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SOUNDS OF OUR SAVIOR The Monthly Voice of


MARCH 2017 Our Savior Lutheran Church will be a Spirit-empowered family of faith, focused on Jesus Christ, whose members and missions reflect the diversity of our neighborhood and holistically address the needs of our neighbors with the love of God. -Our Savior’s Vision Statement-

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The year 2017 is a special one in Lutheran circles. It marks the 500th anniversary of what has been called the birthday of the Reformation. It was, after all, on October 31st, 1517, that Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses on the main door (the original community bulletin board) of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany. I was able to go to Wittenberg in November of 2012, where my wife Michelle and I were able to see that church door, which 500 years later still has those ninety-five these on them—now in bronze.

Why? Because those statements marked a departure from the status quo for the entire Christian church. Martin Luther was calling for a change in the way the church was operating to deliver the Gospel to people, and a return to the Word of God as the source of that Gospel message.

During the season of Lent in this 500th anniversary, we are going to begin our celebration of the Reformation with a Lenten series on Luther’s Small Catechism. Luther wrote his catechism as a teaching tool for families to use at home, in order to learn the basics of the Christian faith.

The catechism focuses on six chief parts of Christian doctrine, with questions and answers concerning each. 1. The Ten Commandments with their explanation helps us to know what God expects of us, and ultimately convicts us of sin directing us to our Savior, Jesus. 2. The Apostles Creed is an early statement of faith in three articles, one for each person of the Triune God, which has united the Christian Church on earth. 3. The Lord’s Prayer instructs and informs our prayer life as Luther unpacks what Jesus gave his disciples. 4. The Sacrament of Baptism is where our identity as God’s children is established as we are called, claimed, and cleansed through the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God. 5. Confession is the relationship between Pastor and People in a church where God’s gift of forgiveness is shared. 6. The Sacrament of the Altar is where we join in the feast of victory of the Lamb, who was slain that we might be forgiven and fed with the food that lasts forever.

Many of you encountered Luther’s Small Catechism in your own Confirmation program. Some of you have never heard of this stuff before reading this article. So in thanksgiving for the Church-Changing work of Dr. Martin Luther, each mid-week service in the season of Lent we are going to focus on one of these chief parts, and as we are reminded of the basics, I pray that God will refresh not just our memories, but our souls. God knows very well that we need these gifts, and that through them, we are richly blessed here for today and there in eternity.

Ash Wednesday worship begins at 7:00 p.m., but mid-week service following Ash Wednesday will begin at 7:15 p.m., all in the Sanctuary. Come and worship! Invite a friend to join you! Come for dinner, which starts at 5:00 p.m.! Come for Bible Study, which starts at 6:00 for Youth and Adults! Bring your whole family!

A prayer as we begin Lent: God, bless our congregation’s study of your Word and the gifts you give your church through the catechism. Refresh our minds and souls and draw us into a deeper, more vibrant relationship with you in this season as we look forward to Easter, and the Great Resurrection that awaits all of Creation. In Jesus’ we pray: Amen.

In Him,

Pastor Peter

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Table of Contents


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Giving or Taking Lent

This past fifty seven days went by with mild weather and not many bitter cold days. I enjoyed all of

those 50 and 60 degree days by taking time to be outside more, walking more, and thanking God for the nice

weather in the last two months. As we approach the time of Lent, we think about the next forty days of

prayer, repentance, and preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. This time in the Church's calendar is seen

as an especially appropriate time for Baptism because of the relationship between Christ's death and

resurrection and our own in Holy Baptism (see Rom. 6:1-11). This focus would suggest that the season of Lent

serves not only as a time to meditate on the suffering that Christ endured on our behalf but also as an

opportunity to reflect upon our own Baptism and what it means to live as a child of God.

In the next forty days, is your focus on giving or taking? I ask that question for you to think about giving

more time to God by reading His word rather than taking away something we cannot control. Some of us give

up something for Lent and some of us take more of the word of God. Giving up things for Lent is a long-

standing tradition in the Western Church. Doing so is generally understood to help us prepare for observing

and celebrating Easter through experience some kind of suffering through deprivation. While there is nothing

wrong with giving up things for Lent and in some ways it can be a valuable spiritual discipline, for many people

the practice has devolved into a work of personal suffering through which they expect to better

understand the sufferings of Christ. (The Rev. Mark A. Wood, Lent: A Time for Giving Up or Taking Up? LCMS

Leader Blog, 2016)

I think we should try to take more than give something during lent. I would suggest taking more time in

prayer and reading the word of God to those who don’t yet know Christ. You have opportunities to do that by

participating in the divine service at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00 every Sunday. There is opportunity on Tuesday night

to pray, Wednesday night discipleship night, and other times of prayer throughout the week here at Our

Savior. Jesus tells us in John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you

face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!” This Lenten season, take courage to read,

take time to study, and devote time daily for God to strengthen your faith.

