Download - Manual Varlogic r12

  • Merlin Gerin Square D Telemecanique





    c R12rectiph






    c R12rectiph








    c R12rectiph

    ase Contents1 - description ..................................................................... 12 - cos f and step display (display mode) ......................... 63 - alarms and warnings ..................................................... 74 - display of currents, harmonic distortion and step state

    (measurement mode) (1) ................................................ 85 - connection of controller ............................................... 106 - commissioning settings (commissioning mode) .......... 127 - programming of controller (programming mode) ........ 168 - activating / de-activating alarms (alarm mode) ........... 229 - troubleshooting ............................................................ 2410 - maintenance (maintenance mode) (1) ........................... 3211 - technical specifications ............................................... 34

    Varlogic R12, RC12power factor controller / rgulateur varmtrique / Blindleistungsregler / regulador de energia reactivauser manual / notice d'utilisation / Gebrauchsanleitung / guia de utilizacin

    Indice1 - description ..................................................................... 12 - visualizacin cos f y escalones (men usuario) ......... 63 - alarmas y avisos .......................................................... 74 - visualizacin de corrientes, distorsiones armnicas y estado

    de escalones (men mediciones) (I) ................................. 95 - conexin del regulador ............................................... 106 - ajustes de puesta en marcha (men puesta en marcha) 157 - programacin del regulador (men programacin) .... 198 - activacin / desactivacin de alarmas ...................... 23

    (men alarmas)9 - defectos y soluciones ................................................ 3010 - mantenimiento (men mantenimiento) (I) ...................... 3311 - caractersticas tcnicas ............................................. 37

    (1) type RC12 only / type RC12 seulementnur fr Regler RC12 / modelo RC12 nicamente.

    Sommaire1 - description ..................................................................... 12 - affichage cos f et gradins (mode affichage) ................. 63 - alarmes et avertissements ............................................ 74 - affichage courants, distorsion harmonique et tat des

    gradins (mode mesure) (1) ............................................... 85 - raccordement du rgulateur ........................................ 106 - rglages de mise en service (mode installation) ......... 137 - paramtrage du rgulateur (mode paramtrage) ........ 178 - activation / dsactivation des alarmes (mode alarmes) 229 - dfauts et remdes ...................................................... 2610 - maintenance (mode maintenance) (1) ............................ 3211 - caractristiques techniques ........................................ 35

    Inhaltsverzeichnis1 - allgemeine Beschreibung .............................................. 12 - Cos f - und Schaltstufenanzeige .................................. 63 - Alarm- und Fehlermeldungen ....................................... 74 - Anzeige fr Schein- und Blindstrom, Spannungsberlastung

    durch Oberschwingungen und Kondensatorberwachung (1) 95 - Regleranschlubedingungen ...................................... 106 - Serviceprogrammeinstellungen .................................. 147 - Reglerprogrammierung ............................................... 188 - Aktivieren und quittieren von Fehlermeldungen .......... 239- Fehlermeldungen und Ursachen .................................. 2810 - berwachungsprogramm (1) ....................................... 3311 - Technische Daten ....................................................... 36



  • 1 - description / description / allgemeine Beschreibung / descripcinfront view / vue face avantFrontseitenansicht / vista parte frontal






    rear view / vue face arrireRckseitenansicht / vista parte posterior


    c R12rectiph







    C D

    front view door openedvue face avant porte ouverteFrontseitenansicht bei geffneter Trvista parte frontalpuerta abierta

    Q KI

    view from below / vue de dessousAnsicht von unten / vista inferior


    c R12rectiph









    GBlegendA - displayB - L.E.D.: connection about to occurC - L.E.D.: disconnection about to occurD - alarm signalling L.E.D.E - doorF - opening of doorG - keysH - alarm codesI - current / voltage connection inputsJ - step outputs (1 to 6)K* - step outputs (7 to 12)L - alarm outputM - specification labelN - mounting bracket for panel mounting installationO - DIN rail mounting installation areaP - fixing spring for DIN rail mounting installationQ - screw driver guide

    (*) the last output (12th), if free, is programmedas a fan output. Refer to alarm A9 in chapter 9.

  • 2user interfaceHow to use the four interface keys ?The interface is made of 6 main modes eachof them including display or setting fields.The display mode is the main interface mode.Keys and allow you to movewithin one same interface level. Keys ent.and esc. allow you to go from oneinterface level to another one. On an editorlevel (defined by a horizontal dash)and keys allow you to increment ordecrement a field value, while the ent. keyallows you to enter the selected value.

