
April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 1

MARCH 2017Pictures of the day

March 28 – March 31Sources : , AP images , , …

PPS by

SYRIA-An American military vehicle is pictured on the outskirts of Manbij, Syria, on March 7. Arab 24 via AP

March 7 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 2


SYRIA-Map showing the locations of Afrin (pin on left) and Manbij in northern Syria. Google

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 3


SYRIA-Russian soldiers gather as rebel fighters and their families leave Homs, Syria, on March 18. Omar Sanadiki - Reuters

March 18 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 4


A Syrian woman pulls her husband on a wheelchair as they evacuate from their home following a reported air strike on the rebel-controlled town of Hammuriyeh, on the outskirts of the capital Damascus on March 25.

At least 16 civilians were killed and dozens wounded in the reported air strike, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said.

Abdulmonam Eassa / AFP - Getty Images

March25 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 5

Wounded Syrian children cry as they wait to receive treatment following a reported air strike on the rebel-controlled town of Hammuriyeh, in the eastern Ghouta region on the outskirts of Damascus, on March 25.

Abdulmonam Eassa / AFP - Getty Images

March 25 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 6

Russian riot police detain a demonstrator during an opposition rally in central Moscow on March 26.

Tens of thousands demonstrators turned out in Moscow and other cities on Sunday to rally against official corruption in the largest outpouring of discontent in years.Maxim Shipenkov / EPA

March 26 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 7


April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 8

Three times a day, alarms ring out through the streets of China's ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, and shopkeepers rush out of their stores swinging government-issued wooden clubs.In mandatory anti-terror drills conducted under police supervision and witnessed by Reuters on a recent visit, they fight off imaginary knife-wielding assailants. Armoured paramilitary and police vehicles circle with sirens blaring.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 9

March 24 , 2017


Men install a CCTV camera in a shopping street.

State media say the drills, and other measures such as a network of thousands of new street-corner police posts, are aimed making everyone feel safer.But many residents say the drills are just part of an oppressive security operation that has been ramped up in Kashgarand other cities in Xinjiang’s Uighur heartland in recent months.As well as taking part in drills, shopkeepers must, at their own expense, install password-activated security doors, "panic buttons" and cameras that film not just the street outside but also inside their stores, sending a direct video feed to police.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 10

March 23 , 2017

China says it faces a serious threat from Islamist extremists in this far Western

Xinjiang region. Beijing accuses separatists among the Muslim Uighur ethnic

minority there of stirring up tensions with the ethnic Han Chinese majority and

plotting attacks elsewhere in China.

A historic trading post, Kashgar is also central to China's One Belt, One Road

(OBOR) Initiative, President Xi Jinping's signature foreign and economic policy

involving massive infrastructure spending linking China to Asia, the Middle East

and beyond.

China's worst fears are that a large-scale attack would blight this year's

diplomatic setpiece, an OBOR summit attended by world leaders planned for

Beijing in May.


Portraits of China's late Chairman Mao Zedong, Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin and German philosopher Karl Marx are displayed outside an antique shop in the old town in Kashgar.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 11

March 22 , 2017


April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 12

For Uighurs like the owner of an online multimedia company facing one of Kashgar's main streets it is not about security, but mass surveillance."We have no privacy," said the business owner who, like almost everyone Reuters spoke to in Kashgar, did not want to give his name. "They want to see what you're up to."A Chinese security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters the new security measures in Xinjiang were not politically motivated, but based on fresh developments and intelligence. He declined to elaborate.The Xinjiang government and the State Council Information Office, which doubles as the Communist Party spokesman's office, did not respond to requests for comment.China routinely denies pursuing repressive policies in Xinjiang, and points to the vast sums it spends on economic development in the resource-rich region. Xinjiang's gross domestic product last year rose 7.6 per cent, above the national average.

Since ethnic riots in the regional capital Urumqi in 2009, Xinjiang has been plagued by bouts of deadly violence.

The incidence of attacks reported in state media have actually declined markedly, both in frequency and scale, since a spate of bombings and mass stabbings in Xinjiang and southwestern Yunnan Province in 2014.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 13

March 23 , 2017


But Chinese state media say the threat remains high and the Communist Party has vowed to continue what it terms its own "war on terror" against spreading Islamist extremism.

In Xinjiang, this can also be seen at weekly flag-raising ceremonies at which Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking people who formed the majority in Xinjiang before an influx of Han Chinese, are required to attend to denounce religious extremism and pledge fealty under the Chinese flag.

At one such event witnessed by Reuters in Hotan, a former Silk Road oasis town 500 km (300 miles) southeast of Kashgar, more than 1,000 people filed onto an open-air basketball court where Party officials checked their names against an attendance list and inspected their dress and appearance.

"Best you take this off or I'll send you to re-education," said one female official, pulling back the black hijab worn by a middle-aged Uighur woman to expose her forehead and hair.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 14

March 23 , 2017


An ethnic Uighur man sits on the train from Hotan to Kashgar.

Hotan authorities offer 2,000 yuan ($290) rewards for those who report "face coverings and robes, youth with long beards, or other popular religious customs that have been radicalised", as part of a wider incentive system that rewards actionable intelligence on imminent attacks.Xinjiang lawmakers this week approved legislation extending a prohibition on "abnormal" beards and the wearing of veils in public places across the whole region. The new rules come into force on Saturday.This month a video purportedly released by the Islamic State group showed Uighur fighters training in Iraq and vowing that blood would "flow in rivers" in China.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 15

March 22 , 2017


The architect of the anti-terror drills and other new measures in Xinjiang is Chen Quanguo, appointed Communist Party boss in the region in August in what analysts said was an implicit endorsement of his hard-linemanagement of ethnic strife in neighbouring Tibet.Chen has made his mark swiftly, culminating last month in what state media described as mass "anti-terror" rallies across Xinjiang's four largest cities involving tens of thousands of paramilitary troops and police.One of Chen's most visible initiatives has been to build thousands of what the authorities call "convenience police stations" across Xinjiang and hire some 30,000 new officers to man them.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 16

March 24 , 2017


A child sleeps as a riot shield leans on a stall at the bazaar in Hotan.

They are present on almost every intersection in Kashgar, typically just hundreds of metres apart, in what Chen calls a "grid-style social management" system he pioneered in Tibet.Local state media have praised the initiative as a new benchmark in community-based policing. Critics, including Uighur and rights groups, say the real purpose is of the convenience police stations to spy on the population.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 17

March 21 , 2017


Citizens are encouraged to use the stations to charge their mobile phones, have a cup of tea or shelter from the elements."I don't know anyone who has been in there," said one Han Chinese taxi driver, who only wanted to be identified by his surname Huang, suggesting few have taken up on the offer to huddle beside the riot police and soldiers that occupy the stations.But Huang, reflecting the region's simmering ethnic tensions, added that the increased security made him feel safer."Some people think it's too much, that it's just a few Uighurs," he said. "But if they chop your family, then you'll know."

