




Members and Friends

This is an opportunity for me to introduce myself to you and share some of the challenges we face over the coming months. I am serving as your Interim Moderator giving some support to Lanark Presbytery where they are very short of ministers. I live ‘far off’ in Tranent and work mostly in Glasgow but have been meeting with your Kirk Session & Congregational Board and look forward to leading worship in March. My ‘day job’ is working as Coordinator of a Church of Scotland Pilot Project called ‘Chance to Thrive’ which supports eight Priority Areas Parishes in the most disadvantaged communities to take forward ideas in and with their local communities. This is a three year post and before that I served as an Interim Minister (like Iain Goring) in St Andrew’s & St Georges West and Muirhouse St Andrew’s in Edinburgh. Part of that work was covering at Carnwath when Ian McKenzie retired and I continued on a voluntary capacity when I took up my present post because I realised that the folk at Carnwath had some very big decisions which they had to make.

You will know that you, too, in Carstairs have a couple of big challenges which I hope to help you look at.


The Board and Session are pleased to have a grant from the General Trustees of The Church of Scotland to allow a BUILDING OPTIONS STUDY to be carried out employing Michael Nisbet, Architect of Biggar. This study will allow Board and Session and members to see very clearly the pros and cons and all the costs involved for the future for four possibilities looking at all the costs including maintenance over the next 25 years. I will be taking this forward with a group of four folk from the congregation and the options which will be examined are:

1. Retaining, maintaining and upgrading both buildings in The Village and The Junction

2. Keeping the building at The Junction and disposing of the building at The Village

3. Keeping the building at The Village and disposing of the building at The Junction

4. A new build church based on the cost of a site and construction cost

The congregation will get full information on these options and we will hold an open meeting to ensure full transparency and open discussion before people can make decisions for the future. I stress that I will not influence decisions in any way but that the congregation will need to show that it has an affordable business plan which it can agree with Presbytery and The General Trustees who will provide permissions and some of the funding.


You will know that the intimations being read out on Sundays will lead to the point where the congregational roll is agreed at Carstairs. On Sunday 9th March those on the roll will vote for five people to serve on the Nominating Committee with four members of Carnwath congregation. The joint Nominating Committee will then be able to move on with its work in the search for the right minister for the linked charge.


I was delighted when we set up the arrangement in December at the beginning of the linkage for a ‘team’ where Susan Cowell would share the Pulpit Supply with Richard Beattie, a Reader from Hamilton who has served Carnwath very well over the past two years, with Susan providing two days each week in Pastoral Support and I would work with Session and Board and congregation in all the business and decision-making. I share your disappointment that Susan will not be continuing as part of the ‘team’ as I know her services and care have been hugely appreciated by folk in Carnwath, Carstairs and Carstairs Junction and beyond. We thank Susan for all her work which has always extended well beyond what might reasonably be expected.

At the time of writing I am looking to find an alternative arrangement, in the meantime, Helen Jamieson, the Presbytery Clerk is always a point of contact if there are pastoral emergencies (01555 771218) and she will arrange for a minister to attend. It is important to understand that Pastoral Cover by a Locum will not provide the full cover or attention of your own minister in post and I know that elders and members have been extending extra care to those they know need a visit or support.

In all of this you can be assured of my support and prayers.

Russell McLarty

The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Warmly invites you to join our church family on

Sunday, 2nd March 201410am Carstairs Church

When the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated

We look forward to your company

If you are entertaining visitors that day we hope you might also ask them to share in this invitation.

Dear Friends As I write, it is still dark and we ask “when will the rain stop?!” We know and we hope that soon the mornings will get lighter and one day the sun will shine. We would like to have a good warm summer please --- but there is nothing we can do about it! However, in the world to-day, in our country, in our village, in our church, in our family, in our lives there are lots of things we can do to improve any and every situation. In our village and in our church we are so grateful to all those who volunteer their time and their talents --- thank you to them all. However there are still many things that need to be done. There are situations where more help is needed. Now we all have the same 24 hours in our days and we all have 2 hands, a head and a heart. Could you, would you ask yourself “Is there something more I can do or be or give that might make life easier or better or fairer for someone else”?  I hope your answer is '”yes!” With a prayer for God's blessing for you, your family, your days and with my love. Susan Cowell




BaptismsPepper Jess Calvin Baptised 17/11/13Blair Thomas Wilson Baptised 19/01/14

FuneralsPlease remember in your prayers the friends and families of:

Betty Stirling, Carstairs VillageWilma McKinlay, Formerly RavenstrutherArchie Hamilton, CleghornJack Smith, CarnwathMathew Welsh, Carstairs VillageCaroline Grierson, Carstairs JunctionWilliam Kay, RavenstrutherIsa Leskovec, Carstairs Junction

“The Lord said I will go with you and give you peace”Exodus 33:14



Dear Friends

We continue to remember and give our support to those around us, who are less fortunate, through our donation basket in the church.

