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  • 7/29/2019 Manual 2DV 16 En


    Manual VARIANT Version 16

  • 7/29/2019 Manual 2DV 16 En


    4. Basic elements

    5. Right menu

    6. Left menu


    1. Introduction2. Creating a new 2DV file

    3. Fundamental notions


    3.1 Left menu

    3.2 Right menu

    3.3 Top menu

    3.4 Param eters window

    3.5 Insert ion window

    4.1 Auxi l iary l ines4.2 Text4.3 Dimensioning

    5.1 Undo / Redo5.2 Add menu5.2.1 2D Elements5.2.2 3D Elements

    5.2.3 Add plane5.2.4 Add param eter5.3 Copy5.3.1 Duplicate5.3.2 In another plane5.4 Modify5.4.1 Alt itude5.4.2 Addit ional sett ings5. 5 Copy

    6.1 Window6.2 Graphic mode6.3 3D6.4 Sett ings6.4.1 End types6.4.2 Backup copy6.4.3 Edit6.4.4 Ask t iff ( image)

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    7. Programming

    8. Autoparam

    7.1 Programming7.2 Types of param eters7.2.1 Constant param eter

    7.2.2 Variable parame ter7.2.3 Autoparam7.3 Mathem atical funct ions7.4 Texts7.4.1 Constant text7.4.2 Text with variables7.4.3 Text with variable num eric values7.4.4 Text for the display of values while insert ing the variant7.4.5 Text blocking the group and nam e of a door/window

    8.1 Architectural elements8.2 Beam Autoparam


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    Init file list

    Project name

    Fig 1 - Creating a variant file


    1. Introduction:

    Since a major part of the variant funct ions come from the 2 D and 3D m odules, this man ual refers primari ly to manualsf rom these two m odules . On ly the comm ands which are un ique to the var iant program are handled in th is document .

    A ls o, sin ce th e bas ics o f 2D and 3D must be lea rn ed in or de r to us e th e var ia nt m od u le, th e us e of th e m ous e and th eintroduct ion to l inear elements for exam ple wont be dealt with in this document.

    2. Creating a new 2DV file:

    The procedure of creat ing a new variant f i le is the same as the one used to create a new 2D or 3D f i le. In the samemanne r, it is possible to select an "init" f i le containing the draw ing preferences, notably with the graph ic mode s l ike in2D.

    Whe n creat ing a variant f i le, a backup folder wil l also be created containing the .bak. f i les. These f i les funct ion on thesame p rinciple used for a 2D or 3D f i le.

    3. Fundamental notions:

    Within the variant, the midd le button of the m ouse is disact ivated. It is not possible to create an arbitrary point inthe plane. All the objects created in the variant must be linked to auxiliary lines. In effect, only the intersectionsbetween these a uxi l iary l ines can be used in ord er to add l ines, quotat ions, l inear elements, etc. .

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    Fig 6 - Parameter window

    3.4. Parameter window:

    The parameter window al lows you to v isual ize the variables created as well as other information described below

    (Figure 6). This one can be edited in part.

    The l ine wall symbol al lows you to choose the cursor symbol wh en insert ing doors and windows.

    The 3rd column shows the values attr ibuted to the parameters, or the formulas based on the number of parameters.This column can be m odif ied. Once the m odif ication is val idated, the au xi l iary l ines are re-drawn.

    The 4th co lumn indicates the parameter 's un i t : a d is tance, an angle or w i thout any un i ts such as a num ber of copiesfor example.

    The 1st column shows the num ber of parameters. These ones cannot be mod if ied.

    The 2nd colum n show s the names o f the parameters. This column can be edited simply by c l ick ing on the cel l you wish

    to modify using the left button of the mou se.

    The 5th column shows the help images attr ibuted to the parameters. The images can be seen on the top right s ide ofthe screen w hen the m ouse is p laced on the red check mark . The but ton with the ". .. " a l lows you to choose an image ,the button with the cross al lows you to d elete it .

