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Vol. 5 No.4 The Official Publication of Central Mindanao University Extension Office January-June 2011

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UEO Welcomes New DirectorThe University Extension Office (UEO) staff headed

by Dr. Judith D. Intong, out-going UEO director, welcomed the newly-appointed University Extension Director, Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, on January 11, 2011 at two o’clock in the afternoon through a simple but formal turn-over ceremony.

The brief program was graced by the newly-appointed Vice President for Research and Extension, Dr. Luzviminda T. Simborio.

Dr. Intong introduced the Unit to Dr. Baltazar as the third function of the University with 14 on-going programs manned by 19 personnel from three different sub-units namely: 1. Technology Demonstration Services Unit (TDSU) headed by Prof. Armida B. Baliquig with

New ARCs Avail of the Services of the University Extension

The Techno-Demo Services Unit (TDSU) of the University Extension extends services to two new Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) of the Municipality of Quezon, Bukidnon in partnership with the Social Action Center (SAC) of the Diocese of Malaybalay City, LGU - Quezon, DAR South Bukidnon -Municipal Agrarian Reform Office (MARO), Quezon, People’s Organization, usually a cooperative in which members are Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries(ARBs), and the CMU College of Agriculture.

These two ARCs are the Lumintao-Butong ARC and the KiMinC (Kiburiao, Minsamongan, and C-Handumanan) ARC. Twenty-six farmers participated

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Dr. E. Baltazar accepting the challenge from Dr. J. Intong & Dr. L. Simborio during the Extension Directorship’s turn-over program.

Maramag Folks Confirm CMU Promoted Technologies in Info Drive Advantageous

Eight participants of the 2009 South Poblacion, Maramag, Bukidnon Information Drive confirmed the advantages of using CMU-promoted technologies. This was the finding of the assessment survey conducted on January 26-28, 2011 in the said locality.

Twenty-two respondents participated during the conduct of the effectiveness assessment for the first half of the year which aims to assess the techno-promotion program of the University Extension Office. The assessment survey was conducted on January 26-28, 2011 in the said Barangay to follow up the participants of the information drive held on September 15, 2009. Thirty-eight participants attended the information drive but only 22 were available for interview due to the following reasons: psychologically incapacitated (1), transferred employment to another province (1), some were students (3), and the residences of other clients could not be located (11).

These 22 respondents were categorized as buyers and non-buyers of techno-packs.

Eight participants confirmed that they have been practicing the promoted technologies on the cultural management practices of cassava, animal health care particularly on anti-rabies vaccination of dogs and deworming of chicken and goats, but the rest of the participants are still on the knowledge level. It can be recalled that South Poblacion, Maramag has the least number of adopters compared to other information drive sites due to lack of farm, time and capital.

Two non-buyers of cassava techno-pack adopted the

technology after the information drive and confirmed that they obtained better yield of cassava due to application of new cultural management practices. Ms. Teresita G. Baiño, a homemaker, adopted the cassava technology in her one-half hectare plantation and harvested 4,052 kilos of chopped and dried cassava sold @ P6.30 to P6.50 per kilo with a total sale of P26,338 and a net profit of P5,883 after deducting the expenses of P20,455 for land preparation and other field operations. Ms. Baiño was satisfied with the results because the cassava plants have bigger storage roots despite no fertilizer

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January-June 2011

BAHWDP in Barangay Panalsalan Ends

A culmination program of the Barangay Animal Health Worker Development Project (BAHWDP) by the College of Veterinary Medicine was held at Panalsalan, Maramag, Bukidnon on June 3, 2011. This one-year extension project of the College through the Community-based Sustainable Development Program (COMBASUDEP) of the University which was started in June 2010 and terminated in May 2011, aimed to develop Barangay Animal Health Workers (BAHW) who would act as counterpart of the Barangay Health Workers (BHW) of the Department of Health to empower the livestock and poultry farmers on basic animal healthcare.

Among the activities undertaken by the project were: training of farmers in recognizing/diagnosing signs of diseases of farm animals, estimation of live weight, record-keeping, deworming, body temperature taking, and other related activities on Basic Animal Healthcare. Out of the 24 farmer trainees, only 14 were given certificates of completion during the culmination program.

80 DepEd Mentors Attend Parliamentary Procedure Seminar

Eighty participants who are head teachers, principals, and supervisors from the Department of Education-Division of Valencia City successfully attended the Parliamentary Procedure Seminar conducted by the Social Sciences Department of the College of Arts and Sciences on June 17, 2011, held at the Function Hall, Division Office, Valencia City.

This seminar was conducted to enhance the competence and capability of the administrators in the Division of Valencia City in conducting meetings using the parliamentary procedure. It specifically aimed to: determine the needs and problems encountered by the administrators in the conduct of meetings; demonstrate how parliamentary procedure is done during meetings; and train the administrators in making resolutions and taking minutes during meetings. The expert parliamentarians who served as lecturers were Mr. Marvin Palma, Mr. Mark Dennis Flor and Mr. Cyril Pagatpat.

