
Volume 84, Number 4, October 1995 231

and healing that a closer integration would make possible, and certainly to the detriment of patients caught up in them. These tensions will only be resolved by a process of inter- professional dialogue and collaboration that is truly holistic in spirit and effect. Based on a workshop o f medical and non-medical homoeopaths at Exeter University's Centre for Complementary Health Studies, this paper identif ies the issues that must be addressed if that outcome is to be achieved.

Journal of lnterprofessional Care 1995; 9: 53-9.

Fragmenta de vMbus medicamentorum posifvis J. M. SCHMIDT The first materia medica pura and the first reper tory in the history of homoeopathy (published by Hahnemann in 1805) have not been given proper attention today, perhaps because they have so far existed only in Latin. Following an outline of the historical context, the author offers the Latin original of Hahnemann's preface side by side with a translation into German. This includes early considerations of drug proving methods.

Allg hom6op Ztg 1995; 240: 91-8.

R e v i e w o f the m e c h a n i s m s o f o r a l tolerance and immunotherapy WIHASKORO SOSROSENO The induct ion of oral to lerance by oral immunization has been well recognized. Accumulated evidence shows that oral toler- ance can be mediated by orally activated humoral and cellular factors. In animal models, the development of several T cell- mediated autoimmune diseases, such as mul- tiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, uveitis and diabetes type 1 can be inhibited by oral immunization with the respective antigens. In allergy, oral administration of certain aller- gens can prevent and reduce both contact and atopic dermatitis. Oral tolerance to alloanti- gen also reduces graft rejection. These results are encouraging and the usefulness of this approach for an alternative immunotherapy in humans needs to be investigated further.

JR SocMed 1995; 88: 14-17.

Hering ' s law and its p s y c h o a n a l y t i c a l counterpart R. G. APPELL Recurrence of suppressed changes according to Hering's law is an essential part of the healing process in homoeopathy, the same phenomenon is seen with transference neuro- sis in psychoanalysis. Not only patients, but homoeopathy and psychoanalysis, too, suffer from unresolved reminiscences and sup- pressed memories that are not in accord with the ideals of modern science. Instead of being suppressed, such memory traces should be realized and made an integral part of the armamentarium.

Allg homdop Ztg 1995; 240: 47-57.

Manual vs mechanical succussion M. DOMAN & J. STRUBE Manual succussion becomes impossible with volumes in excess of 10 litres. The authors present data comparing acceleration of and pressure within the vessel for a new machine and the manual method. Mechanical shaking with the machine proved closely similar to the manual process in those respects.

Allg hom6op Ztg 1995; 240:99 107.

Critical comments on the above H.-J. SCHOEPFER The author makes a number of points relating to the paper by Doman and Strube in the hope of opening up discussion on the subject.

Allg homdop Ztg 1995; 240:108-11.

Need to develop software further C. KOESTERS Repertorization software needs further devel- opment in some essential aspects. The author suggests a register to simplify the search for rubrics, and direct addressing from repertory to materia medica.

Allg hom6op Ztg 1995; 240: 135-45.

Pilules A. BEYER & H.-J. SCHOEPFER There has been a change back from tablets to pilules for homoeopathic preparations in Germany in recent years. Pilules offer distinct advantages, especially in paediatrics.

The authors also considered it necessary to determine the amount of active principle contained in pilules, and arrived at readings between 70 and 95%.

Allg homdop Ztg 1995; 240:146-50.

English-language journals reviewed by Dr S. Kayne, German-language journals by A. R. Meuss.

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