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Make a Change

Usefull Information About Creating an Outstanding


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I am fascinated. I am fascinated by all the great things in this world. I am fascinated about the fact that we can change the results in our life by simply changing what’s inside us. On the other hand, I am fascinated about the fact that 99 out of 100 people will never experience the change that I have experienced. Only 1 out of 100 really does. And I am proud to be one of them. I am proud to be in that select group of people who discovered the key to success. All the great leaders that have ever lived were in conflict with their own ideas but they commonly agreed on this one: “We become what we think about“. Truly wonderful, very interesting, rather addictive I would say, if you start studying it. This subject should be taught in schools, to little children, this subject should be known by every person in this world. But it’s not. My job is to make you aware about all the riches life has to offer, and when you will start to understand all this amazing knowledge, you will wonder where was it hiding all your life. Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore. You have attracted this into your life. There is no accident you’re here. I promise you, that if you fully understand what I am about to share with you and apply it as I suggest, I guarantee you won’t recognize yourself after one year. You will look back and not recognize the old you. I must tell you that no information in this book is mine. I have studied wonderful people like, Earl Nightingale, Napoleon Hill, James Allen and so many still studying and so many will I still study. Only the examples that I will share with you can be acknowledged as mine, since they are my personal experiences. I believe I can make a difference in this world, and I believe I can do it well. It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters how you do it, a statement that you shall encounter many times as you read this book, but in essence, this is all about. How you do what you do is the secret. You can already do it but you must know how. That’s the catch. It won’t be easy, but the rewards will be great. Remember, the tiniest change you make in your thinking can very well alter your future dramatically. Try going on a straight 100 kilometer road keeping your wheel straight, then move it just 1 centimeter. You will end in a totally different place. This is what I want you to do. I want you to travel in a far better place than you are right now. You might be asking “Well, this sounds pretty amazing, but there must be a catch. What’s in for you?” My

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friend, the law says that for every service you render for someone, payment shall come. It may not be money and it may not be from the same person, but it will come back in some form. What you put out in the world comes back in even greater quantities. It is written in the Bible, do good and you shall receive good. That is the shockingly beautiful truth. The Architect of the Universe did not made a stairway going nowhere. It has to go some place. Life should be astonishing. Our journey on Earth should be a great adventure, and it will be, as soon as you understand that you are not working alone. Decide what you would like to do and start doing what you want to do! Let me ask you one more thing before we begin: are you getting the results you want in your life? Are you really satisfied with what's going on around you? I bet not, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Are you doing what you want with your life? I don’t think so. But I can help you do and become anything and anyone you want!

I really believe you are a great person and I really believe you have the courage to make a change. And you will do it! Let me remind you that reading without applying what you will learn means just lost time. Apply with faith and courage what I am about to tell you. Decide right now that you will read this book and grasp the ideas that lie within it. Decide right now that you will change your life. With these said, let us journey throughout the book.

“ I want to help as many people as I can. By helping them, I help myself and by helping myself, I can help them even more. It’s just so perfect. ”

Helal Munir

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Table of contents

Introduction…………………………………………… 8

Chapter 1 – Goals

Everything starts with a picture……………. 10

The phone I really wanted…………………….. 11

The art of setting goals………………………….. 15

Adjustments are required…………………….. 21

Chapter 2 - Paradigms

What are paradigms…………………………. 22

We have been programmed……………... 26

Overwrite the old program………………. 28

Going through resistance…………………. 30

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Chapter 3 – Laws of the Universe

Law of Attraction………………….. 33

Law of Thinking……………………. 35

Your invisible partner…………..36

Chapter 4 – Being young or being old

It has nothing to do with age……………………. 37

This should be taught to everyone……………. 38

Chapter 5 – Make a change

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A new life changing attitude………………………………………. 39

Understanding trough study……………………………………… 40

Your everyday environment can deceive you……………. 42

Ignore what you do not want……………………………………… 43

Chapter 6 – Suggestions and thoughts

What do I think of you……………………………………… 45

Daily exercises…………………………………………………. 46

I gave you gas, now start your journey……………. 48

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I am really glad you stumbled upon this book and you shall see why! You spend a few hours watching TV, you spend a few hours doing nothing around the house, you spend a few hours hanging out with your friends outside. Spend a few hours reading this book and I guarantee you, it will change the way you see things! You will stumble upon great knowledge. This will be like a journey, a pleasant one, very easy to grasp. I hate when people stuff books with information that hardly anyone can understand. Look, I am an ordinary guy, just like you, just like my neighbor across the street, but I do things in a certain way. I have broken down the ideas presented in this book down to the easiest, most understandable way, so even a ten year old would get it.

You are here reading this book because you want something. You are not satisfied with your results, but you are on the right track. See, dissatisfaction is a natural state of mind. Why, you're asking? Dissatisfaction is what brang us electric light, dissatisfaction is what made flying possible, dissatisfaction created the first chair, dissatisfaction is what led to a modern, comfortable way of living. If someone wouldn't have gone tired of wobbling around the dark half the day with a small candle, we wouldn't have the modern light bulb that we all use and enjoy so much today! If someone wouldn't have got tired of traveling days, weeks, even months from one place to another, we wouldn't have the modern way of air transport.

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This book is something new, is a combination of my self-development knowledge acquired over the years and some of my personal experiences. I have written this book in such a way that you will be able to relate to every example I give and understand how you can make it work for you! Take it as a thrilling experience meant to expand your awareness, to make you open your eyes to a whole new world. Before we begin, I want to make it clear that by the end of this book, you will walk out the room richer and more powerful than you ever been before. All the examples provided in this book are my personal experiences and are presented just the way they took place, in full detail. This is the book structure; we will cover 6 chapters that i believe if you understand, could literally change your life dramatically, just like that *snap*, everyone of it covered by examples so you can understand better what I am talking about.

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Chapter 1 – Goals

Everything starts with a picture

Everything that was created in this world, every action, every invention, was the result of acting on a certain idea. Everything was or ever will be created in the physical world must be first created in the mind. Yes, the law states very clear: "You can't have something in the physical world, unless you first have it in your mind". Let us take a look over the story of the first chair.

The modern chair can be found nowadays in every house, restaurant and café across this globe. Wherever there are people, most likely there are chairs too. Now, I believe you agree with me that whoever first got the idea of building the chair, clearly didn't had the one we know at this time. It began with a picture. Probably he had enough sleeping on the ground or in the trees and wanted something more comfortable. Now, he didn't quite have a clear image about it, but he knew it must be a better way than sleeping on cold rocks, so he started visualizing. He saw himself sitting on something nice, without having any pain or discomfort. And this is how the chair was born. Of course, it didn't appear over night, it probably took dozens of years for it to reach its actual form that everyone knows.

Everyone can relate to this story. In fact, everything can! Let's take another example.

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Now i am sure you heard about the people that spend their time creating web pages, right? Now, I would hate doing this kind work, because it takes time and i really don't enjoy it, but this is just me. The people that i am talking about earn their living from doing exactly this thing, and some of them even make millions! Yes, think about a big site that has to be created, for example let's take a web page for a social network site, wich are heavily used nowadays)! This job can't be given to anyone, it must be taken care of by an expert. I think you can agree with me that you can't just search the internet for someone that creates internet pages, give him a call and tell him: "Hey, we would like you to create the White's House internet page"? What I am trying to say is that certain people are good at what they do, some aren't that great. Anyhow, I sat down with a friend of mine who earns money from doing small to medium sized web pages for different people like engineers, doctors, lawyers, salesmans, and others. I remember asking him: "How do you come up with the design ideas for the pages?" He told me that over the years, he developed and applied a personal technique. Before he starts anything, he first takes a look at the person he is working with, studies his personality and builds an image of how the web page should look like. He creates a blueprint on the screen of his mind and then all he does is transpose it into physical form, that being of course the web site. When the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh was asked: "How do you come up with the ideas for the paintings?" He replied: "I dream my paintings and then I paint them ". I can already see that light bulb turning on above your head and hear you saying: "Aha! Now that makes sense! ". It really is the best example I can give you.

The phone i really wanted

Before we begin this chapter it's very important to understand that you must always go for what you want, not what you think you can get. A lot of people lower their living standards just because they can't think they can get more, so they play it safe by getting what they are sure they can get. Playing safe won't help you in anyway. It's safe being there, having all the things you need, but lack everything you want. You go after what you think you can get

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because you don't know how to get better! You don't have to know how you're going to get it, it will be shown to you and the story i am about to tell you represents exactly what I am talking about.