    The 6th column a l lows you to define a series of values which can be chosen wh en the variant is created. Many options

    are possible:

    If the column is empty: the value found in the formula column wil l be suggested by d efault.

    A ser ies of val ue s se par at ed by a "+ " sign a llow you to ch oo se betw ee n th es e va lues when in se rt in g th e va rian t.Syntax : 100+2 00

    If this series of values is preceded by a "?" s ign, then it wil l be possible to enter another value on top of the choice

    that was sugge sted during the insert ion.Syntax : ?100+200

    It is possible to enter text in the same way.Syntax : Pine +Fir

    Fundamental Notions

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    Image thumbnai l

    F ig 7 - insert window

    3.5. Insert window:

    The insert window (Figure 7) appears when you use a variant in the 2D or 3D m odule (it 's posible to use a variant

    from a 2D f i le; s l ide and drop the variant folder onto the 2D window). This one wil l appear with the pre-definedvalues made w hen the variant as well as the quest ions, texts and images were created. When the cursor is placed

    onto the various l ines, the corresponding images a re posted.

    It is possible to modify the defined values by select ing the specif ic cel l wanted. It is equally possible to replace thecel l 's values by a m easurable value within the 2D or 3D module. To do so, c l ick on the cal iper (in the me asure column)and fol low the instruct ions at the bo ttom of the screen.

    Default values can equally be defined within the variant. In order to see these values, it is necessary to click on thel ine. An icon from the m enu act ing similar to the one from the variable text column appears and al lows you to choosea variable (cf. 3.4 6th column).

    The sym metry option al lows you to s ituate the variant when insert ing in 2D.Examp le: When you w ant to insert a variant from a quarter winded staircase plan v iew, you can choo se its orientat ionwith this opt ion. The symm etry wil l be don e autom atical ly.

    The discret isat ion angle is 5 degrees by default.The discret isat ion is only necessary for the volumes added in 3D.An ot he r v al ue ca n be use d to in cr ea se or le ss en th e num be r of fa ce ts .

    The "Last Val." button al lows you to re-use al l the values used for the last insert ion of the same variant.

    A clipboard number can be defined when adding a variant in 3D.

    Example: When a truss is inserted in 3D by using a variant, a clipboard for the 2D (with a number of your

    choice) is automatically created in order to allow this same truss to be inserted with the dimensions and

    texts corresponding to the values entered in the window.

    Fundamental Notions

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    Fig 8 - Auxiliary lines

    Example : Auxiliary lines with an offset

    Parameter number

    Parameter name

    Fig 9 - First parameter

    Hide circle

    Hide all

    Hide straight

    Hide point

    Show al l

    Default value

    4. Basic elements:

    4.1. Auxiliary lines:

    The auxi l iary l ines of the variant are identical in 2D and 3D, except in the variant program, they cannot be erased.They can how ever be m ade invis ible with the help of the buttons shown b elow (Figure 8)

    It is equally possible to create new parameters using the aux i l iary l ines requir ing values. These must be preceded by a"?" s ign.

    The program req uires :Distance to the right (or c irc le) : ?2000Name of param eter (or quest ion) : Length of bar

    Once these entries have been made, and the l ine placed, it wil l be possible to maneuver the parameter in theparameter window (Figure 9) :

    4.2. Texts:

    The text in the variant module is different from the o ne used in 2D in that you can show variables. These variables caneither be text or numeric values. See Chap ter 7.

    Basic Elements

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    Distance betweenReference point for dimensionthe object and the

    Fig 10 - Creat ing a dimension

    Fig 11 - 2D Elements


    4.3. Dimensions:

    Dimensioning in the v ariant module is done very mu ch l ike in the 2D mod ule. The difference l ies in the fact that you

    have to add an auxi l iary l ine at a va riable or non-variable distance from the object to be dime nsioned (Figure 10). Th isl ine corresponds to the distance betwe en the dimension and the d imensioned object.

    5. Right menu:

    5.1 Undo/Redo:

    See chapter 6.4.2.