Vicar Derrick Miliner

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Dear beloved people of God,

As I mentioned in my first book in this March edition of The Sounds of our Savior…

Lent is about gifts. And if it is about gifts, then it is also about giving. First of all it is about the Giver of Grace—our Heavenly Father who gave His only begotten Son. Lent is about the Son, who gave us himself, forgiveness, peace, and life with God forever. Lent is about the Spirit who convicts us and calls us to repentance when we sin, and who fills us with both a desire to receive Jesus by faith and live differently as a result. Lent is about giving.

God calls us into a relationship where we seek to be a reflection of Him. Like a little boy wearing dad’s obviously “too big” shoes, we want to be like our heavenly Dad, and like Jesus, our Savior. The Spirit works that desire in us, and we call it sanctification. So we give. We give to our families. We give to our friends. We give of ourselves to perfect strangers in loving service, and we give to God. That giving takes on the form of service. It takes the form of worship. It takes the form of study, and prayer, and giving of our resources.

Our Savior has a number of ways to give. During this Lent consider how God is giving through you. How are you being a reflection of God’s giving nature in the way you spend your time, offer your talents, and give of your treasure? Are you content with where you are in these areas, or is the Lord convicting you and calling for a change? If so, how?

Many of the ministries of Our Savior Lutheran Church are represented on the website at There you can find out information about ways to give of yourself. If you are interested in growing in service, contact a me or another member of staff and we’ll be glad to help you to find your sweet spot for ministry, where you can effectively use your unique set of talents and abilities to bring glory to God.

In the hope of making it easier for you to give financially, please consider the following options. Some of them may also be significantly better for Our Savior as well. Although we have had a very mild winter so far this year, it was just last year when no regular offerings were received one Sunday when we were closed due to the storm. But bills and payroll still had to be met. During events like this and throughout the summer months when people vacation, recurring gifts set up through e-giving are extremely helpful.

Please familiarize yourself with the following options. If you feel called by the Spirit to choose one of these options, by all means do so, and contact the church office if you need assistance or have comments to share. Here are the options:

Cash and Checks: The good old time-tested ways of bringing your offering to worship and put them in the plate will always be options! If you would like offering envelopes, please let us know.

E-Giving: To give using this method, please go to our church’s website ( where you click on the yellow donate online button go to a secure web site. There you will be invited to set up an account. We will be adding QR codes to cards in the pew rack in the near future to allow smartphones easy access to this site. If you are an existing Simply Giving Participant, please contact the office with a way to create an account that connects with your giving history. Once you create an account, there will be two options for e-giving: 1. e-check and 2. credit card giving.

1. E-check giving (also known for the last 12+ years as Simply Giving) is a lot like automatic bill paying for a checking account. Enter your check routing number and account number, the amount you want to contribute, and whether it is a one-time contribution or a recurring contribution – weekly, monthly, etc. and you’re ready to go. Our Savior prefers the e-check option for two reasons: first, it passes almost all of your contribution to the church (the credit card option has much higher fees), and second, if you choose a regular giving option such as a weekly amount, the funds continue to flow to Our Savior regardless of the weather or other factors (as mentioned above). There is a small charge each time you use this option.

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2. Credit Card giving: with this option, you will use the online giving link on our website to go to a secure web site where, enter your credit card information, the amount you want to contribute, and whether it is a one-time or ongoing contribution. Once entered, it is easy for you to return and contribute an additional amount in the future, so you could give weekly but not automatically. The processing company charges the church 3.8% to process this transaction, and offers the giver the option to cover that charge in order to give the church the full amount they intend.

Estate Giving: we have an endowment fund begun in honor of long-time member Doug Schlorff now called The Our Savior Saints Fund. This fund has been set up to receive special gifts, and is a great vehicle for enduring gifts for the church. Whether giving to this endowment fund or to the General Operations or another Designated Fund, what a legacy of love we can leave when we set aside a portion of our estate to be given to God’s work in the local church when we die. If you haven’t considered the witness you share with your family and loved ones by including charitable giving in your will, please look into this. Why shouldn’t we, who are so faithful in our giving in life, also be faithful givers when the Lord calls us to our true home?

This Lent may we grow in the grace of giving by focusing on the Giver of all, our heavenly Father, who gave His Son Jesus for us. Let us gladly receive the abundant life he offers, and share it with great joy.

In Jesus’ love, Pastor Peter

Adult Bible Studies:

We have many offerings on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. Find a time and a place that works for you to participate in corporate study of God's Word.

Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall:

9:40 AM. Tina McGuffey Crossways

11:00 AM. Art Marshall Genesis

Weekday studies:

Mondays: 7:00pm GriefShare--for those grieving the loss of a loved one.


7:00 am Men's Breakfast Bible Study 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Bob Evans on 198 (Corridor Market Place). this group studies the upcoming Sunday lessons.

9:30 am Manna in the Morning Meets in the Library. Currently studying 1st. & 2nd. Timothy and Titus

12:30 pm Manna for Moms Meets in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a lunch. Childcare provided. Wednesdays: 6:15 pm Pastor's Bible Study Meets in Prayer Room. Currently studying The Fruits of the Spirit. Home Groups: Please see Home Group List on page 16

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As of 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 5th, the Winter Shelter program at OSLC came to a close for the 2016-17 season. We had two successful shelter weeks, serving 9 women during the first week of January, and serving 30 men total (average 24 a night) during the last week of January. Thanks to the generosity of lots and lots of people, we provided a warm, welcoming, temporary refuge for some of the homeless in Laurel. They were provided with fantastic dinners(we have very talented cooks in this congregation!), friendly conversation, shower and laundry opportunities, breakfast and lunch as they left each morning, and for the ladies, a special treat of manicures (thanks to Charlita Brown from our Open Arms staff). Hopefully, our guests felt the love of Christ we tried to express through our actions. We lucked out with the weather this year, but it did “officially snow” at least one day during the shelter week. Praise God for blessing us with a mild winter so far. The shelters are a large endeavor and they would not be successful without the tremendous support that is shown by so many individuals and groups in this congregation. Both the men’s and women’s shelters had

great turnouts of volunteers and supplies (forgot to get pictures for the women’s week). Thank you to all who participated in any way (supplies, time, or cooking talent). Setup, cleanup, early shifts, late shifts, laundry, transporting to the next shelter, you all played a part. A special shout-out goes to my bus angels, Rick Rau (evenings) and Kenny Farris (mornings) who faithfully transported our guests EVERY DAY of both shelters! A super big thank you to Dan Enger, who came every night of the men’s shelter, blessing me and the guests with his calming presence, medical expertise, and super sandwich-making skills! I am ever grateful for the support this shelter ministry receives from everyone here at OSLC. It means the world to me to have the volunteers show up each night. Sometimes it may seem you are not doing much, but your mere presence sends a message to our guests, that OSLC cares to send the very best. And now that so many of you have found out what a rewarding (and even fun) experience it can be, I know you will be eager to sign up next year when the boards appear. Just don’t wait until the night before the shelter starts to sign up …. My blood pressure and my stomach will thank you ). Praise and Thanksgiving for the opportunity to serve in His Name. Blessings, Mary Farris Winter Shelter Coordinator

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Haiti Mission Trip - Village of Hope March 15-22, 2017 Early Wednesday morning, March 15th, eleven members of the 2017 OSLC Haiti Mission Team will

board a plane at BWI on their way to Port au Prince, Haiti. The members of our team include: Tom and Liz

DeMik, Roger Harrison, Jeffrey Heneks, Kathy Heuck, John McVey, Nancy Olsen, Donald Sheaffer, Pete Walsh,

Lizzy Werlwas, and Lisa Werlwas. They will return on March 22nd, eager to share their experiences.

The Team will be working with the Village of Hope Mission, originally started by a group of Lutheran

pastors. The Team will stay at Hope House in Croix-des-Bouquet and visit the Village of Hope School, staffed

by Haitian educators who teach over 650 students, most sponsored by people just like us at $40.00 a month.

Adjacent to the school is the VOH Health Center, also staffed by Haitian doctors, dentists, and nurses, who

serve hundreds of patients. Both are located in Ganthier near the Dominican Republic border. Our donations

will help both the school and the health center

While in Haiti, the Team will build and paint shelves for the storage depot and school, and help

organize supplies. They will also teach a “VBS” Good Samaritan lesson in two remote villages (where the

children have no school to attend), and share the Good News of Jesus’ love with 300 children. A day of

assisting workers will be spent at The Little Children of Jesus (LCJ), an orphanage for over 100 severely disabled

children and adults. For fun, the Team will do some shopping at the Metal Artisan Village (Haitian tin art) and

support the local economy and the artists.

All items and monetary contributions donated by OSLC and Open Arms will be used by the VOH School,

Medical Center, VBS, and the LCJ. Please note the list of requested items (see below) and have them at OSLC

by Sunday, March 12th at 1:00 pm. THANK YOU!!!


