Page 1: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

March 25th, 2020

Dear GCPS families and guardians,

With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making sure our

students have educational resources and things to review are key. Attached are purely Spanish I,

II and III level material work. Students should try to spread out their work and not try to finish it

in one day. This set of work will last at least 2 weeks. After that point, we will have better

direction as to what to move forward with in our educational materials and curriculum. With that

being said, please have your child do this work at their convenience. We want your health and

safety to be a priority of course.

If your teacher has set up a Google classroom to do on-line work because you have access to the

internet, the packet work and on-line work should match up. This is definitely up to your

discretion as to what platform you prefer to work with or can work with during our COVID-

19/Coronavirus pandemic.

Again, from the foreign language department we hope you are able to access everything we

provide. We want to make sure no learning gaps occur and school is still a priority even though

we are not in a “school setting.”

Please contact your Spanish teacher via Google classroom or email your teacher with any

questions regarding your new packet of review material.

To stay in touch via with

Sra. Coleman, here are her codes:

Spanish I- text @bh3kce to 81010// Spanish II- text @kba84ck

Sra. Falkenberg, here are her codes:

Spanish I- text @943kge to 81010// Spanish II-text @7b9e448 to 81010// Spanish III-text

@2eeggd to 81010

Sr. Williams, her are his codes: text @f77kg8k to 81010 for Spanish 3 and @kgac2kk to 81010

for Spanish IV.

Great Spanish websites:,,,

Please stay safe and be healthy.

Best regards,

The Foreign Language Department at Gloucester High School

We care. And want the best for you!!

Page 2: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Spanish II Study Guide – Textbook pages with information on each topic are listed.

Time – txbk pg. 127 Write out the time in Spanish – make sure you include “de la mañana/tarde/noche”

1. 8:45 am ______________________________________________________________________________

2. 10:30pm ______________________________________________________________________________

3.1:10pm ______________________________________________________________________________

Time- txbk pg. 127 Write out the following times using digits and AM/PM

4. Son las cinco y cuarto de la mañana ___________________________________________________________

5. Son las siete menos veinte de la tarde ________________________________________________________

Ser vs. estar -txbk pg. 5 & 86 Write the correct form of ser or estar in each blank.

Tomás __1__ el gato de Señorita Kennedy. Tomás tiene un año y _2__ un gato muy bonito y inteligente.

Hoy, Tomás ___3__ triste porque Señorita Kennedy __4___ muy ocupado y no puede jugar. Señorita

Kennedy _5___ una maestra y tiene que hacer exámenes para sus clases. Ella __6__ nerviosa porque

mañana hay un examen. Tomás __7___ enojado porque tiene hambre. Él __8__ en la cocina pero

Señorita Kennedy no __9___ allí. ¿Dónde ___10___?

1 ____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4 ____________ 5_____________

6____________ 7____________ 8 ____________ 9_____________ 10____________

Ir a + infinitive – see txbk pg. 43 Translate the following sentences using ir a + infinitive

1. I am going to write a report. ___________________________________________________________

2. My brother is going to discuss the homework. _____________________________________________

3. The class is going to do an art project. ____________________________________________________

4. What are we going to do today? _________________________________________________________

Gustar – see txbk pg. 199 (review from Spanish 1) Complete each sentence with the correct form of gustar.

1. A Enrique le _________________ los libros.

2. A ti te _________________ escribir correos electronicos.

3. A nosotros nos _______________ la pizza.

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Tener- see txbk pg. 15 Complete each sentence with the correct form of tener.

1. Yo _______________ la clase de historia el próximo semestre.

2. Nosotros _________________ que llegar a tiempo a las clases todos los días.

3. Ustedes _________________ la clase de matemáticas en la segunda hora.

4. Tú siempre _____________ que traer todos los materiales a la clase de español.

5. La clase ______________ que empezar a las siete cuarenta y cinco en punto.

Adjective-noun agreement – see txbk pg. 3 Fill in the rest of the chart to make each adjective match its subject.

