Page 1: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

H ® 8 8 8 m ______

Vo l . 18. w o . « ' ■; ~

B li l i f lMilSClEDB!i L M i

Ex-Scrvlce Han-“ Hired to L Kidnap" Young; Stuilent, According to Confession . Reported by Sheriff

T----- ------(ar^nw^AuocUM-FTMl)-------torOOLUStBIA. 8. 0 , D «. M -B t* . »

ert n . Wild, U-7ur*old UDcmplo;. o, t i Dwchmk. MU quoted by SUtrilf „ T. Alex KeUa u omfcalns todkj dt U ut h t WM "hired to Udn»p- Ber-

----- bnt-U;HUTlfr}r.rUrUd h td bMt> „•n-U u bo7 to death to p r e r a t hU ^

y « a p » . 7»« to d r 0/ Oe r m g ja ior hish sehool student with Um tkuU b tttertd In wts found on He C h tW o u d iy . U

TtM iharllf depleted ths joblen World war re tenn u tbs toot of k *1uiother p a rtjr In entldoc younc a BuTli to * deserted fin n houM n u r lo Coluabia Siturday by in offer of e j

Itio ib u lf f declined to elabonU gpoa llil f U t o e s t U ut ru o lh e r . puty* w u rapoculUa for ths cilne iq but offlcen disclosed U ut • fonner k, •mployi of youttf EirrU ' fiU ur wsi de beld a t the itate penitentiary "for quesUonlnf.”. foi

Ones In Uu faimhouH, BherUf hi

eonfesdm a i hiT loi u ld : '* n u U ^ ft.diTUof aplaee." Sc

ffU aallegrd l/M ldU uboyiunr]. n, •d a t blm and twitted away u U uuth to leare Uu farm. WUa, Uu » ibertft laid, related Uut; u

‘’ITS h it n u a hard blow In Uie «! face. .

'X pidud up a piece of Iron about iti two feet tor, hdd It In boUi my he handi, and h it f ln t a rl8ht*hind nc Uck on Uw front ot Uu head and n Uun a tef?banded Uck U ut caught blm beblDd h ll toHUi -

‘nvhen bo lay IUU, I caught hUn . by the heel! as weU as I remember / and d rm e d him In Uu bouse and I

him better, but didnt"The announced coofailon of Uu

. . ' (Poniauud f tg t 3. OA 'i)

To'Forcfl in to pj ■ Stamp Out Rwolt . ^

------- talKAraORO, China, Dee. 38 (ff)- In

Official M oeeyw u appUed today to ei o p e ra t^ . of tbajtu^onal goreni* be m ent^ 'dr loite.'beot 00 luppcttalng du I" nTBlutlo6ai7 toTOiment In Pu« wl Uen proTlnee, a i unofflclil. reporti ryi to U tfb es irlea o fU fe , ^

Eeadquinen of Oenenl Ohiang u . ■ Kal*Shek la Hangchow telecnphed oo

Iniinctlooi bere fortrtddlng putiUo> < caUoQotdlspatcbeifrom Uuruuen it a n a oatcU T lU eiofU ualrfoict. ' be

From unofficial sources, howerer, at

d u : ^ a i ^ a tU c k s opoo FPochow, wt BulW u( nikieo~preTlnM, »aBd t*i Cbaagchov. '

L aiis f o c s i hars been coocen* tb tnlodtaytbenaUonaUitiDTenuiunt w tn aa a ttoopt to squelch Uu revolt m

f " AbptaMi zoand orer foochow rti Batonlay asd Sunday, Uu unoffle- sp tal i tp o ra stated, asd dropped lf> de Inch tanbs. Tjrenty«flTB clrtllani o( w en kUled aad four housea wreck- po

J , ed la Uu Ttdnlty ot Uu aerodrome cn i , a n d army headiiuarlers. cn

wool the nm e lomtei o m i re­port* Uiat 18 'planes dropped a hall of of bcab i on Changchow FMday, gn kUUnr to drUlani and Ume sol- tii dlera. Vtaty homes w en ’destroyed ‘ ai^iflO penons InJuW. en„ Aa offldal resott beton Uu pub- bo UeaUoo 'baa o i ^ ssld Uiree b^ l> . ^ ^ U ^ v e r s shot down. of ^ t h ^ U w en trained by Americui _ fUen.

Mrs. McCormick’s An ToSiJe Under Au(

aiUi--Rockefeller M cCW mlckl- 109

—hammer next week. * *”* S i

Art dealers, bargain-himUn asd to eurlooi women wlU bid for art ob- • i Jects on'whleh Uu Ills iM cr of John ik D. Rockefeller expended ber Umi rai and wealth. The foUowlng'week, tbe T» furnishings ef her U ke ahon Drlro tur hoffli In Chicago wtS be solQ on Uu premlMi. tee:

Buddhai from Chinese lenptu , i tsjM tilei from Uie fsmous wesren snc of Bnusels, asd sllrer diUng back chi to eromweU, a n Indaded In the eol- anc lecUon. There a n also a neeUiee cen with 1100 diamonds, illrer soop tu- of I reeac asd gUded wlne-coolen, asd lea ftir Coats of chinchilla and Ruaias -sp ennlaa.

• t* . U n . UcCormitk's coUeeUon of w f laoa w u among tha finest lo Amer- r

Jea. A snrer serrlci which w u onee ftu owned by p isU ss Bonsparte. iliter g n

• ^N apoleon I. and her hniband. elcx M nt* Camlllo Boreheie, U the most Mil tmpnsilTs’in the am y of l ilm . »eh

2a Uu Uriah coUteUos ef Jivels, his


m m: s = ^ = = s s s s s s : ^

' t a im n w m i im r a n t o r ' ' uaoauTKD r —

Winds, Blizz Wave Of I

II ■ Leave Tk0 L o s s o f L i f e E s t i n u t c d a

t, Z e r o T e m p e r a t u r e s I

n . , E i g h t F i s h e r m e n

(Oy Assodsled Frss)A ware w bitter cold, aecompanled

by raging winds Uiat brought deaUu- on-UiB-OreattB kei'i ad bilua ids ln '* Ntw. EngUnd states, swept acrocs

Uie United eu tcs l u t sight oo Uu t course of snowstorms U ut pUed blgh T drifti Is a doeen sUtes.'* DraUu fron; U u cold aod fron r I ^ m f ia u iw r u y u u w w wen* eiUouted I t sereral ic cn : ioclad*' Ing eight ftihermen i^ o dt«nmed fn* in /‘h ip n <11)0 ma)cdty of tha ^ deaths, howerer, wen from lu tm o -

bile aoddests. vs Temperatures plunged far below < KTO In Uu Uldwttt. Chicago bad t a 16-dtgree drop tn flre boun, wlUi1 10 below predicted. The dty reported

e j Indiea ot snow. -« Snow Delsyi Trafflo ' r H ew Y o ik b A d m ta e tie ta ta in r .I In seren houn U ut tied up ihlpptsg f for' houn, kept alrplana a t homt,* delayed trains and buso.f A terrific windstorm sunk Uu 100-

foot fUhlsg smack, UarUia, near Uu t bartwr a t Uldilgaa city. Isdlasa,

^ d a tb s . Four men wen 'drowned I whtn U u tug Bremen capsised a t

SouUi Bares, Ulehlgan. AnoUur■ m ia g tug w u beached 90 mUei I south from SouUi Bares and tbs I cnw of Uiree mads its way ufety

a ihon , swimming Uirougb tbe 8 waten;. NorUiwest winds carried Uu ssow t stom s eutward.. A bitter bUmrd y howled into PcrUand. Ualni, a t d noon, and Uie New Bigland sUtes i i genenUy had tastes of real wlnttr,. <

j Grain, Pota* Farm Prie

G o v e r n m e n t B u r e a u G iv e

I ' ; ,C o r r e n Q r D r o p ; . ■

ported todsr,by Uu ^ w i T a ^ cultural

Tba npswlsg w u led by.fratm. Uu bureau u ld , with poutoei, m e t po­tatoes, oottoo, and ooUonieed tci’

- lowing dosely. I t reported t n t a ptlc- » a u l l l per ceot higher onlMecm-- b e ftn o B ttu sa m d a te ln in J , t due to a decrease In 'ptodueUoa- whleh cut Uie total supply. Dus to a I a rye crop t t per cest s i ^ e r Uun & 1

year agtv tbat g n ta w u jirleed-at < I U .t oenu per bushel, nearly two asd 1 one-half t l m Uu prloe la i m . .* OaU w en 30.4 eeou per bushel or ' 1 m per cent higher Uian Od Oecem-' ber l , i m , aod wbeat w u purchased

a t S7 i cenu, an Iscrease of lU per r oent orer ibe 1>33 |lguit. The oaU 1 crqp w u 42 per cest BsaUer asd the j. i ^ t a « r^ n per

' De«dl» t h i l per te s t JocTMM la ’ Uu oottoo crop durtng Uu past year \ p tk w ot cotton asd cottoceeed a r- t enfled a per cest bigber U un.a t y tar eaiUer.Uu bureau Slid. ■* - i i_f t______ PstweiauoB f u t o ______

Regardlnc U^~lncrewa Uu bu- ' f reau held .anoUur faot parUy' n -- iponslble vlUi U u sUteraest ‘ tbt• depredation of our eurrency In terms I of foreign ezchang* also w u as Im-• portant factor farorlnt ttu priot In- B cnaie, itnce a Jatft portion ot Uu

crop Is aold abnad.’ .■ H u bureau said tbat foc a niasber 1 of crops tbe pcockietloo oootrol pr»- ’, g raa of.Uu admlnlitnUon'wu Uu■ Tltal factor tn the prloe IncressM.1 "A tM per eent o tU apn-w arar-

enge In 1933, tbe crop reporting- board's index of ths rolume of pn>-• ductlon ol ten jalndpal oops w u IS > pet eent smaUa Uun a >Tar earUer

(ConUnued On Psge 3, Col. 1)

A r t T r e a s u r e s G o

A u c t i o n e e r ’s H a m m e r

s Uien are a 6U -cant diamctnd ring and a IS-graln pearl, a pendant wlUi 109 dlsmonds. sspphin bnceltU, asd earrings o t dlsmonds.' pearls, aod

"under present condJtlons," the necklace ot 1100 diamonds would beU ter be made orer into smaUer pleca.

Four Oothio Uptstrles In Uu col­lection ara works of great beauty aod rarity, and b a n their own pedigree. Two of Uiem a n hunUng scenes turned oot by faowns wtaren of Toumal, Belgium, Is ths early 8U- teenth eentaiy.'

PVencb XttmltorB In U» D tne tdn and B a p ln tyles, Uie sables and Uie chlnchllU. soms fine Fenlsn ruts. • and Chinese Uons asd Buddhu 11 cenUffta old. isake up Uis remainder of Uie coUecUoa ataaUer, Uiough not te s rahiable objteti, a n soms “spinach Jade" parrots.


ftiul-HltdKU. 31, or-Lobbock w u gnnted * 30-day leprten ftom Uis elcetHe chair today -by Oorrnior Miriam A. f\:rsQStn. UUebeS w u scheduled to die after miftMt** Mr bis part in a nbbUT,

’i C O J R A T g -

' W I N : :_ TW IN!

z z a r d s A n d

B i t t e r C o l d r a i l O f D e a t hJ a s S e v e ra l '. S c o r e a s S u b -

s P r e v a i l i n M id w e s t ;

n e n P r o w n i n L a k e

The snow had abated acd tem- led penturei wen rising from eztieme t o ^ i n U» Da ^ ^ MlsnesoU,

MS ’ SUto step t a in s 'Uio Snow slides tn U u mountains had Igh Ued up nllroad brancb U sa Is Uon- I

tana, wlUi piospecU U ut one of ^ ° ? ‘ jy tween B t BegUand A ray }

od* 30 days, ibraugb tn ln s from Uie 1 m PKtflcoosst/beartsgbelitedChrtit- Ibi m u travelen, arrlred a t UlssouU, 10- Uontana, for Uie fln t Umo Usee

V FWday. .low Northern WUconsln and Uu up> u d pe- Michigan peslnsuU counted lU lUi dead a t it, and UlnnesoU reported ted 10 dead. Eiposun to Uu eold was

tba cause of many fstaUUes.T tu SouUiem lU ta w tn Uio ooly i

coea to escape wlsUr’i rsgarles. ow. F3ood w xun ' lUU eRdangered Uig DortheaxtenWashUigtoospdnorUi- Bt, i r a Idaho. Los Asgelss had a dense

foc. with Padflo ablpplsg Ued up. DO- Al St. Jobs's, Kewfousdlasd, four the bodieadnited ashore from Uiewrte); sa, o( ft schooner tn a week end storm.

wd I b m of four msn who. In 30 be- 1 a t lew set out from OoDghUo, near Fort

tur WUUam, Ontario, acroas Nipigoa Jei b a r ia ie ire b of bssber camp work, tbs nached safety In a tnppefs cabin ely after plodding SO siUei Is a gale, ley but Uu fourUi died on Uu Ice of

Uie bay.ow An aged prospsctcr died trom n ld trd sear Ssrooa, BrlUsh . Columbia, < a t when b« became loit from a UaU | tes while going to g tt Christmu par. <

• ;

t a t o e s L e a d ji c e U p s m n g ;

■ 1

r e R o o s e v e l t W r i t e s j

— *0n Our Wat i'WSW TORK, Dec. J« W) —

, i Fm ldent.Booienltk sew book-, , l i Our w a r :H u F tn t Y u r V [

- B ll puhildun aimgusced today t Lb« U u t t b i i n d d i s t . h s d i l g ^ t

K cootract for. pubUcatton of Uu , book, • • , • 1

I f ------------------------- . .f^ aAKNERS BTAT AT HOME [j ioa UVALDE,Tezai,'Dec.9«bP)->A'i J a »Ut of eanutlons and ro su fro m 'j t a Freddeat Rooaerelt added bsvplneas, .a t OD C tirtihus day a t Uu home o ( l . sd John K. Qamer, rlce-presldest. ■ ‘

or ~ m- I ____Which Goes To S

■ .


te "■u r ’ 'ir-..a '• - -

» : --------- 4 ^ T i c r Q U i T - W J R ^ o

K . W H A T R 5 B ;Jma • «m- )In- ^ ...................- . — (be I

u r , j

:■. j to- J

£ I ■ *

; r

S i .Dd

>1- ■ • nd ' - CT 3

I' ' 111er ■olas ■

r ' , ^ 'u

or I •



FAL]N FALLS, roAHO, W E D N Ea):ti

Plane Takes Baby To .Baltimore In Race With Death

BALTWORE, Dee. 31 (Wed- ! hwday) W )-Jim m y WedeU,

% rushing Baby Sue TrammeU.of 1 Ibuston, lyxas, hen for aa

emergency brain operation roa>. ed out of Uw night a t l:W o'dock

, 1 this momUig In a borrowed alr- ^ plane In a race wim deaUi to ■- ' I hazardous Ijwdlng on mow-cn-

crusted l i t V ^ d d .I The baby, iWighter of Ur. asd

- U n . W. B. TrammeU ot Hous- I ton, Is suffering from water on

u Uu brabi and physldans said an

^ ! _ K S i 3 S S n L e S .IL lire.lO w edtn, accoopanled by Uu 1- ^ I d ' i parenu and gnsdmoUur, of I Id t Houston Is a f u t UM^eed I tf^ ^ l s to attOTOw^s^

lie after 4 p.'m ., Centnl standard- Uae.

a, . PlghUng a c ^ headwind bo.» reached AUasU alter 5 p. bl.

• making t o - h s t IW mUa In > rough air beneaUi low hanging U j clouds.

: i T i l i E ¥ i FLlSiPIIiSn. _____

r flelieHVoriccrffirtovrirwt S Desolated Idaho, Oregon,£ ■ WasfilngtonDIstrlotele. •

WAUJ^OB..Idaho. Dec. 3S (/F)'- |rf Z«1 by Uie Amertcan Red Crou aad I eommltteei of buslnos m en . u d S m tetn . WsUsw set about today ;oa r . Uu.task of reeoutrucUng t o

age caused by floods, landtUdei and washouts.

~ Tbe nhsbUlUUon commlttM, which sUrted funeUonlng today, de* dded to open uw en that serr# * Istge part of Uie town and to g rt Etaetr_CT«Jc,jrhIcli_flittflasedJtl banks and spnsd Into a tom nt orff

M U>e d ty , bade Into IU channel' r The committee took Ume out to ) hear a complaint pitned by sereral _ resldenU t o t a t least one du ler

w u ittempUng lo charge szhorM- U nt prices for dslry produeU, of Wblch Uien U a shortage. Tbe com-

■?il>taln t w u tamed orer to t o board ^ ^ a r g ^ p o 5 l-coa ^ »

' RepresenUUres of t o Dnlon ^ ciOe and NorUuin Paclflo rallroadi

; esUmsted It would ^t^uln a t tewl

’ l U i T a u s r p ^ W b r n « u l r e d ' t o pDt blgbwayi-isto shape for I n n ]

r between WaUan aad Spokane; t At le n t four Itettiem Padne » riUroad brldga were destooyed by

ihe swoUen streaiQs Uiat rampaged .for four days, s U four washouU [were reported between ben and ' tookout Summit, J. 0 . Sanden. gen-

A 'era l agent for t o WaUaee.dlstrlet « reported after a surrey todiy, g l A large bridge at tolierculeanU l

• (OonUnued On Page 3, CoL t)

0 show How Difficult I t Ii Aid To The Deserving

: , ~ “ P

%ijt' iSiJ* ■

/T f

Ccpjrlgbt, u:



T i f f i i S 1L81S8EDA8 i C D H IS

Speakers Predict Meetlno a' '• Hcntevldeo Will For ^ ever - Be Assoolatei0 With OutlawinB of Wai

. MONTEVIDEO. Dec. Sft- TTpoQ If. mighty diord of peaa , U u WTCSU,d {^-American conference 'Sendeei - (dnlshi l(s 33-dsy session wblcb tbi

5:. war from (he Americas.

* ’ 'Rejoicing orer an armlsUet It hMUIlUes belween BoUrU aod Par-

^ agusy aod evldeneet t o t a dlqniti “ between CAlombU‘and . Peru ore* t o UUda border area were pro-

oeeding loward a peaceful settlemeoi—* mingled la tho final meeUsg wlU s vows U ul Uie peace now alUlset

rautt be preserred by commdn cf- fort through t o futute.

The economle , goals' coulderM foremost a t Uie ouUet on Decemba

Bi fell Inlo the background tooigbl

dKlared U u t UiU conferenee miw Ute u "a eongrt^ of peace."

^ ------- For . fra n i And li bfrtr' 'Alberto Uane, t o thuiuayaz

minister of foreign affaln, mata- ' talned t o t Tan-Amerleaa slgsl'

f ln peace, the eonilnuatloo o f dem* ocTtcy, Uie conserration of lod^

' pendence and Uie equality of sU tei— asd the permanent coordlnatioo ol ad t o peoples for peace, organUaUoB iDd and liberty.":oa , 8 « n u r y of SUU CofdtU Hal m* said his' "most enduring t tm n ii nd branee’ of Uie oonfennee'wa U

■ r t o beautiful paMotUm, the pa> ica, Uence; ■"<1 the lUtesmioihlp ol U? Uie BoUrlas and Panguayan dele<1 a gales In t o midst of delltaU'abd get anxious problems."i l l A resolution w u Bnanlmwulyapd

(ConUned on Page 8, Ool.-0) .

rel . .... , , _

b ^ Idaho Falls Mayor a. Faces Hearing: On g -l^espasg^hai^^3 r r ’ T O A H O n u S rD e e T jrw ^ r^ 'idsbo FaUs> mayor. BardUa W ,, ^ plaric, a n d 'to dty ttrn m -J

T ifg -ChPgl . I ■n l The complaisant. Sam Dessls,

property owner ts t o north partne of Uie dty. charged t o and o to n wbo a n usknown to^ him, wlUi trapassing on p r o ^s ty aUegedly belonging, to him.nil TbU WU done, DensU asserts,n . WhUo Uiey wen superrlslng t olet oonstrucUoD of a new street,

. ProbaU Judge W, D, Huff*JU aker set t o Ume for hearlni a t— 10;30 a. n , tomomw.

:t Is To Administer *I g

T t w ^ V a o s E c 'T GOTT^CHANCB


F O B •trtJEMPlfWfciENr

k '

I. u a , by. m H s « X c r k Tribune, Int.

c o m m ' ’

►AIL1t 2 7 . 1038 ^

J ; Predicts Battle .:

i s H B Ii s | ^ n'or-I ted

esmDdodi u »n n r

loF ir- ^

^ fiENAtOR DAVtO A. BB E o 'e :

! i l D l EiSET'SOI

BUSt . ■ . . . •

Penngylvanlfl S M iato r r h a l

K . lenges, Presldwit to . S-" StopDebasmwit» B - , _____■ , ■ ■ ■I ' S v m a m o K t m . M ( n - n .Ug. dlcUng a cuneney .batUi whin'eon'

“* gtcB sueU. Senior R ud . .Repub TMTt Uctn, Pennsyln&la, said today.Uit im i then wenDOltMBgi)TDU|tO’'WO| ^ to .tk d sn cyo a . UoD or to force t o pnUdcnt to 'w

t o power g im b in tal t o U it-M [eia- Heo bbIsm b l b la n if wer»|k»^ep lUjd pose I t" ' • • • ■

• 'Ifh iw en to takaaM aadagstM tb d eutTeney.dtbasm ent.I .Uitek'.in = eeuld-ttttiUr-eoooghtetca-to-ilo) I) It." Reed told TMoiun.' ' '

H eezp to iri-tiuo idn loa tb ip rti— Idint b id -four BitUbir^-b— dsaUng wUb Ub m o n itu ri lS u b i)

‘T in t." he'Mid. "hi.nM d.lili 1B' fluence In '(aror. of t o , ‘n u w

t ' aoiendment wbra X lu'iIuQtc ' hara oppoiid It. ind. I .Uttade.-.Uu

H hadbeea^defeaUd,. \ F]• * w a « W i lB W r .M : ' ,

Jj*'2 ; m tm m e s t 't e 'd o i - a s d y ^ ; ^ - ^

to . fOonUntudoa F a n I ,p g t4 ) ;- ;

0" DDITIES « L i f l

{By T b AssodaUd F n s i ) ' T U o fB s in r n iO a ib —

P o r U a n d - ^ dlscomy'ot'|3SO'tt bnu wnpped In a polnsrtUa .plani deUrered a t bis boou w u'npoiU e

— today by Patrolman Olannoi a Bar«

Thursday.n e Uilef who had takea^ ths

money nm ond tt froo a-bldl&i plaee In t o basement Patiobnaa Barber spitad t o news t o t ' th i rob-

eral nupeds," b u t '- to t 'h e wotid not proteeuU U t o casb w u; i«* turaw.

When t o poUed plant reached t o HailKr home It w u found t o t ' » Urgb enretope had been wnpped Inside. The ennlope contained Uu Uiree IlOO bills snd a $W bUL

&Iodioo B e s t i S to rk — RO£NA. M ool-A doctor n«ad

against t o stork to Uie snowbound ' iBUnd town of Uncoln. U ' mUei

northwest of ben. Chilstnui Ere, i&d won.

Abandoning his c ir at-WUbom, half way belween bere and Useots. because ot t o deep snow, Dr. Darld T. Berg cUmbed onto a tractor. He retched the hone of Mr. asd Urs, Pete CUusen a few minutes befcn a nine-pound glrl srrlred.

D o f f a u M d i i ^ S - i ■. PRTB BU nT, A rk ^ u ard e d by

his dog lying In his srau, t o body of Pardee W< Benton. 37. w u found In * e woods nesr here today when

stuck whUe hunUng. Re left boou yesterdsy. ■ ,

S a n A g ei K o d liti—cmCAOO — There a n . In the

opinion of Dr. Carl Loeb, too many sew wrlnkla uncfer the sua.

Tbe doctor, presld/ent of t o Inter­national Brethenpy sssoclaUon, s p e ^ g at Uie organlaUon's con- rentlon garl out a warning to nudUU.

"Sunlight," he said, " h u t o same effect on Ult body u oo t o top of an automobile, u cau ia dehydn- Uon asd premature wrlnkUng." ■

"The nudlsU are rieUms of. a mls- Jaken fad, for by inensslng t o speed of metaboUim, and co&se- quenUy, of Urlog, t o l r addiction to sunlight auKS Uio body to age m on npldly."

He suggoUd t o t t o sunUght ad- dlcU take t o l r treatmenU by eaUng foods abounding In "susshlns'' rlU -

at. TWlni,

- Roosevelt Ask for Fe


iiiD F iinT lSIlB il

i R e o o iu tn io t lo n -C o n io ia t lb i t

H ead S a y s Q ovem m en t

M ust Lerid A i d ; . .

;ber flsaadal tm U m tn a t o tort i rarun t wUl b i ouded for t o laUoD^ nUtoadi durlsg U u.can- nc yMT, la t o oplsloa o( JMM H, rooea, dutiDUB of t o Reeontno* JcQ ectportUen.

JoB iria id todiy t o gorcnaMrt rtttur U im ib t o ooipontiaabr a a a other ag tu v would bar* to u lp refinance t o n e a r ly I m u lhat beocBu dm durisc t o jta r , Ruw iM ui togeibcr wtUi otbir fl- uQctal moUvoenU’of t o rallroadi n iiU suU d I t around M.tOO.OOO,- xn. s m n l nUroadi already b a n Useoaid t o natter wltti t o coc* uraUbo, amooc Uiem ttu New T oit ^taSnO, ‘Ktildt h u » n a tn rt^ e t

U o* o( t o ^ ii« aiklac t o ' . cerao iiueo toadT B D oibalfto iu-

turitlM pU satn t to pay a porUoB or. t o bond iUQM la c u b aad tb i remainder wUb new boodL-.. •- I t u queitloa t t w bit ifcoey wQl b d p pt«b4bly;WUbidiieuaed ta coogre iaa tto Bwntng»alfln.Bure b m b u a ladktUoM la M s i nuai^t d i UM Wbm to 'qtM U tB oCcir

jS ? tead ii9 'ltu Ufl ot t o , RMoaitew* ^ UcQ OoipoinUoB cooua' op tbere» « ; m » t ^ ? l « r i U f r <i>pQittWPop. - ' ' / ' . v i U i k 'W 'B ^ ■ ' ■ '

Ja tm lndkH W toadm telstrtU oa ^ fett f o m a i e t parUe^afloo la t o

^ I a t o S S « 8 u : ^ ; t o biip

V?^?iB ato ttte '!<gM aiatl*H utO T «a»

^ t^ ..« s r ti t: la 'a p u ll.p a ii f t

000. TqUl loiM .to nUtoada telBC. .-a

bl axiKtfii to d o . o ^ of-ttu

iiliSPlitti i i i i i i■ N ew , Y ork .Police R oim d. Up

“ 3 F iv e ,A lle g ed H e m b e ra ':

J S ; ; '; 'O f :A n n o n lm 'B n iU |j- '; 'rrom ■ ' ' '~ 'l : -7® ^ m n r - t o r i ; Dee. x iv h u a iu ’.. flcaUon of f ln prUoDin - aUeged

aum beao ftsM ntA im ealiarero - ^ lituoaary lo d e ty -u partidpaaU la ^ , t S e aiUck wbldi led to t o asn idn -

‘s lr s 'o m n tod«^ • ^ * DM >/nis announcmnit etm i A p o to

delrMl deeper lolo t o aeUrltlu ef ; ® uhnsk-* secret lodety u ld to ‘r ? b i n beea leased to wrest AnnenU

f r o m c o n u tU o f to o .a a R . Assiitant Dlstrlet Attorney, Joseph

^ Ooba chilled t o f ln prlionai and pioaslbly a sUUi member of t o so- elety took part i a t o actual sUbbing.. 8 1 u ld It w u pvsibli X oUur aum ben of t o society wen present

^ la t o Itoly Crois Armenian charcb Sg2 when t o archbtihop, cUd ta t o

colorful garmenU ot his oOIoe. w u '.assastlostAf u he Jed a proeenioa

^ I v p t o aisle t o dsy befon Chrlit-

ir ld • ^ = = s ^ = r ^ = = :

SS Ed Howe, "Sage of P Pen at 81 to Begi[ by ATCIflSOff, Kl*, Dec M «f»-At 1

t o age of 11. Ed Uowe, T h a Sage I or PoUlo 1011,* Is seeking leisure. I

m i Announcement w u made h e n to- 1 MTt *day t o t t o noUd Atcblsoo tdltor nmfl~^d~iHill^61itf ~|i~dlkmitUralng j

pubUeatlan of E.W. Howe's MonUiIy. < bis penonal Journal of ‘Isdlgnatlon

. and Information," ' l• " I nsrer h » n hsd teisun snd now ,

Uie 1 wunt It," Mr, Howe Informed hU { any associates h m . He li spending t o ;

winter a t Miami, Florida.U r- Ftor 33 yean t o monUilyhu been { lo s . ! to prlndpal ouUet for his editorial i O l- expresilon. lls sabscrlben hare

to numbered msny of Uie mott famous 'edilon here and abroad. B t founded *

une t o msgadne afler reUrlng u editor > of the Atchuoo Daily Globe, which < I n - he'oTgantsed In 1177. I

I Himself nerer Ucklng a markel t ols- fe r bis written adrlce, he Onee said; f t o t-Oood idrlce U rery oW, and to r e < ue - ) i u nerer been much new In It.'* t 1 toi - An adrocaU of t o doctrine of H ion respecUbUlty and cotiservaUsm as I

UiB best way of meellog Ufe. Ur. ad- Rowe's pointed paragraphs b a n been 1 Ung widely (jnoUd. A smsll town man 1 lU - himself, he wrote "The Story of a '

• Country Itown* yean ago . aad It 1

T O P C T t P y i i e B r r i f

: w »

t u k ^ m mFew€hipgesW;veryMachine"j in n P r e s i d e n t C a l l s o n A id s

Ulu T o S u ^ l j D a t a fdi; .

11115 B i u in e s a S n r v e j ;

' By RICBABD L. TUBNSb \ (AssodaUd P ra s BUff m t « . ' ^

n s to .baaakadatoootm sbyPia ldeae’•K RooaereU u d t o te ae ra llm im ^ ; '

sionlacupU atoM kU lditlM lattiat ’ •• to cbk fcecuU rebeB iw i t o a n U.

t geon- deroted bHatUaUoalo t o pnpar* ;- M E , of tb i i8M0M0,m bodget.-;. t t w wbleb wUlbt reeoonuodedla t o

saUo&altegldatimaadtobisaimi»; . . ■Mrt t o . M

n ta UMi»rtiUe. t o p n q » d ia ( ia t« : ' Ihom aaUoeai taHoa to iu b iu » world' ; Jta r, a n n a d M oa ■ gold b u ll n e e tr ta ^ . e f l - to c a n M it(k (y o f(& aH w b 9 b im n a itt f d lo w e d to d m b v o u n to r to M l-' \ I.0OO,- nlnlitratl0B‘ Dwutarr i p rc c n a . >.r b a n tbetr ourtcH^itooNd bjr t o nfu>* \ .> coc* a l ef.A«Us| BMriUty U tv fio tb w . York toaaiw iraqw iU eow M birftaoT C - ' ^ e t ta ttit id lne tloo v u l a t b i 8mM9». '

„ A oot. O i itu taM .far B oo to bai-:L beea t l u t lU b O ln U n 'v u not d i - ' ' • ;

dn U eu n tU .dolDartlO'.coBmMltrr .':

of ■ minor n t t w ‘'and : ln t« d i4 v . :

l a t o U u l r . o p o a U a o . - , I ' - . . , - ; 6 c m i o u D d i ^ e t th l iM fa n .-;>.

- ;(0Bsll s n r t K B ^ t ; t 7 f e i : / ^

| p s i i k = :

W , - W ASBDtOiON,Diets n . ' ata:.& epD bU auiJodipadaU ^bo;.^

.U v ira to fltid '»eB M y..lo«m « - »

I I l i t ia n u U botiaM rnen ar* a o r ..I I baftfnr i t tb iM ii . '» iU e n a f tb i» ' .

B o g b a Joho icnw ao titobaa rd to • b« fticootaet'crgiaU aUsa'M inta'.;.

I t . U u iw o n r r VlU and oe iiirai; > . ." 'S a n a t c r 'K M 'W B ^ f H ^ ' ' - '* -

9 D a k o ta ,u ld t^ tf 'J o h o s a a « u W - < : • ' . Id Ujfl boiirt to b i f t cflttUcr.iroiip,-^-

• - hwtiM -'of lefTtnfettUmy'B Bder-*-- - Ul? te c o n g idmlalittatUn tb»pt» i'

^ b ia^^ U coQ ldsayaoaodappo ta t- 'j |* to 111 o « .n u m b e n .. • : til t^ Seuiter Bcnb. tie r , bo, ttae oUur unator aikid to a m ' : .

