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MACURH Newsletter May 2013

Regional Board Monthly Update

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Regional Director

Luke Lassonde


It is with a heavy heart that I write this last update to you all. It has been a great year. You all should be very proud of your-selves and what we all have managed to accomplish together. From working tirelessly at conferences, to preparing your delega-tions, you all have done so much for the region this year. Each of you has played a very integral part to the region and also to your campus. Your work has not gone unnoticed and is very much ap-preciated, not only by me, but by the others that you serve.

I would like to extend a special thank you to all who have written a bid and or legislation over the course of the last year. Without your dedication, the region would not be able to func-tion at all. As an organization devoted to recognition as well as change, it is your efforts that help change and recognition to hap-pen!

Thank you so much to all of you for making this year such a memorable one and one of the best of my life. Keep up the great work in all that you do!

MACURH Love!Luke Lassonde

Email: [email protected]

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Associate Director of Finance and Records

Katie Lawrence


Wow I can’t believe that this is the last update that I will be writing to you as the Associate Direc-tor of Finance and Records.

This year has been pretty crazy with all of the goals that have been completed. This year one of my biggest goals was working to create a standardized budget that all of the future conferences could use. Thankfully with the help of Brett from the IACURH region we have been able to do this. It is my hope that this budget will help conferences see what they need to budget. I also have been working to write some legislation to help advance our regional com-mittees.

I would like to thank you all for all of the hard work you have put in this year. When I was first asked to be the ADFR, I was very nervous. However, having this chance to work with an outstanding group of leaders is something that I would not change for the world. Thank you all so much for making my year so wonderful.


Email: [email protected]

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Associate Director of NRHH

Alex Sniffen


As my term begins to come to a close, I have been reflect-ing on everything that we have done this year as a region. I am so very proud of what you all have been able to accomplish, and watching many of you grow as leaders has been the experience of a lifetime. I would not have wished for this year to go any other way. I have been privileged to create a new award at the regional level, coordinate an NRHH-wide bylaws and policy book review, mem-bership list template, and been able to chair the NRHH Standards committee for NACURH.

I am so very proud of all that you have done this year, from attending two wonderful conferences, being part of a power-ful new initiative with webcam and live-stream technology, and evolving our region to develop more and better student leaders.

You all have the chance to be agents of change and to cre-ate a difference in the future of your fields, from Student Affairs to History, and many many more, each one of you has shown me valuable skills and ability that I would never find anywhere else, and it makes me all the more proud to be departing as your As-sociate Director of NRHH.

I will be returning to the region next year as Creighton’s NRHH President, and that being said - if anyone wishes to keep in touch, please feel free to email me at [email protected], or [email protected]. I would love to talk to each one of you, and see what we can accomplish together.

Have a great summer, and Diamond Moo Love!!

Alex Sniffen and Recognition Molly

Email: [email protected]

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Regional Communications Coordinator Administrative Development & Programming

Michelle Hobbs

Wow- can you believe that the year is coming to an end?? I know it has definitely flown by for me!

For the final newsletter, I would just like to take some time to thank you all for your hard work this year.

Programmers- It has been so great getting to know you and work with you. I am continuously impressed with the awesome things you are doing on your perspective campuses. This year has brought lots of transition for us, but you all held in there and I am so excit-ed to see what next year brings. Keep up all of the awesome work, you definitely make a difference for students at your school!

NCCs- I didn’t work with you directly this year, but I heard of all the great things you accomplished, and I am so proud! I hope you all had a great year, and I hope you can relax this summer!

NRHH reps- Good job with everything this year! Alex was always so excited to brag to everyone how great you all are. NRHH is such an important part of living in the residence halls, so I commend you for your involvement!

Presidents- I really enjoyed being in your boardroom this year at MACURH in Kearney- you had some great discussions and I could tell you work hard to run your organizations!