    5.2. Add menu:

    5.2.1. 2D Elements:

    The basic information concerning text l ines, dimensions

    and nodes can be found in the 2D manual in chapter 3.3.2D ob jects mu st be defined using auxi l iary l ines.By default, these wil l only be v is ible once the variant isinserted in 2D.However, it is possible to post objects in 3D by checkingthe box "3D Exit" (Modify; Addit ional settings).

    Basic Elements

    The "Add" menu a l l ows you to add in 2D as we l l a s 3 D e lemen ts. The menu i s the refo re d i v ided in two pa r ts (cf .5.2.1 & 5.2.2).

    The f irst part serves to define 2D objects such as l ines, text, dimen sions as well as nodes. Th ese objects are invis ibleby default unt i l the variant is inserted in 3D. Please refer to the 2D m anual for more d etai ls.

    The bot tom part of the add menu a l lows you to def ine ob jects in 3D. These can be see when the var iant is inserted in2D or in 3D . Please refer to 3D m anual for more de tai ls on these different objects.


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    Fig 12 - 3D Elements

    Example : Beam with 4 links

    Fig 13 - Post with 4 braces

    5.2.2. 3D Elements:

    The basic information concerning 3D elements here showncan be found in the 3D manual in chapter 3.3.J us t l ik e 2D ob je ct s, o b je c ts in 3D mus t be d raw n w it h

    auxiliary lines.T o a dd a lin ea r e le m en t, lik e in 3 D , y ou m u st n ot o nlyknow the object 's axis points but also careful ly draw itscontour. Once the contour is defined, all that's left is todefine the 3D aspect of the element and the direct ion of

    its axes using two points. If necessary, its name, groupand sub-group can be indicated as well.The AUTOPARAM bars are described in chapter 8.2.

    The 3D elements are v is ible in 2D and 3D by default. It is also possible to choose which elements wil l be posted in:Mod ify, Addit ional sett ings, Exit 2D/3D.

    5.2.3. Add plane:

    The add plane funct ion is specif ic to the 2D variant program. It al lows you to move elements drawn in the variant

    work plane into another p lane when inserting the variant in a 3D f i le. The add plane al lows the user to de fine the axesof rotat ion to which eleme nts are l inked. Once a plane is defined, the funct ion mov e or copy into another plane m ust

    be used. The result is only visible once the variant is inserted into a 3D file.

    1. Traced pieces in the same plane :

    2. Add rotat ion plane :

    Define x prime a xis : (rotat ion axis)

    Reference point :At ten tion : A ll el em en ts ar e dra w n on axi s . The HVAfunct ion must be set on A. This wil l avoid having tomodify the alt itude of pieces or the plane after.

    Next, both l inks must be act ivated. Go to Cop y/ Into another plane, and choose the name "P lane l ink" entered before.(cf. 5.3.2)

    An gle : 90Name : Plane l ink

    Right menu

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    Fig 14 - Type of parameter

    Fig 15 - Parameter measure

    Start point (0 ; 0 ; 0)

    Ar riva l p oi nt (0 ; 0 ; A)

    The Add param eter menu al lows you to create variables and to use them after. Each t ime a param eter is created, it isinscribed in the parameter window. The parameters can thus be used to create auxi l iary l ines, a formula or even atext.

    The Measure funct ion al lows you to

    measure graphic information such asa distance between two points, a

    surface, etc. (Figure 15)

    5.3. Copy:

    5.3.1. Dup licate:

    Mos t o f the copy func tions a re s im i la r t o the 2D and 3D programs . On ly the fo ll ow ing func tions a re un ique to thevariant.

    The du plicate funct ion al lows you to create a variable num ber of copies. Note that the copy/copies won t be v is ible unti lthe insert ion into a 2D or 3D f i le. Two types of duplicat ion are possible: translat ion and rotat ion(ex:...............................) (ex. : couronne de boulon).

    Its possible to make translat ions using two methods: by vector or by coordinates.The duplicat ion by vector can forexamp le be used to distr ibute parts in a st ick frame wall.

    The coordinates can be used to create a duplication in the 3rd dimension (Z).

