
Making Content

‘Snack able’Social Media Week, Bangalore, 2015

Stats Before Snacks!

55% of Visitors Spend Fewer Than

15 Seconds on Your Website.

66% of attention on a normal

media page is spent below the

fold and not necessarily where

the banner ads are placed.

On an average visit, users read

half the information only on those

pages with 111 words or less.

Just because it’s shared does not

mean it is read that much! & Hubspot

We crave short format!

In fact,

According to an article in Forbes, adding infographics boosts credibility and

traffic for websites as 90 percent of all information we remember is based on

visual impact.

After Facebook introduced its timeline feature for brands, there was a 65%

increase in interactive content engagement (Video and Photo), revealed a

study by Simply Measured. This shows that visual content is more likely to be

shared on social media.

7 Minutes? Really?

Mike Sall,

Each dot represents

the average of all

posts of a given


This doesn’t mean we

should all start forcing

our posts to be 7


Great posts perform

well regardless of


What it does mean is

that it’s worth writing

however much you

really need.

The need to understand user behaviour

and tailor something that is ‘snack-able’

and relevant in that moment of time,

until user preference changes again!

What is unlikely To Change


and Influencers

CLC and Beliefs


[Platform & Subject]

Consistently TimelyBeing


What is a snack?

Small Irresistible Chunks That Can

Be Consumed Quickly, Are Easy to

Understand & Worth Sharing!

Why is the web flooded

with photos of cats and


People Like To Share Stuff That Does

Not Make Them Think Too Much

Unless It Makes Them Look Good!

Points To


Put Some Heart In It.When we share a video or an image, we’re not just sharing the object, but we’re

sharing in the emotional response it creates. – Google.

Being TopicalMost of the content that goes viral is a clever variation of something happening

in the world.

Feel Free To Remix.If you have a great blog post that has been doing well, promote it again. Pick up

one key takeaway, turn it into an infographic or a meme and share it on social


Feed The Platform.Before you feed your brand objectives.

Long v/s Short is

not the question!It’s whether your user will be up to it. 18 to 22 year old tech junkies will want

information that is as short as a tweet but a pregnant mother searching for

what’s best for her unborn will read an essay.

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