This experience took place a few years ago. I was in the second year of high school. Since I was a little kid, I never were pretentious over the things I wanted so I really was a modest kid, maybe because I was also raised with the idea that I shouldn’t push my parents into buying me things. My mother sent me at the beginning of the same year a smartphone. Believe me when I say it was a "smart" cell phone. It had all kinds of options and interesting features. I never had a touch screen phone before so I was amazed when I first started using it. Making a boring story short, after a few months I could not handle it anymore. It was a big phone and a heavy one, too, I had problems carrying it with me, it was very sensitive, I always had to make sure it stood in its case when I was not using it because it was very easy to scratch and it became complicated using it. So I decided it was time for a change. Let me tell you at this point, something about the Law of Vacuum. The Law of Vacuum states that you cannot have anything new, without letting go of the old thing. Let's say as an example, that i have a drawer full of clothes. A lot of people can relate to this one. My drawer is absolutely packed with clothes. If I want to buy new clothes, I won't have any more space left for them, so what do I do? I give away some of the old clothes to make room for the new ones. Make a simple, 30 second test. Go into your kitchen and grab a drinking glass. No, seriously, right now, stop reading from this point and go get a drinking glass! Now, put the drinking glass on your desk. After that, take something relatively its size and try to put it in the exact the same place. You won't be able to do it. See, you have to move the drinking glass away to put something else in its spot. There are people who want to buy a new car, yet they don't get rid of the old, rusty one. How can someone look for a new love based relationship when they haven't got rid of their current one? Back to our story, I felt it was time for a change. I haven't got rid of the phone actually, but what I did was that I completely stopped using it. I just took out the battery from it, put it in a drawer and left it in there. I started going to school without a phone and having one was a habit for me. I suppose whenever you leave the house you get the cell phone with you! It may be not your case, but 95 % of the people do it! Pay attention, as this is the part where it gets interesting. On a Monday I decided to stop carrying the

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phone with me, as a result I had no phone at the moment. I wasn't able to receive or make any calls, which was strange to me. In that particular time I had a strong desire for a new cell phone. One of my friends had a really neat model, perfect for me! It was small, compact, resistant yet performant and easy to use! Let's call the model of the phone "X". I started searching on the internet my local prices for the "X" model, trying to find the best price. Now to be honest, I wanted it for 2 reasons: first, it was a lot easier to use than the first one and second, I was planning to use it to cheat on tests. Don't judge me, you probably did the same things as a student. Now, remember I said I got rid of the old one on a Monday. The next week I had some testing on different subjects so I had to get that new phone, if you know what I mean. I got very involved in searching for a way of obtaining it: all day long I was thinking about it, whenever I had spare time at the computer, I was documenting about its features and reading other opinions on forums, I told all my friends that I was going to get it until next week, yet - get this - I had no money and absolutely no idea how I was going to come up with them in a matter of days! Now this is absolutely astonishing, you may be thinking: "How in God's name can you be so sure of something when all the aspects of the situations are against you"? I will cover this in a moment. Back on the track, I had absolutely no idea how I was going to come up with the money to buy it, but what I did had was the burning desire, will and faith that everything was going to come up just fine. As I write this, I am being assaulted by flashbacks from what happened that week. This event was one of the first and most powerful ones I ever experienced in my life since I started researching self development. It may sound pity, but this experience taught me never to let circumstances intimidate me and dictate my results! It taught me to believe in my goal until I achieve it! It made the expression "Faith dies last" become impregnated in my way of thinking! As I was walking to high school on Thursday, the same week, my attention was caught by something shining on the ground. It was right in the middle of the street. I unconsciously bursted in its direction, despite the fact that a heavy truck was heading in front of me with quite a big speed. After I picked it up, I started browsing the menu. For 30 seconds, I was heading towards the school with a cell phone in my hand that I just picked up from the ground, surfing its menu. After a minute, I realized I had in my hands the exact model - no exaggeration - the exact model in the exact colors I wanted and furthermore, it

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was brand new, no scratches or anything on it. How could this be possible? The exact same cell phone I wanted, in the same exact colors, found just before the end of the week? You may be thinking, well, it could have been a coincidence - NOTHING is a coincidence! Everything you attract in your life is in direct connection with your thoughts! Napoleon Hill said: “We become what we think about". Let me write it one more time: "A man becomes what he thinks all day long "! The Law of Attraction states that everything we attract in our lives is due to the thoughts we entertain. If I have thoughts of how I am not going to get the promotion I want, be sure that I won't get it! If you think about how bad the economy is and how little money we have, be sure that you will never have any decent amount of money! From the moment you start entertaining negative thoughts, you lose the battle. You lose it before you even begin it. As we go over our daily lives, hundreds of thoughts come and go into our mind. Even thousands! But how many of them are of a positive nature? Let me put it this way: Your body is nothing more than a structure of molecules vibrating at a very high rate of speed. Your mind controls the vibration your body emits, more exactly your feelings are telling you in what vibration you are. If you wake up in the morning all pumped up and say: "Yes, I feel this is a good day! I feel today is going to be a great day!" you are in a positive vibration. You are entertaining positive thoughts, in result your body is relaxed and emitting a positive vibration, therefore expect great things to happen to you. Try and go back in your past when you where put in a very stressful situation. I know I was in lots of them. Try remembering when you were arguing with someone or being yelled at by your boss at work or even being in danger of losing your job! Your whole body is tense and you can't get your mind out of it and so you are going into a bad vibration. All the things you attract in your life are because of the vibrations you release in the Universe. The whole Universe works on vibration. Think of yourself as a very big radio antenna, right in the middle of the Universe. You work on a certain vibration. As you emit negative vibrations, imagine all the negative things being attracted to you! You are a magnet! Now picture yourself emitting a very positive vibration. All the positive things that are on the same vibration are being attracted to you. This should be thought to young children, but it's not. This should be thought in schools, but it's not. The reason I stumbled upon the same exact phone was because I was thinking about the same exact phone! "We become what we think about". I was

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engaged on a single goal, clearly stated in my mind with a burning desire and concrete expectation. And this is the formula you must use in order to get something that you want: Set your goal, clearly burned on the screen of your mind, think only the end result; you don't know how it's going to happen, it will be shown to you. Repeat yourself as much as you can everyday your goal, write it down and carry it with you on a piece of paper. And vitally important, it must be something you really want, not need, but want! If you do not combine all the things stated above with a burning desire and a solid concrete expectation, you will most likely fail. Desire is the force that moves you toward the goal and expectation is the force that moves the goal in your direction. If you understand this concept, it could change your life over night, literally. When you finish this book, if this is the only thing you really understood from all the information I wrote, then you became more aware, you just advanced one step in building yourself a better life. But remember, memorizing and understanding will not get your results going. Is the everyday appliance of those principles that will. Only by applying can you succeed. To end the story, the owner called me later that day on the phone and I had to give it back. It wasn't mine. Luckily, I was raised with good moral values and there was no way I could’ve hold it if I knew whose phone it was. But get this, I got myself a pretty neat reward for returning the phone to its owner and in the weekend, i recieved the new version of the model, a lot better than the one I found. Every action in life has its equal reaction. Do bad and you shall get bad things in the future. Do good and you shall be rewarded with more good.

The art of setting goals

What I am about to tell you is the main cause people never succed in life, but first let me give you a short definition of success. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Over the years, I arrived at the conclusion that those who succeed in life are those who set goals. All you need in life is a worthwhile goal and a burning desire to achieve it. You may be thinking right know: “Well, I don’t think this is all we really need in order to have the good life“. It’s true. Many people wander aimlessly in life, with no starting point and

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no destination. Let’s say I walk outside the house, without a certain destination. I just start walking in a random direction. I could end up in a dump yard, I could end up under a bridge or I could end up in another city. Let’s say I am driving a car along a road with absolutely no idea where I’m heading. After a while, the car will run out of gas and I will get stuck probably in the middle of nowhere. This is what happens in life. We wobble around in life without knowing what we are supposed to do or what we should do, therefore we will imminently end up in the middle of nowhere. If I send one of my friends to shop for groceries, but don’t tell him exactly what he needs to get, he will most likely bring a bunch of things I can’t make a use of and don’t serve me in any way. You are probably asking yourself “What goals should I set”? Well, what do you really want? You may want a certain amount of money, you might want to get a specific job or get promoted or you might want to buy a new car or a new house. It doesn’t matter what you want, a new relationship, a specific item, a certain amount of money, the formula is the same. And here it is. The very first step is of course setting a goal. Whatever the goal is, you must form a crystal clear image on the screen of your mind, already being in the possession of the thing you want. Think and fell that you already have it. You must not preoccupy yourself with “how“ am I going to get it. The way will be shown to you in the form of an idea, an inspiration, a certain event, a certain meeting, etc. It must be something you really want, not need, but want. You should always set a goal to work on in order to complete it. For example, it’s pointless setting the goal to go and drink a glass of water while being 2 meters away from the sink. You know exactly how you are going to do it. You grab a drinking glass, open the sink, fill the glass with water and drink it. But how about setting the goal of drinking a glass of water while you are lost in the middle of the desert, with absolutely nothing on you? Well that’s a goal, because you have absolutely no idea on how you are going to get that glass of water or even if you are going to make it out alive! The treasure behind setting and completing goals is not the end result itself, is the experience and awareness you get as the process goes on. That is more important than the goal itself. This is what we call life experiences. After you decided on your goal you must implement it in your subconscious mind. I dedicated the whole second chapter, especially for this subject, because I think that if you don’t understand how your mind works, you won’t make any real changes. As I said, you must implement your goal in