Ms. Ana Girlee V. Visayan, study Leader, disclosed that the participants appreciated much the knowledge gained

CA Conducts Enhancement Forum on Crop-Animal Production and


Thirty-five (35) farmers/homemakers of Dologon actively participated in the Crop-Animal Production and Management Enhancement Forum conducted by the College of Agriculture at the Barangay Hall of Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon on May 12, 2011. The one-day activity was spearheaded by Dr. Annie L. Deriada, CA College Extension Coordinator with three CA faculty members and a CBU staff.

The forum aimed to determine the possible and willing farmer/homemaker recipients of the 5 heads of chicken for dispersal, 1 vermi culture production with free hollow blocks and 30 mushroom cultures.

During the opening program, in lieu of Punong Barangay Miguel Ceballos, Barangay Kagawad Antonio Ritardo warmly welcomed everyone who spared time in the said activity. He encouraged each participant to fully utilize their time with the CMU experts for them to derive ideas that would uplift them economically through the livelihood projects being offered. Dr. Annie L. Deriada delivered the Forum Orientation and Forum Objectives followed by the Setting of Objectives facilitated by Ms. Conrada P. Yecyec.

The topics presented with the corresponding CMU experts were the following: 1. Lecture on Sustainable Native Chicken Production and Management by Prof.

36 A-KIDS Complete Summer Football 2011

Thirty-six children ages 4-12 years old completed the 40 days or about 150 hours of CMU Grassroot Football Recreational Development Extension Summer Edition Program which ended on May 24, 2011. The successful trainees received a Certificate of Completion during the culmination program which was held at the CMU Grand Stand.

The culmination program was graced by the Guest Speaker, Police Senior Inspector Mark Anthony D. Darroca of the 3rd Maneuver Company, 10th RPSB, Pinamaloy, Don Carlos, Bukidnon. In his message, he inspired the youth with some meaningful words of wisdom: “ Try not to become a man of success but a man of value”.

Prof. Gregorio Ramos, Jr., trainor and faculty of the Department of Physical Education of the College of Education, cited that eight patriotic local residents served as volunteer-trainers/instructors during the whole duration of the summer football training activity which included Mr. Cristituto Ornopia, a licensed teacher of Dologon. Together with the seven senior A-KIDS, they received individual certificate of recognition from Dr. Maria Luisa R. Soliven, University President. It was only this time that the university fully recognized the effort of the Physical Education Department’s enjoyable summer football extension activities for children and youth. The annual summer football activity is already in its 20 years

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KAABAG 3January-June 2011

Biology Department Evaluates Dologon Drinking Water

The Biology Department of the College of Arts and Sciences implemented a three-year extension program entitled, “Capability Building for Community-Based Monitoring of the Quality of Drinking Water in Barangay Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon,” which aimed to train the residents on how to monitor the quality of drinking water in their barangay.

Based on the physico-chemical parameter tests, the dinking water in Barangay Dologon is within the ideal range. However, based on microbiological examination, the presence of bacterial colonies in nutrient agar plates prepared from water samples from the different water sources establishes the need for identification of these bacteria and determination whether these are pathogenic or not.

The study recommended that the barangay officials shall continue to monitor and evaluate their water sources as they have already the capacity and capability to conduct physico-chemical parameter testing as well as to collect water samples aseptically for further microbiological testing and identification; regulate agricultural farming practices in the vicinity of the water reservoir; request the Maramag Water district to fix the water reservoir to seal leakage; and formulate barangay policies and guidelines in the management, monitoring and equitable distribution of drinking water to various households in the barangay.

It can be recalled that monitoring of drinking water in the said Barangay was started in a two-year study from 2008-2010 through a study entitled, “Community-Based Monitoring of Some Physico-Chemical Parameters of the Water System in Barangay Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon;” with Study Leaders, Dr. Soccoro H. Laraga, and Dr. Laura D. Obsioma (deceased), and another study entitled, “Capability Building for Community-Based Monitoring of Microbiological Parameters of the Drinking Water Sources in Barangay Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon,” with Study Leader, Dr. Lorelie Gloria A. Samaniego together ,with the study collaborators, namely: Dr. Christopher G. Batbatan, Dr. Reggie Y. Dela Cruz, Dr. Marilou M. Ediza, and Dr. Heidi C. Porquiz from 2010-2011.

Two separate Culmination Programs were conducted, to wit: March 9, 2010 for the first study, and on June 2, 2011 for the second study which were both held in the Barangay Hall.

CAS-CBCEP Empower Dologon Youth

The Departments of Languages and Literature (DLL) and Physics of the College of Arts and Sciences implemented their extension project through the Community-Based Capability Enhancement Project (CBCEP) to the youth of Barangay Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon through providing deeper understanding of the causes and effects of climate change through lectures and demonstrations.

The two studies were: 1) Enhancing Knowledge and Skills of Youth in Dologon in Constructing and Evaluating Information Materials on Effects of Climate Change; and 2) Enhancing Adaptation Skills of Dologon Youths to the Effects of Climate Change.

Prof. Alma Cita S. Calimbo, College Extension Coordinator, together with Dr. Loreto N. Romero, Training Coordinator; Prof. Agapito M. Bayron, Jr., Study Leader; Prof. Freddielyn P. Bolasa, Co-Study Leader; and faculty collaborators spearheaded the conduct of the training-workshop on “Enhancing Knowledge and Skills on Constructing and Evaluating Information Materials on Effects of Climate Change” on May 16-17, 2011, at the Barangay Hall with 17 attendees. The participants were mostly college level/graduates dominated by females.