    How to change the interface language ?The interface language can be selectedbetween the five following options:english,french,spanish,german,finnish.To change the interface language follow theuser interface menu in the relevantlanguage, enter the commissioning modeand get to the last field by pressing severaltimes on . Press ent. and look for thecorrect language using keys and .Press ent. to enter then esc. to get out ofthe commissioning mode.

    grey characters: only concern RC12 type

    DISPLAY mode

    MEASUREMENT modeent. load current

    reactive currenttotal harmonic distortionstep status

    COMMISSIONING modeent. target cos f

    C/K autoC/K manuelresponse currentsent. inductive value

    capacitive valueCT ratiomanual overrideinterface language

    PROGRAMMING modeent. number of steps

    step programconnection typedelayphase polarity detectioninput voltagecapacitor loss set upent. CT ratio

    step voltagestep power

    step configuration(DOL setup)

    ALARM modeent. alarm 1

    alarm 2...

    alarm 8alarm 9


    alarm 12

    MAINTENANCE modeent. settings

    Irms/In alarm threshold

    THD(U) alarm thresholdfan switching thresholdtemperature alarm thresholdreset settingsmeasurementsvoltagecurrentreactive poweractive powerapparent powerphaseIrms/I

    n overload

    harmonic spectrumtemperaturebank test





  • 6The display mode includes 3 pieces ofinformation:c cos fffff display "X"

    inductive networkcapacitive network

    c connected step and contactconfiguration (type RC12) display "Y"

    disconnected stepconnected stepfixed stepstep not used in regulationfree outputfan output (temperature alarm)

    c when necessary display of alarm andwarning codes (flashing with cos f) "Z".

    T0.981 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    X Y


    ALARM 121 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    2 - cos fffff and connected step display (display mode) / affichage cos fffff et gradins(mode affichage) / Cos fffff - und Schaltstufenanzeige / visualizacin cos fffffy escalones conectados (men usuario)

    El men usuario contiene 3 tipos deinformacin:c visualizacin del cos fffff, "X"

    red inductivared capacitiva

    c visualizacin del nmero de escalonesconectados y configuracin de salidas(modelo RC12) "Y"

    escaln desconectadoescaln conectadoescaln fijoescaln excluido de la regulacin,contacto no utilizadocontacto ventilador (alarma temp.)

    c si es necesario, la visualizacin decdigos de alarmas y avisos(alternando con el cos f) "Z".

    Drei Informationen knnen im Displayangezeigt werden:c Cos fffff "X"

    Netz induktivNetz kapazitiv

    c zugeschaltete Kondensatorstufen undAusgangsbelegung (nur bei RC12) "Y"

    nicht eingeschaltete Stufeeingeschaltete Stufedefinierte Feststufenicht im Regelkreis einbezogeneAusgnge oder freie nicht belegteAusgngeLfterausgang (Temperatur Alarm)

    c nach belieben kann die Anzeige soprogrammiert werden, da entweder derAlarm- und Fehlermeldecode oder derCos f-Wert angezeigt wird "Z".

    Le mode affichage comprend 3 typesdinformation :c laffichage du cos fffff, "X"

    rseau inductifrseau capacitif

    c laffichage du nombre de gradinsenclenchs et de la configuration des contacts(type RC12), "Y"

    gradin dclenchgradin enclenchgradin fixegradin exclu de la rgulationcontact non utiliscontact ventilateur (alarme temp.)

    c le cas chant, laffichage des codesdalarmes et avertissements(en alternance avec le cos f), "Z".


    GB D


  • 7Controllers R12 and RC12 type respectivelyinclude 8 and 12 alarms and 3 warnings thedescription of which is given in chapter 9.c when an alarm condition is detected theappropriate alarm code flashes on display,a red L.E.D. is switched on and the alarmrelay closes. Once the fault has cleared thered L.E.D. is switched off, the alarm relayopens but display of alarm code is kept tillmanual reset (using key).c when a warning condition is detected awarning code is displayed and disappearswhen the fault has cleared.c Alarms A1 to A8 are initially active.Alarms A9 to A12 are initially de-activated(see page 22).