Conference chairs- Wow. We had some great conferences this year. From Mooov-in to the Beat in Kearney to improvising technology in Omaha, I loved attending the conferences this year. For incoming conference chairs, good luck and I know your conferences will be wonderful.

Advisors- I know I speak for every other student in this organization when I say THANK YOU. Thank you for investing your time in students and for helping us grow and develop as leaders. Your wisdom, insight, support, and encouragement is so essential, and we couldn’t do what we do without all of you! Thank you for an amazing year.

Fellow RBD members- you guys are definitely one of the craziest bunch of people I’ve been fortunate enough to work with, and I can’t thank you enough for an in-credible year. You all have such successful, bright lives in front of you and I am so excited to hear about your future successes.

Email: [email protected]

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Tyler Treptow

Regional Communications Coordinator Recruitment and Retention


Before I fully transition into my new role with the region I would like to reflect on my work throughout the past year. Something I am very excited to announce is that although we experienced some complications with affiliation the Midwest Af-filiate grew by one member institution. I would officially like to welcome our newest affiliated member, Washington University of St. Louis, MO. They have returned after about a five year ab-sence and we are extremely happy to see them return to regional involvement.

Two goals that I am exceptionally proud of completing include my communication response time and the creation of a data base documenting every higher education institution within our borders with both on and off campus housing options. This data base will help assist my predecessor and their predecessor with their recruitment efforts by utilizing the list to specifically target member institutions with housing structures conducive with student government within their halls.

I look forward to continuing my work with all of you and have full confidence in Roger’s interest and skills for this posi-tion.

**Please remember that affiliation is open immediately following the NACURH Conference and the earlier that your institution affiliates the easier it will be in the fall to register and attend this regional conference at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO.

Thanks for an amazing year and best wishes in your endeavors,Tyler Treptow

Email: [email protected]

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Regional Communications Coordinator Technology

Josh Coppenbarger


It’s really sad that the end of the year is here. I just wanted to take this time to say thank you to all of you for a great year! Your hard work, dedication and passion for this organization is the reason why MACURH succeeds in so many ways.

I also want to say thank you to the Presi-dents of MACURH. Your boardroom at MAC-URH rocked and I loved chatting with you on Skype to help out with anything at your campus RHAs. You have done amazing wonders for your organizations and you should be proud of your hard work. Now is time for a good-earned rest. You deserve it!

As my term comes to a close, I just want to remind you that all of your latest informa-tion will still be found on the website ( and your resources will be available there. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me over the summer.

I look forward to seeing all of you next year! Have a great summer!

- Josh

Email: [email protected]

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MACURH Conference Chair

Becca Wallace


The month of April was incredibly busy for us at Saint Louis University. Although a significant portion of the conference team will be here over the summer, we have been working hard to make sure that we end the year on a good note that will leave us prepared for next fall. One of the most exciting things that we did this month from our point of view was having our first site visit to the Sheraton (our hotel). It is absolutely beautiful, in a wonderful location, and we have an awesome contact, who used to be an RA herself! We are excited to continue to work with this awesome place and get it completely ready for all of you to come!

In addition to visiting the hotel, our chairs have been work-ing hard to get some things accomplished before the summer! We worked with dining services to confirm that we will have our cafeteria reserved just for MACURH, we completed our rubrics for spirit, and we scheduled an amazing dj for our dance.

In other news updates, we have a new Ceremonies Chair! Our very own Roger Perkey was elected to the RBD as the RCC of Recruitment and Retention. We could not be happier for him. Taking his place on our conference team is Kate Maratea, a cur-rent first year student, who was actively involved in Residence Hall Association this year. We can’t wait to see what an awesome job she will do.

Becca Wallace

Email: [email protected]

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No Fril ls Conference ChairEmail: [email protected]

Mary O’Connell


We at Southeast have started getting the ball rolling for all of you guys and we are so excited for everyone to come see us! We brought on a secondary advisor & started formulating some committees. We can’t wait to work hard over the summer to bring you guys the best conference possible.


