
Bamford Chapel

March 2012


Mission/Vision Statement





We believe as a congregation that our worship should be

wholehearted and meaningful as we join together in praise and

thanksgiving to God. In response to God’s love, we wish to

express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to respond

to His word.


Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to

provide an environment within which learning and teaching can

take place. We would want to enable each person to accept God

into their life and to have the ability to discuss and share their

faith with all.

PASTORAL We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a

loving fellowship we wish to deepen and extend our care for each

other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as they are enabled

by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of



We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our

community at Bamford and in all other places. We would wish to

influence others by example and comment, accepting that God

will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him.

We recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects

of the life of the world, and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed

to us.

Further Details may be found at

Thursday 1st 7.30 pm Elders Meeting

Saturday 3rd 10 am until 12 11 am until 12

Traidcraft Coffee Morning Local Councillors Surgery

Sunday 4t 10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley

Sunday 4th 6.00 pm Evening Worship led by David Watson

Tuesday 6th 7.30 pm Lent Meeting at St Paul’s Norden

Saturday 10th 7.30 pm Concert by Saddleworth Male Voice Choir with soloist Suzanne Mather

Sunday 11th 10.30 am Family Worship led by the Elders followed by Church Meeting

Sunday 11th 6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley

Tuesday 13th

12 noon for 12.45

Lunchtime Concert – Artistes from the Royal Northern College of Music – David Moore (Trumpet) & Peter Moore (Piano)

Tuesday 13th 7.30 pm Lent Meeting at St. Vincent’s Norden

Sunday 18th 10.30 am Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley

Sunday 18th 6.00 pm Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Richard Bradley

Tuesday 20th 7.30 pm Lent Meeting at Norden Methodist

Sunday 25th 10.30 am Family Worship led by Revd Richard Bradley

Sunday 25th 12.00 pm until 1.00 pm

Followed by ZI Meeting – A welcoming God and a welcoming people

Sunday 25th 6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Andy Platt


Message from the manse

As I sit to write this article there is still snow on the ground outside the manse. As I look from my study

window (and even more clearly from the kitchen window) I can see all the way up to Owd Bets and see the wind turbines turning. The view seems to be made clearer by

the snow still on the ground, both in the grounds of the Chapel but also in the fields and hills beyond.

As you read this article we will have entered the period of Lent. And hills form a pivotal part of the Lent and Easter

Biblical narrative. Jesus just before his journey into Jerusalem arrives at Bethphage on the Mount of Olives

and sends two of his disciples into the village to get the donkey that Jesus will ride upon. He then enters Jerusalem to shouts of joy and praise.

As we are all too aware we soon have the horrors of

Good Friday. A hill is part of the Good Friday narrative when Jesus is forced to carry his own cross before being nailed to it and crucified.

As the snow seems to make clearer the view at the back

of Chapel, what will make the Easter story clearer for us on our faith journey? I hope during this period of Lent that we will take time to reflect on what the period is all

about. The time when Jesus was tempted and tested in the desert by the devil; but he remained faithful to God

and to what God wanted of him.

During this period of Lent there are weekly opportunities for reflection and discussion in the Handing on the Torch Churches Together in North West Rochdale (CTiNWR)

Lent Groups that will meet to share together and reflect together (see flyer elsewhere in the magazine, on the

notice board or on the church website)


We will have a Maundy Thursday Service and a Good

Friday service. Food for thought will do a play on Good Friday evening and we will have our Easter Day

celebration of Jesus rising from the dead. All opportunities for us to think about and reflect upon what Christ our Lord did for us and for the whole of humanity.

The love that brought Jesus to earth was the same love that took him to the cross for us all.

We are a ‗works in progress‘ being made more like Christ

as we allow His Spirit to live and dwell in us. I hope this Easter we will give ourselves more fully to Him who gave

Himself fully for us. May we reflect on some words from the well sung hymn Love divine, all loves excelling:

Finish then Thy new creation: pure and spotless let us be;

let us see Thy great salvation, perfectly restored in Thee: changed from glory into glory,

till in heaven we take our place, till we cast our crowns before Thee,

lost in wonder, love and praise.” (verse 4 of CMP 449)

May God bless us and be with us this Lent and Easter

time. Richard.