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your subconscious mind and the reason is because your subconscious mind is the one who dictates what results you get. I strongly advise you to read the first chapter again after you read the second one, so you can really understand the process. Now, implementing a new idea on the subconscious mind can be done in two ways: by repetition of information or by an emotional impact (like losing the “love of your life”). Repeat yourself the goal everyday for as much times as you can in order to properly plant its seed in the subconscious mind. Write your goal on a card and carry it with you. Read it as you wake up in the morning, so you can have your goal on the screen of your mind all day long, before you go to sleep and as many times as you can during the day. As the conscious mind is in harmony with the subconscious mind and your daily actions, your objective is rapidly starting to manifest in physical form. Now another matter is this: On how many goals should I focus and which ones should I choose? You can only concentrate effectively on one goal. “And how do I know on which goal should I focus since I have so many”? I recommend you to do this: take out a sheet of paper, sit down, calm, relaxed and write 20 goals you would like to achieve. After you write your 20 goals, step out the house, get some fresh air, completely forget about them and spend time doing something else. After a few hours, come back and arrange those 20 goals in 2 groups, based on their importance. For instance, set your goals like buying a house, getting into college and similar big goals in the first group called “A“. Now you have your top 10 goals in the “A” group. Put the rest in the second group called “B”. Now, set your goals from group “A” in order of importance, the first being the most important one. After you finish, you shall have the most important goal as the first in your “A” group. This should be the one to start focusing on. The next step is changing your attitude. If you are that kind of person who acts like: “I would like to have that but I don’t think I can“ or “I would like to reach this goal but I don’t have time” decide right now that you will have only a positive attitude. By positive attitude I mean always expect success. Be aware of your hidden potential and use it. Always expect the best, always get up after you have been knocked down, have the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm, instead of looking back in the past at a bad experience and complain about how horrible it was, try and learn the lesson it gave you. Learn that every failure has it’s equivalent seed of success. Learn from your failures. You will realize someday that all the bad

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things that happened in the past actually prepared you for the good that came to you. As you start working toward your goal, you will face temporary defeat and even failure. Bear in mind that people don’t get strong from success, but from failure. A temporary defeat may be a blessing in disguise sometimes, giving you the opportunity to immediately reach your goal. Think about your goal as a seed. You plant the seed in the field. Let us represent the human mind as the field. The seed will need time to grow, but most importantly, it must be taken care of, by giving it positive energy, ensuring a healthy growth. We must protect it from poisonous things, like worry, doubt, fear, negative thoughts and emotions. If you have a sturdy faith, a positive expectation and act like it’s impossible to fail, then be sure it will grow and manifest in your life just as you pictured it. Let me share a story with you. Since I first started learning French, in fifth grade, I have merely made any progress. Now I am in the last year of high school and I can tell you with full confidence that French was the worst subject ever. In elementary school I was lucky to get good grades just because my sister had the same teacher. However, in high school, I have a more severe teacher. Year after year, I struggled getting the grades I needed to pass the class. In the third year of high school, I got myself in a really nasty situation. I had the lowest marks ever and on top of that, I barely had any idea what was going on at class. I was for the first time in danger of failing a semester. However, I never thought I could. I kept repeating myself over and over again that I will somehow get the marks I needed to pass this subject. Believe me when I tell you that I was waking up in the middle of the night, full of sweat, thinking with horror about the situation. I think these were the worst months of high school. But as usual, I never let circumstances stay in my way and I passed. Now the question is: “What did you do“? First of all, I decided I will pass at this subject. Second of all, I kept repeating, all day long, whenever I felt worried or anxious, “I passed, it’s all over. It feels so wonderfull knowing that I passed”. Third, I imagined myself in the screen of my mind that I already passed it. I pictured myself walking out of the class, throwing my fist up and jumping around, high fiving everyone on the hallway. Therefore, I expected nothing but good. See, these stories may seem pity and senseless, boring and stupid, but everyone of it made me establish a goal, having absolutely no idea how I was going to work it out, in result making me stronger. The process that took place in realizing my goal made me grow inside and this is why they are so

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important. Whenever you set a goal, it must be something that you have no idea about how you’re going to achieve it. There is no sense in setting a goal that you already know how to realize it. There are 3 steps you need to follow. First, fantasize! Everything starts by fantasizing about what you really want. Flying was just a fantasy not long ago. Having the world illuminated by electric light bulbs was just a fantasy. Climbing to the highest point on this planet was just a fantasy. Just think about how you really want to live. Stop trying to figure it all out. Just block anything else in your mind and build the fantasy! The price to imagine is will and courage. Picture the life that would really make you happy. After you have your image, the second step begins. Theory. Theory is the idea you start to give a lot of attention, you start spending a lot of time reflecting about it. But there is a catch. To make your theory happen, you must first ask yourself if you can do it and if you are willing to pay the price. The answer to the first question is yes with a solid Y. This is what I am teaching. You have infinite potential, in result you can achieve and create absolutely anything you want. No one except God is aware of what you can create in this life. You have more potential and talent that you will ever be able to use so start using your infinite reservoir. Second, are you willing to pay the price? Remember that you must first give something in order to receive. As I told before, The Law of Vacuum states that you create the space for the good you desire, you get rid of something old and replace it with something new and better. Of course this means change and we tend for resisting change. Are you willing to make the sacrifices? Most people think about sacrifice like a killing ritual or in our society, sacrifice means giving up something and never have it again. But they are wrong. Sacrifice means giving up something, in order to gain something better. Sacrifice is not losing, sacrifice Is gaining. So, are you willing to spend the time you need to become what you want? Being a doctor means years and years of studying the human body and practice. Becoming a lawyer means years of working and learning the Constitution. Becoming a professional football player means thousands of hours of training and game playing, not to talk about the diet. If you love doing something, I am sure you’ll be willing to do whatever is necessary to attain it. After you decide that you are willing to pay the price, the theory turns into a goal. After you reach an understanding about your goal, all you have to is to internalize it. Repeat it as often as you can and get emotionally involved with it. You consciously pass it to the subconscious mind,

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which will begin to make your body act on a different vibration, therefore acting toward attaining your goal. Remember, this is crucial. If you do not combine your thought with positive emotions, it will not be internalized in the subconscious mind, therefore change will never manifest. Whenever you are thinking about something that you want, add emotion. Feel that you already have that car, feel the gratefulness when visualizing yourself in another country, feel the thrill when you visualize yourself sky diving. Before I go, let me tell you about an event that took place this evening. I was riding my bike in the park when I meet one of my friends. Long story short, we started to chase each other and I managed to grab its head under my arm. After I let him go, he told me his earring was missing. It fell on the floor during our fooling. We searched on the ground with a flashlight for several minutes, but couldn’t find it. He suddenly said: “You know what? Just leave it, I will get another one”. I have been through a number of similar situations and I learned that a second effort can be all you need to succeed. What is the second effort? Keep reading, and you shall understand. I immediately told him: “Wait, before we go, let us search one more time and we shall find it”. He turned back, grabbed the flashlight and started to search with me. After just a few seconds, it showed up right in front of my eyes. I was sure that I was going to find it if I was willing to make a second effort. The point I am trying to make is that most people fail in achieving their goals because they give up, without knowing how close they are in achieving it. Never give up. Have patience and don’t rush, forcing things to happen, as force negates. Being anxious, in a hurry to achieve that goals means you are uncertain, even scared that you are not going to achieve it, while being calm, patient, relaxed meaning you have an ordered state of mind and you’re absolutely sure you will make it to your goal.

Adjustments are required

You have to measure your progress to know if you are on the right track. You may need to make changes or adjustments in order to achieve your goal. For example, if you set as a goal an amount of money, you may need to adjust your deadline. Either give yourself more time, or make the deadline shorter. In

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some cases after you reevaluate the situation you may even need to change your goal itself. This is important, so if you feel that something must be changed, change it. Your goal must make you feel comfortable, but remember, don’t give yourself a whole lot of time for something small. Instead, set a date at which you assume you will reach your goal. Then, shorten that date, not much, but make it a bit shorter, in that way, you will be more focused on it in order to achieve it faster. Think every day about what you can do to get closer to your goal. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Progressive means getting more and more closer to your goal every day. You don’t go up and down, then move up again and then fall down. You are progressively reaching your goal. To fully understand, think about someone who climbs a boulder. They start from the bottom, they now where they are. The goal is to climb it, so they know where they’re going. They don’t know how they’re going to get there, they just know they will. One step there, one hand over there and before you know it, you’re on the top. They don’t make one step, slip three and then make another one. They are progressively climbing.