Thank you for responding to the requests in the intimation sheet. Donations are always gratefully received at the Foodbank. I am privileged to witness the gratitude of the households when they receive their parcel and take this opportunity to pass to you their thanks.

Ruth Campbell

The Less Fortunate Dear Lord,

Thank You for this meal.There are so many people, who are hungry across the world,

But we are so blessed to be able to eat when we wantAnd to be able to choose what we want to eat.

Let us not forget how fortunate we areAnd let us not forget the less fortunate.




But you remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you. You have been taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have

given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Jesus Christ. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us

what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of

preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.

2 Timothy 3: 14-17

Reading and studying the Bible is the best way to get to know God and to grow in our faith in him. God wants us to know his word thoroughly so that we can be mature and strong in our faith. We hear Gods Word being preached at the Sunday service, and that is good, but through the Jigsaw Bible Study Group it is hoped we will get a better understanding of His Word.

This is a fortnightly meeting of people from our local churches, and others who all want to have a better understanding of the Bible. At this time we are studying James. Try reading James 3: 13—4:10 and think what your answers would be to some of the questions we will discuss.

1. In James 3: 13-18 James discusses earthly and heavenly wisdom. What are the characteristics of each?

2. When have you seen the kind of wisdom that comes from heaven help resolve conflict?

3. What does it mean for us to have “friendship with the world” (4:4)?4. What else does James say is necessary in order to come to God in

prayer (4:4-10)?

These are just a few of the questions we will discuss at the next Jigsaw Bible Study. Everyone has something to contribute. Try it, even if you only come once.

Our next study night will be onMonday, 10th March in Carstairs Village Community Centre at 7pm(And every two weeks thereafter. Everyone will be made most welcome)

Palm Sunday – 13th AprilEaster Sunday – 20th April

Details of our Holy Week Services will be intimated nearer the time.


Neither of us can believe how quickly the time has flown since we left Carstairs at the beginning of September. We're both enjoying living here and getting on with a different part of our lives. When we arrived here in September we were made very welcome by our neighbours who were able to keep us right about local information.

It's been good fun finding out about good places to walk with the dog and trying out the variety of eating places round about. Then of course there have been a lot of trips into Kirkcaldy to the shops. Well, you need such a lot when you move house don't you!!

We've had quite a lot of work to get done on the house and we're pressing on to complete it so that we're ready to get cracking on the garden in the spring. Great plans - but hopefully the muscles will be ready for it all!!

We went along to Church in Kinghorn on the first Sunday after moving in and what a lovely welcome we received. It's great to be sitting in Church and look out of the window onto the sea. However in the winter months it can be a chilly place so we worship in the Church Hall which is located on the High Street (without a sea view but it's lovely and cosy.)

As you can guess it didn't take long for us to be taking part in Church activities including taking a turn at manning the Church charity shop called 'The Glory Hole '. This is not just to raise funds for the Church here but is an outreach into the community providing a place for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee. We've also been able to join with others for Bible Study and Prayer. Always a good way to increase your faith and deepen relationships with fellow Christians.

We were both asked to continue to serve as elders on the Session here so our first Session meeting took place in January. We're both happy to help in any way we can so the list of activities continues to grow. We've both joined the singing group which is appropriately called ' The King’s Singers'. At Christmas a group of us sang carols in the two local Care Homes and in the brand new Morrison’s in Kirkcaldy.

So life has been pretty busy and full. Lots of new activities to do and new friends to make.

You know that they say that it's a small world. Well it must be true because one of the first people that we met in Church was Sarah Crosthwaite, Melville and Irene's youngest daughter. She now lives in Kirkcaldy and is all grown-up (I know it's scary isn't it.) She is now a music teacher and she sometimes uses her musical talents in church during worship.

We have been keeping an eye on Carstairs web site and it’s good to see things are moving along in the church.

Good luck with all the changes and God Bless you all. Perhaps we will see you on Gala day! You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

Jim & Alix Muir


CHRISTIAN AID WEEK 2014Give people a future without fear

War tears lives apart. You can help put them back together.

This year the Christian Aid Week theme is of Peace and Reconciliation. The Bible and the Church have much to say on this issue, and it's an area that Christian Aid is working on all over the world, from Afghanistan, to Syria, to Zimbabwe. Conflict not only destroys lives, but it's also a major cause of poverty and destitution, so it's right that we tackle its causes, care for those in the midst of it, and help people rebuild their lives in its aftermath.