Haiti Mission Trip - March 15th – 22nd, 2017

List of Items Needed

Please place your donations in the bins/suitcases marked HAITI MISSION TRIP located in The WAY by the end of the worship services on Sunday, March 12th, 2017. The Mission Team will be packing suitcases at 1:00 p.m. on March 12th in the Fellowship Hall. Blue/black ball point pens Whiffle balls Rulers 12” Soccer balls -deflated! (5 Below) Pencils and pencil sharpeners Balloons Rectangular erasers Smarties (Need 300) 8 pack markers Jump ropes (Dollar Tree, 2nd Ave) 8 pack jumbo crayons Matchbox cars (2nd Ave.) 1 subject notebooks Bubbles (Dollar Tree) Socks for Kindergarten boys and girls Peanut butter (to make 300 sandwiches) (black, white, navy crew) Sandwich bags

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Pre-Sugar sweetened Kool-aid (large container) HP 61 black ink Pringles/”canned” snacks/chips Brown paper lunch bags Large colored sidewalk chalk Snack size Ziplock bags (medication) Gallon size Ziplock bags $$$$ contributions for help with Quart size Ziplock bags 1. Materials for building storage shelves Powdered baby formula 2. Translators Baby bottles (used/clean OK) 3. Extra Suitcase (first one is free) Liquid hand soap (Dollar Tree) *Write check to OSLC and Baby Onesies (2nd Ave) Memo HAITI MISSION TRIP. Baby receiving blankets (2nd Ave) Women’s skirts - thin, below knee (2nd Ave) Avon Skin-So-Soft (for use as insect repellent) ROLL-ON Deodorant (Dollar Tree) Bar Soap (4-5 oz. NOT Ivory!) (Dollar Tree) Wash cloths (2nd Ave) Body Wash (Dollar Tree) Baby Powder (Dollar Tree) Body Lotion (Dollar Tree) Latex gloves Tooth brushes Tooth paste Child Diapers (size 4 and up) Adult Diapers (size S-M-L)

March 12.2017 Daylight Saving’s Time Begin

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High School Impact: March 24-26

For HIGH SCHOOL, there is a retreat from March 24-26, in Ocean City. Registration

along with the $75 payment is due now – please see Natasha for information.

A Day in the Life: March 31-April 1

After serving the homeless both here at OSLC with Winter Shelter,

and in DC with the Center for Student Missions, the youth are

stepping it up to raise money for the homeless here in Laurel. We are

partnering with other local congregations to support New Day’s

mission to build a homeless shelter here in Laurel. Get more

information and a fundraising packet from Natasha, and plan to spend

a “Day in the Life” with the youth! Event is open to 6th



Adult chaperones are also needed!

High School Mission Trip: June 25-

July 1

The high school youth are invited to spend a week in Appalachia,

helping with home repairs for low-income families. Information about

the trip and packets are available from Natasha and on the board outside

the youth room. Registration is due by January 15th

, with a $75



Director of Youth Ministries: Natasha Bowlds, 301/776-1775 or 301/980-8994

[email protected]

2017 (Tentative calendar)

3/24--3/26: Impact

3/31-4/1: Day in the Life

4/22: Youth Night TBD

5/5-5/7: Confirmation retreat

5/20: Confirmation Dinner

5/21: Confirmation

6/21: Youth Cookout at the


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Easter Choir for 8:15 am

Please come join us if you would like to sing in an all-ages choir at the 8:15 am service on Easter Sunday, April

16. This multi-age choir, with children, teens, and adults, is open to everyone, whether or not you normally

worship at 8:15. There are only 2 rehearsals: Monday, April 3, and Monday, April 10, from 7-8 pm in the

Sanctuary. We would love to have you join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with bells,

percussion, and song! Please RSVP to [email protected] so we can have music ready for you.


Sunday, March 19

Festival Worship Service at 7 pm

St. Luke Lutheran Church

9100 Colesville Road, Silver Spring 20910

Parents, friends, and congregation:


Our Savior’s Youth Choir will be singing with 3 other choirs in a massed choir led

by Dr. Tony Leach, conductor of Penn State’s Essence of Joy Gospel Choir and

also a minister of music at New Bethel Baptist Church, Washington, DC. We hope

you will join us for an inspiring time of worship led by teenagers from Our Savior

and other churches.

Youth Choir will leave OSLC at 12:45 pm for rehearsal

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It’s time to gear up for Vacation Bible School! This exciting outreach ministry will take place

this summer, July 24-28, from 9:00am to 12noon each day.

We need lots of volunteers for a successful week—activity leaders, snack planners, and lots of

small group leaders! If you are interested in being part of this fun factory experience, please

speak to Michelle DeMik, [email protected] or 240-568-6487.

