kegs to a

place of concealment in the sand. Presently hewas seized by severe abdominal pains—a not un-likely thing in the circumstances—and nothingcould give him relief. After acute sufTering,

Peggy, who was not supposed to have knownanything about the kegs, said to him :

" You canget no relief till you yoke the black pony againand return the kegs you have hid to where youfound them. " He knew she was in the secret,

rose quietly, and did what she told him. Peaceand rest followed.

Then there took place one of those lamentableevents which had so tried and harried the life of

the people of Sutherland in the fìrst half of theicjth century—a clearance. Sheiggira has good

Page 12: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


arable and pasture land with a large outrun. Thetenants had been long established there, and hada specially comfortable living". The Estate evicted

them and turned the land into a sheep run. Thepoor people were sent adrift to find a home wher-ever they could. The MacKays were allowed to

settle in Achininver, Melness, in the parish of

Tongue. So Peggy came to Melness, no longer

a young- woman, but with her soul schooled to

trust the providence and grace of an over-ruling

and an all-wise and all-loving Father.

When crossing Tongue ferry the Duke's prin-

cipal agent responsible for these clearances wason the boat. Peggy remonstrated with him for

his part in those callous and cruel proceedings.

He tried to defend himself by saying that, as the

evictions had been determined upon someone hadto execute them ; if he had not done it someoneelse would have. " Yes," she retorted, " truly

the Son of man goeth as it was determined, but

woe to that man by whom He is betrayed.


Page 13: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


Hers was a beautiful countenance. Her hair

was dark brown, almost black, and wavy. Shehad brilliant black eves. In her youth they hadthe natural sparkle of health, and, as life

matured, the light of holy love that glowed in

her soul shone in her eyes. The pure white skin,

the high broad forehead, and the oval contour of

a bright and sunny face, made her the centre of

attraction in youthful circles when she was a girl.

She was full of fun.

" But it's not her hair, her form, her face,

Tho' matching beauty's fabled queen;

'Tis the mind that shined in every grace,An' chiefly in her rogueish een.


She owed little to art and nothing to artful-

ness. Her handiest mirror was often the surfaceof a pail of water. She had another mirror into

which she loved to gaze with adoring- eyes that

turned in criticism on herself. From that mirror,and from such soul toilet, she was never longaway. She was careless about dress and outwardpersonal appearance, but she bore herself withsuch native grace and dignity that she neverappeared slovenly or even dowdy. There was

" Something in her gait

Gars ony dress look weel."

From some of the stories told of her it mightbe inferred that she did pay some attention to

dress and even affected gay colours. Passinghome from Caithness she asked a woman whomshe casually met where she came from. Onbeing told she came from Armadale, she said :

" Then you know the queen. " " The Queen,"said the other. " Wlio is she? " " Jean," shereplied, referring to a pious woman known byeveryone as " Shine Armadail. " " Yes, I do

Page 14: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


know Jean," said the other. Peggy took half a

crown out of her purse and gave it to the womansaying :

" Give her that with my regards.


" Who shall I say sent it to her? " the womanasked. She smilingly replied, "Say it is fromCailleach nan ribeanan dearg " (i.c, The womanof the red ribbons). The reference may not

have been to a fondness for red ribbons on herpart, but to an old harvest season custom. Thereused to be great emulation as to who should havethe harvest in first, for whoever was last, accord-ing to an unwritten law, came under an obliga-

tion, in case of a famine in spring, to feed all

the rest ! The last sheaf was tied with a red

ribbon and hung upon a nail above the kitchen

fìre till spring, and was called " Cailleach nanRibeanan Dearg. On the first day of springploughing it was taken down and given as a

hansel for luck to the horses. It was like ourPeggy to refer to Jean as the Queen and to her-

self as a mere wisp of straw hung up to witherin the smoke !

She made everything a matter of prayer, evenher dress. When she needed a new dress sheprayed for it. She gave thanks for the robe of

righteousness and the garments of salvation withwhich the Lord had clothed her soul, and then

prayed for suitable raiment for the body. Whenthe prayer was ended, her daughter, who hadoverheard her, said :

" If you would ask father

he would give you a new dress. " " Perhaps hemight," was her reply, " but my heavenly Fatherwill give it, and He will never cast it up to me.


