
Spring 2014MagaScience


The MERTIS project. Hiesinger got an award from NASASend us an EmailWere looking forward toget some feed back from [email protected] a look and find some interesting facts about :Magascience is a brand new magazine for everybody interested in football, music and planetology. A big range of information will be in every magazine as well as informative articles, pictures and interviews.

Win Family tickets to the kennedy space centerFootballFootballMERTISCountdown to Pluto

Steinunn Birna

MusicPlanetologyMagascience Football, MUsic & planetologySteinunn Birna, settu inn efni itt fyrst, g raai okkur upp eftir stafrofsr, M (music) undan Sports og svo planetology. Hgt er bta vi sum me v a fara pages og add page. Ef r lkar ekki music logoi hr efst, skiptu v t. Skoi svo verkefnalsinguna.

Sed lectusPellentesque fermentum, eros quis feugiat placerat, nibh diam malesuada ante, id semper mi dolor sit amet risus. Aliquam urna sem, blandit a, tempor id, volutpat sed, elit. A Did you know? column A column where you list interesting subject words A personal article written by you connected to your subject: general information, description possible career options and further studies why you like this subject and what makes it interesting? Pictures 2 summaries from professional articles Profiles for at least 3 persons related or known within the subject field

Cras mauris lacus, eleifend vitae, facilisis vitae, tempor non, ligula. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas lobortis. Maecenas leo elit, sagittis vitae, mattis id, placerat vel, urna. Aenean interdum sollicitudin elit. Nullam rutrum pede id nibh. In mattis tempor felis.Nulla congue, mi a elementum eleifend, tellus nisl convallis lectus, id eleifend lorem ligula sit amet arcu. Etiam quis tortorCras et odio vel dui tempus varius. Sed nec orci. Sed tincidunt pede a magna. Nullam tortor. Sed nulla massa, adipiscing sit amet, fermentum ut, commodo ac, turpis. Morbi sollicitudin, augue at viverra dictum, dolor nisi volutpat urna, in laoreet velit sapien in orci. Fusce sit amet odio vel lacus bibendum adipiscing.Nulla aliquet lacinia velitMuna eftir:Geological Planetology studies the solid surfaces of planetary bodies in our Solar System and their surface processes. It is a highly inter-disciplinary field of research applying a wide range of scientific methods. Among these are remote sensing and in-situ data by manned and unmanned space missions, laboratory analyses of planetary samples, meteorites and terrestrial analog materials, as well as comparative field studies on Earth Geological Planetology decisively contributes to our understanding of the Solar System and its evolution and thereby also helps to better understand and appreciate Earth as a planet. B.M.

Geological PlanetologyWhat is Planetology?

Planetology contains geochemical, geological, geophysical and mineralogical methods.It is the study of all aspects of planetary systems, including the structure and composition of planets, moons, comets and asteroids and it combines astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology and exobiology (astrobiology).

Mertis, the Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (MERTIS) is an innovative instrument for studying the surface composition and mineralogy of planet Mercury. BepiColombo will be launched in 2015toward Mercury to observe the Mercury planet from 2022 on. The MERTIS instrument design is based on a highly integrated and miniaturized concept, featuring low mass of only about 3kg and a sophisticated design developed by the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, Department Optical Information System. MERTIS is an imaging spectrometer to determine the mineralogical composition of the Mercurys surface. The operation concept principle is characterized by intermediate scanning of the planet surface and 3 different calibration targets deep space and two on-board black body sources. The general instrument architecture comprises two separate parts - the Sensor Head including optics, detectors, shutter and proximity sensor electronics and the Electronics Unit containing the instrument control unit, power supply as well as calibration sources. The MERTIS development is done in close cooperation with scientific and industrial institutions, the Principle Investigator of the University - Mnster, the DLR Institute of Planetary Research - Berlin, Kayser Threde Munich, Astrofeinwerktechnik Berlin, the Polish Space Research Center - Warsaw and the Ingenieurbro Ulmer Frankfurt/Oder. ( an Imaging Spectrometer for the Space Mission BepiColombo