Our Savior Lutheran Church Governance Board Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2017

Attendance: Meeting attendees included Senior Pastor Peter DeMik and Board members Frances Sweet, Robb

Wilmot, Ron Kasemeyer, Pete Schultheiss, Director of Finance Larry Malinowski and Don Soeken (presenter).

Not present: Dan Enger, due to business travel; Rachel Clark

Meeting started: at 7:03 PM

Devotion: Peter Schultheiss presented “My Heart is Set on Having Joy”, from Portals of Prayer, which related

that the pursuit of joy is essential to the Christian’s relationship with Jesus. The reading was Psalm 119:105-

112. “Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart. I incline my heart to perform

your statutes forever, to the end.”

Approval of November Minutes: By unanimous consent.

Unplanned Presentation by Don Soeken Regarding Capital Fund and Estate Planning: Don presented

information on raising funds via several mechanisms, including endowments, capital funding, and estate

planning. He was referred to an existing David Ridenour white paper that can be drawn upon for further

development of the concepts toward establishing a program/brochure. He would like to put together a

workshop on estate planning that would include an expert for presentation to the congregation, and was

encouraged to do so. Further action is a Finance Group issue.

Financial Report and Discussion: Larry Malinowski provided an update on the financial status of the church

and OA. He reported that the December giving was better than November. We finished up with a positive

balance of $20,000 ahead of expenses in the general fund. Open Arms is doing well and making progress

against their past share of expenses. The mortgage is now down to $2.45M. We cleared out the debt reduction

designated fund and made an additional payment of $2,110. The end of fiscal year report is due to the SED by

February 12 and Larry will be working on it. Larry will send in the form to the SED regarding planned giving

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($46,000). Commitment Sunday will be the last Sunday in February. There was a discussion of getting staff

bonuses out in a timely manner (already late). Larry will get the total gift fund amount to Frances. (Larry later

reported the total was $6,000). There was also a discussion on performing a financial review. We recommended

members of the church who have experience helping with the review. Larry will reach out to them. We still

need to have a discussion of how to manage cash flow and what flexibility is available if the checking balance

gets too low.

Open Arms Report and Discussion: Rachel Clark, Director of OA did not attend and did not provide reports.

The board requested a current copy of the delinquency status which Pastor will request from Rachel. A similar

request from last month remained open, and Governance Board members emphasized the importance of this

information for their evaluation of the Open Arms Christian Child Development Center operations and financial


Pastor’s Report: Pastor Peter reported the following: The sound speakers need fixing; 60 OSLC people

(including Pastor Peter) were involved in Youth Quake in Baltimore; he will travel to Christiansburg, VA this

week for a prison visitation, January 29 is Stephen Ministry Sunday to raise awareness, OSLC Men’s Winter

Shelter will run from January 29 to February 5, Commitment Sunday is February 26, the 11:00 service on

February 5 will be conducted by the Youth, and February 12 is Scout Sunday, with the call service for Vicar

Derrick in the PM.

New Business: Robb Wilmot distributed a draft Communications Policy for review by March. The board is

still recruiting a qualified Church member to serve the board in a vacated short-term position.

The GB discussed the need for Personnel Management training for all OSLC supervisors.

Closing Prayer: The meeting closed at 9:30 PM.

Serving Our Savior,

Peter Schultheiss

Acting Secretary


You were there at the very beginning in 1987 when Polly Hennig and Dayavu Dhanapal came to OSLC to ask

for support for the Kannivadi Residence Home. This was the first home for 20 children. And now as we

celebrate the 30th

Anniversary of Bethania Kids in 2017, you continue your partnership through the

Comprehensive Campaign, Caring for God’s Children. We now care for 1000 children with 200 in residence

homes and 800 in day care and after school care centers. These 12 centers also provide support for families and

women and enable them to have their children in a safe environment. We feed them, cloth many of them,

provide health care, support their educational training, and share the Love of Christ with them. Women are

supported in our Women Empowerment Program through vocational training, where they learn a marketable

trade, family counseling, health and hygiene.

This past year your donations helped support scholarships for children through secondary education, college,

and vocational training. You also helped us to purchase land for a new Shalom Home for women. Thank you

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OSLC for 30 years helping to bring the Love of Christ to those in greatest need. I will look forward to seeing

you on March 19, 2017 for Bethania Sunday.

Visit us at to learn more about us. If you would like to make a direct donation, press

donate when you enter the site.


