
Managers Dashboard

The managers dashboard represents information regarding the learning undertaken by those who report in to you within the organisation.

The courses reflected in the dashboard are set by the system administrators as too are the learners you can see on the dashboard.

Using the dashboard is relatively simple however the progress bars and information shown changes as you click through to different areas. This guide is here to remind you of what information is being displayed at any one time.

Just logged in

Make sure not to confuse your learning dashboard for the learning dashboard. It is very likely that you too have learning that must be completed. This is represented under ‘My Dashboard’.

You should look for the ‘block’ (area) called ‘Managers Dashboard’.

Each circle will fill up as the learners who are meant to complete that course do so. As a manager you should aim for these to be green at 100%. To find out who has to completed a course, click on its title.

Clicking on a course title

Clicking on the course title will open a list of the learners who are assigned to the course. Next to each learner will be a yes or no, depending on who has completed the course or not.You will not see all of the learners assigned to you on the system. Only those who have been set as needing to complete the course. Notice the change in course title.

Returning to the main dashboard

To return to the main dashboard, click anywhere on the blackened out background.

Seeing all your learners

To see all of the learners assigned to you in the system, click on ‘My Learners’. The information on this screen is different to the previous. You are now being shown a percentage that represents how far through each learners assigned courses they are.

Clicking on a learners name

Clicking on a learners name will display more information on which of their assigned courses they are working on. The percentage at the top of the window is their over-all completion where as each course is itemised below and the completion percentage shown.

Clicking once more on the learners name

Clicking once more on the learners name will show you their site profile. On this page you will be able to see their dashboard as it appears to them.

Clicking a course on the learners profile dashboard

Seeing their dashboard as it appears to them allows you to see which items inside of any of the courses they have or haven’t completed, just like on their dashboard. This is useful if you need them to urgently complete an item.

Filtering down through lots of learners

If you oversee a significant proportion of the organisation, perhaps multiple teams, it is possible for you to narrow down on the learners shown on your dashboard.

Filters relating to your organisational structure are displayed above your learners.

Click on the dropdowns and then click ‘Apply Filter’ to seethe learners inside the selected area.

What information is being shown?

One of the biggest questions regards what the information is that you’re being shown. At its very base it is completion data.

The items displayed to you and the learners can be online learning courses, online tests, webinars, classroom sessions, pdfs and a whole host of other items. The criteria for being seen as complete on each item is set by the online learning team and will change from item to item.

This allows you to worry about whether or not your learners have completed the items and not to focus on varying criteria or passing scores, for example. If the learner has not met the set criteria for any item, it will not mark itself as complete.

We hope you enjoy this new way of tracking your learners progress and that it makes the management of online learning easier for you to oversee.

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