It can be recalled that the Department of Physics conducted the seminar-workshop on “Enhancing Adaptation Skills of Dologon Youths to the Effects of Climate Change” last December 10, 2010 with 59 participants who were mostly 4th year high school students of Dologon National High School. This activity was manned by Prof. Cecilia O. Bucayong, Study Leader, Ms. Naomi M. Tabudlong, Coordinator, and faculty collaborators from the said department.

The two trainings enriched the knowledge of the attendees in terms of awareness on the causes and effects of climate change, how to conduct and evaluate information materials on the effects of climate change, and how to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Prof. Calimbo said the participants rated the trainings as highly informative and commendable.

the trainings on Korean Hog Raising Technology and Organic Fertilizer Preparation and a Seminar on Alternative Medicine in Minsamongan on May 26, 2011 with Mr. Rudy Obsioma as the resource person from the SAC, Malaybalay City. Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, University Extension Director, was present during the opening program together with the TDSU head and her staff. Another training on Vermi Culture and Vermi Composting was also conducted in Minsamongan on May 31, 2011 with 13 participants. Prof. Perla L. Bugayong from the CMU College of Agriculture was the resource speaker. These trainings were intended for the members of Minsamongan

New ARCs... (from p.1)

Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (MFMPC) as part of their livelihood project.

Similarly, trainings on Korean Hog Raising Technology and Organic Fertilizer Preparation and a seminar on Alternative Medicine was conducted on July 20, 2011 for the Lumintao Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (LFMPC) of Lumintao-Butong ARC, Lumintao, Quezon, Bukidnon.

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KAABAG 4January-June 2011

ICU Conducts Techno Promotion

In line with its technology promotion program, the Information and Communication Unit conducted two information drives on CMU-generated technologies and other commodities as part of the highlights of the Araw celebrations of Dagatkidavao, Valencia City on February 10, 2011 with 33 participants; and in North Poblacion, Maramag, Bukidnon on May 12, 2011 attended by 40 participants. During these two info drives, 18 primers and 10 leaflets were sold with a total sales of P600. These techno-packs sold were medicinal plants, Korean raising of swine, eggplant production, vermi composting, ginger production, orchids, butterfly, Posoqueria dumeturom, and mushroom.

The information drive in Dagatkidavao was spearheaded by Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, University Extension Director.

During the opening program, in lieu of Punong Barangay Alexander V. Ara, Sr., Barangay Kagawad Ferdinand T. Basilio warmly welcomed the participants and facilitators of the info drive. He thanked the CMU team for disseminating important information.

Dr. Baltazar, in his inspirational message challenged the participants by saying, “I hope your hunger for learning will continue since a person who stops acquiring new knowledge is like a dead person and has no good future because of contentment. You will reach high because of your eagerness to attend information drive and learn more.”

Barangay Kagawad Esmie S. Acosta and Jean G. Sanchez gave their reactions during the closing program. They both thanked the CMU team for conducting an information drive wherein some livelihood projects were introduced. Hon. Acosta expressed hope that the barangay constituents were convinced to adopt what they learned on mushroom culture and handicraft making to earn more income.

In his closing remarks, Barangay Kagawad Reynaldo A. Ara, Jr. urged the attendees to inform their neighbors to participate in the training in which they are interested in so that the barangay officials would request CMU for the conduct of the training-seminar.

Aside from Dr. Baltazar who talked on Animal Health Care, the other CMU experts with their corresponding topics presented were: Mushroom Culture by Dr. Guia G. Saludares from the Plant Pathology Department of the College of Agriculture, and Handicrafts by Prof. Filipinas L. Cordero of the Technology Demonstration and Services Unit (TDSU) of the University Extension.

On the other hand, Prof. Armida B. Baliquig, Head of TDSU, who represented the University Extension Director, headed the CMU Team during the information

3 TDSU Faculty Attend Drug Abuse Prevention Seminar

Prof. Bertolda A. Cardines, Prof. Vicky Shelly R. Chio, and Prof. Michaella G. Resus, faculty members of TDSU, attended the Launching Seminar on Barkada Kontra Druga held at the CMU Farmer’s Training Center in the morning of March 2, 2011.

In the afternoon of the same day, the same faculty members successfully attended the Trainer’s Training on Life Skills Enhancement in Drug Abuse Prevention which was completed on March 4, 2011 at the same venue. The three-day activity was sponsored by the Dangerous Drug Board in Manila in collaboration with the National Service Training Program (NSTP) of CMU. These faculty members are presently designated as advisers of the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) of this University.

CMU Assists BPAN 2011 Formulation

The UEO of CMU assisted in the formulation of the Barangay Plan of Action for Nutrition (BPAN) for five barangays of Valencia City.

Mrs. Helen E. Panganiban of the CBU joined the activity on May 4, 6, 9, 13 and June 21, 2011 and assisted the Valencia City Nutrition Committee in planning nutrition-related activities for barangays Lumbayao, Maapag, Mabuhay, Tongantongan and Tugaya. The major activity conducted was the review of the implemented plans of the previous year as well as setting of target to be implemented this year, 2011.