• w T B n a tfd, BU u n w a wm t u ; . •oSca requett flsUy nnleu Jebasoo sees !, e r t o way be. doet oa tba 'aaU -tm t I ’to *•*»■ ' •«sU Borah u ld b l n v mUi b ^ of .

t o recorery admiaistraUon’s gea- ? lepb enllisltno coming orer to bis idift and U u t t o an tl- tru t lawt should ba -. tso - m tc red to protect t o n n i l busl- link. BtU B u a T b o i Uwi wen n p e a l e d - t o r vlUi t o passage of t o .Industtlal t .. aent Reconty act to permit tndusUiei t» : Bicb u n e oa codes of compeUUoa. t o . Tho admhilstnUon Is sUU s t ^ w u tng bow to deal wlUi campUinu ■

slot: from t o ladspendenU la buslaess, l il t- but t o "board Idea" w u described

♦ntiighf u >-|(]]] up iQ tbe air."

)f P o t a t o Hill,” Drops legin Seeking Leisure- A t prerM be th0 fln t of t o rU sla Uge Street* type of books. U on U ua - re. lOOjMO copies r e been sold and It I to- U lUU In demand. i >Utor >we a n *U fools do

IW . often glren by U r,'H on . . . ‘"Mo msn," he wreU, “ eaa handle

life to Uie Best adraaUge usUl 'h i . becomes a coniemUn. Ereryona U bom andlcU andhutobeipaaked , whipped and yeUed a t unUl be leami Uie necessity ot coosemUsm. I t lu

He urged his feU ow aual# leek success asd to guard bealUu

Utor "Uost penons U n Uke greedy, ebn- hlch dren usUl someUilng uricos h«>. , ,

peas,- be o ld . "0n i should b e ^ . ■Tket Uklng c m of blmsdf befoit. t o .aid: f ln ta Ia rm .w «cb -eM W ito irW «f: ■here « or W. *me aUrm •

I u ibetU iem topayatteaU ooeirtlsr.*Ur. And H itte r asL’aettn Ufe t o k »en h u j* sse f |o a r icert .man w a tiin to w o ttai lefl iili Bt a "PoU toH tD 'hen a n d tstak ln fhU •1 U leUure la Uu'saBihlss of F l o r i d a . '

— T ----------- -


Page 2: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

iiiiiiiiiMsi:I f i l i P i i:■:■; ’■ J'M /llliK m luri S m ' :.

:;,OiiHli|h;Uv«U ;;.

.itooM, te tb n te n d n e v , m tb - , . « « » H te MAT te d «Dtr « ptmlM

t tk l « i vMtlMfm ild,b*tnk«(t«)C Q . .

T te v w t t e D U wld B « r T U ' : i n ^ ta tiM U ih k n l i «nd moua*

; ,S ‘. r & j £ , S A ' s e ;. - • I « e( n l a M m d (0 Vtt Bc(h i!ur-

. taritM d i r M (6f p n e lp M ta w ; »ootdedu«o)]r » » « . - •

' f rn ^ « a l r> l

. ; : n e v depUa tu d d te m u d O m m>■'...s s M f K S ^ : ; ^V ,v 'to tfa » B iB ty tfn a ii7 1 S ie tw t« N

. : : , r s i S S J S W £ S :XlBVaW, v tth «

,aw iiy Sl lacfaM, t u t }«tr NBUlM

;'« a m .» W M r t ttM n f c i ^ w m

r mooaute t . ------------------ i

>' • '** ■ . -----------

/'. t ’fO D loM u d iddM S n i t n p

. ? 5 r ^ N p a t t e * « t K d | P ^ tt

• ii Jt t m Ih lt. U d e M M « w n « tf r " l/triarttita g

I Borah laclA. Horse “ y^'l F o y g ^ j f e ^ ter £

■ . SfSiSpt’f t r ^ ^. 8 » f>y*Jd t ticn% tm w a er ,*

' i l D f t f t n D f f M t t t t b i i w t w

i. ; fWM ll

IlKOW EN^^ ;

i > 0B;«.c(OeNrdVUia».lidil)0,ita< ? ^ a tor M oiysoD tintt eeaatr ia IM $ ' UM M doa cf'tiM iti te M iikttff*. ^

' aait^ iB asitii Idtho p o U ^ 4&M• I t n . , , . . . , il


' <0 » tl°a*< lft«P W » Oni» ^

■ •odU »lovM triao iito i.‘' i t « i i ' a / ■ MUv«it«m f u n n s w r* t»M l a m ; v m tn ot 19 MDtt per builMl lor M

' . OCBB oa Daoembcr 1 u t t o p u «4 to lu ( U o tn t i l a m M e e B U ln jH l .u d pi . « « a ta Ja 1»0. sonlhere { tn au i

m « l« d 77 «eoU pir buih«l T« r to _ ‘ M c e a p titd to ts ccnt*ea Deeember T : l .;« 3 l ,tta e & tttn in i ,tn d 7 lo c a ta V ' ta U9ft

.O enputU r* K cm a " . S m w fa eK fre v m v a tp a id l iX I

Pff t « for Uteir crop 00 Deombcr ^ 1 H ooopued to tn 1B32, |5M t t U}2 <ad $7J4 ta }f». ^' 0K th (U ten tv T u a * « n ctttlactoocK to per pound tor their w u u u I g oanptrrifaooeM bT^ p b U M n ~

. i m u d M l u d thne e rau m J ' U N. M u e o ; r i M t « t » b u k « t u ”

• eeal* per pooad. the M o i tl<ur« M ” : e t oeeeofaar 1, 1» 0, t n a h trU ^

«>M d te elcht eeati ia m t U d 10 ^: M S H a U S . r i’ FiUet o t fdaeip tl en p i ta rto** ^ .. MotMTC ftatM 00 DeMtnhv t ln> ^ . eteded: AH vta iu . K u m i. 70 eeota . f i e e o p n t d t o l i t n t i a m r j a * * ~ > TiMBlr D a n n v tx tt . u tta e io u ,- M ecota caopand to M ota(s; rlet,

• lA lttiU lt f l ORSti ^ fjg '' ! t a a , I o n , t l e a t t e o a w n i vlth

.U ; MMeOk m r tb CkroUom 11 eeati

. iS S S T . ^ ^ ^ T - ^

■ f a n !■ )(• M ta r VMd t t e s 1GLOBE A«1

' -i .GLOBE SEED A FEED( m Mh A m K . n e M 4 f l



■ad I te t a d v i M eutentl Ucbt r tll

a i h tm lov tonum turM m - ;. terday M » p t » f J l y P . B.Cfc«ynt

toTvroDent vw ther uLee^er w n : . H U d S decrata; • tnce of pt»<

- e tpttattavM sM advlU iviD dlrcoi- ( to v H t ta d t te ik7 doodr: ter»^

ittK BetrtrTnw ir*-v<« MJ4 M d-thi ■by bumldlty m f * m (o n per eeot «i Ith- tttqratloo.£ .'(r»tthir a}<«rW e e e 9 ^• T te Itav i reoorti w u oJeudy, wltt

taaparata ra ao tt taa d M d e t t w i '

i C o l d P r e v a i l s I n '

g ; : ^ M l d - W e s t e r a A r e a

“ » r i u u i T w d i t o i o i ita

bu« taoD ertlm a Ttjmi^iny (ro o tte t e cu tara alopea ol tb» BooUm to tte

r e>atnttU tti.U (h<iK lflar<D evliu tMi oeeBrredloWuhloitaa,Ore>o8and ^ t te vaatato P irtt o tz S b o u d U o o ' S tam,. ind thar* v a iu io v -flB ttle i S iB jttthM itara.Oalondek but (tir S f iw t te r p rm lli tU a v ten la th* % w att, i ta p e n to m la t te p ltte ta J r m le a m Qnw aity v u n . A dM< ^ ta tw r n v h l^ t a p w i B f o t ( ^ ^ BlddU Attutio eou i I t aUaadad by

tteoettu pn tlf lu tloa la t t e t aeo*

f e r r fi B l f lMUESIiS■Hraiis^ A v a i W : ' l > M >

I* . - ' ' B u i l i ' M t K u lJ In-: IS ■ ■ t i River; Nlnfl dlfl ' ' i

J t t N Z L A , ^ N m ~ Z « i « ^ ^ by W u er n n te Ilx taehM diUy ' lloet s tn rd iy . k - t o r n t . e t iol* ^ phBM uaod peorad dovn t t e i ld s N , ot.tte;lfiieUn:BiiIaMa:Tele«ae.m ‘ * Bencfoa pnrtee* la rlr tediy, klO* >9 te s *1 laait a b a pinoaa.

OunpWa ttperu toaliht to 'e f .

g ^ t f s J e a e a tM jm n .D* -- 'iiee^ v m r e p e ^ f r a m 'a w n pu t* of t te UUsdi. l t e wiather te bom u-vu -ln fo ra id -tte rutni te d

^ r a p o ^ ^ ^ m i S ^ M i r t t e 7 B tanm »nU ne te .uU U i* ru ih lfl( :* p u 4 ia d ,v tU r puihad Uihtly built

: a i t tn inia loto tb i ireila tttet. m ' Uld alnt bedlai h id b m r m m r e d

netr t te tova Of Ireala, u d Uut ,« p r tte b ly td o a u D a n p ir to n a v tn > r a l t ^ . ia d p r o te U 7 d n m u d .^ '

‘.O titU li .ten .hD o itdU tely w

'* A M a ra t ta d Mter I t n e t im BMT• IrM a v a n epiBid te flra iteKer J (o n fo p ta . .I,: i 'S i i in t f f t e t t e n T tm m ' !“ i « * W 'd u i l e h l | h * u r e .

■ i g ^ ' s r x . T i S

^ R A ItR O A O F IN A N C lN B

i i ■ Y A K E S T W b B l l l l b N S

: . ■ (Ceetttiwd n o n m t - o a t f

1. ^ t u t m r naiM loduatry uM ^ . i t e u M M hindlid ,th r««h . te a b . flia l t« o o K n » tte -n a u c « V w rg a i ^ i h o u i< ito T * ^ ,a w u U

» - n n taak» teva k 'lU to In the tUuUsB.- th b (fileUl eomuioed

vU teT* to do tte lr p tr t tnd look t l u r t te lotw."

Q .. B u k i B a to e ^ .I t e nteanitniouim oonMrtUeo

todiy h«ld for t te fORnunesi dtnci . ttock lau tiau la oavlyoo* third o(

tte eouotrfi buka. Vp ta Ohrlst- a n u dty tte eorpontlda te d nectr** ed Often o tp rttem d ito sx ta d cap*0 IUl aoUa t n a <17D btnks ta d h u d putcbtKd Itoek er soUe la 33V. j ' T te toui teklu«a to t h t t dtU" v m KVTMOjOOO u d O htlm un i ; Jon«« ttid today t te t tt nev lookau i ^ If tt e toui hokUan ttio n th* pur- t

c h u u Itop vlll run v tU ta n o ta i of t 4 t bUUoB donirs. ThU, i t U uader* |:1 itoo4 hen. vould ba ipproxttiutfir « 4 OEM third of t te a c p to ta etpdUl of

tU lte btnki la th s oountrr. - f ( -------------* t P m y i tO B DDUM o c tlt I BAK mNOTBCO, DeO. M WV-, Strndel T. B nyv , a m b e r ef th i l: , eftyli boud of auperrliat*, ptud id

not iQUty tn luperlor eoort todiy f0 v te h itnU ned ea tvo ehtrc ta of

trtnd theft. H i U tecowd of te r ln j /. fiiuned iccouaU in h li h«!ery ll . bolaan to obtala t leut J t a a v r t<1 » v u the dtU nxad for trUL t\

) | m | | | M g H | H | | M | M | |

■ OLD T i ^-«i.

' , SHADOWK!rab«

TONI(Good d d T in * Hari

puciD K 60e

T m i ? P A L L Q D A S i l

I unnois^i r t ln _____ ,

Police Ruih Assailant ti X . Jall When Angry Crowd ^ ■ ' Forms at Oakland .

^i£ ^uauro, catjVKVM - St Ot ^ vsraes n r * Aot. t e t pmiD

: f t t t Q y . t e r o t o ^ . u d J u k X i ^ « ; v u te ld b y ^ pollea u t te t* i t l l u t tfle r t e Ulatedly admlttec tvnuac • fUla upoo' tte m beotoai ttey h td filled ta p^ r fU M .rea

' o p a e o t t a n t e b a d k t t o th a o . -..U nJbM la Ttuoioe 40; a i4 tei

- - R iy fle U a iiak liir i. 'm im o tm b ^ tbly^voold aot Bt* ta d tha t I t a

M ie a to v u lB aaertoacondltleB,

tte 'iO tea aftar teariac t t e iboti I h u threati of fuasaarr f l»

lenoa vet* nttartd tcaloat « o l u l i m M b l m t o l h . c ^ |d .

in le < _____ AtU nsiodl#-C M oanjaJd K etash -te d Jn tad J e e ^ la tte n a r of h ll boat to

^ tta .u t« n o ta d te rh u a te ad .V ie to i

3 i » / « S i ’SS.“ S 'SI S laot btck reoL T te Ute«to' family

< tart*dB)orhv«it<dtte(otta(*ihli n w , monlDc and Kutaeh, poUo* ataUd, t t t j v anad th r a a o t to t a b thetr boot*- >• b o U io o d a a v ty v l t te i t tp a y ^ ^ Muiy ;- 'K itec tid lipU y«i»rU to ,a(obm IM, Of tha famUr atld,'aod U teeto u d "S . h ll t e o th ^ - U v , V enuo VSmot, n iy vent la leireh of a poUeemial . l t e u o tf to iranklSuU etitteaap iiam tly

n*v lato a n*e ta d opeaed ftra 00 i 3 i ttevootea. ' .^ ' K uU ehvu takaa lo ts ’ooitody'tf*

ter t t hort thaw and ofllcer* lald e tn t h ^ t t t n quBitlciitnf*tilnriit' tin

a en n ir tM n ttee ro v d W ia to |tth < I f er. Uteato. they o ld , itarted ran* V : m tflaf throuttt h is 'houaete td n . coodt u U In letrch of a vtipon, " whereupon. Kutaeh w u- mored \ n q u le ^ tojs lL__________


\ ; .. FLOOD SW E P T

<OaoUooidy>TOP*|a'OM) ' ■

*’ I' ta tte dty ll ioaa u d thra* Rbtaar ' oaa* taivaeo WtDio*. abd > tte

M entac oitai a t U u n u *«t* VUh*

3 5 UnlU w u tora out by Ntot.lflla _ ij. eraek.Id s RibablUUUoa eoaualtt«e* . v ir*) m aanadaU oatK aO on .«H t 'o ( te n . dO. vher* t te m th fo it of t t e O ttr*• ; vtU rrlTcr v u te d avay hooM . ter* ^ up itUrotd tnck i. eruited brldfei A ta d vlped out hlthwtya.

; _ flpokiae, kapt a fU rt of I - &tvaaa.<M>onh,a m l l a . f m .m i t w elty.'ud'Spekaa*. canytac vw ua> ^ te n . null food and merchaodlu. ted Bhlpi tU e tr* lu d la i t t KeUoff...

S treerti* Umperature* n tda .fly ln f i jn exlnmely huartou i. PUoU Boy

Behtlok u d Ralph D u le i ver* foro* Ha td to l « d a t c o w d'AJeaa, halfway

betvien hire u d Bpokui, ta ehip ji»t l « olf t t e vlnp-of their ihlpa. The m unyon between VriUao* u d Kal-

. Soft U K> atiTov ta d t te vUlbUlty ao bad t te t eutbooDd thlpt vere

^ held t t KtUoff unUl tha veatbotnd tlu plana out ef WaUue sot thnufh . »*• TUi piKtuUon v u taken to aroW

a-eolUiloa after tve ih lp t puied eteh other tnd t»lther pUne v u teen by t te pilot of tha othtr.

nU T te v tle r v u reported to te ra* re< etdloc npldly In t t e OtUldo u d ted {.tUdon rUU tre t , u d itreatni lo tt e a n iae tlo u o f tte o o en rd 'A U aa iv

lioa v tn .b a ek tadd* Ihelr ehu«__ n«li- nnMw Hftithef cc t dovn tte

run-Wt tron diep aaovbukain lEi nounltSni.

MS Hood feu i At Ooeur d‘Atene. where th rlik o ihreatmisd to laaodat* tte elly^ floeit rtaldealUl aeeUoa, wtra

J S H l f h w y m i t a p f * * ,S i PORTUWD. Dao, 3« W> - Belief

votken Borlnc la oa’ flood'tirept eommunltlwof Oi*eofl,“WtiWailoo tad Idtho, ip**dad t t e v « t ot re-

^ tebUlttUon today u t t e mvUlid vtU ta receded tn d rtretled acecei of .deaoIaUsQ la I t o r » towna.

Colder v e ftte r t a d cetttUon of _ lerrine rtln i eauied r lte n to return ‘*1 lo Ihelr b u k i la uM t ef t te fUod-

itrieken tr e u . Theae Included th t L? lowUoaa ef cuteep couniy lo Or* ^ eiea: KeUo. KaUma, u d polau on ,*r the Mid-Etcine highway to Wuh*

Initoa. u wtn M the vielalty of Spoktne, tnd JCeltojr. WiJlic* tad idlolalnt eomnu&lUea In Xdihe.

lU Molt of tte hlghw tyitn tte thne l u (UUa v t n t f t la la operttlnt eon- u dlUon,tIlhou|hlniomapUceahetTy

jr- tnicki ww* barrtd. Vtv ten dayi of tlblei ta d hlfh v tte r h td made It

sr- iDiptwible for hlfhw ty worker* to Ply wpe vltb the Utuitlon. ot T n n l by no tw in t te Oolurabli

[UTer.forti wat itUl d tn f v e u tl- Ihoufh lUdaa te d been remond.

. Snow itonas ta d flta* Ica madi— drtTln^pertlow---------------------------h- RaUroadi u d r ttf ta w tn n tura- he iRf Ilowly to nonnal opentlon.Iday NEOKO LTKCIOD IK COtOJfSIA of BOOOTA, OotanbU. D k. iM h - Of A Kffro accuaed Cf vooadtof a pe- TT lltical Inder w u lynehed by a mob •17 todiy fn VfflfU. • rfflafe » nflei

fromBccoU. •

'm DANCE ^ u .OWLANDIraberir

NIGHTU otic ^ O o e d C i n t r

A d a U c t o o n M .

[LT snsw s, TWIH PALLS. W A

m E BIBIDfiMNSilfit

t o Cabinet .C a llt f o r B Igges

d Pflaofltimfl A rm y afit}

N avy in H isto ry

n ^ TOKtO, Dec. ad u v -w i lb Ita iat. g e , )» decliIoni. veU ladktU d.lo td

TUO* - tmonc t t e a t te *zp*et«( t p p t ^ of t te larfeat'paaee-umi

ltt«d dafoia apprpprUtlooi l a . Japu*) a a a hUtory>«M ilxty-fUth aeslon oi jcnt tte laperUl diet v u opened by Ba- . • perot HlrohKo amW eetortW oer*- v _ motrieatoday. '

^ Tte mlktda trrlred t t t te dM houHndlDflatRlaprenhraeortect

. of K*U earrlift* mder.c*T»!ry ea- f S ^ eoet •Jttr pauinj’ tiaw ib stntU ^ frto i^ by thooaada of napecUol ** oolooken.beat ~''i t e a n t lU i im ia lo ttcU e- tu te ta ptoblemi only aftar t t e len« Kew ft»* y a ir^ h ^ ld i^ vhleh end v te a tte taeh hooaea nooaTtaa oa Jtm iaiy 31, iL l t e cabinet. doralaaUd by 0 «aar-

I t 0idao Aitkl ta d Admiral Maeo Qnn&L'iBtalit*tic( w araadteT i !*•

t i * 9eeU v^..ititm ar.bu..eeaiSM iU tm tn v to tn a e tO ta r ,ta o a t olher thtnfi, for anny aad B a n ap-

Ato proprUtloni amouotUc lo m m r celo oooyeo (about ta a t^ A W . t te y u

s2 ,% "sa£?ss:5 ,'s£ ‘ia;

am. to f c l l t l l .ben a o n t h u tlT*' nibter-atanp ap- ta d ;wTil to tte p ro p tn . ,

liN IC IilS B i. a PflMSITBUBlffkth- s u tu x r . Deo. 3« -o h ru 3a u via'

eeiebrtUd la Barley v » h a r a ^ lotd of enteruinneau la toeplaf vJth wn, tbe teUday leuoa. Ohutthe* oh- « d Mrred C hrlttt birthday ' v lth

p iie u u . ipeclal muile,. termeoi, asd protrami.

At (te Jiethediet ehureh • ipadal Chrutmu aenrtce v u held.Bunday

T S o S n t t e m e h f u d - B t o ; ; ^ _ wooderful b u t," Mn.* 5 ^ Bar BofUi n t p lu e aeconpatM f « t o ^ a m i l e a l ^ b e n . Mr. n i tU a rtj. TOdend a tloUa lolo aad. th . U. ^ ip d u on ‘* lte In n arta l

n u IB tte m n lo f t te S tm dv prtxiiud a p tfM nt and tv e play-

„ leu, Wllh a teu t 100 chlldna taktnc

SJ* tte P re rty terlu chunh i ln .»O attjm *ftrbunetedehaf»*of*

M tte r t muilcal profran of u ttem * udeareU . Bar. 0 .0 . A rru dtU nr-

« • btr U k ln rp tr t lo t te a r u i a ^ Kt- Mutual orftnteattoo h td e t e ^ f

procrta i..U nity v trd put o tta^

t t w v i lvev th ax £ rU U u B d e n c t^ d iu re h ^ n f tte refoUr hour of wonhlp. * j .«y At the high achool t u d l t o ^ ro- tbout « 0 penont vltaened tte p«fr ay a u t *Boly Mfht," vnueo hy Xxn* kip aid UeCnalUa ot th U 'd ty . ’ AhQol he so took p a tt uuileal aumben v t n ll- tunf by t te hlgb'eehool flrit' deo- Ity hU quirtet with MUi Roaella Roea* in e n o i to d U n . Deatid MacRat Dd playlof the muilcti lecRt.Ih. At 10 o'doek OhrUtmu nom inf Ild t te Uddleiot tovn aumberlnf a o n «d t h u IMO pthered a t t te Buley ru theatn te enjoy tha annual frH

ahow. T te SUx club played fiaata . to thU fToup and pnaenUd ttch

cblld vllh a lack ot candy and huU. In ' ~V- OABOLEItS V isrr SICK I . a - KAHBEN. Dec. 38 - Won t h u te 14 hooei ef old, aiek. and afflletttl n i penou in tne rum en commoni^^

wen'TUlUd Sunday aTenlnf br a >n choir of youns carolers. Keoeth t e Kiylor and ( te Itathbun brathen « furolihed tha trawpotUllon.

HAV WKIX ARKNUKO o o o c m o . Dee. M - Th# play

lef -Patter Scei Tmngi Throuih* | l i - .nt en U t te L. o . e. church Thunday ia )>y yount people v u wUl attended,

u n . U artte Bowler v u dlnctor.


30 <


yi j M

f- Alwayj Your Uooeyi Wofth ta Quality Oted Can

i n t CherroM Sed u ------- I m

^ m Oherrolel CabrtoW _4JM

. IIK n r d Tudcr B ed ia ___I in

^ ItSO rord Ford* Sedin _ t% s

w IW « * d Ttuck' O.' p r .___tmUJT Model T Ooupe_____ 1 45i m Oraham Ooup*______ tSOi m Oraham Standard

SIX s e d u - ------------------- ttjou s i fordaon IS-M Tnetw,

BIW m o to r - ------------- _ t t »IBS ro rd n rd o r M a n _ t a si ts i rc rd Btd. Coupe____ t »5

XM Ot O an fo r Toor Ctrl ;

U n i o n M o ^ t o r C o ., Yoor FORD Dfaler

Twin Falls, Idaho

XDAF 0 , W ED N E SD A Y ttO B M I


l o u JOBLESS VCTERil u l l (Conttnued f ro n f a f t Ofla)

aulo npalrman b e fu 'w llh A I lOfist KilpUoo of hov t e te d botrov* 7 Ulbt msdel tutoeooWU t te i mo } Ini from » I7etn> portar, WUU

Kennedy. I t told of miea* drlrlai a chartUbU atency 1a t t e d t r vh Bir U t e d been hirtd with tte pro

lim ^ He of a job.1 ad- T te lUUmant oontlnued:

T-eaUed la a colored ihoe’ih: boy (IddleDUon) aad uked him

te a » take a not* orer then . 1 w«t* 1 noU WhUe the Nefro v u tte Juit t te aame, to aaa If thU yen man w u orer ther*. T te WhlU I

I diet — " ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ,.--------_rtece

l £ - .........................!CU0l


floe.-l y uiJU-n i a

u tla

» G a rffi TO-DAY& th u k s d a y ;^ FRIDAYfg , SATDBDAY

I SW El I Coa^If*“ I f s H ere-The Im =3tndd3rEBSCfcEHE Smart Coats that

Jf : e rs . . . and-there

t Furs have passeK beaufef tests \ii£” stunning New WE tractive worth wl

is ,.

ten I*'

>1iy i | l ^ i KIr- 1/ & c R i

S ff' w Ta

I Rl W

"’ '1 4

anHQ, DEOEU^.rr, X9»v-'

^ t o i t e d r t m ^ ' . ' i M t t f t t j y ; : . a a d l « l d :SJ. , ■--•ogow oaareaidudiiltaERAN ^ ^ i e t « ^

tte f iU e t .J 7 * -d id 4 « * l t i lk ^ ma) . * W a 'tu m e d la .;V ii id im t * 7 7 ^ (e t te Quit ICUer plaoa < « n J L r ' t te lUylaf). X plaaUd UO ib e ***** o ttt th e n v te o hU aoo, Otoii*: moea- ur,

ffUUam Aa aceooat of hov m ia t U d . r lu to Ut-f<(«d yw tli n s r t h n Q t a

lU um ent aald, triad te ' water from a ponp a t t t e viO,

I ’lh lte va did net teT t n t t r ta p r ts t U n to puBipvtth.,U t te Bey Stnkea Ahtaalar t t e n , T t e b ^ looked aroimd aad 1 y n o f *niU U a doTll of a plaet.*' lU boy n Mid Ye'd teT* to K*l BM«

• e *

m e n t

'■ laiVBlEiPINGtslb D1 Big Clearance of Coat gvery-Coat-la-included— lat are Rea! Fashio^ l i i r f ire.8rej(lenty of styles t»

Bsed critical qaality am fith flying colors! Get i Winter Coat at these a t while savings.'

P Pre-Inven

> A N E x c r rP C R O U P .l • '

|K S PR B -TN V mP , i ,CLEAB^< ff */

m /

H Sri-$4.4 ■ . $5.€

Groop 8 ( ^ 7 £ D rettea .-. < P I * l l

K D ofou o f adorableI ■ ■ Strwit IVock, Spoi

I Blnff Gowss . . » C. Y Crepe* in d Knit*.

\ A M irraloQ i Tahet


IL S U J e o k a d n a 'i ^ i a 't t e J . ' - •a tft te& h U B tcQ ltee te t lc .

» « , “ • r ia io ^ t t i u t u a M M t . *■« to Idarry c h ilitau t^ a few te o n 1 1 , ■ l a f t t e h o y v t t iW a . . •

T t e i t e t l f f i D d f * d e a l . i t ^ i n o . S d ty offlcsn laTM tlfttUf t t e p K S : mJ4 ttey obtalatd tte -e e o fM

from ^ tarty le d « a l t h * i t J r . p ia iu a tu rr »ft*r » r if tte w .atai Bd Hid, t u u * -' itiay held Jd m lO r tla RnW iBM<ie a (a n ir ta » lo y * « f tte b e T « £ tta

I C I e a r


REDUC)^esses'■“« S _ ‘_ $9.671—

a i - $13.67SS’4_$16.67-

• C o a t * Z Z Z $ T 9 * 0 r

$26.67 S ! _ $33.67 a i - $39.67

'entor; Clearance


mORY V , . .

SCB f f

Smart. • >

.47 s s i . $9.67

.67 M 1 1 .6 7

.67 §S;^$14.67ible t t y l t t for vreiT o e w io s » }poct Dresses, Dinner tn d Era*. C^epas. Satlni, .Velvets. Wool


h e t . I t o T<w I f Yoa H o n y l

SSS9SSSS^=^^SS9S;S5B» i t b * ^ a t ' t t e p ^ ' -fo r 'W i t t l D f . ' tek. ' 9abU tTcS»A a a

S S r t a * ............... C rw vdO tihm7 U f l t- -A -h rf* -aa a b ar.o (-O Q taa U a a i u .U e n e itiihendoaW dirtte .tow e ta i ttoai

L s , n s ? , g r r » s i :Sm a ^ ad, tn t ih m VU BO dUpUr ef Tlo. ettqoet*b r ^ A track d r iw ta d a K e m boil*

t o black IdtatUUd w n a t t l t t e p«al* ltd itln u n t t t t r u t t e man tbey had aeea u o n af« v tth roaog a u r l t t t e day te dla-

■ app ttnd . :^ ta d Dteoo, t t e beotbUfk, n idt t e ctM TTOeTiaT* blm a aeU for Battii SDftadco vMc6T m * d - tte t e / t o eeeit tmwi thv iU t* U ila t tn a l t t e n aad d r tn ofOeith tl .atam- wUat la a car v ttb t te older t a u

. . B tttevhN L J.U .l> a rkB r.tte tnK k Rnhtoo, driTcr, told om een t e had teen tte HflUter, p t l r fa a o h se a r teTK

p E E

r a n e e



67 J H

s f K ^ E57 T f ^ .


^ B


T i r th * C o a tf C llr G ipjip l - S l z e a 6 a n j j(


~ ~ $ 3 .7 6 ■

G roop 3—T t io C o a tt .H each in s i t e s 7 u d


.7 $5.93G ro a p Z—T m C o a d

size 8 ; O ne C o a t t i n 10

: $7.31-T o m IS M C a le o JR Zl

H e n i . - . C a i i t t h .ShM D n n r tm a L


Page 3: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

t ■ f ■ '

' t .


GovemTOnt 11, Soon Mal 'bhepli«tidyiri4im

- ■ ' i'iah'o Fin5m''7;'' UOBOOW, Dee. 3» -rv irtu^ ..» l

w h w j ^ t r i ^ il

' Uon xtcetml by J.'lL Itetrten; its t ' countjr tccot la f ir (or the’trn lm

, •, d ty ot. JUtbo MtlcultmT a ^ u (Slytiloo/litsn coua^ vKl cWTvinc; <xt«atloa .BftnU. - Ouckf - M l b

. siftlUd in m wuhlngtoa u hoq a , U u coDtfacU ora checked.• ’ ODCeeem berS.U tfcountvam t

re p o r ts ' 7,fTB-fsrtnen had dsiw contnwta. On UUi datfl 3,4M « n tracti Blreadjr hftd been K » to Wbj] Inston. Adrlces Iran Waiblngton In

. ' to be Im ed in the u n x manaer: tha t U. aU ooopereton in a ilcgli

^ . countj wia reoelTo tiiBlr.-cheolo a■ about ths offls time. •

_____ . A Decembef 3 repon fi«n lh# t= onnniiirBajiBaiRnnuinunBtnlioi

. . V , / tp o M « tu tdr Ilow ot etiects u ■r w h et» e« )p cn lo » .0 a th iid j|» |3 .. V 9 I S ^ bad been dUtdbulM to 51,-

■ BOS wheat rannen in IB iiatei. Tfu t check! wbleh iannen wW recelri . . durlnc the Kxatst Io r WKki •> Uk

tOTenuKnt Is making erery etfort tc ' c et tbe bulk ot tbe wheat adjust- . o e n u in circulation beiote Obrlsl-• aa»-repre«rni« the llrtt or tM pa;- ' AeoU. Hw /In t jio/ioent Is a t U»

rato ot ao centa. per bushel on the . allotment cach fau n a has iteelKd

.‘nw 'seooad p a jn tn t, out of. whicli , .the cost 'el admlnblerlng the plat

In each epunljrvlU be dedueted, Till be mtdo next-^irlnff,

Idaho when fBrTwrs.wlU.receln . . close to Kxi00,000 In adjustmenl

’ signed br l<,7fi0 tanners, rcpraenl* Inc l.lW,0(t7. acres, aceordlng to thi latest araUable report MatlonaUj! the •adjustment’s papnenu wUl to­tal approxlrnalelr tlO S M O m . '

■ Forestry Experts’Hail C.C.C. War

: On Blister pustw lw H W O T olT D eftV lfPH jU -

estry cxperU are haUlng the eam-. ptlgn o t ' tbe dvlUsn conservation■ eorga acalnit white pJne bUster nu t . as dnS"6ryi6"iSiCBr Important wn-• serrdUonylchlcjeinenU In a decade. ; 6dt»r13;000 members of tlw CCC j hare been a t .work In 31 sUtea on I contnl oC.tbls tree dlseue whleh has

Td s s s s s S f f iT S X r * :' s U lest figures Indicate CCO work-

; m hare eradlested tf,ftX>,COO cur*

— |~ortlgTOWHc;Troin a iotal~ofT»,000

t 8 . B, DetwUer, palhologUt of the d e p a r f ^ t of agilcuiture, s a p , the

, aunpalgQtgalnstthls.bUHtbuad*

. prerlous jta r . * ' j ’, Charles Lothrpp pack, pmldent

-• Of tha American Tree Bisoclailoa,• sa rt tha t due to the additional man> , power fiTO the CCC and the W.-. 000.000 allowtd from the pubUew**• fund, the drl\-e to sare the whlt^Mid *■ su c v ploe of tbe.United Slates Is f rotn|:icihnl>4 %1(h-reater prtimlse < OMrffnr.teiaerr '• UptoOctoberltbeOCOhaderect* , ed SOM mUes of tciepbooe' lines In , the forest, etablkhed 3S17 mUn ol• llrebrtaks, remored tire hazards such ' u dead Umber and Innamablo bnuh . from 139,003 acres and buUl UM ' lookout towers. _ _ „


— I------ OUAUA^jit^Defc 36 'w ^ T hrte, passenger departatnt.jtOToUons.. effective Januaij J. were w Sim c^

ed a t Union PacUlo faeadquarters here tods;. B. A. KUspel, i i , gener­al agent ot lhe passenger depart-

to assistant genera] pisienger ageni a t Omaha, succcedlng L £. Omer who on 'December 1, became genera passenger agent -at L u Angclts

' Kllppel.vlU be succeeded a t. Sail J Lake C ltr by 0.\B. Seltnursh, pru-

J l en t^d lypassesgefafio tatO suba ^ and Baltmarsh wUI be succeeded by , . Leonard n . Upke. d t j passenger

agent a t Philadelphia,


S17RLET, Dec. 38 (Special to The• NewsJ-Puneral serrlces fo t Donald

0. aM Darld Keajron 'Egbert who were drowned a t Unrtaugb, Chrlst- m u day. wiu be conducted by Dish- ep Darld a Uoyes a t ths L. D. S chureh a t ttturtinuti Thursdsr af-

t t j n o^ock; T R l l e » .w U be T l e ^ from one o’dock-un. Ul Ume of serrlee t t um church Burial *1U ba In the t J i o j 5 b

o r ttlANRS

EnOllude for tho hslp elVen' me br frteji^ a t tV Ume of

Johnnie Devries. _ a<^.



i A t McMoster Barn ' TUESDAY, JAN. 2ND

^ A Oenslpirat Bale7 Brine In Tcnr U m lock-Tbert

Wni Be Plenty of Boytrs ’ . For ths Good Ones, '

naOenbetk * Ksller, Awt.C. A. HfcMattcr, Mcr.


