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It may have been unusually cold in

North America this winter, but our

thoughts must be with our colleagues

facing natural disasters, political rev-

olutions and major disruptions to their

lives and practices in several parts of

the world.

Dr. Gaery Barbery of Brisbane, Australia, who represents

the Pacific Region on the FICS Executive Council, will not be with us for the FICS Assembly and Symposium in Rio de Janeiro next month – his family has had to move from their home which was heavily flooded late last year. The 35 chiro-

practors in Christchurch, New Zealand all survived without major injury during the disastrous earthquake in February but their lives and practices have been devastated. And now there

is the earthquake in Japan.

Other colleagues are trying to practice while surrounded

by turmoil in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East. I know you join me in bringing them our best wishes for as

quick a return to normal life and practice as soon as possible.


Featured IntervIew – dr saul luengas 9

Future Events 8

Around the World 11

Philippines, South Africa,

Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, UK, USA

The XVI Pan-Am Games 2

Sec-General’s Update 3

Rio Symposium Notice 4

ExCo & Commissions 7

FICs News

MarCh 31 2011

MaIson du sport InternatIonal, avenue de rhodanIe 54, Ch-1007 lausanne

President’s MessageSheila Wilson, DC, ICSSD

From the EditorMustafa Agaoglu, DC

Continued on pg 2...

Founded in 1935 and marking its 75th Diamond Anniver-

sary last year, Logan College of Chiropractic of Chester-field, Missouri, is one of the largest chiropractic colleges in North America with approximately 1,100 students. The college has one of the lowest tuition rates among chiropractic colleges and offers its students a demanding

curriculum, taught by highly qualified faculty, and state-of-the-art educational and learning facilities.

Logan’s Master of Science degree in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of North Central, offers students numer-ous opportunities to participate in multidisciplinary

clinical settings with professional, collegiate and high

school sports teams. In addition, the state-of-the-art BI-

OFREEZE® Sports & Rehabilitation Center, under the direction of nationally-known sports chiropractor Laney Nelson, DC, DACBSP, is located on the Logan campus and is specifically designed to treat athletic injuries.

It is a privilege to follow in the foot-

steps of Dr. Tom Hyde as editor of the FICS News and in this, my first is-

sue as editor, let me briefly introduce myself.

I am President of the Turkish Chi-ropractors’ Association and am a Life

University graduate practicing in Izmir, Turkey. I represent the Eastern Mediterranean Region on the FICS Executive Council and Communications Commission. I look forward to being in communication with many of you in the months

and years ahead.

In this issue our featured interview is with Dr. Saul Lu-

engas, COPAG Chief of Chiropractic Services for the Pan American Games in Mexico in October. Dr. Luengas is yet one more of the many prominent sports chiropractors who

have graduated from the Palmer College West campus in San Jose, California. Like many of us his journey to chiropractic began with sports injuries.

How can you help me in my work as editor? When you have news from your country, think of the FICS News, think of sharing the event or achievement with the FICS family – for example as Dr. Martin Camara from the Philippines and Dr. Dinesh Anmolsingh from Trinidad & Tobago have in this issue.

The draft text of an article, which can be a few paragraphs only, and photos should be sent to FICS Executive Secretary, Sandra Brown at [email protected] who will then copy

me, or directly to me also at [email protected]. Thank you for this opportunity to serve and your support. Enjoy this issue.

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As 2011 has begun FICS has two major events on the hori-zon. The first is the FICS General Assembly and Symposium in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday April 6 and related meetings. All plans are in place for an outstanding event. We are truly grateful to Logan College of Chiropractic and its President,

Dr. George Goodman for sponsorship of these events.

A second priority is preparation for the 40-member sports chiropractic team at the XVI Pan American Games in Guad-

alajara, Mexico from October 14-30, 2011. Are you planning to apply? Please note that the application form in Spanish and English is at but must be completed and

returned by April 1 – that is probably only 1 week away as you read this.

It has been a privilege to work on the Pan Am Chiroprac-

tic Services Planning Committee with Dr. Moises Hernandez and Dr. Saul Luengas of the FMQD, Dr. Angela Salcedo and Dr. Dale Richardson of ISCA and Dr. Phil Santiago, FICS Secretary-General. Grateful thanks also to Dr. Tim Ray, Chair, FICS Games Commission for his invaluable admin-

istrative support.

What does FICS ask of you and its members? The simple answer is your active participation and support. FICS now

The Pan Am Games Chiropractic Services Committee is now accepting applications for participation at this event from regis-

tered members of the FICS (International Federation of Sports Chiropractic), ISCA (International Sports Chiropractic Associa-

tion) and the FMQD (Mexican Federation of Sports Chiropractic). Lodging and meals will be provided.