Masculine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Singular Feminine Plural






Saber vs. Conocer- see txbk pg. 56 Complete each sentence with the correct form of saber or conocer.

1. Él ________tocar la trompeta. 2. Tu ________quien es el director de la escuela.

3. Nosotros __________a la profesora. 4. Yo ________tu numero de teléfono.

5. Ellos __________el restaurante nuevo. 6. ¿____________ cuántas clases hay?

Hace…. que – see txbk pg. 58 Write each sentence in Spanish using the hace + time + que format.

1. Susana has been a singer for 5 years.


2. Emilio has been practicing martial arts for three years.


3. The girls have been doing gymnastics for 6 months


Stem-Changing- see txbk pg. 27 Conjugate the following verbs to match the subject.

“Change the root in the boot”

1. Ellos dormir ___________________ 2. Yo encontrar _________________

3. Nosotros pensar ___________________ 4. Tu pedir _________________

5. Ella jugar ___________________ 6. Usted perder _________________

Page 4: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

Comparisons of equality – txbk pg. 53

Tan Comparisons

To compare two nouns, you can use tan (so) with an adjective or adverb. Here is the formula:

tan + adjective/adverb + como

Using the formula above, translate the following sentences.

1) I am as hardworking as my sister.


2) You run as slow as my little brother.


3) We are as sad as y’all are.


Tanto Comparisons

You also use tanto (so many/so much) to form comparisons of equality using a noun. Here is the formula for tanto comparisons.

tanto* + noun + como *The word tanto must match the noun it follows in gender and number.

Complete the sentences by conjugating the verb and using tan or the correct form of tanto.

1) Esta clase (tener) __________ (tanto) ___________ estudiantes como la otra clase.

2) Mi equipo de fútbol (tener) ___________ (tanto) ___________ puntos como el tuyo.

3) Los chicos (tener) ___________ (tanto) __________ oportunidades como las chicas.

4) Hay (tanto) __________ interés en el club de ajedrez como el club de fotografía.

Stem changing verbs – txbk pg. 27, definitions in glossary Match the following forms of stem changing verbs to their meanings, then write the infinitive form of the verb in the third column.

1. Juega A. I understand 1. ____________________

2. Duermen B. You eat lunch 2. ____________________

3. Pensamos C. He asks for 3. ____________________

4. Pierdes D. She plays 4. ____________________

5. Pide E. They count 5. ____________________

6. Almuerzas F. They sleep 6. ____________________

7. Entiendo G. I begin 7. ____________________

8. Cuentan H. You lose 8. ____________________

9. Servimos I. We think 9. ____________________

10. Empiezo J. We serve 10. ____________________

Page 5: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

Making sentences negative – txbk pg. 31

“Carrot stick” ˅the word “no” into the correct place in the following sentences to make them negative.

Then translate the meaning to English beneath.

1. Yo me pongo maquillaje nunca.


2. A ella le gusta llevar vestidos para nada.


3. A nosotros nos gusta levantarnos temprano todos los días.


Reflexive Verbs – txbk pg. 80 Fill in blanks with the reflexive pronoun that corresponds to the subject.

1. You take a shower. – Tú __________ duchas.

2. Maria dries her hair. – Maria ____________ seca el pelo.

3. You all wake up. – Ustedes ___________ despiertan.

4. We brush our teeth. – Nosotros ___________ cepillamos los dientes.

5. I get dressed. – Yo ___________ visto.

6. They paint their nails. – Ellos ____________ pintan las uñas.

7. She puts on makeup. – Ella ____________ pone el maquillaje.

8. I put on my shoes. – Yo _____________ pongo los zapatos.

Verbs and expressions that use the infinitive – txbk pg. 71, glossary Look up the meaning of the verbs and choose an infinitive to fill in the blank to form a logical sentence. Provide a translation beneath.

1. Tú debes ______________________.


2. ¿Quieres _____________________?