This activity was participated by the members of the Barangay Nutrition Committee, headed by their respective Punong Barangays.

The Valencia City Nutrition Committee annually convenes and reviews its implemented plan of action to evaluate the outputs of programs implemented in the previous year. Further, this period was also intended to plan and carry out the current year’s plan.

TOT on KWARTA SA BASURA in Kadingilan

The Capability Building Unit (CBU) staff, Ms. Helen E. Panganiban and Ms. Jocelyn S. Hernane conducted a Training of Trainors (TOT) on “Kwarta sa Basura” among the Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS), Barangay Health Workers (BHW) and members of the women’s organizations from 13 barangays of Kadingilan, Bukidnon on June 8-9, 2011 with 33 participants.

This training was in line with the local government’s Ecological Solid Waste Management Program (ESWMP) spearheaded by the Hon. Mayor Joelito Talaid, ESWMP

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KAABAG 5January-June 2011Feeding Program for 116 Pupils Culminates

The six-month feeding program for 116 school children culminated in June 2011. In support to the Nutrition Program of Barangay Dologon, the UEO initiated a feeding program for malnourished preschoolers and school children of Musuan and Dologon Elementary Schools. This endeavor was in partnership with the LGU–Dologon, Maramag, Bukidnon, the Department of Education-Maramag District 2, and the Diocesan Social Action Center (DSAC) of Malaybalay, and co-sponsored by the HAPAG-ASA Integrated Nutrition Program. Its main objective was to improve the nutritional status of children, 12 years and below. The 116 recipients, 68 of whom were from Musuan Elementary School (MES) and 48 from Dologon Elementary School (DES) were provided with porridge from rice Manna Packs that were distributed to them during recess. Among the recipients, 98 (84.48%) children were rehabilitated of which 50 (73.53%) were from MES and 48 (100%) from DES after a six-month feeding period.

This program was launched on November 25, 2010 during the University Extension Week Celebration and was highlighted with the MOA signing between Central Mindanao University, DSAC-Malaybalay, DepEd-Maramag District 2 and LGU-Dologon. It started in December 2010 and terminated in June 2011.

The feeding was center-based wherein the Diocesan Social Action Center (DSAC) released the rice Manna Packs and the hauling was facilitated by the LGU Dologon. The feeding provisions were stored at the University Extension and were distributed weekly to the feeding centers in Dologon and Musuan Elementary Schools. The Extension Staff, Mdms. Conrada P. Yecyec and Chona B. Amoncio distributed of Manna Packs while the elementary school teachers and mothers did the cooking for the target pupils. Ms. Chona Hapitan, a DepEd Nurse did a monthly monitoring of the nutritional status of the pupils by weighing them.

It was recommended by the teachers that this program be continued this school year 2011-2012 since they observed significant results in the rehabilitation of malnourished children in their schools.

69 Farmers Finish FFS Program

Sixty-nine farmers graduated from the Farmer Field School (FFS) Program on Rice Culture in May 2011.

This was initiated by the UEO who forged partnership with the Diocese of Malaybalay Social Action Center. The theme of the program was, “Empowering Marginal Farmers through Sustainable Livelihood and Marketing Support.”

The UEO assisted in the conceptualization of the field layout and experimental design of the lowland rice field for the demonstration trial, including the statistical analysis of the data being done by Ms. Carmelita N. Daculos of the Agronomy and the Plant Breeding Department. Field inspections were also conducted by the Extension staff to monitor and evaluate the demo farms. This program started in September 2010 with separate culmination programs on May 26, 27 and 31, 2011 for Kalilangan, Quezon and Don Carlos, respectively with a total of 69 farmer-graduates.

The culmination program was highlighted by the presentation of the results of the study. Two cultural practices were employed (current farmer’s practice and the Systems Rice Intensification) with four fertilizer treatments: T1 – Inorganic Fertilizer, T2 – Natural Farming Technology System (NFTS), T3 – Minus One Element Technique (MOET) and T4 – NFTS + MOET. In the usual farmer’s practice, 3-5 seedlings were planted per hill whereas in the Systems Rice Intensification (SRI), only one seedling per hill was transplanted.

Dr. Agripina A. Aradilla, CBU Head, discussed the results of Kalilangan demo farm while Ms. Conrada P. Yecyec, CBU staff, discussed the results in Quezon and Don Carlos during their culmination programs. Results across sites revealed that rice subjected to MOET and the combination of NFTS + MOET obtained higher yields under SRI method with an average grain yield of 9050 and 7683 kg/ha, respectively. It is recommended that farmers may adopt the MOET or the combination of NFTS + MOET under SRI method because it entails low external inputs with comparable profit to that of the current farmer’s practice with high external inputs and not eco-friendly.

This program was a concerted effort of the Diocese of Malaybalay through its Executive Director, Rev. Fr. Danilo T. Paciente and the Project Manager, Mr. Abelardo A. Yandug.

