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AddressJl. Kelapa Hybrida Raya PE 10/11Kelapa Gading. Jakarta Utara 14240Indonesia

Contact+62 (21) 451-5168+62 (822) 99-77-88-38

[email protected]


Making ‘IT’ happen.Build. Operate. Protect.

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About Us

Our Partners

Our Credentials

Products & Services

Why Us?

Our Clients

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Page 4: Making ‘IT’ happen. Build. Operate. Protect....COMPANY PROFILE Address Jl. Kelapa Hybrida Raya PE 10/11 Kelapa Gading. Jakarta Utara 14240 Indonesia Contact +62 (21) 451-5168 +62


Dtechcorp Consulting is a technology consulting & training services firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia, with an international presence in Australia & Malaysia.

We str ive to be the preferred independent

consultant and auditor as wel l as the

strategic par tner to our c l ients in IT

Governance, IT Service Management , IT

Secur i ty, and advisory serv ices for OJK

and BI .

To help the c l ient to reap the benef i ts of

technology as an investment rather than as

a cost . We achieve this through leveraging

our world-c lass ski l ls & exper ience,

br inging to Indonesia a fresh mindset and

global benchmarks.


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High-performance Delivery

Commitment to del ivery dates & targets with no shor tcuts


Passionate and enthusiast ic in what we do


Pract ical and hands-on, dr i l l ing down to whatever depth of detai l our work requires


Treat ing every team member fa ir ly, respect ing and making the most of h is or her ta lents , bel iefs , and diversi ty

Big Picture

Also understanding & developing the high- level v iew of our work


Bui ld ing a long-term relat ionship with our c l ients , t reat ing i t as a strategic par tnership where the c l ient ’s interests come f i rst


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An al l - rounder IT consultant with over 12 years of working exper ience across a number of industr ies , f rom Telecommunicat ions and Banking & Finance, to Retai l and Manufactur ing.

Awarded a 4-year scholarship at Universi ty of New South Wales (UNSW) on a Business IT Co-op Program.

Star ted his career and spent 7 years at Accenture , a top-t ier g lobal consult ing f i rm, serv ing high-prof i le c l ients in major programmes across Austral ia .

DIDI NURCAHYAManaging Par tner


IT Infrastructure Library v3 (ITIL ®)

GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC) ISO 27001 Lead Auditor

Under took r igorous tra in ing and intensive bootcamps in United States, Malaysia , and New Zealand.

Highly ski l led across the realm of IT Service Management and Operat ions, as wel l as IT Secur i ty.

Extensive exper ience in del iver ing mult i -mi l l ion-dol lar projects for b ig and high-prof i le c l ients ; using Agi le and tradit ional Systems Development L i fecycle (SDLC).

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More than 10 years of exper ience in the f ie ld of Information Secur i ty and Risk Management cover ing Peraturan BI (PBI) , Peraturan OJK (POJK) , PCI DSS, pol icy & standards, regulatory & compl iance, Cyber Secur i ty.

22 years of technical competence in banking technology including ATM, EDC, TOKEN, Bi l l Payment Switching system with ski l ls as IT Project Leader for Micro Banking projects and Debit Card projects.


CompTIA Security


Special ty in Information Secur i ty Governance includes IT Risk Management Compl iance, EMV compl iance and Secur i ty Operat ion Centre (SOC) , PBI 09/15, POJK 77. Selected cl ients served: Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) , Bank Maybank Indonesia , Bank ANZ Indonesia , Bank ICB Bumiputera , Bank Internat ional Indonesia (BI I ) , Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) .

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A hands-on ITSM consultant with around 14 years of exper ience in Service Transit ion and Transformation projects using Agi le/Scrum concepts and tradit ional management concepts such as Program Management and Service Del ivery.

A focused, dedicated, and highly motivated professional with a proven track record of success in Project Management del iverables.