Passing through Bettyhill on a beautirul

morning, when the glory of God seemed to befully disclosed on the face of nature, Peggy washappy in meditation, and transported by the

glories revealed without and within. She wascarrying her hat in her hand by its ribbon strings

and twirling it round and round—that is how she

Page 15: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


often wore her hats. " What is your news this

morning? " she said to a man who was herdinghis cows at the roadside. " I have no news," hereplied in his dull bucolic way. She caught himby the shoulder, and looking into his eyes, trying

to reach and awake his soul, she said :" Man, is

it not good news that you are still alive in the

land of mercy? " and passed on into a house.

He looked after her in a maze, and when she left

the house he went to the door and enquired :" Co

i an onseach a bha sud? " (" What fool of a

woman was yon? ")—a fool for Christ.

It was with reference to her dress that shegave utterance to the saying by which she is mostwidely known. When travelling by stage coachher fellow-passengers were amused by her attire

and manner. One of them ventured to ask whereshe came from. " I came from Cape Wrath,'she answered. " And where are you going? "

" I am going to the Cape of Good Hope," washer quick reply, which at first somewhat mystified

her questioner.

He was not kept long in doubt, however, for

Peggy got her opportunity to speak of the deepthings of God and the soul. They were soon dis-

cussing the universality of sin, the sinfulness of

the human heart and the necessity of the newbirth. The gentleman did not admit that his heart

was evil. He stoutly maintained the innocenceof his mind and the purity of his disposition andmotives. As the coach lumbered on it gave a

sudden lurch, which had the effect of throwing a

box off the roof. It broke in pieces on the road,

and, to the amusement of the passengers, a

number of live chickens flew out. " Did youknow before it fell what was inside that box? "

she asked her fellow-traveller. " No," he replied

innocently. " Neither can you know what is in

your heart till it is broken open to the Spirit of


Page 16: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc



Hers was a singularly attractive personality.

The vivacity of her spirit, the sprightliness of her

wit, the incessant animation of her countenance,revealing the activity of her mind ; the compres-sion of her mouth, indicating the earnestness andsincerity of her soul ; the tender kindliness of her

soft voice, that spoke of the love of her heart


and the peculiar cordiality of her greeting, gaveher a magnetic power over others, which was, if

not unique, very rare. Children would look after

her with a loving respect. They would drop their

play and gather round to listen to her serious

talk, often playfully spoken. Her piety did not

scare them ; it drew them. She spoke to themabout Jesus with the naturalness of one speakingabout a mutual friend, and with a love that wasengaging.

The genuineness of her piety disarmed criticism.

Even those who had little sympathy with herways and with her views of the truth alwaysregarded her with respect and admiration. Herpresence in a congregation radiated goodwill andspiritual joy. Mr. Eric Findlater, who, when a

boy, used to watch her from the manse pew in

his father's church, wrote :

—" When she entereda worshipping congregation her very appearancewould circulate a wave of joy over the faces of all

—a circumstance that could not escape a

stranger's notice, though he could not account for

it. " His father put the same thought in verse,

somewhat after this fashion

Preachers and people seeing thee

At worship on the Mount,

Sang out with sweeter melody,

Revived on thy account.

Page 17: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


The enchantment of thy presence,

Re-echoecl in their song,

Revealed that of the wine of life

Thou drankest deep and long.

Like the holy women of old, she came on the

first day of the week bearing the spices she hadprepared, the fragrance of which was felt by all

who truly worshipped along with her.

Her quick wit and power of repartee were gifts

she possessed to an uncommon degree. People

were attracted by these, and yet were afraid of

them. Her sharpest thrusts, however, never left

a sore feeling, for they were always prompted bylove, and on the side of righteousness and truth.

When leaving Glendhu, after a visit to Mr.Gunn, he accompanied her to the gateway, whichwas closed by loose spars across the road. Whenhe was in the act of removing one of the spars

she bent down and darted through. " Is that

how you expect to enter the Kingdom? " he

asked. " Yes," said she, " and if you expect

to enter it you must bend your head also.


