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October 4, 2012, Thursday –The second batch of the Chemical Engineering Technology students went to the Manila Water Company Inc for the Industrial Orientation Program. We were accompanied by Prof. Hinojales and we all wore our tech shirts. Riding on a coaster of the Manila Water, we excitedly left TUP at 7:30 am heading to the 1st stop which is the Balara Water Treatment Plant, also the headquarters office of the Manila Water Company Inc that is located in MWSS Admin Bldg 489 Katipunan Rd Balara, Quezon City. This is also where the Lakbayan Center is located. The whole plant tour is covered by the Lakbayan Water Trail Program of the Manila Water Company which primary purpose is to open up the minds of people into saving the environment and how the water from our home is treated.

We were gladly welcomed by the people of Manila Water, especially Ms. Heidi Demaisip who’s the Lakbayan Manager. At the entrance, we were given our name tags and reusable water bottles which were also signed with our name and date. We sat on the seats provided inside the conference room and Ms. Heidi Demaisip shared brief information about the company, particularly its history, and its company vision and sustainability programs. The process of the water treatment and sewage treatment were also discussed and this included watching of videos and powerpoint presentation.

Manila Water Company Inc. is a private water and wastewater utility company serving 6.1 million customers in Manila’s East Zone. It is owned by the Ayala Corporation with Fernando Zobel de Ayala as the Chairman of the Board and Executive Committee. The board of directors includes Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala as the Vice Chairman, Gerardo C. Ablaza Jr., President and CEO, with directors, Antonino T. Aquino, Delfin L. Lazaro, John Eric T. Francia, Masaji Santo, Ricardo Nicanor N. Jacinto, Simon Gardiner, and Solomon M. Hermosura, and with independent directors, Jose L. Cuisia Jr and Oscar S. Reyes. The employees, the management team, and the members of the board continually seek team efforts to make the company fulfill their mission and vision. The Manila Water Company Inc. is Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System’s east concessionaire, with Maynilad Water Services as its counterpart in the West zone. MWSS and Manila Water, as it is usually called, had a 25-year concession agreement that will terminate in the year of 2022. However, it was extended until August 1, 2037. It was on January 6, 1997 when it was incorporated. On the other hand, it was on August 1, 1997 when it built its Public Private Partnership (PPP) with the Philippine Government’s MWSS. It was publicly listed on March 18, 2005 with ownership structure of42.8% Public,31.7% Ayala Group,11.7% United Utilities,7% Mitsubishi and 6.8% International Finance Corporation. Before the privatization, Manila Water was left with great problems to face. There were illegal connections of water pipes, low water pressure, poor customer service and low sanitation. People then vends water and there was a heavy urgent of water supply to the poor communities of Metro Manila. The agreement with MWSS aims to expand the service coverage, improve service delivery and insure operating efficiency.

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There are 24 cities and municipalities in Metro Manila in which Manila Water give services to, namely; Makati, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Taguig, Pateros, San Juan, Marikina, some parts of Quezon City (Cubao, Balara) and Antipolo in Rizal province with a total land area of 1,400 sq m in Manila’s East Zone. These cities are called concession areas or business areas of Manila Water. As the Manila Water takes full effort in fulfilling its mission, they checked every poor community with illegal connections, have it fixed and offered less payment in water connections.

To become the leader in the provision of water, wastewater, and other environmental services which will empower people, protect the environment and enhance the sustainable development is the Manila Water’s vision.

empower people protect the environment enhance sustainable development

We may be all wondering where does the water in our household came from or even how it comes in our faucets clean and potable. The water being treated by the Manila Water’s 3 water treatment plants came from the Umiray diversion dam which has 99% of water from the multipurpose Angat Dam in Norzagaray, Bulacan which has a storage capacity of 850 million cubic meters, then it goes to the gravity-concrete Ipo Dam with 7.5 million cubic meters storage capacity that’s just 7.5 km downstream of Angat Dam, then it goes to the earth dam of La Mesa in Fairview, Novaliches, Quezon City with 50.5 million cubic meters storage capacity. 60% of the water from Angat is allotted for Maynilad and the remaining 40% is for the Manila Water. This 40% is stored in La Mesa watershed and only the needed amount of water will go through the treatment plants, most particularly in Balara Treatment Plants wherein the raw water will be treated with chlorine and will go the pumping stations or to the distribution systems to be able to use in the households with 24-hour uninterrupted water supply. Balara Treatment Plants transforms 1.35 million cubic meters of raw water into potable water every day.