News of the family

We give thanks for the life of Dorothy Caldecott, who

died suddenly in early February. Please remember Gillian Lever and family in your prayers. Michelle

McLaughlin died on 13th February after a long and brave battle with cancer. Bryan, Sacha and Jasmine

certainly need your prayers at this difficult time.

Concerns are expressed for Stuart Dean and family,

John and Patricia Lapworth, Ray and Auriel Atkins, Helen Baillie, Geoff Ogden, Anne Fitton, Alastair

Linden, Margaret Frain and Doreen Watts. Pray for them too, and for any other concerns you may be

aware of that have not been mentioned here.

I write this after returning from Luncheon Club and

once again rejoice that we are able to offer this service to our senior citizens. Last week‘s lunch was

cancelled because of bad weather and doubtless all

our members were happy and relieved that the snow has begun to disappear and they were able to come

along, meet their friends, have a chat and a good meal.

Judith O‘Neill would like to let everyone know that she became a member of La Siesta Evangelical Church,

Torrevieja on 12th Feb. She will be retaining her membership at Bamford Chapel too.

February is going by very quickly and we seem to be hurtling towards Easter. By the time you read this

the Lent Groups will have started. Do try to go along. You don`t need to go to every one. Look out for

details of venue and subjects.


How many church members does it take to change a

light bulb?

What do you mean CHANGE??? That light bulb was

given in memory of my grandmother! My father installed it with his bare hands! He donated his time AND the use of his ladder to do it, too! My family's

been members of this church for four generations! And if you think you're going to come in here and

make a bunch of changes all of a sudden, vicar,

you've got another think coming!


The Elders and the Worship & Discipleship Committee are seeking your views on the possibility of a mid-

week service taking place at Bamford Chapel. We would start by doing it once a month and we are looking at the whether the best time for this would

be following the lunch club on a Wednesday afternoon. It would be a 30 minute service (2pm

start) that would allow anyone available during the day to come and worship. I know it restricts attendance to those who are available during the

day, but the idea is born out of one or two people who are struggling to make it to Sunday morning

worship but who perhaps aren‘t happy coming out for the evening service.

We would provide transport for those who might need it. Please let Richard or Laura Davies have any

comments/suggestions you might have (especially if you would come and could offer transport!).

Many thanks, Richard.


Bamford Chapel

Lunchtime concert

Tuesday 13th March

Lunch available at 12 noon

Concert at 12.45 pm

Entry charge for the concert is £3

Artistes from the

Royal Northern College of Music – David Moore (Trumpet) &

Peter Moore (Piano)




We have been offering „Quiet Days‟ for about 2 years now – have you tried one yet? The first one of 2012 was on Ash Wednesday, 22nd February (so you might have missed that!). The next ones will be during Holy Week, starting on Monday 2nd April. The church will be open for some hours on every day of the week. What happens? The church is open during certain times for anyone to pop in for a time of stillness away from the demands and stresses of our busy lives.

There are slides shown on the screen to a background of quiet music. There are display areas („sanctuary corners‟) round the church to provide additional ways of experiencing the theme of the day What do I have to do? There are no „musts‟ at all. You can simply come in, sit, watch, think, pray and leave (hopefully spiritually refreshed). You can wander to the various „sanctuary corners‟ and be as contemplative or creative as you wish. There will be refreshments available in the coffee lounge. If you want to talk / pray with someone, there will be people with „listener‟ badgers available. So if you need SOME SPACE, come and find it in the sanctuary. Keep an eye on the Notice Sheet for dates and times.


Rodgers and



Voted best musical of the 20th century by Time magazine, Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel is the

deeply touching tale of one man's struggle to redeem himself after a lifetime of mistakes. A story of true love

and the tragedy of words left unspoken, this classic American musical contains some of the most powerfully moving music ever written for the stage, including the

i m m o r t a l Y o u ' l l N e v e r W a l k A l o n e . With a full-scale orchestra and a stellar cast, this will be

a uniquely fresh Carousel for the 21st century. When : Thursday 24th May 2012

Where : The Lowry, Salford Quays.