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 18

March 23 , 2017


A woman prays at a grave near the tomb of Imam Asim in the Taklamakan Desert.

James Leibold, an expert on Chinese ethnic policy at La Trobe University in Melbourne, said the focus on security runs counter to Beijing's goal of using the OBOR initiative to boost Xinjiang's economy and improve its integration with the rest of China, because it would disrupt the flow of people and ideas.

"Those two are just fundamentally at odds,” he said.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 19

March 21 , 2017


Spending on security is rising, jumping nearly 20 percent in 2016 to more than 30 billion yuan, according to state media.

That can be seen in the metal detectors and airport-style security checks in place at major public areas, including Kashgar's ancient Id Kah mosque, bazaars, malls and hotels.

Police spot document checks are carried out on pedestrians, with mobile phones inspected for extremist videos or use of banned chat applications like Telegram, WhatsApp and Twitter. Mobile internet speeds have been slowed from 4G to 3G.

"There's maybe 5,000 people making trouble, but the rest of us, 10 million of us, pay the price," one Uighur man in Kashgar told Reuters.

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 20

March 23 , 2017


Reuters was tailed closely by local police in Kashgar. A reporter returning to his hotel at 1 a.m. found officers waiting in the lobby.When asked about the reason for the security one of the officers said Kashgar's preparations for OBOR were of paramount importance."When you see military and police vehicles patrolling the street in your country, what do you think it's for?" he said. "It's for safety. Kashgar will be a hub for travel. Everything must be good."

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March 23 , 2017


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March 21 , 2017



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March 21 , 2017



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March 21 , 2017


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March 21 , 2017


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March 21 , 2017


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March 21, 2017


March 21 , 2017


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March 21 , 2017


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March 22 , 2017


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March 22 , 2017


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March 22 , 2017


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March 22 , 2017


April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 34

March 23 , 2017



March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 35

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers a keynote address during the 28th Annual Professional Business Women of California conference on March 28 in San Francisco.

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 36

Reuters / Tuesday, March 28, 2017Loved ones and mourners lift up a closed coffin of Arjay Suldao, 16, who according to the local media was a victim of unknown assailants related to the drug war, to place it inside an apartment-type tomb, during his funeral at a cemetery in Navotas city, metro Manila, Philippines. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 37

Reuters / Tuesday, March 28, 2017An injured supporter of the Congolese main opposition party Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) is assisted following clashes with riot police outside the party headquarters in the Limete municipality of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. REUTERS/Robert Carrubba

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 38

Pennsylvania Daily LifeA Sea Lion comes up for air at the Pittsburgh Zoo in Pittsburgh, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 39

India Daily LifeIndian Muslim children

read the holy Quran at a

Mosque in Allahabad, Uttar

Pradesh state, India,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017.

Uttar Pradesh, with a

population of 204 million,

is India's most populous

state. (AP Photo/Rajesh

Kumar Singh)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 40

India Marathi New

YearA girl from India's western

Maharashtra state dressed in

traditional attire poses for

photographs during a

procession to celebrate "Gudi

Padwa", or the Marathi New

Year, in Mumbai, India,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017. (AP

Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 41

Nepal FestivalNepalese devotees

participate in the Panch

Areh chariot festival in

Kathmandu, Nepal,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017.

Three different chariots of

Hindu deities

Kankeshwori, Shankata

and Bhadrakali are taken

through the streets during

the festival celebrated by

Nepal's Newar Community.

(AP Photo/Niranjan


March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 42

India Kashmir ViolenceA Kashmiri protester throws a glass bottle at Indian security forces during a protest near the site of a gun battle in Chadoora town, about 25 kilometers (15 miles) south of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Three civilians were killed and 28 other people were injured in anti-India protests that erupted Tuesday following a gunbattlebetween rebels and government forces that killed a rebel in disputed Kashmir, police and witnesses said. The gunbattle began after police and soldiers cordoned off the southern town of Chadoora following a tip that at least one militant was hiding in a house, said Inspector-General Syed Javaid Mujtaba Gillani. As the fighting raged, hundreds of residents chanting anti-India slogans marched near the area in an attempt to help the trapped rebel escape.(AP Photo/Dar Yasin)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 43

Serbia Europe MigrantsPosters with pictures of missing migrants are attached to a container at Serbia's border with Hungary near a makeshift camp for migrants in Horgos, Serbia, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Hungary's new legislation allowing for the placement of all asylum-seekers in border container camps took effect Tuesday, with the European Union's commissioner for migration saying that it needs to comply with the bloc's rules. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 44

Israeli Draft ProtestUltra-Orthodox Jews take part in a protest against Israeli army conscription in Jerusalem, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Ultra-Orthodox leaders say they serve the Jewish nation through religious study and prayer and fear integration in the army threatens their insular, pious lifestyle. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 45

Iraq MosulA Federal Police soldier lays on a couch before moving to a front line near the old city during fighting against Islamic State militants on the western side of in Mosul, Iraq, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 46

Spain Daily LifeA couple walk past spring flowers at the end of a clear spring day, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 47

Venezuela OASGovernment supporters and militia march in a rally against the United States and to reject the possible sanctions that the Organization of American States, OAS, could apply to the government of Venezuela, in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Diplomats from across the Western Hemisphere are meeting to determine whether to punish Venezuela's socialist government for violating the country's democratic order. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 48

Soccer WCup 2018

Iran ChinaIranian fans wait for the start of

Iran and China's World Cup

qualifying soccer match at the

Azadi Stadium in Tehran, Iran,

Tuesday, March 28, 2017.

Portraits of the late Iranian

revolutionary founder Ayatollah

Khomeini, left, and Supreme

Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

placed at center. Iran won the

match 1-0. (AP Photo)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 49

Morocco Daily LifeA man rides a horse cart in the Old Medina of Marrakech, Morocco, Tuesday, March 28, 2017. (AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy)

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 50

Reuters / Tuesday, March 28, 2017Some of the 404 participants poses for a photo during the "Next Einstein" competition which set a Guinness World Record for the "largest gathering of people dressed as Albert Einstein" according to organizers of the Einstein Legacy Project, to encourage innovation and free-thinking, in Toronto, Canada. Courtesy of Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University (CFHU)/Handout via REUTERS

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 51

Reuters / Tuesday, March 28, 2017British Prime Minister Theresa May in the cabinet office signs the official letter to European Council President Donald Tusk invoking Article 50 and the United Kingdom's intention to leave the EU in London, England. After holding a referendum in June 2016 the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, the signing of Article 50 now officially triggers that process. REUTERS/Christopher Furlong/Pool

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 52

A model rests backstage before the MUXU colletion by Yang Shan during China Fashion Week in Beijing on March 28.