Mary O’Connell

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As I write this, I’m realizing that it is my last update as your MACURH Regional Advisor. It is definitely a bittersweet feeling as I have had an incredible opportunity to work with students all over the Midwest and NACURH and I will dearly miss that, but new opportunities are con-stantly popping up on my home campus and I am ready to focus a little more with that population. The last two and a half years has been full of fun, learning, and incredible moments of student development. I learned very early on that this position encompasses far more than I could have imagined and suddenly realized my goals would need to be refined. Each Regional Board of Directors is filled with some of the best of the best students that have high goals and expectations for their time in the organization and as the regional advisor, the focus is

to truly help these students be successful. At times this can be time consuming and even daunting, but as with many of our advising roles, the ultimate outcomes are so fulfilling. More than anything, there are so many thank you’s that I know I won’t be able to give at NACURH and would like to pass on here. Please note that these are in no particular order, the last is just as important as the first on this list!

• Past Regional Advisors-Thank you for laying the foundation and continuing to be a source of history when needed.

• School Advisors-Your willingness to always lend a hand, provide new ideas and support your students is always welcomed and appreciated.

• Regional Boards 2010-2013-I hope you learned a tiny bit as much from me as I learned from all of you. Your talent, skills and leadership will continue to take you far.

• Student Leaders-Never stop investing in things you believe in. Any student who is involved in MA/NACURH ranks high in my book! I look forward to seeing you continue to grow!

• Jen Kacere-Your perseverance and investment in students is incredible! MACURH is so lucky to have you and I know you will do wonderful things for the students and the organization!

• NDSU-I couldn’t ask for a better host institution. Simply put, “students are paramount,” and you support every endeavor that encourages this concept.

• My Family-Thank you for your patience, allowing me to travel and supporting me in this profes-sional development opportunity. Knowing that everything is taken care of at home and under-standing that business doesn’t stop at 5pm made this position possible.

As I step back from MACURH, I will still be present as a delegation advisor and I hope to be able to finish the work I have started with the new ART Curriculum. I will support Jen in whatever capacity she needs and hope to be a different sort of resource for our region. In closing, it has been a sincere pleasure and honor to serve the region that has given me so much and I thank you all for the opportunity. And now I will finish the way I started my bid for MACURH Regional Advisor. “Passion and purpose go hand in hand. When you discover your purpose, you will nor-mally find it’s something you’re tremendously passionate about.” Steve Pavlina

Regional AdvisorEmail: [email protected]

Becky Bahe

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Regional Adivisor In Training

Jen Kacere


It sure is hard to believe that it is May and the end of the academic year is upon us. I hope you had a great year and have taken time to reflect on the incredible work you have done. I want to leave you with a short little video as well as leave you with a challenge. _________________________________________________ A little bit of background knowledge on the video. Drew Dudley thinks we’ve made leadership into something bigger than us, something unattainable. An upbeat speaker, Dudley shares his “lollipop moments”—when something you’ve done has made someone else’s life fundamentally bet-ter. Leadership, he explains, should be about how many lolli-pop moments you can acknowledge and share every day.

Drew Dudley helps us understand leadership in a more nuanced, prac-tical, and entirely hopeful way. We’ve made leadership into something bigger than us, Dudley says, something beyond us. We’ve shrouded it in arrogance—turned it into something few of us will publicly admit to possessing. Leader-ship, he says, is now about changing the world and nothing less. But Dudley, who has spoken at TEDxToronto and other high profile venues, has other ideas. As the founder and director of one of the largest leadership develop-ment programs in North America, he embraces the idea that leadership can’t really be taught, only learned—an idea that has resonated with thousands of people over the years.

Information from:

The video is at the following link:

NOW, I challenge you to think of your lollipop moment and share it! I look forward to hearing your lollipop moment at NACURH!

MACURH Love,Jen Kacere

Email: [email protected]

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