    Los reguladores R12 y RC12 incluyenrespectivamente 8 y 12 alarmas y 3 avisoscuya descripcin se da en el captulo 10.c Cuando se detecta una situacin dealarma, el cdigo de la alarma parpadeasobre la pantalla, el L.E.D. rojo se enciendey el contacto de la alarma se cierra. Cuandoel defecto desaparece se apaga el L.E.D.rojo abrindose el contacto de alarma, perola visualizacin de alarma se mantienehasta la realizacin de un reset manual(mediante presin sobre la tecla )c Cuando se detecta una situacin deaviso, slo se visualiza el cdigo del avisomientras permanece el defecto.c En el modelo RC12 las alarmas A9 yA12 estn inicialmente desactivadas(ver pgina 23).

    In den Reglern R12 und RC12 sind 8 bzw.12 Alarmmeldungen und 3 Fehlermeldungenintegriert (nhere Angaben dazu imKapitel 9):c Wird eine Alarmfunktion ausgelst, sowird sie auf dem Display und durch eine roteL.E.D. angezeigt, der Alarmkontakt wirdgeschlossen. Wird die Strung behoben, soffnet sich der Alarmkontakt und die roteL.E.D. erlischt, die Alarmfunktion im Displaymu aber manuell zurckgesetzt werden(durch Tastendruck ).c Wird eine Fehlfunktion festgestellt, sowird sie im Display signalisiert, erlischt abersofort, sobald die Strung behoben ist.c A1 bis A8 sind aktive Alarmmeldungen.A9 bis A12 sind Alarmmeldungen mit autom.Rcksetzung (nhere Informationen s.S. 23).

    Les rgulateurs type R12 et RC12 incluentrespectivement 8 et 12 alarmeset 3 avertissements dont la description estdonne chapitre 9.c lorsquune condition dalarme estdtecte, le code dalarme appropriclignote lcran, la D.E.L. rouge sallumeet le contact dalarme se ferme. Lorsque ledfaut disparat la D.E.L. rouge steint, lecontact dalarme souvre mais laffichage ducode dalarme est maintenu jusquaffranchissement manuel (par pression surla touche ).c lorsquune condition davertissement estdtecte, seul le code davertissement estaffich jusqu la disparition du dfaut.c les alarmes A1 A8 sont initialementactives. Les alarmes A9 A12 sontinitialement dsactives (voir page 22).

    ALARM 121 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    alarm codecode alarmeAlarmkontaktcdigo de la alarma


    +1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011


    la matrise de l'nergie lectrique


    3 - alarms and warnings / alarmes et avertissementsAlarm- und Fehlermeldungen / alarmas y avisos

    GB D

    F E

  • 84 - display of currents, harmonic distorsion and step state (measurement mode)affichage courants, distorsion harmonique et tat des gradins (mode mesure)

    RC12 type only

    The measurement mode may be enteredfrom the display mode by pressing .It is defined on the display by symbol " ".This mode does not include any editor field.c load and reactive currents are displayed inAmps if the CT ratio has been enteredduring commissioning. If not values aregiven in % of 5A.c The total voltage harmonic distortion isdisplayed in %.c Display of step status makes it easy toidentify steps which have lost a significantamount of their nominal power:

    step in normal condition,step with reduced output power.

    Type RC12 uniquement

    Le mode mesure est accessible partir dumode affichage par pression sur la touche . Il est caractris sur lcran par lesymbole " ".Ce mode ne contient pas de champ diteur.c les valeurs de courant apparent etcourant ractif sont donns en Ampres si leratio du TC a t paramtr lors de la miseen service. Dans le cas contraire les valeurssont affiches en % de 5 A.c le taux de distorsion harmonique entension ou THD (U) est donn en %.c laffichage de ltat des gradins permetdidentifier les gradins qui ont une perte depuissance significative :

    gradin en tat de fonctionnementnormal,gradin ayant perdu de la puissance.


    MEASUREMENTS1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    Status1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    MESURES1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011

    etat1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 1011


    GB F

  • 10

    5 - connection of controller / raccordement du rgulateurRegleranschlubedingungen / conexin del regulador

    Le transformateur de courant doit treimprativement install en amont de labatterie de condensateurs et des rcepteurs.Le paramtrage normal du rgulateur le rendinsensible au sens de rotation des phases etau sens de raccordement du transformateurde courant.Le rgulateur peut tre raccord de deuxmanires :c raccordement type PPLa mesure de tension est ralise entre deuxphases. La mesure du courant est ralise surune phase diffrente des deux phasesprcdemment utilises. Voir shmalectrique page 11.c raccordement type PNLa mesure de tension est ralise entre unephase et le neutre. La mesure du courant estralise partir de la mme phase.Voir shma lectrique page 11.

    Attention : le type de raccordement utilisdoit tre cohrent avec le paramtrage durgulateur.

