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8/3/2019 main 17-2-12 1/3

 b`s Aqy kwr dI t`kr 'c 2 ivAkqIAw dI mOq[dUlgVH 17 PrvrI {  ;[oihs f;zx w'rk ) mwnsw srdUlgVH myn roV qy BwKVw nihr kol b`s Aqy krdsq t`kr 'c kwr svwrw iek gMBIr jKmI Aqy dovw dI mOky    u qy mOq ho geI[jKmI nMU srdUlgVpqwl ivKy ilAwdw igAw[ fwktrw v`lo hwlq gBIr dyKky v`fy hspqwl leI rY  Pl kr id`qw[jswr bwbw mhys munI jI tYknIkl kwlj dy kuJ hI dUrI qy mwnsw v`lo Aw rhI AOrvt b`s nM:pI.bI. 5 Aqy srdUlgVH v`lo Aw rhI kwr ijsdw nM: AYc.Awr. 26 AYc 5904 nwl bhuq iBAwnk t`kr hot`kr 'c kwr burI qrHw nukswnI geI, ies t`kr 'c kwr frwievr gurpRIq isMG gM BIr jKmI ho igA

mIq isMG (28) pu`qr dwrw isMG cihlwvwlI, sonI isMG (26) pu`qr Bjn isMG ipMf rMgw dI mOky qy hI [ aukq imRqk bohw pYls ivKy sgn lw ky Aw rhy sn Aqy srdUlgV qo imTweI dy f`by lYky Gr vwiplwvwlI nMU jw rhy sn[ rwsqy ivc ieh mMdBwgI Gtnw vwpr geI,imRqk gurmIq isMG Apxy ip`Cy do b`vw C`f igAw[ aukq sonI vI AwpxI ivDvw C`f igAw hY[ ijs dI Qwxw JunIr ivKy ieqlwh kr id`qI[r dI puils pwrtI ny Aw ky AYksIfYt 'c nukswny vwhn Aqy imRqkw nUM Awpxy kbjy ivc lY ilAwn q̀k imRqk kwr 'c Psy hoey sn[

wxI lwaudy smy tYRktr dI swPt nwl ilvt ky iek mOky qy iek dI mOdUlgVH 17 PrvrI{ ;[oihs f;zx w'rk ) ipMf mIrpur klw bIqy idn Awpxy Kyq 'c Pslw nMU pwxI lwautr dy krOs nwl sndIp isMMG ilvt igAw, ijs nwl sndIp isMG dI moky qy hI mOq ho geI[ imRqk dsrdUlgVH dy hspqwl ivc posmwrtm leI ilAwdw igAw[jwxkwrI pRwpq hoeI hY ik mIrpur klw dy

aurP Amnw(18) p`uqr bMsw isMG 12vI klws dw ividAwrQI sI, jo ik ipMf P`qw mwloky dy lwB isMG n qy kxk nMU tYRktr nwl kros rwhI pwxI lw rhw sI[ qw aykq dI loeI swvt nwl ilvt geI ijq dI DOx DV nwlo v`K ho geI, ijs nwl aus dI moky qy hI mOq ho geI[ ijs nMU postmwrtm leIpqwl ivKy ilAwdw igAw[Qwxw srdUlgVH ivKy rIport drj kr id`qI geI hY[Qwxw srdUlgVH ny Awpxnwl hspqwl phMuc ky lws nMU Awpxy kbjy ivc kr ilAw, qy Dwrw 174 qihq kwrvweI krky, lws nMU

ly kr id`qw[

8/3/2019 main 17-2-12 2/3




andigarh,17 Feb. Kulbir Kalsi:--ETC Punjabi has always been proud of its strong lineagious Content and has been a pioneer of Live Gurbani telecast in true stance for more tade now. As an addition to this glory, the channel in association with The Kalgidhar Trust

hib is very happy to announce the launch of Daily Live Gurbani from Gurdwara Baru Stt. Sirmore, Himachal Pradesh.Nestled in the Himalayan foothills amongst serene moune Kalgidhar Trust is a humanitarian charity organization that primarily builds educaitutions for the rural poor and underprivileged, presently benefitting 60,000 rural studentsrating through 111 Schools, 24 Colleges, 2 Universities, 1 Hospital and 3 De-addiction c

North India. The Trust works on the mission of “establishing permanent peace in the ough synthesis of value based scientific education and moral rejuvenation of creatingbal citizens”.Aptly called, „Dhur ki Bani‟ – the word of the Lord, this Gurbani recital by h students of Akal Academy, Baru Sahib, has a very distinct flavour to itself by adding so

it while heightening the meaning and impact of religious singing. It is indeed an exemivation for all, to watch these young students balancing their scientific pursuits and know

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h the inner discovery through spiritual education. This form of simple, serene, soulful andsic is a special offering for ETC Punjabi viewers spread across the globe and coupled wim undisturbed environs of the lush green valley; is a feast for the eyesThe daily telecast wd both in the morning and evening time bands between 4.30 am to 7.20am and 6pm to 6.

pectively on ETC Punjabi.

K D Singh elected President of Korfball Federation of India New Delhi, Feb 17/K D Singh, Member of Rajya Sabha and CMD of the Alchemist Grou

been unanimously elected as President of the Korfball Federation of India.He has been

unanimously for a four years term (2012-2016) as President of the Federation at the AGM

Korfball Federation of India held at Jaipur Fortune-Metropolitan Hotel on February 11, un

chairmanship of outgoing President M C Gupta.KD Singh, a keen sports enthusiast, and

President of the Delhi Korfball Association.

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