You can support Christian Aid locally by volunteering for our door to door collection; to help with this please contact Christine Lothian on 07917138387. Last year our community raised in excess of £1700.

We will be holding a Christian Aid Lunch in the Community Centre on Sunday, 11th May following the church service. If you can help in any way with this please contact Mary Cowan or Roberta Finlayson of the Social Committee. A fundraising Quiz will be available from Christine or at the lunch.

There are various Scottish events being held each month

and the Christian Aid website has information on all of the work carried out in the UK and World Wide. It is a great

website; please take a minute to check it out:

Character Assassination - James Macpherson Kelly

I was born 6 July 1947 in West Calder and raised there till I joined the Army on 6 July 1962. I served in the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers for 12 years where I was a vehicle mechanic.

I met my lovely wife Agnes (now sadly deceased) at Lanark Palais in 1967 when I was home on leave. Our love blossomed by letter as I was stationed in Bahrain at the time. We actually wrote to each other every day for 9 months. I was posted to Edinburgh at the end of 1967 and we were married in Carnwath church on 4 April 1970.

We had two sons Stuart and Graeme both married and happily raising their families just a stones throw away from each other in Carstairs Village. I have been blessed with three granddaughters and two grandsons.

I got discharged from the Army in 1974 and we settled in Carnwath. I initially worked on a gas pipeline going through the area for 18 months before joining Motherwell Bridge. I had a very varied career with them starting as trainee radiographer then welding inspector and finishing as a vendor inspector. My most interesting job was as a Welding Inspector. I worked on an Oil Rig being built in Japan and a ‘Sphere’ being constructed in Malaya. A Sphere is a large 1

inch thick metal ball that is used to hold liquid gas at extremely high pressure. It is lots of shaped plates welded together and requires to be thoroughly tested. It was really exciting being a part of the building of it. You can see quite a few of them at

oil refineries; they look like big metal balls.

Agnes decided that we should have our own house so we bought one at Braehead, Forth and the boys continued cycling back down to Carnwath to see their friends. I got a call one Saturday from Agnes when I was in Malaya to say that she had sold the house in the morning, but all was ok,

as she had bought one in Carnwath that afternoon!! So when I came home it was to Cooper Court, Carnwath. We stayed there for about two years then moved to my present home on the Main Street in Carnwath.

I left Motherwell Bridge and went to work for Motorola in East Kilbride where I stayed for 14 years taking early retirement in 2007 on my 60th birthday. Regretfully Agnes went through an operation in February 2000 in Edinburgh but sadly things went wrong and she lost her courageous fight for life in October 2000.

For hobbies I have been involved with Forth Wanderers Football Club for 37 years and enjoy the occasional game of golf. I am also secretary of the Carnwath Community Group called Carnwath 2000 where we work together to try and enhance life in Carnwath.

I seem to be busier now then when I was working full time! I did volunteer driving with Lanarkshire Cancer care and now work part time for the Carnwath chemist delivering medicine to the patients who cannot make it to the chemist to collect. I really enjoy it as I get to meet all sorts of people.

It is a great saying that ‘life goes on’, when Agnes passed away I did wonder what was in front of me but I believe that God marks out your life for you and with the help of family and friends I like to think that I am doing ok.

Well I hope that you have enjoyed a little bit about me and I thank you for welcoming me and my family into your congregation at Carstairs Village church.



It is hoped to have a new rota starting in April. Copies will be available in the church vestibule. We do need more volunteer drivers to enable the car rota to keep going

each week.

If you are able to help out please contact Elizabeth Brown (870787).

HOW TO PRAYExtract from an article by Graham Fender-Allison, Worship Development Worker, Church

of Scotland originally published in the 2014 edition of Pray Now which is available for purchase in hard copy via the St Andrew Press Webpages or on Kindle.

No matter who we are, where we have been, what we are like; everyone can start where they are and begin to pray. We do not have to wait for a special teaching, a particular moment or spiritual feelings. We can quite simply begin as we are and take it from there. Talking to God is for everyone. We are often asked the

following questions:

What is prayer? Why do people pray? How do you pray? What are you meant to say?

The truth is that depending on who you ask, you will get a different answer! Prayer is something that is unique to you; it is you talking to God. What you say, how you feel and your relationship is unique!

But if you're not sure where to start the Church of Scotland has adapted information from Pray Now to help you on your way. It has been said that we learn to pray by praying, not by reading about it. That said, speaking with others and listening to their understanding of prayer can help us reflect upon our own experiences. How to Pray is therefore a collection of thoughts and ideas to help us think about prayer, especially if we are new to it, returning to it or simply want to refresh our prayer life.