The culmination program was graced by the honored guests: Vice-Mayor Jose V. Obedencio, Sr., Mr. Maximiano O. Lugao, Municipal Agriculturist of LGU Maramag, the Barangay Officials of Panalsalan, Mr. Benson Maniti, a Univet Nutrition and Animal Healthcare Company representative, and with CMU-CVM Team spearheaded by Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, University Extension Director and Project Leader, together with Dr. Anecito Juan, Dr. Roy Villorejo, Dr. Jose Obedencio, Jr., Dr. Ruby Destajo, Dr. Ma. Lebeña B. Montemayor, Dr. Peter Orbase, Dr. Hazel Marie R. Boloron, the study leaders.

BAHWDP in...(from p.2)

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KAABAG 6January-June 2011

Eduardo V. Lagua of the Animal Science Department; 2. Lecture/Forum on Vermi Composting with Prof. Perla L. Bugayong, Entomology Department (not delivered because the speaker was absent); 3. Lecture on “Pinakbet” Vegetable Production and Management by Prof. Raul E. Margate of the Horticulture Department; and 4. Lecture/Forum on Mushroom Production and Management by Dr. Carol D. Amper of the Plant Pathology Department.

In the afternoon, the open forum was followed by the grouping of participants and determination of the recipients that was drawn by lot. The five recipients of the chicken dispersal were John Rey Pajares, Emiliano Sabijon, Olivia Taping, Emmanuel Balingit and Cyril Pareño; the lone vermi culture recipient was Imelda Mercado; and the 30 recipients of the mushroom spawns were Edgardo Alvarez, Eliza Baguio, Lelanie Balaba, Paquito Balacase, Ma. Teresita Batoy, Hazel Rose Benguar, Cornelio Bughao, Emilie Calvo, Rodney Colinares, Juliet Datoon, Resvy Gaston, Normelita Gumito, Dorotea Laguinding, Ronilo Lantong, Noverlyn Leyses, Imelda Mercado, Cecilia Padernal, Porferio Palomo, Rosalina Paquita, Paulino Reomero, Delia Ritardo, Marivic Ruba, Eleuteria Simbajon, Sylvia Soledad, Helen Suelo, Josie Suarez, Arnel Tabunan, Rodilo Taping, Cynthia Yecyec and Antonio Ritardo.

Two participants, Delia Ritardo and Olivia Taping, voluntarily delivered their impressions. Since it was their first time to join such activity, they both appreciated the opportunity offered to them and expressed desire and willingness to adopt whatever livelihood programs that will be offered by CMU. They expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the CMU personnel and the LGU officials for the dole outs. The impression of the participants ended the forum.

CA Conducts ...(from p.2)Engineers Find Dologon Water Supply Unsustainable

The water supply of Barangay Dologon was found unsustainable and some of the system is physical structures are non-functional. These are among the findings of the one-year collaborative extension project of the Departments of Civil and Agricultural Engineering on the “Evaluation of Barangay Dologon Domestic Water Supply System”, which aimed to obtain technical information on the sustainability of water and the functionality of existing structures. The water system is serving only Puroks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 with a total of 3,252 household users.

Prof. Arman T. Gascon, Project Leader and the Study Leaders: Dr. Nelsa J. Olila and Prof. Gladys G. Silabay cited in their terminal report that water samples were collected at the spring source during heavy rainfall when water at the pipe turns turbid to determine Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), agrochemical and bacteriological contamination. The TDS was analyzed at the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory of the College of Agriculture, the bacteriological quality at the microbiology Research Laboratory of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the agro-chemical residue analysis was done at the Pesticide Analytical Laboratory (PAL) of the Department of Agriculture, Cagayan de Oro City.

Results of these analyses revealed that TDS concentration was 222.67 mg/L, a value which is high but still within the acceptable level as set by the Philippine National Drinking Water Standards (PNDWS) which is 500 mg/L. However, the water needs disinfection, filtration or sedimentation processes to make it safe for drinking. On agro-chemical residue analysis, the water was found negative at the limit of determination of PAL Office. On the other hand, water samples contained an average of greater than 6.3 coliforms. The most probable number/100 ml classifying the water as suspicious; hence, water needs chlorination to be more safe. Boiling is highly recommended.

In terms of sustainability, the water from the spring source cannot cope with the demand of the service area. The sustainability of water was determined considering the amount of water available, the projected population for the next ten years and the per capita consumption of the barangay.

The physical structures of the water system were also investigated. Some of the water system structures particularly the reservoir 2 and storage tank near the barangay hall are not functioning due to water deficiency.

The researchers recommended the following measures to LGU-Dologon to improve their water supply services, to wit: construction of peripheral fence at the spring source, minimize cultivation of sloping areas just above the spring source, and filtration/boiling of drinking water during rainy days.

Meanwhile, there is an going construction of another spring source near Edlimar Spring Resort with an expected discharge of 15 liters per second which can supply sufficient amount of water to Dologon area which will include the installation of gate valve with outlet before the storage box to easily measure the actual volumetric flow. There should be a regular monitoring of pipe leakages to eliminate water wastage and to avoid water contamination.

This study started in June 2010 and ended in May 2011.

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KAABAG 7January-June 2011

Maramag Folks... (from page 1)drive in North Poblacion, Maramag. These activities were dominated by women who are actively involved in the different organizations and are front liners in barangay activities and projects. These women are effective change agents particularly on the technologies promoted by the CMU Team.