Countdown to Pluto

One of the fastest spacecraft ever built -- NASA's New Horizons -- is hurtling through the void at nearly one million miles per day. Launched in 2006, it has been in flight longer than some missions last, and it is nearing its destination: Pluto. Were less than a year away, says Alan Stern, of the Southwest Research Institute and the missions principal investigator. Closest approach is scheduled for July 2015 when New Horizons flies only 10,000 km from Pluto, but the spacecraft will be busy long before that date. The first step, in January 2015, is an intensive campaign of photography by the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager or LORRI. This will help mission controllers pinpoint Pluto's location, which is uncertain by a few thousand kilometers.By late April 2015, the approaching spacecraft will be taking pictures of Pluto that surpass the best images from Hubble. By closest approach in July 2015, a whole new world will open up to the spacecrafts cameras. If New Horizons flew over Earth at the same altitude, it could see individual buildings and their shapes.Stern is looking forward to one of the most exciting moments of the Space Age. ( Marsis the fourthplanetfrom theSunand the second smallest planet in theSolar System, afterMercury...that Marscan easily be seen from Earth with the naked eye, as can its reddish coloring....that in 2010 scientists at the University of Mnster found some evidence about liquid water exists in the spring and in craters on the surface of Mars. On photos that were taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter the could see some runnels.

... that Earthis the thirdplanetfrom theSun. It is thedensestand fifth-largest of the eight planets in theSolar System... that EarthEarth is a terrestrial planet, meaning that it is a rocky body. It is the largest of the four terrestrial planets in size and mass. Of these four planets, Earth also has the highest density, the highestsurface gravity, the strongest magnetic field, and fastest rotation, and is probably the only one with activeplate tectonics.... that Earth was formedapproximately 4.54 billion yearsago, andlife appearedon its surface within its first billion years

... that Venus is the second planet from the Sun and that she is the hottest planet in our system with a temperature around 500C.... that Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.... that Venus is called Earth's "sister planet" because of their similar size, gravity, and bulk composition (Venus is both the closest planet to Earth and the planet closest in size to Earth).

... that Mercury is the smallest and closest to theSunof the eightplanetsin theSolar System.... that Mercury is one of fourterrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars)in theSolar System.... that Mercury has almost no atmosphere to retain heat, Mercury's surface experiences the greatest temperature variation of all the planets, ranging from 100K (173C; 280F) at night to 700K (427C; 800F) during the day at some equatorial regions. The poles are constantly below 180K (93C; 136F.

Did you know

that Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar System that Astronomers sometimes categorise Uranus and Neptune as "ice giants" .The interior of Neptune, like that of Uranus, is primarily composed of ices and rock. that Neptune's weather is characterised by extremely dynamic storm systems, with winds reaching speeds of almost 600m/s (1340mph)nearly attaining supersonic flow.

... that Uranusis the seventhplanetfrom theSun.... that the Uranian system has a unique configuration among those of the planets because itsaxis of rotationis tilted sideways, nearly into the plane of its revolution about the Sun. ... that UranusIt is the only planet whose name is derived from a figure fromGreek mythologyrather thanRoman mythologylike the other planets,

... that Saturnis the sixthplanetfrom theSunand the second largest planet in theSolar System, afterJupiter.... that Saturn is a gas giant with an average radius about nine times that of Earth.... that Saturn has a prominent ring system that consists of nine continuous main rings and three discontinuous arcs, composed mostly of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust.

... that Jupiteris the fifthplanetfrom theSunand thelargestplanet in theSolar System.... that Jupiter is agas giantwithmassone-thousandth of that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is composed primarily ofgaseousandliquidmatter. It is the largest of fourgas giants(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).... that Jupiterhas the most moons. 62 moons have been found around Jupiter. The last time a moon was found was in 2003. The planet's four largest moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. They were found in 1610.

Did you know

Planet : any celestial body other than comets or satellites that revolves around a star. (Plneta)Solar system: the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field. ( Slkerfi)Terrestrial: of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants. ( jarnesk)Atmosphere: mass of air surrounding the Earth / weather or climate at some place ( lofthjpur, gufuhvolf, lofhvolf, einnig andrmsloft)Surface: the outermost level of land or sea (yfirbor)Equatorial: of or relating to or at an equator (mibaugur)Gravity: force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earths mass for bodies near its surface. ( yngdarafl jarar, adrttarafl, efnisyngd)Bulk: the property possessed by a large mass ( umfang, magn, str)Dense: having component partsclosely crowded together ( ttur/ykkur)Rotation: a single complet turn ,axial or orbital ( snningur)Plate tectonics: folding and faulting of the earths crust (flekakenning, pltukenning)Reddish: red,blood-red, color of blood or cherries or tomatoes, next to orange (rauleitur, rauur)Debris: the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc.