Using the Lord’s Prayer is a wonderful way of gathering all your prayers into one. In doing so we say with people around the world and across century’s the words of Jesus that teach us how to pray. These are the words that celebrate the welcome, forgiveness, grace and goodness of God.

Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come, thy will be done;on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation;but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,for ever and ever.Amen

Princes Street Gardens, EdinburghA celebration for the whole Church

Sunday, 18th May 2014

Heart and Soul 2014 takes place on May 18th, 2014 and takes as its theme, “Hands Across The World” which aims to celebrate the life of the church through the lens of its international heritage, relationships and partners. The 2014 event comprises three distinct areas: a varied event and performance programme, a rich seam of congregations showcasing their life, work and witness, and lastly a lively avenue of exhibitors with information and resources focussed on helping congregations in their local and international situations.

There’s a special focus on activities for children and young people and a team from the popular “Spill the Beans” resource material for Sunday School and Junior Churches will be on hand to provide their own Scottish brand of exciting interaction with children. A dedicated marquee for young people will provide a great range of things to do, or just ‘a place to be’.

A highlight of the event in recent years has been the massed closing worship service with over 2,000 folks joining together in the early evening sun (!) to worship and praise God in the open air, in the centre of the capital. The Wild Goose Resource Group will feature their unique music-making during the massed worship and the moderator designate will close the service with some reflections on the international theme.

Check out the website: for more details.



If you have computer access to the internet please take a look at the Church of Scotland website:

Alternatively you can subscribe to the Life and Work Magazine.


Q. What could purple iPads, ugly stepsisters and corgi’s possibly have in common?

A. All have featured in the Drama club's recent antics!    

First the SClub nativity scene had some conspicuous new additions this year. These two squabbling, oversized Sclubbers were busy considering who had the most important role in the Christmas story.  

Who matters most - a King or the Angel Gabriel?

Thankfully, along with some gorgeous SClub shepherds, angels and donkeys, an angelic SoSing host and budding pop star Justine, they soon realised that even purple iPads and gifts of gold cannot beat the good news of God's best gift to us in sending Jesus to be our Saviour!

Then just before New Year, the club put on "Sooty Bella the Sequel", a pantomime written by club member Bill Angus. Full of fun and games, the show really had the X Factor! Sonny and Cher, Sharon Osborne and Dick Whittington were just some of the characters who put in an appearance alongside Sooty Bella, Harry Prince, Mary the Fairy from Inverary, the Little Angels and the ugly stepsisters.

It was an enjoyable night! Check out the website photo gallery for all the photos!

Sisters - Sweaty Betty & Smelly Nelly discussing their beauty routine!

From February, the Drama Club will be re-grouping and preparing for their next adventures!  We hope to take part in the Easter celebrations and will start making arrangements for our next play. Bill has been busy penning another creation already called "Coffin Dodgers" which we hope to bring to a Community Centre near you soon! (Most likely in the autumn).

The Drama Club is always open to new members, so if you either want to try your hand at acting or if you fancy getting involved behind the scenes, then get in touch with Maggie (07977134854) or any of the existing Drama Club members and we will be delighted to welcome you along.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Travellers Sheltered by Local Families

On the first of December a visiting family was introduced to our parish during the morning worship in Carstairs Parish church. So the journey of the Nativity family began. Over the days leading up to Christmas the special little family travelled around our parish and area. Each night they were given refuge within the houses of our members and friends.

Their route took them around Carstairs Village, then on to Ravenstruther and Cleghorn before reaching Lanark. They then journeyed back to Carstairs Junction. Their route covered 15 miles and required hospitality within 24 homes. They were welcomed by The Net, Boy’s Brigade, Girl’s Brigade and both local Primary schools.

On the 24th of December I was delighted to welcome them into my home and introduce them to my grandson. They rested with us before returning to church for the Watchnight Service in Carstairs Junction Parish church.

I hope all the families who gave hospitality to the Nativity family enjoyed taking a little time out of their hectic pre-Christmas bustle to share the true meaning of Christmas with those around them. Hopefully they may journey our way again next December.

Ruth Campbell

My Sheepy Celebration by Frances Shanks

At the beginning of October I found myself digging out my knitting needles and wool as I had volunteered to knit a sheep for The Sheepy Celebration which was to be held on the last Sunday before Christmas.

