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Facts about the HospitalA 100 bedded private hospital providing all types of

services must for a tertiary health centre: OPD, IPD, Emergency, Observation , Surgery, Endoscopy , etc.

Situated at the New Baneshwor, a preferred residential area of the capital city with high population density.

Regarded as referral centre in the medical sector.Has a team of 25 top demanded consultants of the nation

.Is the first centre in Nepal to perform Kidney Transplant.Has applied modern diagnostic tools like automated

pathology, X-ray, Ultra sonogram, Echocardiography, Computer tomography Scan (CT-Scan),etc.

Has it’s own Pharmacy in it’s own premise.

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Hospital’s OrganogramChief Executive


Managing Director Medical DirectorChief Administrative


Consultation Services Nursing Services Pharmacy Diagnostic Services Departmental Heads









General Ward














Histo & Cyto Pathology







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Department of EmergencyRound the clock Service.Medical officers are available for Emergency

Treatment.Consultant doctors are available on call.Emergency operation is offered for needy patients.Emergency charge Rs. 200 per patient.Emergency ECG, X-ray , Laboratory investigations

are available for quick diagnosis.Man powers:

Medical Officers-4staff Nurse-4Helper-4

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ICU & CCU 2 Beds for ICU and same no. of beds for CCU also. Total 2 ventilators in ICU. Highly Skilled professionals are employed for this service. Services to the most serious patient of the hospital. Common patients are Post Surgical complicated patients, Cardiac

Patients, Sepsis patients, Traumatic patients, etc. Man powers:

Medical Officers-4Staff Nurses-4Helpers-4

Instruments:Ventilators-2cardiac Monitor-4Portable X-ray-1Portable USG-1

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OPERATION THEATER Total 3 beds. Guarded by sr. surgeons. Is unique as it has employed three male nurses, not common in Nepal. Instruments:

OT-lampKotry machineLaproscopic machine

Disinfection of the OT is done by Fumigation with Formaldehyde. Most commonly done surgeries are:

1. Major : cholelitiasis, URS, Lithotripsy, Mastectomy, Hystectomy, Septoplasty, Appendictomy,etc.2. Minor: Currete, Wound clearance, etc.

Man powers :Nurses -4Attendant-2Surgeons of different specialization.Anaesthiologist-2

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General Wards & CabinsThese are for nursing care for the In-patient

service.Three types of cabins:

Double bed cabin (Rs. 1000/day)Single bed cabin (Rs. 2000/day)Deluxe cabin (Rs. 3000/day)

Two visits of consultants doctors per day (morning & evening; Rs. 300/visit).

Patients of a little bit seriousness, post operative , infected are admitted to these.

Some patients may be isolated if they are infected with highly transmissible disease like Tuberculosis, Hepatitis-B, HIV, etc.

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Out Patient DepartmentTwo shifts

Morning shift (7:30-10:30)Evening Shift (4:00-9:00)

About 25 sr. consultant doctors of different specialization available.

For consultation service , one should register his/her name in one day advance.

Consultation Charge is rs. 300 + 5% HSC (Health Service Charge) per patient.

Most of patients come for Medicine, Surgery, ENT, Gynecology, Psychiatry, Pediatric, nephrology, etc.

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Nursing Services They assist doctors and offers their services to the patient for

nursing care, medication, continuous observation, recording, and co-ordination with other departments, etc.

Department is governed by Matron. About 25 Nurses are available for round the clock service to the

patient. They offer their services in Emergency, Operation Theater,

General Ward, cabin, ICU, CCU, & Post Operative Ward. Three shift duties

Morning (7:00-1:00)Afternoon (1:00-7:00)Night (7:00-7:00)

Man powers:Matron-2MN-2Staff Nurse-25

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Pharmacy24 hour service.Attached to Department of Emergency.Has medicines of different brands of both

domestic as well as multinational companies.Computerized billing.Offers 5% discount to all the customers.Staffs are well educated and trained for

dispensary.Man powers:


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Department Of Pathology Leaded by the first pathologist of the nation,

Prof. Dr. H. G. Shrestha, former dean of Institute of Medicine and former Vice Chancellor of Tribhuwan university .

Has Sub-departments :1. Biochemistry2. Haematology3. Histo & Cytopathology4. Microbiology5. Parasitology

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Department of Biochemistry Leaded by Medical Laboratory Technologist. Runs investigation related to blood and other body fluid like CSF,

ascitic fluid, Pleural Fluid ,etc. Tests like sugar, protein, Albumin, Urea, Creatinine, Electrolytes,

Bilirubin, Hepatic enzymes are most commonly done. Has upgraded to do some modern investigations like HbA1c ,

Urine Micro albumin, Thyroid function Test. Man powers:


Instruments 1. Semi automated Biochemical analyzer2. Hand pipettes3. Centrifuge4. Water bath

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Department of HaematologyHas organogram same as for Department of

Biochemistry.Performs tests like Blood Cell Counting , Teats

related to Immuno-Haematology like Blood Grouping, Cross matching, and diagnosis of Leukemia.

Man powers :BMLT-1CMLT-1MLA-1

Instruments :1. Fully automated Coulter Counter2. Microscope

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Department of Microbiology & Immunology Leaded by Medical Microbiologist.Performs tests   related to the microbes like bacterial

Culture & sensitivity as well as Antigen-Antibody Reaction like HIV, HCV, VDRL, ASO, RAF, etc.   .

Man powers :Medical Microbiologist-1BMLT-1CMLT-1MLA-1

Instruments :1. Microscope2. Hot Air Oven3. Autoclave4. Fridge5. Incubator

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Department of Histo & Cyto Pathology Guided by Sr. Consultant Pathologist. Performs investigations related to the diagnosis of Cancer by

examination of tissue & Body fluids. Examination of Tissue biopsy/autopsy is called histology while

examination of body fluid for the stud of cells is called Cytology. Man powers:

Pathologist-2BMLT-1Histo Technician-1MLA-1

Instruments:Histokinette (Automatic Tissue Processor)MicrotomeHot PlateWater bathMicroscope

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Department of ParasitologyGuided by Medical Laboratory technician.Performs investigations related to the diagnosis

of Parasites as well as other abnormalities in urine and stool.

Common tests are urine / stool routine examination, Stool occult blood, urine acetone, Urine sugar, urine albumin, etc.

Man powers:CMLT-1MLA-1


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Department of radiologyX-ray, ultra sonogram, CT-scan.Based on the principle of Imaging of Light.Mostly done for the diagnosis of Orthopedic

abnormalities like fracture of bone, renal Stone , spinal cord pathology, and study of brain for hemorrhage, as well as study of internal organs’ pathology.

Man powers:Radiologist-1Radiographer-4Helper-2

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Department of cardiologySpecialization of Cardiac Pathology.Services offered by Cardiologist.Services are Consultation, ECG, ECHO, etc.t. Echo is done to detect dysfunction of Heart.ECG is to diagnose Myocardial Infarction.ECG is done by OPD assistant while Echo is

done by Cardiologist.ECG is done round the clock while Echo

service is provided only in the business hour.

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