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  • M Y SCHOO L B arbora uavsk
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  • Hello. My name is Barbora uavsk. I am fourteen years old. I am from Slovakia. I live in Levoa. I have small sister. She is six years old. I go to schol in Levoa. My schol is very good, because I love this schol. I have very friendly classmates and good teachers. Openin g
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  • TEACH ERS Mgr. Mria MydlrovClass teacher: I. A Mgr. Zuzana DovalovClass teacher: I. B Mgr. Katarna MihalikovClass teacher: I. C Mgr. Alena HruovskClass teacher: II. A Mgr. ubica efkovClass teacher: II. B Mgr. udmila BagarovClass teacher: II. C Mgr.Iveta TklyovClass teacher: III. A Mgr. Beta KoiovClass teacher: III. B Mgr. Mria BariakovClass teacher: III. C Mgr. Jana MlynarkovClass teacher: IV. A Mgr. Mria DraveckClass teacher: IV. B Mgr. Oga SanitrikovClass teacher: IV. C Mgr. Peter Tatarko director Mgr. Viera Adamkoviov representative Mgr. Marta Olejrov representative
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  • PaedDr. Milan Mikaclass teacher: V.A Ing. Zuzana GondovClass teacher: V. B Ing. Marcela RovderovClass teacher: V. C Mgr. Petronela JasekovClass teacher: VI. A Mgr. Jaroslava PichovClass teacher: VI. B Mgr. Zuzana JanrovClass teacher: VII. A Marcel MastiliakClass teacher: VII. B PaedDr. Emlia KaperovClass teacher: VII. C Mgr. Zuzana GardoovClass teacher: VIII. A Mgr. Zuzana KavuliovClass teacher: VIII. B Ing. Marcela PiteovClass teacher: IX. A Ing. Katarna Sydorenko afrovClass teacher: IX. B Mgr. Kamila AmbrzyTeacher PhDr. Adam BaranTeacher Mgr. Jozef FabiTeacher Mgr. Henrieta FbryovTeacher Ing. Jn RohaTeacher Mgr. Martin ZummerTeacher Mgr. Mria ecov Teacher PhDr. Marek Skokan - school special pedagogue Mgr. Mria Surkov - educational consultant
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  • KD is part of school. Each year it provides children the opportunity to spend their afternoon time with your friends and teachers at various activities. In the school year as from 2013/2014 attends kd 100 pupils. Pupils are divided into 4 sections: Drahomra GrumelovEducator Iveta LekovEducator Mria SiskovEducator Janka TejbusovEducator KD School club for children
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  • SCHOOL HISTORY School building was officially was put into use April 5, 1982. It is located in a housing estate West. Was designed as 22 classroom school for 660 pupils. It is a typical " settlement patterns were most compact " school. School does not have its own gym. The teaching of sport and sporting activities uses sports hall, which is linked with a school corridor and is the property of the town of Levoca. At present school has 27 classes and 495 students. This is the coat-of-arms my school.
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  • SCHOOL PREMISES This is a corridor on the ground floor where we have box. This is a corridor on the ground floor where we have box. Here this morning before teaching will our shoes. Each class has its own box. Staircase with regards to the first step. This is our school canteen. Pupils this lunch every day after lunch.
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  • This is a sports hall. Here we exercise on Monday and Wednesday at the first hour. We play different games, for example volleyball, basketball football... We are linked to 8.B. This is computer classroom.
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  • M Y CLASS This is my class. Here I spend time with my classmates. I have 15 classmates- 5 boys -10 girls We have every day 6 teaching hours. We write written test and we do projects. My class teacher is Mgr. Zuzana Kavuliov. She teaches English, history and artistic education.Chairmen class is Jake Pastorek. Cashier class I. Notice board in class makes Lenka Orinkov and Patricia Kopkov.
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  • B REAKS During the break we speak about our avtivities, hobby and fiends.We prepare to next hour, make homework or read a book, interesting magazines. Some pupils clean board, open the windovs and tide up classroom. During the longest break we go out from the classroom and we walk and eat at the corridor in the school.
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  • C OMPETITION Pupils of schol go to different competition. For example: volleyball. Football,basketball, competition in Biology, History, Geography, English languagu, Slovak language. School organise: Christmas academy Academy in May Academy in June...
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  • S UBJECTS I have 16 subjects. I like English language, History, Biology, Slovak language, Information, Music, Germany language, but I dont like Mathematics,Chemistry...
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  • Thank you!

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