    Vec to r : Coordinates :Desig nate the first vector point. Start point :

    X coordinate o f2D point : 0Y coordinate of 2D po int : 0Z coordinate of2D point : 0

    Arrival point :X coordinate o f2D point : 0

    Designate the second vector point. Y coordinate of 2D point : 0(distance between the parts). Z coordinate of 2D point : Rafter distance

    Num ber of copies : Purl in length / Rafter distance

    Numb er of copies :Wall length / stud distance

    5.2.4. Add parameter:

    Right menu

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    Direction - for Z

    Direction + for thickness

    Working plane in the Variant

    Fig 16 - Alt itude in the variant

    Position of plane

    Cutting plane

    5.3.2. In another plane:

    Once a p lane is defined (cf. 5.2.3), it 's possible to copy one or m ore pieces in another plane. The copies w il l only bevis ible once the variant is inserted in 2D or in 3D .

    5.4. Modify:

    5.4.1. A lt itude:

    The 2D objects are logical ly placed in the plane.However, for objects in 3D, the 3rd dimension is managed by the alt itude of the pieces which corresponds to the Zdimension in the variant plane. If you add a 3d elem ent it wil l place itself depening on the HVA sett ings.

    In the case where this funct ion is set to H- Ba ckground- one of the surfaces of the plane is placed in the variant plane

    (alt itude 0) and the other behind this one (alt itude-thickness of volume).

    When an objec t is ac t ivated, the in formation concern ing th is objec t appears at the bot tom r ight corner of the screen.Z2 co rresponds to the a l ti tude on top and the d i f fe rence be tween Z2 and Z1 co rresponds to the th ic kness o f the

    volume. Attention, this thickness can correspond to the w idth, height or length depe nding on the m enu selected whenthis object was created (respectful ly seen from the front v iew, top v iew, cut?...... . .).

    Right menu

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    Fig 17 - Cuts




    5.4.2. Add it ional sett ings:

    When c r eat in g a 2D o r 3D e lement , e a ch h a ve s pe c if ic p roper ti es ( see Add menu) . That i s t o s a y t ha t t h e se 2Delements wil l only appear in 2D, and the 3D e lements wil l appear in 3D as well as in 2D.

    It 's possible for a 2D object, a l ine for example, to a ppear in 3D . In this case, in addit ional sett ings, the 3D Exit boxcan be cheked.For a 3D object, it's possible to remove the checkm ark either for 2D or 3D .

    5.5. Cut:

    The cut funct ion works identical to the 'CUT REMO VE (hard/soft)' function in cadwork 3d .Yo u m ust act iv at e an e lem en t, an d de fin e whe th er th is element g ives out or ta ke s th e ame fo rm at w ith th e help of th e

    funct ions.A te m por ar y aux ili a ry e le men t ca n be use d as a cu tt in g e lem en t (e xtrude r) . Once th e cu t has be en m ad e in 3d th eextruder wil l automatical ly be deleted.

    Note that the cuts are not v isual ized in the 2D V program me; it 's only v is ible once the variant is loaded into cadwo rk 2dor 3d.

    As so on as th e cu ts are def in ed th ey can be co n trol le dusing the 'show cut ' window (Fig. 17).

    The 'Show cut ' window shows the fol lowing info :1. The remov al or not of the extruder in 3D.2. Cut order by l ine.

    3. Number of elemen ts to be cut.

    The cut order can be modif ied by dragging the l ine in thedesired posit ionBy defining a suitable cutt ing order, a half lap can, forexamp le, be defined in a variant.

    6. Left menu:

    6.1. Window:

    This funct ion al lows you to m ake the param eter window vis ible or invis ible. The keyboard shortcut for this funct ion is .

    Right menu

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    6.2. Graphic modes:

    The Gr M odes can be set and used in the same w ay as in 2D (cf. 4.14 2D Ma nual). However, it is possible to directly

    load the sett ings contained in a 2D f i le, with the help of the middle button of the mouse, c l ick on Mode GR and awindow w il l open in order to choose the 2D f i le containing the desired sett ings.