In Balara Treatment Plant is where the delicate process of water-lightenment took place.. The raw water from La Mesa reservoir still isn’t ready for use in the households, it then undergoes into several process. There are 7-steps of water-lightenment. The first step is the Pre-Chlorination, in this stage the raw water is cleansed by adding Chlorine to remove dirt and impurities. Next is the Rapid Coagulation, coagulants

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like alum and polymer are added to the water, with rapid spinning that will then form lumps of dirt slowly by flocculators to further remove the dirt that floats. The 4th step which is the Sedimentation , separates the flocs from the water. The lumps of dirt or flocs sink into the large sedimentation basins and then separation takes place. Intermediate Chlorination is the preceding stage wherein Chlorine is again added to water for disinfecting purposes. The 6th step is Filtration. Filter beds are used to separate the remaining dirt from the water. In this, microscopic impurities like algae, and harmful bacteria are removed. The 7th and final step is the Post- Chlorination in which the filtered water is treated with Chlorine that will ensure that microbes will not contaminate the water in the delivery of water supply to the households.

From the Balara Treatment Plants the water will then go to the pumping stations that will undergo Water Quality Testing in the Potability Laboratory, then to the households and lastly to the Wastewater Treatment Plants.

Raw water supply comes from Angat Dam

water is then transferred to Ipo Dam

stored in La Mesa reservoir

to be treated in Balara Treatment Plants

treated water is distributed to the pumping stations

delivered in households to the customers

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The 7 steps to Water-lightenment:

The water delivered to the households will soon become waste. Due to improper disposal of waste river systems were dead. 35% of improper sanitation is present in slums. All the used water in the sink and in the toilet will directly go to the rivers if septic tanks aren’t provided. This wastewater is harmful for the environment and will pollute the rivers. Waste water must be treated so that it can go back to the rivers without polluting it. Manila Water innovated a technology that will solve this kind of problem. Sewer line connection is the solution. Pipes from households that contain wastewater or sewer lines are connected to the sewage treatment plants and the waste water will then be treated in there to be brought back to the rivers. Although, most of the households use septic tanks and 80% of the households in Metro Manila use this tanks which are improperly disposed and not maintained, it is then necessary to desludge the septic tanks every 3-5 years to avoid leaks that will lead to the pollution of the rivers. Also, 31% of the illness came from this cause, the improper disposal of sewage.


Rapid Coagulation

Flocculation Sedimentation

Intermediate Chlorination

Filtration Post-Chlorination

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Inside the Lakbayan Center, we watched videos regarding the water and wastewater treatment process. Then after some discussions we took some time having our pictures taken. We were asked to write down our names on a leaf-shaped sticker and have it put on the wall with tree decals. There were 3 tree decals and the leaves of the tree will be completed every time the visitors participate the Lakbayan program. We were also given brown-bagged snack. The 2nd stop is the La Mesa Dam which is located in Fairview, Novaliches, Quezon City. While inside the coaster, learning hadn’t stopped; we watched several videos regarding proper waste management and environment awareness. Also, to keep us motivated while in the tour, Ms. Heidi asked us questions and gave prices to those who answered the questions correctly.