M ail . - • :

.. • •Mr,an4Mr*.-0,.T.,Sa«io.Bol . plonfen of.Bruneau and Bolse.«

. f m married Chrlit;naa dsy. II: U..«U. {(^..BSoatBorsinboeBcsdrliiaJ 0* lit m e honored.^ Uirtr soo, T. -

Baiaui.anil Mrn-Bamn.jiLAJTMHl : state dinner Monday ia one of the-vtln nlrer- dHUng rooms at-tho Pirk- H6(tl ;^ o n Mr. and Ur*. Bacon and'daui ■giacf teit/'Ulssea PJonnee aiul Ruby I 111 bs con, -motored dovn from Solse >1 WJ as ChjisUnas.dai^jelumlm jresUrd

Other guests w en' Clrde and Dc if«>U aid Bteon, student* a t Blanfoid O Ilgned Imilly.'W bo atv bere for Usa he

cm - days; U lsi CaUicHoe Bacon, ha Wash IromrDnlrerslty ot Colorado, Boi jn ln - der, for Uu ChrisUnu raeatic

n o ^ B s m . Uarforel Baeon a

nncr: In the ertnlnc InUmala frlen single ot U r.and U n . Bacon ealled a t t ks a t home ot Uulr son, Uaple Avenue. ^ eongra^tam ^^ni. . ■

S b S - POCATSfiE/O-OVSSTS— :— ±t to FOR CUJtlSTMAS .6 « , • A a m iiH na-tm i* . Srcm' oi ) 51,- or<town ChrisUnu dsy vere H . ‘Bw ond Mrs. L H. fasU rs and Ul •eelre Maxine Uaslers, PoaleUo, tonne • Um ly ot Twin Falls, wbo were Uie ho: ort to day guesU of Mr. and U n . B. ljust- o e ile r t Ulss U asten U an Instru brlst- tor In Ute school a l Lincoln, Ida! ipay- thisyear.t Uie --------

Um FAUHIES FETED tired. AT HOUDAY DINNER r^!eh Mr. and Urs. A. J. Fetrty, sr . ei

tertalned a lH re o'dodc dinn 1, wUl Christmas Day for Ur. and U n.

• J . Ostrander, Ur. u d U n. icelre oslrander and chUdren. Uary Oei ment and U artto ; U n . Beatrice Norgn

sent- Pearey, Jr., and son, John Thoma0 Um Ulss,BeUy Peavey, home trem A aally blon BUte Kormal; l\)m Fean 11 to- homo Irom Uie University, o t idab

. andAUcewd AanP^vey.

r 'A ro u ^ of studenta home for U

i r holidays enjoyed ■ dinner of Yuli

is t,, and lister attended- Uis-i.UieaU

± - & « « « present were: Miss Vatura Van Eni

*Lt2 elen. Cdlece of Idaho; Ulss Uaritrt— fif rrfuhrt ItfniC0«: m i«m Barbara.Oamble, EL Cordes. U v g w el’UcClaln, Unlrei slty of Idaho, BouUiem Branch, ft

?lmi “'{v


1 A tOTup that meets anmaliy A

■<,W tcrUlned Chrisimas night at-Ui , .. hooeotUlsses mna’andHtlenNe* ' roan, Shoshone. Street NorUt OU

^ vere distributed from i bright l i f k Ugbtcdievergrtcn. tret. The'pari !" i" Wttadfd'tbe'-.dsnce, and^vtturoi '■“ y tptaB-Wewm ai licuie^er«-Ulesmdent = s - - ......---------------rr.- .v i^ - r'Uon,

I GrandJ'J; .Of course n» ol the bottom isJ nuh time. Then, tt

except thosey

g| S U§ I Ngeni • •

W hy don’t YOU t j ci4i m o f th ia tem per

w ea th e r, to Insta ll Si shs, su la tio n in y o u r hon

ta k es a flh6rt time, th is v e a th e r Iiu ts , yi no inconvenience whi

HS•Tho c o st o f Sure-1

The tion is 80 low th a t iS J Itaelf in fuel aavlnff rUu . Bhort tim e. Call us ,“* 8 le t US tell y<m th e comsf.' T ite a tory .

dle»un-rdi. /•alb / ■ '■ iUie / ^

J . k f t ?! « 1

rt Detwei“ Yonr


fYandGLUBSTPEone'82 • '

. . per. ThoM present were: .•Y... . UUs BeUy WUsoo, deparUst , secrelai^.at the Unlvenlty of Id

;io;UtssJennia! ly lUty denlatBnneaaCoUtgt,OaliiesrU

OeorgU; Ulss Bden Kawmon, hn ' from tho Unlrenlty ot Idaho tor t mmlBP hpUdsn: Ulsi' Nina HewaoB. U ^ 5 , ^ Bem ici-RtnaaW ruiB-Trrtairw ^ 1. son, H elu Tiylor and U dauih- Vosburg.. ibv Ba- Craven, bere trem Uoso^ ,{or oartcaUon;TlmRobettsoo,Obari

Rauiufe, Jsmes EeeL sUident U»e Untremty ot Idaho; Ridia

^ 0 n . Itobertson. Bob Nbton. Oerald Wyi ta holl- PutiJer,

THEATER P A ^ Y Satlon: HNTERESTS QIRLS :on and Verna Lou Bowman entertain--------- He!en.TteBnu,-Pilttet^Smlthrfl«friends ty Ann Babcock, VUglnla Bopkl ia t the LUUsn Laubenhelm,’ LorecaPuUi mue. to Frances Ash. Baity Taylor. Barba

Caranagh, PhyUls Ann Wight ai Verna fitntma a t Uie nuUnee pe

:-------- Oormsnfti of “TJItln.WomeolyaKdsy afternoon. The party retuiB'

n ' out- to Uie Bowman bome In Uie Rei t - Ur. apattnienu for-a tapper featurliI Ulss C l ^ u n u sppolnunents.


nstruc- Urs. Lee SUlUer, Poeatello, w) Idaho, has betn Uie ChrlsUnss hdldi

guut of relaUres a t Kimberly, t U» bouse guest Tuesdsy erenlng Ur. anif U f t Ted Welker, wtun

• Inc to her boma in Ute Oate Cl „ .n . todsy. U r.'and U n . SteUler * Hinnw morlnc to SeatUe about Janoai

twenUelh, whero Ur. SUUler H 2, a been Irani!entd. Ulss Jean 8tetU

r dena and Junior SteUler. dsughter ai lo r M »n of Mr. and U n . SUtUer, a

iiudtnlajit Uifl Unlrenlty ot w m umas; Ingtoo, SeatUe.


: U n . Uary U . WaU and son, WI • Dam-WaU, a n d U r. andU rs.Joh

’ ,* '.s j c a y te r .a i i l^ a n t .w a u ,.j r , we ’ ' guetu of Ur. and M a L. B. Wt

for tha Christauu dinner. ITie rectnUc yu i-. haU w u deconted with a nuj

Ins a t ChrisUnu Uee, surrounded by gUl S , S vhlch .« m exehanced. After gU

h is s ? luul b e K u ib i i te d . Mr. Wall eal , nrtn . ed Un' Uie dlnlng-‘roo; -fio li' wlndow-and showed Uiem Uie na

tl £n i- car he had punbued u a Chris' t u gilt to Uu famUy. An eUbom

, » « . d liiae riru sem d .

...I, Unl- UUs CaUwrlne ColweU Is genen

chairman 6t Uie formal danca Ux erenlnc I t Danceland. arranged t the TW-C Club In honor ol alumns

D home from sehool tor Uu hoUday Uy tor Mrs.- ft. Z.. Scberti and Un . J. i

kt -Uie. Bus-. Vaughn’s, orehestn h u j*e iNew- engaged tor the' erenlng.

OUU OUier mtmben of Uie commute righUy are UUses VloU Oooke and KaUm ■party i n e . m b » t l . w « U l " turned u giym u wu MUltr. Louise Xriii « su p -jg e l-tnd Uarian U w re n c e ^ tl tl

id Weatheie none of us are really ioo is.liable to drop out of the , the coal bills start climl le-wise people who have ah

\A MN S U L A TU takc.aivant- ‘nporary warm ' ''II Sure-Tite in- 2 home? I t only « • > ne. and Whiles, you’ll suffer ' SUTfiwhatever. ’ ^

ire-Tite insula-at i t 1 ^8 (for I n s tinff la ’ a veryus today aud A o l r "P complistcSure- -

and vicinity homes. W e '’ names th n l .


f - HI______________

j i l e r C o a l»ar Home Comforl Merchant”.)AL That’s Fine PHONE

t .


- - Uons: Ulsaaa sU ul FtnSaysoo a Uary D. BmlUi, ' entwUlnmei

S Uloea Bdlth Clark. VlriUiU COO Eslen TwUon and -DaUy D< • ItiOBias; programs.-------

' ARRANGED FOR FRIe NBSU r, and Mn. W. J. Holltnbeck I

— T-l terialned a t ChrisUnas dinner : Ur. and Mn. Frank-Jooea and U Anna U . Hite, aU ot.Rupert, a

rUsent Mr. and U n . Walter Cunnlngb t Ida- Twin Falls, and Ur. and Mn.- O o,s(u- HoUenbeek. Buhl

*“««’ C U SSrS HONORED AT HOTEL DINNER _ U r j n < l J 4 n J t .

H lfJ ! tamUy, and Mrs. HcSensa Pwil 1 *Bd sons were c«esU o tS ,T . Hai

Uton a t U» Park HoUl a l dlw ChrisUnu day, YuleUda deeoraUc


_____ Fat Daly, lesUe Cowin and Hsold'Hoover. ate In charge ot I Uagldani’ hoUdsy dance Uils t'i

»» nlne-uilrty o'dock a t t W«» Bogenoa Hotel’ in addlUan uu pre«fiui Dt danclug,~nusto-

S'™ * be tumUhed by John Soden-s t chestra, novel enUrlalnmenl imi ben between dances wUl be -pi sented.- A Ught buffet lunduon w

JS- __________SALT U S S C O B pIes msmsD ar msiiop

• Ulss BuUl Hsdley, caughter Mn. Uabel Hsdley, and Charies A ooovlch were married a l fc QU home wedding ChrisUnai m « U n |

' . ten-UiUty o’clock a t Uu hcoa. Ur. aad U n . Leo Kirkman. nne and aunt of Uie brtde. BUhop J.

T H Allred performed Uie ceremonjf. A / t e r ^ eettmoDj » wddU

breakfast w u served to mtmben ■ ’ Uu tamedUtt tamUy. A Urge w» L ! ! I dUig cake formed UwcenUrpIeMl

lhe UbU, and w u runked wllh r candles in crystal holder*,

u n . Hadley. BoUier of Uie brtt . « * oulron of honor.Ji.IJ® The bride's going away ouUlt *

olitiart »re.fooDgBjW HPel:» of onnge blossoms. The couple u ImmedUttly alUr Uie weddli bnaktast tor Uu coul. Ur. « U n. Aronovkh aro boUi resldan

,WU- ot sa il Lake City.John .« « STAG DINNER WaU piiECEDES R. K. .DANCE '

(fUon; A laoialotU w 'BrdK nlcbU we huge honor guesU a t a hoUday dance U gUU, I erenlng a t RadloUnd, Bus Vaughs CU>H Navlgaton tumUhlng Uu danoe ini

I call- tie. Preceding: Uu dance Uia cit room eourulned aVa sUg dlnntr a t U » new New Rogersoa Hotel. John Bredtei

ridge, president ot Uie dub, pw li lo n u td u toasunuter.

l^MSU were responded lo b f '•------ ■ vrunonrdob-iponsorrand-uin

alumni. Frank UeAlee, here tra....... PorUand.tor .U u holidays; Bc

-ceral Bnllsford, home Irom Uie Unlversll ) UUs of Idaho, and Roy Q ny, also a stt (d by dent a t Uie staU unlverdty, U n mnae eow. DUmer n s served a l Uper-Ui Idays. Ubles In Uie mirrored dlnUig rooi J. U . e t U» hotel

jM n a.spectacuUr place In Uie-detonth' theme for Uit pavlUon. Puneh gU:

slttee vere BUly Uae White. OUvU Cha; Uur- man and ShUleySmlUu Qeorge Sal (Uses Uday and Asher B. WUson, J r , wtl ErthTTMUbKk

i f I s n ' i I t?fooled, we know that he thermometer any mbing for evtryono already installed

r j iEI 0 N


2 0 % to 5 0 ^ ■

nei Savings With re-Tite Insulation

Veil Have A efghbor Who Has istallcd Sure-Tite

U i v M Orer 100 rest- n i l l l d e n t s of Twin Falls -

Uy hare let us insulate their fe-win gUdly give you their a t ;o o n a y leam, first hand, o e r its of Sure-Tite insulation

r ^ j li >




S MAKE TfflS' Deae .

- M n Falls

eck TO- P v 'v \ner for \ \ \ # 1 0 3 \ 'i d u n . h r t i n 4 r n t t 3 P ^ i i *rt. aad ' M lllngton, fil-rs. Carl —

It andPeniaa ~ - M S ^ K g W ^ f l g B .Bam -


» 1 ^ 1 is eva-a t UulUoo to

r . ; : - —i su n - I -pn - onwUl

^ otlesA » ^ B h S S s B I

qultl ^H g f i M B B

« a .« t M l M f f l l l l F i T i f f , nnda \ p j . a

/ ) ] [ ■ ben Of / I t lewed- L I Weee lor p H L \ \

/ y t o l 7 4 0 W ' HI bride, ■ _________ _

e tV JS John Breckenridge, president; I

W e r S * ^ U r y - S o S S ^ ^JnlfiS ben Indude:

Cedi SmtUi, Dale Banner, I

BsIIsday. Raymond PuUler.- Newman. Woody Pierce,'CurtU

, , , lon. James SlncUlr. Bob Step: ^ tnn . ^ Thomas, Wood}' Reed,, W L w StetUer, tU ny ■mber. aaese-,'

Uun*. Kyla BaUanlynt, B U l:t seyi Ralph Powdi, Larry South; ]

r S u h Ue Voorhees, Dick HtppUr. : The aeUrtUes eommlltee, Ci

“ yiS E»ton..DIck Heppler, BUl'Newrss.hsd charge of Uie arrugemenb

^ MISSIONARY TO BE re i5 5 "ONORED BY MUTUAL a stu- LeRoy Arrington, who.U. let' Uoa- early in Januaqr on a mUdor

cr-Ut- Uie souihem sUtcs, wUl be gues : toom hooor a t t tarewtU sodal/ ?rl

r g i tu I 7 S S S S S S S S S S S 5 SOhaj>-' ■ ‘ •

i m pClea

Mighty ClI Men*s

— H O N E srro-

~ — D5UhtirBTMBt5drHal

Heavy W eight

The Remaindei

— ^andOvet



Values b Short lengths o materials, coat etc. A very spec

this great n


5 M O D tt AT HOftIs Daily News_Eattein_-

t v l ' - ' r m a t r f A B O n r m ' \ . \ WAIBTUNE1 PATI xa K 17«

Fashion cm U d Uu 'mott tli \ . Uig sllhouttte'for women whi J dictated Interest abova tha i

B U B Una. As In th u stunning alte: m Q froek-ona.jrou'U a d sn .to wt B I h *U Informal gat-U«elhen - U f l n tonly secUlne, bodice and i n f i lA detaU. whUa hips remain t

p M a o tu d ilender. P W a dUo drop shoulder yoka ot cot

H W . - I t 's qulta tha vogua to eoc B . j.- fabric* u weU u colo»-and 8 wuh colored button*, n e m \ sketch shows you another w t B \ msklng Um sleeve*, shorterS u J graoeluUy.fUr*4.—---------g M PatUm 1740 U avallabU in

14. i t , )!, 90, » , SI, t t , « S V -4S.-SUe-l«-Uk(a IH-yards-BB B W fsbrie and ti.yardeonuisung

w m Send nrrzE H c e n t s iu< B M 'n ln ^ -n r 's ta m p e - tn h a -v r tf i B K f tor UiU Anna Adams pattem. B n bU fnlynime,tddreaandttyIai



rtPTEEN CENTS. CATALOO V PATTEBN T00EIHER.TWE1 A nVE CENTS.% Address orden to l l i s Newt ■*— ' tern DeparUnent

it: Rob- ertnlng a t the U D. a. rtcrei

Utm-. are In charge.

r, Htr- HOLIDAY DANCE 'Leonard ANNOUNCED BY MIA ^ i . ^ "nu scUvlUes committee ot

I<*tur Day SalnU ^ U glrl N ^ hoUday danca U iU ^ n ln g at

LDS BecreaUoQ ha ll to which n f jir i publle U Invited. Muslo wUI be

HI, m o th e r s WILL BB aUESTS AT P A m r

U ntne , 1710 Bee Hive OlrU ot Uu a i n ^ , ehurch win entertain a t a ban lenti. and sodal Friday altertMcn at______ Recreatian hall in honor of "i

molhen. The fesUrlUM-wni'li al two-Uiitty o'dodc.

b a s t e r n s t a rHNSTALLS STAFF

guest ot U n. Reese U . WlUUms w u /Friday tUUtdworUjy matron of Twin]

r Chrisi irahce $ClearanceValu( > Overcoai■O ^O D N ESS^M jBES

I Uier of Our Entire Top Coa

/ercoat Stocks Go a t------

Vz o ff

W oolens

$L59I to $2.98 Pcr Yard B of fine woolens in dresi >atings, flannels, serges lecia purchase bought fo: I money saving event

I .


Chapter, Order ot Uu EasUn i ) I t f F U rt aveaUic al Usaodle T a / i v u ; iuoeaedlngU n.B.U .Branlo.0

om een insUDed .wen: . .'• ' A. P . HoMer. worthy p a trm ;:

J. A. Dygei t, asMcute mat * = = . StaaHtSawBSr'SUoeUUTr-ptt Tm i U n . J , W. Bouton, seertUry; :

a a Dumas, Ueasurer; U ta .J Johnson, cooductreu; U n . T Pnler.-assocUta conductren; -:

I H, L. Hobnts, Adsh; Urs. AlPutrisr, RoUi: u n . Bert Swtel, Uicr: UU* LoU fihotwell. Uar

* «!.<«. Urs. Belaa Tbylor. StcU i U n, . h ^ i t U n . A. p .

' •'““I* nar*hal: Mn. Qeorge 0.1

• » * • Hranln. e r t ; ^ ' wo> matron. a o d 'U n . Holmes, mar

a ttSm- tu * past y t« . wtra InsUHlnccr shlCQ the

' S S S m ro o ff l '^ 'K d a m e s SKeefer, Floresea Dow. Beulah bom, a . I t. Ntttmait, Lucy uo Russdl Weaver, A. X, Rosa, R.


I in sites v u l n d ta p e n in gnen holden, ( t 40 and by red and green coatec s-8»-lDeh {H ajlm nU dJiiO J llK lh iQ ent lUng. II- “***•ling In- • •____________^


tn . Writetyle nsm- BAHZT. Dee. M-^taumuUl SIZE, soowfiiU U Hailey aUiod a t n

Inches Uooday, Uirea Inche* n U un average tot Ohristmu (

ION OP M U the abaenoa of any pred{« ^ durioc U» i » A w ( S ^

i . » i TO

0 0 ^ U i l jM h e . oftnoirfsas£nt*li

____ Actual depUu ot. snov sbnr1.5 Incbet M Halky and 14 Inct

_______alK etchua..


W A S m N O T C W ^ s nt Uu etor Borth. RepubUein. Idaho, s g lr tn g l beUsred eongre*'wot a t ^ >« “ “ t o unUl July M l hlch Uie Ult UiUigs It ougbt to'do.” I t e g h . Ha did not tnumente Uie*a ■! , pertUves," bul did nuke^ilgtaf

did not agree with -Uu d d w Speaker . lUlney and ottur* tl

‘ congresa could get awiy by May]

1» ™ B 5 w o S S S S a “ ,lato mlghl bold a eoatennee;la

U « .p i0cr»ja-0f_thelt;0ini.b«ti “ Uie garal fans-JaBUsrT'S.'

Scrtti n ld *>ooDfii«nc«-htd 1 ^ ^ r a g ^ t a d a - l a r u ;b » ;k a

DakoU, said hs-ttiougbl euiooi w u In- be held. Few of .Uia Indepeodr rlttFtlls tra In.Washlngtoa.',. •' g s ^ = ^ s s s s : = g a s s

itmasSale J

Women' and D

Drcsaps—Values to ?5.90-----------

“D resses^— ^ Values to $7.90-----------

Dresses—Values to ?12.fl0

B Dresses—^ -Values to ?22.50 ----------


------------4 % I u e W o - f l 3 ,M ™ = . i .

Volnc! lo 510.50 ____ _

■ess v«iuM;ii> ?33.oo— :___

ff®’ VduM to 140,60 —f o r -------


j-C tin lag^E beiiu '^^ y '

tn. nlBgiVahuaiy g .ttS .o 'd o d ta f lh i j t t t j - M r i o tnee.o fU uT fW T flirch ftnx rc i trs. Albert Oommerw.-Boeh-otb*g-Uislne«s ai Swtet, Es-- may ecoit,betore tba chapter wU1, irf.rth .. also-btfTrtnsaeted..........>1 U n, E3- ' ■ ■ ■ -------A. P . Os- T U Highland View etab wffl su e

ge 0. Bal- w|Uh U n . UUUe.Jarman Wedtu* uwa,'*en- day atlemoon.

g' worthy Tbe'licnltfTlUBTmnBMl-WM- j t t o n ^ nesday aftemoon with Urs. Boy Jo» Hlng oltlo- lui. 11 wffl be a gUt exchange meet-

Inc. ••edin Uu ^?u!.h Frahytcrian UUslonsry .*o-

dety w U l ^ t TOinday afUiaooo S B ? o ’ atJ:SOo-doeklaU iedm nhparJort ^ “ • “ • U n.O .H .K nngelU U ieIoadtr*iid Wn-Ttse* Annenun Chnrth- Uia fub- iden, out- ^ eoafeeUon ■ -

a n n o u n c e m e n t s '-

,nBT Tba U diiw dab win meet a t t t i o r t home ef U n . Roy Jcalln Wedneadty,


U n . S. J, Goodrich wuf entertain w l S i S memben of Uia Shtmiodc dub tnd 5 2 .® S ! Uwlr ftmUle* wlUi a pot-luek dlo-

d S , D « n S S " ^ “iriU ta“wt l l .d a y s e i s to ._ _ . . . . . . .

- n e O hrU t^party for'U u»em « bew cfUwOoed WIU dub tn d Uielr tsm rnetw IU beheldlHundsy eva. n l f lc a t l U O o ^ to U a O d d lW -

i lows' hta.'There wUl b j a jwgrani

> * « g r s ’ £ ? r v . “» s sJame* Persoostte .will be ta charge of RfteahmeoU.' .

,SK------ n 0 U E tB 9 8 -H IN -B i0 6 V E B -~IQRESS r B o u p o n o N i W D i N N n

. SAORAUENlb, DM M W — <«>-«en- U ore ;th tn '»0 .taD des* nen, fed Uho,sald a c h r ts lm u < B i5 » 7 r ih s iB a ln . • 'w o u ld Uea'.Anny Utchen,'wtr* rteoverl^ r 1 It tt today from eaUng pork wUeh Dr, » do." • Herbert P, Trui, diy. health otfleer,

Ur» Uiat meal tn d 'iutfered

S i t thalU u te o - • - ........... .

a ie c u u - ■ A f U i l l J H I i l M a a l l M

ba knaw,


»n*s C o a ts

D r e s s i s ~ “ '

________ _ _ $ 2 . 0 0


_ _ _ _ _ $ 1 0 . 0 0


_ _ _ _ $ 1 2 . 0 0

_____ $19.00 - i825.00 ,


~ - I -

Page 4: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

• r ' M '

^•' Z tS 5 5 5 — Z i u l

;- -. ______■■ _____ : 1

a m tfinxMM ovSM U It. or oet olttHwUt orMIUd ta l&li n M W4 U I

• W Hw WMa Mio mwwa. . c

m mmm tin m n iK m . ■ t

lalonuaoa i t w ewuuUBB S II M tuoM upon im iM iM . DiuuM ia>

' «»»»«“ » W mW l ^ y BpOB rUBKI.

^ ^ " s f f l i s s s i ' a j s

hm m? n B m u S & u i m t 'u o f

- • - ■ - - - - ■ HI » m n o M i .M r « iw i tm im i*

- P, . . . . . JL

i ‘ 8“S g | ^ s 2 S^ ^ csL 'a 's ;

■ B S a s s 9 s s a ^ ~ s B 9 e ^ = » wl

-— ; h r r r ^ 'W i D i ? i » n » — r — S

. ' i ^ 'M ^ . t r a i ' t t i t i M M k v U b n yoM U i B C T taa i apan Um « i c t

; . - . o( lt(« la Ab m ck t a l h n poMM. ^d o a te n r^ t t t l io U d tra M m ' «

' . < t i i H « ^ » r a p ^ t a t a i i m a * u . . tercrpo(D(iBaUUrlaOrHaB.irtttt a>

i t e n d d « n tr 'n ]n « d 'f l(M m t m .'- . b tU lnelM ekbrad lm onnrb thM d M

tte lr u

: n r b fiU i,)iM ih c iiJa td Mtire bciiM lad ikctM Udt, MBI e( ^

' . U r.u iilcn .01m U B tfiiibett.w tea n--------U if to BpeB-iiMoh-ttiy w<t» » f Hi

.ptilac to 'A M l a n *t)r t e u t th , . tte lr jobIMbI (« (. la U r M U f J

a d t TPieaao o d <}piMaa m r t tte f rb o .. t« b (b Q ff lu iJ l i tf f l i l l* u ib k « q ; n

. i ) u i ) ^ p n t> ^ < 't » . ( t e t n n ^ »fr '. « ' t t e te a r *Ub u entbtMk «t

• • .,tfmM»«.»MflULlUwnd.»B»]Lte Ifll t te p n i w i ^ to romwr u a lQ c n i£i

.' lirlegttreatil*... H ip p U ^ to » a u J ^ (K to in ^ u d g

' dilM tte OirlMaui'iM Ma p u n d m i ( ( ^ ; ^ t ^ l n o to T ^ •'

~ ~ ~ S S K ^ S E * S S S ntte t* ¥ u a « o ( |m B lM tN ie n lor ^ tepptD w U d thukiciTtsc tu * i n r t uth u . ihitlQK t m t 9>>riitBM m r i I M .. en

i t e okLUffli ipM I'ef M a M U ■» taao rteH ld to teT inuN rtM ltM U

• iB iad k M u ltte c itr.B R m tlin iU r bre liic' «<M’irlth leuMly"* dead « nu liMM 1« B tr Ite t e u t r « » ‘Mt> ^ iw t Winter i l i f t te towD, la eeu- ^

' toaa wttb a k o r o tten . r « n iCetU uii . iptoQuM eolerBuatotUM lNettad te

nurt iftUifteWj ohrliifflu ia » Bnater o( jn n . Atetaee et tiMm< ^ p lem rai tad eecmqaenl lo e m n d dbi ip^idlac p o w eeutttntwl t tMtor

*t n c fo r io o e U tD e p M tu d t te « f < ^ lect TM lil t In «Ttty » m u a of m « ttT U jriaSoatteniditu .. . | | ]

Tffta n m , ' l l would eeeffl. h i t u u m oeh to teU notftil/o r CHiHW . ^ lau . ym

■ • Bnm a s D T itB

. . Itnn i r » iriU be mucb of tra p to j Ra

fer u r . iM Mn. OltwliBd W x rt ol M mtwih who** CtuliUnu h u ^ been orenhedowd by truedy u d eui

T-vr«.wteei.>Xiff teTe, .been- bgned^to ^ noumlnc. In tU Um lu n u t ot hu< i‘~' D U eaoUone th m u q be no mete poltnint ecoDj ’*<*" tb t t vhlch tt* leadl opOQ B lomuGb u Is euittlned br thli fimUr In the tecldcnttl death et their two wni oa ChxUtmu dty.

TOe» U UUJe to taStr br v»f et ^ tenioltUoa iK»pt pirh tp t tn n - — jtmioa of tte hope th t t they mey

------be ilT C & itteaith tobetrthe torm r■ • whkh h u came Into thtlr home, inj

1^ 1* tod tbe iympethy vhSeh li tbo tbeln In vtioltatle metiure. ^


__________ THE ACB o r BTRAIH ^

A m snlt u 'p t u o c loo ccm nm b«i T ie <Uupixuuee of » celebnud Wtll f itm l opentor, t te other C»y. ^ u d b ll n ip p e tru ee b a d u d ilBle, wllh tte wpliDBtlno that hli -i mind h td been a bUnk for twenty, le t : four hom*. li another oonsplcuoia ^ e u a i ie of the cum nt tendency to S J nerrouB tnd tnenttl ezhauition. lend n e n WM tnother oMtble ezimi>te ^ recently, la tte cue ot t prominent ^ W tihlnitoa offlcltl wbo foimd him- o ti eelf ta CUetfO tf(er day* of blank- Uh neet.