There was a thoughtful man in Oldshore,

known as Uilleam Buidhe, to whom Peggysaid, " Well, Uilleam, I wonder if youcan tell me where all the fairies, ghosts,

and evil spirits have gone that people used

to see when we were young, for we do not

see them now. " " I am sure I do not know,"said Uilleam, " unless the people have swallowedthem, and they now live in their hearts. " " I

dare say you are right, Uilleam," she remarked." Many a true saying have I heard falling fromsimple lips, and I did not expect to hear such

wisdom even from you."

On a communion Sabbath evening the conver-

sation took a worldly turn which Peggy thought

Page 18: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


unbecoming. She said nothing, but bent downunder tlie table as if looking for something. Herhost asked if she had lost anything. " I thought

we all had lost the Sabbath," was her quiet reply,

which had the desired effect.

When the solemnities of a Highland com-munion season are ended with the thanksgivingservice on Monday, there are few companies, as

a rule, more joyously happy than those of the

manse study or drawing-room. Theirs is the joy

of elevated thought. It is, at any rate, a natural

rebound of spirit, which may very naturally andeasily become worldly and frivolous, unless somestrong and wise personality exercises a restraining


Being at dinner in a manse on such an occasion,

Peggy felt that the conversation was of too fri-

volous a nature, after the solemn privileges they

had been enjoying, and she ventured to make a

remark about it. The Rev. Dr. Ross, of Loch-broom, who was present, remarked that the

Apostle Paul did not allow women to speak in

public. " Indeed, sir," she retorted, " if the

Apostle Paul were here no woman had any needto speak.


At a fellowship meeting in the house of

George Brotchie, Thurso, Alexander Keith, of

Dunbeath, wishing to draw a smart saying fromher, asked :

" What opinion have you been led

to form of the woman of Samaria? " " Indeed."she replied, " I never entertained a high opinion

of her." " That astonishes me," he said, " for

did she not say to the people, ' Come, see a Manthat told me all things that ever I did ? Is not

this the Christ? ' " " All that is very true,"

she said, " but when the Lord first met her shedeclined to give him a drink of cold water.


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Among her first visits to Caithness on com-munion occasions, and before she became gener-ally known, she called at a manse and asked tosee the minister. The housekeeper told her hewas then engaged getting ready for the service,

and could not see her. " Then I shall leave mvbasket here in the kitchen and call for it after theservice. " After service she went back but wastold the minister had company and could not seeher. She persisted, however, and the ministerwent to the kitchen to see her. He asked herwhat she wanted, and she told him :

" I want to

learn the Lord's prayer, and I thought you mightteach me. " " Well, yes," he said, " sit down.


She did so, and he went on :" Say, ' Our Father

which art in heaven.' " " Our Father which arr

in heaven," she repeated. " Have I a Father in

heaven? " " Yes. " " And have you a Fatherin heaven? " " Yes. " " And is my Father hheaven your Father in heaven? " " Yes.


Then you and I must be brother and sister.


" Yes," he admitted. " Then if a sister cameto see a brother, would it be a brother's part notto receive her? " The identity of his visitorthen dawned upon him and he showed Bean a

Chreidimh Mhoir into the dining-room.

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Mr. Sage, in Memorabilia Domestica, relates

a conversation he had with her. Speaking of the

name by which she had become popularly known,11 The Woman of Great Faith," she said that

was a character she did not wish to take fromothers, nor even to realise for herself. He ob-

served that a great God was justly entitled to

great faith on our part on account of the great-

ness of His own truth and of His promises." True," said she, " but my desire is only to be

enabled to exercise a little faith in a great God.


" How so? " he asked. " Because I need tc

behold that greatness, not in my faith, but in

Himself," was her reply.

Her faith in God was the simple trust of a

child in a father. He was always near her. Hespoke to her in the scenes of nature and in the

events of providence. Heaven was her Father'sthrone ; earth was His footstool. The sun, moon,and stars were standing witnesses of His everacting power and of His ever watchful presenceThe stream that babbled past her door had for

her a constant message. It repeated the word

Eternity, Eternity, Eternity. The thunder washer Father's voice. In an extraordinary thunder-storm some one remarked that she showed nosense of fear. " Why should I be afraid to hearmy Father's voice calling from the third loft?


was her trustful reply.