    Sur un rseau de tension infrieure 110 V ousuprieure 415 V utiliser un transformateurpour alimenter les entres tension de mesuredu rgulateur. Ce transformateur utilis ne doitinduire quun dphasage minimum.

    Attention en utilisation 4 quadrants(type RC12 seulement) la dtectionautomatique du sens de rotation desphases doit tre dsactive ( effectuerdans le mode paramtrage - voir chap. 7).Dans ce cas particulier il faut doncrespecter le sens de connexion du TC et lesens de rotation des phases .

    Der Wandler mu so ins Kundennetzeingebaut werden, da die Stromrichtungdurch den Wandler entgegengesetzt zurKompensationsanlage ist.Keine Funktionsbeeintrchtigungenentstehen dem Regler durchPhasenvertauschung oder falschemWandleranschlu.Zwei Anschlumglichkeiten sindmglich:c Auenleiter-Auenleiter-AnschluDie Spannung wird zwischen zweiAuenleitern gemessen. Die Strommessungerfolgt in dem Auenleiter,der nicht zur Spannungsmessung genutztwird. Gem Anschluschema auf Seite 11.c Auenleiter-Nulleiter-AnschluDie Spannung wird zwischen dem Auen-und Nulleiter gemessen. Die Strommessungerfolgt im gleichen Pfad. GemAnschluschema auf Seite 11.

    Achtung: Reglerprogrammierung- undanschlu mssen konform sein.

    Fr den Reglerbetrieb in Netzen mitabweichenden Spannungsniveausgegenber den Standardbemessungs-spannungen unterhalb von 110 V oderoberhalb von 415 V werdenAnpassungstransformatoren bentigt.Achtung : Spezifikation derAnpassungstransformatoren fr denrichtigen Netzbetrieb auslegen.

    Vorsicht: Bei Generatorbetrieb (RC12) mudie automatische Phasenrotationskennungdeaktiviert werden (im ProgrammReglerprogrammierung s. Kapitel 7)Hierbei sind Korrekturen der Phasenlageund der Wandlerpolaritt vorzunehmen.

    The current transformer must be installedupstream of capacitor bank and loads.Standard programming of the controllermakes it insensitive to phase rotation andCT polarities.Two different connections may be used:c LL connection typeVoltage is measured between two phases.Current is measured from the phase that isnot used for voltage connection. Refer todrawings on page 11.c LN connection typeVoltage is measured between one phaseand neutral. Current is measured from thesame phase. Refer to drawings on page 11.

    Warning: connection type used must bein conformity with programming ofcontroller.

    On a network with a voltage below 110 V orabove 415 V use a transformer to connectcontroller voltage inputs. In such casetransformer specifications must include alimited phase variation.

    Warning: on generator applications(type RC12 only) automatic detection ofphase rotation polarity must bede-activated (to be done in programmingmode - see chapter 7). In this particularcase phase rotation and CT polaritiesmust be correct.

    F DGB

  • 11

    connection drawing (LL) - ex. 380/415 V networkschma de racc. (PP) - ex. rseau 380/415 VRegleranschlu an (LL) - ca. 380/415 Vesquema de conexin (FF) - ejemplo: red 380/415 V

    connection drawing (LN) - ex. 380/415 V networkschma de racc. (PN) - ex. rseau 380/415 VRegleranschlu an (LN) - ca. 380/415 Vesquema de conexin (FN) - ejemplo: red 380/415 V

    (1) control voltage / tension auxiliaireBemessungssteuerspannung / tensin auxiliar






















    50/60 Hz

    S2 CS1 U1 U2 0V123456






    /5 A class 1


    C 12 10 9 811 7






















    50/60 Hz

    S2 CS1 U1 U2 0V123456






    /5 A class 1


    C 12 10 9 811 7


    El transformador de intensidad debe de estarobligatoriamente instalado aguas arriba de labatera de condensadores y de la carga.El regulador funciona correctamente sin teneren cuenta el sentido de rotacin de fases niel sentido de conexin del transformador deintensidad.El regulador se puede conectar de dosmaneras:c conexin tipo FFLa medida de tensin se realiza entre dos fases.La medida de intensidad debe tomarse de enuna fase distinta de las dos fases utilizadasanteriormente. Ver esquema elctrico pgina 11.c conexin tipo FNLa medida de tensin se realiza entre unafase y el neutro. La medida de intensidaddebe tomarse en la misma fase. Ver esquemaelctrico pgina 11.