How : By coach from Bamford Chapel, Norden Road, Rochdale leaving at 6.30pm.

How much : £41 to be paid to me by 31st March.

How to book : See me or add your name to the list in the coffee area.


01706 638005 or [email protected]


Handing on the Torch Sacred words for a secular world

A course in five sessions Written by John Young

You are invited to the Churches Together in North West Rochdale

Lent Course 2012

When? Where? Who? What?

Date Venue Leader Theme

28th Feb 7.30pm*

St Clements', Spotland

Revd Karen Smeeton

A Christian Country?

6th March 7.30pm

St Paul’s, Norden

Angela Smith and Anne Fitton

A Secular Society?

13th March 7.30pm

St Vincent’s RC Church

Revd Richard Bradley

A Beleaguered Church?

20th March 7.30pm

Norden Methodist Church

Revd Malcolm Sharrock

Competing Creeds

27th March 7.30pm

Norden URC Mike Davis Handing On The Torch

If you cannot commit to all of the evenings then come to as many as you can.

On Maundy Thursday we are invited to Norden Methodist Church at

7pm for a service of Worship led by Revd Malcolm Sharrock

For further details please contact Revd Richard Bradley - 01706 369622

(*Mass at 7pm if people want to arrive earlier)




―The course where

everybody helps

grow their church‖

The next three meetings will be held at Church

on the following dates (12.00pm-1.00pm):

———— 26th February

The Premises: making them more inviting ————-

25th March

A welcoming God and his welcoming people ————

22nd April Belonging to the Church Community


Every day is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

Love does not say, ‘Give me’, but ‘Let me give you.’



The Radical Welcome/ZI initiative (zero-intolerance)

in the URC is continuing and as we are aware churches are encouraged to work through material as

part of the process of exploration. As a Church we decided at the July Church Meeting to

explore further some of the suggested material for the Radical Welcome campaign.

At the October Elders‘ Meeting I suggested three ways that we might explore this material. The Elders

decided that we would hold four one hour meetings following worship in January, February, March and

April 2012. These meetings will happen on the fourth Sunday of

every month. Those attending are asked to bring

their sandwiches with them. You are encouraged to attend every meeting – but if you can only make

some of them then that is fine. The next three dates and themes are as follows.

I will be leading/facilitating

these meetings and I hope you will come along and we can

share together in this

important area of the Church‘s life.

God Bless, Richard

Date Time Theme

26th Febr 12.00-1.00pm The premises: making them more inviting

25th March 12.00-1.00pm A welcoming God and a welcoming people

22nd April 12.00-1.00pm Belonging to the Church community


Ladies Fellowship




On a cold, icy February evening 21 ladies braved the weather and enjoyed a treat of an evening as Ruth Doyle gave us a historical journey through hat making. There were 3 tables of exhibits from the earliest felt hats to the latest fascinators and tiaras. There were practical hats, exotic hats and plain weird ones for the cat walks. Ruth‟s son David had christened one of the strangest as „the satellite hat‟. It was definitely a Princess Eugenie creation! Ruth has studied millinery at Huddersfield College for many years and her knowledge and enthusiasm were evident. We learnt many things –did you know that decorations on hats (& fascinators) are traditionally worn on the left on a line between left eye and left ear? This is because the first such decoration was the plumage on soldiers‟ headwear and they would have been sliced off when the sword was drawn and raised, if they had been on the right. Ruth had some of her latest practical winter „circles of faux fur‟ hats for sale. She kindly donated £5 of each sale to our funds, thereby actually providing her services completely free. Our „donation‟ to her would be given to the „Dystonia‟ Society with whom she is involved.


Our next meeting is on Thursday 8th March. It‟s a bit of

an „Antiques Road Show‟. Betty Hayhurst will be giving an illustrated talk on collecting and collectables. People are encouraged to bring along their own pieces for possible discussion or valuation. So ladies, get searching the attic – who knows what your hidden treasures may be worth.