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Chapter 2 - Paradigms

What are paradigms

You have probably never heard about this subject, yet it is the one controlling your entire life. Let me explain you in the simplest way what a paradigm is. A paradigm is a multitude of habits or ideas. Pretty simple, right? To understand it even better. Think about your computer. You have dozens of different programs, everyone of it doing something different. You have programs which play music, you have programs which play movies, you have programs which allow you to write documents. Think about paradigms as a computer stuffed with programs. This is how your mind works. Our paradigms control every aspect of our life. They control how much money we earn, they control the way we behave, they control our beliefs, they are in control of everything. Since you were born, you have been programmed genetically and environmentally. Let me explain it. Why do you think you look so much like your parents? It’s not a coincidence. Parts of your parents DNA have been given to you at birth. This is why you look pretty much the same like them. When we were young, our parents raised us with their ideas and beliefs. Let me give you a very strong and clear example. Think about a normal family, living in a normal town, doing nothing extraordinary, just people who go to work to support a family and build a future for their children. These are called middle

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class citizens. They don’t have anything special to share with the world, very often just go by what masses say and think. I want you to think now about the children that grow in a royal family. A royal family is the extended family of a king or queen regnant. Their children will be raised in a luxury environment, having all their needs satisfied. They will be virtually worry-free. Children who grow in an environment that gives them everything they want, an environment that shows them everything is possible, will be with no doubt successful in life; these children are programmed to see nothing but the best in life. They will never entertain thoughts of poverty. They will never fear they could end up living on the streets. It’s just impossible! They have been programmed to become successful people! Just like a video editing program is not able to write and send emails, so these children will never think a second about screwing up in life. On the other hand, the middle class people often teach their children that they must work hard in life, they must stop fantasizing and start being realistic. They must get a job to earn money, they must work hard to get what they want in life. They must be greedy. They must fight in order to survive. Absolutely wrong and ridiculous! I have been raised with these ideas and when I look back in the past I am shocked of how many wrong things I got stuffed with! Do you know there are people who barely have any years of elementary school, can’t read or write, yet they can sign a check for a million dollars? This should put you on serious thinking. There are people who are not smart at all, who don’t know how to do anything special, yet they have all the things they want. See, they have been programmed in a different way. And this is the secret. In the beginning of the book I told you it doesn’t matter what you do, but how you do it! This is what we must learn. We can put two lawyers side by side, of the same age, sex and race, with the same amount of knowledge and experience about their activity. If we let them do what they know to do and speed forward ten years into the future, we will see a totally different story on both of them. One of them will be incredibly successful, he will have all he ever dreamed of, he will be the top notch in what he’s doing. If we look at the other one, we will immediately notice he’s far away from the first one. He probably struggles to pay his bills, he doesn’t have what he really wants and has no future plans on how he’s going to make it out. He just walks safely in life until he dies. Do you see the point I am trying to make here? The first one knew what he had to do and where he was going, he acted in a different way from

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the masses. The other one didn’t quite understand how life works. He had the old ideas in his subconscious mind of struggling and surviving in the jungle called life. It doesn’t matter if you understand the laws of the Universe or not. They apply for everyone. If I go on the roof of a tall building, not understanding the law of gravity and jump, I will not float in the air like nothing happened, until a physician comes and explains it to me. I’m going to hit the ground and most likely die. If a baby plays with matches and he accidentally sets the room on fire, he will not stand there just fine while the room burns to pieces, just because he doesn’t understand that fire will kill you. You have to open your mind and understand how this Universe works. God made this Universe and defined laws by witch it works. Start and understand that we don’t go aimlessly in life. Whoever did something big in life had a definite purpose and a firm knowledge about the way the Universe works. Most people don’t. Most people go and ask others how they should to this and how they should do that. Don’t go and ask your neighbour about what you should do with your life. He doesn’t know bananas. Get advice from someone who knows what is talking about and I can tell you I know. What I am about to explain next will literally change your life so pay very, very close attention. If you feel tired or just not in the mood for reading, I suggest you put the down the book and start reading again whenever you feel like doing it.

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The drawing you just saw represents you. This is the simplest representation of your mind and body. Now, let me explain each segment. On the top, we have two parts: a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. On the bottom we have the rest of the body. I like to picture my head being the two minds and the rest of the drawing my body. I suggest you do the same. The conscious mind represents the educated mind. Here, we gather all the knowledge over the time. We go to school, we study different subjects like History, English, Mathematics. The conscious mind has a few properties. I call them properties to make it easier to understand. As we live our daily lives we are being bombarded by information from all over the place, from people, from television, from radio etc. Now, the conscious mind has the ability to accept or reject any information. If I tell you: “Go get me a bottle of water“, you have the ability to say yes or no, right? Let’s take a look at the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind can’t accept or reject the information we are giving to it and cannot make the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary. The body is just the instrument that receives the vibrations from the subconscious mind and on behalf of that vibrations, he acts and performs the results. Let’s go over it again. The conscious mind is the intellectual mind, where we gather all the knowledge. It has the ability to accept or reject and has the ability to originate. The subconscious mind has no ability to accept or reject and cannot make the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary. Now I am going to explain how this whole thing works. Picture your mind and body, picture the drawing I showed you. Think about a flux of energy coming into the conscious mind. This energy can be transformed into anything. This thought energy goes into the conscious mind. Then, the conscious mind passes it to the subconscious mind where is being molded. That’s right, it’s being molded into habits, ideas, beliefs. At first, the thought energy was just energy, being capable of becoming anything, it went through the conscious mind which passed it to the subconscious mind, where it was molded. Then, the final product molded in the subconscious mind is being transmitted to the body in form of vibrations, and these vibrations cause as to act as we act.

Try and think on this for a moment. Why do people do the things they do in the morning? Why do people talk the way they talk? Why do people act the way they act? Why do people believe what they believe? Because that’s what the subconscious mind is telling them to do. Think about the people who wake

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up in the morning, go to work, come home and go to sleep. They repeat this process all their life. Why do they do that? Exactly, because that’s what their subconscious mind is telling them to do. Why do you speak the language you speak? Because that’s what your subconscious mind has been programmed to do. Remember what i told you? You subconscious mind holds the paradigm, and the paradigm is nothing more than "a computer stuffed with programs" dictating what you do and modifying these programs is the secret to success.

We have been programmed

Let’s go deeper into this subject and study it, so you can understand how your mind works and how you can change it. I want you to think about the time you were a kid. You had no worries. You were daydreaming all day long, you thought you could do anything and nothing could’ve stopped you. You probably went to your parents telling them with enthusiasm what you want to become in the future. You told them a pilot, a race car driver, an astronaut, a musician. Why? Because you had no conscious mind.

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This is you at birth. Until around the age of five, we don’t possess a conscious mind. Why do we do all the stupid things we do? If you ask a little kid “Why did you brake that window?“ he will tell you that he doesn’t know. We used to do all kind of pranks. I remember me and my friend Steven, once going to a complex of apartments and randomly choosed one door. It happened to be on the first floor. I told him to hit the door with his foot as hard as he could and then run like hell was chasing him, while I was the wingman, making sure nobody was coming. After a few seconds I heard a terrible loud sound, just like and explosion. He hit the wooden door so hard, he almost knocked it down (keep in mind he was a big guy for his age). After that, we ran like the wind. While running to find a way to hide, I remember laughing so hard and being extremely amused to what we just did. Another time, he came by my house while I was alone. We went to the kitchen, filled a few plastic bags with water and threw them at the people that were passing by the block. Five bags, five victims. We were extremely proud and amused about what we just did. To be honest, I am laughing while I write this, but I wouldn’t do that again. Now, why did we use to do such things, without having any remorse? I’ll tell you why, because we were not thinking. We had no conscious mind developed. And we arrive to what you need to pay very close attention to. Until the age of five, all the ideas and beliefs are planted in our subconscious mind. We don’t have a conscious mind to accept or refuse and since our subconscious mind has no ability to reject, we get programmed with the things we get from the people we stay around with.This is why people say: "Small children are very influentiable". This is why it’s so important that we teach our kids, from the moment they are born, and this sounds ridiculous, but you can program a person from the moment he is born with the right ideas and beliefs. I was raised with the idea that I must go to work and earn money. I was raised with the idea that only a select group of people can do great things and I must be realistic and understand I am not one of them. I was raised to believe that my life will follow a certain plan: Born, fantasize, go to school and learn, forget all the dreams I had and get realistic, finish school, find a job, work hard for the money, possibly make a house and buy a car, marry, start a family, take care of them and die. This is the most stupid thing, I can assure you, someone can do in this life. This is a stupid thing to teach your children. A kid who grows with close minded people, who believe that life is hard and we must fight in order to

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win, people who teach you to be a go getter… he will probably grow and do the same. The same routine from dawn to sunset. It’s sad that 99 out of 100 people will never learn how to be successful in life. Only 1 out of 100 really does. That’s why I believe we should teach young children who they are, what they are capable of, how their mind works, how to make decisions, how to find a purpose in life. Maybe someone will stand one day and decide they are going to make a change. The best change we can do in this world is teaching our children that life is absolutely phenomenal, absolutely brilliant and they are here to find out what they are good at and what they love to do and dedicate their life doing it. You can never get bored by doing what you love doing. You will never want to stop, you will have all the energy you want, as desire is the trigger in releasing the energy. The best change we can do, is to make a change, in our life and in others lives.