There were two new research-based topics added from the usual set of topics promoted during information drives, to wit: the pure Posoqueria dumeturom or penicillin plant extract which is an effective antifungal spray to newly harvested vegetables by Dr. Cecilia V. Bautista; and the use of butterflies during weddings instead of doves by Dr. Alma B. Mohagan. In addition, Dr. Jose Alexander C. Abella discussed on Animal Healthcare; Dr. Fe Llagas on Soil Fertility/Composting; and Handicrafts by Prof. Filipinas L. Cordero.

The half-day activity in North Poblacion, Maramag was well facilitated by the barangay staff headed by Engr. Dorothy P. Felipe, Barangay Administrator in lieu of the Punong Barangay who was out of town that time.

ICU Conducts... (from page 4)

Coordinator, Mr. Julieto E. Barinque, and the CENRO of Don Carlos, Forester Elpidio Magday with the Focal person of the said district, Forester Lourdes R. Macumao.

On the last day of the training, the participants displayed and exhibited their products from recycled empty bottles such as necklaces, flowers, decorations and many other items of commercial value.

During the closing program, Mr. Julieto E. Barigue, ESWMP Coordinator, and SB Members: Hon. Eva N. Estrada and Hon. Segundo Tadeo, Chairs of Committee on Clean and Green Program and Committee on Environmental Protection, respectively, assured the participants that a display or “pasalubong center” will be put up for their products.

“Kwarta sa Basura” is a techno-demo program of the CBU that aims to help solve the problem on solid wastes and similar trainings has been conducted in Bukidnon and nearby areas since early part of 2000.

TOT on KWARTA... (from page 4)

of existence which started in 1991.Prof. Marylou C. Viloria, Chair, Department of Physical

Education attended the culmination program, while Dr. Luzviminda T. Simborio, Vice-President for Research and Extension extended her congratulations through a cell phone message while in Leyte for an official business. However, Dr. Emmanuel T. Baltazar, University Extension Director, personally signified his commitment to attend the closing program to provide an inspirational message to the kids and their parents but was not materialize due to

an emergency Administrative Council (ADCO) meeting called by the University President at the time of the program’s take off.

Dr. Raul C. Orongan, Dean of the College of Education, personally guided the extensionists and even assisted in the rigorous but satisfying endeavor with a loud final shout, “Let’s play Football!” Dr. Gladys S. Escarlos, College Extension Coordinator, was the master of ceremony.

36 A-KIDS... (from page 2)

application. However, she cited that the cost of post harvest handling comprise the biggest share of the expenses. She employed harvesters on daily wage basis 16 man-days to chop the cassava storage roots. Further, the trader bought the cassava chips at a lower price instead of P8 per kilo, and was subjected to deduction or “tarha” because it was not fully dried in spite of the three-day drying period due to bad weather. According to Ms. Baiño, she learned lessons from that experience and hopes to reduce the number of man-days to reduce cost of post harvest handling as well as to perform harvesting during fair weather. Generally, she was happy that she was able to employ her jobless neighbors even in a short period as harvesters/choppers in her small cassava project. This year, she intends to plant again in another site utilizing the newly-harvested cassava stalks as planting materials.

Another client, Ms. Jane E. Daiton, stated that she planted more or less 10 hills of cassava in her backyard for consumption because she has no area enough for planting the crop.

Moreover, three clients changed their outlook and became responsible pet dog owners, namely: Mr. Allan de Luna, Ms. Cherry Lou D. Embajada, and Ms. Fidela C. Zapanta who availed of the free anti-rabies vaccination program of the Department of Agriculture during the Anti-Rabies Vaccination Campaign; and two clients, namely: Mr. Marvin G. Zapanta, and Ms. Nita B. Plesidario dewormed their backyard native chickens and goats.

On the other hand, Mr. Calixto C. Lansang, buyer of eggplant techno-pack confirmed that he adopted the cultural management practices of the crop and had produced more yield than traditional method. The farmer did not quantify the volume of his harvest because the crop did not reach the optimum lifespan since the garden was converted into a drier by his brother.

The assessment survey is an essential instrument to monitor how effective is the techno-promotion program of the University Extension Office. This determines the information needs of the clients which are used as basis for the interfacing of research and extension activities in the university.

The University Extension Office will be celebrating its 7th University Extension Week on November 14-18, 2011 at the R&E Grounds.

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KAABAG 8January-June 2011

on how to conduct meetings using the parliamentary procedure.

This activity was in line with the extension project of the department entitled, “Enhancing DepEd Administrators’ Skills in Using Parliamentary Procedure in the Division of Valencia City.” Prior to the conduct of the training-seminar, a needs assessment was conducted, and one of the identified problems of the administrators was the stressful and chaotic meetings; thus, the parliamentary procedure was introduced since it is fair and democratic, and meetings will be conducted efficiently.

80 DepEd Mentors ... (from page 2)

CMU Collaborates in the Corn Farmer Scientists Training Program

The Central Mindanao University is one of the collaborators of the Corn Farmer Scientist Training Program (FSTP) by virtue of Executive Order 710 which mandates the nationwide adoption of the Corn-based Farmer-Scientist Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Training Program for sustainable agricultural development to liberate poor farmers from the bondage of poverty and hunger. This program is spearheaded by the University of the Philippines, Los Baños together with the Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) of Region X, Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and LGU Kalilangan and Dancagan.