That spirit of childlike trust in her Father'sloving will to bless was revealed in her prayers.Prayer was not for her a formal occasional exer-cise, but a oonstant, loving, and believing atti-

tude and exercise of soul in her Father's fellow-ship. Her prayers expressed thanksgiving andpraise for mercies enjoyed. They abounded in

intercession for others. She seldom asked any-

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thing for herself. To some one who made a

remark to her on that point she said : "I amonly a messenger pleading for others in the

Saviour's name, and I remember that when I

used to do messages for my father he sometimesgave me a halfpennv for mvself though I did

not ask for it.


There is a large gray stone in Sheiggira called

Clach Pheggie, because she was in the habit of

resorting to its side for meditation and prayer.

From the day of her redemption she never

seemed to have any doubt as to the saving andkeeping power of God. Her faith in Him wasabsolute as the God of Providence. Whatevershe asked of Him in her need she unquestion-

ingly believed she would receive. Her Father in

heaven would supply all her needs, both spiritual

and temporal. She used to hold up her openempty purse and say, " Jehovah-Jireh," andmeet every reference to her personal needs bysaying, " The children ought not to provide for

the fathers, but the fathers for the children, andit is not the Heavenly Father that will fail to doso. " No sooner, however, was her purse well

filled than she emptied it again. She alwaysmet worthy people more needy than herself. Thcgifts of God to her were not for her own exclu-

sive use. She was but the steward of His mani-fold riches. She gave as she received, freely.

On her way to Edinburgh she was the guest of

Mr. Kennedy at the Manse of Killearnan ; and" hearing that the Sacrament of the Supper wasto be dispensed at Kirkhill on the following week,she resolved to attend it, and to postpone her

visit to the South till after it was over. Shewent, and on Monday a gentleman made up to

her, after the close of the service, who handed to

her a sum of money, at the request of a lady whohad been moved to offer her the gift. Mrs,

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MacKay gratefully accepted it, but being accom-panied on her way back to Killearnan by a groupof worthies, all of whom she knew to be poor,she divided all the money among them, assuredthat it was for them she received it, and that

provision for her journey would be made by someother hand. Her expectation was realised, anda sum fully sufficient was given to her, and she

started on her journey to the south. " *

On one of her many journeys she stayed for a

night at an inn, where she was not known. It

is said to be the case that many people arrived

at an inn at night, with money in their pockets,who woke up next morning to find that they hadnone. Peggy found herself in that plight, andwhen her bill was presented she could not pay it.

She looked at the maid and said, " The Lord will

provide. " The maid, not understanding Peggy'smeaning, said :

" Just wait here a minute till I

go and see. " There happened to be a certain

lord occupying a suite of rooms upstairs, to whomthe maid thought Peggy referred. She wentstraight to him and presented Peggy's bill, withexplanations. His lordship came down to see

this person that presumed to take such liberties

with him. He was not long in her companywhen the bill was paid and her empty purse re-

plenished, though she asked for nothing.

At that time there was a change of drivers at

each (coach) stage, and at every halt " Remem-ber the coachman " was called out at the window.Mrs. MacKay invariably gave a silver coin and a

good advice to each of the drivers. Her com-panions, not liking to be outdone by their strangefellow-passenger, and liking still less to part so

freely with their money, at last remonstrated." We cannot afford to give silver always," one of

* In the Days of the Fathers.

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them said, " and we cannot keep pace with yourliberality. " " The King's daughter must travel

as becomes her rank," she said, as she again

handed the silver coin and spoke the goldenadvice to the driver.*

She regarded nothing that was given her, or

that she pòssessed, as her own. It was hers only

to be used for the good of those who had need.

This habit often caused misunderstanding", andsometimes gave pain to her best friends. Whenher daughter was on the eve ot" getting married,the two set out to make some purchases for the

interesting event. They had but the sum of sevenpounds to spend. By the way they fell in with a

man who was threatened with eviction for arrears

of rent. He told Peggy his distressing story.

Five pounds would tide him over his difficulties

and stay proceedings. Much against her

daughter's wishes, as may well be imagined, shegave that sum to the man, but before arriving

where the shopping was to be done gifts amount-ing to ten pounds were handed to her.