Thanks for the Emergency Meal Scheme

What can I say! I have so enjoyed the wonderful meals

brought to me by so many excellent cooks It has been a

tremendous help for Bethany and myself plus the

pleasure of seeing different people everyday. This is a

wonderful scheme and will bring a great deal of help and

comfort to other people in the future. (I rather like being

a guinea pig). I never realised how many friends I have

at Chapel, sometimes we take such a lot for granted and

do not realise how blessed we are. I am so happy to be a

member of Bamford Chapel.

Bethany would also like to thank the car ferry friends

who are taking her to her placement on Mondays and

Thursdays so she could give me my breakfast before she

went to Newhey Primary School as part of her college


Thank you for all the get well cards

(over 50) also the visitors who came

to see me in hospital and at home.


Margaret and Bethany.


Bible Reading Plan: 26th February – 5th May 2012

As we continue with the journey of reading through the

Bible in a year please find below the readings for the period of 26th February to the 5th May. I have continued

with the same pattern as the earlier magazines by also giving the month ahead of the edition of the magazine. I hope people have found it a useful discipline as it

becomes part of our daily lives as for some people they find a set time each day works for them where others do

not stick to one set time but read the day‘s readings when they get a break long enough to do it. If anyone wanted to share with others what they have found thus

*I presume the planners have included Acts in the ―Gospels‖ column because of fitting all of the Biblical books into the list; and because it is held that Luke wrote Acts as well as his Gospel.

Epistles The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophecy Gospels*

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

39 (26th Feb) Hebrews 1-4 Numbers 25-28 2 Chron’les 6-10 Psalms 114-116 Proverbs 26-37 Obadiah Acts 1-2

40 (4th March) Hebrews 5-7 Numbers 29-32 2 Chron’les 11-15 Psalms 117-118 Proverbs 28 Jonah Acts 3-4

41 (11th March) Hebrews 8-10 Numbers 33-36 2 Chron’les 16-20 Psalms 119 Proverbs 29-30 Micah Acts 5-6

42 (18th March) Hebrews 11-13 Deut’onomy 1-3 2 Chron’les 21-24 Psalms 120-121 Proverbs 31 Nahum Acts 7-8

43 (25th March) James 1-3 Deut’onomy 4-6 2 Chron’les 25-28 Psalms 122-124 Ecclesiastes 1-2 Habakkuk Acts 9-10

44 (1st April) James 4-5 Deut’onomy 7-9 2 Chron’les 29-32 Psalms 125-127 Ecclesiastes 3-4 Zephaniah Acts 11-12

45 (8th April) 1 Peter 1-3 Deut’nomy 10-12 2 Chron’les 33-36 Psalms 128-130 Ecclesiastes 5-6 Haggai Acts 13-14

46 (15th April) 1 Peter 4-5 Deut’nomy 13-15 Ezra 1-5 Psalms 131-133 Ecclesiastes 7-8 Zechariah 1-7 Acts 15-16

47 (22nd April) 2 Peter Deut’nomy 16-19 Ezra 6-10 Psalms 134-136 Ecclesiastes 9-10 Zechariah 8-14 Acts 17-18

48 (29th April) 1 John 1-3 Deut’nomy 20-22 Nehemiah 1-4 Psalms 137-139 Ecclesiastes 11-12 Malachi Acts 19-20


far I am sure Louise and the editing team would like to

hear from you and to print your reflections. Many thanks and God Bless, Richard

Bible reading plan taken from Copyright 1995-2009 Michael Coley

*I presume the planners have included Acts in the ―Gospels‖ column because of fitting all of the Biblical books into the list; and because it is held that Luke wrote Acts as well as his Gospel.

