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Winter Tandeming

In This Issue:

Safety Tip 2



Upcoming Rides

Annual St Patrick’s Day Ride

Loop the Lake

DATES 2019 Bluebonnet Ride 8

10 DATES Annual Meeting

DATES Out and About 12

DATES Ride Calendar 14

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Safety Tip Reprinted and paraphrased from “The Nest”

by Scott Mashburn

Whether to incorporate squats depends on your commitment to cycling. If you enjoy casually taking a spin on a bike from time to time, squat exercises -- a key component of strength training -- may not enhance your riding. However, if you are an avid or competitive cyclist, strength training in the off-season, including plenty of squats, will give you more power and speed. Cycling coach and Dr. Jesper Bondo Medhus, the founder of Training4Cyclists, says "squatting should always be the bread and butter exercise. That is why you might have heard squats mentioned as 'the king of exercises.'" Benefits of Squats A traditional squat for strength training usually involves resting a barbell on your shoulders and then dropping your hips toward the floor. Squats are particularly valuable for building up your legs because they work your quads and glutes at the same time, the key muscles that give you pedaling power. In addition, you extend both your hips and knees as you stand up out of the squat, which mimics the motion of a downward pedal stroke on the bike, making squats a sport-specific exercise as well. Impact for Cyclists Little hard science proves that squats and weight training improve a cyclist's performance. Many elite cyclists and cycling coaches believe in the value of strength training for your legs -- "climbers, sprinter and everyone else in between can benefit from lifting weights." Strength training is primarily done during the off-season for a cyclist, which generally runs from October

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through April. During the season, such rigorous strength training will result in fatigued legs when you climb on the bike. Strength training twice per week builds up your leg muscles, which gives you more power on the bike. It increases bone strength as well, which helps prevent osteoporosis. It works some leg and hip muscles that aren't used much while cycling, giving your lower body more balance. Strength training also helps maintain muscle mass, which tends to decline as people get older. Proper Squat Technique The proper technique for squats is a critical part of the exercise, making it not only more effective, but also avoiding injury. Stand with your feet apart at hip-to-shoulder width, with your toes pointed forward. Keep your knees in line with your second and third toes. Slowly lower your hips and bend your knees, allowing your butt to stick out as if you were about to sit in a chair. You'll be leaning forward with your shinbones and torso parallel -- don't bow forward. Squat down as far as you can while maintaining good form. Avoid arching or rounding your back. Keep your head in a neutral position in line with your spine -- don't force yourself to look straight ahead. When you drive upward, keep your weight evenly distributed. Types of Squats Although competitive cyclists work their way up to squats with heavy barbells to build extremely powerful quad muscles, not all cyclists need this level of intensity. You can use just the bar alone, or eliminate the weight altogether -- especially if your goal is simply to build up your legs to better enjoy recreational cycling. If your knees don't bother you and you are a serious cyclist, do a full squat by dropping your hips far enough so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Add squat jumps, a

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plyometric exercise to develop explosive lower-body power. Start in a squat position with your hands on your hips, jump as high as you can, land lightly on your feet and drop back into the squat position. Pause momentarily and jump again. Gradually build up the number of jumps and reps you do.

Considerations Squats and other leg strengthening exercises are not just for cyclists. They give you a stronger and more explosive base for any type of sport you enjoy, from jogging to soccer to swimming to basketball. As an added bonus, your legs will look more toned in shorts or a swimsuit. If you intend to go into a rigorous off-season training program for cycling, work with a trainer to get the most out of your workout time. If you are not accustomed to such a demanding program, or if you a history of knee or lower-body injuries, check with your doctor before proceeding.

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Introducing A New Advertiser!

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A Sunday ride is always the bestWe vote that way at Nancy’s behest And after the ride We’ll try not to hideOur excitement for an Irish food fest (This year’s ditty has been written by John Griswold!) So, come all you DATES riders on Sunday, March 17th at 9:00 am. We will start at our home at 6923 Alpha Rd. Take a leisurely ride to downtown and back (@30 miles). We will then have corned beef and cabbage and the ever-famous limerick contest with fabulous prizes. So, take your pen and start writing your prose and bring food to share. Also, please rsvp so we know how many people to feed. Mary & David Dres214-274-3029

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Loop the Lake Wednesday, March 27 

 To kick off 2019, Team Coose will lead the first one. Loop the Lake Ride #1

Wednesday March 27 - Meet at 6:00 PM. Ride at 6:15. (Sunset is 7:44)Start: Lake House White Rock Bar & Grill, 7510 E Northwest Hwy, DallasLeaders: Ernie and Regina Coose Join us for the first Loop the Lake ride for 2019. Everyone is invited to pedal at their own comfortable pace. This will be a no drop ride, so we’ll be sure everyone finds their way around the

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lake and finishes safely. We’ll ride clockwise for two laps. If you can’t get there in time for the start, then start counterclockwise to meet up with us. After the ride, we’ll have dinner at the café, around 7:45. 

Be Our Leader!Wednesday evening White Rock Lake RidesWe’re calling for volunteers to lead a Loop the Lake ride on a Wednesday evening of your choice. These Wednesday outings have been popular in past years as after-work wind downs or just a good way to end the day with DATES friends. We hold these during the Spring and Summer on an ad hoc schedule as leaders are available. To lead a ride, just say the word to the Coose’s and/or the Mashburn’s. We can get the announcement out to the club and will be glad to help in any other way. You get to pick your date, starting point, and favorite post-ride restaurant.