I decided my sheep was to be no ordinary sheep so plumped for dark grey/black wool with sequins. I knitted away with gusto and before I knew it had lots of odd-shaped pieces which had to be sewn together and stuffed. This was getting exciting so forgoing dinner I sewed and stuffed till my sheep took shape. She was a joy to behold and I immediately christened her Shuna as she looked like a dog I knew.

Now I had the knitting bug so off I went to the wool shop and bought lots of different shades of ‘sheepy’ coloured wool. Shuna was soon joined by a whole flock of sheep all ‘baaing’ away in the kitchen.

The time soon came for them to leave me and off they went to their foster homes around the villages of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction where they were to stay till Baarry the Shepherd found them and herded them off to The Sheepy Celebration.

I have since heard that Shuna has been adopted by a family in Carstairs Junction and has been renamed Sparkle.

If anyone would like to knit the sheep for themselves the pattern is as follows:-


You will need100g white/cream Aran wool (make into 3 small balls)50g black/brown Aran wool9mm or 10mm needles (using 2 sizes smaller needles made a

firmer sheep)Toy stuffing, Googly eyes, buttons or felt circles

BODY (all in garter stitch)Use 3 strands of white/cream wool togetherCast on 15stsRows 1 and 2: KnitRow 3: Increase in every stitch (30sts)Row 4: KnitRow 5: *K5, increase 1* 6 times (36 sts)Rows 6 - 30: KnitRow 31: (K2tog) to endCast off.

HEADUse 3 strands of white/cream wool togetherCast on 20 stsRows 1 - 4: KnitChange to 3 strands of black/grey wool togetherRow 5: PurlRow 6: *K2, K2tog* to endRow 7: PurlRow 8: *K1, K2tog* to endRow 9: PurlRow 10: *K2tog* to endThread wool through remaining stitches

LEGS x 4Use 3 strands of black/grey wool togetherCast on 10 stsRows 1, 3 and 5: KnitRows 2, 4 and 6: PurlRow 7:  *K2tog* to endThread wool through remaining stitches

EARS x 2Use 3 strands of black/grey wool togetherCast on 4 sts. Cast off

TAILCast on 7 sts. Cast off

ASSEMBLYSew the body of the sheep. Keep the neck end open.Sew up the side of the head, leaving the neck open.Stuff both body and head and sew the head straight on to the body.Do the same with the legs, then sew on the ears and tail.Stitch on a cute face.

Use stick-on googly eyes, buttons or felt circles for the eyes.Then give lots of love.


On the last Monday of the month we have our ‘Lite Bite’ coffee morning at 11am in Carstairs Junction Church. Guest speakers are invited along to give a ‘thought for today’. We also have a sales table. Please come along and enjoy the fellowship.

The Rag Bag collection is on 10th April, so start collecting all your unwanted items. Bags are available for uplift at both Churches. This is a great fundraiser for the church

The committee hope to hold a Summer fete on Saturday, 7th June. Confirmation of this date and further details will be intimated in due course.

The committee will host the Christian Aid lunch on Sunday, 11th May in the Community Centre after Church service.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE GUILD

Meetings are held in Carstairs Community Centre at 2pm on.

The 5th March meeting will be the AGM and all members new and old are invited to come along to this.

An invitation has been received from St Nicholas Church Guild to join them on 12th March at their guest night.

The Guild Annual Meeting will be held in Dundee this year on 6th September.

After a break our new session will start again in October.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us as a member or visitor. We start our meetings with devotions followed by a guest speaker who will normally give a talk / presentation for half an hour. We close our meetings with tea/coffee & lovely home baking.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When you have read your magazine, please feel free to pass it on to someone else who may be interested. Spare copies are available

on the leaflet stand in the Church vestibule.

The Big Tent and the Little Tent.

In the booklet ‘Our Daily Bread’ in which some people in Carstairs use as their short time from reading a Bible passage and reflecting on what the message is for that particular day.

On Thursday, 16th February David McCasland told a story about when in 1949 at Billy Graham’s Los Angeles campaign , the big tent that held 6,000 people was filled to overflowing every night for 8 weeks. Close by was a smaller tent set aside for counselling and prayer. Cliff Barrows, an experienced music director and close friend and associate of Graham, has often said that the real work of the gospel took place in ‘the little tent’, where people gathered on their knees to pray before and during every evangelistic service.

In our villages some people see the church building as the focus for Christian worship, the ‘Big Tent’. But as time goes on and less people attend the Sunday service, all Christians should consider the work we all have in the ‘Little Tent’.

Many people spread the gospel in their own way, as they go about their daily lives. They follow the command ‘Go into the world and preach the Gospel’. But this is the responsibility of us all, not just for some.