3. Mi profesora tiene que _______________________.


4. Los estudiantes necesitan _______________________.


5. Mañana mi familia y yo vamos a ______________________.


Page 6: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

Clothing vocab, txbk pg. 70

ROPA – parte superior del cuerpo CLOTHES – upper body El abrigo- coat Los anteojos de sol- sunglasses La blusa- bouse La camisa- shirt La camiseta- T-shirt La chaqueta- jacket La corbata- tie La gorra- hat/beanie Los guantes- gloves La sudaera- sweatshirt El suéter- sweater El traje- suit El traje de baño- bathing suit El vestido- dress ROPA – parte inferior del cuerpo CLOTHES – lower body Las botas- boots Los calcetines- socks La falda- skirt Los jeans- jeans Los pantalones- pants Los pantalones cortos- shorts Los zapatos- shoes

Using the labeled body parts diagram in this packet and this list of

clothing, make a list of body parts and organize the clothing

vocabulary under the body part each item would go on.

Then copy the body outlines from this page onto a blank sheet of paper and dress them with as many clothing items as possible (Imagine you are going on a long

trip and the airline you are flying only allows one tiny suitcase so you have to wear everything you want to take). You can color on them with markers, paint

them, use cut outs from magazines or make your own paper creations to paste on top. Do not forget to label each item with its Spanish name!

Page 7: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

r?\ <"0 ~~ Numbers 0 - 1,000

Me llamo _________ ____ _

La fecha de hoy es _________ _

Refer to the Word Bank to write each number jn Spanish.

veinte noventa

setenta cincuenta

Wotd Bqnlc treinta ochenta

cien cuarenta

---------- 50

---------- 60

---------- 70







40 ----------

1-fundN!di 200 doscientos 300 trescientos

0 cuatrocientos

1-f alpful l-linti

500 quinientos 600 seiscientos 700 setecientos

800 ochocientos 900 novecientos 1,000 mil

ei words-seis, veinte, treinta ie words-siete, diez, cien

16 to 99 Write the ten and add the ones. (Use the wordy.)

16 = dieciseis 72 = setenta y dos

sesenta diez

100 cien for the number only; cien before a noun (100 cats= cien gatos)

101-999 Write the hundred, then the tens and ones. Do not use the wordy between the hundreds and the tens. 762 = setecientos sesenta y dos

200-900 The -os of cientos becomes -as before a feminine noun. (300 girls = trescientas chicas)

Practica Write each number below in Spanish.

333 ------------- 756 -----------------261 ____________ _

520 --------------615 --------------- --

Page 8: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

0 m d 0 s C

C l 1 z w J

h f n I p n

0 s s 0 e z

C 0 0 d V p

1 t e w y e

e n g z C J

n e X d h u

t 1 V k p k

0 C w r u k

s s X a r r

f e e 1 t u

b r w a d m

y t u 1 r s

e C d 1 s 0

r"Sc-<6' ~ ~


Numbers 0- 1,000


l e n t 0 s s J C

g g V w k b 1 l s

z r I y J w e s e

s p y z u n 0 q 1

e t p s b t b 0 s

g u r 0 n k f k C

C t r e q z 1 f l

a 1 1 h y q t n e

d C e a z J s r n

0 X a n f 1 C s t

e J b 1 t y k b 0

y X p y 0 0 1 0 s

e z r h b t s q d I 0 t n e 1 n 1 u q

t n e l C e t e s

Circle the Spanish number words that you find in the wordsearch. Then write the circled words and English translations below.

~penf~h Wotd ~nglf~h T tan~latfon




4 .




8 .

9. • 10.

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Nombre _ ____ ______ _ Clase _____ _ h'ch,1 ____ _


Possessive pronouns (5) In English Tl) show ownership or relationship we can use possessive adjectives or

pronouns. Possessive adjec1ives always go before a noun. Possessive pronouns are used alo1w, when you leave out the noun.

Possessive adjectives These are my books. pronouns Are those books mine?

I saw their car in the garage. Have you seen ours? Possessive pronouns have slightly different endings from possessive adjectives.

my --► mine your - yours his - ► his her ➔ hers its -➔ its

our ➔ ours

your --► yours their _. theirs

A In the following sentences, circle any possessive pronouns you find, and

underline any possessive adjectives.