Ttere U pcobably not a day wben san tro w ^ n o a i ' l a thU ^ t r y . lo .i

' ' fron Inilneie to profCMlOBtl thea t t ta d wotnen tohouwwlTet tod hlih Kbeol pupUfctn BOt l a t t e .ttme d e p k n tte iU te .it ,m t|h tt2 m ettb e l i ctUcd tte A|e of AmaeiU. ForiH- “ ‘jn ftaaewco<ae«*ftgtleetiini.tcpiftd ^

. •


u e <ky« aad a ^ h ti . to Ure t te a lnd aad body BteeBd M t -

t t m , $*peU T O .J i jx tJ P ■ mueh oterwoilc m orentrtln. Lone.

te fd w otriM y te dM« Hfeir. w ■ IM niIe,UUUdfliiscalffllytBdteppay. ^ A a ln d toen by le tr tad doubt, tod u , dlTldedactlaitltieU, wetn out body

aad brtln ta d ftlU UU u exhtoit* I z edbtttery.m. nem nedy ifto take th ln lueailer ^ -BOttowoeit«h»nl.buieepeelaUy . : aot ta te la weft deadly etmei^ t , tboet w a i-ta d to »nU dWroeltr*

(outht with t te poilUn veaponi o(- nU zttlon, leeretlloo. dieerfulneet,> loeUl lelnre, rttlely. Uoit etfecUra S of tU. p e rh tt^ U ftlth. I l may. te *2 leUilOQiftlth or filth In country or « fimlly er. frlendi, er ftllh In leir.

or tU ot th(M tocether. m u o t ~ ftllh MldoobnakidowD,

i lA New Yorkeri g at Largeg jw ju c ’ b a r b o s I

Si By MABX BASBON *• KBW Y O B K -lte w tunnm l of ^ U ia h tttta ji'Beuth MrMt: t te t it

t te ea l/ p tr t of tte thon line tte t linY iflUniy ent off froo view by

- I te Ucb’w tSiof pier ihedt■ X t T t tvutlnc, wlndlnc, cobble-

stoned itieleh ef t oOe er 40, with tte ibtdow efB rooU ynbridhiooa-

S Inf o n r ittw e ttte n u rre d w h trre i.M » if B ptiean t of noUe, odon u d

i atriUnotcUTlty.D ow B bytterten

. OruaUaf bonii itn in te tlonc » with w tioa lotdi ef bty, u la m *

CTWUi'runl d ib t tn th i dty.- Bctctolnraetnlli-dlp-lbelr-cray* r wblte. wtflu lo tte oily hubor b wtten.[t ABld t te pien Jul onl tte red L brtcK m n i tnd eelenltl «Wte doon■ ot% teUleaenl boue, lU ftetde ' nw tte i«d with nllvlmsi il iw weh

I* M •TToe b t te Wmet- tad ' -B# fl Bated.' '_ Tour aeee fuldei you to tte ex- ; te n itn flih aukeU wbet* tUer

e«t« lilnk in drorei, peuadac oq . Ir tB j I llty Bonel thrown tilde. 1W>« tm dtiT ehlsi,too ,U ncerten tabec .4 M npt ef Ha fWd ft«ra tte marth*^ u ie . O at pQTerty*etneken E u t side g* fially , 11 * u reeeatly nretled, te d ” a n lited for weekt on bitt or tub * h. itrea-thea-el-tte Burket.------------ J

“ 000th •tree llT itte t en ter ol _ thunder wtth tte niabUac ttueki f

t bnaODt t m lU rw ih P tream t. “ Ttip.\ lapudiatly t m t l a f ' thetr

f i ln a i ta d with emote ponrtfic fnm _ I lu d lly ptinted itteki. pu iU b tn d E* m t. thOTlnc troplctl frelihtere. P t loaded-wtth-e trutt.tiifoei> jm .lia . 2

8outhit»etIitbortle>1lBi--intik-. ^ , la#tteJum ptnfH «pUeetetw een'» »<* awdetB m etro^ie tnd fiM w ty ,

■"[ r i i t f e t : Wlijilluliii. JffutWuJ-lHa ft

[ wm a i m Mlln itlem p t'K te f t« . ’ ’ tioul vlth the Udlet.* BitwMB aumben ot one of h l i n - „

eeal eonnrti, he ]eetln|ly told bu ”. iDdlenee that ehould tny et hli Ui- ^* U a m deiln to naeb him penon- £ ‘ tUy t e wcnld u re thea tine u d h* ttwble by UBOuntlni hU telephoni i, r nuaber. But 11 wm no j d t to the ” , femtntai a im bfn -o f Ue Uitenen. .

Ttey teek b la l e r l o ^ . ■.' ' A i« n tu lt te b u had to t e n hU q

telepboai dleeontlauid. In ene dty te neelTtd a o n t h u M etUe tro a u n rioo i lon-etricken mildi, tnd neet of them willed untU tte a t i le bm r ef mldnliht beCon dltUnc hie „ Banter. - u

Not i la u tte d tyt ih e a Rudolph ^ Vilentlao ihyly promintded throuih ti: t te n ilto eroffH hM New Tork es

II t e t erer U u Bter, t loed tetor «■ u d t much better puHUit h

:TUt teujh u d touih Adonll U vi

nie, u well u tppetrini ea i loetl ^ nuderllK ita ie . HU ippetnoM oa tli Btotdwty Quici^ lu m t mob et lb ftminini ida trcn , remlAdlai one fu itroaHy'of i pM piper with t at Romeo Bttnetloa An odd aaiJe Is r I te t be U area mora popular erlth pi men. probably b tau ie he n u a baihed-ln note tnd embnldend e tn . Ul

''i* I I — 83............... —---------- -------------- . ni

Guiding Your “ Child IBy Jo


OWNtESaiP a5. Tom omifd a roeklnc hone of vhlch he v t t rery pnud. Hli feel- Im of oimwihlp WM esnciented , tbout Ulll pirUcultr toy, u d 11 mtned unintlunble to h la tO K e tnyooe ebe ridlni It. nir

Durtni one *ct Uie ttaioet diDy ' nunery qutm U betvmi Tom. t«U* ed In fUed detcnr.lniUoa on hli ffwd. IM h u -to a i r im g ; - i ittiv; fa benlJii for a chwee to ride, a rety Pf beloved n liU n came Into the ' room. Mtry a p p t ^ to her, u d tte old lady. ha»to| h ttn l both tides, »« floally pronounced Jofljmenl.

■No. Mary. Tom doei not te te to > let you ride. I t U hU botw aad no cat one c ta puke him lend It to you. r«l Bnt. the best iWnj tbout oirnlnj <*l uyUUnt U' th tt Uie owner ean ed lend It. He h u U» prinleie ot t e - n>< incfeneroui." 1

M an turned tw ty Indluppolnt* ho ment, but 7\3n. after a lew Bomenta tn of d ffp thw jh t. climbed dowa from _ the hone tnd rery jrufflyoffCTwl It ~ lo Maty. do

Th« Uea Uwt pneroalty w u a res prtTllese. u opportunity not f ln n ilo to.all. « u Ufif to Tom and Maty. 1 u u U te auny people. ChUdna ab( a n too aeldom made coaideut of tN It. bilnc c n u tu tly kept in tte role 1 ot reoelTB rather I h u ilTtr. t u

T hen m n a n l l y few materltl ms Uilni* whkh a child e u ftw , for CJ* rh ath eh at.u aru le ,U o a Iy v lcirl- bu ouHyhU. m c t i ^ l l n t w t T h u l l e .

PRESIDEU p enc. .U B

u dwdyHit*


ie rim , ' ilra ■r^or•eir. .lo t

efIt ;

u t

n . r a E a iD E N T R O O S B V E I/T M i ^ r lf fh t: G«orso D ern, s c c rcU r

th e tr e a s u ry ; H om er S. Cani tu r « ; Harold L. Ickes, M creti

Of ttn^KCM rai: Daniel C, Roper O* - - - - - -ly. - — . —

“ [ n a t i o n a l ’

s {NEW S b b h i n :^ (Copyrliht. MeCJur*

WAimNOTOK 0. • By Oeerp Derae •on BBVEBBB, ReipubUcta itr tte ty Ij

lM ^ a ^ U r ^ w 9 a T m n « l l a '& «

^ Tltat't why you mw thew itoekt i4. Qiiotuv o . a P. iCMlen Ui both l:, ! houKi of CcBSna u pramUtni to[g 10 tlo n i with tte RooeenK tda ln -

“ dfWIefUMTieeTiry’.— ------------ --{j. . AU Uw ito ilu a e u li t t e t Uw uS RipubUctai t e n decldc4 to puU la* uJH to their thellt io r * while loafer, g,

m Tba oppoUUoa r a e n l i f liu n f . £ M 0 . R. U itm toopopultrw tU i ' t t e w ■I, people lor Utem to gel tw iy WlUt ta y A

Z ftMopw ta d thooUai ttousd cocnen. qi

But dea't le t Um idet UmU- Mpoi- ci in i pubUclty won't be untcklni hoaw di

. eTcrydty.lttUnplywUibeeoMMled m

U froffl th il welety to d tte t le trw . <5

RepubllctnilnrntnytMUontwen . dUappolntodttUu way oae of ttelr ;* renn t.b luU fean the r Ihort. ." ItteWMUietdrioUyphrMedpta*** phlet 'L el'i Look a t Uie Reoord" \U J: which plckcd up tU tte tdmlnlitr*- u

Uon ctieh-phrtMi and toaied t t e a m< ” teek vllh rCKrra B4lUh. Uc

II v t} decided thU booklet didn't he *• i « tho proper pity bectuie 11 wai sp , Uiucd by tte RopublleiQ Nttlontl m u Oommntce. C ro , u ld Uw boji< Ufa In

do ll by ilelfhi-ol-hud In Um fu- ■

3 - - _ s^ rACTlONB . One ficlot hurUni ca “ n rpuhllun pubUclty ot prewnt U Ui

Um loerltabli Inilde l l |h i to ( tin < p ttly coQirol , ' u

n That iroup commonly known « rei h U» ‘'Oia Ouard' vinU to pry Erer- j , 'k e u S u d e n lo o u u C h ilrm u o tU M au It Hlllftr*!n vould Uke to tee WtUer B. Bdt* ol tn

New Jeney in his pitae. Another f t- uj U v tn Sonrnr Stntlor J ia .Watton o( j jIf Indlani------------------- __________ Oou I U l icrap tot w neu UM lurftce qu « t te o tte r diy Uiat E dte lm xdtpub- »t Uc lUtement deaylni te tip lnd to ' le further public offl».NerttU»leaite " a adilfd that te-ntlurtU y" would-tl- ‘7 U n y s te retdy lo rendrr to It (the ^ h party) any coniUtent (errlee."

d OUirr co.'npUcalloni rtiult from Um jMkeylni tnjund of Uiote wte

^ In ^ ro n ^ lM JJ J llli lf l 'M U tnd ^ midiirorlh. ill of Nnr Yuk. t n tuppcMd to be looklni In th tt dlrec- te. lion. McNiry of OiTSon li wld to jn htve a ilm lltr hankerlct. Sdsn him* bo « lf no doubt would retpond lo t call *» lor "consliltnt unlce.*' “

Vcrj- mneh in tte btekiround. but ' jtiU ll Herbert ilct'tfr. coi

J Not a vord comu out ol hU Palo wh A^o home. llU ic tnU htre k e ^ him boi

^ ««It tnfonned on erery more. . an

j n.VN.tSAS. All U well vllh our t v It bd l In the Army, T h ey ^ n buy te - be e litrju I t the pc#* c o ra a lu i^ enee r ii

more. caly Sevenl wteki b uk . In line vlth th . "buy AmeVlcan" mortmeni, an ortff J v tn l out lo quartermMter ortlcen n f r, fuamniiis uig -puKht ie oH tr t » t - ^ f produced tcodi.8 TJili {fw kibow crt Imported ( urdlncA. ollvti and Ux like — bvt i_ mou of aU on b u tn u . j

} Mlnli'.tn from Um Cenlrti Amerl- ^ ) can countrtei n n up In tnn i. m _

ytllo* Inilt reprtitnted a prtndpal „ ; exportfortM ieof them.7teyv*nt>1 td to n i l at t te White House Im- n .i . medlaUly and prolett IS.

Iniiead Uity v n e penuaiM to . hold off Ior a whUe. A n ry e lenr ,j.] I and able stn tlem u | 0t hold of nme ) ■— oneI Duj

cloUiei. h it tOTf. h it booU, tlnce tn a h k reality thty*are h li partnis' pouei- h u I iloni, given to him to un only. ich . H# ean te seneroui, howerer, i I about iharlnx th o en]oymenl ef m t tte te UUnst vlUk oUten. lot> To use foroe to teteh t <AiId thli the

ttUtude. bovoTcr. b ux im . Ha tteI most te allowed to oiakthli own de- e n r ciDoDi. vlUi U» knovltdn thkt. Kh> btslealy. It Is hU t l |h t tm i prlrl- t I k w tp i te n c t a o t tQ i te io . ■ m


imd his cabindl aro shown aa thej ta«7 of w ar; Cordell Hull, secrota 'ammingy, a U o m e y -^ n e re l. B ear retary of the interior; Claude A. i iper, (lecretary of commoree, and

W H I R L I G I G ’

[IND THitlEW S)lin Kewptper Syndlctte) 5

of Um riih t e tn . WlUwut pubUclty f in order went out modUylnr Um er* t

7 Iflnal mtrlcUon Insofar u b u u M U N wen coneeiTMd. t

Then a n thoie ir t» woade^-Ji^ ■ !t w ten Um Dnlled ^ t O om pw n h lU uttd In tU Ute. ' -

• NOTB. Ohlo Btle u eipected to f<• Join tte tdmlnUtntlon u y dty,DOW ni ' Uiat tho'builh^''6f'ailutny'«peBa- Q• Utl I1B.UO.OOO lor ru rtl a tniuuon r

is under v a y . . . Prof. Be* Tu|w«U, of I te Bnin Trait, told lte Ide*

" lo tte pubte Worki Boud ta d Uit Bmtnency RtUef AdmlnUtnUon, S'

I whleh t n puitlni up Um money. , . p

' sI fiBsrsenfiy^O osndl'ijttiriedenUht"- /o ta iu o n KOiea to t a m r u r C 1. quesUon U>atmay te put tbout lor*- cramenttl le tm uet . . . l t e l in t „0 d n f t w u lent In turn tocsch ot tn i1 mtny nev letupi for improrcnWiRit tn d addition . . . Quntlons and'atf. i l I swen ooapUedUiui far approach cni' di


I NEW YORK • ■ ‘5 By Jtmea .MiUnlUa v |^

. BUDQET.Newyorktoiindmoney- ai• Uei t e n turned frmn doUtr tiabUl* ui ■ u tlo n to budget btltnclni u u Im-I m edltli ebiecUve. They know Uity'n

licked on the fln t but ttey itUl h a n I tepei of curtalllni l te npendUil I sprto — oipecltlly lUch ipendlng u ^ 1 might tire Uii lOTrmment t \-olce <t- I Ul buslneu mutcement.' T te lr tcUrlUu wUl toft-pedil ci

altrmUt Uetlcs. They wUI locus in- M: itead on the long-term dUtdvanlti- dn

: eaorconUnutllyspcndlngmuchmon I Uian >-ou ttke in. - u 'i They t n eaeourtied by Um r lu Ul e„• le rU D ouilti 't ttock tn d Uiey lec- ' reUy hope U ut ilem r Mottenuitu,' J r , can be convened uito t rtlutble c ' AUy. inslden vhUper i te t Ctrle

' b u been doUu hU ttulf tlom theie ' Unet since he went to Wuhlngton

u Ifon rn th iu 'j u jb jam . Of couna

oUw ideu . - •' ■ • SARMS. In ordtr to n u tu re .Um j

Ftto ch publlo — vhleh U extremely ,(( nerrout orer contaued nvtittlons of O erm u war proparaUOM - thi m n e h authorlUM vUi loon permit nevi to "leak out' about tte lilea s oddltlo'tstottelrovnmllltacycqulp- _ meat. • T

71)e fln t U t nev alrpUna boenb. I

opi a lie tt of 4000 degreti Fahren­heit tn d cannot be extlnguUhed by any chemletl lor fire houn. The bomb w tU te only Uine pounds tnd u airplane c tn cttry aerenl Uiou* lU d.

T te tecond device ia an airplane nuu tracM McnUy by Sm uet which c tn carry 30,000 poundt of bombi In addition to a o tv of IJ and two luU-ilte npld-llre guRs-«t a crulslni tpeed of n i a lle t ptr bour. t v o hundred of ttea« plann »hould be In Mnlce by neztiummrr. (Copy, right M raura Nfwipoper fijndl- calc). I I


BTOLEV, Dee. M - M il Truth Tnylor, .daughter of Mr. lod J tn Darld A. Ttylor u d Elmo I’lrUh, son ot U r. u d U n. Ben raruh. v e n mtrrled Bundty evening In Po- eatoUo. T tey v t n t««ndtd by Mlu Reta C ru e r tnd T»ll Taylor. They t<tamed to Burley Mcoday ar.d vlU make tte tr home hen m Uie Niilon- al'boultptztm entk.

T te brlda U Ihe diughler of t pi­oneer ftmlly. gttdutted from Uie nurley K ho^ tnd the tnah State Agrlcultunl college t t u«an. Bte I h u beea te^Ing^ h m ln Uw hl|h I Khool for tereral yeita. |

Mr. PtrUh U t nilire wn ind U | ir«dutted Irom Um Burlty ichooli I and recilred his hither tdunUoQ st I Ull Albion 8l*t« Normal lehool tnd | Um DolTertlty of Idiho. lie it t«ach- Ier of m tltem tU a In Uie Junior hlih I tehooL I ,

A numbtr olpartiH teve btca |l r - '



they were photojrraphed a t the rotary of s ta to ; tho president; W ea r roH', Je/t to ri/rht; Henry A. A. Swanson, secretary of tho na' and Frances Perkins, secretary < = 15 ' ',ias = : s , =


O A lO rr. Dec. M ~ The OtUaySecond Ward Sunday tchool, uoder

J the lupervUlon of U n. Bertte 8e* i j n n , u iiiied by B ertte simmoni g. and Rhodt Dlekion, put on a de-. u llihtful C h rb tm u 'cu l tU . in Uii

tudltorium of Uie hl<h ichool. A lter.. ^ v trd i duclag v u Indulnd In tnd

nfreihtnenU terred.T te OtkJay Befood «ranJ J« a » i7

uiocltUan held t OhrUtaiu ptrty to for enroUed memben Stlurdty ere- « nlns In Uie chunh. Bsnta Otaui dU- S- H b u ta 'm i^ ^ i iU - t d 'iB r M i y ^ NelionUprtildcatolUietiMcltUon. n Bilurdty tfUmooo tha O m li ia Stake P r la iry . auoclatlon offjeen n. sara tn InUnstlng Ohrblmu pro-

gram for all the chUdren of t t e Tal- ] . ley. In the p ityteuu. Stint N lctelu aJ etme and Ulked lo Uia chlldnn u d w ttceitrd their iDfllylflailJtaueitalKi f Chrutmu present*.— ...................^ U n. U J. RobUuoa J r , li Uie tlaka I* pruden t of Uit utwUUon. , n Oordsll Stoek If 'iu ri from tcnool

I t Logu. Utth. lo spend the hell- days v lth his parent}, Mr. u d Mrs.

■7 Bdjrin-E-eiotL----- -— »' 'iT he IdllQvlng iludtnit iitendlng! - Uie Soulhern Snnch of tbe Oalren-

Ity of Idaho t t Poctlello t n ipend-; " Ull Uie holidays with their parents.' '* Arleane CurUi. A m Roblnton. IU l- ' I* Uo Crannej'. Opal Adami, Marrin:

ro lm u , Wiliam O. Tolman,3 Mr. Joseph P. Price tnd family, ot* Qolt Uke Clly, ara spending a lev \ d tyt with Mr. PHee's ItUier, Jascph « R. Price.

Maurlne Roblnton of Salt U ke ll City Ll vliUlng her p in n li Mr. and

Mrs. L. J. RoblKoa. J r , for a few > days.* ROM Mary Clark ol Salt U ka City.' U sptndlni a fev days wllb ber p t r - ' ° enli Ur. u d U n. C a t CUrk. j

\ S. p. RAMSEY NAMED j --------TO-GOODING-BOAROf? OOODINO. r*e. :«-'\Vord v u n -

Rou of Sltnley P. Ramsey of Ihe* J. C. Pilnler ond company irocery 1 Ito n here, for counly ccmmlulontr;* of Ooodlng eounly. to’iufceed An- ~ thony Tboma, deeeued.

I ...'- .1 .................■■'' I—

j n r M i i j i n

i B trry Laagdia Osaidy -ROABONa BOMEO’ *

yarelty ta d B end Newt

K tt. 10e-»ei Ere. 10e-Mc-«e



he Whlt« House. SeaUd, ieft U ; William H. Woodln,'secretary ol A. Wallace, aecretary of ajricu]. navy; James A. Farley, postroaa-

•y of laborH ff^ Photo.

p m H E ^ n n o Goooiider _____8c- •OM aooOlNQ, Dk . M > n ti follow- de- ing itudenli from tha Valwnlty of Ull I d t te I t UoKow, i n spcndlnf tte «r> beUdty teuon vlUt Uielr pireaU: Uld Bote u d RuU) Ueyir, AddUon .. Beem u, AUen Jeffries. UUdnd

PiUertoa.2tffltBUnU,'ButseU8i* ^ ker,' Dtla Clemmooi, Otetlas ^ T tem pun, John Olouier, J ia a i

PiuU, Joha Cooper, Holdea Bowier, A M d c h J o M e rJ lo a Jn lre a lty jt f

J y Id tte . EouUiem Srueb , i t Poeitel- ^ lo. L iUar Proctor. Dtle SmlUi. and Mil W ilter Ueierlp a n 4 t lume.

Eldred Thomptm tnd n t Uaa !«• rales t n hen from tte.U nlrenlty ^ ef WishUigtoa.

md ■IK Un . Wird Hsliy. who w u hen -*■ T t o r 'T t e t t - w t i i f lE iB s r T r i e

' wtUi her merner, U rt. E. t . Woodi- worth during hir l u t Ulnau, lett thU week for her homa. S te w u

nrt] lecocnpinled by her unola Ohesley 31?; Sima of..8pokaM.-WuWa|toa. - i

IsvUur et the deeeued lUUr. . . . __ : The Comaualty. C hrutm u t m ^ T K einn -froa-on fie-ceiirtT ifiU I® Ing 1 hen on Saturday erenlng. Decem-

, te r J4 v u veil ttleaded S ' chlldna' 'd - io f the community, Btgt ot cindy ‘H -'and nuu vtre dlitributed to til sl*'fimtll chlldnn. Music by Ooodlng < U>:hlRh school band, and CteUtmu

:ctroU, added i note of OhrUtmu of cheer.


BTOLEY. Dee. JO-Atrugtm eaU lly , teve been completed for the funeral u - serrl:ci for tjn n K. Mortensen, ton

lof Ur. tnd U n. Robert Uorteniea.I wte dlwf t t t te Tirla M U hatp lU l, I Deeember 3 i Senlcei will te held I a t Uie Rupert F ln t ward L. D. 8.1

,n I chunh Thundty afternoon a t ena | lU -o'dodrvUh'BUhop-O.-J.-Bitttwmi

ofncltUDg. IsUrmeat will be- In U u : re- Rupert cemetery, o( ■■ - - — - a s =

he;ryI tr ! JOE*R 8ATH:-

On ChrUUnii Dty a fellow u ie d mo u I knew wter« t e

“ eoukl get I "mlnlatun eocktaU." _ Why mlnl&lure I aiked? and te

; replied. “One drink aad In a - ’ mlnlatun out." Eh w tet! 1fouH

I don’t get your ite re ot Ibe Good TTmei Jutt around the eomer...

— AT JO K -rS -------


I l ! » * l ; « i 1 • I lls

\ ' v j

byLouiuM iyW cott



DoutUa Mentsomery Heary Stephenion

Wai-Ctrtoen « Newt

U‘i Comiac'Eaonl "TLTING DOWN TO BIQ’

N o n : It's AH la TW. tn d Wl Never S a te 0 » W eu t

KIDDIES Ilo — ADnLTS tiic'

riNG, DECEMBER 27,'ItfW - '


Heralded u being Uii a o tt itrUh I muslctl plctun ilnoe tte adrent ef

j.w nT pictuni. Paramount-I "Cel- li«a H uaor.' openi t«fty i ( ( te

— idCHraMit n f or - r n tum ” ihow»- ■ fag. ' . ■

Sixty pulehritildinoui ehorinu, ‘Die.Ox-Rotd Co-Edi, t n fetttured Ul m e n i eriglntl muilcti le- quencei, tuged by Htrold Hecbt, fimous d u n director. ’ T te cu t, top-hetry wtm I t tn , le itu tt t Binf Creiby.jfUchtrd Atlen, Jick Ortle. M ttr CtrUtle, Oeorga Burai .u d o r td e Alien. Bowtrd Jonu (eoieh ef SouUiem Oiufenua foeUaU

- U ta ) , I«aa Andn u d U ttk Korn*

U you Uke I good OT I t Uu mor*! te t-d o n t go lo "OoUega Huaor," but U you Uka to tu g K - u d c u lU ad Uia a tn la of oat coatUiuoui gufftw for ilmoit u bour u d i

letrn w btt coUeie m e-ouibt te te Uke, la *OoUege Humor.*


B U R lzr, Dee. 3S-A lonly WMt- t to ding WM iolemnUed Sundiy iftar- . ^ noon a t four o'clock when UUt

Bonnie JoeDtUt SkUat bectaa t te CUl- brlda Of Mertlo teon O ta u l t T te U 8- cenmony w u performed a t Um

home of tha brldegroom'i ptnnU , Ur. u d U n . Albert CiUnuU, In Uia

= . preseaca of' Uie ImmedUlo famUUi. with Henry atm uU o f ' Rupett. tn iiiin iU i(r ''e r ite iiuua , m d in r

' - the wadding ceremony. ’, , , , , Tha bride w u atUnd in a gown IjUl: of powder blue cnpe and carried HID American Beiuty rou t, l t e w u I t ­

tended by Bernice CttmuU ia i- gown ot ihtU ertpe. SUnley Sklle*;

bnUier of the brlda w u bett man.^ UtUe Amy Lou B kU etudPtliy Clt*

mull w en flower gtrU. U n . Olea ^ Batei. Twtn PiUi, played t t e wed- ■jnJ ding m ttth . T te cenmony w u per-

formed under in arch of fernery and foUage. The rooms wen tewUniUy deconled Jo red tnd green.

™ fouowuic tte cenaony i dbintr n i enjoyed. wlUi Uie centerpiece i

^ c ite deconted wtUi i a iaU tun ^ brtdil c irty rth m k B -w ira id r in d -

deconted by UMbrideinom'iftUier. OutHjf town gueiU wen J tm n SkUu, SoUe, Ur. aad U n. Henry Citmull, Rupert U n . Qlen B i ta

t>l7 tnd UUi Annt Bttat, Twlo fiU i, u d SUaley Sklles, Uoicow.'

The younr couple wUl te i t lusne te UieU friendi ifte r Ju n iry . 3, at

^ tho^JreH udiptrtm eaU .-------------- r>ds- 3 te brlda U tte daughter, of U n. UK A. 0 . Domsn tnd h u been employed m Ul I iocu ston . She gnduated from I ln Uia Surley high Khool b Uie cUsi

; of iSM and u u r slUnded tehool t t Stcramento; CallfomU. Ur. Catmull

tm aUo attended Uia Burley acbooU aad >uw tt-emplored'br<tei>Utoil(«KBptcyr rm-


aoOD m O . Oee. 3«-Counly Sup- crlnlendtnt Sidle iCell npcrU as U tchen uklng for work under CWA nUef funds. The imount tUotUd for UlU counly U 131 a week vlUi i

IM quota of two teachen, sbe lUtei.■"* N. E. Wood wte Utches art in

Qoodlng college hM applied lor art nU u d c n t t laitructor,

iea. ■ - - - ' — -------I I n I— a

> < C l V V i ^

Ita- ■ ~ i r T I M Uu

- HERE AGAINt T HE .m " r ai»iA aH t?I

; ■


f f l n ^ f i j l L y flBC TM innKl

I% I 11 1 I

e ' r — ■! •'<


K ty r ru c U eemet te .tte tereea of t hO 'O riieua U ieitn todty la

“ te r U tu t tU n laa plcUin for War- “ *■ BroUim T t e Houu ea Utb

MUI m a c u tS j t u n p u t ec B ^ a . oa i of tha moet betuUful u d a o tt itta»a popuUr of BroidwiybutterOy cher-

M* Ul girU whOM betuty. u d chum liecbt, le t ber into trouble, t t t e chine* r ^ terlaUon U stld to te Uie moit •. ;BJB| d r ta tu o role of her ctrter, t te ro- Otkle, tnaneet u d Uw tn«edUi In Uu Ufa

tn d of tbU Ihow gUI glrlag UUi m a * « « j j cU Uie opportunity to run Um j i - •tbiU a u t in emotloaii ezpnuioa.Kors* - - - .


ef Amerlcta family U fe ...a ftmtiy of four glrU, I deroUd. uaielfUh. "i

• ideu moUier, i kindly. flne ftUier,^ I t u a ilrln r dnm a of their dero- [) U n , Uielr rlcUiltudei. their te tr t-

- ic h u , UMlr joy*. T tey U n i t » ' r L t period la eur hUtwy w tea Uia ua-

letUlnr eoaOUU u d tngedUi ef ^ ClrU w ir w tn ih tk ln i Ull Uad ind

Uu iniUtuUoai 'of home life. I t U 7 ^ * polgntnt wtth eaoUon. IV it tub- .“ S lima with lofty tenUmuU, mon

teiuUfuDy u d TlTldly lofty by eon- ' ^ t r u t WlUl Uu chtoi of lit tflne u d

btckgreund. I t e tcipu teUig tUck- Uy iweet ta d becomes, instatd. i

?nif. thing of Uiiplntloa.ot finer, higher' IdetU. I t h u no U tat of fU aboyu t

SSaonloui, TlTld colortD^ IU tool

gown looks out I t u i M Wl g u t upon it Tried u d a o r u ut to te rn , to Uia ethm- 1 I t - nU oa of conUct with loaeUilac la I noble, te i feeUng of ptUot, to i klle*. respect, a lore for humanity. The m ta. Urns and emoUont of Uieie four Clt* girU, tte tr m a tu ii. to n for eteh Olen oUier and Uielr p in n u , Uielr n tlra • wed- quaUty of girihood, Uielr romincei per- wlUi Uielr loreti, i n nfresbtng.

't n d Ihey pem da ua wltb Uu a ia e n - iniUy leUoa we feel Juit ifte r i ceoUng

tte v e r In Uie mldit of • hot tpell, n a tr w tea Uu i l r U leeaud wlUi Uiat ICI I eUtn, iweet taeU of fn th n ln . Itun “UtUe Womea- wUl eoapUU U l' rind- T O rrrld t y." —Uier. ’

™ BUHL STUDENT SIMS ■ liS WITH COLLEGE CLUB“ ! j n M M m u Mo. D». » - ' ^

” Chirlet W. Aldrich, loa ef Ur. u d if r t J O' W. AiarttBrJOJ'ffrtMh’iT#-— - ^ nue. Buhl. Id tte , i sUideat la Uw

KlrksrUle’CoUege e t OsteopiUiy te d

i r f : been mtde i member e t Uu Men's Uu couese. T te club su io lor .ipeclal .oeeuleai i t .Uw c e a e je r" . .. . ..i,

high achcol of Um da is or i n i when t e t^ayed In tho baad u d orchestn.

< After gndutllon he ittended ttu tm irenlty of Idtbo u d gnduited iRK Iron Uu Junior OeUegi tn 1D». WhUe tbere he w u i a e a te r ot Uh Olea elub u d concert b u d .

’“a# JEROME MAN . cilASQEO .'IWA WITH WEAPON A88ATOTitUd JEROUE, Dee. 3t-.Depnty Sheriff Ul I Smmett SmlUi tnd city Pollee Of- tei. fleer Robert umsap, u reiU d Btri - 1 ia OUea oa compUUit ot Un..OUen ' a rt etrly Suadty morning oa a chtrge

of u iau lt WlUl a deadly wupoa.

W TODAYH -JrA N D -T O M O R R O W ------------

U Or^THE T ILS ^ ' ^ “

H M 'a l f M f u a M . . . a o e c ib t f . . l« e n lM » f p td f fc f* « m o e tso d lp l^ a x ilH M ^ V

^ cctleQt Ofl in :ih t


• rwMWMl fUttff rn t

B I N G C R O S B Y— CEOBOI— O R A a i ------------- --------

B U R N S ^ i J i l E N

j a c T o a k i e

R I C H A R D A R L E N M A R Y C A R l i S l E

O x R o a d 'c o > e d (

Caatdy T P E N CAME T llg »AWN*

ranuacoat netartol

r e t Kewi

B ln tlaPrieM .Mat. « C n . l»e u 4 I8«

: ' ' , ' ■ - m i Y '


Page 5: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

Western AIBS-Poimd Signal ^

“ CaDer-Confident g As Contest Nears i

i f We Hit Our November H Stride Again—Look Out," B Cliff Montgomery A d - 1 vises; Praises Linemen 1 1

Br FAin. B. ZDOUBMAN ' H (AiioeUUd F re it SpwU WMta) H

---------T O C SO N ,-A ri» ..-33efc-2 6 - . M. ^ iQuiet, u n a u u m iiijr C U ^ ■

- /M o n tg o m e ry . C o I u m b U ’ s ^ ^ l 'V io o tb a ll u p U I n a n d q u t r t « r « H

btelc, th e opinion t o « H d a ; th a t S tan fo rd 's a talw arta H a re n o t go in g to b e puahlng th e U o n a a ro u n d prom taeu. l o t i oualy In t h a t roae^bedeehed ^ bowl In th e A rro y o Seco, N ew S '! Y ear’a day. . of

Al much ftt UM under vnbti fln ?hcu oa tb t cridlnn bitUetront, tt>» '____iMadtr, pinooabli, les-pound »lj- '— Btt i iu u t« ipoka rlih t UP;

‘A sm * VtU ezpteu BUnTord to l l | | i puib Ul uound N tv t u f i dty to JJU I

____B>m to U la for a O im ____anBOuncw. • n c

*1 dent know muds about M ia- / 1 ford'i oo«ap«r»Urt. tWUty. rb tn 't t l i , no b ifb of coiBptriioa X undn>I tu d tbe X&dltni a n U e and fu t.M tliat doeint mean tti«7 c m b u t

•It w U l ^ ^ » n ^ t « * b e out- w«l|t»d tn m end ' .to tod u d ttn u a b till btcuusd. T U t hip- peo) n tu lir i r to OoluinbU. I t will b t uauwil If we are out-fw<tit, tnd bui we dan^ lntend t in t ilstU tjippea.” K enl

U ontiom ar w u In d ttd etnu iL bill i He buLlt no tllbt briiIces..Ke n ld , t m : nothtnS'ibout hU own pnw tii. Be huot talked of the U im t i a unK. mfnt<

---------T ra tT d w ^ a iif iif lin w rirw i? * t S t "wtll be toufb to penetnte," be eon- Unued. ‘t^Mch Lou UtUe tsu n t ^ tiktn one Uilng for (ranted. We're worlLed from the sround up. knd no iq i

. " I dont 'know w hit effect Um cbinie of cllmito wUI h ire on u*. th e

. tie In (he b « t csndlUoa ot the k i - m in ion ind If we b it our Korember nine ' Itride in ln - lo o k out.” ■ prei

T relA PleuiO TTrtp jchool Uontcomery w u eicer to tet It AUUtt

be known Uis U oni tre not n tU sc 1 .9..1 thli t pltuure trip. FootbiU wfll be is V n

____ttiTThHf "f W *lnt i i I’lnin fifttriaon gthe (uae.' 'We're aolnf to h tre plentj of D _ , tine for tourlnc u d ilftibeeLna if - J j OJ tcr the Itm e ,''h e u ld .