PlanetologySubject words ; good to know, for a better understandingDr. Harald Hiesinger is a professor at the Institute of Planetology at the Westflische Wilhelms- University in Mnster, Germany.Dr. Harald Hiesinger was born on May 26, 1964 in Munich, Germany. In 1986, he received a bachelors degree and in 1990, a masters degree in geology from the Ludwigs-Maximilians University in Munich. While a full-time employee at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), he pursued a doctoral degree in geology with a specialty in planetology, which he received from the Free University of Berlin in 1999. For his doctoral work, Dr. Hiesinger investigated geochemical and stratigraphic characteristics of lunar mare basalts. Meanwhile, in 1997 he began a position as visiting scientist at Brown University, where he later became a senior research scientist. In 2004, Dr. Hiesinger became an assistant professor position in planetary sciences at Central Connecticut State University. Recently, Dr Hiesinger accepted a position as a full professor at the Institute of Planetology at the Westflische Wilhelms University in Mnster, Germany. As a co-investigator, Dr Hiesinger is involved in two current international space missions, the American Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC camera) and the European Mars Express mission (HRSC camera). Dr. Hiesinger has published many scientific papers on the Moon, Mars and Ganymede and has written and/or contributed to two book chapters. Dr. Hiesinger is married to planetary geologist Dr. Carolyn van der Bogert and currently lives with his wife and an adopted greyhound, Spacedog Spiff, in New Haven, Connecticut. His career in Mnster started the German man in the moon in 2006. Beside teaching at the University he is a art of several projects and is a major author. He was the project supervisior of the Mertis project which he got an award for in may 2010 from NASA, the NASA Group Achievement Award (GAA) The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Team B.M.In November 2005 the Central Connecticut State University of America awarded Hiesinger. He got the Teaching Honor Role award.In his spare time the scientist likes sailing, skiing and taking his dog Spaceman Spiff named after the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, for a walk.

Doctor Harald Hiesinger ?WHO IS ... PROFILE

Thomas David Jones ?WHO IS ... PROFILE

Thomas David Jones was born 22 of January 1955 in Baltimore, Maryland. He graduated from Kenwood High School, Essex, Maryland, in 1973; received a bachelor of science degree in basic sciences from the United States Air Force Academy in 1977, and a doctorate in planetary science from the University of Arizona in 1988. From 1989 to 1990, he was a program management engineer in Washington, D.C., at the CIA's Office of Development and Engineering. In 1990 he joined Science Applications International Corporation in Washington, D.C. as a senior scientist. Jones performed advanced program planning for NASA's Solar System Exploration Division, investigating future robotic missions to Mars, asteroids, and the outer solar system.Jones was selected to the astronaut corps in 1990 and became an astronaut 1991 after a year of training by NASA. He completed four space shuttle flights before retiring in 2001. He flew on STS-59 and STS-68 in 1994, STS-80 in 1996 and STS-98 in 2001. His total mission time was 53 days 48 minutes. He works as a planetary scientist, space operations consultant, astronaut speaker, and author.Jones' awards include the NASA Space Flight Medal (four awards), NASA Distinguished Service Medal, NASA Exceptional Service Award, NASA Exceptional Public Service Medal, and NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal. His military decorations include the Air Force Commendation Medal. He was a distinguished graduate and the outstanding graduate in Basic Sciences at the United States Air Force Academy. King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in 2007. The Main Belt asteroid 1082 TomJones is named in his honor.Jones's book Sky Walking: An Astronaut's Memoir, was named one of the top five books on the subject of space by the Wall Street Journal.B.M.Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was born 6. Of March 1937 in Maslennikovo in central Russia. Her father was a tractor driver and her mother worked in a textile plant. Tereshkova started school at the age of 8 years. She had a hard childhood working as a textile worker in a local factory. She left school at the age of 16 years but continued her education by correspondence courses. She became interested in parachuting from a young age, and trained in skydiving at the local Aeroclub, making her first jump at age 22 on 21 May 1959; at the time, she was employed as a textile worker in a local factory. It was her expertise in skydiving that led to her selection as a cosmonaut. In 1961 she became the secretary of the local Komsomol (Young Communist League) and later joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to have flown in space, having been selected from more than four hundred applicants and five finalists to pilot Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963. In order to join the Cosmonaut Corps, Tereshkova was only honorarily inducted into the Soviet Air Force and thus she also became the first civilian to fly in space. During her three-day mission, she performed various tests on herself to collect data on the female body's reaction to spaceflight. After her flight, Tereshkova studied at the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy and graduated with distinction as a cosmonaut engineer. In 1977 she earned a doctorate in engineering. She never entered space again, and hers was the last space flight by a female cosmonaut until the 1980s.