I . I cannot drive .!!!.r car. Can I borrows ?

2. Can I see your picture? I like it better than mine.

3. Give Lisa her purse. Is this jacket hers as well?

4. They claim this land is all theirs. But it's mine!

5. Our family went to the amusement park last week. And yours?

6. Tell Mike the dog is not wearing its collar. The dog is his, after all.

7. The Johnsons bought their house two years ago. We bought ours last year.

8. Their mother~ don't get along. Her mom is much stricter than his.

In Spanish The possessive adjectives go before the noun, and possessive pronouns are used when the noun is left out. Pronouns must be used with the

definite article ( el, la, los, las), except after a form of the verb ser. I

Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Esos son mis libros. lEsos libros son mios? Vi su carro en el garaje. lHas visto el nuestro?

Possessive pronouns (and the definite article) must agree with the noun they refer

to in gender and number.

mine el mio yours (informal) el tuyo his/hers/yours (formal) el suyo

la mia la tuya la suya

ours el nuestro la nuestra

los mios · 10s tuyos

los suyos

las mias las tuyas las suyas las nuestras

yours (informal) theirs/yours (formal)

el vuestro la vuestra el suyo la suya

.. los nuestros los vuestros los suyos

las vuestras las suyas

Holt Spanish 2 Grammar Tutor

Copyright e by Holt. Rin~hart and Winston. All rights resc:rvcd.

Page 10: March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians,...March 25th, 2020 Dear GCPS families and guardians, With us being in times of distress with COVID -19 and the Coronavirus, making

:-,.;\imbre ___ ____ ______ _ G ,1sc ______ _


8 Cirde the possessive pronouns and underline the possessive adjectives.

I. cam) no funciona. lMe prestas~ ?

2. Nuestra 1.°,\mara es m:is barata quc la suya.

3. Sus perros (Omen mucho, los mios no.

4. tv1is vcrduras estan calientes, pero las tuyas estan frias.

5. Amanda y Beatriz van a visitar a su abuelo; nosotros vamos a ver al nuestro.

6. Aqui estan mi anillo y el de Carlota. El mio es mas grande que cl suyo.

7. Dorotea y Pili van a vender sus libros, pero los nuestros nose venden.

8. tvli chaqueta es mas vieja que la de Alfonso. La suya es muy moderna.

C You and a friend are comparing things. Use possessive pronouns to answer her.

1. Amiga: lCual es mas elegante, tu camisa o la de Alfredo? Tu: la mia es mas elegante que la suya.

2. Amiga: lCuales son mas caros, mis aretes o los de Laura?

Tu: _________________________ _

3. Amiga: lCuales son mas modernos, mis zapatos o los tuyos?

Tu: ____________________________ _

4. Amiga: lCual es mas divertida, nuestra clase o la clase de Julian y Ana?

Tu: --------------- --------------

5. Amiga: lCual esta mas lejos, tu casa o la de tus primos?

Tu: -----------------------------

6. Amiga: lCuales son mayores, nuestros amigos o los amigos de! profesor?

Tu: ___________________________ _

D l . Compare the following sentences, and fill in the blank in the Spanish sentence.

a. That tie is mine. Esa corbata es _____ _

b. Look at our ties. Mine is better. Mira nuestras corbatas. ____ _ _

es meJor.

2. When did you use the definite article la in Spanish? When is it left out?

Holt Spanish 2 Grammar Tutor

Copyright C by Hoh, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 76

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El Cuerpotrhe Body cabeza (head)

frente (forehead)

pestaiias ---- -.l_\t

. ojos ----..).LI---ce3a (eyes)

(eyebrow)/ (eyelashes)

nariz:-----rn (nose)

hombro_-..c. (shoul<ler)

cadera (hip)

T.S . Denison & Co., Inc.

piema (leg)

pecho (chest)

est6mago (stomach)

pies (feet)


- cara ----(face)

pies (toes)-

brazo - (arm)

.-dedo (finger)

(fi ( lllia ngernai]J

BIENVENIDOS I Spanish in the Classroom

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