    6.3. 3D:

    This button starts the "cadwork 3D viewer. This al lows you to have a 3D rep resenation of the variant. In this man ner,it is possible to verify the posit ioning of the pieces in space. Th is mode takes into account any d uplicat ion of pieces,rotat ions in the planes as w ell as the texture of the material chosen for the volumes.Note that cuts wil l not be shown in the 3d v iewer.

    6.4. Settings:

    6.4.1. : End types

    This funct ion allows you to ma nage the various end types for the variant. This window funct ions on the same basis asin the 3D module. It 's possible to load the 3D configurat ion by c l ick ing the button): Load config *.3d. (in the samemenu. T his funct ion al lows you to load the material parame ters as well.

    6.4.2. Backup copy

    This funct ion op ens the cadw ork c i-start where you can choose the numb er and locat ion of security copies.

    Backup copies are created whenever the f i le is saved. The funct ion UNDO/REDO is using backup f i les in order torecreate the previous s ituat ion. That means that cadw ork automatical ly loads the last backup copy whe n you ap ply theUNDO function..

    6.4.3. Edit

    This funct ion was created in order to translate quest ions, texts, as well as piece names, groups and sub-groups inother languages.

    Left menu

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    Fig 18 - Edit i

    Other funct ions are also avai lable in this window :



    1.The attribution of color to the various lines. This will facilitate the insertion of the variants (cf. 3.5). Select the line

    in the "Translat ion" colum n, and then choo se a color in the "Color of the act ivated quest ion" menu.

    2. Changing the l ine order. Cl ick on the do uble arrow to the left of the l ine to be posit ioned and then release when theposition is convenient.

    3. Edit and modify quest ions, texts, part names, group- and subgroup n ames.The edit window can be used to translate variants in different languages. Note that it is also possible to edit thequest ions and texts in the parameter window.

    6.4.4. Ask t if f ( image):

    Whe n the box is checked, the program a sks to choose an image for every newly added parameter.

    It is also possible to add images once the variante is f in ished (cf. 3.4 5th colomn ).

    How to create images for the variant?

    Two con dit ions are necessary in order to create images:

    Pictures have to be created in the t if f f i le format.The resolut ion should not exceed. 240x180 pixels.

    A spe c if ic fu nct io n of th e 2D m od ule al low s yo u to cr ea te im ages ra p id ly w ith th e righ t fo rm at a nd si ze .

    Procedure to create the images :

    Open the BitmapVER 15.1.2d f i le which is locate in this directory:

    \cadwork.dir\\userprofi l\2dv\TiffParamThis f i le contains examp les of help images as w ell as the procedure to create these imag es with the right s ize. The

    images have to be imported and exported fol lowing this procedure.

    Left menu

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    7. Programming:

    7.1. Programming:

    7.2. Parameter types:

    7.2.1. Fixed param eter:

    7.2.2. Variable parameter:

    The variant modu le al lows you to rapidly generate objects which by nature are repetit ive. The num ber and type o f theelement are known but their geometry varies. This solut ion is possible because of a sort of macro prog ramm ing.

    The idea is the fol lowing: the designer creates a basic plane and d efines a parameter for each mod if iable value as wellas the content of the quest ion. An image can be l inked to the param eter if necessary (cf. 3.4 5th colomn).

    For each entry of a modif iable value, a parameter must be created. These parameters can be obtained in differentways:

    In the Add/ Parameters me nu (cf. 5.2.4).

    By using auxi l iary l ines as an intermediary: it is imperat ive to add a quest ion mark before the value when creat ing anew variable (cf. 4.1).

    By m odify ing the alt itude or the thickness of an elem ent.

    A fixe d or var iab le pa ra me te r ca n be in se rted. Don' t fo rg e t to ad d a "? " bef or e th e va lu e in or der fo r it to be va ri ab le .The alt itude of these elements can be modif ied anyt ime with the help of the Modify/Alt itude menu. This alt itude canalso be variable as w ell.

