
Sinking into your emotions offers you the best chance to deepen a current relation-ship. Although you’re typically attracted to someone’s appearance, you want to slip right past the veneer and delve into the heart of the matter now. There’s an ur-

gency to your interpersonal interactions and you can’t waste time skimming along the surface.

You’re less interested in achieving an individual goal now than stabi-lizing the relationships that bring you joy. Rather than evaluating your next move based upon climb-

ing the ladder of success, you’re more concerned with maintaining your position in your network of friends.

It’s time to turn your dreams into an execut-able plan, but first you must separate the im-practical fantasies from the attainable goals. Although it may be difficult at first to trans-

form an idea into concrete steps that lead to your desired destination, the more exacting you can be now, the easier it will be to measure your success along the way. Don’t worry about finishing what you start today; making steady progress is your only reliable course of action.

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Across Yesterday’s Solution

agile, ancestor, aroma, believe, caress, churn, cite, comedy, dainty, dairy, design, dust, everywhere, flour, frustrate, fuels, funny hangar, hasty, lots, oc-cupation, oddity, ranchrange, reaper, remote

1. Skill, 6. French for “Head”, 10. Credit or playing, 14. Work hard, 15. Laugh, 16. Not under, 17. A drama set to music, 18. Always, 19. Head of hair, 20. A small unit of troops, 22. Small amount, 23. Furrow maker, 24. Scoundrels, 26. Gossamer, 30. Gossip, 32. Hello or goodbye, 33. Growing old, 37. Audition tape, 38. A red fluores-cent dye, 39. Bright thought, 40. Nickname, 42. Gentlewoman, 43. Blow up, 44. In abundance, 45. An inferior black tea, 47. Not near, 48. Tropical tuber, 49. Turbulent56. Two-toed sloth, 57. Angers, 58. Foreword, 59. Flying mammals, 60. Leer at, 61. French farewell, 62. Away from the wind, 63. Catches, 64. Neighborhood,

1. Lummox, 2. Sexual assault, 3. Foment, ,4. Ancient marketplaces 5. Windpipe, 6. Motif, 7. Overhang, 8. Not now, 9. Earthlings, 10. A TV break, 11. Utilize, 12. Leases, 13. To endure (archaic), 21. Goblin, 25. Dawn goddess, 26. Scoundrels, 27. Margarine, 28. Explosive device, 29. Brothel, 30. Adjust again, 31. Module, 33. A type of liquid food, 34. Cocoyam, 35. Close, 36. Docile, 38. A mathematical statement, 41. Fury, 42. Military, 44. Woman, 45. Hackneyed, 46. Give a speech, 47. Blends , 48. Brass instru-ment, 50. Desire, 51. Defrost, 52. Annul, 53. Ear-related, 54. Component of urine, 55. Essence,


Outlook Horoscope

Pisces (Feb.19-Mar.20)

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb.18)

Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19)

Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.22)

Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22)Cancer (June 21-July 20)

Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.20)

Leo (July 21-Aug. 21)Taurus (Apr.21-May 20)

Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20)

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep 22 )

You wish you could maintain an objective approach to life, but your feelings are strong enough today that you must take them into consid-eration. Unfortunately, you’re being

pulled in multiple directions and you don’t have enough clarity now to choose one way over the other.

Although you prefer the familiarity of your daily routine, you might feel a sud-den urge to break free from your safe and secure world. However, it’s not likely that you’ll quit your job and head overseas to-

day, even if you’re struck with a seemingly incurable case of wanderlust. Follow your instincts to widen your horizons.

You’re singularly focused on your job to-day, but oddly enough you don’t have any specific goals in mind. Instead of establish-ing priorities and developing an agenda, you simply observe situations as they un-

fold and jump in to help wherever you can. Although your lack of ambition might be considered a shortcoming by some, it gives you enviable freedom.

It’s a rare day when you lose your bal-ance, and when you do today, others quickly appear out of nowhere to offer a helping hand. Your first reaction is to de-

cline their assistance because you certainly don’t want to admit your weakness. Nevertheless, you will regain your self-confidence and your footing by revealing your truest self to your allies.

You might not want people to notice how driven you are today, yet you still hope to be appreciated for the innovation you bring to a project. But you don’t enjoy

wasting your time on management issues; you’re flush with artistic ideas and you can’t wait to bring them into fruition. Let others step up to make certain the details are all in order.

Trust your instincts today when it comes to making decisions about money. The Moon’s visit to your 2nd House of In-come doesn’t automatically bestow you

with wealth and riches. However, Luna strengthens the intuitive process you employ -- consciously or not -– when your positive attitude actually attracts oppor-tunities to increase your self-worth.

You want more details from others than they can deliver today. However, their inability to satisfy your need for specificity only drives you to ask for more. This vicious circle may be

annoying at best and upsetting at worst. Fortunately, you have the power to alter the destiny of the day by breaking the chain of cause and effect before things grow out of hand. Take a few steps back and stop pushing for more information when there isn’t any.

Reining in your reactions is tricky to-day, especially if someone challenges your ability to keep up with them. You

could be drawn into an argument without warn-ing, but it’s nearly impossible to justify your posi-tion with enough facts. Skipping the small history or science lesson is a sensible move now, because you won’t change anyone’s mind based upon your logical arguments.

You’re eager to come out of the closet to-day, stand on stage and reveal a secret to all who will listen. However, the inconsistent Pisces Moon shifts into your 1st House of

Self, adding confusion to your current thinking process. But don’t question your decision to speak authentically, even if it complicates your life for a while. Reach beyond any self-doubt and into the spiritual realms for the faith you need to follow through on your convictions.