Ooteb UtUe cilled the iquid ,10- M : p the r i f iln tod ir for Iti diUr ,1 footbtn dUeuulon tn d then took It I J to Uie UnlrenUy. of Arlioni (laid “ Uler In the aftemoon for Uie hird­eit workout ot the trip to dile. OTN

BorlmmiKlnc w u the order of the die U pneUee Mulon, which lu ted unU XKliti well p u t nndown. h u a

UUle worked hla f ln t and ueond llsMi teinu K iln on dercow if iln i t with . BUnford rererKi tn d ttrened hli here': own p w ln j tU ick. The flood UghU The were turned on the Held before the Uie h leulon brake up. CIncIt

Tbe Columbli mentor Indleited he menlt would Ukt to biTO Ilren ttie teim unitu more contict work, but he li ifn ld Ue. '

. of poulble Injurlu. Whether Ut« But------ ifteroooit-prteUee teeeloiu would be r m p

Uie order the rest of the week re* he ti milned to be teen. jwrhi

' = = : ^ ^ = = s s = ; =

Novelist, Actor, Philos Boxers Attend Rite

/ .U SA K O O S S, D e e .3 S ( n - ^ - Piy ••tr-poundT odB loaniodeforU ielu t w re l

time lodtr but oUien held Uie retni. rtrlter -nte cbeer ot crowdi, bookleema- probt)

==tor.b»Mr.B)*.»W«e«erlMoi-Joekm forme M they booled tbelr bortei bome~ ind U er (hit there w u noae. vete

'Hm toun^ Uitt h id UirUlM Uie the tc fUhUng h e irt of Uie worWj ire i t- irtio 1 eK Jookey, firM M of klngi, mlUlan- le in ) lln a tad r u e trv k touti were The lUUed. (Otde

la UKlr pUoe w en Uie oyrlid lor ol n ^ ot tte city. Uie bam of lUto- reid i “ ?“ • “ 0 ^ " nucout hoBklni of borni, Ua c ltn i which

i '? ' ^ the onco Of KOI • “ ? “ y “ ’'« ® f« » » » » tn c k ih e « d PW.

M th l^ of Uiem'M h* tode b li U il rlt.~ I ! l? . ■ t«ck ThrS e u J *

, TOere w no Jud|et’ i t u d t t tha loi^d « d -c r ty ito m b « o o e tn d to rT W . UUeIng rnenQi, «

-------Tnt-fuiCTlTtniW i l tn under- ^tiklBi pulor tew uht a im ill group to t e h ^ to bid l im r U lo aioin, rw iu «ho died lu t T bundiy from t Urer who t illment, u penalleu t t Ute end of light, hU P r lm w Pfth. wben be tOtwedtin lU landoU th .ubew uw benlM Thr turled hll ftmoui climb to f lo e m d cemet< fleeting fortune,

The gny wffin to'wbSehahe lu t uh. nof lOd filmn h id been cslrutled w u ner 0 nnaounttd wllh t tcitlerlttg of lutom flonl piece*. T lien n-cre t few 0! (be wreiUu tnd 1 big hOTtetbot. Prob- cuket iblr Uut w u u Tod would hire Tba p wlihed It. He w u n t Itrong on.floti^ TM e a . . him.

. V ' R W TA0BANT8 IN MEXICO A.NC 7 MEXIOO. D. p . tf lV U te JudlcUl BtlE

m ordi Ihow U ut'imong Uie farm c om lnil trUU tn Mexico l u t yeir utensilthere wen only two c u e i ot n g - Uilngi«oey. The lU: Included » J bom- tgo. hIddet ind n kidnipplngs. Za tU U.- bony.'

cuijnu w an jtUtd. ta d bc

ua’a QuUl-Starsi

Browns’ President Q

B I H ]Foi



W)I7IB B. VON WSI8B (tbon), e«* eculor of Uu ciUto of Uu ItU nui Phtllp Dl OiUibr Btll, w u elect* I. ed preildent ot Uie fit. ZmU chib uiy of Uie Americtn letgut. m mtt Photo. • fon

! = s a ^ ^ = 5 = ^ = ^ = ? ^

Burley Team Wins a23-11 Over Aira^

_____■' • bill

Jobcats Slate Game With " f Idaho Falls Squad whe

On Friday "in___ L ' '*•«*’

BURLsr. Deo. 36 (SpeeUl te « » J | ' <evi)-Bur]ey hlgb lehoet buket- mi trUiU defetted Albloa boop- M n ten 33 to n here tonight In a p rt- ^ euon pnctlce Krlmmtgi. Burley

smforUbli letd during th l entire n . Mae. The icon w u M to S la Um MMi b o n ftro r I t tbe hilt. la t curUIn rtlie r tUt th i Junior <1

« d Pellowi quintet woa orer Uie , lopbomore eUia iqu id by t sa to « ^ * « » . ,h ti Thl BobciU under Coieh Brown S T rtir=a5iei=raiWT’anfT555anB Srj

■n Inter-dlitrlct gtmo Pridiy tre - 05 , ling In the loetl gymnulum wllhI pnllm lnirr iklrmlih between Uie ^ ehoel tlumnl m d the f u t Burley lUiletJo clMb. 1111 opener lU rtJ i t '.p..nL. tn d Uie double.lUnctlon A s ezpecM to drtw a big pn -ie t-


Soxing Champion May Advance to hthk

Heavier Division «_____ , Uie

CINCINNAtr. Dec. 39 (-P)-Pred- “ 2 lia MUIer, lhe N itlontl Boxing u - “I oclitlon'i feitherwelght chimplon,IU an Idea hell grow up Into i IgMwelght tfte r hU tIUe icnp rllh Jickle Bhirkey of Mlntnipolli ^ lere’ New Y eir'i diy.They tre to go ten roundi for ‘

he honor i t the eommind ot the Jlnclnnill Boxing eotrnnUiIon. The * nenton refuted to tuietlonthebout inleu It WM for th t 136-pound U- “ £ ll. ■

ButMDle r J n ^ t ^ ^ ^ t m t o w

II tuMMdi in Itopplag Bhirkey, }|“ lerhipi e rtn It Bhirkey itopi him.

losopherand lites for Tod Sloan mod

Plying jdlent trlbuU lo h it memory m e figbten, bueball pltyen, iporU irlten, icter*, a ftw unknowni, 01 irobibly curloui tdm lren, tnd hU Con«mer-w tle,-Betty-M tloner8!«‘nr W pind UMlr b m U diugbUr, Jme. who tout rett on U i trm i of lo u TeU«*en, tum be tclor, tnd M n. MIcbul Cudihy, Oou Iho helped TM Uirougb h li l u t hom ein yein. “ilQ:The orginUtpliyed Schubert'* MT- Itni.

Hide tnd Dr. George D irldm i, rec- tu n or of a t. John'* rpUcopd church. Mi eid Uie *errlM irtilch begin*: "I im 1U1I1 he resurrection m d the lUa'' tn d of t rhlch it j a th i t ’'m tn wbo U bon u w If vomm u fuU'of to m r ." u ir pvom tbe organ petled “Are M i- i j j f

It.- Tht lerrloe w u'ended. Im-' Ihrougb tha m u e of tnfflo tnd »ood

JiniU the lllUe funeral proceiiion toot round, ta Uie lutomoblle* U ut lol- t j on-ed were Jim TuUy. tha noreUit, b«u iUe neddy, a former btU pliyer. miA rum JnnM. tlih t mioiger,. Jick vnrt toot, one-time boxer. Spike K ^ - on. tn EngUih pugUlit, AU Lery, (Ktiurmlesr m d friend of mmy rho htd occupied the publls ipot* (>nH llht, tnd Burr Mclntceh. phlloeo- been iw .Through the gites o t Poreit Uwn

emetery tha b e irx mored lo the a 1 dje of a grtre. 'There w u Uie fln- A. Tha piU bairen, lacludlng B tr- hire <y Oldneid. king in hU d ir of Uie ^ utomoblle tn c k i u Tod h id been t the hone tnck i, Ufted Uia imtU eg-H ukei. n d lu p p e tr td into the grare.•ba pulor iild t pnyer. Xojjo.TW filom ilept-U io world behind ^ *“ • fiUg

-V - .......................... ..... « n ‘.cent.

ANOZNT QtTNOABIAN I 0 I 8 Of BUDAPEST UP)-K toy btU in Uu n r e irm of t bird m d ,toy household'injui tenslls beUered to htve been pliy* u n d ilngi fot chUdiea of 3000 y e tn u ii r». h*rt been dug up i t P u t« i- in « my. lh # to n t r t of brooie, itone wiu, Jdbcai. .j t lo a i


Practice 1Coaches Sugges In Rules for Thrill-Seekini

, • ■♦^7Fooiball Mentors’ Associa- »

tion Offen Plan to ^ OpenUpGame * ^

(A iioeu tedriw BporU writer) cniOAao.^Dee. t l - B e T e a Rai

c juo ttt b ifce eeOace-ITUlm n te i fer >134. deilgMd to epm »» U agim *t«rlbe.beBente(U ulll- ^

T r lbe Am Hm reeOUI'CoMEH'' ~ u w b lle n ledir. bot net outreach w ubrareeaeoghte'predict p;Iber erer woold beeomemera th in OeotagrtfUHn. pUjTha pn^poied ehtngei, moit of *}“

Uiem re<iueiUd by a miaoclty of Ult i**"4 00eo u h etln itU n d m c« itth e in - ^ null conrenUon, were:

I. Permit forwint puiing f ro m jytny point behind tbe Une of icilm- themtge. (Under Uu pretent rulei. t niedforwird p u u r m uit be i t I tu t flre buty ik i behind Uia Une 0; tcrlmmiga fieubeton filing h li touei.) left

3. More Uie gotl p m U btck to Ull oowgotl lines. (Present rulei requIn tho ttrrrotl poiU be 10 y ird i btck of to tl ^

3. Abolish Uie detd btU rule! (Prttent ru lu declire t b tll tulo* ^ miUetllydeid when tn y p tr t of Uia ^ bill cinler'i body, exeept Wl htndiu d feet, .touch the ground.) «,«.

4. Increue Uie ildeUne ruU from10 to IS yard! (under preaent tulei ^ when 1 bill goei out of boundi ex- e«pt on torwird p tu or klckoff, Uio ^ g bill ll brought In 10 ytrdi from UietldeUnei.) t a

5. AboUsh Uia fumble rule. (Pret- «uil ent rule decUrea a fumbled ball U ^ l> lUtomiUciUy detd on potnt ef n - m d

“ fcAdopt a new “windy diy" ruU u ? whereby 1 teim In poueulon of Uie ung bin ilU ilB-Ua-owtt^ytrd ,llne ,m m ti windy diyi ctn lurrendtr tbe bill o m 33 yirdi n u n r lU opponenU* god p u j wtUiout kicking. Ootchea of boUi ptr teimi would h m to igree to u u , shot of th l n i l beforo Uu gtme tUrUd drop

7. Modify th e ' forward p tu rule / i whenby only IneompteU- p ta m on I f

pletfl p ia o i. on- f ln t. leeond m d ■ hlrd downs ih ill be oeunted only u

dowoi. (Onder preient mlet whtn- ertr my p u t ll Incomplite otw ttu opponentl end n n e . t touebbtck rtWlli « d the oppoihiig teim gitn i RqI. poneiHon ot the btll on lU wona o w n n e ) ^ ^ — --------------------------- 1

BaleaCeamlKeetoDeeU*Hie tuneitloni wUl be forwirded

to the niUonil ru lu committee, which meeU In Pebruiry. Ooieh ac Htrry Klpka of Michigan, e h i ^ a ot Uie coiehei'rulei committee, u ld gom Uia propoied chtngci were 'merely fm t tuneUloni or recommendiUoni." u u t

-m e mijorlly of footbtU eoiehei nou leem lo be In tiro r of UtUng Uu cUn rulti lUnd u Uuy tre Klpke ttld . ^ “but Uien tre aome progreuln tug* Oeoi geiUont conUlned In Uie u n n U ut to h mertt deep coniidenUont. But after he 1 111. W up to the ntUonil lulet com- motl mlUee enUrely. Oort

‘ e r e i l i n U ut mtny cloie g u u t to b wen pUyed lu t fill, but Ull cotchei i tn l m d fln t ihould undenttnd U ut Uu expe demtnd for conltati between mort pi cloiely. milched te im i w u U u . t i r

h u t i i u r th m Ull Of- i tm

T c m n u of Uu cotehu fiDed to « n t rereil ont th it would predict toe- Pua e tu far t U teren-euggeatlopi whin u a j Ihl nitlonil ru lu commlttw itudiei m d icU on Uitm. The conccnm w u Uut Uie propouU to tbollih Uie ,'deid btll,- tnd fumble rulea m d to ,__modify Ull fo m rd p u t ruU ob M touehbieki htd Uie b u t chinet, ■

AH Dlia«ree. ■Oil Doble. Ul# Mlemn m tn from *

ComtU, thouglil Uie nggeiUon to W helptetmtkeepawiyfromteo-muiy tete touchbieki w u a good one.' but fln t lumed thumbs down on the oUien. m it Ooich “Dec" Bpein ef WliconiUi, bo^ howerer, u ld tueh a luggeiUon w u nigh “imy." n w u th tt wty tU down Uie loori llni. Mot one iireed en t i l le n a • • tunetUoni. And'

Mtjor John U ortfflUi. Big Ten ^,ul lUileile commlMloner m d preildent BUn of Uie NiUoml CoUeglita AUileUc 8W uwcliUon. u ld ha didn't look for Olrt m r nd lc tl c lunsu In tho ruUi for - IPK. Ue u ld he did Uiink Uu p u i- Tt Ing-touehbiek luigetUon h td t ' good chmea of miking Uie ntw mla ^ book.

Tha report on Uie lurw y of fool- ^ btll lecldenti m d deiUu lii^ieaion.l AW mide by Ployd B. Eutwood, of Kew Wen

m ^ h t t ^ by Dr. Te(Mill B lensi. toraier he td cotch ^ I t T ill, IndlttUd more th tn one-] ~ tourth or Uia InJurlei might hive _ beenirolded. i f f

Mlibipt A nidible l iA big share ol Uie u rlou i mlshipi . S

indZ T Jperc tn tofU ietoU l.could M h ire been trolded br “tdequite leidaihlp" — closer tUenUoa to teichlng, pltyliig fleldi tn d pUyin' oondlUoa The prerenttbU lajuriu lUled by Eutcood were dlrided u foUon; inidKtuite eoichlng tnd poor pliylng lleldi, 11.7 per cent: fiUgue, cirele«neM. etc, per . cant, m d phplcil condlUon t.3 per H cent. D

Of Uia n deilhi rtported. only 33 . >■ wtre directly ittrlbuUd to foDtbtlll Injurlei. T«x]n wen the result of' undlot gimei, two In im iteur ;^ y , i 13 In h l^ tehool fooUuQ ta d two'In uUege. The report w u compOtd wlUi Uie eooptnUon of UT laiUtu- t ft laaa ]B liittt(»vU k]O M p la n a . 1 ^

BW8, T f fP f FALLS. IPAHO. ^

Bck _ P ro i

^ i h Johi» t Changes ‘ r Benefit of ng Grid Fans

Amateur Champion Wins at Pinehm:stGtorg« T. Dunlap., Jr., Six

Strokes Ahsadol Near- .

p n o sro iia * . H. o , a e . x m - .Oeorga T. DunUp, Jr., ef Ntw pUylng hla f ln t compeUUre folf Ilnee winning U u atU ontl a n itw r UUe I t ClaelnntU l u t fiU, t < ^ won tba siedtl In U i / Uilrty-fMt . PInehunt mld-wlnter chtmploniUp with t S7-3«-73.

DunUp-i icore. one o n r ptr, w u tha lu n i wlUi wblch ha took thi medtl ta UiU bmmtment l u t y ttr , T g but w u ngUlered under mere dlf- i ficult condlUoni. R tln i l u t night , left Uu long number a PInehunt \ cowM tlow tn d itiowen fell i t In- I t tm l i during the chimplon^ round. (

AU Beorei High.Ai t t t i olt ef the weiUier.-aU s =

K «Rt werelilgh u f i Duhkp’i neu - u trln lB rlo D .T h e m io n o f8 t.A n - SH drewa N. Bh w u tlx itrokei twty with a 41*91-7B.

.Hilbert J . Blue ef Aberdeen m d pllUbunb. a flnallit in Uu toomt*' ment U it yetr. took tn U m d Dick WUton ot SouUiem Floei, who n - eenUy Ued D unU pl ceune record of as, m (0. WIUoo m d R. P. D tr- Idion ot Wuhlngton, who-tlio ibot „ t a 80, U edlof UUrd pU « la Ou . J nullifying list. W

Dunlipa long game w u lUtdy m d b l mtda ooly four in o n , |tt> etu Uag lato Uu rough wltii dttrea on ^ Uie fourth tn d olareaUi holei, put- dup U n g h ta te e ib o tln to a tn p o a U u the wnBUtnU>vandJiimniJiU.itCQnd J t l t o n r Ull greeni 00 Uu home hole. Ti PUylng a number ona Iron on the a n p tr Uirte tlfteenUt, he pUyed hU Uu! ■hot tlra feet from Uit cup m d noci tropped hU putt for a MrdU dtuee.


____ _ high

Boise Pugilist Inlends to,< « —MakrKlil CannoirFlrtt-r 3

Fight Victim “ g------- -------------------- defn

/cconllnfloth*pIin.orjO flC o.* AP* t o B ^ ' i mixing Mexlctn, tie li clilogoing to mtka Kid Omnon Uie ilm:tin t rleUm of a comeback cimptlgn Uck: Chit wUl Und him OR top ot later- mou:mounUln welterwelghU. Ee di- i t t aUirei U ut tf te r ba. b u bciUn Uie in 1 ‘keed,” ba waoU to figbt 'Bimmy wbeiOeorga m d Jiek Burki. Zn juiUce thrli lo hU ludgment of Cannon howerer . he feeli U ut he li ittrtlng en Uie Oinoit dlfneult member of Uie trto. Inell O ortcihu remuked U ut he expecU iiituto be eiUed 00 to employ tU tbe etrl]ttntegy i t hU oommmd m d ha U MonixpecUng t tough fight. iddl

On Ull oUier hm d Canaon h u Bob111 hU typletl confldenee tnd U bruL

itnngUi ig tln it the. vetenn. H iU k Hi Bulch metnt a great deil to boUi w wntenden, m d for UiU rtuon Punch Oov] customen will p robity of blIM fnii|lit h«H1i> nf’lh« jjjj^wuon. We*

lo b------------------- h u ‘


■ Mull

bouWiUi cnly two pin* difference In imo

M tl-«o rt,S « lfl‘i.packen.c«n-tba. squi tin t tnd i u t of JUielr Uiree gtme mitch wllh Uie Motor Serrloe In IUC bowling Ifigue oompeUUon H i t night. 'm aU were 2301 to 3)01, wim None u fDlIowi;

MaterSerrlMA ndtnon___ '- IV IM 1)1 4M io\rPiu lion _______t » lie 173 4<BBUnien -----------H7 1J7 IM 4« - fSleriliv . . . -------1T» lai Its 419 pmf,O U h---------- .-IflO lae l u m

l i j U k _______734 7aa 7J1 3301a*(ft'i r tek e n

KeOODild-------- IBS l e 13S 41«Oommy ----------- 1 » JW 130 W k,M litiet - - -.171 i n 130 4aoAtnlp -------------W 137 i n 810Ueinlyre ----------W 138.307 W

Totm -----------1»* 71»^W13W ,], J,

rc il .

8 ^ / 6 6 e -IT b l.T > | h /wVOO PIN N Cft. in 0

i ^ i s R 6 A O Y -

16 th


im is jB s S

inNorhjf,CAPTAINS G ^ R E

TEN of (he foolbaU a tars who 1 in Sfln Franclaco w ere captoii (0 right, front row: BUadany bastlan, Pittsburgh. Rear ron derson, Colgate; Jonea, Indiai



(AiioeUUd Pr«H PA9ADEKA. CtUf, Dee. 38-W hU t:

IrylQg to td d weight to hto Columbli rhomhUl ipent todty In t a effort tf eunford Indltni.

The long Uy-off tf te r Uu rtgulir fi dupoto of the t in td y big Btaaford n Ult wtek ef preparation for the Mew

j t lU n iJ (L B U « D « J iU l i« J« M tv _ Today he u n t Uie BedikUu UuoUgh

t miyning drUl btlng littll BOn " U ua t M rm-up but in Uu after- , noon Uiere wi^ no f o ^ ’.- C

ByiUta V nehugid > 1 The coteh ipp iren t^ h u no

plini to mtke m y rtdlcil change in bit lyttem for Uie blg.gime but

diy*! workout, boUi eo offeaie ta d dtfnua, BUnford. w u uilng much * UH um e UcUcs employtd In Uu T highly niooeuftil Ptcino Ooait eon- ftnnee-aetK m -tnd.m nyr.iuggtiti. : ed U u t the defenie good enough ta ‘ Itop iH but one ot SouUiefn OiU- fomli'i-mnrtnrpUyi-wottld-benJe* - pended upon to ilop U u tricky it - lick of ColumbU. '

idenUty ef Uie men to pul Uu “ detenu w u aomethlna etoa ig ila A ptuclly of endi resnied In a da- g clsloo lo more Ben Poltmounttln. ^ ilmoit u big u hto ninu , from " tickU to Uie f lick poilUoa P ilt- ^ mounuln, icallng 307 poundi u d F itmdlng tn Inch orer ilz feet, to in ithlele who "ein pity tny- ,, where," to he will bototer the 1, ihrlnklng number of andt. ^

. MoacrtpBreletd 2Ons I ltr end w u ciught by u "

Inellglbllly ruling, t couple o( lUb- illtuiei ctme up limping ta tbe " etrly'workouU tn d JUn (Monk) Mourlp, a eerUIn lU rttf pending r iddlUonil hurti, to a bit bniised. R Bob UienU, t htlfbick, i l u to ^ brutoed here tn d there but wUl ba THdy a ww k h thoe ,-u wiu uo ^ “

Uie end tiluillon ilmoit iV certain to td ju it Itielf wlUi th t help - of big PilimounUln, (?oieh Thom- — 4UU'i-enly-oU iar- worty-to-«*iiUrr S We* Muller, huge center, conllnuei " lo be beiet by Influenu gettni and _ hu 'only in ouUlde chinM to get in . the gtme, He will be rrptoced by -. BUI B llu , no ilouch of t outer. P but Itcldng Uie conrlndng powtr ot Muller In backing up Ihe line. ).tul- ter weighs 318 poundi whUt Bales bouU 1 mere 183, nnkbg him imong the llghtwelgbU of Ihe


— (ContUiued Trom- P ig r O n tv r. .

do Irrepinble Injury to the sillonil credit.

“ Third, he idopltd thto policy— „ i Profeuor W im n 'i pollfy-of buying *“ gold tbore the world mirket Thit !“ l policy le tm i to h ire filled."

'I 'ourth, he tdopied tha policy of P*, buying tn d coining newly mined ; iUrer. Thto looki Ilke a coneeulon10 Uie Hirer bloe tnd miy be In- * tended to fo ruu ll demsnds for ” m rthe rlan itlon ,Idono tth lnk lhU *'•11 wm do 10. but if it Ihould b in

111 It ooiU.- “ ]need Mid Uiere h id not been‘■my

rcil inflitlOD yei In iny «nie."SIgnil te Conlideoea "

T t to cot too llte for the prul- deat to put down his fool and u y J 'Nol We wont do It.' - he uld . -If ho were to do th it . there Kculd be " in o u b u n t ot cocddence tueh u we h tre not leen in the United ” BUlet Ilnee Uie depreulon lelUed down. And there to nothing we need wmuchttU iem omcntuconndcncf In tha fulure. ,f

"Builnou h u Imprered hen to 0^ Krmi extent, but not 10 much u it h u la O reit BrtUln tnd loma oUier „ p ir u e f Uie WDrVLllhlnk tha whola « world h u been on tha mend tor 10 Bonuu. Our btnklng troublei, flnt. . m d eur curreney troubles, leeond, Ph hare held us btck ...." boi

need Mid todty ha h id found Oc Uut Pra ldent Rooienlt w u “per- Ra tonilly fR 7 poputor but Ihsl Uito Mi p3pult.*lly doea not extead lo lome iit or hla poUeUa,-*

r h , . ,.a.

P E c i n i T O B t T . M a _

Surprise, Idaho HetE ON EAST’S AUrSTA

io will pU y on t h a E u t ' s te a n . Ir ta ins, hono rary o r o th e n rlae ,o( (I any. P i l ta b n rs h ; GaUoa, Ohio SU row , le fl to r l s h t ; Danow akl, Foi d iana; G ilm an, O h io S la te ; .L tika

IfERS'EXCESS I ETS ATTENTION TINT THORNHILL IIAN BSUr « i 8Utf WrUir) J ........... „ Ililt hto eotehlng rlral. Sou Ultto. w u * mbit U o u a t Tucton. OUudi. CItny) rt tp tcHi'down Uie poundigt of hto

ir footbtU ttu o n Increaied Uu tTolr< rd min tnd Cotsh H>emhai wUl uu <ew Yeir'i gtme In the Boee Bowl In

lUgh two workouU In Uu bttU t trea t, }t -----1----- --------------------------------- I

^ M e m B r a n d i i

j P e f e a L s V a n d a l s i

j . — ■ I

t T ige rs of P o c a te llo Trium 'pli ’

; .O v e r M oscow H o o p l e m . ; *

By 4 4 to W S c o re .........I

ioOATELlO. Idaho, DWC 38 W H, Idtho Tlgen ooaobadtwOttyWlcW' bukettnU mentor of t te D nlnnllr ef Idaho, louUiem breach, toond

I their f tm hoop Tlctory owr U uV m . ;'1 d til ot Moecow h e n toalgbt. « u * More w u 44 to 40. I t w u Uia t in t *

J gtme of two t tu t a n to be pltyed ■

' In eompeUUon of ttia p u t, Uw ' . lU te unlnnlty teams from Mcacow f

ture ilw iyi emerged Ttctorloua In [ boUi baikittwU and fooUnU wUh <

, branch te isu .* Tbe Vaadtli were Itadlnf 10 te 0 ' I t ttu end Of UM f tn t few mlnuua \ of pUy tonlgbt. But Uie Tlgen n l - c : Uedto letd. 33 to 18, i t biU-Ua>i. I } During Uu U lt period Uuy hdd an «

18-poUit edge orer the northemen. g\ with Uu loore a t 38 to 30 t t one t

' regtotired 3 polnU during the fln t v . htlf tnd 13 la Uu l u t period, te ! letd Uu aeotlng. ' 1’ ■ Hie Tiger ptoyera’ beit peifotmar 1 ' w u Ronald Ht)e. left forwtrd, wbo 1' R H gW TrsR nrai*:--------------------jJ -TheieoondgtmewHtlbepUyedto. t !\ PEACE IN AMERICAS ,


; CONFERENCE CLOSES «9 '-------(ConUnued-rrom-Pigt-Oail— |

enthuiiuUcilly endorud for leek- J ing m extension o t Uie H-diy a r .

I mtoUoe In Uu Oran Chico w irfin. belwttn.Panguiy-tnd-BoUrla..........

KiUent Expma Thtnka ^ ‘ R eprtienU tlni of Uie two a t- ll . Uoni Uunked the conferenoe for li , iU peiee ettorti tn d tuerted (h it U ' ilthouih t Mlutlon In Uu conflict U

to m il In the otflng Uie obtUclea to £ > peice CIS be orercome. Q

Miguel Cruchigi. tha Chllem a ' mlnliter ot foreign i f f i ln expreued 0 : 1 belief U ut Uu Chico w tr tm not n . be renewed and rtciUed lh« hope- p

leuneia felt over Uu 'm iaingly y endleu oonfllct" when the confer- btnw opened on Dtcember 3 .____

m ipe u im a t^ u o i . ine Pcru^- f . in tm biu idor to Buenoi Alrti. d t- cl

clired th i t "leren eonfereneei w tn reiiulrtd to tw iken the conicleaca it

, ot Ameriet." KRegirdljig Ihe BoU\-ton-Pin> t

cuiyin wir. BeereUry HuU u ld U , -the tu k i were unspeikibly dlffl- w . cult but the good wUI towtrd peioe a■ which both h t n thown h u beea il ' luperlmpoied'upon dlfferencu, m d' they ottered the world tn eximplt : of how Mwerfully » will for peice

cm codger app inntty Iniupenbla tt , cWiafiei.- 5

T' JCKOHrE COUPLE WED H; ON CHBISTHAS DAT ”, JEROME, Dec. 38 - k u i Verdt « , Phliura Biker tn d I m n BUbop, d<

boUi ot Jeromt, were m iiritd t t fi i Ooodlng c h rU bsu tftcmoon by Uu n ' Rer. WlUiim a B o m u of th i ti I Methodlit church. T hi couple were tt I Ittended by Mtoi Ruth fiprlDger tod n

^otisiga. ’ . 1 * 1


EFAjPasMfback, Inr A R C H A R r r V T E A M I I

_ J




■ lla Wl

' Ag; EI, In lh e an n u al E a a l- W n t f u n e S if th e ir ow n sq o a ili th U f a l l L e f t S s u t e : W alton . P itla b n rg h ] Se- SS F o rdham ; J a n M BockneU, An* Nt ukafs, N o tre D tm ev-i< ff) Pho to ; " J

' • • • • Or

^ bate for Floht In Nw York • S ■ Chajigei-Seobnd ti™-':^ To January 24 - ^U lUto f f

a | Rou, llghtwilfht cbta^loo. aad 1 ‘ tlQy M n O t. odgloaUy aeheduled An

for Deeember 8, v U be h a tf ia 't tu Ha OoUieum h e n Jm u a tr 34, I t ,w u ehidtclded’todar. ' «a

PietDoUn of Um mated had tea- to U U r^ u t Jaauaiy. 10 u Uu a n r ■1

» d ile for Um bout poa^xmd bewM tir S ^ «hrtnV1i»f InfMy >«t _ J" BE

potated M t th a t EUanrUi Vhua Wl L vnild make hto profeialoiul teanU Prl It debut Ig tln it BIU TDdta la Uadi- Bti .. M S q u a r a O u ^ ^ t ^ t ^ t . ^


IN RECOVERY MACHINE j«l i - lO aU M iM B m iiF M tO a ) I J

I* J jium l. for K tlm to m lk . K IM E r r t lerere. U*? , Much BccuUUea h u btea trew - ikt

e d u to w W u r Mr. Itoeaenlt might : <] ukforlegtoUUCQlaeooaeoUonwUh me

f hit gokl buying-moatUn p rogna ley ^ to mtke lUltgaUty, which h u b e ea to i i ^ t e d , undoubted. a^ SktUbee OaUoek “

H To aulit him la lummiririnf fcr 1- eongroi coodlUoni u they aund a t « f t . Uw mement, Mr. Booeereh h is Uk- ¥0 ed aU federU tgendea for RtMrta 1 *, girlng Uh T t tn ot key olfleen on

It uiuil reQUcaU for Infctmatloo. i l to TTM igtDcUa .aupplying Uu daU ' '.• a n many, but ptrtleu ltr eoniuito -

V w u Jt¥xi Upon Um fedenl ne trre u intern whleh m tlnttlni. up-ta-tbe- ■<- minute lndlc«t 6n tU bUimaa G a b r ~ >- Uw drll worka admlnUtnUoti. Uu^ pOblle awka tdmlntotraUoD and UM . reoowyadmlntotrtUoo.• A Report w u current la Wuhlng-' Ion todiy, but could aot b t offi- .

ctoJIy rnlfled, U u t toe myiUrtoui ^ m e ^ ef fedenl tm n t oflldtto 7

S l u t Pridiy t t UM tr tu u r r «*a to » . prepare t builneu and loduMrUt ^ la ilj iu . The meeting Included Um ^

- goremon-of-m tny-of-UM -retem~ btnki who were hurriedly lucanoaed qIa ' toW ublnitoa. {jj,

^ Uae Vp far C ud ^■' "A nrw utilfo rleg toU U m laeoo-- _ *1

necuon wltb Uu i^ d ^ g t^ ^ ^ p lu , ta.iir leid to a rlgo rou ideb iua i Us a w - Nn it Ul m d iccoropUihmenU, la which Uu rt Um ccnsm iure clement of Uw u b « DemocnUo pirty, led by Senitor ata

OUU of VlrglnU. would tUy lUelf 1 n wIUi Ul* o a guird Republlciai la » » d criUctolng tbe pUn. Eren wlUiout a rou It n«u u t lor legtoUUon, Um moneUry aer

ptSgrea to expected to be Uu lu ^ the y Ject et n'jmerpui torrid apeechu hi « .

a rirucUon corponUon announoed hto m tgencr hid bought 813,000 ouacei a t /

; X -s illibtly leu th m the wvek prrrtoua.