Overwrite the old program

How can you make the changes you need in order to manifest the results you want in life? The answer is by changing your ideas. By this point we know that paradigms have the power over any aspect of our life. They control your relationships, the amount of money you make, the people you hang around with, the way you talk, they way you dress etc. “But how can I change the paradigm in order to live the life that I want“? And the answer is by repetition of information. Every child must have grown with the “nipple“, also known as the feeding bottle. I remember I used it until the age of six. All the kids I knew where already drinking from water glasses, but I couldn’t give it up. I took me several months to let it go. I screamed and yelled, being very uncomfortable with the idea that I will be starting to drink from water glasses. You know why? Because my paradigm was changing. My paradigm was not allowing me to give it up and for a good reason, I used it all my life, how could I give up something I grew up with just like that, in a second? I remember the time I was in kindergarten and I was always surrounded by toys. Everyone was bringing its own toys, every morning. It was something normal for that age, just like answering your cell phone nowadays. When I finished kindergarten and moved

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up to elementary school, in the very first day, almost all kids in class had their toys with them. I had them too. A couple of weeks past until the teachers convinced us to stop bringing them. Every morning they were telling us: “Stop bringing toys with you, you are grown up now“. See the points I am trying to make here? How do we give up the feeding bottle? Through the repetition of drinking from water glasses, repeating over and over again the same thing, until it overwrites the old idea and becomes a habit. Why we kept bringing toys with us in elementary school? Because we had the habit of bringing them every morning in kindergarten. And how the teachers convinced us to stop bringing them? By repetition of information, by telling us every day: “Stop bringing your toys”. Going back to our period of time, if you are having a great attitude, you visualize what you want, but nothing changes, there is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with your paradigm. You must find out what it is that stops you from getting the results you want and overwrite it. For example, let’s say you earn 500 $ a month. You may want to increase that amount of money, but you just can’t, something stops you. This is where the repetition of information comes into action. You might want to double that amount. Write this on a card and carry it with you: “I am grateful for earning 1000 $ a month.“ Since your subconscious mind cannot make the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary, it will soon start to kill the old idea of you earning 500 $ dollars and instead grow the idea that you earn 1000 $ a month, in this way, the vibration that it emits to the body will cause you to take actions that will finally bring you the amount of money you desire. By repeating over and over again "I am so proud for earning 1000 $ a month" you will soon get a flash ideea, meet someone that could offer you a better job, read something in the newspaper, something that will give you that thrill and that emotion, that inner voice telling you: "This is a great ideea"or "This is a great opporunity, i will give my best and try it". But i must warn you, when you will get that flash ideea or stumble over that unique event, you must immediately act upon it. Failing to act upon it immediately will mean a wasted chance. Since i am an honest person i will tell you how i got the ideea to write this book. It was the summer vacation back in highschool when i woke up, bottered by the blazing heat, all this taking place at 4 o'clock in the morning. I went to the bathroom and made myself comfortable on the toilet seat. I was getting really bored in the last two weeks so i wished and expected for something awesome to happen, something

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to make me escape from the routine. Just like that * snap *, like a flash, the ideea of writing a book came to me. I wished so much a change, that the ideea of writing a book about how to make a change came to me. And here it is. The title explains it all. Have faith and expect and ideea or event to stumble upon you, or better said, desire whatever it is that you want, and expect the thing you want to come to you, as desire moves you toward your goal, and expectation moves the goal toward you. To improve all the aspects of your life, I suggest you sit down and write how you currently live your life. Take out a sheet of paper, write exactly how you live; don’t skip the bad things, these are the ones you must really give attention to. You must take a look at things the way they are in order to really make the change happen. Write in exact detail. After you did that (wrote down the way you live in full details covering all aspects of your life) get another sheet of paper and write down how you want to live. Do not write how you think you can live, but how you want. And stop thinking about how you can make the things you want happen. It’s illogical to think how you can do something until you decide what it is that you want to do. While you write the way you want to live, cover all the aspects of your life: your financial situation, your house, your car, your workplace, your group of friends, the clothes you wear, the way you act, etc. I will give you an example to help you start out.

“I have a wonderful life, full of activities, full of strong and special people with a marvelous attitude, who reached every goal they set in their mind, people which understand the laws of the Universe and how our mind works. I am happy for the marvelous, elegant and big house that I live in, beautifully decorated. I am grateful for my luxury car that I love so much. I am so grateful for my perfect, healthy body. I am grateful for the work that I do“. Remember, all the things stated, the house, the card, the workplace should be the ones you want explained in full detail. This is just an example of how it should look like. When you write on that sheet of paper how you really want to live your life, explain what kind of activities you want to do, how you want your house to look like, what kind of car do you want, what kind of work do you want to be involved in, how much money do you want to earn. All these things must be stated exactly at the present tense. You can’t say: I want more money. Be

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precise, because there’s a very logical reason for that. And use present tense. It’s very important that you use only present tense. Since your mind can’t make the difference between what’s real and what’s imaginary, it will soon start to move into action and will cause your paradigm to shift. Don't say: "I will have that car", because you will always by in the situation of waiting and not having that car and continuing to expect it ... God knows how long.

Going trough resistance

As you move toward your goal, you will encounter resistance; it may be temporary defeat or even failure. But remember, success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. Many rich people stated that their turn point came in a struggling period of their life. It came under the form of defeat, but underneath was the key to success. Lots of them said that they were just about to give up when their goal appeared right in front of them. It’s important to analyze temporary defeat, as it may hold the key you have been looking for. Never give up. When times get tough, that’s when you have to step on the gas pedal and give it all you got, as the goal you seek is right beyond the corner. Now, what I am about to tell you may be difficult to grasp, even scary, but if you know how this works you will be able to eliminate the roadblock. See, the roadblock is like a concrete mind wall. We talked about suppressing a new idea in the subconscious mind and making you feel very uncomfortable, this being because you resist change, you tend to resist anything that is not in harmony with your paradigm. So, whenever you impress a new idea, different from what your paradigm is programmed to accept, you will hit the roadblock. Let’s take an example. I remember being at my elementary school banquet, celebrating its graduation. There was one particular girl I had a crush on, and something inside was telling me to go invite her to a dance. I never liked dancing and I still don’t, but that’s not the idea. I was scared to death. I don’t exaggerate when I’m telling you that all my body

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got extremely tense, I was sweating like a pig, and all my instincts were telling me: “ Get out of there “. It was like going into a room knowing there’s a bomb going to explode in just a matter of seconds. Hell broke loose in my mind. And here is the explanation. I was doing something radically different than my paradigm was programmed to do. I hit the roadblock so hard that you could have seen from across the banquet room something was definitely wrong with me. But I never let that stop me. As I am writing this, I am realizing that was the first time I really passed through a roadblock. This experience was extremely horrifying for me, but also inspiring. It gave me a great lesson. Finally, she accepted my invitation. I don’t know what was more horrible: what was going on into my mind or how I was dancing. Being serious, I gave you this example to understand better the principle behind this. Whenever you impress an idea that is different from what you usually do, it will create a lot of discomfort, even fear that will make you go back to your initial thoughts and stop thinking about it. You are asking: “How do I get over it“? The answer is by impressing the same idea over and over again over the subconscious mind. Think about it again and again until you become comfortable. For example, you may be thinking: “I want to make a million dollars a year“. If you are currently earning 20,000 $ a year I guarantee you this idea will bounce of the screen of your mind just like a ball bounces after you hit it against a wall. Your paradigm will immediately reject this idea. It’s not something it is programmed to think, as a result it will make you think it is impossible. Your paradigm is used to the idea of earning 20,000$, and earning so much more than this means a radical change, causing a lot of discomfort. What I am teaching you here is that you have infinite potential, you can do whatever you want in this life, if you have a burning desire for it and faith that you can do it, you will attain it. So start thinking about you and all the people in this world being capable of doing absolutely anything they desire. You might be saying: “Well, why don’t they do it then ? Why doesn’t everyone step out and make it happen”?. Because they don’t know how. Go back to the story of the two lawyers, being exactly the same in the matter of age, sex, experience and knowledge. One of them will succeed, the other will fail. Why? Because they do the same thing, but different. One of them is doing things in a certain way, giving him the success he deserves. People are the same. The only barrier between us is religion and culture. But we all are made in the image of God. We all have the same amount

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of time, the same power locked within us, the same creating abilities. It’s just a matter of understanding and applying them. Remember, the example with the man jumping off from a roof? He will not float until a physician comes and explains him the Laws of Gravity. He will fall. So do people in life who don’t understand how special they are and what a change they could make in this world. Never – ever let the roadblock stop you from what you want. If you truly want to be a doctor, you will become a doctor. If you want to help people, you will. If you want to make a remarkable good change in this world, you will do it. Never let anyone or any circumstances tell you that you can’t. Everyone is special. I know you’re special. It’s a matter of becoming aware yourself about it. I repeat, as this is absolutely, definetely, remarcably crucial: "Do not let ANYONE stop you from following your dream, or you shall regret it all your life".