Larry Zimmerman, President, Bethania Kids

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CONGREGATIONAL CELEBRATIONS MARCH BIRTHDAYS Mar 1 David McGuffey Mar 1 Kevin McCloskey Mar 2 Benjamin Sager Mar 2 Cameron Skaggs-Rowe Mar 3 Emily Wefelmeyer Mar 4 Adelina Baxter Mar 4 Chinwendu Carter Mar 4 Diane Bicjan Mar 6 Carol Schmidt Mar 6 Ellie Schiffrik Mar 6 James Heuck Mar 6 Stefani Kokel Mar 7 Connor Lloyd Mar 7 Joan Norris Mar 8 Khari Brooks Mar 8 Norman Kuring Mar 9 Jimmy Wilson Mar 10 Daniel Bresson Mar 10 Marie Flahn Mar 10 Matthew DeMik Mar 11 Bentley Yeary Mar 11 Libby Zuelsdorf Mar 11 Shannon Majsztrik Mar 11 Steven W. Hussey Mar 12 Susan Mills Mar 12 Sylvia Carpenter Mar 13 Sarah Walsh Mar 14 Lawrence Malinowski Mar 14 Stephanie Gilbertz Mar 14 Tristan McNamara Mar 17 Emmaline Seifert Mar 17 Jennifer Wegman Mar 18 Trinity Addo Mar 19 Lynn Class

Mar 19 William Hudson Mar 22 Claira Schiffrik Mar 23 Henry Hebert Mar 23 Joan Ziener Mar 23 Nancy Olsen Mar 23 Nicole Williams Mar 24 Maria Caprara Mar 25 Anais Torchenot Mar 25 Austin Aguilera Mar 25 John Purtilo Mar 26 Dick Schneider Mar 26 Hannah Tucker Mar 26 John Kuntz Mar 26 Joseph Taylor Mar 26 Macotta Mansah Mar 27 Roger Williamson Mar 28 David Ridenour Mar 28 Nathaniel Grant Mar 29 Mary Farris Mar 30 Liam Hueffmeier Mar 30 Natasha Bowlds Mar 31 Matthew Stewart

MARCH ANNIVERSARIES Aguilera Elizabeth Mar 23, 1996 Aguilera Burt Mar 23, 1996 Bodden Cheryl Mar 26, 1983 Bodden Lee Mar 26, 1983 Brock Jack Mar 18, 1978 Brock Pam Mar 18, 1978 Rau Donna Mar 20, 1982 Rau Richard Mar 20, 1982 Ziener Art Mar 07, 1970 Ziener Joan Mar 07, 1970

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BIBLE STUDIES, HOME GROUPS & PRAYER GROUPS TUESDAY: MEN’S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY. Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00 am, led by the Pastor on the upcoming Sunday lesson, at Bob Evans Restaurant on Rt. 198 East, just west of 295. For more information, call Glenn Olsen 301-604-2646 MANNA IN THE MORNING: Tuesdays, 9:30 am. in the Library. They are currently studying the Books 0f 1& 2nd. Timothy and Titus. Call Cynthia Manock (301) 464-5491 for more information. MANNA FOR MOMS: Meets at 12:30-2:00 pm. every Tuesday. Bible Study is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. The 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month are dedicated to prayer. If there is a 5th Tuesday we do some type of project (i.e. cut out material for baptism banners, clean out the Sun. school closet or nursery). It's for new moms, old moms, grand moms, wanna-be moms, moms with teens, college age kids, etc. Bring your lunch and kids. Child care is provided. Join us in the fellowship hall. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesdays! For information contact -Michelle DeMik—240-568-6487. (IF YOUR GROUP ISN’T LISTED OR THE INFORMATION IS WRONG, CONTACT NANCY SHAMPO AT: 301-518 6753). HOME BIBLE STUDY GROUPS (Homes Open for Ministry and Encouragement) HOME Small Group bible studies provide people with a unique opportunity to study the Bible and God’s word outside of church plus to have fellowship and develop friendships with other Our Savior members. Each group gladly welcomes new members, just contact the group leader or talk to some of the group members.

If you would like to start your own new study group, please contact Pastor Peter. New groups are always welcome! FRIDAY: Bowlds' Home Bible Study Meets every other Friday at Dan and Natasha’s home (West Laurel) at 7:30 pm. For more information contact Dan or Natasha 301-776-1775 or [email protected] or Trent Turner at: [email protected]. Montpelier Home Bible Study Meets every other Friday at 7 pm at the Marshall’s home in Montpelier. Studying 1st. & 2nd Timothy and Titus POC: Nancy Shampo at 301-518-6753 or Nancy. SUNDAY Murchison Home Bible Study Meets 2rd Sunday at 7 pm for Bible study and prayer (no meal) at the Murchison’s’. New members welcome. Currently studying the Gospel of Luke. For more information, please contact Marilyn Murchison at 301-725-8179. Serendipity Bible Study Group: Meets 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings 7-9 p.m. Rotates among member homes For more information contact Liz DeMik Howard Home Bible Study Meets once a month on weekends with a meal; rotate houses in the Savage/Columbia area. For more information, please contact Todd Howard at 301 725-1990 or [email protected] Miliner’s Home Bible Study the North Laurel Home Group meets the First Sunday of each month at the Miliner's home. The group is currently studying the book of Matthew. Contact Robin Miliner for more information at 301 362-1264 or [email protected].