In those days people were in the habit of killing

a cow or bullock at the beginning of the winterseason. The flesh was pickled and preserved for

family use. On one occasion, when the cow waskilled, Peggy had so many friends to whom shewished to send a bit of meat that very soon the

whole carcase was disposed of. There was only

one piece left, and she had marked it out for

some one. Some member of her household wasin the act of protesting that if she gave that awaythere would be nothing left for themselves, whenone of the lads came in announcing that their best

bullock had fallen and broken his neck. Peggylifted her heart in thanksgiving, saying :

" Praise

to Thee, Thou rich Provider, Thou hast selected

* In the Days of the Fathers,

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this from the herd that would miss it least," andsent her messenger on her errand with the last

remaining piece of beef.

On being presented with a small bag of apples

she was told not to take the string off till she

reached home. She promised she would not.

By the way, however, she met some one to whomthe apples would be a greater treat than to her-

self, and remembering her promise not to takethe string off the bag, she cut the bottom out of

it and gave the apples awav.

The strength of her faith was especially revealed

when passing through trial and under the shadowsof death. She then showed entire acquiescencein the will of God, and however sore her motherheart must have been she was not known to

murmur at the events of His holy providence.

When one of her sons was drowned near herhome, the sorrow of her heart was great, but the

words, " He that spared not His own Son butg'ave Him up for us all," checked any feelings

of bitterness that may have mingled with her

sorrow, and she never uttered a word of com-plaint. A friend who went to express sympathywas met by a smiling face and a most cheerful

spirit. The friend expressed the surprise she felt,

remarking : "I am surprised you can look socheerful in your sad circumstances. " " Youknow," was the beautiful reply, " we oughtalways to return a loan with a smile.


She frequented the house of sorrow to expressher sympathy and to minister comfort, as fewcould so wisely and so lovingly do, and to take

advantage of the opportunity, while hearts weretender, to win them for the Saviour's love. Atsuch times her knowledge of the Scriptures andher wisdom in applying them brought a word in

season to many. She travelled many a mile to

visit the sick, She felt that if she could speak a

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word of comfort to any trembling soul she wasdoing a Christ-like service. There was a gentle-ness, a kindliness, and a fortitude of spirit shownby her that communicated a comforting feelingto the patients. At the bedside of the dying shevvas always bright and cheerful. There was nosign of grief or gloom as she pointed the dyingto the living Redeemer.

She was a true and eager soul winner. Thelate Donald Gow, of Melness, used to tell thatwhen he was in spiritual darkness and soul dis-tress till he could endure it no longer, he went tointerview her. She persuaded him to stay over-night. In the morning the sun rose on Donald.His darkness passed away, and, henceforth, hewas known as a man who walked in the light ofthe Lord.

She accompanied him back to Skinnet, wherethere was a tinker's encampment, to which shewent on some errand. She probably made theerrand an excuse to get into touch with the wan-dering people. On reaching the tent they foundthem beginning breakfast, and the head of thefamily invited her to drink a cup of tea withthem. "J will do that," she said, " if you willask a blessing," which he reverently did, andPeggy drank the tea to Donald's lasting amaze-ment.

Through the night she was in travail over thenew birth of a soul into the kingdom of God, andm the morning she was along with her convert inthe highways and hedges seeking the outcast andthe lost.

During the later years of her life she sufferedfrom a painful disease, which was eventually thecause of her death. She went to Strathpefferalmost every summer. Its waters helped her

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greatly. While there she visited Ferintosh andRedcastle at the time of their great communiongatherings, where she was the honoured guest of

Dr. Macdonald and of Mr. Kennedy, and whereshe was the centre of a group of worthies. Shehad even conceived the idea of going to reside in

the parish of Killearnan that she might be under" the latter rain " of Mr. Kennedy's ministry,

and be also within easy reach of the healing

waters of Strathpeffer Spa. Her purpose, how-ever, was not realised.

Mr. Kennedy died on the ioth of January, 1841.

