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MAKE A MILLION FROM HYPNOSISThe sad, but true fact of life is that 95% of people spend at least 40 years of their life, working 40 hours a week and then end up retiring on 40% of their original income which they found it hard to live on in the first place!

It is also true to say that around 95% of the wealth in the world is owned by just 5% of the people!

Research has shown that if all the wealth in the world was split equally between every Human Being, then each and every person would instantly be able to live like a Millionaire!

However it has also been shown that within a very small space of time most all of this wealth would have made its way back to that small 5% of people, meaning that once again 95% of the worlds wealth would once again be owned by those original 5% of people!

In short it would appear that the idea of making serious amounts of money for very little effort is but a distant dream for many people, especially a Professional Hypnotherapist or similar Complimentary Health Practitioner.


In early 2002, a British Company called Practice Builders Ltd appeared to be offering an answer to this problem by way of a four day training course at the cost of around Five Thousand Pounds (£5K).

By way of their four day training course Practice Builders claimed to show you how to make £50-£100K per year, working 1-2 days per week as a Hypnotherapist with 2-3 Months holiday a year!

This may seem a very bold claim on their part, but it is one that I know that they have lived up to consistently.

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In this manual it is my intention to set you on the correct path to achieve exactly what Practice Builders would have charged you over £5K to find out and put into action!

Furthermore I intend to reveal tried, tested & proven to work marketing techniques for your business which produce maximum profits for minimum costs and are in our opinion way more cost effective than what Practice Builders were teaching!


There are three simple steps to financial success as a Mind Therapist and these three steps are what formed the basis of Practice Builders Prospectus and also form the Keys to Success as revealed by Top American Therapist Don Mottin which can be found on his excellent site of and these are:

01) Obtain expert training and Professional Certification.

02) Implement a proven marketing system.

03) Follow an effective Practice Management System.

We will now examine these three elements in a little more detail in order to make things that whole lot clearer and easier to understand:


The point of step one is twofold, firstly if you’re not trained by a master you will never become a master and as the old Chinese proverb correctly states “It is better to spend years looking for the right teacher than it is to spend years studying under the wrong teacher!”

Obviously the key-point here is that you must be a good Mind Therapist, in otherwords you must have a good product to sell to the

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Public and as you and your skills are in essence the product, you must therefore be a confident and competent Hypnotist!

Professional Certification is required, as it is a powerful marketing and treatment tool!

From a marketing point of view, you could for example qualify for the professional Diplomas & Certification that I issue:

01) Diploma in Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (DHP)

02) Diploma in Advanced Stage-Hypnosis (DASH)

03) Diploma in Complete Mind Therapy (DCMT)

All three of these diplomas would be signed by me your “Course Tutor” and issued by THE MINDCARE ORGANISATION UK. This would also give you Certificates of Membership to the following Professional Associations:

04) Member of The Association of Professional Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists (APHP) incorporating The Association of Complete Mind Therapists (ACMT).

05) Member of The Professional Organisation of Stage Hypnotists (POSH) incorporating The Association of Professional Stage Hypnotists (APSH).

And then using these three (3) recently obtained & recently dated diplomas and the two (2) recently obtained & recently dated Certificates of Membership you can approach your local newspapers, magazines, TV & Radio stations etc and you have a ready made Local News Story (explained more fully later) with which you can quite easily obtain Thousands of Pounds worth of FREE Media Publicity to kick start your business and have clients knocking on your door ready to part with their cash!

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Even if you have been a Mind Therapist for years you can still use this technique, but just from a slightly different angle:

EXAMPLE ONE – (New To Therapy)

“Local Man Qualifies As Master Mind Therapist!”

EXAMPLE TWO – (Established Therapist)

“Local Therapist Qualifies in Powerful New Technique!”

These are just brief examples and the subject of obtaining FREE Media Publicity for your practice will be dealt with more fully later.

Secondly these letters after your name and memberships to professional bodies are perceptively proof to your clients of your expertise and your ability to help them.

In truth there are currently (2002) no Legally and/or Government recognised Qualifications for Hypnotherapy or related techniques anywhere in England, however from the publics point of view seeing those impressive looking letters after your name and seeing those diplomas & certificates neatly framed and displayed in your consulting room concrete’s into the clients mind that you are a Professional, that you know what you are doing and that you can indeed help them!

And once the client believes that YOU CAN HELP THEM then in short YOU CAN HELP THEM as the Placebo effect comes into play in a big, big way which is explained in detail in chapter one of the CMT course which we also market.


However good you are as a Therapist, your skills alone will not make you rich, not unless you market yourself effectively!

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On top of this as there are only so many hours in the day you need to charge a fee that reflects your skills and what you are offering the client in return of their financial investment.

A good principle to remember in marketing is to make every penny that you spend on advertising and promotion count.

In my opinion and that of many other experts, you need to be getting £10 back for every £1 you invest into marketing.

With this principle in mind, where once the idea of spending £250 on a Large (approx. Half Page) one off display advert in your Local Paper may have seemed expensive, wouldn’t it suddenly seem a much better idea if you knew that you’d get back at least £2500 (10 times as much) from your original investment?

Indeed if you knew that for every £250 you spent on a weekly basis on advertising that you’d get back at least £2500 (10 times as much) on a weekly basis then wouldn’t you keep on doing this every week??


And now imagine this, if you were charging your clients £250 per hour and they were prepared to pay this, then you’d only need to get 10 clients and invest only 10 hours of your time to make the £2500 figure which we spoke of earlier.

This would give you a clear £2250 profit on your original £250 Investment, and after the cost of hiring an office, telephone, brochures etc (all covered in more detail later) YOU WOULD HAVE MADE AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM OF £2000+ FOR JUST TEN HOURS WORK!

Let’s say you see just five clients each day working from 12pm until 5pm and do this for two days each week, making a total of 10 clients seen each week and suddenly it becomes clear how easy it is to achieve what Practice Builders Ltd claimed to be teaching people doesn’t it?

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Using this very simple formulae for success you can easily be earning more money than you ever dreamed possible from your Mind Therapy Business and indeed if you follow a practical 3 to 5 year Financial Success Plan as will be discussed later, then it is realistic to say that within 3 to 5 years YOU COULD BECOME A TRUE MILLIONAIRE FROM YOUR THERAPY BUSINESS!

Also consider this an hourly fee of £250 an hour may seem expensive, but this kind of financial commitment on the part of the client, combined with the Placebo effect, combined with the true value of your Therapeutic skills will make your Success Rate soar through the roof, and with such a high success rate you can safely offer a GUARANTEE to back up your work in all the advertising that you do!

In otherwords the key to success as a therapist is in getting a constant stream of paying clients and the key to getting clients is in the first place the effective use of marketing and publicity techniques, such as those that will be explained within this manual.


OK so your advertising has been placed and people are responding to your adverts and other marketing ploys, now you need to get them booked into your diary and turn their initial enquiry into Cash!

You would think here that effective telephone sales skills would be a must, but as we will discuss later this is not actually the case as other easier options are open to you!

Most people can be booked into your diary there and then, however for the few who don’t seem able to instantly make up their mind you will need a powerful information sales brochure which you can then send them the same day they ring by first class mail and most times this will convert them into a client.

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Along with this powerful information brochure, they are also sent an information and therapeutic FREE AUDIOTAPE – WORTH £20-00!

If after a week these people have not rung back and booked a session then we would send them a friendly sales letter, another copy of our colour sales brochure and a gift certificate entitling them to 20% (£50) off the usual £250 cost if they call and book their session within seven days.

By now most of the people who enquired should have been converted into paying clients, however details of those that have not are kept and once every two months we would send them out a letter and a gift certificate offering them a MASSIVE 60% DISCOUNT (£150 off the original £250) making it just £100 for the one hour session if they book within 72 Hours!

I will refer to this multi-stage marketing plan in more detail later and explain why it is so effective and how it makes you maximum money for minimum time and effort, even with the clients who end up getting the 60% Discount and pay only £100 for their one hour session!

Each and every client that you treat is also a powerful marketing tool in themselves and this is where personal and Doctor’s referral marketing systems come into play as will be discussed later.

And Lastly this key to success refers to running the business side of your Practice in such a manner that you are able to make maximum profits for minimum investment of time and/or money!

Later in this manual we will also reveal how to structure your business so that it is virtually on auto-pilot and runs itself even if you are away on Holiday at the time!


Of all the truly Successful Professional Mind Therapists that I know and by Successful I mean those earning a £1000 or more each day on a regular basis, they all seem to have something in common and this is

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worth noting before you start spending money on advertising your business.

In all cases when questioned they have revealed to me that when they have looked at the bookings in their diaries over the past three year period, their clients fall into the following categories:

01) Around 80% for Smoking Cessation Sessions.

02) Around 10% for Weight Loss Sessions.

03) Around 5% for Confidence Related Problems.

04) Around 5% for Stress, Phobias & Other Problems.

The logical conclusion from these facts is that we spend our entire advertising budget on attracting clients for Smoking Cessation Therapy, as this is where at least 80% of the income for most all truly successful Mind Therapists lies!

Having reached this conclusion we can use a simple concept called Target Marketing which will be explained more fully later to increase the profits we make for every pound that we invest into advertising to an even greater extent!


By the time you have read this unique manual, assuming that you put these methods into action, then and only then you should be able to attract so many clients that you will end up having to refer some to other Hypnotherapists in your area who will then pay you a substantial referral fee, quite simply because they cannot provide enough clients for themselves!

So in otherwords you will get paid for the clients you see and you will even be getting income from the clients you don’t see!


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There are literally 100’s of different Mind Therapy Courses on the market, everything from Hypnotherapy and NLP on the one hand to Psycho-Analysis on the other, so which course do you choose? Which route is the best one to follow?

Well over the years I have realised that if I wanted to be regarded as one of the best in the business at helping people to create the changes they want in their life then the system I used to help them achieve this would have to be:

01) Quick 02) Easy 03) Permanent and 04) Fun!

My years of research and practical experience testing out almost every conceivable method for Psychological change led me to develop my own unique system of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT).

This is a tried, tested and proven to work structured system for successfully treating most any problem that could ever be presented to you by a client with a single approx. one hour session of treatment.

My approach of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) is an approach that ensures that you are able to Hypnotise every client, every time and that the client will Believe they have been Hypnotised, which ultimately means they will respond to all of your suggestions after the session has ended leading them to the change they desired!

The name of my unique approach “Complete Mind Therapy” (CMT) is also in itself a key to your success as some people are scared by the thought of being Hypnotised and with the CMT approach they are led to believe it is just Deep Relaxation (which is what Hypnosis really is) and Creative Visualisation combined with the most effective techniques of NLP and other Human Change Technologies.

As a Hypnotherapist you may be in competition with lots of others in your area, but as a Complete Mind Therapist, which in our opinion sounds more Professional and attractive to the public (your potential clients) you will have little or no competition.

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The fact that my technique enables you to advertise that you can and will treat any problem (Especially Smoking) with just one approx. one hour session is attractive in itself as it shows how confident you are in your abilities to help your clients.

In short my system of Complete Mind Therapy works with virtually any problem and with virtually all of the people all of the time!

To find out more about my unique approach of Complete Mind Therapy please send me an email to [email protected] or call me in person on 07932-975297 and I’ll be pleased to send you a FREE Information pack!


Given that most all Local Newspapers will allow you to book display advertising space and instantly give you 30 days credit from the date the advert appears means that you can get started without even having the money to pay for the adverts!

After all if your advert is placed in a Local daily paper, as it will be a large half page (or thereabouts) display advert costing around £250 - £500 (depending on whether you wish to have to attract one or two clients to recoup the cost of advertising, bearing in mind that you will be charging £250 an hour!) you should have had the majority of the phone enquiries that you will get within 72 hours of the paper going on sale.

However if your advert is in a Local Weekly paper, it may take up to 10 days for the advert to produce all of the enquiries that it will on that occasion produce.

In either case it means however that you will have had your enquiries and have time to convert them into paying clients LONG BEFORE THE NEWSPAPER BILL IS DUE TO BE PAID!

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And considering that you only need to generate one paying client at £250 to recoup the cost of a £250 advert, or indeed just two clients to recoup the cost of a £500 advert, it is logical that with an advert of this size (around half page or bigger) which is designed in a good manner YOUR ADVERT WILL GET NOTICED and this will lead to enquiries which eventually leads to paying clients as we will discuss further in a few moments.

It is not good enough to run any advert (whether display or classified) on a once only basis, in truth experience has shown me that you need to run an advert at least on three consecutive (weekly) occasions for it to get its maximum potential response rate.

The logic behind this is that the first time the advert appears, some people may be weary of contacting you however good the advert is as they have never seen you advertising before.

These people will wait until the advert appears again (a week later) and then they may contact you as having seen the advert again it makes them believe that you are not a here today and gone tomorrow business and that Psychologically to be able to afford running such a large advert twice YOU MUST BE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO & MUST BE MAKING GOOD MONEY!

This convinces them further that you are the right person to Stop them Smoking (or whatever) and so they make that call and end up being a paying client.

Then the advert is run for a third week as it raises interest further and gets your business and name firmly embedded into the minds of the readers of that newspaper, this will of course produce more clients, but also means that whenever the readers decide at any time in the future to Stop Smoking, it is your name that will pop into their head, and as you will be listed in the Local Telephone Directory they will be able to make contact with you easily!

Having such large adverts initially running also establishes your credibility with Doctors & Medical Professionals in the readership

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area of that publication, so when they receive an information pack from you (we cover this later) then they will be far more receptive when reading it and are far more likely to refer some of their patients to you for Smoking Cessation, Weight-Loss and similar problems!

Booking such a big advert, also gives you room to negotiate to get some additional editorial coverage in that publication on top of that you will obtain using the Press Release angle detailed later!

In all cases you will have obtained 30 days credit for the adverts when booking them so it is easy to recoup your investment as this example illustrates:


As you will be charging £250 per hour session, this means that you need only three clients to recoup the cost of the three (one per week) half page (or bigger) Local Press Adverts. And don’t forget you have 30 days from the date of the first advert appearing to get enough clients (3 by £250) to pay for the entire three week worth of advertising!


Again you have thirty days from the first advert appearing to get enough clients in to cover the cost of the adverts before the bill needs to be paid with the newspaper and you still only need Six Clients at £250 to cover the entire bill of £1500 for the three week period! And lets face it to convert six of the numerous enquiries you will get from such an advertising approach into paying clients sounds realistic dosen’t it?

Well indeed it should as using the phone scripts, follow up brochures and other techniques described in this manual, I would expect you to be converting the majority of the enquiries you get into actual paying customers!

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So bearing in mind what we have just learnt from the previous examples, consider what would happen if you spent £500 a week on placing two display adverts (as big as possible) into two different Local Area papers (each advert costing £250) for the three week period!