Tereshkova married Andran Nikolaev who is also an Russian astronaut and she has an enormous quantity of awards and honors.

At the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics she was a flag-carrier of the Olympic flag.B.M.Valentina Tereskova ?WHO IS ... PROFILE

Planetology - employment opportunitiesThe Earth is my home, our home. How could you not be interested in studying your home and your Solar System?

Planetary science is a very diverse and multidisciplinary field. People who study remote planetary bodies come from a wide variety of disciplines including: astronomy, engineering, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer sciences and last but not least geology. The most important journals in planetary sciences are: Meteoritic & Planetary Science Geology Planetary and Space Science Geophysical Research Letters Journal of Geophysical Research Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Nature Icarus Earth and Planetary Science LettersScience

The degree Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Master of Science (MSc) will give you a large range of employment opportunities in a variety of professions from the entire field of solid state physics and geosciences, analytical services, production, engineering and hydrogeological consultancies, universities, environmental fields, historic preservation, fields of research and testing institutes also as space agencies. The possibility for a job at a National Space Agency is very tempting.aFor a career at NASA like professional Engineering and Scientific it requires knowledge in science, math, engineering, law or accounting as well as a bachelors degree or higher degree with major study in a specialized field.

National space agenciesCanadian Space Agency (CSA). China National Space Administration (CNSA) (Communist China). Centre national d'tudes spatiales French National Centre of Space Deutsches Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., (German: abbreviated DLR), the German Aerospace Center. European Space Agency (ESA). Russian Federal Space Agency GSFC (NASA), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Israel Space Agency (ISA), Italian Space Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). JPL (NASA), NASA: Considerable number of research groups, including the JPL, GSFC, Ames. National Space Organization (Republic of China in Taiwan).UK Space Agency B.M.

Magascience found this extremely interesting interview with planetary geologistDr. Harald Hiesinger on youtube. watch in on:

With us to talk more about the moon is planetary geologist Harald Hiesinger from the University of Mnster. Hes been described in the media here as "Germanys Man in the Moon" HH: Thank you for having me. Absolutely. Why is the moon so important for us? For us planetologists, the moon is really like a sort of history book that allows us to look back to the early phases of the solar system. And by doing this we can better understand the rest of the solar system, including our own planet Earth. So therefore the moon is a key object for the understanding of the rest of the solar system. Is the Earth older than the moon? No, our planets formed roughly at the same time. The moon formed by a big collision with a Mars-sized object, with early Earth, but they are all the same age. All the same age. Now you yourself specialised in volcanic activity on the lunar landscapes, can you tell us a bit more about that? Yes, so if you look up to the moon, all these black areas that you see with your naked eye, those are actually made out of a specific type of rock - it's called basalt. That's a very common rock here on Earth too. So what it tells you is that the moon actually had volcanic eruptions to bring these rocks up to the surface, so they flood very large areas with deep impact basins and so by studying them we can learn something about the thermal evolution and the history of the moon. Is it difficult to have your subject that you study so far away? No, not at all. We have very good instruments now in orbit around the moon. We have the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbitor mission which is about fifty kilometers above the surface, and you are taking pictures of about half a meter resolution so it's not a problem. And of course we have the Apollo and lunar samples that we have still in our laboratories. So there's plenty of material that you can work from. How about the ESA - they have halted a project recently: the Lunar Lander Project. How much of a blow was that for you? Well that's really bad you know. This would have been a really interesting mission, because it was planned to land on a crator rim at the south pole that is always in sunlight, and it's actually close to a crator floor which is always in permanent shadow, so that would have been a really interesting place to go, because in these shadowed areas you could actually have water ice available, for space missions, for rocket fuel, for whatever you want to use it. Now they did mention water ice in the report, can you tell us WHY that's important? Well as I said, it's an incredible resource. If you go to the moon and you don't have to bring your water, then your mission's going to be much cheaper. You can basically live off the land in this respect and if you can access the water, that would be really fantastic for any future exploration of the moon. Now we have the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, we have plenty of other things that we have sent out there - why do we even need manned missions anymore? Well, it's really a question of what kind of scientific question do you have. For some questions you need humans at the surface, because they can make decisions very quickly, and they have the broad background knowledge right available at their fingertips. For other questions, robots are just as good. So it really depends what you want to do at the surface. Would you go to the moon yourself? Absolutely, I would go immediately - right now! But it's not exactly a cheap hobby either, is it? No it's not cheap, but on the other hand, these missions to the moon are relatively cheap. We are not talking about multi-billion dollar missions that go to the outer solar system. So you can go to the moon for relatively cheap money, and I think it's worth every cent. Professor Hiesinger, thank you so much for joining us . Youre welcome B.M.


