
Macbeth: The Summary

By Danny YardleyDuring a horrendous thunderstorm the victorious Macbeth (who has just won a war against the Norwegians) meets three witches on a moor.

The three evil hags predict that Macbeth will one day be king. Macbeth cant stop thinking about what the wyrd sisters had told him-so he decides he will KILL king Duncan.

The three witches

All hail Macbeth who shall be king.

Macbeth has second thoughts about killing Duncan, but lady Macbeth (Macbeths wife) persuades him to kill him. While Duncan is asleep Macbeth KILLS Duncan, and lady Macbeth smears blood over the sleeping guards who was outside the door.

Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan.

You can do it Macbeth you have to kill Duncan.

Macduff (a brave man) discovers Duncan's body and Macbeth uses the blood on the guards as proof that they killed Duncan -and the guards are killed. Malcolm and Donalbain (the kings sons) fear that they will be killed. So they run away and the crown passes to Macbeth.

Macduff discovers Duncan's body.

This is the king.

Macbeth sends some hired assassins to kill Banquo and his son –Fleance. Fleance escapes but Banquo is killed.

Macbeth tells the hired assassins to kill Banquo.

I want you to kill

Banquo and his son.

At a feast the bloodied ghost of Banquo pays Macbeth a visit. Macbeth starts acting strange and lady Macbeth sends the guests away.

The ghost of Banquo.


Macbeth meets the old hags again, and they tell him that he should fear Macduff-but they soothe his fears by telling him no man born of a woman can harm him.

Macbeth meets three old hags again.

None man born of a

woman can harm you.

Lady Macbeth fears her self and she imagined she had blood over her hands- she commits suicide.

Lady Macbeth commits suicide after thinking she has blood on her hands.

Come off you dam thing!

Macbeth meets Macduff and Macbeth says “I will win the day because no man born of a women can harm me” But then Macduff confirms “ I was ripp’d out my mothers wounds so I was not born of a woman” Macduff kills Macbeth and Malcolm becomes king.

Macduff kills Macbeth.


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