How often do we think about God’s church when we are going about in the community? How do we conduct ourselves when out shopping, at our place of work? Or when we meet with our families and friends.

We hear it often at meetings, Bible study, prayer groups, the Sunday service, that we must ‘Reach Out’ to the community. We are reaching out every day, we are reaching out in what we say and do as we go about our daily life.

Many people out there are spiritually lost. They are being overwhelmed by social, moral and economic problems.

What can we do? Pray, that is certainly one of the good things we can do. But we must obey the words. ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone’. Mark 16:15.

To help another in Christ to grow.You have to pay a price

It takes the giving of yourselfAnd that means sacrifice.


The Service for the linking of the congregations of The Parish of Carnwath with The United Parish of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction took place at Carstairs Village Church on Wednesday, 4th December 2013.

Officiating Ministers Moderator Rev. Harry Findlay MA BDClerk Rev. Helen Jamieson BD Dip EdDepute Clerk Rev. Bryan Kerr BA BDPreacher Rev. Elizabeth Clelland BDInterim Moderator Rev. Russell McLarty MA BD

Hymns sung Praise to the lord Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders O for a thousand tongues, to sing Let us build a house

The LessonsPsalm 122St. Luke 4 v14-21~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bible Fun for Kids

Faith in Homes have come up with a fun and interactive bible app for children to use to read bible stories, play games and test their knowledge. The bible app is free to download to any android, kindle fire or iPad and there are no hidden costs and none will be incurred further down the line. Let your child discover the amazing stories of the bible in a manner they are used to interactive pictures, animations and games. There are currently 7 bible stories on the app with more coming soon. Faith in Homes is part of the Barnabas for Children ministry who were behind the first Messy Church. They provide lots of wonderful resources for Messy Church and various Church/School groups in the hope of sharing the gospel in a relevant manner to all our young people. 

For more information and to download the app go to [email protected]

Modern Technology

Communication has come a long way from the time I (Alex Nelson) was at school, though I do not remember the chalk and slate. I think I am keeping up with all the gadgets, too many to mention. Then I realise when my family visit me there is something else on the market, a better, newer, faster, and more up to date than last week.

But let us be serious, computers in all these different forms have been with us for some time and most people, including many from our own congregation communicate with computers. The church has its own computer that Ian uses on a Sunday morning for our ‘Order of Service’ with its hymns and prayers for us all to see.

We also have our own website which is maintained by Liz Warnock and shows forthcoming events, services, and meetings and much more. Through the website you can see all the things that are happening in Carstairs Church so if you have any ideas as to what you would like to see on the website please let Liz know.

Not everyone has a computer, but most people have family or friends who have one. Ask them to show you the church web site, and through it, you may be also introducing them to what is going on at the church. Make a point of visiting your web site at


NOAH'S ARK  Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark

ONE:  Don't miss the boat. TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat! 

THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may

ask you to do something really big. FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs

to be done.SIX:  Build your future on high ground. 

SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs. EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on

board with the cheetahs. NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.  

TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. 

ELEVEN: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting.

Choices and Challenges

That’s the theme for this up and coming session at The Net. Our young folk are continually making choices either to do with their education, the activities they are involved in outwith School and on occasions in their relationships with friends and family. They also face many challenges – moving from primary to secondary school, learning new skills both in school and at home.

This session all our evenings will be connected to that theme and we hope through fun, activities, reflection and discussion that our young folk will find themselves better placed to cope with the choices and challenges that come before them.

Sunday 2nd March Pancakes Galore Sunday 16th March Challenge Night Boys v GirlsSunday 30th March What a Load of RubbishSunday 13th April HolidaySunday 27th April Water, Water EverywhereSunday 11th May Music NightSunday 25th May To be confirmed

The Net is open to all young people in P7 and upwards. We meet every second Sunday in Carstairs Community Centre from 7.00pm to 8.45pm. Each evening as well as the specific activity, we play games have a Thot Spot and enjoy some food and listen to music. So if you know of anyone eligible to come along please encourage them to do so.