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Chapter 3 – Laws of the Universe

Law of Attraction

This is one of main Laws of the Universe. If you do not understand this, you will probably not attract the things you desire. The Law of Attraction states that we attract whatever we think about. In other words, we attract anything that we give enough attention and expectation. We will discuss two things absolutely necessary in order to start using the law for your benefit. First of all you must desire. This is easy, everybody wants something. You might want a car, a house, more money, better health, it doesn’t matter. First of all you must decide what you really want. Think about whatever it is that you want in a very relaxed state; don’t be tense. Don’t think about how you’re going to get it, don’t think about anything else. Think about what you really want. Be calm, relaxed, joyful. Imagine what you want. Once you get a clear image on the screen of your mind, keep it there. You should add as much motion as you can, but hold the image of the end result, don’t imagine yourself working toward realizing what you’re visualizing, just picture the end result. To understand

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better, imagine yourself playing with a radio. There are a lot of frequencies to choose from. Think about your mind as a radio. Now, try and tune it to what you want. This is the whole concept. Switch to the frequency you want in order to attract all the things that are on the same frequency. Then all you have to do is hold on to it, until the good you desire comes into your life. The next thing is what most people don’t know. They don’t know that they are day dreaming or wishing every time they’re not expecting. And this is the trick. Expectation. Expectation is the factor that causes so many people to fail on their dreams. Expectation is related to the positive attitude. Expectation in other words means believing that your dream is going to come true. Now, let’s go back to the story about the cell phone. I told you that you must read again and again this book in order to fully understand the ideas presented in it. In the story with the cell phone, I told you how I fully expected to have one by the end of the week. I never doubted a second. Think about a relative that passed away and left you in the will all his possessions. It’s clearly stated that all his stuff will become yours. You fully expect to receive the things that he left away after his death. Another good example could be a winning ticket at the lottery. You are the lucky owner of a million dollar ticket. You know you won, you expect to receive the money. I will share the example I give to others when explaining the power of expectation. You don’t wake up in the morning, saying: “I might eat something today, maybe I will drink something too”, or “I might survive until the end of the day” or “I might get hit by a car today”. You expect to wake up, to eat, drink, to live your life. I gave you these examples to understand what I am talking about. Back to the Law of Attraction, in order to achieve anything in life, you must first desire and then expect the good to come into your life. Let’s discuss the process now. I would recommend you to focus on what you’re interested. What do you like to do? Notice that a person who loves collecting stamps will be around activities that involve stamps and most probably will have a personal collection. People who are interested in earning money will most likely search for methods that would bring them money and document guides about this subject. What catches your interest? Think about what you like or what you love doing. Think about what makes you happy. Think about what brings you satisfaction. The next step is to give attention to what interests you. Stop giving attention to silly things that don’t serve you well. Stop giving attention to all the bad things around you. Note that giving

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enough attention to a thought or an idea means that it will manifest in a way or another, sooner or later in your life. Give all your attention to what interests you. If you love playing football, spend time doing that. If you like painting, do it like you’ve never done it before. Put as much energy as you can in it. Let’s go over what we discussed. First, you must desire. Second, you must expect it to happen. Think about what you want as already being in your possession. The things you want are already here, it’s just a matter of attracting them. Give attention to what you like and put interest in it. Now, here is something crucial. You must tie your thought with emotions in order for them to be passed to the subconscious mind. To achieve anything in life you will need a burning desire and faith. Desire the good that you want then double it with faith. The way to build up your faith is by repetition. Repeat to yourself that you already have what you want. Have faith that it will happen and you will fulfill your desire. You must understand that without faith and expectation you will never reach your goal, but when you expect it to happen and have faith that it will finally become true, your subconscious mind will reveal a plan that will get you started. It may come in form of an inspiration or an idea. The important thing is that you must act immediately on it. There is a story of a man that lived all his life doing nothing and expecting a miracle to come upon him. He desired all the good in the world and also expected it. The mind gave him lots and lots of ideas and moments of inspiration, but he never acted on them. And so he died poor and miserably, having nothing to be left behind. A similar story is of a hiker who reached the base of a mountain, fell on his knees and started praying to reach to the top. He kept praying everyday for “something” to bring him up to the top, but ended up dying. What I am trying to say is that you must desire, expect and when your subconscious mind gives you an idea of how you could transform your desire in reality you must act upon it, otherwise you will surely fail in attaining what is that you want. You ask, you believe, you receive. You ask by desiring, you believe by having faith that the good you desire is already in your possession and you receive by acting on the ideas or inspirations your subconscious mind sends you. But remember, this is very important, you must add emotion. If you do not feel the joy of having already what you want in your life by visualizing the end result and adding the emotion to it, it's just day dreaming. Emotion is what makes the difference. Add as much emotion as you can in it ( of course, possitive emotion).

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Law of Thinking

What is the Law of Thinking? Well, in the simplest words possible, this law states that “We become what we become due to our thoughts”. I want to make something clear before we go on. What thinking really means? Imagine a crowded street, full of people, rushing towards wherever they need to go. Think about how much information they receive every minute. They receive it by their five senses: see, hear, taste touch, smell. Understand now that a routine thinking is not thinking at all. Just because you get of the bed in the morning and start your morning routine, just because you go to work and to things by default, this doesn’t mean at all that you think. To think means to create. Believe me when I say that just 1 person out of 100 really thinks. That’s right. To keep your mind busy by receiving and filtering the information that assaults your mind means you just follow a routine; you could say that you have the “auto-pilot" mode on. Whenever we just live by default, we let our subconscious mind, more exactly our paradigm create our life. And this is the interesting part. You know by this time that your paradigm creates your life. A normal person who has been programmed to think that life is hard, that you must fight for everything, that there isn’t enough for everyone, he won’t become anything in this life. He will attract in consequence all those things, his life will be molded by these ideas. Imagine the paradigm like a money making machine. If the paradigm is programmed to make 100$ bills, it will do 100$ bills. Now replace the 100$ bill with someone’s results. If he just goes through his routine, more exactly on the “auto-pilot” mode, he will get what the paradigm gives him – routine. This is the problem with most people. They have been raised with a lot of dumb ideas and the worst part is that they don’t try to change their actual results, in most cases they just complain.

Invisible partner

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I want to tell you something that will help you. I want you to think starting a huge business, all by yourself. You have no one around you, just yourself. Sounds pretty difficult, right? Let me tell you something. You have an associate with you. You have an associate under your command that will help you with anything you ask him to. This associate is the most powerful one you will ever have in this world. It’s God. When God made this world, he made in operate in a specific way, and that way is by laws. Whenever you work toward something, you do it in harmony with God and the Laws of the Universe. You never work alone. This should give you enough encouragement to think that you can reach any goal that you desire.

Chapter 4 – Being young or being old

It has nothing to do with age

Before I start explaining the ideas presented in this chapter, let me tell you that for me the term "old" does not exist. My personal devise is: “ I become younger each day “. If you ever hear this from someone, he must be a really special person.

I do not care how young or how old you are. And you should think the same. Why I am telling you this? Because age has nothing to do with success. Let’s review again what success is. “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal“ and also “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm“. These quotes alone, if understood properly can change your life dramatically. I know a lot of “old“ people who are very learned, very wise I may say, but still not successful. I know a lot of young

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people who are eager to start their adventure in this life, who have an enormous desire for what’s waiting them ahead, but still they’re not successful. Why is that? Because they don’t understand the mechanism. Understand this: it’s as easy to earn 1 milion dollars at the age of 45 as it is to earn it at the age of 15. I am sure you can think of a young person around the age of 15 who has a great amount of money. If not, search and you shall definitely find. You can be young or old, you can be 15 or 65, you can attain everything you want as long as you know what it is and you know how to do it. Let me tell you this. Everything you need is already in your possession. It may be difficult to understand, but it really is true. The money you want, they are already here, the car you want is already here, the people you search for are already here. It’s just a matter of attracting them. To attract wise people, you must be wise, to attract powerful people, you must be powerful, to attract friendship, you must be friendly. Everything that you desire must be first placed in yourself. You will never be able to attract an “X“ thing until you become the “X“ thing. If you start to act as a wealthy man long enough, you will finally attract wealth. If you are for example fat and act as you were slim and fit, you will inevitably become slim and fit. You must first think and be what you want before you become it.

