Page 1: M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of ...€¦ · Translation from Bulgarian M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA

Translation from Bulgarian


from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of

EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD On this 28th day of June, 2013, in the city of Sofia, 43 Christopher Columbus Blvd., at 11:00 a.m. a regular general meeting of the shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD was held in compliance with all provisions of the applicable legislation.

The meeting was attended by the shareholders whose names appear at the list made in compliance with the provisions of article 225 of the Commerce Law. The list of attending shareholders was certified by the chairman and the secretary of the general meeting and is integral part of these minutes. At the time of opening the general meeting of shareholders 8 (eight) proxies

were submitted for representation of shareholders at the general meeting. The meeting was attended by Mr. Kiril Ivanov Boshov – Chairman of the Management Board, Mr. Assen Minchev Minchev – company’s Executive Director, Mr. Velislav Milkov Christov – member of the Management Board, Mr. Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov – member of the Supervisory Board, the investor relations director Mrs. Milena Stoyanova Stoyanova and Mrs. Stoyanka Apostolova – managing partner at BDO Bulgaria OOD, specialized audit company, that has audited and certified the 2012 annual financial statement of Eurohold Bulgaria AD. The meeting was opened by Mr. Assen Minchev Minchev, Executive Director of Eurohold Bulgaria AD.

He welcomed the attendees and made a proposal to vote on a resolution allowing the persons who are not shareholders to attend the general meeting for the purposes of ensuring its technical requirements. On this proposal the general meeting of shareholders unanimously adopted the following PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION: The general meeting hereby gives its consent to hold a public general meeting of shareholders to be attended by any persons, non-shareholders, who wish to do so.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the 49 764 874 ------------------ ------------------

Page 2: M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of ...€¦ · Translation from Bulgarian M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA

Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


proxy Velislav Christov

CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

After the adoption of the above resolution, Assen Minchev made a proposal to appoint a Quorum and Represented Capital Commission, comprising of the following members: Mr. Velislav Milkov Christov, PIN XXXXXXXXXX – Chairman, and Mr. Zvezdelin Zung Ngo, PIN XXXXXXXXXX – member of the commission. On this proposal the general meeting of shareholders unanimously adopted the following PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION: Appoints Quorum and Represented Capital Commission comprising of the following members: Mr. Velislav Milkov Christov, PIN XXXXXXXXXX – chairman, and Mr. Zvezdelin Zung Ngo, PIN XXXXXXXXXX – member.

Voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


Page 3: M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of ...€¦ · Translation from Bulgarian M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA

Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Mr. Velislav Christiv, chairman of the Quorum and Represented Capital Commission, presented information about the shares registered for the general meeting. After being heard, and upon Assen Minchev’s proposal, the shareholders adopted the following PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION:

The General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD founds that eight proxies for representation of shareholders at the general meeting are submitted to the company at the time of opening of the general meeting. It further founds that at the announced time for opening the meeting, and namely at 11.00 a.m., on 28.06.2013, the required quorum for holding a valid meeting in compliance with the company’s articles of association is present, and that 10 (ten) persons, representing 75 985 686 (seventy five million nine hundred and eighty five thousand six hundred and eighty six) ordinary, registered, dematerialized shares, being approximately 59.67%

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


(fifty nine point sixty seven percent) of the capital of Eurohold Bulgaria AD are registered. Having in mind the above, there are no statutory obstacles to held the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD on 28.06.2013, at 11.00 a.m.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof. After these findings in relation to the meeting’s legitimacy, the company’s executive director made a proposal to the shareholders to elect a chairman of the General Meeting of Shareholders, a secretary of the meeting, and vote tellers. The executive director, Mr. Assen Minchev, nominated

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


Mrs. Tsvetelina Christova Stancheva Moskova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, proxy of the shareholders Starcom Holding AD, Euro-Finance AD and UPF – Budeshte, for chairwoman of the General Meeting of Shareholders; Mr. Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, shareholder and vice – chairman of the Supervvisory board, for secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders; and Mrs. Iva Ventsislavova Naumova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, and Mrs. Nadezhda Plamenova Shemshirova, PIN 8004282838, for vote counters.

