Page 1: Magazine cover reviews

The masthead on this cover is bold and at the top of the page. This makes it stand out and be the first thing you see. The masthead is also at the top so that when on shop shelves you can see the magazine title.

The main text in the centre is in pink to stand out from the grey background image and to show what band is on the cover and what band the main article is going to be on, in this case ‘The Vaccines’.

There is also a stamp like image showing what else is in the magazine in this case a review.

The straplines on the cover are the same colour as the main text to stand out against the grey background and to fin in with the chosen colour scheme and minimalist style. The ‘PLUS’ at the start however is in black to symbolise the start of the straplines and make it stand out.

The cover also features a comment on the band saying ‘indie’s shot in the arm…’ the use of the ellipsis suggests that it is continued in the main article.

The price of this magazine is free so to make this stand out and let people know it’s free it has a yellow sticker style textbox with ‘Free’ in bold capital letter. The yellow makes it stand out as the rest of the colour scheme is grey and pink.

The main image of the cover is in a grey scale black and white style which keeps in with the minimalistic style of the cover. The band members are also wearing minimalistic style clothing which are just black and white.

This magazine has no barcode because it is free and to keep the minimalistic look.

Page 2: Magazine cover reviews

There is a circle type text box with ‘WIN!’ in big white letter to attract your attention to the compotition.

The cover features a pink sticker like image with text on to show what is included in the magazine and to stand out and keep with the colour scheme.

The main text is both pink and white with a bold shadow type font. The band name is in pink and the 2012 is in pink, the reason ‘2012’ is also in pink is so you notice that its new.

There is also text scattered around the cover to show what is include inside the magazine. These also fit with the colour scheme with white and pink text.

The barcode is very small and placed in the bottom corner to make it as un-noticeable as possible. It is also put there to make it the last thing that you see.

The masthead on this cover is bold and at the top corner of the page. The main image goes over it slightly as this because the main image is what is important.

The main image fills the majority of the cover of the cover to make it as notable as possible and really in your face. The image unlike in the last cover is in full colour.

‘Exclusive’ is in black which stands out from the rest of the text. This makes people want to read it as its exclusive.

Page 3: Magazine cover reviews

The masthead on this cover is big and bold much like the other two covers. it covers the majority of the top half unlike the NME masthead. This masthead also has a change in font type as the ‘Dazed’ part is large and bold however the ‘& Confused’ part is a smaller font and is tilted to the side. As The ‘Dazed’ part stands out this is the main part of the mast head that you first see.

The straplines on this cover are at the side. This could be to make it more noticeable or it could just be to make the cover look different to others and create their own cover style.

The main text on this cover is split into two different font sizes, the band name is in a smaller font and then ‘Riot Here, Riot Now’ is in a smaller font. This is also a play on words to sound like Right Here Right Now.

The main image on this cover is a very basic photograph. The photo looks as though its was taken in just a normal room against a wall, as you see the edge of the room and the skirting board at the bottom. Neither of them are looking at the camera either.

The barcode on this cover is also in the bottom right corner to make it the last thing you see and be hardly noticeable.

The text underneath the masthead is very small compared to the mast head . This shows what is in the magazine.

Page 4: Magazine cover reviews

The magazine logo appears on the contents page as well as on the cover. The contents has the usual Red Q colour scheme with a red text boxes and lines.

The list of minor features are on the far left and right sides, the main features however are in spread out across the middle of the big with big pictures.

The issue number is on top right of the page along with a picture of a poster that you get with the magazine.

The main image on this contents page is just on the right side of the double page. The image is a ‘Gorrilaz’ cartoon with a page number next to it. It also has the largest size page number. As it is the largest picture this shows it will be the main article.

Page 5: Magazine cover reviews

This contents features a band index which gives you the page number of any band that is mentioned throughout the magazine. This is a very good feature as readers who are looking for a particular band can find them easily.

The main image on this contents is a photo of a music venue with the title underneath ‘The end of the Astoria’ along with a page number and a brief description of what the article is about.

The list of other features is on the right side spilt into different sections with the sub headings: ‘News’, ‘Radar’, ‘Reviews’, ‘Live’ and ‘Features’.

The contents of the magazine also features the magazine logo. The contents on this page however isn’t title ‘Contents’ instead is is titled ‘NME This Week’. There is also the issue date underneath the title.

This contents also features an advertisement to subscribe to the magazine. Which is good advertise for the magazine as everyone looks at the contents whereas people may miss out other pages of the magazine.

Page 6: Magazine cover reviews

This is another NME magazine contents page. As you can see the contents has an extremely similar style to the other and must be a usual style in the magazine. The Band index, Subscription ad and even the titles are in the same position as the other issues.

The only major difference seems to be the main article and picture which are set out differently. Just before the title there is use of an ellipsis witch builds up to the title. This is also a large letter M at the start of the description to symbolize the beginning and to add a bit of style to it.

Page 7: Magazine cover reviews

The main image on this double page spread takes up the majority of the two pages. The image shows the band members looking straight at the camera in a quite in your face style fashion. They also have very little facial expression.

The design of the double page spread looks very old and tatty as the colour is very off white and almost grey. There is also several blue markings on both pages to make it look tatty.

The text on this double page spread is spilt into 2 parts. They are split up by two large letters at the start of the two paragraphs. There is also a quote that is separated from the rest of the paragraph. These are also in a different colour to the rest of the article as they are in blue.

The title of the article and also the band name is at the top right and is in very bold black letters that fits in with the rest of the black, blue And grey style colour scheme.

There is a small description of the band underneath the title. The lead singers name is in a different colour font to the rest of article to stand out.

Page 8: Magazine cover reviews

The title of the article is very bold and is written in the style of the ‘Two Door Cinema Club’ logo and album cover which is who the article is about. Underneath this is a small insight into the band with the band name in bold letters to stand out so that you know who the article is about.

The article also has a quote from the lead singer and guitarist that is separated from the rest of the article. This quote is also in the font of the bands album cover and logo.

The main Image shows all the band members together eating some sort of sweets or chocolate. This is done purposely to link in with the article where lead singer and guitarist Alex says he used to be fat. This is in the stand out quote. There is also two smaller pictures underneath of the band.

The main article is again separated with large letters at the start. The text fills the majority of the two pages unlike the last double page spread which was mostly the image.

In the top right corner of the page there is the bands logo to show who the article is about and also a caption of the picture.

Page 9: Magazine cover reviews

This double page spread from ‘Q’ magazine is very different from the traditional double page spread. It features on large image of the biggest artists of the century all together. The magazine logo also appears in the top left corner. The main image shows all the artists all posing in a style that links with their music style.

The number ‘100’ is features many times to fir with the double page spreads theme of the century.

There is a black banner like text box at the top of the page with the magazines slogan and a quote about the artists.

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