    Un no mbre, i l s 'agit d'un nom bre rel dont la valeur est constante.

    A number:

    Il has to be a real number (cf. 4.1 Example).

    The number or name of a parameter:

    A parameter can be equivalent to another pre-defined parameter. The number of the parameter is

    introduced as variable.

    Distance to a straight line : P6

    A variable can be composed of various elements: Combinations with variables and mathematical equations

    are possible. The rules of algebra must of course be respected.Distance to a straight line : P4*2+p5/3


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    7.2.3. Autoparam:

    7.3. Mathematical functions:

    The AUTOPARAM are reserved for a c learly defined and very specif ic use. The values for AUTOPARAM are defined bythe architectural module. For more info please see chapter 8 in the 2d m anual..

    Every parameter is def ined by a va lue or a formula. The syntax for formulas is the same as used by ca lcu lators andspreadsheet app licat ions (e.g. Excel).

    Al geb ra ic oper at io ns:The ope rat ions are under the rules of operat ions priorities, parentheses are val id.

    Ad diti on < +> / Sub tract ion < -> / Mult ipl ication < *> / D iv is ion / Powers and roots < ^> / Factorial < !>

    Trigonome tric funct ions:sin () / cos() / tan ()asin () / acos () / atan ()cosh () / s inh ()

    Mathem atical funct ionsexp() -> Exponentln() -> Natural Logarithmlog() -> logarithm (to base 10)abs() -> Absolute value => ABS(-12)= 12

    sgn() -> Signum funct ion => SGN(-12)= -1 ; SGN(0)= 0 ; SGN(12)= 1int() -> Integer => INT(12.8)=12frac() -> Fract ion => FRAC (12.8)=0.8sqr() -> Square root => SQR (16)=4constante -> PI(=3.1415...) ; EE(=2.718 2...) => Pi*5^ 2


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    7.4. Texts:

    7.4.2. Text with variable:

    7.4.3. Text with variable numeric value:

    7.4.1. Constant text:

    A nor ma l te xt

    If a text contains a variable at the end of the l ine you m ust enter "(#?)" in front of the variable by default, as well asat the end.If the variable occupies another posit ion in the text, the syntax rema ins the same.Content of text : Material (#?)Pine(#?)Content of text : (#?)Length :(#?) 120 m m

    Num erous variables can make up a text.Content of text : (#?)Designer(#? ) : (#?)John(#?)

    If w e w a nt t o c ho os e b etw e en a n um b e r o f v ar ia ble t ex ts , th e 6 th c olu m n o f t he p ara m et er s w in do w c an b e

    completed. The variable texts must be separated by a "+" sign just l ike the numeric variables(cf. 3.4).

    The variable refers itself to another param eter.

    E i ther a parameter def ining a number or a text . Th is one can in t roduced in a text c reated subsequent ly . To ach ievethis, you m ust write its number after the (#) symb ol.

    P1 : Parameter with a numeric value of 140 mmSyntax : W idth = (#)P1 mmPosted result : Width = 140

    It 's possible to associate them in the sam e text :Syntax : Length = (#)P1 m m ; Width = (#)P2 mmPosted result : Length = 2000 m m ; Width = 80 m m

    The numeric values shown in a text can remain locked in a well def ined unit of measure. When insert ing in 2D,

    whichever the un i t o f m easure chosen, the va lue in the text is posted with the same un i t o f measure def ined in the


    In this example, the parameter P1 has a value of 3,8 m 2

    Syntax : Surface = (#.# -m)P1 m 2

    The f i rs t # represen ts the en t ire pa rt o f the number , the # a ft e r the " ." s ign represen ts the number o f dec ima ls

    desired.Result : Surface = 3.8 m 2

    The avai lable units are the fol lowing:Units for length : -m m, -cm, -m, - in.

    Units for angles : -deg, -rad, -grad, -%.


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    Whe n insert ing a variant, it is sometimes useful to know the value of a parame ter resulting from an e quation. This textwil l be placed in the insert ion window in 3D or in 2D .