Just answer the 2 questions below and sent us your answer by eMail, [email protected] winner will be informed by eMail.

1) Dr. Hiesinger got an award for Mertis from ?2) 9. Planet of Solar System is?.

The John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is the United States launch site that has been used for every NASA human space flight since December 1968. Visit the exciting Kennedy Space Center and learn everything about our travels in space. Tour Kennedy Space Center, see IMAX space movies, and view all of the exhibits and shows KSC has to offer - including Space Shuttle Atlantis. This tour also includes the Astronaut Hall of Fame and interactive space-flight simulators.

Hours of Operation 2014:Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex hours: January 4 April 13: 9 am 5 pm April 14 27: 9 am 6 pm April 28 June 29: 9 am 5 pm June 30 August 10: 9 am 7 pm August 11 31: 9 am 6 pm September 1 December 14: 9 am 5 pm December 15 25: 9 am 6 pmDecember 26 28: 9 am 7 pmFor more details about the Kennedy Space Center visit our webpage:

Win free tickets for your whole family to Kennedy Space Center

FOOTBALLFootball or soccer is a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. Football is the worlds most popular sport with 250 million players in over 200 countries. The object of the game is to score in the opposite goal by using any part of the body except arm and hands. The goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands but thats only in the so called penalty area. Other players mostly use their feet to strike or pass the ball but sometimes also their head and chest. This is the main meaning of the game but there are some other rules that are very simple but we wont spent time on now. The first official football match was held in England on December 19 1863. FIFA is the official football organization and they control that everything goes like it is supposed to do. There are many career options involving football. The main one is of course the professional footballer and there are many of them all around the world. Professional footballers go from earning normal wage to multimillionaire wages all depending on which club you play for and how good you are. But thats not the only career options involving football because they also need trainers, doctors, coaches, agents, manager and much more. These are jobs that require an education to get them. So even though the football players dont need to go to school to get a formal education to be football players, other jobs around the industry demand people with a degree. So the football business is a huge industry with the clubs as the workplace. I like football because its exciting to watch and fun to talk about. I also like to play it with my friends and its a lot of fun. I think what makes it interesting is the excitement and the hope that your team will win.

Subject words

Transfer: To remove oneself from one place to another (a fra sig milli staa).

World cup: A competition with the best national teams in the world (keppni milli bestu landslia heimi).

Spherical: Having the form of sphere (hringlaga).

Agent: A person or business authorized to act on anothers behalf (umbosmaur).

Manager: A person who has control or direction of an institution, business or a club (stjrnandi).

Player: A person who takes part or is skilled in some game or sport (leikmaur).

Retired: Withdrawn from or no longer occupied with ones business or profession (httur strfum vegan aldurs).

Career: An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as ones lifework (atvinna, starfsferill).

Sponsor: A person, a firm or an organization, that finances and buys the time to broadcast a radio or television program so as to advertise a product (styrktaraili).

Coach: A person who trains an athlete or a team of athletes (jlfari).