Epistles The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophecy Gospels*

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

39 (26th Feb) Hebrews 1-4 Numbers 25-28 2 Chron’les 6-10 Psalms 114-116 Proverbs 26-37 Obadiah Acts 1-2

40 (4th March) Hebrews 5-7 Numbers 29-32 2 Chron’les 11-15 Psalms 117-118 Proverbs 28 Jonah Acts 3-4

41 (11th March) Hebrews 8-10 Numbers 33-36 2 Chron’les 16-20 Psalms 119 Proverbs 29-30 Micah Acts 5-6

42 (18th March) Hebrews 11-13 Deut’onomy 1-3 2 Chron’les 21-24 Psalms 120-121 Proverbs 31 Nahum Acts 7-8

43 (25th March) James 1-3 Deut’onomy 4-6 2 Chron’les 25-28 Psalms 122-124 Ecclesiastes 1-2 Habakkuk Acts 9-10

44 (1st April) James 4-5 Deut’onomy 7-9 2 Chron’les 29-32 Psalms 125-127 Ecclesiastes 3-4 Zephaniah Acts 11-12

45 (8th April) 1 Peter 1-3 Deut’nomy 10-12 2 Chron’les 33-36 Psalms 128-130 Ecclesiastes 5-6 Haggai Acts 13-14

46 (15th April) 1 Peter 4-5 Deut’nomy 13-15 Ezra 1-5 Psalms 131-133 Ecclesiastes 7-8 Zechariah 1-7 Acts 15-16

47 (22nd April) 2 Peter Deut’nomy 16-19 Ezra 6-10 Psalms 134-136 Ecclesiastes 9-10 Zechariah 8-14 Acts 17-18

48 (29th April) 1 John 1-3 Deut’nomy 20-22 Nehemiah 1-4 Psalms 137-139 Ecclesiastes 11-12 Malachi Acts 19-20


Dear Friends. Thank you so much for your continuing support of the shoebox charity.

This Christmas we collected, in the Greater Manchester area, 42,000. They went to Belarus and Kenya. The children who receive them really appreciate your kindness.

I would like to thank the Ladies Fellowship for the wonderful boxes for the „Old People‟. They really loved them.

My next fund raising event is a Coffee Day to be held on

Wednesday 28th

March from 10.00 – 3.30

at Trinity Methodist Church, Bethel Street, Heywood.

All the money raised will go to the babies‟ home and the old people.

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Love Carol.

Thanks for the Emergency Meal Scheme

I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone

who is involved with the ‘Emergency

Meal Scheme’. The meals were

delicious and very much appreciated

whilst I was unwell.


Doreen Watts

Admission £1 Stalls include a cake stall.


Bamford Chapel is proud to present

Saddleworth Male Voice Choir

with guest artiste Suzanne Mather (soprano)

Musical Director Damian Cunningham

in concert at Bamford Chapel,

Norden Road, Rochdale OL11 5PQ on

Saturday 10th March at 7.30 pm

Tickets £5 for adults accompanied children free

For tickets please see

Peter Harrington (01706 365059), John Lapworth or Charlie Peacock

All welcome


Bamford Chapel are proud to present

Kathryn Rudge (mezzo soprano)

and her accompanist

Daniel Browell in concert at

Bamford Chapel, Norden Road,

Rochdale OL11 5PQ on

Saturday 19th May at 7.30 p.m.

Tickets £6.00 each


01706 630924


01706 368733

Kathryn has been listed

by national newspaper

The Times as the new

face in Classical Music to

look out for in 2012

S h e m a d e h e r

professional opera debut

with English National

Opera at The London

Coliseum in the role of

Cherubino in Mozart’s

‘The Marriage of Figaro'

to critical acclaim.

She is making her Opera

North debut in the role of

Sesto in their production

of Handel’s Giulio



Bamford Chapel URC


7.30 p.m.

Saturday 21st April

Yes it`s here again, our annual Church fundraising quiz –

and everyone is welcome.

We are looking for teams of 4, or come as 2, 3 or on your

own and we can make up teams on the night.

£5 per head, which will include a pie and pea supper, with a

vegetarian option.

In order to help with the catering arrangements please enter

your names and numbers on the list in the coffee area, by

Sunday 15th April at the latest.