Wang Zhao / AFP - Getty Images

March 28 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 53

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 54

March 29 , 2017

Russia PutinRussian President, Vladimir Putin,

inspects a crevasse in a glacier on the

Arctic Franz Josef Land archipelago in

Arctic Russia, Wednesday, March 29,

2017. Russia has sought to strengthen

its foothold in the Arctic amid

intensifying rivalry for the region's rich

natural resources between polar

countries. (Alexei Druzhinin/Pool Photo

via AP)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 55

March 29 , 2017

Migrants onboard a drifting overcrowded wooden boat react during a rescue operation by the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms, north of the Libyan city of Sabratha in central Mediterranean Sea. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis-29March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 56

Iraqi rapid response members fire a missile against Islamic State militants during a battle with the militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 57

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29, 2017A protester wearing a European Union flag themed beret takes part in an anti-Brexit demonstration after Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May triggered the process by which the United Kingdom will leave the European Union, in Birmingham, Britain. REUTERS/Darren Staples

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 58

A bust of Cristiano Ronaldo is seen before the ceremony to rename Funchal Airport as Cristiano Ronaldo Airport in Funchal, Portugal. REUTERS/Rafael Marchante

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 59

Portugal Soccer RonaldoA boy takes a selfie next to the bust of Cristiano Ronaldo at the Madeira international airport outside Funchal, the capital of Madeira island, Portugal, Wednesday March 29, 2017. Madeira International Airport has been renamed after local soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo on Wednesday during a ceremony, with family, at the airport outside his Funchal hometown. (AP Photo/Armando Franca)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 60

March 29 , 2017

French artist Abraham Poincheval is seen in a vivarium on the first day of his performance in an attempt to incubate chicken eggs, which takes from 21 to 26 days, at the Palais de Tokyo Museum in Paris, France. REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 61

A woman takes a picture of the Samsung Galaxy S8+ smartphone with a Galaxy S7 during the Samsung Unpacked event in New York City. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 62

Engineers, journalists and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters run for cover after Islamic State shelled positions held by the SDF at the Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates River, Syria. REUTERS/Rodi Said

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 63

Men clear notes placed in the cracks of the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site, to clear space for new notes ahead of the Jewish holiday of Passover, in Jerusalem's Old City. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 64

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29, 2017People react as they sit in a window of a mosque during the funeral of Tauseef Ahmad Wagay, a suspected militant, who according to local media was killed in a gun battle with Indian army on Tuesday in Chadoora, in Yaripora, in south Kashmir�sKulgam district. REUTERS/Danish Ismail

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 65

Students wearing traditional opera masks attend an exercise session in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. REUTERS/Stringer

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 66

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish protesters take part in a demonstration against members of their community serving in the Israeli army, in Jerusalem. REUTERS/Baz Ratner

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 67

An anti-Trump sign is seen before the start of town hall meeting being held by Thomas Homan, acting director of enforcement for ICE, begins in Sacramento, California. REUTERS/Stephen Lam

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 68

A convoy of U.S. troops, a part of NATO's reinforcement of its eastern flank, who are on their way from Germany to Orzysz in northeast Poland, drive through Sulejowek towards a military base in Wesola, near Warsaw, Poland. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 69

Demonstrators march outside the Trump Building at 40 Wall St. as part of a protest against America�srefugee ban in New York. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 70

Shannon Winckler from Wheaton, Illinois, sits before her shoes are judged during the Odor-Eater's Rotten Sneaker Contest at Ripley's Believe It or Not! Times Square in New York. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 71

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets

with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at

the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.

REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 72

Workers disassemble a concrete wall outside the central branch of Sberbank in Kiev, Ukraine. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 73

Derrick Campana kneels beside Angel

Marie, a three legged mini horse who wears

a prosthetic leg made by Campana, at

Animal Ortho Care in Sterling, Virginia.

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 74

Models present creations by Chinese designer Gong Hangyu during a fashion show at China Fashion Week in Beijing, China. REUTERS/Jason Lee

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 75

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29, 2017Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms rescuers help migrants during a search and rescue operation. They were found drifting in a wooden boat without power about 16 kilometres (10 miles) off the coast of Sabratha, the most frequently used departure point currently used by people smugglers in Libya, and will now be transported to Sicily. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 76

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29, 2017Migrants onboard a drifting overcrowded wooden boat react during a rescue operation. "The migrants kissed and hugged their rescuers and sang songs" after they were brought to safety, said Reuters photographer YannisBehrakis, who is onboard the Golfo Azzurro. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 77

Migrants are seen onboard a drifting overcrowded wooden boat. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 78

Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms rescuers ferry migrants in their RHIB. REUTERS/YannisBehrakisMarch 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 79

Federal police members fire a rocket at Islamic State fighters' positions during a battle at Jada district in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 80

Iraqi rapid response members fire a missile against Islamic State militants during a battle with the militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 81

Federal police members drive a military vehicle during a battle at Jada district in Western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 82

Federal police member fires his rifle near the body of an Islamic State fighter during a battle at Jada district in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 83

Federal police members take their position during a battle at Jada district in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 84

A member of federal Iraqi police carries his weapon during a battle with Islamic State militants in Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 85

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29,


A student of the General

Yermolov Cadet School fires a

rifle during military training

near a boot camp of the

Russkiye Vityazi (Russian

Knights) military patriotic club

in the village of

Sengileyevskoye outside

Stavropol, Russia.

REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 86

Students of the General Yermolov Cadet School exercise during military training

at a boot camp of the Russkiye Vityazi (Russian Knights) military patriotic club in

the village of Sengileyevskoye outside Stavropol, Russia. REUTERS/Eduard


March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 87

Reuters / Wednesday, March

29, 2017

A student of the General

Yermolov Cadet School

disassembles a Kalashnikov

assault rifle during military

training at a boot camp of the

Russkiye Vityazi (Russian

Knights) military patriotic club

in the village of

Sengileyevskoye outside

Stavropol, Russia.

REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 88

Reuters / Wednesday, February 08, 2017Students of the General YermolovCadet School take part in combined military training with members of a local youth military patriotic club at a boot camp of the Russkiye Vityazi(Russian Knights) military patriotic club in the village of Sengileyevskoyeoutside Stavropol, Russia. REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 89


China Daily LifeVisitors are reflected on a lake as they enjoy the cherry blossoms at the Yuyuantan Park during the annual cherry blossoms festival in Beijing, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. People has started crowding the park where flowers of more than 2,000 cherry trees are blooming. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 90

March 29 , 2017

India Kashmir ViolenceKashmiri villagers attend the funeral of a local suspected rebel commander TauseefAhmed Wagay at Yaripora, about 60 Kilometres south of Srinagar, Indian controlled Kashmir, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Thousands attended the funeral of Wagay in Indian controlled Kashmir Wednesday, a day after he was killed in a gunbattle with government forces in Kashmir. Three civilians were also killed and dozens injured in anti-India protests that erupted Tuesday following the gunbattle. (AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 91

March 29 , 2017

Belgium EU BrexitBritain's permanent representative to the European Union Tim Barrow, left, hand delivers British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit letter in notice of the UK's intention to leave the bloc under Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty to EU Council President Donald Tusk, in Brussels, Belgium, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Barrow hand-delivered the letter signed by Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May that will formally trigger the beginning of Britain's exit from the European Union. (Yves Herman/Pool Photo via AP)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 92

March 29 , 2017

Afghanistan Daily LifeAn Afghan nomad, called Kuchi,

Wahidullah, 8, poses for a photograph

with his sister on the outskirts of

Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, March

29, 2017. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 93

March 29 , 2017

Spain ProtestPerforming arts students perform during a protest outside Madrid city hall in Madrid, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. During the protest students and teachers demanded more funds for Madrid's municipal performing arts schools and a good quality education. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 94

March 29 , 2017

Displaced Iraqis who had fled their homes lie on the ground inside a tent at Hammam al-Alil camp south of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/SuhaibSalem-29

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 95

Iraq MosulA federal policeman looks towards Islamic State positions during fighting at the front line near the old city, on the western side of Mosul, Iraq, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 96

March 29 , 2017

Iraq MosulFederal policemen take a break before returning to fight against Islamic State militants on the western side of Mosul, Iraq, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 97

March 29 , 2017

Romania Prince CharlesA female honor guard soldier adjusts her gloves before the arrival of Britain's Prince Charles at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace in Bucharest, Romania, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Britain's Prince Charles has arrived in Bucharest at the start of a nine-day tour to Romania, Italy and Austria that the British government hopes will reassure European Union nations that Britain remains a close ally despite its intention to quit the bloc. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 98

March 29 , 2017

TrumpPresident Donald Trump listens during an opioid and drug abuse listening session, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington. From left, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 99

March 29 , 2017

Trump Russia ProbeSenate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., left, and Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C. meet with reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, to discuss their panel's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 100

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 101

Reuters / Wednesday, March 29, 2017Russian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza, vice chairman of Open Russia, and Senator John McCain prepare to testify before a Senate Appropriations State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee hearing on "Civil Society Perspectives on Russia" on Capitol Hill. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

March 29 , 2017

Cincinnati Zoo Tiger CubsMalaysian tiger cubs play with resident nursery dog Blakely at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, in Cincinnati. Three cubs were born on Feb. 3 to 3-year-old Cinta, a first-time mother, in the zoo's captive breeding program who rejected her offspring prompting zookeepers to intervene. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 102

March 29 , 2017

A youth looks at a new, taller fence being built along U.S.-Mexico border, replacing the shorter, gray metal fence in front of it, in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. Construction of a new wall is likely to happen in a place like the desert west of here where the government already controls the land and there isn't already an effective obstacle. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Tales from the borderMARCH , 2017

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 103

A fence marks the border between Mexico and the U.S. in the Juarez Valley, Mexico, across the border from the outskirts of El Paso, Texas, Wednesday, March 29, 2017. This border fence was planned and started before President Donald Trump’s election. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 104

Claudia Sanchez holds a broom outside her shack home in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. Homes in this area are made of concrete block, wooden pallets, and any sort of recovered material that can withstand the wind and hold back the blowing sand of the dunes. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 105

A woman stands outside her home located next to the border fence between the U.S. and Mexico, the gray, metal gate behind her, in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. This week, Mexican residents like her are losing their view toward the U.S. as each hour a crew welds into place two more segments of steel border fence. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 106

Children play a coin toss game in the sand as a train passes behind the fence marking the U.S.-Mexico border, in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. There are more than 650 miles of fence, wall and vehicle barriers along the nearly 2,000-mile border. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 107

Clothes lay abandoned near a newly erected fence at the U.S.-Mexico border in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across from Sunland Park, New Mexico. Residents of Anapra, a neighborhood anchored to the dunes, have fought to get running water, electricity and some paved streets in recent years. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 108

A man burns trash near the border fence in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, late Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. Residents of Anapra, a neighborhood anchored to the dunes, have fought to get running water, electricity and some paved streets in recent years. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 109

A farm located adjacent to the fence at the US-Mexico border in the Juarez valley, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across from the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 110

Children play on two fences marking the U.S.-Mexico border, in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, across the border form Sunland Park, New Mexico. In Mexico, people have lived and worked in the existing fence's shadow for years. That experience has made them dispassionate toward talk of new construction of a larger wall. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 111

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 112

Reuters / Wednesday,

March 29, 2017A student of the General Yermolov

Cadet School is seen on duty

during military training at a boot

camp of the Russkiye Vityazi

(Russian Knights) military

patriotic club in the village of

Sengileyevskoye outside

Stavropol, Russia.

REUTERS/Eduard Korniyenko

March 29 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 113

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 114

Deputies of the Venezuelan

coalition of opposition

parties (MUD) clash with

Venezuela's National Guards

during a protest outside the

Supreme Court of Justice

(TSJ) in Caracas, Venezuela.

REUTERS/Carlos Garcia


March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 115

Palestinians try to prevent Israeli troops from detaining a protester during a protest marking Land Day in the West Bank village of Madama, near Nablus. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 116

Afghan competitors fight during a

mixed martial arts (MMA) match in

Kabul, Afghanistan.