We then arrived in La Mesa watershed and finally had a chance to take a glimpse in the sole water reservoir in the National Capital Region. It was in 1929 when La Mesa Facility was built. The normal water level of La Mesa Dam is 80 m and can overflow when it reaches 80.15 m. The water that will spill in times when heavy rainfall is present will go to the built-in spillway of the reservoir. La Mesa facility has no gates that will disperse the overflowed water in the reservoir. The water will be directed to the spillway and will flow through the Tulyahan River. That day the water elevation of La Mesa dam is 79.26 m. If in times that the supply of the water from Angat Dam is short, in cases where El Nino occurred, the La Mesa Dam will not be dried up. The east concession areas will still have supply of water, if the case may be too serious and Angat Dam is all dried up, which probably won’t happen, however, La Mesa Dam may only supply water that will last up to 15-30 days only.

The 3rd and final stop is the UP Sewage Treatment Plant. Manila Water Co. Inc. is

proper treatment of wastewater

improper waste treatment

wastewater treatment plant in Makati Cityfilter press

an intake where raw water from Angat Dam enters La Mesa reservoir.

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the largest wastewater operator in the Philippines. It operates the most number of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) with the biggest treatment capacity. Currently, Manila Water operates 38 sewage plants in the metro. In UP STP the sewage from the University of the Philippines-Diliman all goes directly to the STP connected by a sewer line. Hence, UP Diliman will no longer ask Manila Water to desludge their septic tanks because from the toilets and sinks, the sewage goes directly to the STP. In the Sewage Treatment Plant, the septage undergoes processes of treatment. The first process is called Screening, in this process the sep -tage coming from the sewer lines is screened with the aid of bar screens. These bar screens separates the garbage(tissu e papers, napkins, hair strands, shampoo and conditioner foils, paper, plastics, etc.) from the sludge. The water that must be treated must only contain bio-solids and urine. After passing the screening process, the water will undergo the aeration treatment. In Aeration or activated sludge process, wherein biological process takes place in breaking down bio-solids, the tank is held open to permit aerobic bacteria growth that will “eat up” organic pollutants that will then settle at the bottom as sludge. The wastewater will go to the clarifier tanks which contain silica sand that has a filtering capacity. Dirt will sedimentate and the water is then filtered and only the clarified wastewater will remain. Since, nothing is wasted, the sludge will be further treated with the filter press, and then being subjected to an elevated temperature that will make the sludge dry and be brought to the lahar areas as agricultural fertilizers. The clarified water is then already safe for water creatures to live with. It is then brought back to the rivers safe and pollution-free.

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The issue about climate change is very serious. We are living in this planet where people can live. If we are to destroy it, it would also be like gradual killing of ourselves. We live in this planet and we have the responsibility to take care of it. Improper waste disposal permits pollution of rivers and waterways leading to dead water ecosystem. Fishes will die and the rivers will become polluted. Water is life, and without it we can’t live. If all the rivers would be dead, would there be still sources for potable drinking water we need in order to survive? Perhaps, we will eventually if that is the case. The lesson here is that we people must not only care for ourselves. Let us care for the environment. One simple act may do, keeping your candy wrapper in your pockets instead of throwing elsewhere, re-using drinking bottles and avoiding the disposable ones and of course practicing proper sanitation and waste disposal.

Manila Water Co. Inc initiated programs that help in promoting a greener environment. One is what we had participated, the Lakbayan Water Trail Program. In this program, people in every age and walks of life are being informed about what is really the effect of the improper waste disposal in our environment. Through this, people will develop a care for the environment because they know the bad effects that will happen. Also one goal of the Manila Water and should also our goal is to revive the life of the 3 rivers in Metro Manila, San Juan, Marikina and Pasig.

Together we can join hands and be part of saving the environment. One small act will do. With everyday practice we can truly save our environment before it’s too late. It is the only place we have. Let us treasure it and never abuse it because in the end we will also be the victims of our own indifferences.

‘’ Start a good habit that we cannot break.” - Ms. Heidi S. Demasip, Lakbayan Manager, Communication Affairs Department on citing ways how we can save our in environment in our own little ways

La Mesa Watershed

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Lakbayan Water Trail Program and Water and Waste Water Treatment Program of Manila Water Co. Inc.

Angelica N. Terrado

Chemical Engineering Technology


10 October 2012

Prof. Emerita Hinojales

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