Well if you choose your two publications carefully so that they both covered different readership areas, you would end up reaching a wider catchment area, would end up with more enquiries and Ultimately MORE CLIENTS!

And with this example you would still need only 6 enquiries to turn into paying clients to recoup enough to pay for the adverts when the Invoice becomes due for payment 30 days after the first advert appears!

And best of all to see six clients only takes up SIX HOURS of your valuable time, and indeed these six clients could all be booked in to see you on the same day so that you only need to hire an office for one day (discussed later) to recoup the cost of the three week advertising campaign!


The question you should always ask yourself before spending any money on any form of advertising or marketing is quite simply what will you R.O.I be?

R.O.I stands for Return on investment and is a phrase you should remember at all times in order to ensure that your advertising and marketing budgets are spent wisely!

The examples I have just given of how to obtain large display advertising in Local Newspapers & Magazines etc provides a good potential Return on Investment whereby the law of averages are in

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your favour of making enough money back within 30 days to pay for the adverts when the invoice becomes payable.

As in this example we are charging £250 an hour, it also does not take up much of our time to earn the cost of placing the adverts back by actually seeing clients.

And has been logically illustrated an advertising action plan such as this, when combined with all the other techniques within this manual, will we are sure have your phone ringing with a huge number of enquiries which when handled as we will later describe in fuller detail should ultimately lead to more paying clients than you actually have time to see!

And that’s the point when you start referring clients to other Local Hypnotherapists in the manner we will discuss later.


What has just been described is essentially the overview of a complete marketing plan, which when followed has the potential to make you more money than you ever dreamed of.

However so that you understand how this “Jigsaw” of things fits together we shall now look at each step separately in a little more detail so that you will have a full understanding of how to increase the number of enquiries you get, how to increase the number of these enquiries you convert into paying clients and ultimately how to set yourself on the path, whereby you could realistically turn yourself into a true Millionaire within a 3 to 5 year period!


The concept of “Target Marketing” is basically that your marketing concentrates on one specific product at a time.

Now as we have identified that the bulk of clients that most all successful therapists see are for Smoking Cessation, it makes logical

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sense to spend the majority of our advertising and marketing budgets on promoting the fact that we are the best person in the area at Stopping People from Smoking!

This is not to say that other valuable income cannot be produced from doing other things, because it can, however we will discuss much cheaper ways of promoting these other things such as Weight-Loss, Confidence Problems, Phobias etc later in this manual, for now we will concentrate on Smoking Cessation!

Once you have identified the product then you need to move onto the next step, which is:


Once you have decided on the product to promote you then need to decide on the price to market the product at which will gain you the maximum number of sales and make you the maximum amount of profit for the minimum amount of time, effort and financial investment!

So lets look at the Smoking habit, most of the smokers who come to see you will be smoking somewhere between 20 to 40 Cigarettes a day at an average cost of around £4-25 per pack of 20 at time of writing this which is October 2002.

Therefore we can calculate what the average smokers spends on their habit on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis giving us the following answers:


A 20 a day smoker paying an average of £4-25 a pack, will be spending an average of £29-75 over a seven day period! This means that they will be spending around £1547+ over a one year period and that calculates to them spending an average of £128-92 each Calendar month! So charging them £250 to Stop Them Smoking is less than they would on average spend in two months if they were still a smoker

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and in my book that means that they only need to remain a non smoker for two months and they have their investment back, after that they are into clear profit! This means that within 5 years they will have saved an average of Over £7735+ and over 10 years will have saved an average of £15,470+. Indeed over 20 years they would have saved at least £30,940+ and that’s based on what Cigarettes cost now (Oct 2002) in truth they will have saved far more as the cost of Cigarettes continues to rise on a yearly basis!


A 30 a day smoker paying an average of £4-25 a pack, will be spending an average of £44.62 over a seven day period! This means that they will be spending around £2320-50+ over a one year period and that calculates to them spending an average of £193.38 each Calendar month! So charging them £250 to Stop Them Smoking is less than they would on average spend in Six Weeks if they were still a smoker and in my book that means that they only need to remain a non smoker for Six Weeks and they have their investment back, after that they are into clear profit! This means that within 5 years they will have saved an average of Over £11,601-20p+ and over 10 years will have saved an average of £23,202-40p+. Indeed over 20 years they would have saved at least £46,404.80p+ and that’s based on what Cigarettes cost now (Oct 2002) in truth they will have saved far more as the cost of Cigarettes continues to rise on a yearly basis!


A 40 a day smoker paying an average of £4-25 a pack, will be spending an average of £59-50 over a seven day period! This means that they will be spending around £3094+ over a one year period and that calculates to them spending an average of £257.83 each Calendar month! So charging them £250 to Stop Them Smoking is less than they would on average spend in One month if they were still a smoker and in my book that means that they only need to remain a non smoker for One month and they have their investment back, after that they are into clear profit! This means that within 5 years they will have saved an average of Over £15,470+ and over 10 years will have

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saved an average of £30,940+. Indeed over 20 years they would have saved at least £61,880+ and that’s based on what Cigarettes cost now (Oct 2002) in truth they will have saved far more as the cost of Cigarettes continues to rise on a yearly basis!

OUR CONCLUSIONS So this shows us that if we charge people £250 for a one hour session to Stop them Smoking that a 20 a day smoker will have recouped their investment in Less than Two Months!

A Thirty a day smoker will have recouped their investment in Six weeks or less and the Fourty a day smoker will have recouped the cost of our time to treat them in less than one month!

Not only is this positive factual information which can be used to our advantage in advertising brochures to illustrate what excellent value for money our services provide, but also it brings us to the logical conclusion that charging £250 per Stop Smoking session is a good, fair figure to charge our clients!

It is also a proven fact in Sales & Marketing that customers take more seriously and appreciate or value more products & services which have a relatively high purchase price.

This means that by charging £250 it also ensures that all of our clients are those people who 100% Seriously & genuinely want to Stop Smoking and as we know it is only these kind of people who are literally guaranteed to achieve success in their desires.

Ultimately this means we make more money for working less hours and into the bargain we also increase our success rate, which in turn will in the long term increase our professional standing and reputation in the area and as a result lead to past clients becoming our unpaid salesmen and promoting us by word of mouth to everyone they meet who is a Smoker!

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Also bear in mind that the majority of people with the desire to Stop Smoking because of Health Problems will usually fall into the 30 to 40+ a day Smokers category and you can see how “cheap” an option this actually is at only £250 for them to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non smoker!

Incidentally when you have written to BUPA and asked for a BUPA provider number and also to the NHS and obtained an NHS provider number, both of which you can obtain at no charge, you will then be in a position to have Doctors refer their patients to you whereby the NHS or BUPA picks up the tab as opposed to the client themselves!

Assuming that all this makes sense to you, as indeed it should, I will now move on to discuss the issue of us being able to offer a guarantee for the unique treatment and service which we shall be providing to our clients.


By offering a Guarantee on your work people who see your adverts or enquire about your services will be far more likely to book a session and spend their money with you as they will then feel that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain as that is what state of mind the word “guarantee” puts people into.

It also implies that you are so confident of the service that you offer in Stopping People Smoking (or whatever) that this is the reason you are offering a guarantee and this in turn makes the potential client BELIEVE in your ability to help them even further, so that before they even attend at your consulting room they are placing themselves into the correct Psychological state of mind for the session to be a complete success.

Although we offer a guarantee, it must not be a Money Back Guarantee as doing this would create a secondary gain syndrome, whereby the suggestion is there that at a later time when perhaps the client becomes short of money, they may revert back to their smoking habit in order to claim back the money they paid for their session.

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Instead what we offer is a compelling guarantee whereby it is made clear that we are so confident that they will stop smoking after the one off one hour session, that in the most unlikely event that they do not, then we will give them another session of treatment at no extra charge.

As people in sales & marketing know, it is the minority of people who take advantage of a guarantee of this type (non money back) so it’s a win – win situation most of the time as by offering to guarantee your work in this manner will gain you more clients and it will be very rare that you ever need to spend another hour of your time giving the person a free back up session as quite simply the majority of people prepared to pay £250 will be so serious about stopping that they will not smoke again and most of the very few (and I do mean few) people who do start smoking again will not even bother to call you back to claim their free back up session which was offered to them under the terms of the guarantee.

Although it would never happen, it would not really matter if you got ten clients a week and all of them claimed the free back up session, you would have still created an income of £2500 (based on £250 per session) its just that you would have ended up doing 20 hours work for this money instead of 10, but even that’s not bad at all is it when you look at things logically?

Your advertisements in Newspapers, Magazines and other media must therefore state clearly that your work is GUARANTEED!

This must of course be done in a Legal manner, which does not break the laws set out by The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and we would therefore suggest that you use wording and ploys as we will explain now:


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Celebrity Mind Therapist Jonathan Royle now offers you the chance to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker in just one hour without the usual side effects and with the greatest of:





Tel: 07050-377579. Email: [email protected]


*Terms & Conditions May Apply!


Well that’s the example wording, just a few extra points to note regarding the layout of the advert are as follows:

*In the top Left Hand Corner would go a small clear black and white photograph of yourself (head & Shoulders shot only).

*In the top right hand corner would be placed a duplicate of this small black and white head & shoulders photograph so as to make things look well balanced and symmetrical.

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*In the middle right section which is where all the blank space is next to the four short lines of text which make up the word E.A.S.E would be printed 3 black and white line drawings which you can get a local art student (phone local University) to draw for you very cheaply and from left to right these would be as follows:

01) The first picture (on left hand side) would be a cartoon caricature of someone who looked stressed out and unhappy whilst smoking a cigarette and just above it would be the word “BEFORE” in underlined bold print.

02) The middle picture would be of a clock face whereby the hands on the clock are cigarettes and then there is a bold diagonal line across the clock face just like there is on a No-Smoking sign in shops! This would visually communicate the message of Stop Smoking in One Hour!

03) The picture on the right would be a caricature of the same person, but this time showing them looking happy, healthy & energetic with no cigarettes in site and this would have the caption “AFTER” printed above it in bold underlined print.

Take a minute to print out the page of this manual containing the example advert and draw a rough sketch of these things in place, located where I have advised and you will get an instant idea of how eye catching and effective this advert will be and therefore just how successful it will be in getting you lots & lots of serious enquiries for your services!

This advert covers you legally regarding the nature of the guarantee as next to the word guaranteed is a small * symbol and then at the bottom of the advert in small print so it doesn’t stand out to much is the phrase *Terms & Conditions May Apply!

The small * symbol alerting them legally that this is relevant to the nature of the guarantee which you are offering.

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This example advert was formulated using the advertising maxim of A.I.D.A., which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire & Action!These are the four key elements to any successful advert and have all been included as follows:

01) ATTENTION = The fact the advert will be a large display advert and contains a balanced combination of words and pictures, including two comical cartoon type caricatures means that this immediately helps the Ad to stand out and gain the attention of the readers.

02) INTEREST = The Bold heading of “Stop Smoking in One Hour – Guaranteed” will then draw the readers attention and also their Interest and so they will read further and become even more Interested by the idea of Stopping Smoking in one hour with E.A.S.E without any of the usual side effects.

03) DESIRE = By this time those who are even just slightly Interested in the idea of becoming a non smoker will have the desire to find out more and then its time for:

04) ACTION = We spur the reader into immediate action by offering them the incentive of an “Exciting FREE Information Pack!” and once they read this, they also read the fact that they need to CALL NOW to claim their exciting FREE information pack which spurs them into immediate action and gets your phone ringing or your email box full of enquiries.

Although this example has covered the structure of an effective advert for your Smoking Cessation services, don’t forget that this basis principle of A.I.D.A can and indeed should be used whenever constructing display advertisements and/or advertising brochures of any kind and for any service or product, as it is attention to small techniques and details like this that make the difference between adverts that get some response and those which draw huge responses!

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One of the other most important secrets of the advertising and marketing world is summed up in the simple phrase “Sell the Sizzle and Not the Sausage!”

What this means is quite simple really, imagine this scenario, there are loads of different brands of Sausages on sale at the supermarket and they are displayed in a cabinet right next to various brands of Beef Burgers and other meat products.

Our Potential customer is walking down this shopping aisle and is overwhelmed with choices!

Should they pick Sausages, Burgers or some other type of meat?

And then when they have for example decided on Sausages, next they must decide which brand they would prefer to buy!

If they have never eaten a Sausage before in their life, then they will probably be drawn to the brand with the nicest looking packaging or the brand available at the cheapest price!

Having said that a large proportion of people will be drawn to the most expensive brand, just so long as it has nice packaging as well.

The logic behind their decision being that the packaging looks nice and professional and as they are the most expensive, they must therefore be the best brand of Sausages available!

Also the fact that the picture on the box makes them look very juicy and tasty will influence them to make the decision of buying the most expensive brand as they will have decided that they must also be the tastiest Sausages available!

And that is why sales people always remember the phrase “Sell the sizzle and not the Sausage!” as it is the benefits of what a product or

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service will do for the customer that makes them come to the decision of buying one thing rather than another.

This means that when formulating an advertising campaign for any product or service you should always put yourself into your potential customer’s shoes and looking at things from their point of view ask yourself the question:

“What can this product or service do for me, and why should I buy this product/service rather than a similar one?”

The answers that you produce will bring you many valuable ideas and sales points to formulate your advertising and marketing campaigns from.


What follows is my suggested structure for the script which you should use when recording the audio tape master, which will then be duplicated and sent out to those people who respond to your media advertising etc!

This suggested script also illustrates the principle of selling the sizzle and not the sausage in so much as it clearly gets across to the listener what the benefits are for them and what is in it for them so to speak!

I am sure you will agree that this is a very powerful and persuasive sales pitch indeed and the beauty of it is, that because it is recorded on one side of the audio tape which you send out to enquirers you are automatically saved the need to spend time doing a long sales pitch on the telephone.

After all once they have received the tape and listened to it, along with reading the enclosed colour sales brochure you can be sure that when they ring you back (on a different number) it will be for one reason only and that reason will be to book a session, part with their cash and become a non-smoker.

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On the reverse side of this audio sales tape would be recorded a simple suggestion therapy relaxation session, which they are led to believe by side A of the tape is usually sold at £20 a time, but has been sent to them as their FREE GIFT for simply taking the time to find out more about how they can change their life forever.

Perceptively the fact that you have sent them an apparently “Free Gift” makes them view you as a genuine, sincere and generous person, in otherwords it makes them feel good about you!

And the truth is that when people feel good about you they are then far more likely to deal with you on both a business and/or personal level, in otherwords this simple action of apparently sending them a free gift, which is actually a powerful sales tool, has the result of creating Instant Rapport with them despite the fact you have not met each other yet!

So here is the basic layout of the script I’d suggest for side A of the sales tape, as for the script for side B this can easily be formulated using the information which we supply in our complete training course “The Professional Art of Stage-Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy!”