PRAYER GROUPS OSLC’S PRAYER WARRIOS: they meet each Tuesday evening at 7 pm. (in the Prayer Room behind the sanctuary). PRAYER CHAIN PRAYER WARRIOS: If you’d like to be part of the prayer chain, or if you’d like to request prayer, please call Nancy Shampo at 301-518-6753 or [email protected] Thank you.

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PRAYERS Praise For …

God’s Word to guide us.

The opportunity to worship Him this day!

MEMBERS: Debbie Berger Samuel Birk Tracy Bowman Arlene Braun Rachel Clark Wally Dove Heneks family Kirk Jackson

Jacqueline Jenkins Darlene Jensen (in hospice) Keepers Family Peggy Killeen Jeannine L'Heureux Barbara Meyers Amy David Ridenour Robinson family

Tal and Beth Seaman Leslie Shields Justine Smith Carol Ann Snyder Don Smythe Hannah Tucker George Walter Liz Werlwas

FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MEMBERS: Barbara Bowyer (friend of Robin Miliner) Darin Borger Danielle Castro (friend of Brenda Petito) Ryan Chennault (son of the Zarcone’s) Diane Coleman (friend of Vicar Derrick) Nick Coleman (son of Nancy Love’s friend) Larry Dawes (father of Deb Kilpe) Michael Flagg (friend of Lynn Shampo) Ingrid Gaston (friend of Tina McGuffey’s sister) Amy Grappin (Gabrielle Walsh’s sister) Ericka Fearby (sister of Mike Meadows) Rev. Mark Bob Heneke (cousin of Nancy Malinowski) Rose Henry (Kim Griffith’s neighbors) Emily Kirk (former member) Gary Lee (cousin of Nancy & Lynn Shampo) Amy Love (sister of Steve Love) Lovell family Idella Lyde (friend of the Miliner’s) Kathy Maconachy (surgery) Michele Maconachy (relief of pain & back surgery) Ana Guillen Mareyra (open Arm’s teacher) Sherryn Meyer (former member) Carol Molloy (friend of Pam Mann) Betty Anne Poole (sister of Angela Zarcone) Janet Proctor (Open Arms teacher) Marcy Rindone (friend of Kathie Peterson) Maria Rodriguez (friend of Ethel Ruckenbrod) Tracy Roundtree (friend of Shirley Hill) Eva Roesler (friend of Kathie Peterson)

Dolores Schigur (mother of Gabriell Walsh) Doris Scott (friend of Angela Moorhead) Darrel Sellers (nephew of Tryshanda Moton) Khaliah Sellers (sister of Tryshansa Moton AJ Smith (son of Helen Kasemeyer) Katy Tzamaras (friend of Nancy Love) Toney family Jennifer Weather (friend of Turners) Gertrude Winters (mother of Diane Bicjan) Akeem Thrasher (brother of Tryshanda Moton) Patti Tuttle (friend of Tina McGuffey) Anita Zehner (mother of Cindy Zehner) Dan Zwarych (brother of Jim Bresette) John (son of Carol Ann Snyder) Lawrence (uncle of Tammy Bowley) Vitore (nephew of Mark Cummuta) IN HARMS WAY: Philip Stewart, Jeffery Toney, Jay O’Neill, Noah Sutton, Preston Fisher.


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LINE DANCING! It’s all about fun!

THE LAST SATURDAY of the MONTH! 5:00 – 7:00 PM

In the OSLC multi-purpose room

ALL are welcome! … Regardless of age or experience

March theme: Welcome Spring Wear a brightly colored

or floral shirt. (Optional)

GET IN LINE March 25


Line dance songs are so tappin’ happy they make your whole body smile.

POC: donna at 301-839-1824 [email protected]


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Dear friends in Christ at Our Savior,

Many thanks for your prayers and support of our family's missionary service in the Dominican Republic! We are blessed to have you as part of the Lord’s mission in the DR and would like to express our gratitude for your recent donation to His work here.

We are looking forward to another action-packed year with construction (including the seminary we are excited to open later this year), sustainability, and outreach projects, and most importantly, sharing the Good News of our Risen Lord.

Thank you for being a part of the foreign mission field and we encourage you to continue serving your neighbors with the love and Good News of Christ as well.

