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Managing to change; effective change management

by Toronto Training and HR

October 2014


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CONTENTS3-4 Introduction5-6 Definition7-11 Stages of change12-15 Principles of change management16-19 Steps for effective change20-21 Three-phased approach to managing change22-23 Attitude towards change24-26 Readiness for change27-28 Scales which influence posture towards change29-31 Cultural change32-33 Change agents and change leaders34-36 Competencies and behavioural traits of a change leader37-39 Distinct modes of thinking40-43 Critical success factors and management interventions44-45 An example change management plan46-47 Why do change management plans often fail?48 Case studies49-50 Conclusion, summary and questions


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Introduction to Toronto Training and HR

Toronto Training and HR is a specialist training and human resources consultancy headed by Timothy Holden

10 years in banking

15 years in training and human resources

Freelance practitioner since 2006

The core services provided by Toronto Training and HR are:

Training event design

Training event delivery

HR support with an emphasis on reducing costs, saving time plus improving employee engagement and morale

Services for job seekers4

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• Change management



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Stages of change


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• Unfreezing

• Making the transition

• Refreezing


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Overcoming resistance; unfreezing

• Provide your rationale

• Be empathetic

• Communicate clearly


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Overcoming resistance; making the transition

• Explain the benefits

• Identify a champion

• Obtain participative input

• Be aware of the timing

• Maintain job security

• Provide training

• Proceed at a manageable pace


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Overcoming resistance; refreezing

• Indicate the support of top management

• Publicize successes and make mid-course corrections where needed

• Provide employee services


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Principles of change management


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• Develop a clear vision for the future

• Ensure people understand they own the future state of the organization

• Establish urgency

• Build a credible winning team

• Educate all employees


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• Managers should recognize their role to persuade others to adopt change

• Help employees reach a positive decision to adopt and maintain the change

• Promote confidence and confirmation to sustain the change

• Create short-term wins14

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• Create a culture of continuous quality improvement by evaluating, adjusting and rewarding members of the team


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Steps for effective change


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• Create a ”burning platform,” in other words, an extremely urgent or compelling business case to convey, in the strongest terms, the need for change

• Gather a guiding team/steering committee


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• Have the team create a vision of the future and action plans

• Communicate upcoming changes

• Make change steps easy and clear

• Create ways for quick wins to be seen and felt by those affected


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• Build on the quick wins, learn from the challenges and continue on

• Plan for sustainability


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Three-phased approach to managing change


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• Creating a climate for change

• Engaging and enabling the organization

• Implementing and sustaining the changes


Three-phased approach to managing change

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Attitude towards change


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• Cognitive attitudes

• Affective attitudes

• Behavioural tendency attitudes


Attitude towards change

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Readiness for change


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• Definition

• Continuance commitment

• Affective commitment

• Normative commitment


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• Appropriateness

• Management support

• Personal efficiency

• Self-efficacy


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Scales which influence posture towards change


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• Scale 1; dominance

• Scale 2; influence

• Scale 3; steadiness

• Scale 4; compliance

• Scale 5; motivational intensity


Scales which influence posture towards change

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Cultural change


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• Importance of culture

• The optimum culture

• Difficulties involved in changing culture

• How to change the culture


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Bringing the desired culture to life

• Role model the kind of culture you want to have

• Tell stories

• Small, easy actions

• Rewards and penalties

• Align systems and processes


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Change agents and change leaders


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• Change agents

• What does a change agent actually do?

• Personal characteristics of change leaders

• Questions for change leaders


Change agents and change leaders

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Competencies and behavioural traits of a

change leader


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• Adaptability

• Communication

• Development of others

• Leadership

• Personal development

• Production

• Relationships

• Task management


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Behavioural traits

• Accommodating

• Assertiveness

• Attitude

• Decisiveness

• Energy level

• Independence

• Manageability

• Objective judgement

• Sociability


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Distinct modes of thinking


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• Emotional brain

• Rational brain

• System one and system two

• The elephant and the rider


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Components of the change management framework

• Motivating

• Directing

• Shaping the path


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Critical success factors and management



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• Having a clear vision of the future state

• Creating and disseminating a plan of action

• Establishing a knowledgeable leadership (guiding) team

• Defining communication strategies


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• Establishing and communicating where/how people can get help

• Being prepared to train, retrain and provide technical assistance


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People-related factors

• Change creates uncertainty

• People are afraid of loss

• Team pressure to resist change is powerful

• Employees may believe that proposed change is not in their best interests and/or that of the employer


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An example change management plan


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• Phases of change management

• The change management strategy

• Roles of department manager/champions

• Cascading down training

• Post-implementation support


An example change management plan

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Why do change management plans often



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• Change plans do not include those affected early enough in the planning

• Change plans do not consider ”human factors,” i.e., motivations and human behaviours


Why do change management plans often fail? 1 of 2

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• Individual barriers to change are not directly addressed

• Sustainability is not built in from the beginning


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Case study


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Conclusion, summary and questions


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Conclusion, summary and questions






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