I will give you extra advice regarding the sales tape after you have read the script…


Good morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening, depending on when you actually decide to listen to this amazing recording, which can quite literally change your life for the better with the greatest of E.A.S.E!

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jonathan Royle and I am a fully qualified and professionally trained member of The Association of Professional Hypnotherapists & Psychotherapists as well as being the President of The Association of Complete Mind Therapists!

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On this side of the tape it is my intention to explain to you, how, using Complete Mind Therapy I can quite literally help you to Eliminate the Addiction to Smoking Forever in just a single one hour session.

And on side B of this tape I have sent you an amazing FREE GIFT (pause) a recording of our self-hypnosis stress relief and relaxation therapy training.

We usually charge our clients around £20 for this information alone, but we are sending it to you FREE as our way of saying thank you for responding to our advertisement and also as our way of congratulating you for taking that first step on the intelligent path towards becoming a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed, non-smoker.

You can listen to side B of this tape whenever you are experiencing stress in your life and feel that a little more relaxation time would be of benefit to you, but please don’t try listening to side B of this tape when driving or operating machinery as the powerful relaxation YOU WILL EXPERIENCE could prove dangerous whilst carrying out such tasks, as we are sure you will appreciate!

So I’m sure you’ve got loads of questions you want answering and that’s what this side of the tape is all about, so lets start right at the beginning with the question of:


There are three main ways in which you will benefit by becoming a happy, healthy, relaxed, confident non-smoker and these are quite simply as follows:

01) You will SAVE your HEALTH.

02) You will SAVE TIME.

03) You will SAVE MONEY.

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We will now examine each of these three areas in a little more detail:


Smokers like you are quite literally playing a very dangerous game of Russian Roulette each and every time they light up a cigarette!

Continue with your smoking habit and you are placing yourself at risk in all of the following ways:

*There are over 120,000+ smoking related deaths in the UK alone on a yearly basis!

*That’s equivalent to at least 330 smoking related deaths each and every day.

*It has been shown that at least 50% of all regular smokers will die early because of their deadly habit.

*Smokers in their 30’s and 40’s have five times as many Heart Attacks as non smokers in the same age group.

*Smoking can be the cause of bad breath, makes your clothes, home, car and furniture stink and can be a major turn off for members of the opposite sex!

*Rather than relaxing you as many people think, smoking actually makes you more stressed and as a result this can often lead to any number of stress related illnesses and diseases, which themselves can often prove to be deadly.

*By the way your sense of taste and smell will improve dramatically when you become a non smoker, in fact you will find that food tastes far better than it may have done in years, so what are you waiting for?

*And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to health matters, we haven’t even mentioned Cancer.

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However the good news is that by becoming a confident, happy, healthy and relaxed non smoker nearly all of the time you can reverse the damage done to yourself relatively quickly, but only if you stop sooner, rather than later!

When you consider that nicotine can leave your body within 24 hours of becoming a non smoker and when you consider that this means you will also have stopped killing yourself slowly on a daily basis, isn’t it obvious that the intelligent choice is to book a session of Complete Mind Therapy today and give yourself a whole new lease of life?


There are several ways that you will benefit enormously from the point of view of “Time” by becoming a confident, happy, healthy and relaxed non-smoker and these include the facts that:

*A two pack, 40 a day smoker spends around one million 460,000 minutes of their lifetime smoking. That’s equivalent to 24,320 hours or indeed 1,000 days!

*Imagine it, that’s equivalent to throwing away 2 and ¾ years of your life out of every 20 years that you remain on this mortal coil. That’s well over five years that the average smoker reading this stands to waste if they continue smoking!

*That’s like subjecting yourself to a five-year jail sentence, just because, until now you have allowed yourself to become a slave to smoking.

*Most people who give up smoking can, on average increase their life span by at least five years, and don’t forget those will be five happier, healthier and more relaxed years, during which you will have far more money available to spend on the good things in life!

*So in most all cases by becoming a non smoker you will have added around five years to your life span, add to that the five years you would have wasted whilst actually smoking the cigarettes and you will

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*Best of all using our unique system of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) you can become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non smoker within just one session which takes only one hour of your most valuable time!


Consider these eye-opening facts and we are sure that you will realise that the most intelligent decision you will ever make is that of becoming a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker by calling us and booking an appointment today!

*Those who smoke between 20 to 40 Cigarettes a day will save around £2,500 per year by becoming a non-smoker.

*That means you could save well over £100K Thousand pounds during your lifetime by simply becoming a non-smoker!

*The current cost of a Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) session to help you stop smoking with E.A.S.E (Eliminate the Addiction to Smoking Forever!) costs just £275-00, making it by far the best financial investment you will ever make.

*Consider this, place £275 into a bank or building society account for a year and even if you were getting say 5% interest, this would only make you a profit of £13-75p for the year on your original investment.

*However take this same £275 and invest it into yourself by way of becoming a non-smoker and in around one month you will have recouped your original investment and you will then continue to profit for the rest of your life!

*That means that in the same one year period, your investment of £250, would by becoming a non-smoker have made you a 1,000%+

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Tax Free return by way of the money you will save in one year by not buying Cigarettes!

*No other form of investment can bring you such a large financial return for such a low investment in such a short space of time, and don’t forget you keep on saving money and thereby getting a huge return on your original investment of £250 for the rest of your life!

*Best of all as we offer a “LIFETIME GUARANTEE” which entitles you to one FREE back up session (in the rare event that you ever need it) you can be sure that this is the Lowest Risk, yet by far Highest Return Investment that you will ever make in your life, so don’t delay call and book your session today on 07050-377579.


Although it may sound like a lot of money, the truth is that the majority of smokers will recoup their investment of £275 in little over a month of being a non-smoker from the cash they save by not buying cigarettes!

Also you must remember that whether you see end up seeing me in person or you are referred to one of my experienced colleagues, you will be receiving treatment from professionals who are at the top of their industry and have spent many years and many thousands of pounds to become expert in this field and therefore expert at enabling you to achieve what you want to achieve with the greatest of E.A.S.E

Its true to say that if you ring around the Hypnotherapists listed for your area in the Yellow Pages that many of them may offer to help you become a non-smoker for far less than £275, but you must at all times remember the old saying that “If you pay peanuts you will get monkeys!”

And don’t forget we don’t just hypnotise you and do part of the job, we use Complete Mind Therapy and do a COMPLETE JOB, which is why we are able to offer our unique Lifetime Guarantee!

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Remember becoming a non-smoker is the best investment and indeed by far the most profitable investment that you will ever make into yourself, so don’t you owe it to yourself to consult with an expert at the height of their field rather than one of their less knowledgeable, experienced or qualified competitors? WHY STOP SMOKING USING COMPLETE MIND THERAPY – (CMT)?

The answer to this question is quite simply that by booking a session of Complete Mind Therapy you are choosing the easiest and most effective way to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker with E.A.S.E!

With C.M.T we are only interested in helping you to achieve positive and permanent change in the easiest and most enjoyable way possible!

Consider this, in January 1968 an article appeared in “The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis” entitled “The use of Hypnosis and 1,000 cases of Tobacco maniacs!”

This article detailed the results of a clinical study carried out on 1,000 smokers who were all given a session of Hypnosis to help them stop smoking and the results were amazing.

All 1,000 people treated with Hypnosis to permanently remove their smoking habit were contacted again on a regular basis for the next 18 months and it was found that 94% of these people had remained non-smokers throughout this 18 month period thanks to the power of Hypnosis!

This is good news for you, as our unique approach of Complete Mind Therapy combines the most effective elements of Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and numerous other cutting edge human change technologies, making our approach even more effective than mere Hypnosis alone!

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In short we can easily help you to achieve what you want to achieve and ask yourself this, would we offer you a Lifetime Guarantee if we didn’t think that Complete Mind Therapy would work for you?

And best of all, as was proven by a 1996 Government Investigation into Hypnosis it is 100% safe, something which can not be said about many of the alternative ways some people use in an attempt to become a non-smoker!


Essentially when you take part in a session of Complete Mind Therapy on the one hand you may be more alert than normal, being able to taste, smell, see, feel and hear everything better than usual, but on the other hand you will feel relaxed both Mentally and Physically to a level that makes instant subconscious change as easy as one, two, three!

Although it is true to say that just as each and every person is different, so each and every person experiences a session of Complete Mind Therapy in a different way, it is also true to say that at the end of our one hour session together YOU WILL FEEL DIFFERENT and YOU WILL KNOW within yourself that positive changes within you HAVE BEEN MADE!

Because of the fact that smoking is a habit, it is controlled by the subconscious mind which is the area of our minds that deals with all automatic tasks such as circulating the blood around our bodies, breathing at night without the need for any conscious thought and any number of good or indeed bad habits we may have such as Smoking!

Therefore, since Complete Mind Therapy, Hypnosis and NLP work directly with the subconscious mind this is the only method to Stop Smoking which actually makes any logical sense!

The Human Mind is like having our own Personal Neck Top computer and indeed it works in much the same way as a computer, which is why an experienced Mind Therapist such as myself need only erase

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the file in your mind which makes you smoke and then simply replace it with one that ensures that you remain a Confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker for the rest of your life.


There are many products on the market and available from your Local GP to help you become a non-smoker and these include Nicotine Patches, Inhalers, Nicotine Gums and Zyban the stop smoking drug, amongst many others!

Unfortunately products such as Patches, Gums and Inhalers can cause many negative side effects such as nightmares, nausea, indigestion, skin irritation and even long term skin damage amongst many others!

And as for the so-called wonder drug “Zyban” it has been shown by many to be ineffective unless it is combined with some form of Psychological help as well.

In fact one in 1,000 users of Zyban could experience convulsions which could lead to DEATH!

To quote a section from a report published by Glaxo-Wellcome, the company who produce Zyban it states:

“There is a long list of potential side effects, the biggest of which appears to be that when combined with other drugs it could become LETHAL!”

So yes it is true to say that there are alternatives to Complete Mind Therapy in your quest to become a non-smoker, but not only is our method of C.M.T by far the most effective, but it is also one of the rare options which is 100% safe and has no side effects whatsoever when carried out by an experienced trained Mind Therapist such as Jonathan Royle.

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To quote the results of the largest clinical study ever done involving 72,000 smokers, which were published in “The New Scientist” in October 1992:

“Nicotine Gum had only just over a 10% success rate, our results have shown us that Hypnosis is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to become a non-smoker!”

And its precisely because Hypnosis has been proven to be so effective in helping people like you to become non-smokers with E.A.S.E that our unique approach of Complete Mind Therapy combines the most powerful Hypnotic Techniques with other cutting edge technologies to form, what many have found to be the most reliable treatment method available to Stop Smoking Permanently!


Many people have asked their Doctor for advice, help and guidance in their quest to become a non-smoker, but as we have explained already there is currently no way a Doctor can help you in such an effective manner as a Hypnotherapist or indeed a Complete Mind Therapist when it comes to Smoking Cessation.

This fact is clearly illustrated by the findings of a detailed report in “New Scientist” magazine which discovered that only 6% of the people who seek advice from their Doctors to stop smoking actually end up becoming non-smokers as a result of their GP’s advice!

This is in stark contrast to the 94% of people who have been found to Stop Smoking after just one session of Hypnosis in other clinical studies!


So we now know that there are absolutely no good reasons to continue smoking, and we also know that there are many logical, desirable and beneficial reasons to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-

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smoker using Complete Mind Therapy and the proven power of Hypnosis!

But we hear you cry, if such a simple solution to the smoking habit is available then why do so many people who say they sincerely want to stop, carry on smoking?

Well in our experience, we have found that for 99% of people the answer always comes down to the same thing….FEAR!

*FEAR that you’ll never be able to continue your life as a non-smoker completely free of the craving for Nicotine!

*FEAR that you’ll put on weight when you stop or start biting your fingernails instead as a substitute to your damaging smoking habit.

*FEAR that you’ll have to give up the pleasurable crutch that your smoking habit seems to give you, and that as a result you may become a lesser person.

*FEAR that in order to become a non-smoker you will have to go through some kind of terrible trauma or painful feelings.

*FEAR that when you have become a non-smoker you may find that you are unable to enjoy life or handle stress!

*FEAR of failure in your attempts to become a non-smoker.

All of these examples of fear are simply potential symptoms of the one simple reason that until now you have not been able to stop smoking and this main reason is yet another FEAR……..



The truth is that Hypnosis and Complete Mind Therapy actually make the process of becoming a non-smoker so simple and straightforward,

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that something you once thought would be so difficult to achieve actually becomes so ridiculously EASY!

In fact our tried, tested and proven to work technique of Complete Mind Therapy makes it so easy for you to quit the nicotine habit, that by the end of only one hour, YOU WILL BE a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker!

We will help you to make instant and positive changes deep in your subconscious mind, which not only enable you to become a non-smoker instantly, but also give you enough will power to ensure that just so long as you follow our simple instructions, you WILL remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life.

When you leave our office you will not feel deprived, you will not feel any pain whatsoever and in no way will you feel that you have made any form of sacrifice!

In fact because of the way we transfer the pleasure you currently get from smoking to some other healthier habit such as doing more exercise, relaxing more or having a glass of water instead, our approach of Complete Mind Therapy makes it highly enjoyable and pleasurable to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker!

Its also because of this that with our method of Complete Mind Therapy there is NO unwanted weight gain, NO sudden nail biting or other habit will appear and you WILL BECOME far more relaxed and stress free in your every day life than you have ever been before, which means that you won’t be getting grumpy and irritable with your loved ones, friends or work colleagues!

In fact the morning after you attend our offices, you will awaken with an inner warm glow of confidence, a renewed optimism to life and a more positive attitude to get things done as you realise that something you once thought would be so difficult to achieve has in fact proved to be so ridiculously easy.

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From the very moment that you leave our office you WILL BE a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker who feels proud to say “No Thank You I don’t Smoke!” and the only side effects that you will ever experience are a positive and beneficial increase in your Health, Wealth and Financial Freedom!

All you have to do is make an appointment, attend at our office and then sit back in a nice comfortable chair, close your eyes, relax and follow our simple step by step instructions to the letter and one hour later you will be a non-smoker!

It doesn’t get any easier than that, so what are you waiting for??

As you can appreciate demand for our services is high so we can only see people on a strictly first come, first served basis, this truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER!

The consultation fee of £275 includes the personal one hour treatment session with one of our highly trained expert therapists and also includes your full back up support pack containing a self-help guide and a valuable home treatment tape which alone have a value of over £25!

Consultation fees can be paid in either cash or by way of any major Visa or MasterCard, but please be aware that any appointments which are not attended or are cancelled with less than 24hrs notice, will result in a 50% cancellation fee becoming payable!