This should be taught to everyone

I dream about a world where everyone is aware of their infinite potential. Think about the great people throughout history that changed the world, by simply hanging on to an idea and turning it to reality. Think about Edison, Marconi, Ford, the Wright brothers and all the great people who literally changed the way we live today. Think about everyone on this planet doing the same. Think about what a wonderful world we would live in if everybody would have a worthy ideal and finally realize it. It’s important to teach children since a very fragile age about what they are capable of. It would be the greatest thing we could offer them beside our true love. They would turn out great people in the future, great people doing great things in the world they live in.

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Chapter 5 – Make a change

A new life changing attitude

By this point of the book, you should already have a firm understanding that you are a creator in this world, you have infinite potential, you can create anything you want. What I am about to tell you is very important, so be sure to really spend time studying it. Instead of competing in life with something or someone, all we have to do is create. Competing means that you admit there is not enough for everyone, and therefore we must fight to get what it is that we want. Never do that. Instead, create something by yourself to make the other thing obsolete. If you have a company that produces phones and you are competing with a rival company, all you have to do is create something new that would make the other company's products look obsolete, far behind yours. Is always about creating. For example, I see people finishing high school talking about how much they must fight to get in the spots available at their university of choice. Instead of speaking about how much people fight over one

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place and how hard it will be to get in, spend time studying in order to gain the knowledge needed for you to enter that certain college or university, visualize yourself in a relaxed, cheerful manner already being accepted in the respective college or university. If you would like a promotion to your workplace, don’t compete with the other workers. In fact, spend no time thinking or looking at what they’re doing. Do what you're doing at your very best. Build a firm image of yourself being already promoted and feel how that would make you feel. Believe it already happened. It’s very important that whenever you visualize, you must do it as if it is already in your possession, as if it has already happened. Remember, you must first be something in order to attract something. A new attitude means changing your paradigm radically. I will suggest you do some things that will change immediately your behavior for the better. See only the good in the bad situations. That’s right. If you are being stuck in traffic, don’t swear and be nervous. Start your radio, listen to a song, sing along with it or just say with loud voice statements like: “I am so grateful for this lovely day and weather”, “I am grateful for the spare time I have to think about all the great things in the world”. Try to see in every situation only the good. If you lose, for example, an amount of money while walking on the street, don’t be nervous and frustrated about it. Of course, you can go and search back for them, but if you just lost it and can’t find it anymore, think about how happy is the person who found it. If your cell phone gets broken, look at it as an opportunity to buy a better model. If you are waiting for example, in a line, think about the time you have to spend with your inner self. You must adopt such attitudes for your own sake. Another powerful thing to do is give. Once a month, go throughout your house and gather the things you don’t really use anymore like clothes, books, old electronics and give them. Ask the Law ofAraction to put in your way people who would really benefit from the things you are getting rid of and hand them over. There is no point in keeping them if you don’t use them anymore. Remember that giving something means the return you will receive will be much greater and better. Feel yourself as a better person while doing this. Feel that you really made someone happy and believe that you will indeed receive a greater compensation for what you gave in the future. You may not be able to change everything in this world, but by changing yourself, you change your surroundings and all the persons you

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come in contact with, you change people that will be able to do the same thing in the future for others.

Understanding trough study

I will share a very crucial piece of information with you. You probably heard the expression: “To see only the full side of the glass“. Well let me tell you something. The people who see only the full side of the glass lose. If you put a glass filled with water in front of someone and ask them to point the full part of the glass ( notice I am not specifying the part filled with water ) most of them will show you the bottom half, the one that has water. I told you in the beginning of the book that I am not different from you or from my neighbor across the street, I only do things different. If you would show me a half filled glass with water and ask me to point you the filled side, I would show you the whole glass. That’s right, half is water and the other half is air. Basically it’s always full. You are probably a bit puzzled. See, people fail in life because they go by the old saying: “What you see is what you get“. Abraham Lincoln said: “ To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing “. Such a wonderful and powerful quote. We have to become aware that we are working with specific laws here. Think for a second. Why would you choose to live your life aimlessly? When you step in your car and start driving, you must drive by the rules. If you don’t, you will most likely be involved in some accident. The same thing happens in life. To wander with no knowledge of how life “works“ will most likely result in a failure. But if we go by the “rules“, we will definitely reach our destination. Think about someone who was the so called blind faith. When that person hits the first obstacle, he will give up, because he has no understanding behind his faith. But when he understands that obstacles can be overcome with persistence, that person will continue its fight. He understands what he needs to understand in order to keep going. The faith with knowledge behind it is the true type of faith. What would you do if you would have a certain amount of money and your friend tells you to invest it in a specific business, one you have no experience or knowledge about? I’ll tell you what you would do. You would

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immediately reject and replace that thought. Why? Because you have no knowledge and understanding about that business. This example also reflects very clearly why people tend to reject what they don’t understand. For instance, if someone immediately rejects you, that means they don’t know enough about you. We must devote time to study and understand the laws of the Universe. I strongly recommend you to start reading self development materials. The internet is full of self kind materials. The more you discover about yourself, the more fascinated and eager you’ll be to find out what you’re really capable of. And the interesting part is that as you learn about yourself, you learn about others. You will start understanding others better and see their “thinking pattern“. You will practically be able to read them as a book. Start studying, open yourself to a wider perception of view and become more aware about the things that surround you.

Your everyday environment can deceive you

We are shaped in a great percentage by our environment. We learn the language we speak from the people that surround us, we tend to dress like the people around, but we already covered that in a previous chapter. What I want to tell you is that your environment can deceive you. Right now, as you read, you are probably deceived by it. Let me give you an example to understand better. I set myself not long ago a goal, that I would earn by the end of the next month approximately 500 $. I have on my desk, to my left a vision board. A vision board is basically an announcement board, where you stick flyers or reminders. Now a lot of people use it to stick what they want. If they want a car, they get a picture of the car they want and stick it to the board. If they would like to have a vacation in a certain place, they take a picture with that certain place and stick it to the board. It’s like a reminder of what they want, it helps them to keep track of their goal. As I said, I set myself a goal that I would earn 500 $ by the end of the next month. One day, I sat down to my computer desk and noticed something strange. I had a 20 $ bill sticked on the vision board. And then the bulb in my head lit. How could I ever attract that 500 $

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when I have a 20 $ dollar bill, everyday by my side? I would only see the 20 $. And the strange part is that after thinking for a couple of minutes I realized that for a few months I was only getting 20 $. It may have been from my friends, it may have been from my parents, it didn’t really matter. What happened is that the image of the 20 $ bill was planted in my subconscious mind without me realizing. I immediately took the 20 $ bill any made myself an imaginary bill that would look like a real one but instead of having 20 in each corner, it had 500. You may want to be more relaxed and calm, but you are always around nervous people, a lot of noise, all the things that make you feel tense. You may want a nicer house, but your current one is a huge mess. You must, if I can say, “clean“ your environment from all the things that don’t contribute to your goal or just don’t make you feel right. Take a look right now through your room. See what attracts your attention and needs to be removed or replaced with something nicer, something that will contribute to your future state. Do this with all the aspects of your life. If you don’t feel comfortable sitting around certain people, stop seeing them, avoid them, and replace them with better people. If you don’t like how your room looks like, take action, remove anything that you don’t like, even if it means to throw anything from that room and fill it up with what you like and what inspires you. Remember? We talked about the Law of Vacuum, which states that we must first get rid of something in order to replace it with something else. Do that and I guarantee you will appreciate your environment a lot more than you do at the moment.

Ignore what you do not want

Now, there is a catch on this one. Ignore what you do not want. The thing is that we usually ask for what we do not want and don’t even know it! Let’s take the following example. I hear people arguing over the phone, sometimes over silly things, sometimes over something more serious. There is no point in arguing, screaming and blaming each other. Instead of doing all these things which cause you to move into a really negative vibration, just stop complaining and try instead to reach for a solution. Pity talk is useless. Let’s say you were asked by someone to do something, but you did it different than he was

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expecting, a fight will start. He is going to blame you for not doing it like it was “ supposed “ to be done, you’ll start telling him other things and from one to another, a long conversation that will put you both in a negative vibration will occur. Instead of that, just tell him you gave your best and you shall try to make it better, if not possible, apologize and walk away. There’s no need in having a fight with someone else. Learn to ignore, stay calm and this is probably the hardest things to do. Remain calm, try to make the other person calm down as well than explain that you did all you could do and if the fight continues, you apologize and walk away. You can apply this to any matter in life. Instead of arguing with people, ignore it. Be conscious of what you are doing and realize that it cannot bring any good, only bad. You need to become aware of what thoughts you entertain. If you suddenly realize that what you’re thinking about something that doesn’t serves you well, stop immediately! Turn to a positive thought, maybe being grateful for realizing this and being able to replace it with something good.