Thank you Susan

The young people and leaders of Sclub, The Net, Boys' and Girls' Brigade would all like to thank Susan for her love and support during her ministry in Carstairs. Susan has visited us all on a regular basis, had fun with the children and offered pastoral support and encouragement to all the leaders. She has ensured that worship has always been meaningful and relevant to our young people and involved them wherever possible. Thank you and God Bless x 


02.03.14 Mrs M Brown09.03.14 Mrs N Gilchrist16.03.14 Mrs O Henderson23.03.14 Mrs G Stokes30.03.14 Mr D Lang

06.04.14 Mrs M Savage13.04.14 Mrs I Jarvie20.04.14 Ms J McPhee

Miss A & Miss E McInnes27.04.14 Mrs K Langton

04.05.14 Mrs M Jamieson &Mrs A Howland

11.05.14 Mr T Mee18.05.14 Vacant25.05.14 Miss M Madill & Mrs A Bruce

01.06.14 Miss E Brown08.06.14 Mrs S Wilson & Mrs J Summers15.06.14 Miss P Little & Mrs I Milne22.06.14 Vacant29.06.14 Mrs Gordon & Mrs Spence

Each week flowers are donated by members of the congregation/community to beautify the church. Following the service they are taken to people within our community to let them know the church is thinking of them. If you would like to

donate flowers speak to Mary Cowan (870580) or Hazel MacDonald (870694).



All Primary School girls who would like join us on a Thursday please feel free to come along at 6.30pm – 7.30pm (P1-P3) & 7.15pm – 8.30pm (P4-P7) or if you would like any more information please email [email protected]

Shoes in Church

I showered and shaved...I adjusted my tie.I got there and sat...In a pew just in time.Bowing my head in prayer...As I closed my eyes.I saw the shoe of the man next to me...Touching my own. I sighed.With plenty of room on either side...I thought, "Why must our soles touch?"It bothered me, his shoe touching mine...But it didn't bother him much.A prayer began: "Our Father"...I thought, "This man with the shoes...has no pride.They're dusty, worn, and scratched. Even worse, there are holes on the side!""Thank You for blessings," the prayer went on.The shoe man said...a quiet "Amen."I tried to focus on the prayer...But my thoughts were on his shoes again.Aren't we supposed to look our best...When walking through that door?"Well, this certainly isn't it," I thought, Glancing toward the floor.Then the prayer was ended...And the songs of praise began.The shoe man was certainly loud...Sounding proud as he sang.His voice lifted the rafters...His hands were raised high.The Lord could surely hear...The shoe man's voice from the sky.It was time for the offering...And what I threw in was steep.I watched as the shoe man reached...Into his pockets so deep.I saw what was pulled out...What the shoe man put in.Then I heard a soft "clink" when silver hits tin.The sermon really bored me...To tears, and that's no lie.It was the same for the shoe man...For tears fell from his eyes.At the end of the service...As is the custom here.We must greet new visitors...And show them all good cheer.But I felt moved somehow...And wanted to meet the shoe man.So after the closing prayer...I reached over and shook his hand.He was old and his skin was dark...And his hair was truly a mess.But I thanked him for coming...For being our guest.He said, "My names' Charlie...I'm glad to meet you, my friend."There were tears in his eyes...But he had a large, wide grin."Let me explain," he said...Wiping tears from his eyes."I've been coming here for months...And you're the first to say 'Hi.'"

"I know that my appearance..."Is not like all the rest."But I really do try..." To always look my best.""I always clean and polish my shoes..."Before my very long walk."But by the time I get here..."They're dirty and dusty, like chalk."My heart filled with pain...and I swallowed to hide my tears.As he continued to apologize...For daring to sit so near.He said, "When I get here..."I know I must look a sight."But I thought if I could touch you..."Then maybe our souls might unite."I was silent for a moment...Knowing whatever was saidWould pale in comparison...I spoke from my heart, not my head."Oh, you've touched me," I said..."And taught me, in part;"That the best of any man..."Is what is found in his heart."The rest, I thought,...This shoe man will never know.Like just how thankful I really am...That his dirty old shoe touched my soulYou are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I respect you, and truly cherish you.


Messy Church is Christ centred and for all ages. Through creativity, hospitality and celebration those who attend can explore the bible and their faith to discover more about God's creativity, His

unconditional love and joy.

Our hope is that all those who come along will experience just that. Our team work hard to plan each Messy Church and we have great fun and fellowship too.

If you would be interested in helping with the preparation for Messy Church or coming along on the night to provide an extra pair of hands please speak to Linda (870028). Our next 2 Messy Church meetings are on Friday, 14th March and then Friday, 9th

May in Carstairs Junction Community Hall from 5pm – 7pm.


SoSing continue to perform at Sunday Worship and Church events. We normally practice on the first Sunday each month. If you enjoy singing (and dressing up!!) …. why not join us? If you would like more information or just want to chat about it please

call Ann on 0782 685 2391



The company have had a varied programme in the last three months with games, crafts, sports and marching. The boys have worked hard and all gained their BB Achievements. Congratulations to Lewis Campbell and Rory Abraham on achieving their Gold Achievements.