So if you are serious about becoming a non smoker with E.A.S.E, then pick up the phone NOW and CALL 07050-377579, that number again is 07050-377579 and take your first step to a Happier, Healthier and Richer Cigarette Free Life!

Oh yes and one last thing before I go, please check the envelope this tape was sent to you in, because if you were one of the first 40 people to respond to our advertisement, then as a reward for being so quick in replying we will have sent you a valuable “Gift Certificate” entitling

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you to a £25-00 discount off our usual consultation and treatment fees!

If you are one of the lucky 40 with such a “Gift Certificate” sent to you, then its even more important that you call us now on 07050-377579 and book your session of Complete Mind Therapy to end your smoking habit now, as your “Gift Certificate” will expire and become invalid in seven days time!

Please enjoy side B of this tape and we look forward to hearing from you today! ©2002 JONATHAN ROYLE –

Well that’s the wording I use for the sales tape which they get in their FREE information package, which is sent out to them when they phone you in response to your newspaper advert.

Incidentally if you contact recording studios in your area and explain that you have a narrative script which you wish to make an audio master of and that this should only take two hours maximum to record, you should be able to arrange to book what they call “Dead Time” when the studio is usually doing nothing and this means that you can then get your master tape recording of both sides A and B produced at a greatly reduced cost in a 100% professional sounding manner!

As we mentioned earlier, along with this sales tape which would have your name and contact telephone number printed on either side of it, they would also receive a colour information brochure and an introductory letter thanking them for their enquiry, so now lets consider these two items a little further.


The cheapest way to produce a quality looking Introductory letter is to purchase a ream (500 sheets) of Conqueror (or similar) quality white “laid” paper from your local discount stationers such as Staples.

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You can then quite simply design a nice looking letterhead on your computer and print this letterhead out, complete with the letter on it and you have your end product at a very low cost, whereby you need only print them out on an “as need” basis!

The telephone number on this letter, the colour brochure and indeed on the side of the sales tape (and in the taped narration) would be different than the contact number which is printed on your newspaper adverts and in other advertising mediums.

The idea behind this being, that in the first instance the number they call is always answered by a telephone answering machine upon which they hear the following message:

“Thank you for calling The Complete Mind Therapy Clinic, all of our consultants are busy treating people at the moment, so if you would please leave your name and address after the tone we will be happy to send you an exciting FREE information pack and a FREE gift worth £20-00 which will explain fully our unique smoking cessation treatment, we look forward to helping you become a non-smoker in the near future!”

This saves you talking to any of the people who respond to your adverts until such time as they have left their name and address, you have sent them their information package, they have studied it and decided to invest £250 and then they will be calling you back on a different telephone number, namely the number which is on the Introductory letter, the colour brochure and on the tape itself!

This means that when the other phone line rings you will not have to get involved in a long telephone sales pitch as all of their questions should have been answered by the information package which you sent out to them.

Should they still have questions to ask, just respond as follows:

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“In order to help you fully can I just ask you how long you have been smoking and how many cigarettes you smoke each day?”

Whatever their answer is you respond by saying:

“Well the good news is that I can confirm that with just one session of Complete Mind Therapy we can reduce the amount you smoke to Zero, there will be no side effects and as it states in the information package we sent you, our work with you is guaranteed for life”

You then continue:

“So when would you like to come along and become a non-smoker, would Monday or Tuesday suit you best?”

This gives them a choice, but both choices are to book an appointment, so once they have chosen the day you then give them a choice between two times as follows:

“And would 10-30 in the morning or 1-00 in the afternoon suit you best?”

They again have two choices, but either choice results in a booking,

“So let me just confirm that’s (for example) 1-00pm on Tuesday afternoon isn’t it Sir?”

Here they respond yes and you continue:

“And if I can just take your name, address and telephone number for our records”

Here you jot their details down and book them into your diary

“Well thank you very much for calling Sir, our expert consultant Jonathan Royle will look forward to seeing you at 1-00pm on Tuesday afternoon and helping you to become a non-smoker with E.A.S.E!”

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By doing things in the manner I have just explained you are keeping things as simple as possible and also handling things in a manner which seems very professional and business like indeed, which is what people would expect when they are about to spend £250-00 on something!

Right back to the Introductory Letter, mine is headed:


Tel: 07050-377579. Mob: 07932-975297.*Appointments cancelled without 24hrs notice will result in a 50% cancellation fee!

*Our guarantee applies to personal one to one consultations only.

Then the text of the Introductory letter follows and my office address is then printed at the rear of the page as per this example:

Rochdale C.M.T Clinic, Apartment Four, Town Mill Brow, College Bank Flats, St. Mary’s Gate, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6UE.

The actual body of the letter is short, sweet, simple and to the point, the wording I use is as follows:

Dear (here you insert their name prior to printing the letter out from your PC)

Congratulations on taking the first step to becoming a Confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker.

Please find enclosed an information brochure and an audio-tape, side A of which will explain everything to you about our unique treatment method of Complete Mind Therapy and how using it, we can help you to stop smoking with E.A.S.E with just a single one hour session.

On side B of the tape you will find a FREE GIFT as our way of thanking you for responding to our advertisement.

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This side of the tape contains a self-hypnosis treatment session to help you relax more and control the stresses of your every day life!

We normally charge our clients £20 or more for this powerful relaxation aid, which can be listened to whenever you want to chill out and relax completely, but obviously not when operating machinery or driving as that could prove dangerous!

In the first instance we would urge you to listen to side A of the tape and read the enclosed leaflet which we are sure will leave you with no doubts that a session of Complete Mind Therapy is the intelligent choice to become a non-smoker!

As all our treatments have a Lifetime Guarantee, details of which are on side A of the tape, demand for our expert consultants services are high and therefore we would advise you to listen to the tape and then book an appointment by contacting us on 07050-377579 as a matter of priority!

Many thanks for your initial enquiry and we look forward to ending your smoking habit for you in the very near future,

Yours truly,

Jonathan Royle

Well that’s the wording for the Introductory letter which convinces them to waste no time in listening to side A of the tape which will then convince them what a good idea it is to invest £275 into becoming a non-smoker.

Then when they call you on the number on the tape, letter and brochure you simply have to use the example script given to book them into your diary with EASE!

And should you be fully booked, or unable to fit them into your diary at a time which is mutually convenient for the pair of you then you

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would book them in to see one of your “expert colleagues” or to put it another way you refer them to someone else and then take a big commission from that therapist for passing lucrative and valuable work his/her direction!

So with reference to the initial enquiry pack that we send out that just leaves the subject of the colour information brochure, which we will now cover:


Once again the cheapest way by far to produce your colour information brochures is on an “as need” basis by designing them on your home computer and then printing them out on your colour printer as and when you need them!

I would suggest that you print the brochures out on nice glossy paper stock, which obviously must be compatible for use in your printer, the stuff I use is actually photo quality paper which is quite thick and I currently obtain a pack of 20 A4 sheets for £6-00, which equates to just 30p per sheet.

This may sound rather expensive, but the advantage is that you need only invest a small amount and have enough materials in to produce 20 brochures at a time, rather than having to buy big reams of this quality paper which would require a much bigger initial investment, despite the fact that the unit price of each sheet would be dramatically reduced.

As a matter of interest I currently obtain all of my computer supplies, including this photo paper (£6-00 for 20 sheets), Blank CDROMS with plastic trays (£5-00 for 10), Printer Ink Cartridges (2 Colour and 2 Black for just £10-00) and lots of other value for money items from the Tobacconist/Newsagents which is situated on Yorkshire Street in Rochdale, Lancashire.

Bear in mind at the time of typing this information up it is August 2002, but hopefully that should give you a good idea of how cheaply,

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if you shop around you can produce the items you need on an “as need” basis!

My brochures are produced so that they are made up of four A5 size pages which means that they can be printed onto a single double sided A4 sheet and then folded down the centre making the end product into a four page A5 Colour Booklet.

The front page of the brochure is an A5 colour reproduction of the advert that I suggested you use in the newspapers earlier in this manual, the only main difference being that the telephone number on the brochure version is different than the one which appears on the newspaper adverts as it is the number they are to call when they want to speak to someone in person and actually book a session with you!

Also the cartoon pictures on the brochure version would be in full colour, as would be the head and shoulders photographs which appear on the advert of you.

This front page would be printed so that when the brochure is held like a book would be, the front page will appear to have been printed on its side, or to put it another way they will have to hold the brochure in Landscape style in order to read the advert in the manner it would appear in a newspaper.

Pages two and three of the brochure (inside pages) and page four (back page) would all be laid out and printed in normal book style format so that they can be read holding the brochure in a normal portrait (book) style manner.

I will now give details of what information should appear on each of the inside pages and the rear cover.



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If such a simple solution to the smoking habit is available then why do so many people who say they sincerely want to stop, carry on smoking?

Well in our experience, we have found that for 99% of people the answer always comes down to the same thing….FEAR!

*FEAR that you’ll never be able to continue your life as a non-smoker completely free of the craving for Nicotine!

*FEAR that you’ll put on weight when you stop or start biting your fingernails instead as a substitute to your damaging smoking habit.

*FEAR that you’ll have to give up the pleasurable crutch that your smoking habit seems to give you, and that as a result you may become a lesser person.

*FEAR that in order to become a non-smoker you will have to go through some kind of terrible trauma or painful feelings.

*FEAR that when you have become a non-smoker you may find that you are unable to enjoy life or handle stress!

*FEAR of failure in your attempts to become a non-smoker.

All of these examples of fear are simply potential symptoms of the one simple reason that until now you have not been able to stop smoking and this main reason is yet another FEAR……..





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Consider these eye-opening facts and we are sure that you will realise that the most intelligent decision you will ever make is that of becoming a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker by calling us and booking an appointment today!

*Those who smoke between 20 to 40 Cigarettes a day will save around £2,500 per year by becoming a non-smoker.

*That means you could save well over £100K Thousand pounds during your lifetime by simply becoming a non-smoker!

*The current cost of a Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) session to help you stop smoking with E.A.S.E (Eliminate the Addiction to Smoking Forever!) costs just £275-00, making it by far the best financial investment you will ever make.

*Consider this, place £275 into a bank or building society account for a year and even if you were getting say 5% interest, this would only make you a profit of £13-75p for the year on your original investment.

*However take this same £275 and invest it into yourself by way of becoming a non-smoker and in around one month you will have recouped your original investment and you will then continue to profit for the rest of your life!

*That means that in the same one year period, your investment of £275, would by becoming a non-smoker have made you a 1,000%+ Tax Free return by way of the money you will save in one year by not buying Cigarettes!

*No other form of investment can bring you such a large financial return for such a low investment in such a short space of time, and don’t forget you keep on saving money and thereby getting a huge return on your original investment of £275 for the rest of your life!

*Best of all as we offer a “LIFETIME GUARANTEE” which entitles you to one FREE back up session (in the rare event that you ever need it) you can be sure that this is the Lowest Risk, yet by far Highest

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Return Investment that you will ever make in your life, so don’t delay call and book your session today on 07050-377579.



Our tried, tested and proven to work technique of Complete Mind Therapy makes it so easy for you to quit the nicotine habit, that by the end of only one hour, YOU WILL BE a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker!

We will help you to make instant and positive changes deep in your subconscious mind, which not only enable you to become a non-smoker instantly, but also give you enough will power to ensure that just so long as you follow our simple instructions, you WILL remain a non-smoker for the rest of your life.

When you leave our office you will not feel deprived, you will not feel any pain whatsoever and in no way will you feel that you have made any form of sacrifice!

In fact because of the way we transfer the pleasure you currently get from smoking to some other healthier habit such as doing more exercise, relaxing more or having a glass of water instead, our approach of Complete Mind Therapy makes it highly enjoyable and pleasurable to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker!

Its also because of this that with our method of Complete Mind Therapy there is NO unwanted weight gain, NO sudden nail biting or other habit will appear and you WILL BECOME far more relaxed and stress free in your every day life than you have ever been before, which means that you won’t be getting grumpy and irritable with your loved ones, friends or work colleagues!

All you have to do is make an appointment, attend at our office and then sit back in a nice comfortable chair, close your eyes, relax and

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follow our simple step by step instructions to the letter and one hour later you will be a non-smoker!

It doesn’t get any easier than that, so what are you waiting for??

TEL: 07050-377579 MOB: 07932-975297(Cash, Visa & Mastercard’s Accepted)

*Appointments cancelled without 24hrs notice will result in a 50% cancellation fee!**Our Guarantee applies only to personal one to one consultations

Rochdale C.M.T Clinic, Apartment Four, Town Mill Brow, College Bank Flats, St. Mary’s Gate, Rochdale, Lancashire, England, OL12 6UE



As you may of guessed by now every single person who responds to our media advertisements is sent a “Gift Certificate” in their information pack which is apparently worth £25-00 off the cost of their CMT session if they book their session within Seven Days!

The idea of this is to act as an incentive to them to book their session within a seven day period of getting the information pack, as this will mean that they can claim a £25 discount and thus end up paying only £250 for their session, which oddly enough is all we wanted to charge them in the first place as discussed earlier!

Phrased in the manner it is on the sales tape, finding this “Gift Certificate” inside their information pack also makes them feel lucky and good about themselves as they will think they have been one of just 40 lucky people to receive such a £25 off discount “Gift Certificate”.

And as people in the world of sales know when people feel that they are getting a discount, especially if they feel they are privileged in doing so, then they are far more likely to buy the product in the first place, even if they don’t really want it!

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The “Gift Certificate” is again easily designed and printed on your home PC and should be A5 Landscape format, which means that you can fit two of them onto one A4 sheet when printing them out and then just cut the sheet in half giving you two gift certificates.

Their should be a fancy border around the sides of the certificate so that it stands out like a kind of Certificate or Award would do, and my advice is to print the certificate onto a nice thin bright yellow coloured card so that it stands out a mile when it is removed from the envelope!

The wording on this should be as follows:


Congratulations, you were one of the first 40 people to respond to our advertisement and therefore YOU ARE ONE OF OUR LUCKY WINNER’S!

To claim your £25-00 Prize* simply book your session of Complete Mind Therapy to end your smoking habit within the next seven days and we will deduct £25-00 off the usual consultation and treatment fee of £275-00!


This certificate is valid for seven days only until ______________ therefore you must book your session before this date to qualify for your £25-00 DISCOUNT


*No Cash Alternative Can Be Claimed For this Certificate and it may not be used in conjunction with any other offers which may currently be available.

The wording of this is such as to make them want to claim their £25 discount and as this means they have to respond and book a session within seven days, this gift certificate marketing ploy helps you to

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convert your enquiries into actual fee paying clients in the shortest space of time possible!

Incidentally you will also need a date stamp like those used in libraries to enter the return date of your books! This can then easily be set for a date nine days after the day you are sending their information pack out to them.