The Phase 1 of the program commenced last September 2010 with 40 farmer-participants who were trained on values formation, research formation, research exposure and technical empowerment. They put into actual practice their knowhow in a techno-demo farm. Meanwhile, Phase II (on-farm experimentation and technology adoption) started last April 2011. CMU through the UEO provides support in terms of technical expertise and corn seeds.

Prior to the implementation of the program, a trainors’ training was conducted last October 26-30, 2009 at ATI-XI, San Felipe, Tangtangan, South Cotabato with two faculty from the College of Agriculture in attendance, namely: Drs. Agripina R. Aradilla and Nenita B. Baldo. They now serve as members of the FSTP Technical Working Group of Region X.

Extension Staff on Educational Tour

The University Extension Staff held its annual educational tour at the Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS) and Davao City, on May 18-19, 2011. This activity is part of the human resource development for professional growth of the staff, as well as the different College Extension Coordinators.

One of the areas visited was the Monfort Bat Sanctuary in IGACOS - a Guinness world record holder for housing millions of fruit bats. Another was the farm of Hon. Marcos Dumandan, a Gawad Saka Awardee, farmer scientist and a member of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), National Office in Manila who passionately shared his technologies to the staff on diversified farming. His farm is located in Calinan, Davao City.

Mr. Dumandan is an alumnus of the CMU College of Agriculture batch 1963.

Hon. Marcos M. Dumandan interacting with the CMU Extension Family during the group’s farm-visit.

The Extension group posed with Hon. Dumandan after the short orientation/discussion on diversified organic farming systems. The group also toured around the Dumandan Demo Farm.

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four personnel; 2. Capability Building Unit (CBU) also known as the Training Unit and the former BIDANI Office headed by Dr. Agripina R. Aradilla with four personnel; and 3. Information and Communication Unit composed of two Offices: Instructional Extension Communication (IEC) material development and the Publications Office headed by Ms. Ele E. Dinampo-Lunzaga with five staff. Dr. Intong told Dr. Baltazar that leading the UEO is not a problem since the whole unit is very active and participative, willing to learn new things, and willing to be led.

She described the program as informal because there was no structured program format, but formal in the sense that her functions and responsibilities as the out-going UEO Director was formally transferred to the new director. She also welcomed Dr. Luzviminda T. Simborio as the new Vice President for Research and Extension. Messages from the heads of the three units followed after her message.

“When changes took place in some areas of concern, there should really be dynamism. We are happy to have you as our new leaders, you are very much welcome to our unit and to the whole University Extension Office,” Prof. Baliquig said in her response.

Ms. Lunzaga also welcomed the two new leaders by saying, “It is an honor with pride to work with Ma’am Luz and Dr. Baltazar. Sir Baltazar is not a stranger to the ICU because he is one of the favorite experts when it comes to promoting CMU-generated technologies around Bukidnon. So we look forward to working with you.”

In lieu of Dr. Aradilla, Ms. Conrada P. Yecyec thanked Dr. Intong for making UEO in order particularly its programs, the realization and implementation of the COMBASUDEP in collaboration with the college extension coordinators. Ms. Yecyec further said that during the management of the previous Extension Directors, they were saying that the UEO staff were doing nothing but during her term many programs were established. She added that during the term of the past directors the tenural status of the CBU staff remain unsolved. She, however, assured Dr. Baltazar and Dr. Simborio that they are not a problem because they can work even beyond office hours and weekends depending on the exigency of service.

In her response, Dr. Intong mentioned that she is the UEO director with the longest term so she wanted to have a new blood to lead the office. She also thanked the UEO staff for journeying with her, for being very supportive and very participative to any office endeavor and for bearing her weaknesses and limitations. She said that she learned wholesome experiences in the Office and wanted to exit with a good relationship with the

UEO Welcomes... (from page 1) staff. She encouraged the group to have good attitude towards work and become more productive not only for UEO but for the whole University as well.

As the new director, Dr. Baltazar thanked Dr. Intong for introducing a lot of changes in the UEO Office. “Before her, I would affirm that the Extension Unit in the University could not be felt, the warmth, the aggressiveness to pursue many things was not recognized. With her active leadership, very able and all other descriptive terms, she really displayed the highest possible level of performance. With that, congratulations…I also learned a lot, and I am not new to this Office because I was directly or indirectly involved since then,” Dr. Baltazar added.

He further said, “I know each of you is very much capable, each one of us has our own weaknesses but we should try to develop and be more productive in the midst of inadequacies.” He opined that the status of the CBU staff would still go a long way, but he is hopeful that Dr. Simborio will support or act on it.

On the other hand, Dr. Simborio expressed her willingness to head the Research and Extension saying, “When I was told by the University President regarding this position, I said with or without a position I am contented, but if given the responsibility, I will try to learn the job, and try to give my best.” She described her new position as entirely a new thing to her. “I’m learning on the rudiments of the position so I would say, please bear with me and I’m not promising anything but you know, I’m a fighter. When I believe something is worth fighting for, I really fight for that to the extent that I’ll become unpopular to my bosses,” she added.

On the case of the CBU staff, she stressed her willingness to help and ended by saying “I look forward to working with you all smoothly and peacefully.”