The General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD founds that no other nominations for chairman of the General Meeting of Shareholders, secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders and vote counters are made, and therefore adopts the following PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION: 1. Elects Mrs. Tsvetelina Christova Stancheva Moskova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, a chairwoman of the General Meeting of Shareholders; 2. Elects Mr. Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, a secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders; 3. Elects Mrs. Iva Ventsislavova Naumova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, and Mrs. Nadezhda Plamenova Shemshirova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, vote counters of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


Page 6: M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of ...€¦ · Translation from Bulgarian M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA

Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof. After the adoption of the above resolution, the chairwoman of the general meeting informed

the attendees that in accordance with the provision of art. 231, paragraph 1 of the Commerce Act, The General meeting of the shareholders cannot vote resolutions concerning matters that have not been announced as per the provisions of art. 223 and art. 223a of the CA, unless all the shareholders are present or are represented at the meeting and nobody objects against the discussions of the raised matters. Considering the circumstance that the today session is not attended by all the shareholders, the latter shall be held under the agenda as provided for in the notice to the shareholders announced in the trade register, and namely:

1. Approval of the 2012 annual financial statement of the company – (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the 2012 annual financial statement of the company);

2. Approval of the specialized audit company’s report for the audit of the 2012 annual financial statement of the company (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the specialized audit company’s report for the audit of the 2012 annual financial statement of the company);

3. Approval of the Managing Board’s report for the company’s activity in 2012 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Managing Board’s report for the company’s activity in 2012.);

4. Approval of the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company – (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company);

5. Approval of the specialized audit company’s report for the audit of the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the specialized audit company’s report for the audit of the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company);

6. Approval of the Managing Board’s consolidated annual report for the company’s activity in 2012 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Managing Board’s consolidated annual report for the company’s activity in 2012);

7. Approval of the Managing Board’s proposal for allocation of the company’s profit for 2012 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Managing Board’s proposal for allocation of the company’s profit for 2012, and namely: the profit shall not be allocated.);

8. Election of specialized audit company of the company for 2013 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders elects BDO Bulgaria OOD, UIC 831255576, for specialized audit company to perform the verification of company’s accounts for 2013.);

9. Releasing the members of the Supervisory Board and the members of the Managing Board of Eurohold Bulgaria AD from liability for their work in 2012 – (draft resolution – The

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


General Meeting of Shareholders releases the members of the Supervisory Board and the members of the Managing Board from liability for their work in 2012);

10. Fixing the remunerations of the members of the Supervisory Board of the company for 2013 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders resolves that the remunerations of the members of the company’s Supervisory Board for 2013 remain unchanged.);

11. Approval of the report for the Investor Relations Director’s activity in 2012 (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the report for the Investor Relations Director’s activity in 2012);

12. Approval of the report of the company’s audit committee for 2012 (draft resolution – On the grounds of article 40l of the Law of Independent Financial Audit, the General Meeting of Shareholders approves the report of the company’s Audit Committee for 2012);

13. Voting resolution for extending the mandate of the members of the audit committee of the Company. (draft resolution – The General Meeting of Shareholders resolves to extend the mandate of the audit committee of the company with another term of 5 years , as of the date of expiration of its previous mandate, namely 26. 05. 2012, of the following members: Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov, Ivan Georgiev Mankov and Milena Vassilieva Avramova.).

Under item 1 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting, Tsvetelia Stancheva Moskova

read the proposal under this item of the agenda. No objections against the proposal were made. The shareholder Mr. Todor Zarkov posed questions which were answered by the Chairman of the Management Board – Mr. Kiril Boshov. After a discussion, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the draft resolution, to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the following

RESOLUTION №1 The general meeting of shareholders approves the 2012 annual financial statement of the company.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey 290 000 ------------------ ------------------

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


Shotov, CEO

APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof.

Under item 2 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting gave the floor to the attendees

to pose their questions to the specialized audit company, appointed as expert accountant (registered auditor), that has audited and certified the 2012 annual financial statement of Eurohold Bulgaria AD. There were no questions and speeches under this item of the agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution made, as provided for in the notice for the general meeting as announced in the trade register, to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the specialized audit company’s report from the audit of the 2012 annual financial statement of the company.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


Page 9: M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of ...€¦ · Translation from Bulgarian M I N U T E S from the regular annual general meeting of shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA

Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof.

Under item 3 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting invited the present

shareholders to ask questions regarding the present item of the agenda. There were no questions and speeches under this item of the agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution made, and namely the one as provided for in the notice for the general meeting as announced in the trade register, to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Managing Board’s report for the

company’s activity in 2012.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof.

Under item 4 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting informed the attendees about

the supervisory board’s proposal under this item of the agenda and invited the present shareholders to ask their questions in relation to the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company to its management and to the attending representative of the auditor who has certified the statement, as well as to make their proposals for resolution. There were no questions and speeches under this item of the agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the 2012 consolidated financial statement

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


of the company.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 5 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting, Mrs. Tsvetelina Stancheva

Moskova invited the present shareholders to raise any questions they might have to Mrs. Stoyanka Apostolova under the specialized audit company’s report from the audit of the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company. There were no questions and speeches under this item of the

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution made under this item of the agenda, and namely the draft resolution of the Supervisory Board, as provided for in the notice as announced in the trade register, to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the specialized audit company’s report from the audit of the 2012 consolidated financial statement of the company.

Voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 6 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting, Mrs. Tsvetelina Stancheva

Moskova invited the present shareholders to raise any questions under the consolidated annual report of the Managing Board for the company’s activity in 2012 as presented thereto. There were no questions and speeches under this item of the agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution made under this item of the agenda, and namely the draft resolution of the Supervisory Board, as announced in the trade register, to voting, and thus the General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the following RESOLUTION № 6 The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the consolidated annual report of the Managing Board for the company’s activity in 2012.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 7 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the general meeting informed the present

shareholders with the managing board’s proposal about the allocation of profit for 2012, and then she invited them to raise questions. No objections or questions were raised and the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the single draft resolution made under this item of the agenda, and in particular the draft resolution as provided for in the notice of the general meeting as announced in the trade register, to voting, and thus the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the proposal of the Managing Board for allocation of the company’s profit for 2012, and namely: not to allocate the profit.

Voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above

voting and the results thereof.

Under item 8 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the general meeting gave the floor to the

shareholders with relation to this item of the agenda. No such questions or objections were made. The general meeting of shareholders proceeded to voting on the single proposal made. To this end, the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following RESOLUTION № 8 The General Meeting of Shareholders elects specialized audit company BDO BULGARIA OOD, EIK 831255576, thus empowering it to audit the annual closure of the company’s accounts for 2013.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 9 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the general meeting informed the present

shareholders about the proposal for resolution, as provided for in the notice of general meeting, as announced in the trade register, to release the members of the company’s supervisory board and the members of the managing board from liability for their work in 2012. No objections and questions were raised, and thus the proposal was put on voting, whereas the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following

RESOLUTION № 9 The General Meeting of Shareholders releases the members of the Supervisory Board and the members of the Managing Board from liability for their work in 2012.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda

115 000 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013



Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 10 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the general meeting gave the floor to the

shareholders for objections or questions. Since no objections and questions were raised, the proposal was put on voting. To this end, the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following


The General Meeting of Shareholders keeps the amount of remunerations of the members of the company’s supervisory board in 2013 unchanged.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 11 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the general meeting, Mrs. Tsvetelina

Stancheva gave the floor to Mrs. Milena Stoyanova – the company’s Investor Relations Director, who said that she is ready to answer the shareholders’ questions in relation to the report she has made and enclosed to the materials disseminated under the agenda of the general meeting. No questions were raised to the Investor Relations Director and the chairwoman of the general meeting informed the present shareholders with the proposal for resolution under the notice of meeting as announced in the trade register. Then, the proposal was put on voting and thus the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following RESOLUTION № 11 The General Meeting of Shareholders approves the Investor Relations Director’s report for 2012.

Voting results are as follows: Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 12 of the agenda, the chairwoman of the meeting, Mrs. Tsvetelina Stancheva,

invited the present shareholders to ask their questions under the presented report of the company’s audit committee for 2012. There were no questions, speeches and other proposals for resolutions under this item of the agenda. Due to the above, the chairwoman of the General Meeting put the draft resolution of the supervisory board as per the notice of meeting announced in the trade register, to voting. Therefore, the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following RESOLUTION № 12

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


On the grounds of article 40l of the Law of Independent Financial Audit Act, the General Meeting of Shareholders approves the report of the company’s Audit Committee for 2012.

Voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Under item 13 of the agenda, the chairman of the general meeting informed the shareholders with the Supervisory Board’s proposal. No questions and objections were made. The

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


chairwoman put to vote the proposal for resolution of the supervisory board and the general meeting of shareholders adopted the following RESOLUTION № 13

The General Meeting of Shareholders resolves to extend the mandate of the audit committee of the company with another term of 5 years, as of the date of expiration of its previous mandate, namely 26. 05. 2012, of the following members: Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov, Ivan Georgiev Mankov and Milena Vassilieva Avramova.