Successful ly led teams in del iver ing projects that are not only implemented based on best pract ices but a lso result ing in tangible process



IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL ®)


Six Sigma

improvement , including quant i f iable cost-savings and increased internal product iv i ty and eff ic iencies.

An accredited trainer who has conducted numerous tra in ings and consultat ive coaching as wel l as implementat ion projects for corporate c l ients around the globe.

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A subject matter exper t (SME) with ski l ls in Business Cont inuity Management , Information Secur i ty Management , IT Service Management (Document Management , Change Management , Capacity Management) , IT Governance, Risk Management , and IT Master Plan.


ISO 27001 Lead Auditor

ISO 22301 Lead Auditor

Selected cl ients served: Medco E&P Natuna (Singapore) ; Kementer ian Per industr ian, Telkom Indonesia , PT Fintek Digi ta l Indonesia , PT Fintegra Homido Indonesia , PT Akt ivaku Investama Teknologi , Bank Central Asia , Komisi Yudis ia l Republ ik Indonesia , PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia , PT Kl i r ing Penjaminan Efek Indonesia , Kementer ian Kesehatan Republ ik Indonesia , PT Bank Internat ional Indonesia , Kementer ian Keuangan Republ ik Indonesia ( Indonesia) .

Dtechcorp Consulting Company Profile

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We strive for excellence in all aspects of business and believe that both continuing education and professional certifications help us to better meet our clients’ needs.

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By implementing ITIL® and/or ISO 20000, your business wil l seek to address problematic IT areas around customer satisfaction, process optimisation and downtime among others, result ing in better busi-ness-IT al ignment and several other tangible and intangible bene-fits.

IT Service Management (ITSM)Audit & Implementation

12 Dtechcorp Consulting Company Profile

• ITIL v3 assessment & mapping• pol icy/SOP review & development• process improvements• tools implementat ion• t ra in ing & educat ion

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IT Security Audit & Compliance

13Dtechcorp Consulting Company Profile

Today’s complex security landscape can be diff icult to navigate on your own. Cyber attacks are an ever-increasing threat , users de-mand greater mobil i ty, and the amount of data you must protect continues to grow year after year. I t ’s no longer a matter of whether a security breach wil l occur, i t ’s a matter of when. Our consultan-cy services can help highl ight which vulnerabi l i t ies are exploitable, which r isks are crit ical—and therefore need to be addressed with a high priority—and which i tems can be remediated over t ime.

• b luepr int and masterplan development• pol icy/SOP review & development• gap assessment• awareness program for management & staff• ISO27001 cer t i f icat ion readiness• external audit and compl iance monitor ing• ad-hoc consultancy• Penetrat ion Test ing

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Providing through our exper ienced & cer t i f ied project managers world-c lass results sat isfy ing the tr ip le constraints of on-t ime, to-scope, and within-budget project del ivery.

Special isat ions include chal lenging s i tuat ions (such as complex projects , d i f f icult personal i t ies) .

Project init iat ion, planning, execution OR implementing, monitoring & control , and closing.

Project Management Services

14 Dtechcorp Consulting Company Profile

Dtechcorp Consult ing also provides advisory services to obtain var-ious l icenses from Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Otoritas Jasa Keuan-gan (OJK) such as Payment Gateway, Electronic Money, Peer-to-Peer Transfers, Switching, Clearing, etc. including the registrat ion pro-cess as a Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE).

Partnership Assistance for BI and OJK

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Training can take place on cl ient premises or off-site by cer t if ied practit ioners in the theory and practical i t ies of:

• ITIL® V3 Standards & Framework• PMBOK®• COBIT 5• ISO 20000• ISO 27000/27001/27002/27032• Six Sigma

Training& Consultancy

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All consultants are fully-certified experts in their complementary areas.






Run by a team of executives with multiple decades of international experience.

Client-centric, establishing strategic partnerships with our customers.

Results-driven, focusing on high-performance delivery.

Highly skilled in a wide range of industries, including Banking & Finance, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, F&B, and Retail.

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