J 'Boncc* of.SBtrlta C l• Of l u l week'* purchua^ 87J10.- < OOOrepreMnUdmlnreitmentofa^

v u ta ■tnting fund opentlcos fot » U» retirement of Um ^

, Morgenihiu u ld Um lu rjia i lundi w tn aew luppUed. trom four gw-

1 em m entireiS ei.parttlitrlng i,U u

! ^ a n u re n i idmlatotrttlon-Tlu tort to be 1I w tddltlon to UMltot. Ttw tuadi ItI tumi orer to ttM tte u isy for la- * 1 *«im«at wme from n U ^ la*ur.

taea payBJtata* <iuci

i s a d | | i

‘ Rival Grid Teams J Start Two-a-Day PractiMlVograii I

C o ach e i P e rc y l i o o y . Deii- >■

v e r, lllll d r ir i H ollliigbeiy,

W a s ti ln g to i i /S ta te D l r e o t ' r i

- - W o r k o u t ' a t ' ‘ Berk’e l o y - : ^

BAN htAlfCTSCO.-Die. M ‘-'iEuU rn ta d WeiUm loothtH ta - .

_ aUw t o -w y t r t y for Um - t

• rtirted a liio-a-dir*wortotrt pr».' grtm todty^A: .. <-4.:WeaUm pUyan woriwd oo t^ la-/ '

, Berketoy uader C otchu P a rv 1#- ’ '1 oey o t D u m tn d Grin BdUngbeiy - . ' ' i.' ot waihlngtoa Stata, Oae ta a a w u

• lined u p .M ’lol]0wi:.;XadettB»b, Wuhtagtoa. aad ita r to T w a ia d o . .

' AgfUt: taeUea-Bchwaaaaal O n- .' goa BUU, ta d n t ld , o n ic it Bttta: . ■

guarda-Jto rli, o ^ o tB li , aad BU-t .Of n a i , SoQUHra Calltcm U t'eiatar-^'

l[J f f i T e S S m S S a f t a S Sbteka-'m rtT . Zdaho, ~ and-Baaar,. . v-

n< Ntfanaka: fonbaek-<inbaai, Xaa> '^ - lu S U U . ....... ■ .V;

b a t iu c th ara lara t Wttt! C a d ^


J W a d i l a ^ ‘M t i haUbadta-Nibl, -I I Oohtml£i.' eottoca. ’ aad Bovnua,^ OngcB r«at* ;.M lb tek> lflkatok ,■' Ongop.,,- ..., I . " ' ' ''ilPk .,v . n a e a m « - ; " < ; . I . '

' I t e c t ^ s t f n a a ' ^ ' ^ e ^ ' ^ . ' \. atrtaed. A 'plaefklde-'attmtaaUea VV.

ceataat.pieduaad'.three maa,’t a - : '’ geaiaa, BaUUt aad BetnramauL aa

itaadoato aad ahect oa a par. Hihl.^^ ba Baser, B ettet u id U draU llad '.- -. ll

atpcaU ai;__________ ~. ■........... - ■'4od - At Palo AMo tbe tu H t eoaebaa,. -?:t td A a ^ Kair ro(..OOlBU.-aBd.suk ^ '4 be l^ a y .e f .W e t tb a ig « a ,,a aa t,ta a fr - u e h a r tta th ra a ih a ’d rilt.eatba.te* . .< ■■■i

' e a ^ ^ t h a t h m been U n a t t e a ' . y ,

tn ' n u a q n a d vaa dtrldad tate'tw ft'..:'<V M aU na i M fcO on: ^u l

M w utoo, 'n t t tb o n h , ta d -cfcpK- ' I

U- BUta. .andjieham m al,..;^} .e e a ta r , V;':

*' iSS&-. Iowa; f u l ^ d M a l k a l ^ I l o t r e - r,r o aaw — • V .I ..rj

BBCkaiS aad Bnpkt, Alabama; caa^ - ter-P iU ra, O eln ta: ooaitatback- ■

> Pardoaair, Pardtu; lulfbatka ^ '« E nrhardai..U ldilga8. aadjBtbaik;

Uaa.. PUtoburih;'faDbadk-Daadw* • . , . a- ifct.Tordham.'-'-- ’ ' : *'■b ( : T tu Uae-ape w ait . daieHbad ag Ul merely -«xperlaeaU2.".Coaeh Baa* a i ify u d d U u p liy a ra w ira flttta g la - . ta to thetr a a a l^ m U uUitaetetlly.

A few acrinuaaca aaulona wm bf ' bald thto m ak.

er — — — — — .

1 Yonth Advances in

r i T - Y e a r - O l i l l i ^ k l e P a r k e r . . . .

SJ M akes Im p ressiv e D ebut . .

“ A t N ew Y ork C ity

! • ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ — '■ ■' v c w TOMC Dee. 90

^ h t a k u P a rk e r . '1 7 * y tt r^ Itar ^ wbo h u been namlnited tor Uu ^ N o.l»oilU onlnU uaenlornaU 8C ,~ made m Impreeiln debut Jn Uu

f ln t dty^ p ity of ttie nt<2 tlo a il 'J u h lo rT o a o o r te n i^ 'T S ^ ---------M ploaihl;* todty whea ha b n u « l ..

Uirough f tn t . aad aeeoDd round matchea .wtUi M lou ot oaty two

1- * % a MUwaukee youth, leeded l in t ' ' JL la.the junior draw. dafeaUd SUph- ly tn H. OgUry e t Northwood tchool, r* Ntw BochaUe. New Tork, u d Na- :h thaa RlUeaberg of Oenlrel Iflgh N Khool, Waihlngton, D. O . by t ^ ir tame ecores, 8-0,8-1.If In addlUoa to Parker, an eUur in aeeded i t t n tdrtnced to Uie Uiird A round wlUi Uia exeepUcn e t Boa- y ner Bedmm of I l t m r l No. 3 la> Uie dnw. Bedmtn w u Uu ricUm tn of m upiet i t Uu h u d i of Buiielt

E. BiU ot B P uo , Texu, repreieat* lc Ing NorUiwettem unlrenlty. Ball,

foi&Ui nUUd u d out-fousht Uie .I. R tm rd pltyer to wta after three*'U k»g leU. 10-12. M 4 .8-9. ' d Ptogr la Ull boyi ilngtoa atoo wmi f to tbe Uilrd round, wltti tU of Uit K leeded pltyen. heidid by 19m m W.[: Croum m .jr.olU M B tm irdK hoet. .

New Tork, id ru d a g . a! , ,

C a n z o n e r i S i g n s

> F p r R e t u m B o u t

f NKW Deo. 38 tf) - tw y ^ Cuaxieri.foraerllghlwtlgbtebtm -

bout in MtdUon Bquu* ' Oapdaa a jinutrylZC m xaoerlw iB thetrllnt 1“ batUe la U n rouadi. n » aext wm “ be a t U rouada... . , .

I* ]ftrO M O o*W B aeat,a ilo raa ta -•> dlridual. Uiere U bnt coe wty to r e - .

t f u c e u i t f - ^ ^ l M B a n i r . - .

■ ; T ~ ~ i i

Page 6: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

^ l l l ^ l i t l l i ^ ^

. ~ * T

Q iilet P os t-H o lid ay S e ss io n S

Brings D ow nw ard T re n d f

, O n N rY .E x c l ia n g o . „ |

. . . . — ftj


(Bt T bt AMOcUted P rm ) ^ m r VORK:. , . . . . Stock*: He»Ty. JMtaU leid

ilo« decUnr.ndodi: Ire fu lw ; V. a for* «

emmraU Ilrm.Curb: nn v y ; trtdlns <luU. uFcRlfQ cxcbinse*: n n n ; T(

ita lto i I h m PiCotton: Qul«(: loctl And w

------- -eoathw uelUmi-ponr Um ud. Iff

8u |ir : lo ir tr : »emw br pro* wdudJis in tnrtti. 19:

OoKm: BiMMJjr; rtetdlCT D rt- i t____ tiiun mtrteti.________________

CBICAOO: InWheil: 8t» d r ; eoM uphold* «

U nn; re it l otferinji

m»»dy to « o Wiber: W

- “ i S i j Btrtdjr to 10 lower; top ^

Bf jo n u u c o o u n r ® P n t t F l n l o ^ Writer)

■ - ^ Y O T K . Deo. a ^ M t-h o U . ^ dty duUneii w t tbe rtile to nu r- «

. keU lodty. For Hoeii. the trend P“ , VM dorawtrd. tbougb mtny w t J

iooM irere modent«._ O rdni tn d w f>i>n4i drl/Ud. DoOtr dnllast P '

■ h i» w ratM {or the tg » _. i.lgn -

few cenl* here. Uiere n t a boUdty i tnLoodon. ezi

. , Stock! itemed Ursely tuider pro- gji ■ fenloct) maplees. Oold thtre*. Ne

. whleh h td jprtnted Stlurdty pot- rei

.• ilWy tn wpecttUoo U “newi- »l- . • tecUni tbea, were dropped by thote ' IriU btd fpsKoted Uiera la d other /

mettl U n a encountered rttlUinr. ert■ Tbi mtrkel tppetred to leel th t t , 1,

lamedUle elfects t t le u t of the mi MV tUrer pUn h td beea dUeount- ^

'- •e d ; ■ 7 ‘BrntH'O tftrtoh,. " ' ' I

■ ■.‘Iiut k UIdc uwtUy^mtket * dent me . i t thl* Ume ot yetr. tllhouih broken ^

the U*t mtrket In which luch 'tn tii- ^ icUoot c tn b t mtde in lha -resu- t tor wty;” beflsnlnc Thurtdty they «o muit be for cu h . TJUimn m tp - ^

<* eccwlni. Tbe utU ftrtTcnce todty - mtd>'A new 1933 low.' ;

ISctn Telephone, luirertd cQutUy. ,, Cue, Ameriom SmtlUng, DU Font, ^

. 'iMucoQdt. Kennecott, Dome U lna, filandtrd Oil of New Jersey, Chryt-

-------Ur,.Unloo.Ctrblde.Asd.teTetKl rtili.Includin* New. YotIt Centrtl. Con- " !

- M JJditedtJu of New. Penniylttnlt, J — Btiilmor*-tnd-o«o.-«nlon-P*eui2 SS

“ IAmetlcto Ctn, Oeneral ElKtrlc. '

. WcilUaibouie. tnd , Bethlehem n ti *

. decUnei trertced h tU m po in t Vol- tm e etme lo U16.ISI ehtrw.

BolntM Exceed* b tlm a ta > Derelopment* o n r ths long Vttk-

«nd tdded to WtU t t r w t l fund of fact or .cQtilp. O bilitm u bu ln tii .

■ tp p e tn to .btT» esoeeded MrUer u - IfPd (2M ffitlBteotflcs of QW

buiineu Iniiloct on t n upwtrd iluit . dulnc m n t of Deeember h u been 3U obTioui for tome Ume. PrtUnlntnr flkurei on freight loading*, which h tre beta movlac contrary to te t-

’ Motl Mpcrlenee, indicated loae let- <th down In rolume ckf IralHo mored. 4l)i

Openton for the iteel induiiry, according to the Americtn Iron tnd 4U

_____ «art..m fl.-fl{tTgta mweek t t SU per cent of ctpoclly 4* acalnit 3(2 a week ago, reflecting 3^. _____________________________ a s------------:-------- --------------- --------3H


fJlht huldi«».Vl»‘w llll MUniU^H M ^

IJWI h .S ........... ................... to (I

■!; <s


a ? ; — m

Unli/d aui^fli-wriSftit of |f*'ture-n. t Qini*t;d. Hi»p«inr-.4Uf. li«tk>t • ttt nn Qii»i NotUiCTni; u for tio. rill'It. is<3 IP crnu on Hs. 2j; imjUl rn ti m idu ii.n lot Ko. U. m<] jo , *« n u IiM lof ^o. 3t. 10

rolTlwi • }’ Cuh to rrov'n. wwlnt can; ><' Ituwa-A, Ha. ___ •>-. M !

llPtn. Ift- jjt

Bicuo» °Snr.L* .......... ^

S T n , IBtd Oom. — iiojoBMO rrtna m i

Cotatt tiootj, iwa n-----------------l> c 1 ^ «fl<

UUiK.. 0,1 Murt __ 4c obiIHmiiBi, " f i H JCtrrou. - I - »oi Tuisica, potTfMt,^ _H>e Jar

........................du'. • •• " 4 ! 2 1

cnnbcTlM. two o m r- l l j

■ n G t U f , 'm ,c h . J ! 5 ! f L _ _ U « t j J ?^w !'g t* afr7 .. «o» J

. ^ cS5= E Su------^lD»UT«dl

gi g j i j «, r:— II Lll. .!■ I I iiS{fl{Tm lflri

; i v

- -Stook-Market-Averages-

Pm . tkj _ UJO «}.io u.«e ti40nE!!.“ i:S 3 !1S Si! S|

SS S .SSg l « S

■ ffiVNiSigS SS '!IS SS iS S -M S 'SS S 'ffi!

(•-{*tw »U low).


mew YORK. Dec. M MV-IwJe* of 18 lUplfl commodity pritea: •

(Dte. 31. m i. e m ^ JW; iPse

' i m hisiL-— -------------------» « « ■1DJ3 low-----------------------— w-Ti r o hJgf

^cop7rijht,»w .i)r«o«Jj’W

lo eenpattng the tbet* prlee lerel aod tbe roUewlog oemnedlUet, w«A

of lb« whele lo d a u ^ raM l ta eaeli. a n Biedi Wbeat U. oeUea U, b e n , t l , iteel tenp 10, m u 10. wool 7, copper 8. hide* 8. e e n 1. nbiMr (, (Uk «. eoftee 4, lead, I tUrcr I. eoeoa »^-IdUerl. ________________

Ohrlitoui eurtaUmeott. “Amerleaa I MeUl Mtrket- atlmale* 1B33 *teel . Ingot productloo t t »,0l0,000 ton*,. o r more than 70 per cent tbore out- I put l u t yetr.t Etrly retumi on Norember rtil- 1 rotd etmingi Indlctle a liberal t | - t »n*»t« PtoducUon otc t IW l

\ ------- fOR EiaN ^OH A N O B --------r NEWY0RK.-Dec.l4(X>-rDreign

exchtnjo: Pltm; Prance demand• OJtH; ctblei IIBM: Montretl lo

New York 100.3S; New YorlclnAfoot-• retl W.1S.

> - . COTTONf NEW YORK. Dec. M r tV n w fe o - c• ertl cotton mtrket closed btrely c <• *le*dy t t net decltnu of 5 to 12I point*. .

................... MONET , ' NBW YORK. Dec. J« W> - OtU t mooey: EUtdy: I per cent tU dty. 0> Time lotn*: Stetdy; 60 dayt fl to 9• I ; 00 dty* I to m ; 4 to fl monthi 0 1 » «A.ii^ p.1- i»»wf a• . Prime eommercUl ptper I 'i. g

B tnken' tccepiance* uncbtoged; a ' 30 dtyi 4t to 00 dty* 8-B to H: >■ ' N d tyt U to.8>«; i monthi 3-4 lo * ; M : ft M -m onlhU Jg-H. ' . i|

' ' METALS ' iNBW YORK. Dec. 38 MV-Cop- l

: pwi-qul»ti-eleetrolytln upfit nnd Y,■ fulure-«Ue.-------------------------------i|’ Tin: Stetdy: ipot tn d netrby u ' IU.31; future unquoted. .■ Iron: Quiet: N a 2 fAb. eu tem S

Pennaylnnlt I llM ; BuKtlo $17i0: it' -A niitm niT «.----------------------- j;• le td : Dull: tpot New YorX M.W: R f * * « ;« . 10UU M.C6;: , . «• “*2 lncrQ uletrE ut-B trL oali-*pot g

tn d future M.43.' Antimony: Spot «T.Ui ; Qulckillrer: m .to iea, '=

B I L ^NEW YORK. Dec. 9S (iTV-Btr ill-

. t t r Iletdy. U lower t t 43Ho. I- , . P, aOVEENAtENT BONDS 1' . NSW YORK Dee. 38 W>-Bond [ ' qtwUUoni; ^

UDERTTI SUl 33-47 --------------------- J0030r l i t 4* 3J.4T ______________ 101.18 Hr 4lh 4Ut 3J>38 m iM. 4Ul 3348 OLD — :-----lOlJ h. 4lh 4U* Reg. 33>38________ lOUt I'

4lh 4Ul R(«. 33.31 O LD___100J8TREA8VRT t

I 4U* 47-53 ................................108.18 H! 4VJ.3<<» «-« ,< .......................M <1' 4* 44. M ------------------------- 103^I 3^1 48-S8 1BH« 1!

3K* 40-43 June - — - 99.18 Ci' 3Hl 43 .47_____________ I 99.8

3S* 41-43 kltrth ■ - ■ 993 >1 3W*41. ..............................MJO V

• 3* SI.45 ----- -

n R icn m v r r1 NEW YORK. Dec. 38 W>-ET*po- ' n ted ippIm: Steady: choice 9H to : lOc: Itncy lOH to lie . ' ". Pnjnt«: Stesdy; Ctllfomla 8 lo I 9^;c: Orepin 7H to 84c.1 AprlcoU: P lm : choice llH c; ex tn D ) choice 13c: fAncy IS to ISlie. 31 ’ ~ r t i c t i « r ^ n n : —itandtTd—T'.tcrtr . cliolce lc: extra choleo 8 a . II I fUlslni: steady; locM Uuacatels (( ' 3S to 4*>c: choice to ftncy *eedrd ; 4M o4<ic;w edIcu4H to5H .


Dutterfat: P in t erade 18c.. Poltlof*: Saenmcnto lUrer Loni rj; \VhliM IUS tfl )liO cwt, fair t t to 1

*123; Yaklmt Netted Oems U.S. No. h.l.tMO lo (IJO; few I1.8S; combina- a

. tlon ll.U to lU S ; new crop WtlMn- tiTllle namels 3 to 3Uc lb. jl(

PcFUltr}-: Kent 10 to 14c: broilers >>10 to Uk: fci'frt 14 to 18«: roMifM si13 lo 14c; rootica 8 to 8e: duck* 9 . to IOc: plEfoni l l to I1J5; Kjutba

; W (0 31c: tiarei dive) 4 to 12c; tur-

riutler: M icon I9c; 91 icorc I; : H 'jc: OOKort 18c. • m: EiCs; U. 8. fx tru . Itrse 22'jf, -Si 1 nifilumvlD'ie; tmall li«^e . m

Ctieue: Flidi and trlpleU 10c. rc------- In

BUGAR • clI NEW YORK. Dec. 28 — Rair ; atixar « u qalet lodty with no ole.: - ' rtportcd. Rellners remtlned tioof.

Md whJJf relJf/* wrre not preaJng.: It WM bellered that Phlllpplnea i adoAt and Cor early ihlpment were I obuinivble t t 13.1S.

Futum wtre loa tr under UquMt- ; lion promoted by the luutnce o( S ; January notlcM and telling by pro- H• duclni: InlerMti. The mtrttet elcaed M : 2 to 4 polnli net lower, fillet vere SI IMM ton*. u

Waal prJee* were <t lha Jowt*{ ef uthe eetilon. |]

i Jonutry 1.10. Marth M8. Mty « l , to: July laOB, Beplember 1J4, Decem- li«

ber 1.40B. B-.bld.I In rtflned.demtnd v u light and cl I of a hand-to-mouth character and it , price* wtre unchanged a t 4:30 for itL llna griRutitail (<

( _ --------------------- ------------------- --

| iIS ■s!nB

ff ir

iL ^ ^

14.3 W a jt n fi-if ^ __________HAg f« N BW ’

i ^ s s g

r s t H £ ^ | f -11-* An IttdUtor _ _ ink I l 'l n i l e• » -.s .a .skiS a - i . W u — S ! 1 ! ! , iS, , ' Aauoadt Copprr >. KU IIS Ufi t

Aubiion T * ll r — u!k m • -Mik e otitimon u»i Ohio o i tu e

| I- . iij

li l i' • - g ! r a . " r = : S i 8 ,1- ^ 1

o o r a - r r o ^ u — 7:|i n | t m i i lly curtiM wtiihi — Jf« 2 i : s V

“ s s s S r S S i i Sl! ! i i i !

tU Sm!!S‘*B*ccne___m n u u ir, o«n*ni rood* n s u u u /

s a r = is :il ”- i

atMt Horth Itr pt _ » u ' t i u iJ|SK!!ay’”i ± : ” ! « S t !h P.i!

s E r E r E - ’i H i - s i -uiMourt- rtetne pr. 4'V ‘4 . 1

S s S S ^ l l i H ^ hi , S7H’ s i M 5 J !

Korth Ajntr O s-----U |]|^ im fHertHtm FMUie___91li »U n ! t «

CmCAQO PRODOCE Q 11. . ClIIOAOO, Dec. 28 wv-Poullry: ?

Uve, 8 truck*; firm: hem 4 4 J; pouodi up U, under 414 poundi '

. lOci leBhom hen* Be; .rock iprlngi ,, nd 13 to 13c; ctflored II to l l ’ic: leg- *!

hom chicken* 8e: rw sten Oo; hen !: turkey* l^c. yount tomi ,l4c. old .*

30 tom* lie. No. 3. 10c; duck* 1 lo,!° ,18 10c; gtCM lO'.Se. l‘“ 38 Drcii'cd turkey*: Ptrm: youn*S hen* I8c; youns tom* 19c; old hen*31 I8c, old tom* 15c, No. 3, 12e.3a Rutter: i3 dayi) 14.511; firm:' creamcry-apeclBli (93 More) IBU to 1* 19c; extn* i93i IBc; ex tn flr*tt E

(OO.Dl) 17 lo 17e'-4; Ilrst* <88-801 j; g m o n f i ' i c ; lecondilM ^Ti 15 to 'h le ISHc; tlandard* (90 cenlnllzed IS Ctrlot*) 17UC. d!8 Egp; (3 dty*) 8408; firm; extm it 3 flr«u l7Wc; freih tnd e d llr iu « 30 Ifl^c; current rw lp t* l»H a , | tl

7 1— ■ — I It

.. PIlIJTOillKETS “to I


n DAI—Potaloe*: Rtockton Itnrbiinkil IIJO lo 11.40 ew t for pmx], iprtiaU

c r^ m w k » -h l |h * a .- ll« f f» IM I3 # - ie l- i m ; ordlnuT *5e to I U l ; Idtho .

:1s KaAtte tr. 8. No. ( f U 3 <0 I'l.M n r t 'fd -------


D A)-SblpplQg point intorraatlon IJ — f«r Stlurdar* ■jt

llpptr Valley: Carloadi f. o. b. n raih track to dralen; R u k I i U. 8 . '. t to 1 notlly 80 lo B5e: an oetatlonal rar u ro. hleherand lowrri U. 9.2 nMilrSJc, 1, I- a lew hlih tr; balk ontwelihl raib to {( n> m « e n ; Itmieli-U. S. 1 nuxllr GO t.1

jin C3c; U. R. 2 m eitlr 3l)e; a frw (. ts I'lJbft! market newi burtau tloird « M Monday. „9 ■ — j;


rc Iraek *18. lolal ynjted W »l« th l^ .'w mtnti n iday U8, HalordaT 377,‘P

rf. Sanday U. Monday 27; tappllei Cl moderate; no tradlni arronnt et •■oia w nther: eperaten not oprn- Ins ran ; market nomkulljr Ba- chanted. v

nr — • ' » h.

i ' l m i i n i ire . 8C


ft- Hc«*; Itecclpla 4000; market IS to C fd Me hljlitr th tn 8 »lurd»y or mo»Uy M re 5 to 100 hljher than Friday: top bi

UM; bulk good tn d choice butehen pi Kf UJO; tprtnkllng less dcalnble l»g* fl

U lo 13.15; light light* m s to 13.1. Mws Ittong (poU IOe hljher on cl 1- heary aowi; bulk 8253 to t3M tr

CatUe: ReeelpU 1000; tco load* Io >d choice 1241 lb. I teen UiO;.nolhlng v id itrictly choice olfeted; m u t fed tl or Iteen and yrarllnu M2S to U 2S; it



.......... •• ■ — ^ C :

P ^ 1 ? S =' # 2 ^ TW C K (

J T ^ tms T<

a J —

' MY O R K I

.E s rA 's -m JS JS Jii

. f f i .1*8d ” C f f i = : a f .S j i 'i

IS S ° « u u m — tt i ;k w uincaiiruuoitw i lk u jk ' M l 'i

<■ DouUicRi-racuiD___» ( i y l i iit« ,t Bund uiana* _ . „ tl- J iu n - i i '

1* Tiramn iw i o « r Z Jofk

l i s s s f c s ;

P l l^ i f | i' u s s i i f, r a “ i “4 £ . s 8 3 i i : : ? i i :>

*' quo- ijARirneim Suptr rovtr , lt« 'l

Hunker llill *1 UiiUlraa 4ll> CMilral^U» B tc tn e ............... I|i- J

'j D«u<e Bontf tad gflar* - . . —~ .g ,. ®

U KtUontl n v r r aad Ufht, «> p t . s l iI -------------- r = : j i .11 ! W B « s : r ± = : S i i ;

ti • — ^ c

ij -----Bu<lUr.-Waenet.»B(l wmpMyt__II!ii “ l{ ABirrlctn ro«rr and LIchV ..S*!i Cmmftcltl Ooulhrrn wiridu ... t

nrttrie. ro n r and Ustit , {UAmnlun.RHUfD ro« ir.w uT aau -.^ .||.

'* Un“«5‘nu°“ r a n u ° b ia ) ° J Z ! : l j |4? a i K . " 'diwus-.^— ! L - — — 2 ii<i”Ik Auburn Auio ___ :__________ S3 I*H 2iMie lota CD/]w>Uea boBdt »!)•*»» 3

................ liundor; bulk beef cow* t l lS to I2.S0; 4 culler grades | l J5 to 83, bull* up to k

; U35; lop TCtlen 8S£0; load U|ht 0 I* feeding ilccn 13.50. li|! Bheep:RecelpU2000:woolcdltmb(

10 to 15fl higher, other claue* gen- ertlly tleady; top fed wooled Iambi

2 i r j j ; n tH m doanward from 17; .li “ I load 98 tb. Idtho ltmb.il8.75-clipped I ri "llambj mostly id; f tll cllpi *8.10; ajed | Ii - 'iheep icarce: part load medium to 0 " good ilaughler ewea I2.7S. 1(

,. BAN FBANCISCO UVESTOCK j 0 SAN PRANOIPOO, Dee. 28 (flllCS j? * DA)—Hog*: Recclpta 14S0, including *>)tS80 riJrfct:. a.<k)ng around K35 on T 0 b a t bulthen trtllable. >'•!,,d Cattle: Receipts 100, Including 8 0 '-

direct: nominally steady; few med- t ft lum OU lo 1034 Ib. Idaho lUuchter ■s lU en l tJ 5 to 84.50; belter grade, « . all clusea not repruented; medium - lu lua Itmu utid ^ WOjbrehofMed- -

Iteers quoted up to tround’U: B'ood young COWI eUclble up lo I33’': few g median c o n 12.73,' buUi qu. • tf JJ te 'doa-n. . • , fci Sheep:’Reeelptj MO, tU dlrert; „ Rood to citolce woolcd Iambi 90 Ib. down. nomlnaUy quoted tround gi 1825. to 18.75: poulbly tbore. . ((

l l — . . . t, >n PORTLAND UVESTOCK t j n y R t O N i r D e c r M W n r s T r ft ? iA )-l!ogi; Recelpu 2500; anrund 1> Ssoohlgner; packing tow*'around2So fc

1 up: good lo clmlco 170 to 315 pound*! motUy IL80; few 270 poundi ll; light

>. lights downward to 84; packln; lowt » 13 to 13J3: feeder p in »t«dy to, Si

■>troag; mostly 13. ilO>■: Cattle; Receipts 4M; calres 100; (U ’• steady lo 2So higher: advance most* m f ly on Inbctween ateen: top I^.U (or lead cholcc 1130 pound iteers; nlher

> fed (teen mostly $4 to 1143; plainer0 kind* downward U> 83 tnd brlow; - ' few plain helfen |3' to isyi; beet bt1 eowt I2J 0 lo 13JO: low cuiicr an d 'ti

cuitcn n to P 2 3 : bulU tl.75 to 'm 1335; medium Ttalen moeily t< to m U; cholc* lo 18. V

) . Bheep: Rc«lpU_3000: few early a

.'wooled lambs |S.7S to M: medium n< t 'g n d c i downwtrd to tt.Ti; -ased , cUisei scarce.- ^


. CTHCAOO. Dec. 2 8 '^-.iUSDA)- #, lloca; Recelifta "4S.0uo; estimated n holdorer 7000; matket cIo^ l rery U slow; hogitcallng 1701«3^}­ly 10 to 15c lower than early siUI 10 to 159 higher t}ia;i sr-crage; hearler Iratcher ard packing bi sowa also 10 to ISo up; piss steady;Uto lop 83.50: bulk Kood anit cholcc n 180 to 230 Ib. veUtliU cicarrd early . .

■ a t 13.50 tn d 83J5: few tJ CO and n J 1385; 230 to 300 Ib. buichcn J335 f to 13.40; 140 to ICO lb. 13 to 1325:J bulk 100 to n o lb/ pits MJO; most' s packing sowa 12.50 to C.SS;' few ^ » ItTS tnd better; ihlttpcts tw t I J j i 53 t. CttUe: Recelpu 12.000; faitly g ^1 c letrues weighty tteen but clttlng di

tnda weak. InstancM shade tower; « 1 lower grades all rep^JcnuilTa «; I weUbU aold lo belter adnnltge n 4 th tn ItrlcUy goo danrt choire klnla: h : itn e n l tn d e on yrarllnss, howtrtr.


I.T. A MEAN K PAL! r o I 1 T O KMOW /0 DID IT. W

- i i i iItnd mixed yetrllngt 35 to SOo hlgb' cr; extnms top U M on M lb. y e u

1 Illnn steen 88.40 on 980 Ib. mixed of- ^ |teringi; 18 on belfer yeatllngt tnc

^ l o n s ycuUng tie en ; 1835 lb. trei. ase* Uto 85.10; iobelween hetvlei iclllng moiUy a t M40 to 84.7S; bul- locks MJO to 15.50. ‘

» . Sheep: RecetpU 18M0; tcU n tc ? '• all InleresU: f i t Itmbt 25 to 35( ,o»i higher on ptper; « lu tU y 35 to 8O1 fi? up.- (jualJly and to rlj consldettd; I-* ,iop t7£5; btilk btndy welghU to all t j i interest* 87.78: upward plalnei

s lrlnn t7M to 8 7 « ; imiorted mch li, ‘over 100 Ib. 87.35: choice 88 ib. cUp- r ped Umb* 88X0: merely good yeu- Jli llnjis 18; feeding lambt ictrct;

undertone itrong to higher on Uu w , ' lew tvalUbla medium lo good whlU• {facet held tbore 88; theep ittonc: IIL* 'good to ehotco 140 Jb. ewta upwanl

Ilo 83; hwidy velght a ttlrei ell|lbl< lilljlici; feeding minbi learte.

LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK iji LOS ANOja.Ea. Dec. 38 W}(TO J ; DA)-Ho«*: None; quotrtle tot

*IS j*^attle:3le«lpU 1100; itetdy to ISe ‘}*.hl«het; ahort. fed tte en 8179 U ti! 1550; n u * Iteen 84.38 down; mcd-> i|um fed helfen 8SJ0 to 85^ ; s n i l Hi helfen 84J5; g rau cowi 83.75 U ’*:|3J0: cutter t r t d u 81J0 to 83.0:

bull* 8150 to 83.00. C airu: RtcctpU * • ;300: Itrong lo tUibUy higher; med- 11; 'lum to goodctlret 8425 to84.6S.I't i Sheep: Recelpu 6S0; Ilow; medium |1 ham ^tte td y t t I5.6S: bidding wetk> loaothen._______________ .

f|.| LO^ ANOELES PBODUqt|i> LOe ANOELES. Dec. 38 MV-But- IJj ler: Recelpu 188.000 lb; 93 le o re w : | | , 9 l icoro I9Uc; M uoie ISUe; 89

’ • m * : Receipts 1300 euei; etndled clean ex tru 34c; ttm e. lugs *Un-

«<■• a am ^ mMlumt-23t4c;

-|ai'S:"lK f ’‘ —1 Cheese: Recelpla 41,100 poundi. -

Poullry: Leghorn hent under 3U " lib. 10c; 3 to 4 lha. 10c; orer 4 Ib. S’ llCTtotetd htnsSH to4lb.-14c:«Ter 'I 4 Ibl. 15c; broUen t to IV, lb. 12e;

'orrr IH to 3U lb. 13e; Legbom try* r*'ieH 2 'r to -3 Ib.-llcT-Btrred Rockt I!f a to 3*4 lb, 19c; other colored tSe; « Barred Roek ro u te n ovtr 3H la. "■ 15c: othen 14c. D utki: Young under 0; 4H lb. 10c; old 8c. Oeeso 13c. Tur- to keys: Young toma 14 to 18 Ibi. 18c; ht orer 18 lb, 18c; hens 9 Ib. and up

18c; old toms 12c; old hens 17c. b t . — n- OGDEN LIVESTOCKb l OODEN, Dec. 28 (U 8 D A )- 17; I Ifo a ; !2ecelpt« 5047: liKluded 491 di­ed 1 rccu; Iteady to illjhlly higher than ed'Iast week't cloae; no choice hogs to oircred: quoUble lop 13.40 00 bett

llocali; few loU undervelihU 83 down; packing sovs 8230 dowa

CalUe: RecelpU 83; aU drtreioi; »<sletdy: good t le tf t and'heifen 84, l“ ifew-loU light.Undi; icTenl loU J* ' 13.50 downward to 82.75 and undir;

j , I etrly cov* itles limited to commoo * ! g n d e and lower a t I ) down; few

bulU IliO to 82J5.« Sheep: RecelpU 12,019: no early

^ 0itAnA, Dee. 28 W) (D B D A )- Sheep: RccelpU 8000; Umbs itrcns

W to JJc hfjher; bulk torted nitlre aad , fed wooled lamb* 8755; -few of Just t; good trades 87; bidding around

Iteidy; theeplU ady; feedenitroni; Ki Bwet up to t3J5;- f l n c t a fleshy . feeding Umbt 88 lb. a rense 88J0

to 18.65: extreme velghU down lo 18.35; -n x u fed clipped Urabt U85.

IT few-wJd-lota-fed-weatem-ellppcd Id lambs 18; one load a b e d f i t tnd io feeding Itmb* 88.75.!i 'I t DE.SVER SHEEPrt DENVER, Dec. 38 (A>) (USOA) - to Sheep: RecelpU 13,000: 3200 dlreet;

jioso ihroush: no early lalei fat lambs 0; asking sirong to' hltber cr 87; com- t- mon ewti 11.85.Dr 'cr ^'OOL(t BOffTON, Dec. 28 ( ^ ro S D A) r: -T h e wool market v u ralber Qulet ef bul uklng pricea. on domcsUe wool* id 'are firm. Strona pricu In fortign to ' markeU last veek and continued in- U) qulrlci ftom niUU for domestic

wool! b u helped to llrq Ihit k e ‘. ly a Terr itrons^lte the

^ ceis on most lines. '■<1 EsUmtted recfiJpti.ot. domettle

wool t t Boston, reported lo the Boa- ton Ortln and Flmir exehanie dur­ing ireek ending December 23,

- amounled to 185.000 peundi a* eom- ^ pared vlUi 155^00 during U»a pre- 7 tIous veek. t- — ill POBTLAND HAT

PORTLAND. Dee. 29 t»? - ^*7 ‘f buying price from pnsducer: Alf^fj r. NO. I nev crop 118 to 81830; TtUh* 115; Willamette TtDoy Umothy 815;U eastern Oregon timothy 817J0: o tuId 115 ton.15 .. ~J:. PORTLAND QEAIN« PORTUlNO, o r e . Dee- V Wheat cloae: K ay 13K: December

a ® o£I,; BU M « i« dark hard v ln ter 13 per eem 7 t ll t: per eent 71: toft vhlto 89;» white 69: h trd vlnU f 89; northern ;e iprtng 89: W eitem r td 89.»: [ O tu : No. a whlto



7 7 ~ ^ / : c a i > m K s - ^ I SAW HIM ca

- f t

^ifllSDFlBlTi l M l i i l Kbul-

’ jS; Cold and. Lack ol Moistun 1^; In Southwest May . ^ Damage Crop.ucne —clip* By JOBN r . BOVGBAK

(Asnclated Preu Market DUlor) “« ! CinOAOO, Dtc. 28 M>-Upheld b:

t to apparent likelihood of crop damag rhlU (ron, MtKo cold and lack of moU OW lure Soulhweit. the whett mtrke

todiy ended t t tlm ort ortcUy PW Hbl* d ty t finish.--------- Bly~inovftilf 'gTer-ih»-fT»U«, p trt of dometllc Vinter wheat lerrl s tory elsewhere th tn Southwest mor KOT th tn eounlerbtltnced i t Ume* t a ' too buillih effect of predlcUon* of 8-to

lO-belew.iero wheathor tonUbt Ij , ise Chlcejo. There w u tome buying 0 I to wheat futuru u tg tln it reporU 0n ,a . increased flour ulM , but b u i ^ ai,r#M t whole v u of a typical bolidt] L to character.2M- Wheat doted iteady, U oft to ^ BtDti up comptnd v lth Fridty’t UUi

flfURi, n m t t U decUna I0 U ad< nnce, otU H lover to ii.h l«h«

11,;^ tnd prorliloni unchinied to » rtn resk of 27 cenU.

Vl*ftle8spp!yDrept'--------- W 13eipreaa'aK nr® nittTr*noi

blankeUng for vlnter vheat led K But- genenl opinion among tn d e n thii TOe; the crop v u amply protected excepi ; 89 In the fiouthvcst A decrease 0:

. ],&04;000busheu in the Onlled SUtei died Theit TUible tupply v u leu th v Un- u a rule h td been expected. iUc; Oom tnd otU dlssltyed'iodepen- ime: d?nt iirtnnes*. Influenced by IHlH

eiWMtei th i t u a m u ll o r io r- >• - emment l o tu 180.000MO busheU ol 3^ com in UUoois, lo v t, MlooesoU and

I Ib. Nebruka vould be held olf th# m u- owr ket-toavaltm uch hliherprleeirCa 12c: Uie other htnd, the eom domesUi try- Tissble lupply toUl w u ivelled todtj K kt to 8SJ93.DOO bushels, t new-higl: tSe; jtcord. This total comptret viU I lb. 28259,000 busheli a yetr tg a >der proruiont ven t higher, influenced ruT- » good detl by announoement tnat I8c; the proceiilng t u 00 hogs wonld re- i up main t t | i a hundredweljht unUI

Pebruiry 1. initead of being ad- ' nncedto81.50 JanuJ^.I.

V)_ cmcAoo. D « .« n v .• „ , r t tow c i« ,

ban Dm. lfn i i u ii'k iiUa s r s i l a s i Si saiiI 83 44S 44)4 ' 4I|'. 4IS

84, Dm. . s n U ll a t i£ ; B j _ g i . „ S S i

See.'^TtH 41 « 'i O arly Jur » «'.k .

C m O A O O ~ ^ n ORAIN ^ - e iTfCTOU, IW . a ’ No.'3 hard 83K: No. 3 mixed 83.

Com: No. 3 mixed 48«; No. 3 yellow 48; new com. No. 3 mixed

J,“ : 44U to 45U: No. 3 yellow 48» te 47«: No. 9 ycUov 45«4 lo 48H: No 3 whlta 48: nev aod old. No. 3 > tl. low48»4: No.3whlte'47Uc. •

O tlt: No. 3 vhlte « K to 38; No “ 3 vhlle 34 lo 35M.

g No rye.

-nmothy leed s io to 88 cwt. Clorer leed 811 to 813.75 cwt

'TOLEDO SEED ' - TOLEDO, Dec. i t M>-Seedi In

wtrthousa: Bed elorer December ^ W; Mtrch I8J5. Alslke cash 18.50.


Ule: ’ —Dols DOSE Dec. 28 (AV-T7m Idaho•Ijxi Palis Warehouse company today pe-in. tltloned Uie public uUlItle* oommU-

atlc >'on for a hearing looking to m In-ckt* crtue lo d itrg tf for htndUng and lhe timing wooL

luU ■ 'rae ^M iao T

uUe two yean ago 1» Uie eommlstlon. Jea. w u “absolutely lmpotslb>.“ and Jur- UTceted all vool warehousen and

a OUwn InlCTMled be called to a hear- sn,. Ing In Pocatello a t tome etrly date are- In Tlev Of the near approt<* of lhe

»heariog season.TlH ccRunUtlott took Uie appUea-

tlon under adrUement- '1 - -

alia _______ ______________ ..itch815;otu

NO!^ E ast End Bloekholdtn

Co. win i n « t a t school I, li a t 8 o’clock to select can

5 E .N .P E 1


. i .

riNG. DECEMBER. 27 ,1 9 a; ,

m c T

COAXW’ Y A v e w s , .P A L \!. a v e r V s - . c a m s w o m b , « A a s . y w r r H 'm p s s / V y — OM HIS’T A I L , ^ ^

‘V p f ? n ' f e - T r V ' £ ^

j S ?

Pilots Remembei

'J m ' ’ture

lor)Id by B & S B ^ | n E l » i w


lerrl- mon I u y 8-to-^t lo

u o f ;


to M ateit , ad- gher,


IDA LOPINO, 01m tctrcii, helps Pl

d to Uve lo UiB middle of Uu EictUnlethat ner te rre t u a caretaker for a gontcept her housa and bn rt* Uj# rijon olI of and beacon going to guide night mUtei .th in - ........ .........'■ ’=

p„. JOBS PROMISED 130“ (zrTEA CH M rraA H a'tn d BOISB. DW. M UV-)oba t e 110

teachen now out of vork viU be

iu t« lupertnlendiat o f puiiUo in- ttructlQn..inommsu_l« dlUoo. 10 teteben viU set ioba In rocatlontl training vork under tf» Itme pUo. I

Tbe OWA h u 87000 a moolh for the teachers tn d etch vlll rtcelTQ tb o u tl tta m o v th . ,

County teacher quoUi t n : Adt 9. Btnnock.TwloFalJi,otnyon,8e*ch: Bingham. BonnevUle. Koolenai. U - tah Nea Perce, 8 each; Cuds, Frank­lin, Shoshone 4; B<tr Lake, Bonner,

n m idatto. Jefferaon Jerome. M tdina 1 * Minidoka 3; Dcr>ewah. Cletrwater. )S s Elmore, Fremont, c«m, Ooodlng.

Lemhi, Lewi*. OoekJa, Fayette, Pow- ‘ ,, er. TCMn, Wuhlngton 2; Adsms,

}}■'* DUlne.Dol*c.Doundary,BuUe.Oim. as, Otrlbou. Cluk, Cuiter, Lincoln, Owyhee tn d Valley, cne each.


LOS ANOELES. Dec. 28 (^^-The pctlUon of RoietU and VlvUn Dun-

S eao, T opiy aod Era’ of Uio lUge and tcreen, fo r’dlscbtrgs u banfc- n p u from further lUblUty u In- dlvldiyli and In tia rti^ h lp t w u

The action w u Ukenuponreeom- P* 3 jorndtUoa of a tnutre in tank-

ruptcy, who reported lhal the tc- l t« treisei h td been “ftlp in f in UicIr

tlUludo and' had aotount "I* for rteelpU toltUng m an U aa

■ ttOOW).* 0 When th e 'ii r te n filed a rolun?

Ut7 petUlon lo bankruptcy, they___ aawrted tha t Uielr Utblllllts toUlM

lD 57;78il5aTH cIFB5cinT53Bt~


. , nets failures In Uie week ended ‘ >0 December 21 totaled 250 against 280 g w tnd 303, rcspeetlrely. In Uie two

precedlJK weeks, and 525 a year ego, Dun aad Brtdrtreeu, Inc, reported

s todty.


laho Chtrged with hoarding IIOOO In gold, i M . contrary lo Uie presldenft order, j . i

nu- W. PetUt. Venloe producer, okadtd ' I In- net ^ l y loday In PederalJudgol' and WUllam Junes' court. PetUt’s coun­

sel vm anu# a demurrer to Uw In- tlm dictaent, February 5.

Ilon, ROLPH*S NIECE BRIDE and ATOniSON. K u , Dec. 28 OT - tnd MUS Settle Rolph of m a io . CaU- ear- forols, niece ot Ooremor Jtmea date Rolph. Jr.; of Ctllfomla and Roy the Kolls of Dei Moines. Iowa, wen m u -

ried here today by Probate Judie P. liea- P. Wcrtt.,Bolb g a « ihrtr agts u

" o w 21."

DUCEd tn of'the Twin Falls Cana) ooi houM in Raitsen (onight eandldala for canal board.

>ETrYGROVE, C halm an. '


- -rH B R B :W AS • — OIU IM TH AT MEA«URW6 C M J! 1 H O P B 'H B -7


iber Family In Desert


aUnte dcservio toulhem Ulth. Ur^.Bon- a goTcroment lu d in g field two mUej from p s i of vlnter to keep the boundary UghU Ight mtU pllou orer the desertHA) Photo.

Legal Adverllsemenlj' K' !HS — m n i x j > T J i m o t _ _ _

.-ATTACHMENT r 130 In the District Court of UieEknnUi in be Judicial District of lb# SUU of OWA IdthointodforTw lnF tU tO outxinanfr-iy :-------------------- ---------- — ----------s In- . .JteiUy Alklnsoa & Oomptzr, ln&, i.fid- a .e o r p o r i iU o n ^ lf l ln t lU 4 jL _ i_ _ t s l n —r * ^ " •r tf» John W. K tnlin, dcfendiot

I NoUc«li hereby glTtn that on D»>It for cember IBUi. 1933, a writ of atUctw celTQ mont w u issued out of tbe tb o n cn<

r eourt in Uie abovo enUUed to- attaching Uw property of ttia ;*ch; tbove named defeadtnt for Ua turn , U - of 1201835.

•ank- IN wiTNEae WHBBBOF. I har# nncr, henunlo te t my hand and Uw te tl l in a of th tl Oourt tms 18th d ty of De- ' nter. cembor, 1033.ding. PRANK. J. SM nUpow. Clerk of Uie District Court. ,lams, (Seal) I


In lhe District Courtof Uie ElevenUi I i JudlcUl Oislrlcl of the SUto ofOED. - ja i f tg m Mtf ffff 2Wn r a n gw n-___

Homo Loan Ocmptny. a Corpora- tion. PUlnUff,

•“ 10 -T fc -John Ctockamp arid W. D. Mum* p o*" . DefendanU.

wwiw that^ ceniber 15. 1933. a writ of atUch- ” 7* ment vuU suod out of the aboro en-^ ®“ * tlUed court ta the aboro enUMsd te- ) f ' w l tlon. nUacblns Uio properly of Uw ' '

“ ' ' t above named defendant for the sum of 1500.00 _ _ -

m WITNBSS WHEREOF, I haw '. henunto te t m? htnd «»1 4

of this Oourt th u »Ui diy of De* » .w cember, 1933 __________ts U d ________ rnAWK J SMITH.^ .<Seck ot u » - : ^ t - c « « —

(Seal)JUJl- NOTICE TO CREDITpM nded B U lo of Belnbold 0. Lelsch, De- 1 280 ceased.two NoUco b hereby given by the ego, undcnigned admlnlstntor of Uio

jrtcd estate of Relnhold 0. LeUeh, de­ceased. to tho credllon of and ^ penons havlnj claimi tgalnst the

n taJd deceased, to cxWWt them vllh , ?) _ tho necciary vouchers. rtUiIn tlx cold, monUis after Uio fln t publtoUon of 1 !k j . this notice, to tha eald adminUtrator adtd of. said estate a t his office In toeud«olC ItyofTvm Palls,CountyotTw ln .oun- PalU, s ta te of Idsho. UiU being lh*a ln - place fixed for Uie transaeUoaofth*___ business of sald j ^ t e . -.

K . WILLIAMS, n _ AdmlnUtralorofUieEi*

. Ule of Relnhold C.te u ch . deceased.


. f.' InU ieD litrietO ourtofU w Elnw ® Judicial DlsWrt of.Ul# su te orIdaho to aad fee Twin PtDfl CWtatyv

Miller Tractor tnd Equipffl^ C o^ puny, a oorporaUon. FUinUff.

i ra UuDfer. sefendtak- N o t to U hereby flven t ^ w I» - cembcr 6U1. 1933, a w rtt« ment v u Issc^ out.of the tbove enUUed eourt lo the abon < i y ^ action, atucbing the property of Uia abore nam«f deftudint fer H»

“^ n ”vitnest vhenof. I Java ' unto set my htnd and Ui* leal of this Oourt this 8th day ot Dccenber,

HlAKttJ.SMITH, tSeel) ClwkofU ieDlitricf



Page 7: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

(dooUoMd I t a

■ BW OITOl’n - tm w iC M w e t ' «B rt Teanjierfi Uh ^

b> O M onn U ui Ssoy* TpOM <vbai b« tMt a m tn a t to O B k d lu . « U M a i« i4 Um

s a u - s s . ' s s r . ^

5 £ i x s ? s : ^ ^■nU ttautn' u 4 * crook. M t*

.•4 U b t# c « iT » W te to U*

bonta*8 u r m. A - J n r .t la r i initnietloni from BoD7> *sd m m tt of UKSt f rc a tawoir M d thalr brW aae ttn j end* ti: b3o7» teOiMtad her aoot and O tw d to ouw . leNoIr w itted b*A tijR R it tbo inDoin to bll own e n ft

- g T m l i h r t J w B C l J h t j a i ^ftUR.

ooIdBM v h k h 'b id eoms o n r him vbea' bs f ln t b m d FbqII report. As bs itsred. a t tbs d u t ehaimel v h k h b td svsSeved W e tb o s , ' aS

• Ms prartoos qBisUeni about h « V trip, sH tbs .pualtni aspects «t >t

vblch bad sojMfDed btm, btcaau > bm u ilr d e v .

IB vietorta sb* bad k s e n K an - k b u ,.b a d 'b ssn a t t n ^ b r.-b li brinuace.'bsd fallaa wtdsr ths Jp ^ , of bU a a p a tlo pstsonalUr, a» Hd* sa MitblssoB ta d etbsti bad d o u And after b ll d ttappetna» ita rtsd sMRhtac f « btm. to bs vltb

- flomsbov lbs bad found out la a- A seral n y v h e ie b s 'v u bldlnx

sdsntUlo vork, her paHimats. d»-

aov. He undentood. too. v b j shs bad s ta n d blm oft; It v u a M endl act, to a r s blffl pain.

StnabUns tbrougb tb« bntib to the liland. Up, be m m back acn® tl tbs dumnel, t o ^ off bis clothes aad ^ tb sn ouTaad dreiied aiala. BS fumbled in bis poekst aad ^ w t Paol« eepr.ef 8cb7»1 letter. Hs

' ' i u n 'd n a d e d to r e a d U ,b n tm to . : v u tfr ina to. l a oU a o t v b a t to ,<

tbs letter tnilde. Bxeept for ths s»l---------- « itJon -a»d*** ftv -stra r-vw d irtt

« i all to Preaeb. tbe orortly R rocb ef one edaeated R uniiS to aaotber.

LoubemetiM^:1 knov vbat a shock of mm U e

^ tbit v tn I t n ro u rto l i tm I am iH K tklni TOU tnd tm w near. FSsase.

pHi*e dont bjcorae iMltnOf _______ M ^ ^ I ^ h a n not tndaagcrtd tou

dM e I b i n lifc n theotmart owe to m tr4 TOUT u f e tM h td to come.

^ . u one moit brettbe to U n. Whr ‘

.. . out a vord to me or e n a .a b in t i e l w hcw vB’m libt Itter-be to- | H lher'ajSIn. t

D tn tn d n e k s v ltb BO m etstis ' ftom Tou-l neailr came to think

th i t TOU htd forjotten TOUT *mUa jmrittn”: but 1 voold not allm miKlf to b«»en that. Ob. U v u loBBlT to Vletorit. v ith Toa (one, v ltb Ctrl tnd Father cone so tone to Vltdlnitok.

. T out ibatp dlstppeennes v u an avakenlBf for me—«n un* bearable realKatlon ot vbU 1 h td lost vben TOU vent. I knev toq

DaUyCross-^ABBQH_____ M uU snjjtyn

L Lei AMI ______________«■>«»» lolKl’I c f ^ H n

- l i s - f l i lr h e f '

. M ^ lD M p I IL lilHBfwlsi J . Isll'-ltff t . ' koTM K E K 0 d C t

p . Bmaii ji» I III l i a r iuaW < *- l E I N I g B t M l

Uf nm» Is It Is B t IKP tom'll**'

f T K l a ' . - «• dibmf t e( t

Ik n e m ik c tn n . niflMttlM <w alie<

Jj! f f S r '* •

-j n e t* trteiti*

DDE1\I-VALLE0m a L u t I ta a : , ~

eC vould b a n t t k n n s v ttb Toa. ra h td It been ponlble. and for.*rf. tSmelUndopoatbs'bopstbatTDU bl m l|b t be abU to send ms vord ot hs vbere you v e re ;-b u t-v b e a ^ IS ttov veeki pe«ed-and so vcrd to came, mjr voric dropped I ro n m Is ^ands aad I benn eetRbbif fer• TOU.

f» , Ivoo ldbancM stO T O O ena lf .tb i path led bM k.aenu aU tbe

«; b te o n of these s t t t ls r re a r ti J ^ , . T ottandim tndln ttokB oirho jr' 2 foBsd out vbeis Ton -vent, i t v u a talk of bUck dueouno*

om s e n t Ko ont site, eerialalj none n a Of tboM ilapld.ppltoe. o o u ld swId. b a n foUoved yonr. tr»D. t md knsv you v e tt aequamtsd- v ltbu k Jim Ounaar, vbo U dead nov and a ft bis lips Miisdt and bs told m r

a * B v u a y hitntloB to sa k s frieadi v llb the BosoheM^and


JW thsrtst,tW iX «lW r»fflte ir

_ _ bbsaadbsvinbriaK m itoT on...'’ hta vbSB Paul I ty derm ia Idt. t o t % t i > S ^ ? t o % « i d s d to 1^ S oat «>d lota Ws P i* ta« M

, , aad bs dropped OKI* deep In flrttsU Of b lu e tt. .n i n v e t k o f aftar KBriM tbs-B irt lbs menlBCvhenJisvolts,np.H#U«p- de. ped oDUide.tbe tea t and look^ la . a ^ on Ibs otbar ^ o t t ^ b t. bouldenyraaeeli,iadJo d u » t f elf s ^ b T 't b t t w r i i r i m s n i r ^ r t o u d t r lbs Sooya bad breakfist alm ttt.nsdy,Kl-i a n d a a lp b v u tT y lD fto b s lp h e r.'

■ H ll ^ sofcje VM peitoefnl andto o rd ia a i^ o a a d o a n o tb e rp K irn *

0® ta ll, v llb ao -saan tloa .o f tm c b roA ery abroad; buU itp e tte fD b M iv utto. ib u tly to n u L kaovlai u b« did C * tba l one membesof the v u Ha f l o b i r v iy toM n:K inkIii& ,a& d

i« i ^ net

’to pM l t o i ^ N a o e o l a n ta d m p told tbs Uke. O a t pins lil tad near tbs *1- liklUfflvah a eu tb bs la v O m tt « •r t t i»s-Bpt0r8id-0B-lbs-Uadvuh.JB#u b uadnstood.itr. Bcnyacam sonrtotbstsaW ban*

headed to ths lU s t moratof nm.M Her eyes tbovsd sJias Of tleeplen-a a M ,b u t to b t r | tM P t s l i a v B Ow. tr»csofn llto rtb tB ie,ealyB eom >Hr rtdelyfrtead ib lpusbs Balled food

— ^^^^wShiHbH'i’O Q rtr:--------------nd- -F n i-steeitd^bbateU 'tta lB it-heire wliebeiT. She lecmed too splesdld o e . A ftrl to vrite that letter to Xira* hy '.U ua tnd to betrty men vbo bad h’ - -been h trteytl-friendirtw t b» k a iv n t iw hitheknev.- .«’ ' "H eU bebtekafteravhU e.Iicp*

(S *"Bcoyrt e n s opened vlder a t bllnk ittarp tone.Us nHd you tleep veQ U it &!|bt,TW p tu i r lbs tiked caiuilty.11 p iu l nailed ptm ly to hlmielf. Itu , m s aa Inneeent^eemlnf <ineiU«,nc u d e n r u a vtU-eet ptarmlftn

ru 1 Ilet* n ty veU.** he anivereda> hsr,'upeker> fie« l . u doei. t tte r two nl|bU a w ^ . -00 -w e n t you cone and b a n break-

3-Word Puzzle

y i i i uSsyKl B r T H i H

1 ^ I

J H s iS lg l a lS J B H L C ocetn iu t

^ s I f t B t fe R h| O. fanuijljr * ' * ' ' ettbon

MWN » » • U [ a I. Ont* I t lu j i

• t U r

------------- t T O T M i a D M L T l

^ - " P v l i S i a k w v i s r ^ '_ \ . ' E W . M 1 M ?

n y

a I /my . v y » . / i

fl>f \ T \ ^ V o T ^the \/W ,

a» j- ..............Uc*. r ■ 'M 'l-------

± TIME TABLESifob- S«he<ikse(nsiea(crTM losaBd new' M f»«fa<Tbrw«bTvlB

telT ' OBCOOir 8K0BT t o nBty Z ailbea«ieet ’ atlecU nJD }ylO ,U »). . .” T r a b m is a n s — — — 3 :w y .lL t o t Train 661 leans 6:16*. U .

W islbsa4B M ITala 871 i u m _______11:00 A. U.r to- Train»6*team.:_______ VMV.U.B o t W nU B B iN C B bad • BultiTnimi

mid, M a M U a m ------- iM T. U.nrtte NsribbesBd

T nbi MO a r r tm -------- l: lo P. U.Bert . DNIONrACmO.BTAOU.

S S d Arrtrei _ ? I ? ! Z ! L i Q;17 A M,' tbs :_________ 10:23 A U.t oir Arrirei U :M A u .u o r l< e m - « = s = = = = l i« H U - M .-

. -.WMlbead A a tm , , B;M A U.

5 k = = — ; E i' KOBTn BtOB STAQE8

- hna% WsBdeO ta d Oeedtsc

2 d R £. : O T a n R A G I L m iS

t s a m ! ° L 2 i i ^ ? i S S e A l Llu ta m ------------------------I2 M V .£

^ - n n i f r A u i * w B tu ■^ I s a m ------------------- ^0 :M A ILf ^ A irim , T;«» P .U .i n * ■ s ^ = s s 9 S = ^ s c B e ~UB# ......... . ___

fu ti* Ib t torltid. B l tmftimdU- jars- ness hurt her, and-shs tried to bc nm. nioe to libn.

-tta ak i.- ' Paul n f u ie l Be feJt f bO tbat be ceuld eU ao b n tk f u t tbU

lhe b td paptred. Kot after vbat fooa i2u bed done to h li partner. 'W h n

I v a n tb m k f u t .n l cet It."

>031 rW btt't tbs miUer)”>*ra* nim] a pieuure to tm alnc oa b«2 bJi beel ta d vaUdnc av ty . Bbe de-

tt*v- iem d .-h fr-tb « |h t,- to -4 < H io m e '.V TOtTto«.ab0ytbovmuebba.kaev.

tb l i ta d killed tb m boun by preteadtoc , ■ to-fllh to'the nrtrllnf tbaUem. "

(CopTrijht i m WUUan B. Moinryl

If. I t (T9 Bi'OeBttsBed)«U«, ■

^ BOUON DT ABQBNTnrA nrcA BVBNoe AIREB c n -O n ite d

Stalei tomUaents to Arcmtiaa sxi uU aattd by the asvtptper U Ift* cion a t |l,mM0/XiO v ltb about a

____ third npK ieatbv loani te federal,— proTtocltl tfid city le n n u n in ti.

— ■; IN S .U ]!— — H The-flrrt-o t-the-yes

tim e to U k « ‘s to c k o f ' t in , 70U a re p ro p e r ly corcr(

o r e r th la m a tte r w ith y< ‘ . -la properly w ri tte n .« ___ W e a lw ays h a v e »om

1 and catTalwayB u m gw

F .C . GRA^ ISO K orth M tln :

Iti lii , 'f"■■■■■T"'*— r

SCORCHY SMITH:------------- it-v'A»-Avir«iuY-mi-flF-V(

Bo^TORiM c y r AW H r / nKPOVK THAT tUl PlMt W j

i«M7 HRRNIt* AT C m t BAR - >

'ecsl J K ll ( 3

I , J U S T K I D S .

^ , '^ - M 3 u CA urr e a tK ic

— B u r v o o a w o i OCULO T O M O R Q B lr/

— ’ PM' TW a 16. . . T O M oeeg ttt ^

• J

— ^ ----------------------------

r H B W a , ‘T W IN .F A IX fl. m s

j ; / o u » T ^ .sa o M -7 ^

) ' ^ 3 5 ¥ 5 :

'M i f / § '

— *'■ ' " ■


■ J ; P E R IN S E R T ie i I

i f U m > t l i , a n . i l M « a a M |

,i.r ^ Iu . ' M lm lla n e o u t

OBT OBtniNB ORAZT CRTS* . I t ' tats and drink yonr vay to health,

u . J,H.flohwU»er.‘n>eRavIel® h»a|. , U. er, 7 » Mtto Arenue BMt. T itn - I t - PaUs,-:----------- ;— :-------

'u .i t ooT oacrA B U K jo d u

■ »J- BBICHPORD, Enc, (O -A acO f • U. tbs riden U tbe opentnc mset bsre

of.tbs South Wdd bounds v u B. ( „ PmtoB RtvBiliy. s t y s tn old. Us ^ b u with IbU p if t lo r n <*• m n . .

'i '. ' . " a i a a s s s a s = 5 :B

i S -^ iefla i 'A tly firtlsem en ti.

,1L I ^ C T O P lN n ^ O N O V T I f m , u . PAXxa m o H V A r d u t b x o t t o

. BEU OBBTAOf BIAL B8TAR, ^ o r nU B .rO B BUBlKO IHBBB* S i r OIC.-AM>*P0B-BDBJn««f01»-t)P ^ PBOPOIAU OP PDBOOUB H o n e c » BBtBBT OIVBB: T bat T vta P |]! | BUbvay DUtrict,

f«H by rejotoUen tdopied December 90, & I , b u d e c l t i ^ U to

n a t mu certato ret] etiate. not asoei- h tn sary to ths voric of tbs district. ce&-

Ncrtbveit Quarter of Bectloa r oa TvtBty T n (S». to Tovaihlp T a de- (lO).Boutb.ofRanceSerente«aa7) 8 ^ g 2 . - M ? - t e " ^ - P i d l * - O o u ^ ^

■■■ T h it appftlMti h ira hwn’ land polatad to appraiie tbs lald Und, Unc aad tbat ao proposal of parObase

vUi bs eoniSdaed for less ttiaa ttw iry) Titos u fixed by.sush appralMt*: — m a t Wednesday, Jaaoaiy 10, IWt.

a t tba bour ot 3 o-cleck P. Jit. b u biea ftn d u tbe Ume, aad tbs of- fles ol tbs dlitrict to Tvto Patli. Idaho. a» tbe pUee for baartBf aad

ited fnribracU oa by tbs dlttriet, and at a n said Urns and p£u« aay aad all per- Ifa* seas t o t e m t e d ^ appsar aadibs t a beard thersoD. maks protest c r ob-

r . i r a i a a ' i s ’i s s a i

CRANCE . „r e a r l#~here,“ I W c 4 8 'a “S00d— o f y v u r in iu raneo to seo if rered . W e w lll:be gU d to go ti y o u to see i f yo u r Insurance

ome good buys In real eitato

t A V E S & S O N , ■• Phone « 8

H -

'-VOUL ) / —TKAT-w)ia«T-fJO— 1-TTwi- r / n i y j T te w m .W lR lA U v\ t ^ \ JU STA 'M iH 'TO m ^ y * ^ nei» JM WSAXt.-n<C

/ r t u w ftVID I fcu Wf WAY WM WfW YORK ^ V CV*t IH (0 a'lKK IMAT S S

fjeSoW HARPlY =step rr i a n p - ^ . X ^

» \» » B » w y i5 ~ w iW w lO \ * I r ^


T H E G V M P S r r l

I F ' VlO f T S I H t L T H T f * ^

U ARE 6&IH& .'(D \ VWEM-'THtY UMHW K.(T-

^ s - B a JHfilpWanled^alo :

i U D f W A K n b " ? m ^ m i r a ’ I R » t« M 100 fimuisa to etty <

_ Twin PalU, comUes ef Uaeol * ] BUlns aad Oamat. BaUtbls biaU hm ] Iboulds U r t s t n ^ M v M U r a t

Ravlelib ID-4T-S, D o nI CoSo,

— Salo-Aulomoblles " S * J S T a o D B r r o o S r a T m u A i

Are. Bait,

a s ................................................. -

AUpropcwltmuitbeiubettaUa] to the form provided fcr to tbs nsi

aeof luUon, refereaee to vhlcb U be bsre mtde, tn d muit bs tttompanUd I « B. oeitlfM obeck payabU to Ibe di

Ue trlet lor one fourth (U) of th l pu > n chtio pries wopoeed, the baltaes,

tbs p n ^ j ^ b e accepted, p a ^ ' ' upon lbe ezecutlfla *"<* deUnrr i

= » lbe deed: r. n s dutriet r t i i r m tbs r l i b t '

). rsiect aay aad aO propoaali«( pt

. * 0 u made to tbs reselatloB adop(< t R , and to tbe reconU of tbe dU ite t EBB- BTDABT 8 . TAYLORy r -- -------------- s e c n ti r r -------------

KOnCB OP ADMDnBTBATOi trict, 8AUS o r BIAL PB O R B nr r 90, l a tbe Probate oouit U T vto Pal B to Oounty, Idabo. m s - In th eH it te ro f tb iB r ta te o ro t coa- Younf . deceued. ____

H ln t a < ! a t i i a t l l i . i w i , a p a i a a i T n cbtrcei ot tbe adminUtratlco t t t (17) e«ut», tbs foUevtoc ducribed n

aaty.- p ro p erty rt* ^L o t* -M r» i-aO r - n d a to Block u -c (- Ktmbv

tiase fold a t ptlraU leJs by tbs aode I tbe rimed u admtoiHrator o( aald e I*: tote oa or after tb s n tb day of J ti IMt. uary, m i, b u . Bids fcrta ld property muit b s : lo t - vriU ncaadm tybeM tvU buldai Patli, mtoUtralor penooally or a t bU e aad flostatbsD .B .M oorm aaB andti

id a t to Tvto Paili, Idaho, cr vlilt U per- eleric «f said pmbaU court a t ai dibe time after the flrrt poblicaUoa ' ■ ob- IbU notloe and before tbe makli t o i t Of the tale.iiu e U . jr. SW E D zr.___ Adminiitntor ot tbe EMats— ; Otto Youni, Oeoeaeed.