- Bill, Nicole, Kiersten, & Karissa Lohmeyer


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Looking/Planning Ahead (Special Non-Routine Events) - OSLC Key Dates - Are these on your calendar?

Date Day Activity Location Estimated Timeframe POC Comments

March 2017

3/1/2017 Wed Ash Wednesday Service OSLC 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

3/4/2017 Sat Side by Side Annual Breakfast

Bethany Community

Church, Laurel, MD

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Joe Murchison Please RSVP by

Wednesday, March 1

3/8/2017 Wed Lenten Worship Service #1 OSLC 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

3/15/2017 Wed Lenten Worship Service #2 OSLC 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

3/15-22/2017 Wed-Wed Haiti Mission Trip Haiti All week Nancy Olsen All are welcome!

3/17/2017 Fri Open Arms Families Appreciation Dinner OSLC 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Rachel Clark

3/18/2017 Sat Easter Prep Workday OSLC 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Rich Libengood All are welcome!

3/19/2017 Sun Youth Choir Festival

St. Luke Lutheran

Silver Spring, MD

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Marilyn Murchison Everyone please

come worship with us!

3/22/2017 Wed Lenten Worship Service #3 OSLC 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

3/24-26/2017 Fri-Sun Impact - High School Retreat Ocean City, MD Fri evening - Sunday

evening Natasha Bowlds High School Youth

3/29/2017 Wed Lenten Worship Service #4 OSLC 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

3/31 - 4/1/2017 Fri-Sat Overnight fundraiser/homeless experience Laurel, MD Friday evening - Saturday

evening Natasha Bowlds

Youth in grades 6-12

April 2017

4/1/2017 Sat Choir Workshop with Dr. Barbara Baker OSLC 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Marilyn Murchison Adult and teenage

singers are welcome!

4/5/2017 Wed Lenten Worship Service #5 OSLC 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

4/9/2017 Sun Palm Sunday Services

11 AM is for those receiving First Communion

OSLC Normal Worship Times Church Staff All are welcome!

4/12/2017 Wed No Wednesday Evening Church Activities

4/13/2017 Thurs Maundy Thursday Worship OSLC 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

4/14/2017 Fri Good Friday Worship OSLC 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

4/15/2017 Sat Easter Vigil Worship OSLC 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

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4/16/2017 Sun Easter Sunday Services OSLC 6:30 AM "Sonrise" +

Normal Services Church Staff All are welcome!

4/18 - 6/13/2017 Tues Cancer Companions OSLC Library 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Tracy Bowman All are welcome!

4/19/2017 Wed No Wednesday Evening Church Activities

May 2017

5/4/2017 Thurs National Day of Prayer

5/5-7/2017 Fri-Sun Confirmation Retreat at the Beach Bethany Beach,

DE Friday evening - Sunday

afternoon Natasha Bowlds

Youth in Confirmation -

grades 7-8

5/18/2017 Thurs Open Arms Spring Concert OSLC 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Rachel Clark All are welcome!

5/20/2017 Sat Confirmation End-of-the-Year Dinner OSLC Saturday evening Natasha Bowlds Youth in

Confirmation - grades 6-8

5/21/2017 Sun Confirmation Worship Service OSLC 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Church Staff All are welcome!

Future Dates

6/2/2017 Fri Open Arms Kiddie Prom OSLC TBD Rachel Clark All are welcome!

6/4/2017 Sun Pentecost Sunday OSLC Normal Worship Times Church Staff All are welcome!

6/21/2017 Wed Youth End-of-Year Party Bowlds' house

Laurel, MD TBD Natasha Bowlds

All Youth are welcome!

6/22-25/2017 Thurs-Sat LWML Convention Albuquerque,

NM All day TBD

All women are welcome!

6/25 - 7/1/2017 Sun-Sat West Virginia Mission Trip West Virginia All week Natasha Bowlds Youth in grades 9-


7/15-22/2017 Sat-Sat Better Homes for Appalachia

Servant Event 2017 Garrett County,

MD All week Natasha Bowlds

Limited slots available!

7/24-28/2017 Mon-Fri Vacation Bible School OSLC 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM Michelle DeMik All are welcome!

8/6-12/2017 Sun-Sat Mission Montana Lame Deer, MT All week Natasha Bowlds All are welcome!

9/8-10/2017 Fri-Sun Assateague Weekend Assateague Island, MD

5:00 PM Fri - 2:00 PM Sun Natasha Bowlds All Youth and

Chaperones are welcome!

9/12 - 11/7/2017 Tues Cancer Companions OSLC Library 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Tracy Bowman All are welcome!

To add a new event to this calendar, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you.

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