KUNDUZ - Five Taliban mili-tants were killed after warplanes of NATO-led coalition forces struck a Taliban position in Af-ghan northern province of Kun-duz overnight, a local official said on Tuesday.“The air strike took place in Janat Bagh locality of Khan Abad dis-trict, east of provincial capital Kunduz city. The strike also de-stroyed the targeted militants’ hideout and one militant was in-jured by the raid,” district Gov. Hayyatullah Amiri told Xinhua.The latest air raid attack came as the Taliban militants have intensified activities to overrun Kunduz city, the strategically important city in northern Af-ghanistan, since late last month.The Taliban had twice briefly captured the city in 2015 and 2016 respectively.Latest clashes and fightings be-tween security forces and Tali-ban caused panic among the em-battled residents in the city, 250 km north of Kabul. (Xinhau)

KANDAHAR CITY - A roadside bombing killed two children in southern Kandahar province on Tuesday, an official said.Police spokesman Zia Durrani told Pajhwok Afghan News the incident took place this morn-ing in Kula Khamar area of Mai-wand district.He said the two children, aged 10 and 13 years old, were on their way home when they fell prey to the hidden bomb.Zia said police had captured a Mazda type vehicle and its driv-er in Sarbeland area of Shawa-likot district for supplying food items to militants. He added the detainee was being interrogated.Separately, three suspected mili-tants have been arrested in Pa-khta Pul district. Durrani said the detainees currently being investigated were allegedly in-volved in destructive activities. (Pajhwok)

PUL-I-ALAM - The act-ing crime branch chief for central Logar province was killed in a Taliban at-tack on Tuesday, an official said.Salim Saleh, the gover-nor’s spokesman, told Pa-jhwok Afghan News Maj. Azimullah Haqmal was kidnapped in the morning before being killed by the militants.“Police had arrived in the area to launch an operation for his rescue, but Haqmal was found dead,” he said, adding the incident took

KABUL - A court heard on Monday that the gang smuggled in almost 70 il-legal Afghan immigrants by using real passports be-longing to other people.A London-based Sikh gang helped nearly 70 illegal Af-ghan immigrants wearing turbans sneak into the UK using passports that were stolen or borrowed from family members. According to the UK’s Dai-ly Mail, the scam netted the gang about $800,000 USD.A court heard on Monday

AIBAK - A 28 percent drop has been estimated in wheat harvest in northern Samangan province this season despite cultivation of the crop on a nine percent more land, an official says.Najibullah Joya, an official at the provincial agriculture, irrigation and livestock department, told Pajhwok Afghan News that dry spell was the main factor behind the drop in wheat harvest this year. He said wheat cultivated on thousands of hectares dried in many areas due to the lack of rains.The affected areas include Qaflani, Koka Balaq, Alsha, Dara-i-Kalan, Kokjar, Omli, and Laili Sai of Harazat Sultan dis-trict and Shalkato, Shirkiyar, Do Koh, Manqotan, Akhta Khana, Rabatak and Taikhonak areas belonging to Aibak, the provin-cial capital, he added.Last year, 95,000 tonnes of wheat was harvested from 115,000 hec-tares of land, including rain-fed, but a latest study estimated this year’s yield at 68,000 tonnes from 125,000 hectares.According to the provincial agri-culture department, Samangan needs 80,000 tonnes of wheat per year. Growers start harvest-ing the crop in late May in the province ...(More on P4)...(13

Afghanistan Anti-Corruption Court Begins Work in Kabul

Taliban Commander Killed in Wardak

Logar Acting Crime Branch Chief Killed in Taliban Attack

Sikh Gang in Court over Smuggling Afghan Migrants into UK

Roadside Bomb Leaves

2 Children Dead in Kandahar

Samangan Wheat Harvest 28pc Down this Season: Official

5 Militants Killed in N. Afghan Airstrike

KABUL - A new court to tackle Afghanistan’s huge corruption problem has begun operating in Kabul.Bribes and embezzlement worth hundreds of mil-lions of dollars have destroyed trust in the govern-ment.Al Jazeera’s Jennifer Glasse reports from Ka-bul. (Aljazeera)

MAIDAN - The Taliban commander and four other insurgents were killed in a clash on Mon-day afternoon in Jalrez district, the police chief said.Wardak police Chief Naqibullah Amini said on Tuesday that Mawlawi Abdul Rahman a Tali-ban commander for Jalrez district of Maidan Wardak province was killed in a clash with po-lice on Monday.Four of his fellow fighters were also killed in the clash and three others were wounded, Ami-ni said.The clash took place on Monday afternoon in Jalrez district. One policeman was killed and two others ...(More on P4)...(12)

place in Hesarak area on the outskirts of the provin-cial capital.Haqmal had served in the crime branch of the Logar police headquarters ...(More on P4)...(14)

that three Sikh men helped nearly 70 Afghans to sneak into the UK using the real passports of British Sikhs.According to the Daily ...(More on P4)...(15)

Taliban and Civilians Suffer Casualties in Laghman Clashes in East of Afghanistan

KABUL - A famous local commander of the Taliban group in eastern Lagh-man province was killed along with several other militants during the clashes in this province earlier this morning that also left several other militants and civilians wounded.According to the local government officials, the incident took place in the vicinity of Alisheng district at around 1 am local time after several Taliban insurgents launched a coor-dinated attack on the security posts in Islamabad and Karanjawi areas.The provincial government media office in a statement also confirmed the clash and said at least five Tali-ban insurgents including a famous commander of the group identified as Azam Gul were killed and 6 others were wounded.The ...(More on P4)...(11)

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