Dr. Intong served as UEO director from September 21, 2002 to December 31, 2010 while Dr. Baltazar was the College Extension Coordinator of the College of Veterinary Medicine from September 11, 2006 to December 31, 2010.

CMU A-KIDS team was bringing a container of water and packed value meals for lunch (Php 39.00/pack/player). Engr. Montemayor left and returned with plenty of ergogenic aid-Gatorade drinks.

During the awarding rites for the 1997 Born category, the admiration of the RIFA Cup football community became more apparent when Coach Kuya Greg, offered two of the 12 medals intended for the champion CMU A -KIDS (with ten players only) to the third placer OLLES of Camp Phillips which had two (2) extra players in its line up.

Two Birds in... (from page 10)

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EditorsAgripina R. AradillaArmida B. Baliquig

Ele E. Dinampo-Lunzaga

Editorial AdvisersEmmanuel T. BaltazarLuzviminda T. SimborioMaria Luisa R. Soliven

WritersHelen E. PanganibanTeresita O. Nallano

Jesusa Susan B. BautistaLuz A. Sarausa

Contributors Roy V. Villorejo Nelsa J. Olila Ma. Pureza S. Sajulga Alma Cita S. Calimbo Annie L. Deriada Laarni F. Lacandula

Caesarlica S. Minguita

English CriticAlma Cita S. Calimbo

Layout/Desktop Publishing Printing & Circulation Herbert L. Curayag Justice George M. Tortola

January-June 2011

Two Birds in One Shot for CMU FootballThe CMU A-KIDS Futbol brought home two trophies on January 24, 2011 as a football extension

development team in one of the Philippines Premier Football festivals in Luzon. The CMU’s Football Development Program through

the Physical Education Department of the College of Education set another remarkable accomplishment. Two of the grassroot-bred football team players won the RIFA Cup International Football Festival last January 22-23, 2011 at the Ateneo de Manila , Loyola Heights , Quezon City. The two CMU A-KIDS teams were composed of the composite players from Malaybalay City, Bukidnon and Gingoog City-based footballers whose families shouldered their personal provisions including: expenses on the 4-month intensive team training preparations, round trip airfare, food and lodging, medical and miscellaneous needs. The CMU administration promptly supported the endeavor through free access of its football field, other related facilities and equipment like: the Social Hall for quartering of players, ball, nets and service vehicles to and from the different venues of football tournaments within Mindanao prior to the above mentioned Cup.

More than 100 teams in two (2) divisions: boys and girls, seven (7) age-group levels; Born 1993 - 1999, and twenty (20) football pitches were involved in the cup.Singaporean football clubs and other Philippine-based foreign schools like: Goethe Institute of Germany, British School of England, International School of USA and Islamic Schools of Iran/Saudi Arabia were among the competitors.

In the Philippine-based football side, prominent football centers like the Makati Football School and the Alabang Football School sent their entries in different categories while the perennial Football power houses of Ateneo System, La Salle System, San Beda, Claret, HedCen, Del Monte, IS, Southridge, Springdale, Don Bosco System, and SHS-J System were also registered in this “only– invited –club/team” annual festival of football.

In the CMU A-KIDS 1996 Born line-up, the two regular members were Gene Rae B. Alovera (Goalkeeper) and Jose Brian L. Romo (Defense/Stopper). The 1997 Born or younger members were: Andrew Gregg C. Ramos, IV (Schemer/Forward, 2000 Born), Kent Kristoffer Kerby P. Mansueto (Forward/Defense), Kyle Lawrence M. Correa (Defense), Bertrand Gregg C. Ramos III (Midfield, MVP 1996 Born), Bless Brian H. Jumo I (Goalkeeper/Defense), Bless Brian H. Jumo II (Defense/Midfield), John Rodel L. Valmores (Midfield/Defense), Charles Ivan A. Berberan (Forward, MVP 1997 Born), Danielle Sertgei D. Baguinon (Goalkeeper/Defense) and Rene Albert Lacson (Forward). Mr. Mario C. Mansueto was the Assistant Coach and Prof. Gregorio C. Ramos, Jr. was the Coach.

CMU A-KIDS’ excellent performance also established new records. First, it was the only team with the youngest player, A.G. Ramos 1V, who is only 10 years old and whose personal best includes two (2) goals in a single match, i.e., against La Salle Greenhills. Second, it was the only football club which won two championships with majority of players (10 of them) in the 1996 Born Category were younger (1997 born) because only Gene Rae Alovera and Brian Romo were born in 1996. Third, both CMU A-KIDS 1996 and 1997 Born football teams were beaten by the different teams in the elimination round, i.e., HEdCen (5-2) and Claret School of Quezon City (2-0), which they beat in the Championship matches, respectively. This is an achievement which only the tough and fittest football team/club can attain.

Some very touching and memorable moments which the CMU A-KIDS team can cherish include the generosity of husband and wife tandem of Engr. David and Rutchelie Alinsugay-Montemayor. After each championship, the couple gave moral and material support for everybody. They were always ready to extend congratulatory hugs and a dinner treat. On Sunday, the 2nd day of the festival, Engr. Montemayor noticed that among the registered football teams aiming to become champions, only the

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