Alex Ferguson

Ferguson is a Scottish manager and one of the most successful ever. He started his manager career in Scotland were he did very well and that ended with him being hired to one of the biggest clubs in the world, Manchester United. Manchester had been in the big down period with their main rivals, Liverpool dominating the premiership. So that was a big test for Ferguson ahead. He didnt start to well and was very close to getting fired. Shortly after that struggling he started to get his team to a place they wanted to be. Manchester United started winning titles and getting back to the top. Alex Ferguson won in his time at Manchester almost 40 trophies including 13 premier League titles and 2 Champion League titles. Ferguson is now retired and in the first year without him for Manchester United they are only sitting in a pour seventh place with 11 games to go. That just reflects what a great manager Ferguson was.

Lionel MessiLionel Messi is a 26 year old Argentine footballer that plays for the Spanish side FC Barcelona. He is considered by many to be the best player in the world and he has won 4 times the award for the best player of the world. Messi has also won many titles with his team Barcelona including 6 la Liga titles and 3 Champions League titles. Messis strength on the pitch is his pace and dribbling skills he is also very good in scoring goals and finding his team mates in good positions. Many people think Messi is the best player to have ever played the game but thats something we will never fully find out, mainly because he wont play with the best players that have played before him. But in my opinion he is the best ever. Messi is certainly a great player but there is one title he hasnt won and that is the World Cup with Argentine. Since he is only 26 and has a lot of years ahead of him he could still win it.


Alex Ferguson

Lionel MessiThe moneyThis is an article about the money in football and whether its destroying the game we all love. Because money is everywhere in football, in the gate receipt at the stadium, from selling jerseys or just normal wages to the players and staff. But there are a few specific areas where the influence is especially strong and this is in stadium naming rights, jersey sponsorship deals, and player transfer fees and sponsorships.It probably makes most sense to start in the league that makes more money than any other. This is of course the Premier League in England, former known as the English football Leagues first division. In 1992 the name was changed because the TV stations that were ready to pay a lot of money for the rights to show the football and former name wasnt good enough. This has since then been a huge money making machine for clubs. Stadium of the clubs have almost always been named after the neighborhood they are in like Old Trafford and White Hart Line. But this is now different and clubs like Arsenal, that recently built a new stadium, named it after their main sponsor Emirates. Arsenal did get a lot of money out of this and it was a good addition to the money source. After this clubs are more and more renaming their stadiums after their sponsors in the look for more money. This isnt the only money source and one of the biggest is the sponsor on the clubs jersey. If a company pays to be on front of a clubs jersey they are buying a huge commercial. Because its not only on t TV when the clubs play but also when a supporter buys a club jersey hes also buying the sponsorships commercial. So this also a huge money making machine. Players transfer is another thing that makes a giant amount of money and the record breaking transfer fee to date is a stunning 80 million pounds for Cristiano Ronaldos transfer to Real Madrid. This amount is crazy and some say far too much. But with this deal Real wasnt only buying a great player but they were buying a name. Because shirt sales of the new signing would be crazy and the club would soon get back a lot of the money they paid for the player. But even though money play such a big part in the sport its still the football itself that is the main point and we hope it will stay that way forever.

Soccer headers can cause brain injury

This is an article about people who play much football and as a result of that can be more likely to get brain injuries. This is the result of a research from the Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical center. The study included 38 amateur soccer players with an average age of just over 30, who all had played football regularly since childhood. The researchers asked the people how often they headed the ball the last year and then compared it to the players brain scans. There they found out that people who headed the ball frequently showed brain injuries similar to a concussion. This is of concern because many people who play football are children and their skull isnt as strong as the one in an adult. Beside they often play with a ball of the same size as the adults. The research also shows that if you head more than 1500 balls per year you are more likely to get a brain injury. This isnt an easy thing to fix because headers are a big part of football and eliminating it wouldnt be possible. So the solution is maybe letting the children use some kind of helmet or something like that. But this is definitely something that needs time to be investigated further.

More Profiles

David BeckhamDavid Beckham

David Beckham is one of the most famous footballer to have ever played the game of football. He is English and in his career he played for clubs like Manchester United and Real Madrid. He also played for the English national team and was the captain for some years. Beckham is not only known for his skills on the football ground because his wife is Victoria Beckham a famous singer and a member of the former hit band Spice Girls. After David married Victoria he became a huge name and almost everybody in the world knew who he was. He is also a big name in the commercial business and almost everybody wants to have him as their commercial icon. David is newly retired after a great career as football player with a lot of wins and glory. David Beckham will always be a big icon in the football world and all the people of my generation will always remember him.

David Beckham and his wife Victoria Beckham


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