Download - Making a Difference

Page 1: Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Page 2: Making a Difference

Did You Know… The White River is over 158 miles long,

stretching from Patagonia Falls to North Denton

Over 250 species of fish, crustaceans, amphibians, and reptiles make their home there

More than 50 native tree and plant species are found along the river banks

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But It Needs Our Help Trash dumping along the river has

polluted animal habitats Water quality has degraded from

dumping by nearby industries Invasive non-native plants are choking

out native plants

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Join the Friends of the White River Only $20 a year Includes quarterly


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Volunteer for River Clean-Up Days

Pick up trash Clear invasive


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Write Letters to Legislators Urge legislators to vote for:

Stricter regulation of environmental hazards Designation of land as protected wildlife

refuges Harsher penalties for companies who exceed

industrial pollution limits Voice your support for:

Celebration of Earth Day and the Earth Charter Funding for state wildlife rescue and


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What’s Next? We invite you to join us at our next

regular business meeting July 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the Nora Public


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