This allows two days for the package to arrive with them (this allows for second class post and saves you cash as the package will cost over 40p to send anyway!) and then it gives the person receiving it a clear seven days in which to respond and claim their £25 discount, thus paying only £250 for their session of CMT!

As you will of realised, each part of the initial package sent to them compliments each other, each item contains your contact number, so that if they lose one item they can still easily get in touch with you, and indeed each items concrete’s in to their minds that the usual fee is £275 and therefore they will really believe that if they reply within seven days that they will make a genuine saving of £25, when in truth we only wanted £250 a session anyway!

Obviously you keep a dated record of every telephone request you get for more information, the reason for this being if for some reason they don’t respond and book a session within seven days, then we would leave them alone for a further seven days to see if they call and book a session and if they don’t then it is time for a phase two attack!


When you have sent someone an information pack and they have failed to book a session within 14 days of receiving the package, then we would send them another sales information package, which this time contains:

01) A short “Introductory Letter”02) A copy of the same Colour Brochure they got last time03) A new Gift Certificate, this time worth £75-00 off their session!

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The colour brochure they are sent is identical to the one they received last time, however the Introductory Letter and Gift Certificate are just ever so slightly different in their wording as follows:


Dear (here you insert their name)

A little over two weeks ago you contacted us expressing your interest in becoming a Confident, Happy, Healthy, relaxed non-smoker……..

Our records show that you were one of the first 40 lucky people to respond to our advertisement, and yet you have failed to take advantage of the discount “Gift Certificate” we sent you as a reward!

Those who did contact us and book a session during the past two weeks, have now seen their dreams come true and realised that something they once thought would be so difficult to achieve, has with our help, become so ridiculously easy!

We know that you are serious about becoming a non-smoker, and we are certainly serious about helping you to achieve this with E.A.S.E

(Eliminate the Addiction to Smoking for Ever)

Therefore we have selected you as one of only a handful of people to receive treatment at a dramatically DISCOUNTED PRICE!

To this end, please find enclosed a “Gift Certificate” which is valid for the next seven days only entitling you to a massive £75-00 off the cost of becoming a non-smoker using Complete Mind Therapy!

This means that if you book your session within the next seven days you pay only £200 to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker and you will still benefit from our unique lifetime guarantee.

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Please listen to the tape we sent you two weeks ago, read the enclosed brochure and then call us on 07050-377579 to book your discounted session NOW!

Yours truly,




Congratulations, as you were one of the first 40 people to respond to our original advertisement YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED AS ONE OF OUR LUCKY WINNER’S!

To claim your £75-00 Prize* simply book your session of Complete Mind Therapy to end your smoking habit within the next seven days and we will deduct £75-00 off the usual consultation and treatment fee of £275-00!


This certificate is valid for seven days only until ______________ therefore you must book your session before this date to qualify for your £75-00 DISCOUNT


*No Cash Alternative Can Be Claimed For this Certificate and it may not be used in conjunction with any other offers which may currently be available.

This should help convert a large percentage of the people who have not yet booked a session into fee-paying clients, but there are still two more avenues available should they not respond at this stage!

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Any people who do not reply to the phase two marketing attack are then added to your list of people to contact with the phase three approach!

The idea behind this being that we are about to offer them a session of Complete Mind Therapy to become a non-smoker for the once in a lifetime bargain price of only £75-00!

Treating them at just £75-00 a time can at this stage still prove highly profitable as we will not be offering them individual one to one therapy, but rather will be offering them the chance to participate in a group “Stop-Smoking” session.

To get them to part with their £75-00 they would be sent:

01) Another copy of the audiotape just in case they have lost the other!

02) A special Introductory Letter.

03) A copy of the Colour sales brochure.

04) A special £200 discount gift certificate!

The audiotape is identical to the one they were sent in the first place, but it is sent out just in case they have lost the other one.

The colour brochure is identical to the one they have now already received on two occasions.

However the Introductory letter and gift certificate are slightly different as follows:


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Dear (insert their name here)Some time ago you expressed an interest in becoming a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker, but for some reason we have heard nothing more from you!!


As some people have recently told us that getting together £275 to pay out in one lump sum can prove rather difficult, we have thought long and hard and come up with the perfect solution!

On the evening of Monday 25th November 2002, starting at 8pm prompt, we shall we holding a mass non-smoking clinic at The Rochdale Transport Club, Baron Street, Rochdale, Lancashire!

You will have the chance to become a non-smoker with E.A.S.E in the company of other people like yourself who want to change their life’s for the better!

Seating for this Exclusive Event is Strictly Limited and is available only on a first come first served basis,

So contact us today on 07050-377579 and book your chance to become a non-smoker for just £75-00!*

Yours truly

JONATHAN ROYLE*Our Unique Lifetime Guarantee does not apply to this mass stop-smoking event!



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Congratulations, you were one of the first 40 people to respond to our original advertisement and therefore YOU ARE ONE OF OUR LUCKY WINNER’S!

To claim your £200-00 Prize* simply book your seat for our mass Complete Mind Therapy Treatment Event to end your smoking habit within the next seven days and we will deduct £200-00 off the usual consultation and treatment fee of £275-00!


This certificate is valid for our mass CMT treatment event on Monday 25th November 2002 at Rochdale Transport Club (Baron Street) and therefore you must book your seat for this event now to claim your £200-00 DISCOUNT


*No Cash Alternative Can Be Claimed For this Certificate and it may not be used in conjunction with any other offers which may currently be available.

**Our Unique Guarantee applies only to personal one to one sessions.

As you will notice the original colour brochure is worded so that it states that our guarantee is only valid for personal one to one sessions and this point is also made on this “phase three” introductory letter and gift certificate!

This means we are covered legally in not giving such a guarantee on our mass group sessions, however by now the people receiving these packages will have seen our materials so often that they will assume the guarantee still applies, which of course works in our favours!

Obviously the date, time and location of the event will be altered on your materials depending on where you decide to hold it.

I like the function rooms in Working Men’s Clubs as they already have a stage and a P.A. System which we can use and they also seat at

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least a 100 people or more, which gives you enough capacity to potentially earn £7500 in one night (100 by £75) or maybe even more!

Best of all these function rooms can usually be hired on a midweek basis for less than £50, which means you really can make maximum money for minimum investment.

At such an event, I would spend about 45 minutes demonstrating the power of Hypnosis and Complete Mind Therapy in an entertaining manner, using the techniques explained in my publications “Hypnotrick” and “The Professional Art of Stage Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy!” both available from

We would then have a 20 minute Interval, during which people can get a drink from the bar and are told to SMOKE THEIR LAST EVER CIGARETTE!

Then in the second half, I would start by demanding that everyone disposes of their cigarettes, lighters and other smoking materials into the containers placed at the front of the stage!

This both looks dramatic and psychologically brings them to a point where it will be easy to make them a non-smoker.

Everyone is them told to sit in their chairs, get comfortable and close their eyes and then we simply do a session of Complete Mind Therapy on the whole room at once.

Read my course and watch my video or DVD “Secrets of Professional Hypnotherapy” and all the scripts, techniques and information you will need to successfully pull off such a mass stop-smoking event will be revealed to you in great detail.

At the end of the evening, everyone who attends is given the same support pack (audio and leaflet) that they would of got if attending a personal one to one session.

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And in the rare event that some names are left on your mailing list at this point who have not responded to phase 1,2, or 3 approaches then you could consider option 4 before removing their name from your lists!


At this stage you could simply write to them and offer to sell them a self-help stop-smoking tape, the same tape that we give people after our personal consultations.

Tell them that whilst this is obviously not as effective as a personal one to one consultation, that in around 75% of cases it will make people non-smokers with EASE and in most all other cases it will drastically help them to reduce the amount they smoke!

Offer them the tape at say just £29-95 inclusive of P+P and you should get a fair number of people ordering them, which will make you around £27 or more each order profit.


Read this book again and you will see that the key to our financial success is a combination of clever marketing ploys and sheer determination.

When these techniques are combined in a manner such as this book explains, then at some stage we should be able to convert most if not all of the enquiries we originally get into some kind of financial profit.

The technique’s used to market our Smoking Cessation sessions can also quite easily with a little thought and a little research on the world wide web be adapted to advertise in a similar manner any other treatment sessions such as Weight-Loss, Confidence, Phobias etc!

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The back-up support pack given to them at the end of the session contains nothing more than a copy of our “Smoking Cessation Master” available from and a leaflet explaining that they should listen to side A (suggestion therapy session) of this tape every other day WITHOUT FAIL for the next 28 days to ensure that their new life as a non-smoker remains permanent!

They are also told that they should listen to side B (subliminal’s hidden within the music) at least twice a week for the next four weeks.

It also explains that they can then listen to the tape at any time in the future when they may feel under stress to ensure that they never again return to the smoking habit!

And last but by no means least it points out two very important tips,

a) A small glass of Pure Orange juice drunk whenever you would, in the past, normally have been desperate for a Cigarette gives a similar kind of “kick” to your body!

b) Taking a few rapid deep breathes in and then out for a few seconds, sends a similar rush to our brains as smoking a Cigarette would have done for them in the past!

This back-up support pack is also what we sell people by mail order if we end up having to resort to the phase four marketing attack!

As you will notice the client has to 100% be committed top remaining a non-smoker as they are led to believe that their treatment will only be 100% successful and their guarantee will only be valid if they follow our instructions and the instructions in the back up pack 100% to the letter!

It is this back-up pack ploy which had enabled me to become so successful at Smoking Cessation as the tape listening helps keep them

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occupied for 28 days and by this time it will have become habit to be a non-smoker!


The subject of obtaining FREE TV, Radio, Newspaper and magazine Publicity for your Hypnotic business is one, which I cover in depth on my personal one to one training, courses in Hypnosis.

However I touched on this subject very briefly earlier in this manual and so a few extra words of advice here would not go amiss.

Any press release that you send out should be clearly and neatly typed, double-spaced onto single sided white A4 paper, as this is the format that editors like to receive.

The point of the press release is to offer the editor something of benefit to him, so that he/she will then call you for further information and quite often end up wanting to interview you for their publication or TV/Radio show.

For example you could offer to make one of their journalists a non-smoker for FREE just so long as they publish details of the session and its success in their media, or you could tell them that if they interview you and print the interview, then you will give readers of their newspaper or magazine a massive £150 discount off the cost of a normal session.

Although this would mean you get only £125 per session, such an article would be easy to get printed as it offers their readers something for FREE and also saves their readers money!

From your point of view, it would dramatically kick start your business and give you money to use on future advertising in the manner as detailed in this book!

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When you approach Local Publications and TV/Radio stations play on the angle that you are yourself a Local person who wants to help other local people to stop smoking using your NEW SKILLS of Complete Mind Therapy!

Push the fact that you are the only Complete Mind Therapist in your area and they will be even more interested to speak to you, especially if you send them a copy of the “Phase one” marketing pack with the press release and tell them that you will offer their readers, viewers or listeners an even bigger discount off your services!


Quite simply my advice here is to get Anthony Robbins excellent books “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant Within” and follow his advice to the letter.

Make out your list of goals and follow his advice and believe me they will become a reality.

And from a financial point of view, seek professional advice from a financial advisor and an accountant.

An accountant will advise you on the tax benefits of registering yourself as a Limited Company and don’t forget to ask about the benefits of becoming an offshore Limited Company and legally not having to pay any taxes at all!

A financial advisor will, when you have an amount of a thousand pounds a week or more to invest, (which using this system you could quite easily active) will advise you of the best ways to invest it so that you could quite realistically become a true Millionaire within a 3 to 5 year period of following a structured marketing and business plan such as the example laid out in this manual!


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As you will only need an office a couple of days a week, as you will book all of your clients in on these days, it would be my advice to contact other local Hypnotherapists who already have a consulting room and see how much they will charge you to rent their office for just two or three days of the week.

Point out that as you will be so busy and only want to work three days a week maximum, that you will be able to refer an awful lot of clients their way for smoking cessation and that for each client they treat on your behalf you will give them either £175 (so you make £75 for the referrals from phase one) or £150 (so you make £50 for the referrals from phase two) and we are sure that many will jump at the chance!

Failing that, approach local hairdressers and beauty salons, as many of these will have a spare room upstairs which they will be happy to rent out to you for a small daily fee, in this case you also get to display a colour advertising poster in their window for your services and don’t be to shocked if they tell all of their clients about your services resulting in more work!


Each client that attends at our offices for a session of Complete Mind Therapy will of course be asked to complete the questionnaire, which makes my system of CMT so successful as explained in my course “The Professional Art of Stage-Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy!”

However at this time we also ask them two other important questions,

01) Can you please tell me the name and address of your Doctor as legally I need it for our files?

02) Do you know a couple of people who would benefit from stopping smoking and if so what are their names and addresses?

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When the client has left this information will prove itself to be invaluable marketing material as you will use it as follows:

01) You will send a letter to the personal attention of their Doctor, introducing yourself and informing them that you have just helped one of their patients by the name of (here insert the persons name & address) to become a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker with EASE and that you would be happy to do the same for any of their other patients if they would like to refer them to you for treatment. Include a copy of the tape and colour brochure and a note informing the Doctor that if he contacts you, then you will be happy to send him some more audiotapes and brochures which he can then pass on to the patients he has who smoke! This technique alone can over a short period of time build you up a network of Doctors referring their patients to you for treatment!

02) To the clients friends/family details of which they have given you is sent a “personalised” letter telling them that their friend (or son, work colleague etc) by the name of (insert name & address) has just become a non-smoker using your services and mentioned that they may be interested also. Again these people are sent a tape and brochure, but also they are sent the phase one gift certificate, and trust me many will speak to their friend after receiving it and then their friend acts as an unpaid salesperson convincing them to book a session with you!

This technique also means that your clients know that other people will know that they have given up smoking and this adds the very powerful element of peer group pressure and expectancy in ensuring that they remain a non-smoker as they will not want to look like a failure in the eyes of their Doctor, Friends & Family!

You can also cheekily give half a dozen of your business cards to people after their sessions and ask them to give them out to anyone they meet who is a smoker who says they want to stop!

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Believe it or not, feeling so good about having become a non-smoker with EASE, these people WILL become your unpaid salesmen and in time, this kind of word of mouth advertising will bring you more clients than from any other source!


In Publications that are very expensive to place large display adverts, such as National Magazines, I find that a simple classified advert such as the example which follows, can also get the phone ringing with enquiries from people who are then sent the phase one marketing package!

“STOP SMOKING in one Hour and Eliminate the Addiction to Smoking Forever! For your FREE tape and information pack call 07050-377579 today!”

The first two words “Stop Smoking” being printed in Bold Capitals and the rest of the advert as it appears above, this is only 23 words in length and can affordably be placed in many high readership magazines such as Cosmopolitan and similar publications!