    To do this, you m ust write a text which begins w ith : ctrltxtautoparam.

    Example : Stickframe wallLet 's say a wall is 12ft long and you have a stud spacing of 16" o.c. You can now use the funct ion ctr ltxtautoparam tof ind out the number of spaces.

    Fist : Add a parameter that describes the numb er of spaces(=P3).P1 : W all length ; P2 : Stud spacing ; P3=P 1/P2

    Syntaxe : ctr ltxtautoparam: Num ber of spaces: (#)P3Output displayed: Numb er of spaces : 8

    7.4.4. Text for the display of v alues while insert ing the variant

    7.4.5. Text blocking the group nam e and the nam e of a door/ window:

    For the doors and windows used in the architecture mode in 2D, the group and the name of these elements can be

    taken direct ly from the variant. This prevents you from ha ving to do it in 2D.

    atxtutoparam for the names.btxtautoparam for the groups.

    Syntax : atxtautoparam: FEN1 ; FEN2 ; FEN3btxtautoparam: MUR 1 ; MUR2 ; MUR 3

    Result :


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    F ig 20 - AUTOPARAM1-5

    F ig 21 - AUTOPARAM6

    8. Autoparam:

    8.1. Architectural elements:

    The Au topa ram pa rameters a re ma in ly as signed to doors and w indows used in the a rch i tec tu ral mode in 2D. In thevariant, these param eters refer to the dimensions of the open ing and are u sed for its conception.

    When using this variant in architecture, these parameters are automatical ly recognized and are associated, for

    example, with the width of the opening, the height of the doorstep, etc. They also al low the variant to adapt itselfautomatically to the wall thickness.

    The 2DV f i les containing AUTOPARM have to be saved in the folder 'Wall ' . That way the windows and door variantscan be loaded w ith the shortcut (add architecture) in cadwo rk 2d and 3d.


    Here are the different parame ters avai lable:

    The architectural elements are attr ibuted in the fol lowingmanner:

    " AUTOPARAM3 " : Thickness wall 1 (A).

    " AUTO PARAM 4 " : Distance wall 1- wall 2 (B).

    " AUTOPARAM5 " : Thickness wall 2 (C).

    " AUTO PARAM 6 " : Radius of c ircular opening (D).

    Les " AUTOPARA M7-9 " spare param eters for future use


  • 7/29/2019 Manual 2DV 16 En


    F ig 21 - AUTOPARAM 6

    " AUTOPA RAM 10 " : Altitude door bottom. (E)

    " AUTO PARAM 11 " : Altitude door top. (F)

    " AUTOPA RAM 12 " : Alt itude window bottom. (G)

    " AUTOPA RAM 13 " : Alt itude window top. (H)

    There are other types of AUTOPA RAM that are displayed when insert ing doors and windows in 2D. De fault values canbe assigned according to the m anufacturers or the usual dimensions.

    " AAUTOPARAM " : Open ing width ." BAUTOPARAM " : Open ing angle.

    " CAUTOPARAM " : Open ing he ight.

    At ten tio n: CA UTOPARAM ca n 't be use d to des ig n th e va rian t. I t's on ly us ed to def in e th e def au lt al ti tu de . UseAU TOPAR AM 10 -13 to def in e oth e r al ti tu des.


    8.2. Beam Autoparam

    AU TOPAR AM -b ea ms ca n be define d usin g AUTOPA RAM 16, 17 and 18 .AUTOPARAM 16 : Beam heightAUTOPARAM 17 : Beam widthAUTOPARAM 18 : Beam length

    When you create th is beam, the program automat ica lly p laces a beam with f ront v iew (above or be low) w ith the s izeyou enter. The beam is placed from the original locat ion.

    This beam acts as a reference beam for inserting variables into 3D. Al l the elements associated with the beam in theredefined variant wil l be autom atical ly compared and a djusted to the beam d esignated 3D.

    The eleme nts are oriented relat ive to the direct ion of the beam in 3D an d designated a ccording to the posit ion of theAUTOPARAM-b eam in th e va ri an t.

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