Mrs. Mackay was then confined to bed in her last

illness. When the news came, her husbandresolved to wilhhold it from her. " With this

resolution he entered the room, and sat downgloomily by the fire. ' I know what ails you,'

his wife said to him, after he was seated. ' Youhave heard of Mr. Kennedy's death ; I knew it

before. ' He died,' she added, ' on Sabbathevening, and, mentioning a certain day, ' before

then I will join him in the Father's house,' andso it was. " *

When it became generally known that she wasseriously ill, and that her end was approaching,many of her friends came from great distances

to watch with and comfort her. One of themreported :

" Perhaps the solemn scene was sotruly grand that our age could not produce an-

other instance wherein Christian fortitude andbravery shone so brilliant and conspicuous in andaround a death bed." No sound of complaint ormurmuring was heard from her during the wholecourse of her sufferings, which were often veryacute. She longed, not so much for ease and rest

from pain as for fitness for the life to which shewas fast hastening. She longed for holiness of

soul and spirit. " Patience, patience : Holiness,* In thc Days of the Fathers.

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holiness : Purify me and take me away," wereher ejaculations and prayers while passing throughthe shadow of death. She died as she lived bythe faith of the Son of God who loved her.

Her friends asked her many questions, hopingthat her replies would be a means of comfort tothemselves and to others. These she answeredwith a clearness which proved that her mindremained unclouded to the end, and with a wis-dom which showed how well taught she hadbeen and how valuable were her views.

The prolonged struggle between Church andState which ended in the Disruption was ragingat the time. " The Witness " kept her in con-stant touch with the progress of events. On beingasked what she thoug-ht the issue would be, shereplied :

" ' I will refine her but not with silver.


I do not think that the Lord will deliver theChurch by means of money, or by great talentsor great speeches made on her behalf. He hasHis own way of deliverance. " That was twoyears before the Disruption took place.

When asked if Satan tempted her, now that shewas so weak, she answered : "The Lord redeemedmy soul by the blood of the everlasting covenantwhen I was young. That shut the door with abang in his face, and all he can do now is to standoutside the back door, whispering in my ears,How great noise, but how little good you have

done by your loud profession of religion all

through your earthly life,' but is it not written,1 They overcame him through the blood of theLamb ' ?


As the time of her departure drew near, herspirit was consumed by an intense longing todepart and to be with Christ. That longing foundexpression in the language of Scripture. She was

Page 28: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc


heard to say repeatedly, " Why is His chariot so

long in coming? Why tarry the wheels of Hischariots? " There was no impatience, however,only a holy desire to be with her Lord.

The night before she passed away she called her

husband and such of the family as were with themto her bedside, and, after bidding them an affec-

tionate and an affecting farewell, she asked him to

kneel with them in prayer before the Lord. Whenthat touching act of dedication was over she said,

and these were her last words, " There is only oneSaviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. I travelled manya step through the wilderness seeking- and follow-

ing Him, which I do not regret. I kept an openbreast to many, many who professed the Saviour,

and who, I knew, were entire strangers to Him.I did so upon this ground, that I knew He could

and would do much more abundantly in savingsinners than I could think of or oomprehend.


11 Shortly afterwards," sang Mr. Findlater," the angels raised thee up on high, and the

King received thee into His palaces, wearing a

crown of excessive brilliance.


That was on the i^th of April, 184 1, in the

73rd year of age. With solemn and affectionate

reverence, she was buried in the Melness Ceme-tery, where her dust rests till the resurrection.II Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.


The Rdghteous shall be in Everlasting


Page 29: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

By thc same Author.



" Careful, tull, and sympathetic biography."—" Aberdeen Free Press."

" A mnst readable volume, nol of the dry-as-dust

order."—" The Dundee Advertiser."

" \ truly excellent biography." " Stirling

( )bser\ er.


" An exceedingly successful representation oi the

life."—" The Highland News."

" Uas its interests, especially for northern

readers."- -" The Northern Chronicle."

Published by AENEAS MACKAY, Stirling.

Page 30: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

Printed byjohn Williamson, Coatbridge

Page 31: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc
Page 32: Margaret Macdiarmid (Bean a Chreidimh mhoir) or Mrs ... · MARGARETMACDIARMID fBEANACHREIDIMHMHOIR) Mrs.MackayofSheiggira andofMelness Rev.ALEXANDERMACRAE,Tongue Authorofthe"LifeofDr.Aird,"etc

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