
Maine State Library

Leveraging Crossover Skills

What are Transferable Skills?T

ransfer from one job to another

Number of them Mention them at the right time in the

right place

Examples: Analyze data Delegation Implement Change

Informational Interview

Call for an appointment

Don’t ask for too much time

Ask them for resources

How do you intend to Brand yourself?

What transferable skills are you going to focus on?

What is the employer looking for?

Like a Promise

#1 Transferable Skill

Managing Change Recognize what isn’t

working Willingness to modify and

adapt Motivate others Think outside the “box”

How adaptable are you?


Effective Speaking

Effective writing




Intellectual Skills Gathering Information

Identifying patterns, Problems, and Causes

Analyzing data

Defining needs


Interpersonal Skills Team building Selling Leading Problem solving Training/Mentoring

Organizational Skills

Resolving conflicts

Managing resources


Coordinating work


Ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal

Leadership traits: Organization Problem-solving Innovation

Team Building

Team development Build consensus Develop cooperation Promote collaboration Produce results

Goals Meet Exceed

Sell Results Instead of Skills

Recruiters look for resultsresults

Focus on benefits of your skills

Provide specific achievements $ %

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