The voting results are as follows:

Shareholder Votes “For” Votes “Against” Votes “Abstained”

UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

700 000



UPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

6 500 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

500 000 ------------------ ------------------

Euroins Romania Asigurare Reasigurare S.A., through the proxy Tsvetelina Stancheva Moskova

7 613 861 ------------------


Starcom Holding AD through the proxy Velislav Christov

49 764 874 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

115 000 ------------------


Euro – Finance AD through the proxy Iva Naumova

5 000 000 ------------------


UPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

3 175 000 ------------------


PPF – Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

290 000 ------------------


APF - Future, through Andrey Shotov, CEO

180 000 ------------------


Stoyanka Nikolova Angelakova-Simonova

40 ----------------- ------------------

IC Euroins AD, through Anton Pironski, CEO

1 007 796 ------------------


Todor Bozhanov Zarkov 13 479 ------------------ ------------------

Dimitar Stoyanov Dimitrov 200 ------------------ ------------------

MC Activa Asset Management AD, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

14 885 ------------------


CF Activa Visokodohoden Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

171 016 ------------------


CF Activa Balansiran Fond, through Olga Yordanova, CEO

189 235 ------------------


CF Ef-Principal, through the proxy Nadezhda Shemshirova

750 300 ------------------


Total number of shares 75 985 686 0 0

Total percentage of the represented share capital

59. 67 % 0% 0%

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Minutes from the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Eurohold Bulgaria AD held on 28. 06. 2013


The General Meeting of Shareholders asserted no objections brought against the above voting and the results thereof.

Due to the exhaustion of the agenda, the General Meeting of Shareholders was closed at

11.50 a.m.

The chairwoman and the secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders, and the vote counters executed these minutes.

The list of shareholders attending the General Meeting was certified by the chairwoman and the secretary of the General Meeting and is considered integral part of these minutes.

CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARIAT OF THE MEETING: Chairwoman of the General Meeting of Shareholders, TSVETELINA HRISTOVA STANCHEVA MOSKOVA _______________________ Secretary of the General Meeting of Shareholders, DIMITAR STOYANOV DIMITROV _______________________ Counters of the General Meeting of Shareholders, IVA VENTSISLAVOVA NAUMOVA _______________________ NADEZHDA PLAMENOVA SHEMSHIROVA _______________________

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Translation from Bulgarian TO DEPUTY CHAIRMAN OF FINANCIAL SUPERVISION COMISSION, IN CHARGE OF INVESTMENT SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT From EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD Registered with the Commerce register at the Registry Agency, UIC 175187337 Having its headquarters and address of management at 43 Christopher Columbus Blvd., Sofia Ref: list of persons who voted through representative under art. 116, paragraph 11 of the Public Offering of Securities Act Dear Mr. Deputy – Chairman, Based on art. 116, paragraph 11 of the Public Offering of Securities Act, we hereby notify you, that at the regular session of the General meeting of the shareholders of EUROHOLD BULGARIA AD, held on 28. 06. 2013, shareholders have voted through proxies, as follows:

- The shareholder STARCOM HOLDING AD, registered with the Commerce register at the Registry agency, UIC 121610851, voted through its proxy attorney-at-law Velislav Milkov Christov, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6566 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder EURO - FINANCE AD, registered with the Commerce register at the Registry agency, UIC 831136740, voted through its proxy Iva Ventsislavova Naumova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6569 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder EUROINS ROMANIA ASIGURARE – REASIGURARE S.A., registered with the Bucharest Commerce register, file number J23/ 2823/ 2011, UIC 5328123, voted through its proxy Tsvetelina Hristova Stancheva Moskova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6565 dated 27. 06. 2012, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder UNIVERSAL PENSION FUND – FUTURE, registered with the register of the Sofia City Court, file number 11576/ 2003, voted through its proxy Tsvetelina Hristova Stancheva Moskova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6575 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder UNIVERSAL PENSION FUND – FUTURE, registered with the register of the Sofia City Court, file number 11576/ 2003, voted through its proxy Tsvetelina Hristova Stancheva Moskova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6576 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder PROFESSIONAL PENSION FUND – FUTURE, registered with the register of the Sofia City Court, file number 12563/ 2003, voted through its proxy Tsvetelina Hristova Stancheva Moskova,

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PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6574 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder Contractual Fund Activa Visokodohoden Fond, BULSTAT 175373078, voted through its proxy Nadezhda Plamenova Shemshirova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 6568 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Valentina Georgieva, Notary Public № 340 at the register at the Notary Chamber;

- The shareholder Contractual Fund Ef Principal, BULSTAT 131467907, voted through its proxy Nadezhda Plamenova Shemshirova, PIN XXXXXXXXXX, based on notarized power – of – attorney, registration number 2609 dated 27. 06. 2013, certified by Teodora Grozdanova, assistant notary at Elka Ilieva, Notary Public № 207 at the register at the Notary Chamber.

02. 07. 2013 Sofia, Bulgaria Yours sincerely: Assen Minchev Minchev Executive director

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