Page 1: MALTA The Arts Society East Sussex · to Palazzo Parisio, often described as a miniature Versailles and with a magnificent walled gardens which rank among the finest in Malta and

What’s included• Returncoachtransfersto/fromUK

airport• ReturnflightsfromLondontoMalta• ReturnassistedtransfersinMalta• 6nightsbed&breakfast

accommodation• Porterage• Welcomedrink• 1Dinner• 1lunch• Excursionsandadmissionsasdetailed

overleaf• Gratuitiesfordriversandguides• CityTax

What’s not included• 5nightsdinneratthehotel(buffet

style)supplementof£75perperson• Singlesupplementof£114perperson


• TravelInsurance-£38perperson.Thepolicyhasanupperagelimitof85

Our TOur

Our hotelThe 4 star Hotel Santana offers agreat location intheresortofSt.Paul’sBay,justacoupleofminutes’walkfromthe promenade, a sandy beach, publictransport, shops and restaurants. Thehotel’s en-suite rooms have wifi, airconditioning and a balcony (NB, roomsare equippedwith a kettle but tea andcoffeeisnotprovided).Facilitiesincludea rooftop pool and sun terraces, anindoorpool,2restaurantsandalicensedcafeteria.Allfloorsareaccessiblebylift.

A half board buffet evening meal option is available at the hotel at extra cost.

With its striking, honey-coloured stone set against the deepest ofMediterraneanblues,Maltaoffersaneclecticmixof influenceswhilstretainingauniqueidentity.ThehistoryofMaltaisalongandcolourfulonedatingbacktothedawnofcivilisation.Ourtourwillshowusthefantastichighlightsoftheisland,andGozo,withagreatvarietytosee.Wealsoincludeadaytorelaxorexploreindependentlyasyouchoose.

£959.00 per person*

7 Days - 6 NighTs


*Based on a minimum of 21 members travelling

The Arts Society East Sussex4th – 10th October 2018


GgantijaCasaRoccaPiccola ©viewingmalta.comHagarQim

Page 2: MALTA The Arts Society East Sussex · to Palazzo Parisio, often described as a miniature Versailles and with a magnificent walled gardens which rank among the finest in Malta and


Day 1: WeboardourcoachfromourlocalareatoLondonGatwick.Departonadirect flight toMalta.Onarrivalwewill bemetbyaguideandcoach,and transferred to the hotel. Dinneratthehotelincludedthisevening.

Day 2: Our guided excursion todaywill focus on a couple of Malta’sTemples, starting with the mostcomplex and elaborated pre historictemplesofHagarQim.Thesetemplesstand on a hilltopwith breath-takingviews of the sea.We’ll continue toMarsaxlokk, Malta’s fishing village –it’s waterfront is lined with ‘luzzus’painted in traditional reds, bluesand yellows that add colour to thispeacefulbay,whichwasoncethesiteofthe firstTurkish landingduringtheGreat Siege of 1565. There will betimetoalsobrowsethe localmarketstalls. After lunch (not included)we will the Tarxien Temples. It iselaborately embellished and one ofthe richest repository of prehistoricart on the islands, untouched forthousandsofyears.Theoldesttemplein this complex is some 6,000 yearsold.We end the day’s tour at a localwineryfornibblesandatastingofthelocal wines before heading back tothehotel.Dinneratleisure.

Day 3: Afterbreakfastwewillexplorethe capital city, Valetta. Started in1566, Valletta was completed, withits impressive bastions, forts andcathedral, in the astonishingly short

timeof15years.Wewillhaveaguidedtour of the city including the UpperBarrakkaGardensforthespectacularview of the Grand Harbour, a visitto St. John’s Cathedral, final restingplace of knights and Grand Masters.Elaborate marble tombstones andmonumental artwork adorn theirburial places. It also houses theCaravaggio’s masterpiece ‘TheBeheading of St. John’.We shall alsohavetimetoenjoytheGrandMastersPalace and State Rooms and theFine Arts Museum*. The museumpresents a multifaceted overview ofart and artistic expression in MaltafromtheLateMedievalperiodtothecontemporary.Dinneratleisure.*The Fine Arts Museum is currently moving premises and due to re-open in October 2018. If the opening is delayed an alternative visit will be arranged.

Day 4: Todaywevisitthesisterislandof Gozo. The day will include visitsto Ggantija, the prehistoric Temple,a view of the traditional windmills,Victoria, Gozo’s Capital City withits impressive Citadel and BaroqueCathedral (admission included), andtheimpressiveTaPinuChurch.Lunch,withwine,isincludedtoday.

Day 5: Withafulldayatleisuretherewill be the opportunity to explorethe island independently.A bus stopis located by the hotel with routesgoingallovertheisland.Alternatively,simplyrelax.

Day 6: After breakfast we will headto Palazzo Parisio, often describedas a miniatureVersailles and with amagnificentwalledgardenswhichrankamongthefinestinMaltaandaretheonlyprivately-ownedgardensopentothepublic. Wecontinue toMosta tovisitRotundaofMosta,Europe’sthirdlargest free-standing dome beforeheading toRabatwherewewill havetimeforlunchandthechancetovisitthe Catacombs too should you wish(entrance fee not included). Afterlunchwe visit Palazzo Falson in themedievalcityofMdina,alsoknownasthesilentcity.PalazzoFalsonisatypicaltwo-storeymedievalpalace fashionedonSicilianexamplesofitsperiod,andisoneoftheimposingPalazzibuiltbytheSicilian,Spanishandlocalnobility.It contains extraordinary treasuresof the collector Olof FredereickGollcher.Weend thedaywitha visitto the lovely San Anton Gardensbeforereturningtothehotel.Dinneratleisure

Day 7: On our final day we visitthe sumptuous 16th C Casa RoccaPiccola in Valletta, which is stillprivately owned. Still a family homeits highlights include anArtNouveausummer dining room, a golden Sedanand3bombshelters.Returnflightandjourneyhome.

The exact order of excursions is subject to change and flight time dependant.

How to bookPlease complete a booking form and return with a

£150 per person deposit to:Jane Hopkin, 3 Champions Row, Wilbury Avenue,

Hove, BN3 6AZCheques payable to Success Tours Ltd


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