We guarantee a good evening and some excellent exercise

(for your brains).

Any queries, see Angela Smith or ring her or Ken on 656517.


‘Let Justice Prevail’

Friday 2nd March


St Michael’s Bamford

At 7.30 pm


Joanna Watson

All are welcome - men, women and young people

Praying for Malaysia



On Friday 2nd March over 3 million people world wide will be

praying and worshipping together during an annual day of

prayer, using a form of service prepared by Christian women in


Jean Hackett, president of the National Committee of the

Women‘s World Day of Prayer movement in England, Wales and

Northern Ireland, said: ‘This is always an exciting day as a great

wave of prayer sweeps the world, beginning when the first

service is held in the Queen Salote Girls School in Tonga and

continuing around the world until the final service takes place,

some 35 hours later, in neighbouring Western Samoa. By then

the day will have been celebrated in over 170 countries and

more than 6,000 services will have been held in the British Isles


Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country.

Throughout its history it has attracted migrants from other parts

of Asia and beyond and it is one of the wealthiest and most

developed countries in South East Asia. Women have made

important contributions to its social and economic development

but, nevertheless, they still face discrimination and violence at all

levels of society. Even today a girl child is seen as less valuable

than a boy. Malaysia is now the most popular destination

country in Asia for migrant workers and human trafficking has

become a sophisticated and organised operation.

Although Malaysia‘s multi-ethnicity has added to the rich

heritage of its land and people, it has also given rise to many

problems. In the service those issues of concern are named and

the women voice their hope for the future. Justice for all is their

hope, and their prayer is ―Let Justice Prevail‖.

Although organised and led by women, this is essentially a day of

prayer for everybody, demonstrating our solidarity with our

sisters and brothers in other countries and all are welcome to


Further information can be found on the WWDP website at


The Traidcraft Big Brew Fairtrade Fortnight 2012

Helping families to flourish

What does it mean to be a flourishing family? Health? Happiness? A good education for our children, with its promise of a future full of promise and opportunity? If we could achieve those things then we would feel we had done something worthwhile, wouldn‟t we?

It‟s a vision shared by parents all over the world. Parents like Akhil and Sumi Kha, in Bangladesh, for example.

They‟re small-scale jute farmers and they‟ve struggled to earn enough to support their family in the way they want to. In recent years, climate change has added to their problems, with unpredictable rainfall making river levels unreliable.

Now, helped by Traidcraft‟s Golden Fibre project, Akhil and Sumi and their neighbours have learned how to overcome some of their difficulties, improve the quality of their jute – and seen their income grow as a result.

They have even been able to start saving – and to dream of

Photo: GMB Akash


a better future for their children, Anik (7) and Uttam (4).

When his father died, Akhil had to leave school to find work. Aged only 10, he was already helping to build homes in the village.

It‟s not the sort of life he wants for his sons.

“I want to educate my children properly, not like me,” he says. “I know the necessity of education because I am illiterate.”

Sumi adds: “I am a little happy with my earnings now. I want to grow more quality jute so I can change my family and also for all of my village family.

“I want only for my children. I want to give them good food and to provide them with an education – and animals and land.” Sumi and Akhil‟s dreams are shared by the many thousands of producers who are being helped by Traidcraft and its local partners across East Africa, Asia and Latin America.

But there are many, many more who could also build flourishing lives for themselves, their families and their communities, if only they get the chance.

Traidcraft is determined to give them that opportunity, and it

can do it – if we all help. Please support your local Traidcraft Fair Trader or retailer.

Find out more about Traidcraft’s work at © Traidcraft 2011

Fairtrade Fortnight is 27th Feb until 18th March

Photo: GMB Akash

Photo: GMB Akash



For the second year running we are offering for sale Real Easter

Eggs at a cost of £3.99. The new look egg has the Easter story on

the box is now visual as opposed to last year’s text only version. If

you open the lid, you will see ‘Happy Easter’ and for the first time

ever on an Easter Egg, there is a quote from the Bible – the

resurrection text from Mark. Heavier card for the box has been

used along with brighter colours and the three crosses on the front

are more bold.