    Importante: el tipo de conexin utilizadadebe ser coherente con la programacindel regulador

    En una red de tensin distinta de 220/240 V 380/415 V, utilizar un transformador paraalimentar las entradas de tensin del regulador.El transformador utilizado debe inducir un desfasemnimo.

    Atencin: en utilizacin 4 cuadrantes (soloRC12) la deteccin automtica del sentidode rotacin de las fases debe ser desactivada(realizar en el men programacin - vercaptulo 7). En este caso en concreto sedebe respetar el sentido de conexin del TIy la rotacin de fases.


  • 12

    6 - commissioning settings (commissioning mode)Display shows "C/K SEARCH" and thecumulative number of first step connections.When a value is found display shows "OK"and the C/K value.If for reasons of important load variations thecontroller cannot find a proper C/K value"C/K SEARCH ERROR" appears on displayand C/K manual setting must be used.Automatic search of C/K can be stopped bypressing esc. , display then shows"C/K SEARCH STOP".

    Manual setting of C/K on type R12 is digital(0...1.99).Examples of C/K calculationa) 400 V network, 500/5A CT,10 kvar first stepcurrent in first step:10000/400/e = 14.4 ACT ratio: K = 500/5 = 100C/K = 14.4/100 = 0.14b) 600 V network, 1500/5A CT,50 kvar first stepcurrent in first step:50000/600/e = 48.1ACT ratio: K = 1500/5 = 300C/K = 48.1/300 = 0.16

    Manual setting of response currents on typeRC12 may allow you to define two differentconnection and disconnection thresholds(setting of inductive and capacitive values).This makes it possible to adapt theregulation curve to specific applications.Examples: no overcompensation, minimumcos f guaranteed.

    Warning: the sum of the two responsecurrent values must be at least 2 timesthe true C/K value to avoid regulationunstability which would lead to contactorhunting.

    Standard settings:inductive value = capacitive value = C/K.

    Warning: both values must be entered.

    c CT ratio setting (type RC12)digital setting from 100/5 to 3000/5.c manual overrideThis makes possible manual stepconnection and disconnection. After fiveminutes the controller comes back toautomatic regulation. Connection anddisconnection order depends on theregulation program selected. Connectiondelay depends on the programmed delaybetween successive connections of samestep.c interface languageThe interface language can be selectedbetween the following options: english,french, german, spanish or finnish.

    Commissioning settings are done in thecommissioning mode which may be enteredfrom the measurement mode by pressing for 2s. The commissioning mode isdefined on the display by symbol " ".

    c target cos fffff settingdigital setting from 0.80 inductive to 0.90capacitive.c setting of C/K or response currentsThe C/K value defines the reactive currentthreshold from which the controller connectsone step. It equals value of current in thefirst step divided by ratio of primary andsecondary currents of the currenttransformer. Hence it does not take accountof values of other steps.The C/K value can be automaticallysearched ("C/K AUTO" field) or manually set("C/K MAN." field on type R12 and"RESP VALUES" field on type R12).Automatic search of C/K takes between2 and 8 minutes: the controller connectsthen disconnects the first step several timesand measures the network reactive powervariation.

    COMMISSIONING1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11


  • 16

    7 - programming of controller (programming mode)To exit the cap loss set up submenupress esc. . Display shows

    This paragraph is dedicated to capacitorbank manufacturers.The programming mode may be enteredfrom the commissioning mode by pressing and simultaneously for 2 s.It is defined on the display by symbol " ".c number of steps 12This the number of physical steps of thecapacitor bank.c regulation program nThere are two main types of regulationsequences:v the linear sequencev the circular sequenceEach of the four possible regulationprograms of this controller use one of thesetwo sequences as their main principle.(see page 20).c connection type LLThis is the connection type used for voltageinputs. The two options are LL or LN. Referto drawings on page 11.c delay 50 sThis is the safety delay between successiveconnections of same step.Warning: if a short delay is usedcapacitors and contactors may bedamaged. Never use a shorter delay thanrecommended by the capacitormanufacturer.

    PROGRAMMING1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    The response time before connection ordisconnection is automatically set at onefifth of the above delay with a minimumvalue of 10 s.

    c phase rotation polarity ON(type RC12)In its normal configuration (ON) thecontroller is insensitive to phase rotationpolarity.For generator applications this must bechanged to OFF.c input voltage 400 VThis is the voltage used as a reference forundervoltage and overvoltage alarms.c capacitance loss set up(type RC12)This programming submenu includes allsettings required to set up the capacitor losssurvey function :v current transformer ratio %v step voltage 400 VThis is the voltage at which capacitorpower outputs are defined. It may begreater than the network voltage.v step power 112 0Power outputs of all steps must be definedin kvar at the above step voltage.The interface makes it compulsory to viewall step values. Use keys and tochange values. Enter and view the next stepby pressing ent. .