T ” A N O n tn BUMM0N8 ta the OUiriot Court of tbe Bierea

Judldal Dlitriet of tbe Stato _ , Idaho.ln..aad for the County.

rT vtoPtU i.Oem SttU Lumber Oomptay,

ecrponUco, PUlntlff,

. H O .Btm llton, a bachelor, and A Moon. DetendanU.

THE OTATE OP roAHO Sen— ireeiiii p lo 'E. P.'HimlJt6o.T E ic:

slor and E. A Uoon, ttw abon aai ed defendtnU.

IQ 'TouareheretpynoUOedtbattoor plalat h u been filed afttost you

m m t^ D U trie t oourt .of tbs B e r n


w Wa .x' ' '•s.'"

m D E C E M B H R > 2 7 , i m

A l l W R O l

v o u AABau SUB I t ' A I H iW W - w -p E O p f c ^ - 1 ^ H W K T H E C O h M -* - - m

- ir iT-sKmABiAi . ‘ ^S u *d o !*t *f^ a b m ^ rJ i O U t A K E TH B PBEU ,

<rgains-iI . PwSaI» rult8,VeDetabli

r o n 5 ^ 5 5 i m S O T J v wIty of fboae 0M3-Jt____________

QARROTB, OmOKB AMD POT. r t i x j .to(s for taU. Pboas 01W-J4.

tS Z ApnXB ABD BPUD0, PHOI P iice 4 U ,to ite n csB ta io b sc i

Ur. Salomes by tn e k load Beti th tn beer ecpecUIly for cbildn

DU Prlcei reduced some to c tn ava;

JONATHAN AND BOMB BBAVl KAIN Applet; t v n t SpaaUb oaloai. 1

milts E u t on Klmberiy road. D. Voiban. .

Fo r S a l tr - U v e s t im l:itlaSy -----------------------------------------iieso- BCTOA OOOD TEAM: l-YEAl

bers oU hotses. Wetgbt, INO pous M ,by each. Phone »3-Jl. Buhl. '

POR SALS - SPOTTS) P O uS C blaabotr,I4m eBthi«ld.3m l

^ veit tad Wflcrtb aoulb Park.

^ ^ BRED PUREDRED EAUFBBB A t ». OOU to put oat OB ib a te i Pbo K aj7.'E .L.TnriD.4?l8tbA n.N ori

TWO 7>OALLON BOLSTXQI * 2 2 Thcroucbtred. T u t i l and i t

y e tn old. RtUid by Esmplsou n s best boy oa tbs tract. BUI

lmlUiontb.H.v«ttSontbPatk. .

^ I - " "'W U IADYBWAIOTAMWATOH.DI f o tto ^ wevi. R m rd .

LOST-PEUALE B06T0K BUI V tbat v tr to n Io n r l lp :a a m n to B a i f e ^ 3 m i i i r ^ < ^ ^ . 'W n s ino .

• aad LOST - SATURDAY OTOHT, SA eC bla contalnlni batkstball out)

m l aear b iib ubod . R e w l L ean----------------

f f i

K O M In pum . ou t o t .o r t i JU

be to

JudlcUl DUtrict Of tbs a taU e fl^ bo, to and fcr lbe Oounty et t i

n S s nUfc by ths abon namsd pUtot t t a y tnd you ars b i r ^ dirsotsd to I 0^ p tar and plead to tbe said campU .«Mn> tritbto Iveaiy d tn of tbs senrlos

thU tunmont; tnd you a n furiJ V BoUllsd (bat ualea tou se l«ipi ^ and pUad to a id oompUtot vHl

tbs tlM hereto specmed, tbs pU ■ - - tiff vm taks judfment acatort ]

u prayid to u ld ccoiplalat.' m a th TbU U an aetloa to fondoas lto of m ortofe >nad^ executed aad del

uy , a Aoru au t, 1911, and eom to f 1 . Six (fl> to Bloek ons Hundred El<

en (111) to the city and Oouaty ind B. Tvto FtlU, State of Uabo.

WItncM my htnd tn d tbe seal flendi tt ld DUtrict Oourt, tbU M A day■ w s: DoWnbeV. IBJ. ' •---------- =----->eam< (Bicnsd) PRANK J . B i c m

(flfal) ouic o n - RARRY BBNOrr, fM to AUomey for PUlnUff, m a th Rsildenee: Tvto PalU, Uabo.

l ^ - I S H r S u T a S u w j i ^ ^ k m AH' ikO A<Ro({ 7X6 PASTVKS I

i ^

O O NT — I U j e r J r n


g 1 8

s i i

• f ‘

9 N G ■ :

^ .A C0UP1.S O f BA 6S O P ' AND WJMI>1

T)ppOrtables .ForRent-Fumloh^ERO . ROOM AND OARAOB P 0 » BSMT.

, 660»artbM ala.

nTA* POIt RBNIWROOU ABp BOABO. . •om sfli.lU ladK crtb .r .

BORE BOABD AMD B O U U -U O f lB tocal- A n.Bortb, pbeas 101^

ATIBAOnVB PD BKX BRBQ apartmeal. KltobimUs. PbOM

S H J APABTUBtOB > TW O -BO O It ^ n PonUbed cooplits. l b s Oxfcrt,

«»6 to to North._________ .

BOB.BE2Q2*tllXOBUt-PCBinBHi tf Sd ipariaMat; kllebea tisctrlealij

. . eqtfppsd. Hbodatr Betel. ■

PUUY P U R N IS H B O APART- xnoxU neaU i l JniU m an Xaa aM

Oaite Hcoa. Pboaia 456 aad «71 r»<E S 5 ■imUei i b REB (KX)D UBAXB. VABU

attraetin room, tvo bloeki f m 1 ^ to to S tm t, 139 mcntb. R atei tc

^ For;8al6-Fiiralture^l i h . * lo w ARD'usiD pow w rnm B « K as ktadi. Oeai Baacss M In r a

IIO laca Wl m d s aad boy « MD w m pay-eatti-far-itonM ad-N M t sn to n ead foiattim; Uooa^i p ita aadPPBltare8ton.p|>8Bai.’

^ Wantflcl-MMansout^-BUU^ WAMTO-OU) AND CEAX) 'An< >aams te M Pbene OIWMt ' •

. w A K rm by" pbc tatb pa b c t^ ;SAT« to biiy uisd furattiB*. R u n outat. 6t>»W.

*’• WAMTED-PA88BKOBI TO BAM ~ : r r r -L ak fo ity 8ttU M v;«UB s:4H 4fB to * a f t s r tp .a t .........

OOOK BIOVB JBO U PMVATl ’ party, oood i b ^ . O a a 407 bl-

i f f l * ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ 2 = = =

— For Mo^oultry .n t w , I POB t l . PHOHB o m - j l

atotur, P0R B A Z £-B tU 88D T U B B 3m to a p . f»eisandeMekeM.PboBaW>MM

Tloa or BEAOTIPUL BRONZE T0BKBT8 (urther tdJoditdtm cD cnrybcittoldabi

by ODimtity’ of Idabo peultq tpecUUM. I tn . Petri Iroa, p b n

Tltln. 0W-J5.Bt yoai „ , For Sale or Tradi \

Addrm Box R Jlt eara Hews. -

* P * I : p o r EXOKANOB - TRAOTOI <aty Of and plov'for dairy s r beef cattle ^ ^ H. 8. BetU, H mOe south ol Tvli d ayof . --------

OT,. ‘ For Rent—Farmi •CUrk. r-i-____ _ - - - - - --------- '

RAVE 40 A dtaS PpR CROP B8NT E ^pm tot n^nlred O in xtter<

0. lace. Box N cats c fK evi,


Ite n w JK!"" ^s»RcnY Yw


s t e m s !

------ -------------------------------

iM iV m w .H if r v r J i / v

tuQ E®

' ' A n o B j n n . . '/ - h -,

* r a S J L . ! B i E r L ^ - - — . f f - ^

m S ''..............B u r t i i w - % - .; v V ’ ~

r = = c • ' ' , f t n n a i o - v - ; , ^ - . | v

s asd B t i m r o o T F t O H i i i a ^

! S HAT, w c ^ ' c m g i " ~ ; : r , 7 ;

re - EAT. p a j m m tnoKM i n I 'K . ,

OOOD lOBB-ROOK v S O Q B I^ ' 5 , ^ - c b ii» Pbeae OIM -Jt . *■;??>:


» N « *

= i s v o R l S S i ' t r M S r m o S t

n u i r w s r a i r M - r S i S -


I . ■ ' ? i 5 ? g » ; ' 1 S K g ! £ ' '

U T S , 'il I ifftj IB— aa— ..

! ! ! i i ' W as te d to R e n tKE78, -ir-- - - - - - - - - - - - - 'ildabo WANTED TO BENT - 1 0 OR I S - peultqr acrei. Crop or c u b reat. B a n IbB . p b n s Uae macbtoor. Writo Bcc » . eai«


> V V S IIu a tH it t W a n te d . ^

:-------- • '■ .lO D D U AOED S Z K O L 8 UAV

n o te v to te rt voric eo raacb. P . O.BQs 34I.Jettima.

1 • , ' CoHegM . ■

B W . o o m r a T o S i£ O c ^ a o o O T « ^xefcr> Zdabe, jrsp a m . fcr 'pcometioo.

aU rt Jaauuy 2nd. W ait balf. ;


S-r-vi *___ _____ » ‘ *T- — r


. ' l , -

Page 8: m m FAL]LS D AIL1 : · 2014. 12. 12. · H ® 8 8 8 m _____ Vol. 18. wo. « ' ; ~ BliliflM ilSClEDB! iL M i

JiwEcisiiEr-iii M l l t r ii 'I I M F ii

( M f »107.000 for .Owmty Works Subieol to

■: *(w^Alfo(menl8i~S!rpoff DevelopiiMiit Turned Down

I t o uMlUooil dFll w A i p » .M fc ta Tutn m i l eounty. InvdT.

- M U oUmtUd toUl exixau ot tXmjIOOO, « n upproved UoUUt*. n t

' k r t r t i» cMDt7 ctfU m rk i eoa* w/ - & S r >i to lb . P triib ^■ ball b e n l u t O u pn itc t. ii

t(g tr td ln f u A (eoelns ot ^■:— tw n m n rtiip o rtr iM -fe je e M -o o —

fraundt U u t » v u nol fpoa- me, ; , . J n d br *,tel*l unit mch u city jo,|

' n t t«st« tln ta tliat■■ » » .» » iil r • » ! « « « o t m m l i « ’ , t i BBu t i iUedtnd-«ay-p»»-tre>oU

V S B in n Uod. Jobnitoa,tz« ^ ^ Blaiatd, tba t tb* jn je e u ^: . a a t a m b* okehrf by the i t ^ ^ , ■ bond t o t e T. J. Uoyd and alio *“

by mato OWA BittDtcf. Jo« Stem-

• U b a T tou nortb i t o m - i m r . t o t o t e a a i wJth-vort for jW a a n : SO (eana to t 49 d iy i a t a oort >f'^ V, • ( ' t S U i m J g

B lfinnym jM t* tA i■ Tw ii »a D i'b !|hv»r, dlRriet - IlnnltB C U l B i!« o< icbool bui w g u bttvM n BoUlitar and Am- CH

S ® ? ita e e i» o rM 7 a o j« « T e lli i« “ J . 0 » B lltf o f a a fl aad'lebeol bu* ,

w a t« aait of Bet»e v llh w r t tor . fiO 'saa tc r M day* a t a eort ot 3 t04«; pa lslta i atoel tefdcea In tba dUtrM vtUi Vffk for 10 aun for ^

'• < IO.ilayi a t a. ooit of IU1I40; and . MBrtraotloo of a i n d t acnai Rock ^

’ , iS r t t ^ B « i * t 5 ? y W a S ^ 0 . 1' e e lt« tt» U .J .D .8 1 n en u ^ h l|h v ay ^ . dtitriet civlaaer, vho fobmltttd tbe Ho«

" m k oplalned that tbe dtitrlct « < M t d fumlib an the s a K ^ 'v l l h tb i esoeptlOB of povder aad w

• co 'tbe Boek ertek ftade. »*<. . ’ Boek creek U ibvay dlitrlet » m -V “ “«• g* P ra

' . • point emrnnQecieDth of Baniea u u , - lAih vo tk io r 10 s e n and 40 toanu ^

fW MTtn v tfks. n e n sfac laf cott uu ' w u t t f l o a M a t m U v ii l le in d f L ; tor- the « » * W to v^-ippfW * -nia - . <8 Jat * ^ of IM39. Bllll

.■ .• i fc la o o ^ m «ana)< to a p a n y - bS lUp-TaprtiK Utci«Ii. v ltb vork for « tit

« a i i r « ia r f B r < » T t iy r K onfi■i--»cQ rt.ot.tTO i.Brtentlon o tu te ra li edu. v u alw appnred v ltb vork fer 10 x & ' a i a f a 10 day^.at a ,c « t ef t m . o t u

' . . S e c k a ty B itl n—.“ T be 'i1IU»o;ef Klmfieny.Teeored l»y* . ‘ . approral for conitrueUon ot the amo------w tk portion ,of .fc.iwmk!lp>l teCil , iU a

lnr/or<dty/hanvvllh;vqrk fer-40 ley i

I c i o

~ _ mQu

D oors OpiF o r T h e B i

T he M o st! You Cai

s t o p H o u s e

G e t T o T h (

No Deliverii



-------- ”

- mn i va tn 'i a j /aali. K rti'W r «»«• t l

eeaselUn' ta su k t tbelr hibr ilay Haduta’rv**UmatauPWMU U l u t ta w n 'n aoylhlni fbe.* W

men and 19 tcami tor 49 di^yTit a * coat ot 1 1 3 ^ tor Ubor and liaoo ” for cement.. ' . . j

The Ubor piy roll made tart vtek ^ Baymood OriTa. db b u ^ of»

bnmibt (hfl (oui elrU fundi ^ ipm t ta ths liut tire v ttk i to »« ,• . s o m Direct rellet approwd for „ December amoUnltd lo IIO U ^ be p, unouDCtd. U t t veek 7«8 men. Ux vomen and IM teami vete ptld. ,

■nie chairmaa pointed out to n r> ■ loui troupe reprewnted al the P meeUnj that the CWA U not a dole ■ and . thal old men anti erlpplei ato to tw d liA w Efl t n « coaitrocOoD ■

U belns pro. a rlded for K Ir u iu b le to vorfc“ he U declared, addlne that thow employ* wl cd are otpecUd to :'b it the ball.“ ^


- J O IN - B U R L - E Y - C O U P L E S -

B tm U T . Dec. 30 >- A nldnl«ht ^

nlgbt vben Donner Cratlon. Cfhure- hUl, v u unlled In marrina to MUi , June lUdley ot thli city. The ^ mony vm pertormed by Judie/Uary 0. Pay-ln the otrice ot the iounly ^ neorder v llh Dovard Canon and ^ Howard Jarrard vitncaiei. IhU v u , aa u ^ u e veddlnc In lhat l l . v u 1 the Ilm* In Ihli.county that a I f vMdInc had e n r b m , pertormed by M Kvoman. 'J % Ch

Aoolber veddtai unlUn* tvo piomlnent pioneer famUlci v u held Bunday eren tni at-8;90 o'ciock-vben U itt Dorothy UlUard. diu|hter ot U r. and U n . John UUUrd, became ^ the bride of Jamea Hendenon, w n " ] of Ur. and U a Beolty U e n d ^ .The «erem nny:vu .ptttormM by :. BUhop Jared A Mercer ot OaUey, . 1 QBtle of the bride, a t the bnna Ra

ed thrlmmedlato temlUai and’john — J. MUUrd 8 r , Oiklcy, tnoiilather 1of lhe bride. , , . ^

llM bride ll a iraduate otthe Oak. ~ }»y*KbooU ang-hu-been-’popuUr d a amon* the jounjer « t here. Mr. bw

ley bl(h f c ^ - a a d h u been a * ^ ' fS


) s in

uitingIn Twir

pen A i 9 o*Biggest Food Sale

t S tartling P] an’t Afford 1

isework, Business, C Phe Sale Early To

High Quality F



' V m F A IIB P A IL T >

. — i. - I

Public liivlled td Attend J ■ Radio Parly In Memory . J

■ Of Presldenl • . °------h. 7

Admlicn of the vatUme prtaldent, | - W ooilfw-W Keoa-artiarlieUdLSti k

tend an annlTcnory <AMrrance ta hanorot b ll n ie m ^ tomorrov ere- tl n tn r a t B o'chxik a t a piAiUo radio fi pa rtr a t the Miv Roceraon boUL 8 T hu announceflbtU made by U n . fci Jamee D. Whelan, permanent chatr« k man o tthe Wllion UemorUl aieocla- l

« tlon. «jr llie DemooaUe Women'i dub Ja - A coopenUar In lerent. and Mra.

W r.Alvorth. leereUtT of the duhk a U ta charte of rtierralioai t. . „ -3 3 ia addreaa otP rtildent BocaetdL „

A achedukd to ipeak ortr a n a t lo S 0 n d lo hookup a t 9:90 o'doc^ vU .be

rwelfed a t the hotel dining, rocca T.. J . Uoyd v in apeatDhUTeoent trip a

to W ublniten iu d mudeal numben a

* hare charte ot the muile. ’ -* HetiedmenU vlU be aem d « t »f nominal fee. ReoelpU vlll be need to „ ^ p«j| the entertainment expenxa. “

|BR€VITI€S^0 S e n far flelldayi - Uta. iU U l S . BidUy and her dauihter. Ruth, 8aU r e U keC lty.anipendlncthehoU dayi ! ; . with U n . Leo Klrkman. ^

' le a r te c Fet C aaiM lr. and K n . , A. a. Staltord a n learlnr today for „ Venlun, caUtomU, to ipend the

J wnatader ot Ihe wtnter. . . • . O

Otf* Tnm Hmpt^VSm a O m ". Thompeon. ituCent a t tha Maaareaa " colJete. Nampa. U the gaeA ot B a r . :

* and Urt. Xjinaa D. Bmllh.; — «— • u7 , H en for Delldayk-UUa UTonna ^ , O u U ctr ,ln iln ic to ra lB IU i.U ^d - ^ , IngPthe holldayi vllh her parenta, £; \ Mr. and Mn. E. T. Outlery. Wlmore. »

' R e lU v O B M (-a ^ R .W .8 n f |( t Loa A ^Iea . and U r .u d U iCB ay _ t Uatheoy.! Burley, v m lue tti oyer w

C h riita« -o t Ur. and U n . O fd^ ^) OoHfld. • •.'• S

‘ eera a t the Otden itock ihov Janu>; a ty g. Thli UhUttrteenth year act- '1 In* ta that capadty. . to r “J , ^»ar« U o tB o n -M r.a n d U n |. J{eU “I tamrd.'UoUUler. a n the parent* of ^) a ton bom y e i M w ^ toe T v ta ~

\ ~ h l l u U BeeelT^ - U n . 0 . M. ”

. *air dated v lth h li father fn the p rM * fu . butlnttt for m e n l yean. J.. , J h e y VlU- be a l .home to their ir, . frltndi atler January 1 ... iji


M mBusine.

in Falls

B*clock Thislie Ever Held In Tt

Prices On Ev To Miss Th]

, Office and Everytl 0 Get First Choice FoodProductB

' . N o i

• I

r REirs, Tmr nuu,. roxB' ■ ,.......... ......... ..


I ; ;»BDeral*etTl4ea.fBr-.Bobatt Otfl. ; I berteon. 30, tw t f U r. a a l U ts. a .' D .O Jberti«v«hodU d*td>*TirlB .- r n U o w n ty t to e n l b o ^ f o U o v . :

db * an operaUon for a ruptured ap - i pendU. vUI be held thU a n c m x n * a t 3 o’c iK t Dr. W. E. Andenco. paa. tor or lhe ChriiUan d » reh .ta ch a j|e ' of the lenloca.

B a v u a menber of Uie T v ta ' nnahl«hiehoolaodotU »4-n<3ub. Be v u bom October U ,l>U ,taM e» .I b ru to . ............ • aI Bonlrlnt reUUrea In addiuoo to 1- the parcoU a n tbree broUun aad b > fo ttr iU ten .T he iU tenanU is.B a* t L cel SUM. BueUey. Nebraika; U ts. 0 I. UaUnda Dtrli. U n . EuU roulk dad <2- u u a UMtuentA CunxTttoD. atl of X:- Tvta'FaUl.

• aa -T — ■ a

M u u , ^>«ll^Jk^ jurtleal eu«, and , k j ic k Conajnn, t#edleal, v s n ad* ^ . mltted to the Tvta TaUi county |ta > b

--------- — S1 ' • • u

At UetoM O en ler-A m anlaia p J Ucenie v u lined a t T vta FaUl 1 I oDonly rteorder^ ottice yu tcrdayle t 1 CharlesD.Aronorlch andRuUiBad^I i ^ b o U T o r B a i tT ^ City;--------- *

, • • Pt Holiday V Utan*.Un. Xrvta All* ^ * red ot American PalU. v llh her g

dauihter. Betty June, a n r lill ta t her lUler. Ute. J. 0 . Johniton, ta ^

, Tvta FaUl orer Ihe hoUdayi. ; *

LaOe neadUfbt — One motorUt , ererbauled by a tn ftio olfloer paid I t i fine In Ute p o to eoort here f t t-

terdiy vben ba pUaded *uQty te ' eperiUn* hU ear v llh only one P

headlliht. ,

f • leare noeplUJ-^in. J. W. Oreen., HoUUUr; K. 8. Rovley. Twta 7aUi)i . Qeotte H. C U rt Oakley, and Ed-. : . vard-Jray^Tvtn.. ?a lli ,, vera-dlfr: _

talned yeiteiiday ftom tbe T vta FUta'[ cwinfy lene^l boepltat “ .

Here for Belliaye-UUi U a r ta itl <UcAtee, Initructor a t 0*den..aad

, Praak MeAtee. itudent a t K o r t h ^ Paeine DenUl coUeie. Portland ' Oregon, are rtetU ot Uielr parent*; ; Dr. and Mn, P. P. McAtee, tor the ■ hoUdayi.

VUIu:ta D earei^UUi C oU e^ Wolte left yeiurday tor Denrer M rlilt trUndi unUl Kev day: U U i WoUe. Initructor ta MounUtd Home, ipent Ohrlstmu h e n , wUiti ^ ^ p a r tn U . Ur. and Mrs. t IL;

' At fitadenU VUlUHarold Joh6*' ton. ion ol Ur. u a U n .. Ceotfs jobniAn a n d 'q ^ 'S t o k u , ioq o t . Mr. and U n. ^ H . Stokei. are Q)*Ddln* Uie'hoUdiyi hen. Tbey ' are itudeoU a t Uie OUh A*rlcul^ ' luraLcoUtit._l«*R._____ :______ ; ,

VWIIa* BeUdree-Rer. a n d l K “ .Vf. T. Annitron*. Salt U k a .O ltJ and U n . Jeieph Swope. J r . i 4 fw eto a t the hom* of U r. aod U n . - J. H. Bvope UlU v ttk . Uta. Bvope.

i(ilt-ta..Chattaaoota, T ^ ^ •I ’ I ' I

) t l t


M orningrwin Falls

verything liis Sale

rthinfr And e O f These


A H O , ^ N E S D A T K O B N W C

i W E l W'toV- ! . .^ Commissioners Approve John ^ , DeKlotz*$2000'flofidfor ; ^ Poor Farm Project , ii. ■ — u . Jobn OeEloli. Filer, U aaemtdln*

arujomfnt to beeia vtthln n « t C <Uy or l«o Uie rcmoral o{ Uie bMel id building trom Uie Amaltaouted Su* a* ta r company'a plant Uin<><]uarten X ’ Of a mile e u t tw Uie Uteljr nequlttd Id Tvln FalU coimty poor tann. about of XlTemUMWUtMutot Tvln FtlU.

• .• HU bond M h e lum of »M00 v u _ appro^•«libf^^Pin Falb counly oom* - MUilonenytaletday.Id Under termi ot the ran lractvbkb i ; ) n i avardeH leveral day# ajo. » • i . aura l U to bo completed on or be*

tore next February!, a penalty cUuie “ •p ro raH T n iftT h rtthW S to rM air

■ torftlt tIO a day for tach day occu* {• pled In the remoral atler that date. 11* The conUact ealli tor payment Ot to tUTO tor Uie iob. 'U ■ Tlie bulldln*, vhlch U egw led to

Kccotnmodatovtieut lO O penoniw . purcAiiMd frcm (he Amalgamated

, company tor IIJOO, and U to be mor*. ed 10 Um 40>acn poor farm* vhleh

f , UMCommUilooen bought lor MOOO.H The big bulkUng U to be moved ta ° leeUoni. to be nunllM on the toun*'• datlon vaiU lhat hare 'been con*' atrueted on Uu soor farm alle.

i t Commlulonen' rtoordi yeeterday Id dbclcsedertaUonota»U4o.44emer- f. c rnrytundtom eetajudgsw ntjale- le ly entered requiring the eounty to 10 pay Slmpeon and Compaay »2S9]20

I g a s s s s_ M ____________________

1* ^ . —

n J CC 'I S '

r i'„ . d M | L

■ B iS i

« ' - 3

m . DBOEM BERir.-lPW

i n and Ua Soutbem U ahe Wtoieia] m OroceydocaiuytllBlJ4onaooOBi: l u . .D f.B U cM Jin su 2 u lt]JP J9 n ^^

. vlUi iocreaw of ta x ra lu y ioM- <

»M itrtSi” _i r r oomaUiloaen tc» i*ed-U*t e r a

Is* lo cconnt h e n a ia ta n q • Thurriay. . . .

,h n O a Baturday next, memben o t th attend an adrertUed aal

_ . . ot d ly and farm property tha t ha ' ’ rererted to tbe oouaty for noa-pay

ment of ta n e for IMT and prertog yean.'

"U U not our purpoae to a e ll ' a Un, toU time aay Improred -propert ^ v ticn Uie oocupaou are m aU i« a; ^ eM orH e-metH he-tortiU a M ^ S r ' their home^." George IL H art. Huh] P“* chauman of Uie boatd. aald ytiter ^ day. 'I a a aunber of InManeei ^ taough.” he taU, ‘■oocupanta of tm , ' p rond property h a « thrown ui th d r tianda and a n i"«*i"* no etfor

to ttdeera Uie property. In lueh ta euuieea the property vUl be otferti

ikb “ **•" n * . ■


AGAINST TW O .TODTH!ate. -------- ■-

ot Accused ta a petit latceby chatt< ot dralala* gaioUne from an auto

i to mobile Unk ta froat of tbe Odi i u Peilowa-hal!.-TvW^7Wla;-Mond« ted D(|ti(,. iU/ph Som, 27, FVcr. anc or* Praak.EarUey, 33, Tvta Palli, tool leh time to enter their pU u vhen th q 0. v m atralfned In JutUee ot the 1 ta Peaee Ouy T, Bvope’* court yeater. in* day. Eaeh vaa admitted to «I0( nn* bond, vhlch v u not tumUhcd. Fo-

' lice ottleen made tbe arrest.lay , --------------------------ier- . ANNOimCE BIRTHS lie- ’'BURLEY, Dec. U -Tbe toUawtat

to births v en announnd h e n during 120 the p u t v ttk : To Ur. a ^ U n . Mel-

^ P R E = I N \

3 L E A

.57 ( «

'\ iU a T f iU V \ .ir . VL

f \ V | . 2:>1 a \

h m *H H k ' i w \

l l \ \ ” (



n e i t .

f f i Twin Falls County Committee Prepares lo Lond Aid .

* » te , As Mediator ■:(§1 ' Bt ‘

A firm debt adJuiUnent oommlt-

S r * both deblori. and eredllor ta .a friendly, e e n i tb J * ^*omUon_ of Uie debt problem." lo t tato action a t lU tw t meetln* vhlch v u held In the eountr audltar-* ottice laat

tered Bett A Sveet, T vta ftOU cham* ber ot commerce preildent, . v u fjretfd eJialmin.' T bo F*rtca, SahJ. Tain FaUl county Ppmoa* Orange

“I* masler, v u elected rloe-ehatrman.

PHS county audito r,.vu eUctod seen* Uty ot ths committee. Recular meetlngj vlll be held Monday ere* aing of each veek. It va*_ decided.

Odd Formi vlll bt made anllable a t B d v Uie'i«ret*rr*:oince-today-for tjH and pKcand ibr the camai/<&Mlr oed ta t took tion. Applicant! a n requited to n b * Utey mlt a lUtement 'ot facto alon* vltt> the tbe appU^atlon; a coasmlttee then

Her* U to be deilgnated 'by. Uio .county 9100 eommlllee to Inreetlcato and n * P(h port on the cue, aad flnaSy a

' rln UlUer a daughler; U r. and U n . rtag J. a HfodrieU a dacgbter, Mr. « id ring U n . Thomu HiUh a ten; aad>to Hei-1 Ur. and Mn. Oven McBride, a son.



......... .... J


S R T ,T ,T O They’re Seasonable 8 IU

1 3 iLavishly

m M— ^ $ Q 8 822 coats ® 26 COI

H *8 7 c o a t s ^ ^

'Be hero EARLY if yoa v a n t on gains, even Bl Ihelr Intended pi "Clean>Up” reduelions--yoD can’t

DUES*2.50 '

*I0.<Time Is bp! These dresses MUSI frtsh Spring stocksf So we’r e priccs tha t will more them In a



D hearln* may b i ’heU-for la lo r iu - u 3 c < Um ooualy ooomlttoe t»

' fonaaUtlni ita rtpo rt ' - - ic ? A r6 tro n it i:T w ta rf« U i-t t« o » -

l E o ^ a -' . " a tanU atloa’naetfnit la it-a l ih t. - ;


^ Haaiea ak aharttra Ml* la A m M , im , under » decn* of fo n o lo n n

,, o fm o rtg a« e x em ted h y -W .iJ to « ewald. took UUe to Uie preperty. t a .

eouaty reeorder’i oKIew’ yerterday. n of - - ■ - - .


' atreement for conitraetlnc betwwea nfODfiOO and l U W W worth ot lev ooet' and -alum eleanoM pro . itc ta :ta Cterelaad v u annonuetf today by BecnUry lekea, prealdeal ot Uie ptibllo vorka emeriencjrbgu.lU.eo.I«»>U«i.------------------------

lecn* . . .iguiar ^ = = ? 5 = = a s r p s = = a i’ ere*led.

—F o r - S a l & O E i r i a d 6 ^ _wf£*t . . .in b * e-roasL modera houie,. tood

loeatton. pand atxeet. trade for jo n t, 'tann maehtaety and itock. w m I n * W the dUterisnce, If can o b t ^ ny « completo oultU all tofether, ta* s r dtuUn* m a n tooU.

U n . . m i SUl Are. iu a l ' : i « id Cdl AfJemooaid>to aon. I


a n d Moat S e . S o I d l ^ .

3 5r Furred

I $ | C 8 8coate

1 2 “i t one of t h '^ ! E^^dUnir ed pticesi B at now—a t these can’t AFFORD to miss them l

1 5 . 0 0. 0 0klU ST KO— to m ake room f o r ' e ’r e n a rk e d ih em dow n to 'In a harryl


9 ^ ’1

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