We believe these improvements will

make the Real Easter Egg an even

more attractive gift and it remains a

unique way to spread the Easter

story in 2012.

Please help us make the REE even

more successful than last year and

join the movement to put Jesus

back into Easter.

The eggs will be on sale on the

Traidcraft Stall soon or place your

order at the coffee morning on 3rd


Failing this, see Barbara Redmond or Lesley Sutton


Now people can indulge themselves with delicious chocolate,

knowing that they're making a meaningful difference to others,

thanks to the charity contribution they make whenever they buy

this egg.

All ingredients that can be Fairtrade are Fairtrade and certified to

international Fairtrade standards. Total 77.5%. Fairtrade provides

a better deal for producers in developing countries




Coffee Morning at Bamford Chapel

United Reformed Church, Norden Road,


Saturday 3rd March 2012

10.00 am to 12 Noon

Traidcraft Stall

Tickets £2.50 from Traidcraft Stall on a Sunday

morning at Bamford Chapel or PAY ON THE DOOR!


Urgent Appeal

Message from Janet Crompton, Guide Leader Could I ask that if anyone is

interested in helping with guides or has an urge to train to become a

leader please do not hesitate to discuss with me.

This is my final year as guide leader and I am looking for a new leader to

take over. It has not been an easy decision to reach as I feel that having the guide patrol at Bamford Chapel is an asset to both the church and the


I feel that the girls that attend the guide unit blossom and become independent young ladies and this creates good self esteem. I do not wish to see the guide unit

fold so please think about what you or a friend could do.

The girls are between 10 and 14 years of age and guide helpers and

leaders are all voluntary. I plan to finish at the end of the school year (July). Therefore, a new leader is

needed by then if the 3rd Rochdale guides at Bamford Chapel is to


Thank you in anticipation

Janet E. Crompton 01706 410849 / 07962317911


Church Website

A reminder that the church website is updated as much

as possible when information is given to me. If your group/organisation has a page and you want it updating please let me have information and I can

update the page.

If your group doesn‘t have a page and wants one please let me have some information and I can put a page

on the site.

Thanks Richard (amateur web master!)

Working Party at Church

Saturday 24th March

On Saturday 24th March there will be a working party at Church (9am-12) with the specific aim of clearing out any unwanted items from behind the organ and moving

the two new cupboards into this area. Any individual or organisation is asked to look through any boxes, bags,

shelves or cupboards that are located in this area and

get rid of anything that is no longer needed.

The two new cupboards will replace any cupboards that

have served us well but are falling apart.

If you can spare an hour or two on this date we would

appreciate it.

Please see Richard or any of the

Elders for further details.

Many thanks,

Richard (on behalf of the Elders)


Two Horses Author Unknown

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse, but if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing... Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes forma a smaller horse in the field. Attached to the horse’s halter is a small bell. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow. As you stand and watch these two friends, you’ll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray. When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, it stops occasionally and looks back, making sure that the blind friend isn’t too far behind to hear the bell. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or chal-lenges. He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives. Other time we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way... Good friends are like that... You may not always see them, but you know they are always there.

So, be kinder than necessary - Everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Love simply, Love generously,

Care deeply, Speak kindly.....




EDITORS: Louise Aspinall 01706 719449

[email protected]

Martyn James 01706 868885

[email protected]

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton 01706 360395

[email protected]


APRIL 2012

Articles to be handed in by: Sunday 18th March 2012

Magazine to be completed by: Thursday 29th March 2012

Magazine distributed: Sunday 1st April 2012


BAMFORD CHAPEL United Reformed Church

Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse,

Norden Road,



OL11 5PQ

Telephone: 01706 369622

Minister : Rev Richard Bradley

Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Mr Ian Sturrock

Telephone: 01706 653109

Email: [email protected]

Wedding Secretary: Mr John Lapworth

Telephone: 01706 632460

Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford

Telephone: 01706 624256

Email: [email protected]

Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1

st Sunday in month

Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month

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