REUTERS/Omar Sobhani

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 117

A local resident looks out of a window at his house damaged by shelling, in the rebel-held city of Donetsk, Ukraine. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 118

Reuters / Thursday, March 30, 2017A recycled SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket soars toward space above a Virgin Airlines passenger jet, which had just departed Orlando International Airport, in Orlando, Florida. The launch marked the first time ever that a rocket was reused for spaceflight. REUTERS/Gregg Newton

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 119

A pet dog sniffs organic dog food during

Interpets in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Kim

Kyung-HoonMarch 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 120

George Lewys, aged 5, poses for a photograph with Owl butterflies during an event to launch the Sensational Butterflies exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London, Britain. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 121

Reuters / Thursday, March 30, 2017An ear growing on a patient's arm is under surgery to be transplanted to the head of the patient, who lost the right ear in an accident, at the first affiliated hospital of Xi'an JiaotongUniversity, in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China. China Daily via REUTERS

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 122

People take pictures of a cat sitting on a cherry blossom tree at a park in Tokyo, Japan. REUTERS/Toru Hanai

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 123

A bull shark that was found in a puddle south of Townsville, following flooding in the area from heavy rains associated with Cyclone Debbie in Australia. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

March 30 , 2017

A bull shark lies in a puddle following flooding in Ayr, Queensland, Australia. Queensland Fire and Emergency Services via EPA

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 124

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 125

Vanessa James of France falls down while competing with Morgan Cipres at the ISU World Championships. REUTERS/Grigory Dukor

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 126

A chimpanzee drinks a sweet refreshment as it is sprayed with water on a hot day at Dusit zoo in Bangkok, Thailand. REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 127

Visitors carry their pet dogs on pet strollers during Interpets in Tokyo. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 128

Vice President Mike Pence hosts a swearing in ceremony for U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman (C), as his grandchild poses for a picture, at the Executive office in Washington. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 129

Muslim men hold flowers as they stand in line on Westminster Bridge during an event to mark one week since a man drove his car into pedestrians then stabbed a police officer in London. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 130

A female tiger looks on after spotting a camera trap set by Thailand�s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant conservation (DNP), Freeland, at at forest in Eastern Thailand. DNP/Freeland Handout via REUTERS

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 131

People play football at night in central London, United Kingdom. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 132

A man inspects the site of a suicide truck bomb at a checkpoint in the south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. REUTERS/Ahmed Saad

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 133

A broken glass window of military vehicle is seen during a battle with the militants in Mosul. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 134

Displaced Iraqi people shelter from the rain on the street near the city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Bouldlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 135

Displaced Iraqis run to get food supplies as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants, in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

DRIVEN FROM MOSULMarch 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 136

Displaced Iraqi families who fled from clashes during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State are transferred to different camps outside Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 137

Displaced Iraqis who had fled their homes wait to enter at Hammam al-Alil camp south of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 138

Displaced Iraqi families who fled from clashes during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State are transferred to different camps outside Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 139

Displaced Iraqis flee their homes as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants, in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 140

Displaced Iraqis who had fled their homes sit outside Hammam al-Alil camp south of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 141

A displaced Iraqi sleeps while waiting to get food supplies as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants, in western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 142

Displaced Iraqi families who fled from clashes during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State look out of a bus window as they wait to be transferred to different camps outside Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 143

Displaced Iraqi women who fled their homes walk at Khazer camp, Iraq. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 144

A displaced Iraqi boy who fled his home with his family carries a school bag at Khazer camp, Iraq. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 145

Displaced Iraqis who had fled their homes study inside a tent at Hammamal-Alil camp south of Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 146

An Iraqi soldier delivers rice to

civilians during food delivery in

Western Mosul, Iraq.

REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 147

Iraqi women walk along a street in an area controlled by Iraqi forces in Western Mosul, Iraq. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 148

A member of federal police reloads his weapon during a battle with Islamic State militants in Mosul. REUTERS/Khalid al Mousily

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 149

Seasonal fog enshrouds buildings in the city centre of Cape Town, South Africa. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

March 30 , 2017

A spectator uses a smartphone to film models wearing creations by Tibetan designer Aj-Namo on stage during the China Fashion Week in Beijing, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 150

A Filipino boy runs on the seawall along the Manila Bay as the sun sets in Manila, Philippines Thursday, March 30, 2017. Most children in the country are now on vacation as some schools end their term in March. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 151

Somalis displaced by the drought, arrive at makeshift camps in the Tabelaha area on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia Thursday, March 30, 2017. Somalia's current drought is threatening half of the country's population, or about 6 million people, and is joined by similar hunger crises in South Sudan, northeastern Nigeria and Yemen, which together make up what the United Nations calls the world's largest humanitarian disaster in more than 70 years. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 152

Sofia Lopez, 3 years old, meets Moominmamma, left, and Moomintroll, right, during a photo call for the Moomin Adventures at Kew Gardens Easter Festival at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in London, Thursday, March 30, 2017. The festival will run from April 1 until April 17, and will be an opportunity to experience the world of the Moomins with family-friendly activities and events. Moominsare fairy tale characters taken from the books of Finnish illustrator and writer Tove Jansson. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 153

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, right, poses for press in court in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, March 30, 2017. Navalny attends a court hearing on his appeal. Navalny, who organized a wave of nationwide protests against government corruption was sentenced to 15 days in jail.(AP Photo)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 154

A claw prepares to collect garbage to be fed to the incinerator at the Lujishan Waste Incineration Power Plant which began operations in 2013 and today processes 3,000 tons of household waste or equivalent to 1/8 of Beijing's total in Beijing, China, Thursday, March 30, 2017. According to government information, the Chinese capital has 26 waste incineration plants with a daily capacity of 24,300 tons. More are planned as authorities switch from burial to incineration and bio-disposal. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 155

Federal policemen fire towards Islamic State positions in the old city during fighting on the western side of Mosul, Iraq, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 156

President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, right, shares a word with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the European People’s Party congress, in St. Julian's, Malta, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Rene Rossignaud)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 157

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., right, and the Committee's Vice Chairman Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., stand up to leave on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, March 30, 2017, following the committee's hearing on Russian intelligence activities. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 158

The newest members of the New York City police officers hug during their graduation ceremony, Thursday, March 30, 2017, in New York. Over 600 men and women took the oath of office and pledged to protect the people of New York City. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 159

Valentina Marchei and Ondrej Hotarek,

of Italy, skate their free program at the

World figure skating championships in

Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday, March

30, 2017. (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 160

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Thursday, March 30, 2017. SpaceX launched its first recycled rocket Thursday, the biggest leap yet in its bid to drive down costs and speed up flights. (Craig Bailey/Florida Today via AP)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 161

Smoke billows from a section of an overpass that collapsed from a large fire on Interstate 85 in Atlanta, Thursday, March 30, 2017. Witnesses say troopers were telling cars to turn around on the bridge because they were concerned about its integrity. Minutes later, the bridge collapsed. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 162

Georgia Jackson, 72, is overcome with emotion upon learning that her two grandsons, Raheem, 19, and Dillon Jackson, 20, were found fatally shot in the South Shore neighborhood in Chicago on Thursday, March 30, 2017. Chicago police said Thursday several people were found fatally shot Thursday in or near a restaurant. (Chris Sweda/Chicago Tribune via AP)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 163

TCU's head coach Jamie Dixon celebrates with the net after beating Georgia Tech in an NCAA college basketball game in the final of the NIT Thursday, March 30, 2017, in New York. (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 164

