Page 1: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

Page 2: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• In 1803 the US purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million.

• Thomas Jefferson was President and sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new territory.

• In 1819 the US acquired Florida from Spain in the Treaty of Adams Onis.

Page 3: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• The Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823 warned European Powers about future colonies in the Americas. The U.S. and Great Britain fought the War of 1812 from 1812 to 1814.The British burned Washington DC.

Page 4: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• Andrew Jackson had defeated the British backed Creek Indians and led Americans forces at The Battle of New Orleans in 1814 which was a huge American victory. Neither side knew the Treaty of Ghent had already declared peace.

• In 1828 Andrew Jackson became

President. He forced all remaining

Creeks moved west to the

Oklahoma Territory.

Page 5: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

By the 1840s American believed in their Manifest Destiny or future of extending US boarders from Atlantic to Pacific coasts.

• Americans began to move into Texas

which was Mexican Territory. In 1835

fighting broke out and in 1836 the

Mexican Army moved north into Texas

and killed about 250 Americans at

The Alamo.

Page 6: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• This army and it’s leader, General Santa Anna who was captured, were later defeated at the Battle of San Jacinta. Texas became independent and was annexed in 1840. War with Mexico broke out again from 1846-48. The US gained Texas (the remaining part), California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada,

and Utah.

Page 7: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• General Zachery Taylor, who would later become President, led American forces south from Texas into Mexico while Gen. Winfeild Scott landed at Vera Cruz, Mexico City quickly feel and Mexico surrendered.

• The Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo 1848 gave the US California and most of the western states. 5 years later the US bought southern Arizona and New Mexico with The Gadsden Purchase.

Page 8: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

STATES RIGHTS and The Extension of Slavery

• As new territories entered the union southerners did not want the balance of power in Congress (The House and The Senate). They sought to extend slavery westward while the free states sought to stop it’s spread. From 1820 to 1850 new states were brought in together 1 slave/ 1 free. The Missouri Compromise (1820) made this

arrangement law.

Page 9: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• The Compromise of 1850 allowed Utah and New Mexico to enter the union without restriction on slavery,

California was admitted as a free state.

• In 1854 The Kansas Nebraska Act struck down The Missouri Compromise creating 2 new territories north of the Missouri Compromise line that would determine by

popular sovereignty whether to be slave or free.

Page 10: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

BLEEDING KANSAS• War broke out in Kansas in 1854 which elected

both a pro-slavery and anti-slavery governor and state legislature. Citizens fought one another for and against slavery.

• The southern states saw slavery threatened and began to argue for States Rights, saying the union was formed by the states and that each state had the right to leave the union or nullify federal laws. Within 5 years The Civil War would begin.

Page 11: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

Important Concept: This WILL be on a quiz soon

NATIONALISM-is a belief that a people’s greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people who share a common culture, language, religion, ethnic or historical background.

Nationalism can, at the same time, take the form of pride in your country.

Page 12: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• Nationalism can be a force for unifying people but it can also have the opposite effect and cause disunity.

• As democratic ideals spread, nationalist feelings became the basis for modern states replacing loyalty to monarchies.

Page 13: Manifest Destiny and The Monroe Doctrine (the period of national expansion 1800-1854)

• Nationalist movements lead to the formation of new nations during the mid and late 1800s.These new states built large armies and navies in order to compete for world empire eventually leading to World War I.

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