The last meeting for this year will be Tuesday, 25th March resuming 2nd September. To end the session we will be attending the Motherwell v Kilmarnock football match on Saturday, 29th March. This will be exciting for most of us as have never been to a “real” football game before!

Elizabeth would like to thank Niki, Jackie, Lorna, Alan, Louise, Ian, Connor, Keld and Ian Snr for their support and commitment this session and look forward to working with them in the session. Also special thanks to Mrs Grace Stokes, Church Elder for her visits.

The boys, leaders and helpers send Rev Susan Cowell their best wishes and thank her so much for her enjoyable visits on Tuesday nights.


Offerings November - JanuaryNov 2013 F.W. £2485.00 Nov 2012 F.W. £2168.70

Ordinary £446.90 Ordinary £224.25Dec 2013 F.W. £2886.52 Dec 2012 F.W. £3081.80

Ordinary £383.90 Ordinary £358.10Jan 2014 F.W. £2075.40 Jan 2013 F.W. £2275.00

Ordinary £370.00 Ordinary £168.05Total £8647.72 Total £8275.90

The Offerings show an increase of just over £370 over the same period last year.

Retiring Offerings Fund RaisingPoppy Scotland

(Remembrance Sunday) £168.95

Souper Sunday (Nov): £237.50Lite Bite Coffee Morning (Nov): £150.00Lite Bite Coffee Morning (Jan): £157.00

The Congregational Board would like to express their sincere thanks to everyone who has helped in any way to achieve all the above totals.

Retiring Offerings for 2014March Communion- Clydesdale Foodbank

June Communion- Loaves and Fishes

We would like to encourage all members and friends to support the Church by regular giving and we offer various ways of doing this.

Standing Order - contact Lorna Bruce (870426) or email [email protected] to get a Standing Order Mandate.

Weekly Freewill Envelopes - anyone who would like to contribute in this way can obtain envelopes from Robert Cowan (01555 870580).

Open Plate - direct giving each Sunday. Please Note all cheques should be made payable to: The United Parish of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction.

If you are a UK tax-payer no matter which method you use we would ask you to complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. Gift Aid is a government scheme which allows members of the congregation to reclaim the tax already paid on the money you give in your

offering. Forms are available from the Gift Aid Treasurers, or pick one up from the church vestibule. For further information contact Anne Stewart (660678) or Lorna Bruce (870426)


Interim Moderator Rev Russell McLartyof Linked Charge

Pastoral Emergencies Rev Helen Jamieson, Presbytery Clerk Tel. 771218

Session Clerk Keith Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Congregational Board Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, Carstairs

Clerk ML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Treasurer Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Deputy Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

F.W.O. Treasurer Robert Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580

Gift Aid Treasurers Anne Stewart, Braxfield Road, Lanark, Tel. 660678Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs, ML11 8QA, Tel. 870426

Presbytery Elder Mabel Morris, 72 Lanark Road, CarstairsML11 8QH, Tel. 870676

Roll Keeper Barbara Kay, 6 Howe's Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870043

Property Convenor Ian Brown (Jnr), 87 Lanark Road, Carstairs, ML11 8QQ, Tel. 870028

Social Convenor Roberta Finlayson, 50 Carstairs Road, Carstairs ML11 8PS, Tel. 870817

Child Protection Trevor Mee & Kate Langton, 4 Silvermuir

Co-ordinators Cottages, Cleghorn, ML11 Tel. 870558

Youth Co-ordinator Linda Brown, 87 Lanark Road, Carstairs,

ML11 8QQ, Tel. 870028

Christian Aid Christine Lothian, 1 Howe’s Way, Carstairs Junction, ML11 8SE, Tel. 870031

Magazine Co-ordinatorsMary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, Carstairs, ML11 8PX, Tel. 870580Lorna Bruce, 8 Railway View, Carstairs, ML11 8QA, Tel. 870426

Flower Convenors Mary Cowan, 2 Lime Walk, CarstairsML11 8PX, Tel. 870580Hazel McDonald, 72 Strawfrank Road,Carstairs Junction, ML11 8RE, Tel. 870694

CCL Licence Jennifer Whitton, 69 Lanark Road, Carstairs,Correspondent ML11 8QL, Tel. 870642

Organist Mrs Ann McMillan, 45 Belstane Road, Carluke

ML8 4BG Tel. 771039

Web Site Liz Warnock, 12 Park Ave, Carstairs Junction,

ML11 8PW, Tel.

A big thank you to Alex Nelson for all his photographs, check them out at our website

Published by The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Typeset & compiled by Lorna Bruce

Printed by Riverside Printing

Carstairs & Carstairs Junction Church of Scotland Registered Charity No SCO 28124

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