Independent centrist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron smiles to the media after a meeting with young people of Paris suburbs, in Saint Denis, outside Paris, France, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 165

People look at submerged cars in Queensland, Australia, on March 30. Patrick Hamilton - AFP - Getty Images

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 166

A worker welds a new fence between the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and Sunland Park, New Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2017. The top three feet or so of the fence, which was planned and started before President Donald Trump's election, are a solid panel of oxidized steel. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017 Tales from the borderMARCH , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 167

A boy walks away from the municipal garbage dump where he threw away the casing of an unusable TV, in the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2017, across the border from Sunland Park, New Mexico. The trash can reads in Spanish "Christ loves you." (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 168

Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2017. Residents on the Mexico side estimate 15 to 20 panels go up daily. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 169

Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2017. Residents on the Mexico side estimate 15 to 20 panels go up daily. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 170

Randy Calderon poses for a photo in the, Sportman's Elite gun shop in El Paso, Texas, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 171

Children play late afternoon in Sunland Park, near the new fence at the US-Mexico border in New Mexico, US, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 172

A portion of the new steel border fence stretches along the US-Mexico border in Sunland Park, New Mexico, Thursday, March 30, 2017. This fencing just west of the New Mexico state line was planned and started before President Donald Trump's election, adding to the 650 miles of fences, walls and vehicle barriers that already exist along the nearly 2,000-mile frontier. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 173

A Border Patrol vehicle patrols near the fence at the US-Mexico border in Sunland Park, New Mexico, US, Thursday, March 30, 2017. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 174

Women take selfies with cherry blossoms in a park in Tokyo on March 30.

Behrouz Mehri / AFP - Getty Images

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 175

A firefighter surveys the section of an overpass that collapsed from a large fire on Interstate 85 in Atlanta on March 30. Atlanta officials say a massive fire that burned for more than an hour caused the collapse of the interstate overpass. Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal has issued a state of emergency for the county.

David Goldman / AP

March 30 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 176

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 177

March 31 , 2017

The wreck of South Korea's Sewol ferry, raised from the bottom of the sea last week, is carried on a barge as it arrives at port in Mokbo on March 31.Once in port, it will be searched for the remains of the last nine victims of the 2014 sinking. Most of the 304 people who died when the Sewol sank were teenagers on a school trip.

PHOTOS: South Korea's Sewol Ferry Sinks

Ed Jones / AFP - Getty Images

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 178


Protestors set fire to the Congress building during a demonstration against a possible change in the law to allow for presidential re-election in Asuncion, Paraguay. REUTERS/Jorge Adorno

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 179

A protestor, who is wounded by a rubber bullet in clashes with police during a demonstration stands in front of the Congress building in Asuncion. REUTERS/Jorge Adorno

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 180

Protestors set fire to the Congress building during a demonstration in Asuncion. REUTERS/Jorge Adorno

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 181

President of Paraguay�s congress Roberto Acevedo (C) is seen during a demonstration in front of the Congress building in Asuncion. REUTERS/Jorge Adorno

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 182

Protestors set fire to the Congress building during a demonstration in Asuncion. REUTERS/Jorge Adorno

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 183


Opposition supporters shout

slogans during a protest against

Venezuelan President Nicolas

Maduro's government in San

Cristobal, Venezuela.

REUTERS/Carlos Eduardo Ramirez

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 184

Opposition supporters clash

with Venezuela's National

Guards during a protest

against Venezuelan President

Nicolas Maduro's government

outside the Supreme Court of

Justice (TSJ) in Caracas.

REUTERS/Marco Bello

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 185

Opposition supporters clash with riot police in front of a courthouse in Caracas. REUTERS/Marco Bello

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 186

A pro-government supporter

wearing a helmet grabs an

opposition supporter during a

protest against Venezuelan

President Nicolas Maduro's

government outside the

Venezuelan Prosecutor's office in

Caracas. REUTERS/Marco Bello

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 187

DAY 71 / MARCH 31: U.S. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, said it was too soon to consider immunity requests for former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Testimony from Flynn before the House and Senate intelligence committees could help shed light on the conversations he had last year with Sergei Kislyak, Russian ambassador to the United States, while national security adviser for Trump's presidential campaign. Schiff said the House intelligence panel would discuss any request with the Justice Department and the Senate Intelligence Committee, describing such a request "a grave and momentous step." Schiff was allowed to see documents at the White House that previously had been seen only by the Republican chairman of the intelligence committee. Schiff and an aide went to the White House at the administration's invitation to review documents that it said support Trump's contention he and his team were subjected to surveillance by the Obama administration during the presidential campaign. The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, has been criticized by his colleagues on the panel for his handling of the investigation of possible Russian connections, including going to the White House complex independently to review documents on the purported surveillance. White House spokesman Sean Spicer was asked at a news briefing if he was concerned that Flynn could provide information that could be harmful to the administration and replied, "Nope." He said Trump wanted Flynn to testify to "get this matter behind us" but declined to say specifically that he should be granted immunity. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 188


Reuters / Friday, March 31, 2017Federal police members aim their weapons at a man, whom they thought was a member of Islamic State but later turned out to be mentally handicapped, during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 189

Reuters / Friday, March 31, 2017Federal police members detain a man, whom they thought was a member of Islamic State but later turned out to be mentally handicapped, during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 190

Federal police members take cover during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 191

Federal police members take cover during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 192

Federal police members prepare their munitions during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 193

Federal police members take cover during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 194

Federal police members take cover during a battle with Islamic State fighters at Bab al Beed district in the old city of Mosul. REUTERS/Youssef Boudlal

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 195

Lana Chilton of City of Newcastle Gym competes in the vault during the British Gymnastics Championships at the Echo Arena on March 25 in Liverpool, England.

Nathan Stirk / Getty Images

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 196

Displaced Somali mother SahraMuse, 32, comforts her malnourished child, Ibrahim Ali, 7, in their makeshift shelter at a camp on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia.

Drought-stricken families facing a hunger crisis are on the move, trying to reach international aid agencies that cannot distribute food in areas under the control of al-Shabab, Somalia's homegrown Islamic extremist rebels who are affiliated with al-Qaida.

PHOTOS: With Somalia in the Throes of Famine, UN Warns of Worsening Crisis

Farah Abdi Warsameh / AP

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 197

A woman attempts to access her home as her dog looks on in Lismore, New South Wales, Australia, on March 31. Flooding rivers swamped towns along Australia's east coast on Friday forcing tens of thousands of people to be evacuated as fast-flowing waters cut roads and destroyed bridges after the remnants of a powerful #cyclone swept through the region.Dave Hunt / EPA

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 198

A boy stands with his dog near his destroyed home on March 24, the day after an explosion and a fire at the ammunition depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Balakiya, Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials accused Russian or separatist saboteurs of causing the fire with the aid of a drone. Separatists deny the claim and say it likely was caused by what they call Ukrainian military incompetence.