Having A5 size colour landscape format adverts (same as press adverts) printed onto bright Day-Glo paper is also a cheap and effective advertising ploy!

For as little as 50p to a £1 a week you can have these prominently displayed in the windows of all the local newsagents and my use of this technique has shown me that the return on investment is well worth while!

After all even if it costs £1-00 a week, that is only £4-00 for the month, this means that for £240 we could have these bright A5 Day-Glo advertisements displayed in the windows of SIXTY different local newsagents for a full one month period.

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As you know newsagents sell Cigarettes as part of their business and so loads of people will enter their shop over the month that the advert is displayed that are potential customers and my experience has shown me that this will result in many phonecalls, which you respond to in the manner already explained in this manual.

Lets face it you only need one enquiry to convert into a paying client in this example for you to have broken even and then after that it is pure profit!

Placing a folded up copy of this A5 advertisement into all of the books at your local library which relate to the subject of giving up smoking can also lead to many paying clients, just make sure they don’t see you sticking the leaflets inside the books, otherwise they will take them out again.

Well that’s just about it on the subject of setting up a successful smoking cessation clinic, well that’s it for this manual, its certainly enough to set you on the right path for financial success.

Should you wish to learn even more though, then I would suggest that you visit and consider investing into my other training products, many of which also contain further information on marketing and promoting your Hypnotic business.

Best of all book a personal one to one training course with me and I will reveal of other low cost and effective marketing and promotion techniques.

For now I wish you the best of luck in all that you do and please do enjoy the pages which follow, which explain a simple easy way to make lots of money from the lucrative area of “Stress Management!”

Incidentally I would appreciate hearing your comments and reviews on this manual and to this end you can send them to [email protected]

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Yours Hypnotically



It is estimated that in the UK at least 40 million working days are lost each year due to the effects of stress. It is hardly surprising therefore, that practically everyone has heard of stress management training.

It has become so common that the majority of middle to large size companies have at some time or another arranged stress management training for their employees, whilst most colleges run part time stress management classes.

Anyone who is a good communicator and able to manage their own stress responses can capitalise on the growing market for good quality stress management training. It is remarkably easy to obtain lucrative contracts to deliver stress management training, in both industrial and academic environments.

Contrary to most people’s belief, no qualifications are required to teach adults, either in the work place or at colleges and other adult education centres. In fact, most part time and adult evening class tutors have absolutely no teaching qualifications. Furthermore, in subjects like stress management, which are non-skills specific, it is somewhat of a rarity to find tutors or trainers who hold qualifications in the subject itself.

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Instead of qualifications, certain personal qualities are needed to become successful in stress management training. Primarily, these are:

1. Communication skills – the ability to organise your thoughts and ideas in a logical way and to present them clearly and concisely to others, whilst stimulating their appetite for further learning.

2. A belief in the power of the mind to produce physiological effects in the body. A basic understanding of the relationship between mind and body.

3. The ability to get on well with people and to relate to both individuals and groups in a totally non-judgemental way.

4. Patience, understanding and tolerance.5. The ability to generally control and manage one’s

own responses to stress provoking situations.

If you feel reasonably confident that you possess each of these qualities and are capable of reading and learning from the wealth of material which exist concerning stress and stress management related topics, there is absolutely no reason why you would not be able to earn a very good income from providing stress management training.

Once you become a regular adult tutor at a college or other adult education centre, you will be offered the opportunity to undertake some part time training, which if successfully completed, provides you with a qualification. An example of such a course and qualification is the City and Guilds Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate, (F.A.E.T.C.). Whilst stressing again that a qualification is NOT necessary in order for you to teach adults, the F.A.E.T.C. is a very

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desirable and useful qualification to obtain and the course will provide all that you need to know to become a first class adult education tutor.

Whilst qualifications and actual training experience are not essential, it helps if your background includes some supervision, management, sales or interviewing experience. Any experience which involved working with groups of people such as chairing meetings, youth work, community work or entertainment’s management would also be extremely useful. Once again though, none of these backgrounds is essential and there are many, very successful stress management trainers who have no relevant background.

Perhaps the easiest way to prove this point is to describe what stress management consists of. When you have read through the typical course overview which commences in the next paragraph, you will fully appreciate that what is involved could easily be taught by any good communicator, regardless of their background and experience.

Stress Management Course Overview.

1. The nature and causes of stress.The “fight or flight” response.The Physiology of stress.

2. Stress response choices.3. Sources of stress – personality, lifestyle,

environmental and chemical

4. Recognising stress symptoms.

5. The nature and power of the unconscious mind.

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6. Relaxation techniques.

7. Self Hypnosis.

8. Goal setting.9. The role of diet and exercise in stress control

A course programme composed of the above topics would appeal to both adult education centres and employers alike. Before describing some very effective techniques and strategies for marketing and presenting such a course to employers and colleges, I will explain each of the topics in more detail. At the end of this part, I provide you with information about where to obtain sufficient knowledge of your subject so that you can teach it to other people.

The Nature and Causes of Stress

To understand what causes stress and what is happening to us when we experience the symptoms of stress, we need to take a look at the original purpose of stress responses in primitive man.

Flight or Fight Response

In primitive times, a constant stream of life threatening dangers presented themselves and two responses were vitally important for survival. These were the response of flight and the response of fight. Hunting ferocious beast’s one day and taking part in a bloody tribal battle the next, primitive man had to respond in either of these two ways if he was going to survive. Running for his life to escape an aggressor who was stronger, or fighting to overcome a lesser opponent. The choice was a simple one and totally appropriate to those times.

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Nowadays neither response is appropriate to most of challenges we face in everyday life. Instead, civilisation has brought with it many new and highly complex demands to replace most of the truly life threatening ones.

Everyday we are faced with some sort of challenge – “out of the ordinary demands”, if you like. Because our autonomic system cannot differentiate between the various sources of arousal, being stuck in a 20th century traffic jam can produce exactly the same bodily responses as being chased by a woolly mammoth or sabre tooth tiger would have done in our ancestors.

In other words, our primitive response mechanism still works in exactly the same way as it has always done whilst the responses themselves have become less and less appropriate.

Fighting your employer when he refuses to promote you is probably going to get you into more trouble than running away from him, but neither response is suitable or sensible.

If we cannot respond to challenges in the way we were designed or programmed to do, some conflict is bound to result.

A definition of stress is the state of arousal with which the body responds to out of the ordinary demands. Or challenges which are imposed upon us.

The Physiology of Stress

The process is an extremely prompt, speedy and efficient one, which starts the instant we perceive the

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challenge. Note the word perceive, because it doesn’t have to be a “real” challenge – merely a perceived one. The challenge, or out of the ordinary demand, sets off a chain reaction of bodily processes which produce an upsurge in strength and energy, the two things we need for the flight or fight responses, of course. But that same surge of energy has no outlet when the chains of civilisation restrain us from fleeing or fighting and as a result we are filled with the all too familiar sensations of frustration and pent up anxiety. We find ourselves unable to run and unable to fight, yet at the same time having to deal with the very same chemical reactions that gave our ancestors the strength to fight and the energy to take flight.

We only need to IMAGINE an out of the ordinary demand to place our system on “stress alert.” Some inner impatience, anger or anxiety is enough to produce the same chain reaction of body chemistry. This makes it perfectly possible to create a vicious circle of producing stress from – AN ANXIETY ABOUT STRESS.

Stress Response Choices

We do however have some other choices, which are appropriate to 20th century living. We have several in fact, but some are unhealthy choices, which in the long term cause far more problems than they solve. Examples of unhealthy choices are smoking, alcohol abuse, over eating, drug misuse etc.

Examples of healthy choices are, relaxation and exercise, because with these we are disconnecting and recharging our systems instead of allowing the energy to build up and overload the system. We must either use up the energy or turn it off.

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In fact the whole art of stress management is about learning how to control our responses to stress. We cannot remove stress or remove ourselves from all the sources of stress. But stress only becomes harmful when it is uncontrolled, so learning how to control or manage stress is all that we need to concern ourselves with anyway.

The recognition of this fact is the first step towards reducing the harmful effects of stress in your life.

Sources of Stress.

The second step is to recognise the various sources of stress. They can be divided into four main groups:

1. Personality2. Lifestyle3. Environmental4. Chemical

The personality factors are those which arise from our values, beliefs and behaviour patterns. Your value system is the deepest level of your personality, and from them beliefs are formed which in turn produce behaviour patterns. Trying to alter behaviour without understanding or changing your values and beliefs is doomed to failure.

Real change comes from making changes at the deeper levels of your personality. For example low self esteem is formed from certain values and beliefs we hold about ourselves and our world and low self-esteem produces stress. To tackle this source of stress we need to learn more about the underlying values and belief, which are producing the loss of self-esteem and where

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appropriate, reconstruct them. Stress management explores various techniques for doing this.

Lifestyle as a source of stress concerns the stressful events, which are provoked by the way we live. Research by two American doctors, Holme and Rahe, produced a scale of life events, which were valued according to the amount of adjustment needed to cope with them.

Death of a spouse or child came out top, followed by divorce, separation and imprisonment. At the other end of the scale, the two doctors listed changes in eating habits, taking a vacation and even Christmas.

Environmental sources of stress are things like inadequate housing, unpleasant or unhealthy working conditions, crowded public transport and that sort of thing. What is not quite so obvious and easy to recognise about some of them is that we sometimes pretend to actually enjoy them.

For example, some commuters get a buzz out of the mad rush and the crowded trains. It becomes a way of life to boast about, giving a sense of pride at ones ability to “take it” and cope with it all. Underneath this superficial level of enjoyment, the stress factors are still operating and taking their toll. The person who recognises them and learns to manage the stress responses will be OK, but the person who goes on ignoring them, pretending they do not exist, is undoubtedly heading for trouble.

Chemical sources of stress are substances, which act upon our central nervous system to produce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Many such substances

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are harmless or even beneficial when taken in relatively small doses.

Examples are:

Caffeine: which is in coffee, coca-cola and in tea, is a stimulant, which boosts the output of stress hormones. Initially it will make you more alert but later, especially when consumed in large quantities, it will produce symptoms of irritability and cause sleeplessness.

Salt: which increases nervous tension.

Sugar: too much sugar can decrease blood sugar, causing fatigue and irritability.

Nicotine: far from being the relaxing drug smokers often claim it to be, nicotine is actually a stimulant which stimulates the adrenal glands, causing full stress response.

Alcohol: which is a depressant when taken in excess, although it relaxes when drunk in moderation.

Recognising Stress Symptoms

Becoming aware of your own stress responses is not quite as it sounds. Stress distorts perception. We do not notice what is happening as we keep driving ourselves harder. The more stressed we are, the less chance we have of noticing it.

Psychologists sometimes talk about different personality types in relation to stress response. One type is very ambitious, competitive, hard working, impatient and aggressive, actually thrive on stress,

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getting a “high” from a stress hormone known as noradrenalin. Such a personality can become hooked on this substance and they seem to produce it in greater quantities than other personality types.

Another type of person, often labelled “the over achiever” is equally at risk. This type of person gives the impression of always calmly coping with everything life throws at them. Being tough, proud of being able to withstand the pressure. They will deny the dangers of stress and disapprove of others who “give in”, considering that to be a sign of weakness. They are generally unable to admit to any personal limitations of vulnerability.

In reality, pure examples of these character types are rare, most people combining and exhibiting the different qualities according to changing circumstances.

Nevertheless, the beliefs that, “stress is something which doesn’t affect me” or “something I just have to grin and bear”, illustrated by both of these personality types, are extremely widespread.

Stress Symptoms

These can be physical, psychological, or behavioural. Here are some common physical stress symptoms:Chronic stomach upsets, ulcers, bowel disorders, blood pressure, skin rashes, irregular breathing, impotency, insomnia, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome.

Some examples of psychological symptoms are:Irritability, impatience, restlessness, frustration, hostility, anger, loss of control, apathy, boredom, guilt, shame, helplessness, hopelessness, depression, mood swings.

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Examples of behavioural symptoms are:Leaving important things undone, panicking, allowing insufficient time to get to work or to appointments, talking too fast, arguing for the sake of arguing, losing your sense of humour, over reacting with emotional outbursts, suspicions, difficulty with decision making, memory loss, inability to concentrate, loss of discriminatory power, poor judgement, erratic or uncharacteristic behaviour.

The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious is so much wiser and more powerful than the conscious mind. And so it should be, because it holds all of our past experiences, all of our fantasies and all of our future possibilities. All of the things we might recognise are there as well as the things we are capable of having, as well as those we have already thought.

The power of the unconscious mind can work, both for us and against us. The unconscious cannot differentiate between what is real and what is believes is real.

An example, which proves this to be the case, occurred in 1964, when a man was found dead in a refrigeration unit. He had become trapped and his body revealed all the correct signs consistent with someone who had frozen to death. That’s what you’d expect after being locked inside a refrigeration unit, isn’t it?

It’s certainly what that man expected and it’s exactly what he told his unconscious mind to believe, because if he hadn’t he would have lived. The refrigeration unit

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wasn’t switched on and the temperature inside was well above freezing point.

Such is the power of the unconscious mind to work in a negative fashion, but what of its power to work for us? In the USA, research is currently going on to establish exactly how it is, that a significant proportion of terminally ill people are still alive several years after they should have died. The diagnosis for these patients, their circumstances and condition was identical to patients who died within six months of the diagnosis, yet seven or more years later they are still living. The research is still incomplete, but enough is already know to tell us that these patients are using the power of their unconscious mind to create a life giving belief system to overcome the physical effects of their illness.

So, if the power of your unconscious mind is on the one hand capable of killing you and on the other hand, capable of saving you from certain death situations, it is obviously a good idea to harness its power for your well being. What that really means, is learning to make it create positive thoughts and thereby produce positive energy for you.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation is just about the most natural thing that anyone could experience. It is also an experience which by definition requires the absence of any effort. Because of its essentially natural and effortless nature, it seems almost paradoxical to suggest that relaxation is a skill that can be acquired and developed through regular practice.

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Practising the art of relaxation in order to become more proficient at it, is however no more paradoxical than practising any other art or skill. You should be prepared to practice at least twice a week.

To start with, you probably only need five to ten minutes per session. But when you have successfully completed the preliminary exercises, the second stage sessions will require you to devote something like twenty minutes per session.

This is what you do. Simply lie back on whatever you have decided to relax upon, ensure that you are completely comfortable.

Allow your eyes to focus on some spot just above your forehead and simply let your mind and body slow down. Do not try to make anything happen or do anything other than allow yourself to rest comfortably with your arms laying loose by your sides and your hands open. If your eyes begin to feel tired or watery, just let them close, but if they are more comfortable remaining open, then allow them to do so.

Your only objective at this stage, is to let your mind and body slow down and that will occur automatically, without you trying to make it happen.