    Pressing will reset the memoryincluding results of connections /disconnections used to detect steps withreduced power. This is required if stepvalues have been modified. Pressingwill avoid such reset.c step configuration (DOL setup) AUTO(type RC12)Each step of the capacitor bank may beprogrammed in one of the three followingoptions:v fixed step (1),v step not used in regulation (0),v normal step (AUTO).All steps must be viewed. Use keysand to change an option. Enter and / orview the next step by pressing ent. .

    Warning: step configurations must suitthe sequence of the program selected.When programming fixed steps werecommend (if possible) that last stepsare selected in priority in order to avoid achange in regulation program.

    -- NO ++ RESET1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    initial settings


  • 20







    linear sequence / squence linaireStandard Regelung (linear) / secuencia lineal

    step combination possible programsgradinage programmes possiblesSchaltkombination Regelprogrammartenescalonamiento programas posibles1. CA/n/S1. n1. n1. Cb/n1. n1. n1. n

    circular sequence / squence circulaireKreisregelung / secuencia circular








    c possible regulation programs normal program(n)Suits all step combinationsCommon combinations: or sequence from the third step, the firsttwo steps being used as adjustment steps(the contoller always first connects ordisconnects the first step then the second). A type circular program(CA)Step combination: sequence.Warning: this program will correctly operateonly if the total number of steps in the bankis correctly set.

    B type circular program(Cb)Step combination: sequence from the second step thefirst step being used as an adjustment step.Warning: this program will correctly operateonly if the total number of steps in the bankis correctly set.

    Stack program(S)Step combination: sequence.For harmonic filtering applications

    c programmes de rgulation possibles programme normal(n)Convient pour tout type de gradinage.Gradinages courants : ou linaire partir du troisimegradin, les deux premiers gradins tantutiliss comme gradins dajustement(le rgulateur commence toujours parenclencher ou dclencher le premier gradinpuis le second). programme circulaire A(CA)Gradinage : circulaire.Attention, ce programme ne fonctionne demanire optimale que si le nombre degradins de la batterie a t correctementparamtr.

    programme circulaire B(Cb)Gradinage : circulaire partir du secondgradin, le premier tant utilis comme gradindajustement.Attention, ce programme ne fonctionnecorrectement que si le nombre de gradins dela batterie a t correctement paramtr.

    programme linaire(S)Gradinage : linaire.Application filtrage dharmoniques


  • 22

    8 - activating - de-activating alarms (alarm mode)activation - dsactivation des alarmes (mode alarmes)

    Le mode alarme est accessible partir dumode paramtrage en appuyant sur latouche . Il est caractris sur lcran par lesymbole " ".

    Ce mode permet de dfinir ltat de chaquealarme :

    ON : lalarme est activeOFF : lalarme est dsactivec : conditions de dclenchementobtenues.

    Seules les alarmes A1 A8 sont initialementactives.La dsactivation dune alarme peut tresouhaite dans les cas de dclenchementsfrquents dont lorigine est connue et sanscaractre de gravit.Attention : lalarme de surcharge encourant (type RC12) a t conu pourprotger des batteries de condensateurssans self anti-harmoniques ; elle doit donctre dsactive dans le cas de batteriesavec self anti-harmoniques.

    The alarm mode may be entered from theprogramming mode by pressing .It is defined on display by symbol " ".

    This mode defines each alarm state:ON: alarm activatedOFF: alarm de-activatedc : alarm condition obtained

    Initially only alarms A1 to A8 are activated.De-activating one alarm may be desirablewhen frequent alarm conditions occur andtheir origin is known and not considered asbeing serious.Warning: the capacitor overload alarm(type RC12) has been designed to protectcapacitor banks which do not includedetuned reactors. It must be de-activatedwhen the controller is installed in adetuned bank.