Andrew Kravchenko / EPA

March 31 , 2017

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 199

'Napalm Girl' photographer retires after 51 years

MARCH 31 , 2017


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In this March 29, 2012 photo, Associated Press photographer Huynh Cong "Nick" Ut visits Kim Phuc's house near the place he took his famous Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of her as a terrified 9-year-old in Trang Bang, Tay Ninhprovince, Vietnam. The iconic black-and-white image of the aftermath of a napalm attack communicated the horrors of the Vietnam War in a way words could never describe and contributed to its end. But behind the camera, it also brought the wounded girl together with the young photographer, and it came to define her life both as a curse and ultimately as a savior. (AP Photo/Na Son Nguyen)


April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 201

Associated Press photographer Huynh Cong "Nick" Ut photographs the battle between North Vietnamese troops and a South Vietnamese armor/ranger tank force two miles north of SvayRieng, Cambodia, May 8, 1970. One hour later, the 21-year-old native of South Vietnam's Mekong Delta became the first newsman reported wounded in the current Cambodian border operations. Ut was wounded in the lower abdomen by a Fragment from an enemy B-40 rocket grenade. The fragment was removed and he has returned to work. (AP Photo)


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Newsmen and family members attend the funeral for AP photographer Huynh Thanh My, killed on the job, Oct. 1965. At far left wearing head band is his 16-year-old brother Huynh Cong (Nick) Ut. Others include Ed White, Rick Merron, Huynh Thanh My's widow (wearing white hood), Peter Arnett, Dirck Halstead, Neil Sheehan (New York Press), Bill Ha Van Tran (Associated Press), Eddie Adams (AP), Vo Huynh (NBC), Malcolm Brown, Bob Liu (Associated Press) in Vietnam during 1965-1968. (AP Photo)


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Phuc and Ut in 1973


Phuc and Ut in 1989

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Phuc and Ut in 1989


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Phuc and Ut in 2012


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South Vietnamese forces follow after terrified children, including 9-year-old Kim Phuc, center, as they run down Route 1 near Trang Bang after an aerial napalm attack on suspected Viet Cong hiding places on June 8, 1972. A South Vietnamese plane accidentally dropped its flaming napalm on South Vietnamese troops and civilians. The terrified girl had ripped off her burning clothes while fleeing. The children from left to right are: Phan Thanh Tam, younger brother of Kim Phuc, who lost an eye, Phan Thanh Phouc, youngest brother of Kim Phuc, Kim Phuc, and Kim's cousins Ho Van Bon, and Ho Thi Ting. Behind them are soldiers of the Vietnam Army 25th Division. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Almost hidden by marker

smoke, a South Vietnamese

soldier prepares to hook a sling-

load onto a twin-rottered

Chinook helicopter supporting

operations near of Phnom Penh,

Cambodia on Dec. 25, 1970. (AP

Photo/Nick Ut)


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South Vietnamese troops take a break from their Cambodian operation to watch a dancer from Saigon perform at their base camp near Krek, Cambodia on Nov. 25, 1971. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Senator George S. McGovern, center, gestures behind barbed wire barricade as he views the wreckage of a bombed nightclub in downtown Saigon, Sept. 16, 1971. Fifteen persons were killed and nearly 60 injured in the Wednesday bombing, the worst terrorist blast in the South Vietnam capital in more than six years. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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A Cambodian family huddles next to a paddy dike near South Vietnamese soldiers, background. They left their nearby home when a firefight broke out in the area, about 50 miles northeast of Phnom Penh on Jan. 2, 1971. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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A South Vietnamese Marine naps in a hammock in an abandoned house in QuangTri City, Vietnam, on August 24, 1972, his weapons and equipment nearby. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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A South Vietnamese soldier kneels in prayer amid the ruins of the cathedral in La Vang, South Vietnam, on July 8, 1972 after government troops reentered the area near Quang Tri. The cathedral was damaged in fighting when the city fell to the North Vietnamese on May 1. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Napalm bombs explode and spread fire during fighting in Trang Bang, Vietnam, June 8, 1972. Strike by a Skyraider plane was misplaced and injured civilians fleeing the area, occupied in recent days by North Vietnamese forces. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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A South Vietnamese soldier holds his personal belongings in a plastic bag between his teeth as his unit crosses a muddy Mekong Delta stream in Vietnam near the Cambodian border on March 11, 1972. His unit is not part of a new large operation into Cambodia but charged with stemming Communist infiltration from Cambodia into South Vietnam in the heavily populated Mekong Delta area. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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B52 high altitude bombers leave miles-long condensation trails while passing the town of Cai Lay in the Mekong Delta on Sept. 29, 1972, moments after unleashing tons of bombs on suspected enemy positions. The giant jet aircraft are virtually invisible at altitude save for the "contrails". (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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In the northern part South Vietnam it is now the dry season and a time of little work for the mainstay of small farms in the area, the water buffalos. Here, three boys sit atop their animals as they care for them along Route 1, southwest of the northern port city of Danang, Vietnam, Aug. 24, 1974. Heavy fighting has racked area further west of this tranquil scene. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 217

A South Vietnamese soldier rests his eyes at a lonely outpost northeast of Kontum, 270 miles north of Saigon, March 25, 1974. The hill overlooks a vital North Vietnamese supply road and is located rear the scene of some of the bloodiest fighting in South Vietnam since the cease fire. The soldiers on the hill say the enemy is "all around them." (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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As smoke billows from a burning motorcycle, South Vietnamese riot police face several thousand angry protesters who sought to move their anti-corruption demonstration from suburban Saigon to the center of the city on Oct. 31, 1974. Authorities contained the crowd. (AP Photo//Nick UT)


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Buses, jeeps, cars and military trucks jam a heavily traveled road leading to the government held central coast region of South Vietnam on March 26, 1975, as thousands of civilians and soldiers began fleeing from the country?s northern and western provinces. The provinces were abandoned following an onslaught by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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President Ronald Reagan points toward the crowd as he speaks during the afternoon rally at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, on Monday, afternoon, Nov. 5, 1984. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Actress and Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith arrives at a federal courthouse in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Oct. 27, 1999. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Michael Jackson waves to his fans from atop his limousine after his arraignment on child molestation charges Friday morning, Jan. 16, 2004, at the courthouse in Santa Maria, Calif. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Vietnamese wave flags during an anniversary celebration in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Saturday, April 30, 2005. Vietnam celebrated the communist victory over a U.S.-backed government Saturday, parading troops on the same boulevard used by tanks on their way to smashing the Presidential Palace of South Vietnam 30 years ago. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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A man walks near Yahiko Shrine during

snowstorm at Yahiko Mura City, Japan

on Wednesday, Feb 8, in Japan, 2012.

(AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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In this April 8, 2016, file photo, President Barack Obama and his daughter Malia walk from Marine One toward Air Force One at Los Angeles International Airport. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)


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Federico Rios

FARC rebels give up guns

Former fighters from Colombia's FARC rebel group are handing over thousands of weapons and other materials to international officials in special camps, as the group's six-month disarmament process continues.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace agreement with the government late last year to put an end to their part in Latin America's longest-running armed conflict, which has killed more than 220,000 people and displaced millions.

FARC rebels give

up guns

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Around 8,000 weapons have been handed over to the United Nations to be stored in secure containers until they can be turned into three memorial statues. The rebels are expected to turn in all arms by the end of May.

FARC rebels give

up guns

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 228

Members of the Jacobo Arenas rebel unit, which operated in mountains of Cauca province, were among 6,900 FARC fighters who left behind clandestine camps where they had lived for decades, crisscrossing the country on foot, by boat and by truck to get to 26 zones monitored by the U.N.

FARC rebels give

up guns

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The zones will be their homes for the foreseeable future as they complete judicial processes to determine whether they will serve special sentences for war crimes or receive amnesty. Ex-fighters will also reunite with long-lost families and make amends to victims.Under the terms of the peace accord, the FARC, which began as a peasant uprising 52 years ago, is to form a political movement in the South American nation.

FARC rebels give

up guns

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The FARC's leadership has raised concerns about conditions in some of the camps, including the lack of permanent toilets and facilities such as gyms they say were agreed in the accord.Some FARC members have told local media they will not hand over their weapons until the camps are more habitable for fighters, who are well used to rough-and-tumble living conditions in poverty-stricken rural areas.

FARC rebels give

up guns

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The government says it is working as quickly as possible to finish each camp, that the FARC is partly responsible for construction and that the facilities are far superior to the tarp and bamboo lean-tos traditionally used by the rebels.The accord has been heavily criticised for sparing rebels jail time for crimes committed during the conflict. A first version was narrowly rejected in a referendum last year, before being modified and passed by Congress.

FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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FARC rebels give

up guns

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Authorities have said that about 300 rebels have refused to demobilise, but that may not be a full count, excluding so-called "militants" who worked undercover in cities and towns to help the FARC.


FARC rebels give

up guns

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 250

China’s sinking towns

Vinhbinh 2010

XIAOYI, CHINAPhotography by Jason Lee.Reporting by David StanwayReuters .com.

China’s sinking towns


Jason Lee



Reuters / Saturday, August 13, 2016

A group photograph hangs on a damaged

wall at Wang Junqi's cave house in an area

where land is sinking next to a coal mine,

in Helin village of Xiaoyi, Shanxi province,

August 2, 2016. REUTERS/Jason Lee

April 3, 2017 vinhbinh2010, lantran 251

Updated 16 Aug 2016





Deep in the coal heartlands of northern Shanxi province, people in Helin village are fighting a losing battle as the ground beneath them crumbles: patching up cracks, rebuilding walls and filling in sinkholes caused by decades of coal mining.

Around 100 pits in Helin -buried in the hilly rural outskirts of the city of Xiaoyi -have been exhausted, and cluttered hamlets totter precariously on the brittle slopes of mines.

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But while local authorities have begun evacuating hundreds of thousands of residents most at risk elsewhere in Shanxi province, Helin's situation –though serious - isn't yet considered a priority.

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"We haven't been told to leave

yet, but when the government gives us the order, we'll be happy to go," said Wang Junqi, who lives in a one-room tenement with his family. "It isn't safe here and the people who have a bit of money have already gone. It's scary, but what can we do?"

Mines that burrowed under villages and towns during China's three-decade coal boom have left the authorities with the need to evacuate hundreds of communities in danger of sinking.Shanxi province alone plans to move 655,000 residents by the end of next year from unsafe old mining regions, with the cost of relocation estimated at 15.8 billion yuan ($2.37 billion). The Shanxi government estimates coal mining has cost the province 77 billion yuan in "environmental economic losses".

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Abandoned houses stand in Kouquan township.





Mine-induced subsidence is not unique to China, but its problems dwarf those of other countries.A notice board at a deserted Communist Party building in an abandoned village not far from Helin gives an idea of the scale of the disaster.It lists 19 geological "disaster zones" spread across 23 villages, 55 landslides, 950 cracks in the ground and 808 incidents of mine subsidence -- all in an area of just 13.25 square kilometers (5 sqmiles)

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China's land ministry said last month it would spend 75 billion yuan ($11.27 billion) over the next five years to restore mined land and treat mining waste nationwide.The growing environmental bill comes at a time when China's stricken coal sector faces mounting debts, falling demand and a long-term decline in prices after the boom turned into a bust.

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Jiang Jian, a legislator from Shandong province, said Beijing needed to draw up detailed measures to determine how much mining firms should pay.Many of the worst-hit sites have been long abandoned, making it harder to decide who is responsible, she noted, so Beijing also needed to set up dedicated funds to help pay remediation costs, including treatment and disposal of mine waste.To help with the clean-up, China is encouraging developers to turn abandoned mining sites into wind and solar power projects. Solar accounted for just 0.6 percent of China’s overall electricity generation from January to June, and wind was a mere 3.6 percent.One solar demonstration project has been completed in the eastern outskirts of Datong, also in Shanxi, on ground damaged from mining and not suitable for farming.The area was once a prosperous coal region with more than 1,000 mines, but extraction stopped after the collapse in prices, and the local economy cratered."Before we got here this piece of land wasn't suitable for any kind of planting, but now at least some of it can be used," said He Xin, project manager with the United Photovoltaics Group, which owns and operates a 100-megawatt solar farm at the site.

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What was once a boon for governments has now turned into a burden: Xiaoyi has already spent more than 6 billion yuan ($901.31 million) to treat subsidence, the government said. Together with the neighboring city of Luliang, it plans to relocate as many as 230,000 people over 2014-2017.

Little of the money to move communities and restore the land is coming from the miners themselves, although that was supposed to be the plan in the beginning.

Miners are required to pay "subsidence fees" to pay for the cleanup when their mines close. The Datong Coal Industry Group, the only state miner to give breakdowns, paid just 1.4 million yuan in those fees from January to March this year, or 0.04 percent of its total costs, according to its quarterly report.

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THE ENDPictures of the day

March 28 – March 31

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