You’ll probably start to notice sensations of tiredness of which you were not previously conscious. Explore these feelings and begin to experience where they are situated. Feel the sensations in the various muscle groups of the arms, legs, neck, shoulders, back and stomach.

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After a little while of allowing yourself to experience the sensations in this fairly general way, start to focus your attention on one area of your body at a time.

Start with one of your hands. Focus your attention on this hand and concentrate on whatever sensations you can sense there for about ten seconds. Then shift your attention to the other hand and do the same. Next, carry out the same observation of the sensations in your feet, spending about ten seconds on one foot before shifting your attention to the other. After this transfer your attention to gain a similar awareness of the sensations in the various sets of muscles of your face. Consider the ones in your cheeks and the tiny ones surrounding your eyes. Continue by shifting your attention to the muscles of your jaw and the ones surrounding your mouth. Whilst you concentrate on each of these sets of muscles, let them remain as still as possible.

By focusing your attention on specific areas in this way, you will find that the remaining areas of your body lose their tension automatically, whilst your mind learns how to forget that they even exist at all.

Repeat the cycle of hands, feet and facial muscles, three more times, dealing with any lapses of concentration in the gentle, detached way I have already described. You have all the time in the world and learning to be really patient with yourself is an essential part of the skill which you are developing.

You will begin to notice how tension that was present when you first started the cycle of awareness of each area, melts away with each successive round. The sensations, which were present when you commenced the exercise, are replaced with other sensations and

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you will become more adept at tuning yourself into the subtle variations with repeated sessions.

Follow the same procedure in subsequent sessions but extend the cycle of areas on which to focus your attention to include the upper arms, the thighs, the calves, the shoulders, the neck and the abdominal region. Eventually, the restlessness and mind wandering which was a feature of your initial attempts will start to disappear and a greater feeling of comfort will be experienced in all areas of your body.

An indication of how near you have come to achieving the objectives of the first stage, preliminary exercises is the degree to which you have now developed the ability to distinguish between the very different and distinct characteristic sensations of tension and relaxation.

Further evidence of your progress is the way in which you are now able to direct attention and focus concentration of awareness on any part of your body, whilst all the remaining parts feel as though they have ceased to exist.

Whereas five to ten minutes was all that was required for the first stage exercises, you will probably need about twenty minutes for each session of the stage exercises.

Proceed exactly as you did for the preliminary exercises, but now you are actually going to deliberately induce tension into various areas of your body.

Start with one of your arms. With the rest of your body relaxed, focus your attention on the arm and slowly raise it about six inches above its resting position.

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Introduce a little more tension into the arm, concentrating your entire awareness on how it feels as you allow it to stiffen and become very straight. Explore the sensations in your fingers and follow them through the rest of your hand, up your forearm, through your elbow and into your upper arm. Switch attention to your other arm and repeat the process.

When you have been right through the process with each arm and fully recognised the subtleties of the varying sensations of tension and relaxation in each, go right through the whole exercise again, but this time without raising your arms.

Instead of using the physical process of raising, stiffening and straightening your arms to induce tension, induce the tension and letting go by mentally giving yourself suggestions. Keeping the suggestions at the level of unspoken thoughts, silently say to yourself: “My muscles are tensing. They are becoming more and more tense.” Repeat this suggestion a number of times whilst focusing your attention on the arm which is being tensed.

When you are ready to move into the relaxation phase, say something like: “Let go – my arm is relaxing now.” Followed by: “I’m letting go completely.” And: “All of the tension is melting away.” Repeat these suggestions as you continue to focus your attention upon the resting arm letting go of its tension and becoming more and more relaxed.

Induce and relieve tension in the legs in exactly the same way. Physically at first, then mentally, by silently issuing suitable suggestions.

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After you have completed the leg muscle exercises, explore the sensations of tension and the absence of tension in the small of your back. This is carried out physically by slightly arching your back, holding the muscles tense, then drawing in the stomach muscles.

Finally, produce and relieve the tension mentally, using similar suggestions to those used during the previous exercises.

Go through the same procedure with the muscles of your face, head, and neck. Focus all of your attention on the experiences and feelings you receive.

Carried out properly, these relaxation exercises will produce some extremely pleasant, almost euphoric moments of mental detachment during the periods of rest.

Self Hypnosis

Self hypnosis is a completely safe, natural, everyday phenomena experienced by all of us in one way or another. It may be accurately defined as: “A state of relaxation and concentration at one with a state of heightened awareness, induced by suggestion.”

There is no special skill or knowledge needed to practise self-hypnosis. It is merely a natural extension of the relaxation techniques, described earlier. Having become deeply relaxed, counting down from five to zero and focusing on the idea of each count being a step deeper into relaxation and calm, is all that is required to achieve the state we call hypnosis.

From that point on, self-hypnosis is all about giving yourself positive suggestions aimed at the subconscious

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mind. Because you are using self hypnosis to help manage stress the suggestions will be about stress coping skills. For example: “I feel calm and assertive when I am criticised at work.”

There are many books available about self hypnosis and the power of auto suggestions. The distance learning package, “Positive Changes”, is particularly recommended.

Setting Goals

Stress occurs when we feel that events control us, instead of us being in control of events. Having clearly defined goals helps to create a sense of being in control. Changes cannot occur, successes cannot be achieved, habits cannot be overcome and improvements cannot be made, unless goals are specifically and clearly defined at the outset.

The best way to set goals is to sit down with a pen and some paper and brainstorm for as long as it takes you to come up with some really clear and totally compelling goals. The best goals are those which are not only specific but are also inspirational.

Having listed in precise details, the goals you wish to set yourself, you will next need to draw up a blueprint which plans the route between where your now and where you will be when you achieve your goals. The way to do this is to start with the ultimate long term goals and to break down into ever increasing detail, describing the various stages of action that will have to be accomplished on route if you are to reach your final destination. This process will involve quantifying things, making each outcome measurable and

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allocating specific periods of time for the completion of each stage.

It is also essential that the targets you set yourself are realistic and obtainable. The achievement of one small step towards a goal has a snow balling effect which makes each of the subsequent steps become easier and easier as you progress. Making that step a little too steep can have the opposite effect, causing a negative spiral of mini failures and deflated ego to develop. This prevents the ultimate goals from ever being achieved.

The way to ensure that you really do attain your goals is to regularly rehearse achieving them. You can actually rehearse attaining goals with the help of self hypnosis. Visualise yourself carrying out your plan and accomplishing the things you have set out to accomplish.

The Relationship Between Stress and Diet

The relationship between stress diet has been affected by the developments of our sophisticated lifestyle. In primitive man, an automatic balance of energy input and energy output was sustained for most of a man’s life. He burnt the right amount of calories to fuel his body for warmth and physical exertion. Today, it is not like that. Physical work is becoming the exception rather than the norm and even for those of us who are still engaged for most of our time in physically demanding work, the nature of the tasks we perform are quite unlike the exertions of our hunter, gatherer ancestor.

On the other side of the equation, foods, especially rich, fattening ones, are plentiful. Twentieth century man can no longer expect nature to provide an automatic

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balance between diet and exercise. It’s up to us to take the appropriate action to introduce the balance ourselves.

It’s easy enough to find out what to do. There’s a multi-million pound industry of diet plans, exercise programmes, books, tapes and video information on the subject. There are many good diet plans, but whatever one you choose, make sure that it includes fresh fruit, vegetables and fibre.

The other thing to ensure is that you eat regularly and peacefully. Stop for meals. Put away your work. Relax. Put that book down. Don’t answer the telephone. Just sit down and really relax to savour every mouthful of whatever it is you choose to eat.

Stress and Exercise

Motivate yourself to start taking enjoyable, regular exercise. Exercise has an immediate effect on anxiety. It is also an ideal outlet for tension, bottled up aggression or frustrations.

Other benefits are:

Improved sleepFewer stress related aches and painsGreater inner calmImproved mental clarityBetter powers of concentration

Exercise releases brain chemicals:Endorphins = happiness and euphoria – thereby dispelling anxiety and depression.

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There are basically six types of exercise to choose from. Deciding which ones to include in your personal exercise programme is a case of checking out which types satisfy your specific needs. The exercise you choose has to be enjoyable, forcing yourself to do exercises you don’t enjoy is going to be a pretty stressful thing to do.

Types of Exercise

1 Aerobic dance Requires approximately 2 hours a weekIncreases flexibility of movementStrengthens abdominal and leg musclesExcellent for cardiovascular endurance

2 Aerobic exercise Can be jogging, hill walking, cycling or swimmingRequires 10 – 15 minutes dailyPromotes flexibility if preceded by simple warm up exerciseStrengthens leg muscles. Swimming also increases upper body strengthSecond to none for strengthening heart and lungs and improving overall stamina.

3 Calisthenics Requires 30 minutes dailyStretching exercises particularly useful for improving all over flexibility.Can improve cardiovascular endurance but best results achieved when supplemented by aerobic exercise

4 Yoga Requires 30 minutes per day and a regular classExcellent stress reliever and muscle tension relaxer

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Improves flexibility in all parts of the bodyOffers only minimal cardiovascular improvement

5 Weight Training Requires approximately 30 minutes, three times weekly, in a suitably equipped fitness clubExcellent for strength buildingImproves flexibility if correctly executedOffers only minimal cardiovascular improvement

6 Martial Arts Requires twice weekly attendance at 1 – 2 hour classStretching exercises and high kicks are excellent for improving flexibility. Push ups and sit ups are usually a main part of training and these help to build strength.Cardiovascular endurance is improved considerably through most martial arts, with the possible exception of Tai Chi.

Other Stress Management Topics

Here is an alternative list of stress management training topics for you to consider. Perhaps you will need to read up on a few more of the topics but there is a wealth of information available about all of them:

Managing Change:- Relationship between Stress and Change- Accepting Personal Responsibility for Change- Identifying aspects of behaviour which can be

modified to accommodate change- Making our responses to changing circumstances

a positive experience.Time ManagementCompiling and Using Positive Affirmations

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Creative Visualisation

How to make a Proposal to Colleges

When approaching a college or adult education centre, you will need to submit a proposal in a form which shows that you are organised and have carefully planned the design and delivery of your training. Here is an example.

Stress Management Course Overall Course Objectives

1. To enable students to examine and understand the causes and effects of stress.

2. To provide them with techniques and strategies for reducing the levels of stress in their lives and for effectively managing responses to potentially stressful situations.

3. To demonstrate the power that is contained in every person’s mind and to teach students how to tap this inner resource and utilise its positive energy.

Day One – Two Hours

Session 1: Introductions. Overview and aims of course.

Objectives:1 To “break the ice” and help students to feel relaxed

in group setting2 To ensure course content matches students’

expectations and if not, to resolve any misunderstandings etc.

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Session 2: “What is Stress?”

Objectives1 To offer a definition of stress2 To enable students to understand the physiology of

stress3 To enable students to understand the “fight or

flight” response.4 To examine the sources of stress, personality,

lifestyle, environmental and chemical.

Session 3: “How stressed are you? Part one”

Objectives1 To complete a “self assessment” exercise

Day Two – Two Hours

Session 1: “How stressed are you? Part two”Objectives1 To help students recognise their stress responses2 To understand stress symptoms and signals3 Review of self assessment exercise

Session 2: The Unconscious Mind

Objectives1 To enable students to understand the nature and

power of the unconscious mind2 To show that this power can be controlled for

positive benefits or can be left uncontrolled to work negatively on occasion.

Day Three – Two Hours

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Session 1: Relaxation

Objectives1 Students will learn and practice the techniques of

deep relaxation

Day Four – Two Hours

Session 1: What is Self Hypnosis?

Objectives:1 To reveal the nature of hypnosis2 To establish its value as a practical tool with which

the unconscious mind can be programmed for beneficial effect.

Day Five – Two Hours

Session 1: Other Stress Management Strategies

Objectives1 To provide background material explaining the role

of diet and exercise in stress control2 To introduce students to the concept of meditation3 To briefly describe other popular aids to stress

proofing. (e.g. aromatherapy, nutrition and massage.)

Session 2: Course Evaluation

Objectives1 To check students understanding of course

material2 To answer unresolved questions

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3 To help students consider ways of maintaining and further developing strategies to manage stress in the future.

Having prepared a course outline, showing the learning objectives for each session, similar to the example above, you will need to send it with a covering letter to colleges and other adult education providers in your area.

Adult part time courses start mainly in January and September and it is a good idea to time your approach well in advance of these months. Write a letter modelled on the example below and enclose your proposed course outline with it.

Mr…………Adult Education Tutor………….. Adult Education Centre

Dear Mr ………….

I am writing to introduce myself and offer to teach Stress Management at your centre.

I have an extensive knowledge of my subject and believe that I am an effective communicator, in both group and one to one situations. (Mention here any relevant experience or qualifications that you have.)

The enclosed example of a course outline is based upon ……. Hours tuition, spaced over ………weeks. It can however be adapted to fit other lengths of time and I would be delighted to meet with you to discuss how best to tailor the proposal to suit your centre’s actual requirements.

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I would appreciate it if you could telephone me at the above number when you have had sufficient time to consider the proposal.

Yours sincerely

Fees from Adult Education Work

Colleges are fairly consistent in their payment to adult education tutors who are employed on a sessional basis. At the time of writing, all colleges in my own county pay £14 per hour. A neighbouring county is paying £16. This may not sound like a lot of money if you are doing only one, two hour evening class per week, but there is no reason why you should not be able to teach at different centres four nights per week and possibly do a two hour Saturday morning session as well. Your income from adult education work could therefore total as much as £160 per week.

How to Market Stress Management to Employers

It is unusual to find employers who employ less than one hundred people interested in running stress management courses. Rather than waste your time and resources in approaching these smaller companies therefore, it is better to concentrate on reaching those who employ over 150 employees and who have a heavy concentration of technical, administrative, sales and managerial occupations.

You can discover who these employers are within the geographical area in which you decide to operate, by referring to the detailed records held by the local chamber of commerce or public library.

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Initially, it is best to aim for a “mailing list” comprising of fifty to one hundred employers. You will need to research the name of the personnel and training director or manager. If the company does not employ one, obtain the name of managing director or most appropriate decision maker. If this information isn’t readily available, a simple telephone enquiry to the company is usually sufficient to ascertain it.

When your initial list is complete, prepare a letter similar to the one set out below.

Dear………. (Training and Personnel Director if Possible)

It is estimated that in the UK at least 40 million working days are lost each year due to the effects of stress. But the cost to industry doesn’t end there, because the figure only relates to actual absences from work. Stress produces several other effects. Over-stressed employees at any level of a company, are inefficient employees. At clerical and operative level, stress might reveal itself in carelessness, poor timekeeping and absenteeism. Whilst at more senior levels, creativity, judgement and decision making skills are affected.

