

There is a smaller image in the corner showing what else the magazine has to offer in this particular article.

The Masthead is in white, bold letters, and underneath is the tag line “New musical magazine”. The issue number and date are along the side of “NME”, in smaller writing. The Colour scheme is mainly yellow and white, with a blue background. This makes the yellow stand out more, as it is much more eye-catching.

The Main image of Matt Bellamy also draws in the reader because his dark hair, clothing and the shadows create a contrast with the other colours shown. He is looking down at the reader, so it makes him look quite important, or this article is very big.

“Special Preview” are used as the Buzz words, so the reader can see that there is something good happening that they can’t afford to miss.

The main cover line, “Muse” is written in bigger letters than “NME”, which could imply that Muse are bigger than the magazine itself. Also, Muse is written in yellow which is more of an eye-catching colour than white. “Plus” is also used in red, as an extra bit of information, followed by “The truth…” so the reader can rely on NME that the story is believable.

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