    Alarm 11 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11


    Alarm 11 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    ON FGB

  • 24

    9 - troubleshootingcode faults possible origin necessary actions automation




    alarmfast disconnection of all steps until voltagebecomes normal againautomatic reconnection.


    alarmregulation does not start.


    alarmdisconnection of all steps (RC12 type)automatic reconnection after 10 minutes.

    activation of fan output contact (if available).

    alarmdisconnection of all steps till temperaturecomes back to an acceptable level.Automatic reconnection.

    c wrong voltage connection set LL/LN;c wrong connection;c contactors or fuses do not operate;c capacitors are not effective;

    c bank is undersized;c target cos f occasionaly not reached;c C/K setting too low;

    c load variations too fast;c wrong voltage connection set LL/LN;

    c wrong connection;

    c small load;

    c wrong voltage connection set LL/LN;c wrong connection;c capacitive network (presence of fixedcapacitors at small load).

    c installation overloaded;c CT undersized.

    c cooling defective;c ambiant temperature too high.

    low power factorthe controller has connected all cos f is not reached.

    huntingunstable regulation makingcontactors hunt.

    abnormal cos ffffflower than 0,5 inductive or 0,8 capacitive.

    undervoltagelower than 80% of input voltage for Is.

    overcapacitivecontroller has disconnected all steps.display shows capacitive cos f.

    frequency not detected during start up50 or 60 Hz 2 Hz.

    overcurrentgreater than 6A for 180 s on CTsecondary side.overvoltagevoltage greater than input voltage setting10% above for 30 minutes (RC12 type)20% above for 1 minute.overtemperaturetemperature inside the bank greater thanthreshold 1.

    overtemperaturetemperature inside the bank greater thanthreshold 2.

    c check voltage connection setting LL/LN;c refer to drawings on page 11;c check contactors and fuses;c measure current on each capacitorterminals;

    c consider bank extension;c alarm can be de-activated see page 22;c set correct value of C/K or useautomatic search function;

    c modify the bank to adapt it to your site;c check voltage connection setting LL/LNand controller connections;

    c refer to drawings page 11;c check location of CT;c alarm can be de-activated see page 22

    c check voltage connection setting LL/LN;c refer to drawings on page 11;c reduce reactive power at small load;c alarm can be de-activated see page 22.

    c replace CT.c consider oversizing capacitors.

    c check cooling of bank and ambianttemperature.









    A9(RC12 type)

    (RC12 type)




  • 25

    code faults possible origin necessary actions automationc high level of harmonic pollution;c resonance.

    c resonance.

    c small load;c defective CT circuit.c CT undersized.

    c wrong connection;c input voltage out of specifications.c wrong voltage connection set LL/LN;c wrong connection.

    c wrong connection;c input voltage out of specifications;c protection fuses defective.c C/K setting is too high;

    c wrong target cos f setting (capacitive).c control circuit defective;c contactors or fuses defective.c network is not stable;

    c wrong connection;c contactors or fuses defective.

    c think about installing detuned banks orfilters.

    c make an harmonic survey.

    c look for the weak step in themeasurement mode;c measure the capacity of the weak step;c replace defective capacitors.

    c check CT circuit using an ammeter.c replace CT.

    c check connection and network voltage.

    c check voltage connection setting LL/LN;c refer to drawings on page 11;c check that CT has been correctlyselected (secondary: 5A).c check connection of controller, voltageinput and state of protection fuses.

    c enter correct C/K or use automaticsearch function.

    c set correct target cos f.c check control circuit of contactors.c check contactors and fuses.c wait for network stabilisation orset C/K manually.c check connection.c check contactors and fuses.


    alarmdisconnection of all stepsautomatic reconnection after 10 minutes.





    THD(U) highgreater than threshold for 2 min.

    capacitor overloadIrms/In greater than threshold for 2 min.

    capacitor output lowone step has lost a significant amountof capacity

    low load currentlower than 0.24 A (0.05 A RC12 type)for 2s on CT secondary side.high load currentgreater than 5.5A for 30s on CTsecondary side.input voltage not detected during start up.

    cos f display is not stable.

    display is blank and does not react to any key.

    controller does not disconnect any stepat small load.

    display shows that some steps areconnected but connections are noteffective.

    automatic search of C/K doesnot succeed.

    A10(RC12 type)

    A11(RC12 type)

    A12(RC12 type)

    I . Low

    I . High

    U . Low




    preprogrammed and recommanded threshold

  • 32

    10 - maintenance (maintenance mode) / maintenance (mode maintenance)berwachungsprogramm / mantenimiento (men mantenimiento)

    Type RC12 only

    Warning: this mode is an expert level.There is no need to enter this modeduring commissioning. In particularalarm threshold initial settings are resultsof experience.The maintenance mode may be entered fromthe alarm mode by pressing keys esc. and ent. simultaneously for 2 s. It is defined on thedisplay by symbol " " . This mode givesaccess to:c programming of thresholds used:v in capacitor overload alarm,v in THD(U) alarm,v to close the fan contact,v in temperature alarm.c reinitialization of settings ofcommissioning, programming, alarm andmaintenance modes (return to initial settings).c display of measurements that may beused for maintenance or troubleshootingpurposes:v voltage,v load current (secondary of CT),v reactive power (secondary of CT),v active power (secondary of CT),v apparent power (secondary of CT),v phase,v Irms/I

    n overload,

    v voltage harmonic spectrum,v temperature.c a capacitor bank test (successiveconnections and disconnections ofcontactors).