It would be unrealistic to talk about eliminating stress. On the other hand, learning how to manage stress is something that everybody can do and benefit enormously from, which is why I offer Stress Management Training for people at work.

My training helps people to recognise stress symptoms, discover and understand its root causes, use “good” stress to their advantage and to deal with “bad” stress by adopting appropriate coping skills.

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Your employees will come back from their course of Stress Management refreshed, confident and relaxed. But more importantly, permanent effects can be achieved with everyone who follows our simple programme of post course practice. To help to ensure that course participants continue to progress and develop their skills, I like to arrange a follow-up session six months after the course. The increased efficiency of the employees you have selected for training will repay their course fees many times over, whilst the personal benefits which each individual experiences from attending a course promotes a sense of appreciation that they are employed by a caring employer.

I appreciate that you may need to consult with other personnel before deciding whether you would like to meet with me and discuss the details of what the training has to offer your company. With your permission, therefore, I propose to telephone you two weeks from now to enquire whether you have been able to consider the contents of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Another idea is to produce a brochure, which describes the training you are offering. This is posted out with a slightly shorter sales letter, which draws attention to the contents of the brochure. You would still conclude with your proposal to follow up by a telephone call and in either case, it is important that you do in fact make the call at the time you have specified.

The telephone call would go something like this:

Hello, is that Mr Jones, the Personnel Director?

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My name is………. And I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago about stress management training. Do you recall the letter? Having read the material I sent you, when would be a good time for me to meet you and explain exactly what the training consists of and how your company could benefit from it. Would next Thursday be convenient or would you prefer some other day?

How much to Charge

Although you will come across some competition, it is important that you do not try to sell your stress management training on price. Point out to the employer that you are a specialist – A Stress Management Consultant, as opposed to a run of the mill training company who offer training in a wide range of subjects.

If you give the employer the idea that your training is cheap, he will also assume it’s not worth having. If you present yourself as a specialist, offering quality training which can be customised to suit the requirements of the particular company, you can actually get away with making it more expensive than your competitors. Do some research of your own first and find out what your competitors are offering and what their fees are. As mentioned earlier, rates in excess of £500 per day are not at all uncommon.

A guideline base figure for you to consider might be in the region of £30 per day per trainee. A group of between ten and fifteen trainees is about the right size for stress management training, so a one-day training course, based on this rate, would give you an income of between £300 and £450.

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Suggested Background Reading and Further Study

1 Courses Covering Most of the Topics of Stress Management

Positive Changes Personal Development Distance Learning CourseAvailable from:Positive Changes47 Duncombe CloseLutonBedsLU3 2HR

The Professional Stress Consultants Course.The Advanced Stress Consultants CourseBoth available from:Associated Stress ConsultantsThe Old VicarageClawtonNr HoldsworthyDevonEX22 6PS

Professional Hypnotherapy Courses are available from:

The International Association of Hypno-AnalystsP O Box 180BournemouthBH8 8NH

British Hypnosis Research8 Paston PlaceBrightonBN2 1HA

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COMPLETE MIND THERAPY COURSEProspect House PublishingPO Box 12,Huddersfield,HD8

2 Teaching Adults

Adult Learning Adult TeachingAn excellent publication available only from:The Publications OfficerPublications UnitDepartment of Adult Education“C” BlockCherry Tree BuildingsUniversity ParkNottinghamNG7 2RD

3 Books on Stress Management Related Topics

Stress Control Through Self Hypnosis by Dr Arthur JacksonAwaken the Giant Within by Anthony RobbinsRelax and Live by Dr Jack GibsonStress Management for Wellness by W Schafer

All of the above books can be obtained from:

The Anglo American Book CompanyUnderwood, St ClearsCarmarthenDyfedSA33 4NETel: 01994 230400

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No More Fears by Dr Douglas Hunt – Useful information about the nutritional approach to stress management.Creative Visualisation by Ronald ShoneStress Busters by Robert HoldenBurnout by Ken PowellIntroducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Joseph O’Connor an John Seymour

All of the above books can be obtained from:

Thorsons Mail Order Harper Collins Publishers LtdWesterhill RoadBishopbriggsGlasgowG64 2QT

The Book of Stress Survival by A Kirsta/Publisher: Guild.

Now I’m sure you’ll agree the previous pages on “How to make money from stress management training” by myself, a professional therapist, are both highly informative and also contain information which can earn you back the entire cost of this training course many times over.

From my own personal point of view the only things I can add on the subject of stress management training are as follows:

1 Read all books you can by Anthony Robbins i.e. Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within and also purchase all his audio courses. Do this and not only will you have all the knowledge required to

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earn from stress management but you’d also be able to run motivational training sessions also, which can also be highly profitable. One other book on stress management which I’d highly recommend is “Stress Management Techniques”, subtitled “Managing people for healthy profits” by Dr Vernon Coleman. It’s by Mercury Bodis, 44 Hill Street, London W1X 8LB and order number is 1SBN 1 85251 0366.

2 Don’t forget also that not only is the “Positive Changes” distance learning course as detailed in this chapter useful reading material. But it is also a highly profitable business venture in itself which can earn you a high income indeed. For full details contact, Positive Changes as stated earlier in the chapter.

I will now end this chapter with an example sales letter of my own for Stress Management and Motivational Sales Training. Incidentally, as you offer a 100% confidential service, you aren’t allowed to tell customers which media stars you’ve motivated in the past.


Ignore this at your peril. Already companies are in court paying out thousands and thousands in compensation for under estimating this serious issue.

Individual company reports carried out, also lectures given. Our counsellors are qualified with over 20 years experience in this industry.

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We use only the most up to date, tried, tested and proven to work techniques to effect positive change in your company’s workforce.

40 million working days per year are being lost to employers as a result of stress related absences. Our services will prove that prevention is better than cure and will save your company thousands of pounds in lost manpower and revenue.

Unlike most other personal development training consultants, Alex himself is a successful professional hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and psychological counsellor with a vast experience of dealing with Major Blue Chip Companies and Organisations.

Personal support and guidance is provided in response to individuals needs as well as group motivational training and stress management sessions being held to enable your workforce to operate at peak performance consistently.

As one director was heard to say after a Leroy training session:“My job as the boss is to provide the right atmosphere in the “greenhouse” of our company, so that people can constantly grow. Alex Leroy’s training sessions provide that environment.”


Now considered to be one of Britains most dynamic personal development consultants, sales advisors and motivational trainers, Alex Leroy is also an accomplished stress management consultant and shares his experiences and techniques in a highly effective and entertaining down to earth style.

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Now for the first time, you can hear and experience for yourself, his techniques for confident communication and personal improvement in his “Lifechange” seminars.

Lifechanges is a genuine product and a unique service which is of invaluable use to all company managers, self employed people and in fact, every human who wishes to effect positive and lasting change in their lifestyles.


“Powerful communication skills for business and winning solutions for life.”


“Innovative business leaders are measured by results and not by efforts.”


“People don’t plan to fail, but many do fail to plan.”


Well as Henry David Thoreau said, “Things do not change, we change.” Alex Leroy’s Lifechanges seminars and lectures teach you and your workforce how to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny.

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Through inspirational anecdotes, case studies personalised self help tests and a program that anyone can follow, Alex Leroy teaches the lessons in destine that lead to success through self mastery.

The only limitations we have in life, are those which we impose upon our own minds. So take control of your life and allow Alex Leroy to make you a no limits person.


“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible”

Arthur C Clarke

And as it states in the Holy Bible

“As a Man thinketh so he becomes.”

Lifechanges seminars can program your mind and guarantee you the success you so richly deserve and as Mark Twain so correctly said.

“There is nothing training cannot do, nothing is above its reach, it can turn bad morals to good, it can destroy bad principles and recreate good ones, it can lift men to angelship.”


Our courses can be tailored to suit your individual or company needs and have in the past taught self hypnosis, creative visualisation, neuro linguistic programming, subliminal communication and many other highly effective techniques to numerous satisfied

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customers to achieve self improvement, stress management, business skills, self awareness, personal growth, career development, habit cessation, increased performance and much more.

Whatever your problem is, Lifechanges can solve it for you.

Our courses are an exciting voyage of self discovery which guide you across an ocean to a new world of opportunity and success.

To put your company back onto the track of guaranteed success, increased performance from your workforce and ultimately higher profits give me a call today.



Top television Hypnotist Alex Leroy has already used his pioneering techniques to help famous media and sporting stars to effect positive change and increased performance in their careers and lifestyles. Major household name blue chip companies, have also benefited enormously from Leroy’s confidential service. So remember, if you don’t contact Lifechanges, then your competitors will.


A. Stress costs your company over £1000 per employee per year.

B. So if your company employs 100 people then stress costs the company over £400 per day.

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C. If your company employs 1000 people, then stress costs the company over £1,000000 a year.

D. In an average lifetime, the average employee loses one and a half years from work because of stress induced illness.

E. Whatever else you try, and however much you spend on high technology equipment, nothing will improve your company’s efficiency and profitability more than taking care of your employees. Reducing their exposure to stress and learning how to get the best out of them. Your company’s biggest hidden asset is the people it employs.

F. In Alex Leroy’s “Lifechanges” seminars, Alex explains exactly how, why and when stress causes problems. More importantly, he also explains how you can control and minimise the amount of stress in your company to consequently have staff perform at their peak performance and to increase the profitability of your company.

If you follow the above principals, you will soon be in control of your own Stress Management Consultancy.



Below are some keys to increasing your clients and as such, your income. An easy way to get more work is through TV, radio and press publicity and best of all, these can be got for free. To do so, come up with a gimmick, like a novel headline saying The TRANCE of a lifetime, for hypnotist Alex or whatever. The headline

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must be catchy and preferably humorous, this increases your chances of the story getting into print. The press release should be typed in double space format on to single sheets of white A4 paper. You stand a better chance of getting the story in print if you supply a few matt finish black and white photos with the story, as papers prefer to print a story if it has a photo with it. This is what helps to sell papers and make them look more interesting. The release should be short and to the point and of public interest if at all possible. Or you can tie the story in with some event that’s in the news etc. and ride on its success.

For example, it hits the news that people are dying of cancer and you offer discount treatment to local people who have cancer and to stop people smoking, as the story is in the news it’s topical and up to date and as such, will get in print. This will get you a large, free write up with a photo and on the advert will be the number at which you can be contacted. This will get you many, many clients. I had a write up on noesitherapy in a local paper and offered “free sessions” the article got me 107 enquiries within 24 hours of the paper coming out and of them I converted 87 into clients who paid me, YES, they paid me and it was legal. When they called I explained that they would need about four sessions and half would be free. But so they had to make a commitment they paid for the first two sessions at £95 each and got the second two free. After that would any sessions required would be at a discounted rate of £75 per session. As I say, 87 of the 107 who called were delighted with the offer and it not only earned me much money, but gave me loads of experience within a short space of time. If I really had given the treatment totally for free and not just partly for free then all of them would have come. To do that near national no smoking day, say to the local

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paper if they pay you a fee they can then offer readers free sessions of smoking cessation therapy and this will help their papers and get them much goodwill and new readers. They then pay you £1,000 per day for 8 hours of your time (treating 32 clients within that eight hours by doing them in groups of four or maybe be even more!). The reason for doing it so cheap, is that each person will buy a tape off you at £19.95 to continue the therapy and some may come back again for a paid session. But most important the paper will run two stories, one prior to the event and one after, both giving details of how to contact you and as such, you get loads of clients, plus the “free” clients become walking adverts. Any stunt of this kind should be included in the FREE local paper as more homes will get this and more people see it. When you've done a few things for the paper and got on good terms with them, then it will get to the point where they call you and ask for a story as they are running short of news that week. Each week after such an article you should have a classified wordage advertisement in the paper, giving brief details of your service and contact number. I find I get best results when this goes under the personal column, as more people read this than do the health column. These adverts should appear each week and that way your name stays on their mind and they will come to you first

To get on radio tell them the TV company have shown an interest and they should get in first. To get on TV, tell them a bigger TV production group has shown an interest and they should get in first. It’s a competitive business and this trickery will work many more times than you’d think.

My classified produces at least 20 calls a week. Why? And, oh yes, about 18 of them will become paid clients.

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The advert below is what I include and you would do the same with your own name and number. When they call I explain as above, that one or two sessions are free, this way you are not breaking any laws and they become clients. Isn’t business a lot easier than you thought? Being qualified in marketing, finance and management and having been in show business 20 years plus, I know all the tricks and pass them on to others.

The advert I used was worded as follows, with the underlined words being printed in bold print. By the way, FREE, is the most powerful and effective word that you can ever use in an advertisement.

FREE HYPNOTHERAPY, Psycho Analysis, Psychotherapy and Past Life Regression, available from professional of many years experience call, Heywood Hypnotherapy Centre, on XXXX XXXXXX and ask for Alex.

The above advert cost me about £10 a week to run in the busiest local paper on the busiest day of the week and it worked wonders. I found that I also got extra business and more word of mouth advertising by offering a small discount in fees to students, unemployed and pensioners.

You don’t have to advertise of course, but done properly, it is a very good investment and with every one of your clients being a potential source of further business it makes good sense.

There are many other ways of getting yourself known than the ones I have explained so far and a good pointer is to look at your “opposition”. Do regard other therapists in your area as opposition. Each client that your opposition treats is a blow to your business.

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Look in your copy of Yellow Pages under Hypnotherapists and asses how your own advertisement would look against the others. Yellow pages can be a little expensive compared to other publications, but it does come up with the results. People tend to look here first when seeking therapy of any kind. An advertisement in Yellow Pages also gives you a professional perception. People see it as carrying bonafide advertisers (although this is not strictly true).

If you decide to choose Yellow Pages, you will notice that they cover many different sizes. If you can stretch to it, you will do much better with a quarter column including your own photograph, or at least some type of picture. People warm and respond much better to a human face in an advertisement, especially so with therapy. In this publication, you also get over the principal of having to be visible time after time, before someone responds.

If you are in a rural area, the local church or village magazine can give good results for very little outlay.

As an extension to actual therapy, with what you have learned in this course, you have more than enough information to give talks, lectures and seminars to countless numbers of groups and organisations. Start with the local women’s institute and prepare yourself for lots of bookings and enquiries.

Small cards in local shops are inexpensive and although do not give high numbers, they do help to get your name established.

Strangely enough, dependant on his or her views, your own and surrounding Doctors centres may see you as

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an asset. Especially if you write a professional letter explaining that you can provide private counselling and psychotherapy.

The last piece of advice in this section will leave your mind racing and your body reaching for a pen to write down all the other potentials which will be stimulated. Design a poster or write out a card carrying your speciality subject as CURING FLYING PHOBIA’S. Pop down to your local travel agent and they will almost pay you to display it!!!!!

Well you now have all the keys you need for success, so now go and use them to open up the doors of opportunity.


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