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Dates Bluebonnet Ride- Lancaster, TX- Saturday April  6

Spring time cycling south of Dallas traveling through the smallcommunities of Ferris & Palmer. Both routes (62 & 42 miles) will take you along the Bluebonnet Trail via Sugar Ridge Rd. and by the Exotic Animal Farm on Blue Ribbon Rd.

We will meet and leave from Lancaster Heritage Park, 250 N Dallas Ave.near the Gazebo.Please arrive in time for our group photo at 8:50a prior to our 9:00a roll-out. I will provide turn by turn handouts for those that want them. (do not print the turn by turn listing provided by ridewithgps -mine contains more info and is more accurate).   

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The gps files are accurate and can be downloaded from the links provide below.

There are no restrooms available at the start area, so you may want to make a stop somewhere prior to arriving. A handy spot is the Valero gas station at 903 N. Dallas Ave.

42 mile route:

62 mile route

ps, we will use Sunday, April 7 as an alternate date in case ofundesirable weather on Saturday.

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DATES Annual Meeting

On a cold dreary (so what’s new!) Sunday evening in February, the Dallas Area Tandem Enthusiasts met for our annual Annual Meeting. It sounds like such an auspicious affair that we should all drag out our suits and formal attire, but it is a casual gathering of long time and new friends with a common bond of cycling together on one of those two-seater bikes.

Several attendees traveled from afar to join us. Renee Kailer from Kansas City and Hugh and Becky Reeves from Fredericksburg.

Blue Mesa Restaurant has served us well over the past 3 years with a private room and waitstaff, plentiful buffet, and some pretty darn good margaritas. So much so that the actual meeting is kind of an afterthought! We did get some business accomplished and had reports from each committee.Scott Mashburn called the meeting to order, Ernie Coose begged for a few more rides to be led, Nancy Griswold thanked everyone for Datesline contributions, Mindy Mashburn told us we were fiscally sound, and Kevin Vinson walked us through some new and exciting things our DATES website can now do.

DATES will be responsible for the next tandem rally in 2020. The Bryant’s have tentatively agree to help coordinate this event but it will be a group effort. We will need to check out

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the routes, try on jerseys and get raffle gifts and what ever else needs to be done to support this club activity.

Harry Thompson presented the nominees for office. All the committees were re-nominated for another year and unanimously approved. Whew!

The officer positions for 2018 are:DATES Coordinators: Scott and Mindy MashburnRide Coordinators: Ernie and Regina CooseNewsletter Editor: John and Nancy GriswoldSecretary: Glen and Barbara Rudolph Treasurer: David and Mary DresMembership Coordinator: Kevin and Linda Vinson

So another successful year for DATES under our belts (that is, if you have a belt driven tandem)! Hope to see all of you out on our upcoming spring rides!

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DATES Out & AboutThe Coose’s in Tucson, Arizona

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Rudolph’s and Hollanworth’s So many places we can’t keep up

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Annual St Patrick’s Day

Ride3/17 9:00 6923 Alpha


Mary & David Dres

972-489-7671 [email protected] Page 5

Loop the Lake 3/27 6:00

The Lake House


Ernie and Regina Coose

469-520-7615 [email protected] Page 6

Dates 2019 Bluebonnet

Ride 4/6 8:50

Lancaster Heritage


Mike & Sue

[email protected] Page 8

Southwest Tandem Rally 5/3-5 Little Rock

Arkansas See website for details See website

EuropeNorth AmericaSmall Groups3 & 4 Star Hotels

Tandems Only1 & 2 Week Tours20 Years Experience30-60 Miles per Day

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Dallas Area Tandem Enthusiasts Web Page:

DATES-LINE is generally published monthly by and for members of DOUBLE DATES. Information contained herein is for the general good of the tandem community and may be copied without permission; credit to DOUBLE DATES and DATES-LINE is appreciated. All comments and contributions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Generally, monthly issues are e-mailed by the end of the previous month. Notices and articles must be received a week prior to the e-mailing date to be included in the next issue. Machine-readable copy is required, preferably in MS WORD. Copy should be e-mailed to mailto:[email protected].

Advertising Rates (per issue): $10 - Business card size ads; $35 - ¼ Page ads; $50 - ½ Page ads

DOUBLE DATES, the Dallas Area Tandem Enthusiasts, is a recreational club for riders of tandem bicycles. Membership dues are $35 payable annually in February. If a team joins mid-year, the dues are: Jan – June $35; July – Oct $16. Teams joining in November or December pay $35 and are paid up for the following year.

DATES is affiliated with or a member of the Tandem Club of America, the League of American Bicyclists, BikeTexas and BikeDFW.


DATES COORDINATORS Scott & Mindy Mashburn 214-395-9565 (c) [email protected] DATES-LINE EDITORS John & Nancy Griswold 972-913-4904 (h [email protected]

RIDE COORDINATORS Ernie and Regina Coose 469-520-7615 (h) [email protected] MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Linda & Kevin Vinson 972.625-6110 (h) [email protected] TREASURERS David & Mary Dres 972.489-7671 (h). [email protected] [email protected] _______________________________

SECRETARY Barbara and Glenn Rudolph 972-390-2724 (h) [email protected] WEB SITE Kevin & Linda Vinson [email protected]

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