Chapter 6 – Suggestions and thoughts

What do I think of you

We finally made it to the end of the book. This chapter is my personal opinion about you. I don’t know you, but I know how you think. Listen, i had no sweet childhood, I have a lot of bad memories, I had a lot of bad experiences, but I also have a lot of good memories and a lot of good experiences, I have a lot of things to be proud of and I can firmly tell you that I radically contributed in the changing of some of my friends lives during the years, but the most important thing is that I can tell you that I am proud of everything worthy that I did until present day. They may be little things compared to what others did, but I am proud because I did them myself. Doing things on your own means gathering experience and experience is the one of the most important factors in life. And I am also proud for having the courage, the will, the knowledge to

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write this book, and most important, I have faith that it will change lives for the better. This book can be interpreted as a guide on how to bring what you want in your life and also as an example that most people who ride the big wave of life start with nothing. I started with nothing. You probably started with nothing, too. You probably had a hard time as a kid, too. This dissatisfaction, this burning desire for the better is what motivates you to improve your life. But let me tell you what I think of you. I think you can do anything in this life. If you want money, you will have money. If you want fame, you will have fame. Anything that you can visualize in your mind is possible. Believe me. I sat a few days ago, thinking about the idea of earning a million dollars in 2 years, starting with no money. After a minute I started laughing. But it wasn’t my laugh. My thought went to a friend of mine, a girl I really like and respect. And I was thinking about asking her out for a drink. Immediately, my mind rejected the possibility of that being possible. How silly we are. I really believed that I could earn, starting from scratch, a million dollars in a couple of years, but I immediately rejected the idea of asking out a girl for a drink. How silly I am. How silly we are. This is really strange and what I told you should put you on some serious thinking.

Listen to me. I have friends, who aren’t quite optimistic. These friends of mine don’t know yet what they would like to do further in life. Worse, they don’t know what they love doing. Their parents are pushing them from the back saying: “I want you to do this, it would bring you good money” or “I don’t want you to do that, do this instead”. If a person is not doing what he likes, he will struggle all his life. In other words, he will fail. These words are gold for me and for many other people around the world. A successful person is someone who is deliberately doing what he loves doing. I want you to avoid doing the fatal mistakes some people did. Believe me, I have someone very close to me that knows what he loves doing, but he isn’t doing it. This mistake still affects he’s life. It affected it so bad that I slowly started to go further and further away from him. I don’t want you to end like this. It’s about what you are doing with your life, it’s not a game. For what we know, we only have one life. Please, make the right decisions. Decide with your heart. Do not listen to anybody that tells you something which doesn’t resonate with your heart. I am saying it again. To succeed in life, you must always aim for what you love doing. Make your own decisions, keep a positive attitude, understand that whatever your

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mind can conceive, it can achieve and understand you are capable of anything you want. It doesn’t matter what you do, it matters how you do it, and to learn how you must do it in order to win, you must understand how your mind works. You can make a change. Do it. Do what I suggest and you will thank yourself. I have wrote this piece of information with my heart open, knowing it will change you for the best. This is probably one of the most important information you will stumble upon in your entire life.

Daily excercises

These are a few examples of mental exercises for you to do every day. Let’s start with the beginning. Wake up at six o’clock. Be in that select group of people who start their day in a beautiful manner. After you wake up, go at a window, outside or wherever you can enjoy the outside view. I for example, go on my balcony, sit on a chair and start thinking for 5 minutes about something that I am grateful for. It may be something which happened in the past, or it may just be the beauty of the moment. Think about something you’re grateful for 5 minutes. Then, picture yourself waking up in another country. Think that you got of the bed and headed to the balcony of a nice house in any country you want. Make something to drink, like a coffee or a cup of tea for your family members or your partner. They will really appreciate it and will stimulate them to wake up at the same hour you do. Open all your windows! Let the fresh morning air rush into your house! It really changes the way you feel. Exercise! Do some pushups, some stretching, anything that would put your body at work. The reason to do this is because it releases endorphins, and you will enjoy they’re effect until evening. Sing a song! Everyone does it! Think about a song that would fit the mood and start singing it! It will make you feel a lot better. Choose a morning phrase. For example, when I get out on the balcony I say: “Another wonderful day, In which I shall have a lot of fun and in which I will face a lot of opportunities to reach even closer to my goal”. And a very powerful example, set yourself a theme for the day! For example, if you choose “Cleaning day”, you will clean your entire house, office or wherever you spend

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your day. If you choose “Money day”, you will focus your entire energy on money (of course, having a positive attitude).

These exercises must be done in the morning. The way you start your day will determine what happens on the rest of it.

What you also need to do during your day is visualize. Visualize yourself already in the possession of the things you desire. Let’s say you might want to fly a plane. Imagine yourself already doing it. Imagine the cockpit, the sound of the engine, the beautiful view. Imagine yourself already doing it. If you can’t form an image, search a video of someone already piloting a plane online and inspire yourself. If you would like to have a trip somewhere outside your country, imagine for example going on a bus heading where ever you want. Imagine yourself arriving where it is that you want and start doing anything that crosses your mind. This will be like a holographic experience. I guarantee you will feel like you are already there. It’s important to add emotions to what you visualize. Remember, emotions are the key element in attracting what you desire. Visualizing without emotions is just day dreaming and will get you nowhere. Fill your images with as much movement as you can. You are the director, the editor, the cameraman, the main actor in your mind movie.

Be grateful! You must be grateful for anything. It could be a leaf falling on you while you sit down in the park, it may be a cat coming at you to pet it, it may be someone you don’t know that warmly says: “ Good day to you ! “, it may be a nickel found on the street or it may be a bigger thing. If you learn to be grateful for the smallest things possible you will definitely be grateful for the bigger ones, too. Like my dad says: “If you learn to drive an old rusty car, you’ll be able to drive anything“.

Help people. Don’t hesitate helping someone that is in need. I can give you the oldest example in the book. Help and old folk cross the street, offer to carry some bags for someone who can’t handle them all, give advice (if you know what you are talking about) or try and comfort someone.

Enjoy! Enjoy anything, even the little things. Enjoy the nice weather outside, enjoy the birds singing, enjoy your health, enjoy anything that you like. You can even enjoy a glass of water on a very hot day.

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At night, write a list of the things you are grateful for. Write about the things you are grateful for happening today and really feel it. Feel that you are grateful. Think about them until tears appear in your eyes.

I gave you gas, now start your journey

This is what I had to say. There are still many things to be told and many things to be learned. The information that I provided you with can be considered only the tip of the iceberg, but it will allow you to unfold the puzzle of life. This is crucial information. This is your life, is not a game, you cannot replay it. For all we know, we only have one life. Why won’t you live it the way you want? It is illogical to think that someone would love being ill, broke and miserable all his life. It’s in the human nature. We always want the best. We have the instinct of surviving. But I am not teaching you to survive. I am teaching you about how you can be whatever you want and do whatever you like. If I can do it and he can do it, you can do it to. Another piece of advice is to do what you really want. Don’t become a doctor just because your parents want you to, don’t do that just because your friends are doing it, do what resonates with your heart, do whatever you like doing in life, don’t give any attention to the things that are not moving you toward your goals. I’m not different from you, I only do things in a certain way. This is very important. To change your life you must change your life. Think about this. You do what you normally do, you spend time with your friends, with your family, at your workplace. Ask anyone you know in the last week. Did I acted strangely or different or do you notice something changed in me? If they reply no, that means you haven’t changed. But when your friends, parents, co-workers start telling you things they haven’t said before and see that you changed, then you changed. Remember, this is gold: “To change your life you must change your life”. And when you change your life, you will feel like a new person. You might feel uncomfortable at first, but this is good. This is the paradigm changing. Change the way you live and act in order to change your life. This is one of the most valuable things you’ll ever read: always, and I mean always do what you love doing. Any obstacle you encounter in life, don’t see it as a wall or a roadblock, see it as a bridge that you

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must cross. Some will be crossed easily, some will require time and effort. Every great man achieved great success after dealing with heartbreaking situations, scenarios that overwhelmed him. The old saying "What does not kill you, makes you stronger" is absolutely true. Let me tell you how i learned it. I experienced a lot of sad, frustrating situations where i didn't had what i really wanted, where there was a lack, a hole. If i woulnd't have experienced hearthbreaking situations, i wouldn't have learned to be grateful for what i have now. Let me give you an example. A rich man would easily just throw away his new laptop, his new phone or even his new car and just buy another one. He wouldn't appreciate it. But a hard working man, who barely saved some money for a decent car, will really take care of it, appreciate and be grateful for it. See the hard times you had as a training that made you stronger. This is why people that have been poor in the past became rich and prosperous. They wanted something better, got it and were grateful for it and learned how to keep it. I gave you gas, now start your journey. If you find yourself stuck or overwhelmed, read again the ideas presented in this book and ask for a solution. It will definitely come. “Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment. And remember, “Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; that who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it”. Win the right to look back and say: i did that. If you wash a window, do it so the people who see it will know that you did it. Aim as high as you can. Make a change.

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Written by H.Munir


[email protected]


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