    Type RC12 uniquement

    Attention : ce mode est un niveau expertdu menu. Il nest pas ncessaire dyaccder lors de la mise en service de labatterie de compensation. En particulierles prrglages initiaux des seuilsdalarmes ont t dtermins parexprience.Le mode maintenance est accessible partirdu mode alarme en appuyant sur lestouches esc. et ent. simultanmentpendant 2 s . Il est caractris sur lcranpar le symbole " ". Il permet :c le paramtrage des seuils :v de dclenchement de l'alarme surcharge,v de dclenchement de l'alarme harmonique,v dactivation du contact ventilateur,v de dclenchement de l'alarme temprature.c la rinitialisation des rglages des modesinstallation, paramtrage, alarmes etmaintenance (retour aux prrglages initiaux),c laffichage de mesures utiles lamaintenance ou au diagnostic de dfautde lquipement de compensation :v tension,v courant (secondaire TC),v puissance ractive (secondaire TC),v puissance active (secondaire TC),v puissance apparente (secondaire TC),v dphasage,v surcharge Irms/I


    v spectre des tensions harmoniques,v temprature.c la ralisation dune procdure de test defonctionnement de la batterie(enclenchements puis dclenchementssuccessifs des contacteurs).


    MAINTENANCE1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    Bank test1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    MAINTENANCE1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    test batterie1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    ventil. 35C1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11

    Fan 35C1 62 3 4 5

    7 128 9 10 11


    GB F

  • 11 - technical specificationsv digital (0.80 ind ... 0.90 cap)v automatic search of C/Kv manual setting of C/Kv inductive and capacitive values

    v normal, circular (2 versions),linear1.1.1.1

    v on type RC12(auto, fixed, not used)v digital setting

    v digital (microcontroler)v type R12 2.5%v type RC12 1.5%v 16 charactersv 4 keys on front face

    4 access levels5 languages (english, french,german, spanish, finnish)

    v working condition 0...50Cv in storage -20...+60Cv DIN rail mounting IP 20

    panel mounting IP 40v UL94 V0 class

    v RAL 7021v 144 x 144 mm (DIN 43700),

    ...depth 90 mmv 138 x 138 mm -0, +1 mmv according to EN 50022v 1 kgv EN 50082-2, EN 50081-2

    IEC 664, VDE 0110, IEC 1010-1EN 61010-1

    c connection type;

    c connection features;

    c supply voltage;

    c input voltage;

    c momentary no voltagefunction;

    c frequency;c voltage circuit consumption;c current input;

    c current circuit consumption;

    c overloads;

    c generator application;

    c no of step output contacts;c output contact specifications;

    (step and alarm contacts)

    c alarms and warnings;

    v line/line or line/neutral(see drawings)

    v insensitive to CT directionv insensitive to phase

    rotation polarity

    v standard:220/240 V (198...264V)

    v type RC12V120:110/120 V (99...132 V)

    v 110-415 V (99456 V)v disconnection of all steps after

    voltage loss greater than 15 ms,automatic reconnection

    v 50/60 Hz (2 Hz)v 7 VAv for CT ... /5A class 1,

    min. type R12 0,18 Amin. type RC12 0.036 A

    v 0.7 VA

    v current 10 In 5 sv voltage 2 Un 5 s

    v type RC12 only

    v 12v volt free contacts

    2 A, 400 V ac2 A, 250 V ac2 A ,120 V ac0.3 A, 110 V dc0.6 A, 60 V dc2 A, 24 V dc

    v see chapter 9

    c power factor setting;c response current setting;

    c regulation programs;

    c step combinations;

    c programming of stepconfiguration;

    c safety delay betweensuccessive connectionsof same step;

    c processing;c accuracy class;

    c display;c user interface;

    c temperature;

    c protection class;

    c enclosure;

    c colour;c dimensions;

    c panel cut out;c DIN rail mounting;c weight;c standards;



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