There will be three 1 week shifts with the following dates:

• 10-17 October (arrival on the 9th)

• 17-24 October (arrival on the 16th)

• 24-31 October (arrival on the 23rd)

Applications will be accepted by the FICS Games Commission until April 1, 2011. For further information and application forms in English and Spanish go to

Sandra BrownFICS Administration Office:

1246 Yonge Street, Suite 203 Toronto ON M4T 1W5 [email protected]

fax: 1 416 484-9665

Dr. Timothy W. Ray, DC, ICSSDChair, FICS Games Commission

has representative leadership, strong staff support, financial stability, greatly strengthened unity and direction, many new

opportunities for participation of qualified sports chiropractic doctors at major and minor international games. There will be more on this last matter following further meetings with

sports international federations at the SportAccord meeting in London in April.

This year please take the time and effort to have a func-

tioning, national chiropractic sports council (NCSC) in your country – even if it has only a few members – that becomes and remains an active FICS member and an administrative foundation for promoting sports chiropractic opportunities

and care in your country. Please make that a priority – thank you.

I look forward to being in Rio where one of my pleasurable tasks will be presenting a special honor award to Dr. Stephen Press of New Jersey, the founder and first President of our wonderful organization. See you there.

presIdent’s Message ContInued...

the XvI pan aMerICan gaMes

guadalajara, MeXICo,oCtober 14-30, 2011

• • •

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Pan American Games.

If you want to apply to be on the

sports chiropractic team for the Pan

American Games in Guadalajara,

Mexico October 14-30, 2011 go now to and complete

an application form – this must be submitted by April 1.

The Chiropractic Services Planning Committee (Drs. Moi-ses Hernandez, Saul Luengas, Dale Richardson, Angela Sal-cedo, Philip Santiago and Sheila Wilson) continues to meet regularly and has made excellent progress. Affi liated with the Games, but held earlier from July 29-31, there is a COPAG Sports Medicine Congress. The chiropractic profession will be well represented and speakers include Dr. Bill Moreau, Di-rector of Sports Medicine Clinics, US Olympic Committee. Thank you also to these sponsors for the chiropractic speakers:

• Logan College of Chiropractic

• Northwestern University of

Health Sciences

• Spider Tech

There will be more complete details in the next FICS News.

Rio General Assembly and Symposium – April 6, 2011

See the full program for the Symposium on Page 4. It is ex-cellent. Thank you to Research Commission members Dr. Stephen Perle (USA) and Dr. Eduardo Bracher (Brazil) for leading the judging process and thank you to all those who

responded to the Call for Papers. Key days and events in Rio are:

• April 5: FICS ExCo meeting and NCSC leaders’ meeting

• April 6: FICS Assembly and Symposium See registration form at website

• April 7-9: World Federation of Chiropractic’s 11thBiennial Congress

Sponsorships and Student Scholarships

On behalf of everyone in the FICS Family we are most grate-ful to Erchonia Laser Healthcare, Foot Levelers, Logan

College of Chiropractic and Standard Process for renew-

ing sponsorships for 2011. This will allow FICS to offer stu-dent scholarships once again in 2011. Look for the Notice in the next FICS News.

The December 2010 FICS News reported on the four 2010 winners of these scholarships – Jo Adriaenssen (IFEC, France), Nicholas Curry (Logan College, USA), Raluca Duma (University of Bridgeport, USA) and Catherine Hugh-es (AECC, UK). We did not have a photograph of Catherine – we do now and here it is.

Finance and Administration

There was a modest surplus of approximately $35,000 for the fi nancial year ending December 31, 2010. That is a fi ne result

given various factors and developmental expenses in 2011 – congratulations to all concerned.

The SportAccord Annual Meetings takes place in London in April. This is the week long annual gathering of leaders of international federations (IFs) representing each sport from football and swimming to dragon boat racing and table ten-

nis. It also includes all bodies affi liated with the Olympic Movement, including the International World Games Asso-ciation (IWGA). FICS will be represented by the same team as last year, namely Dr. Brian Nook, Chair, IFs Commission, Dr. Roland Noirat, Past-President and Dr. Alex Steinbrenner, 1st Vice-President. There are planned meetings with leaders of a number of IFs

update FroM the seCretary-general

by phIlIp santIago

Bill Moreau, DC

Catherine Hughes with staff sponsor Dr. Angelo Battiston.

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Rio de Janeiro – April 6, 2011

Held in association with the World Federation of Chiropractic’s 11th Biennial Congress

Sponsored by Logan College of Chiropractic University Programs

8:30 – 10:30 FICS Assembly

10:30 – 11:00 NUTRITION BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 Session 1 – Moderator: Philip Santiago, FICS Secretary-General

Keynote Presentation: Chiropractic Services at the 2011 Pan American GamesSaul Luengas, DC, MSc, ICSSD, COPAG Chief of Chiropractic Services – 20 minutesThree Research Presentations – 10 minutes each- Chiropractic Utilization at the 2009 World Masters Games – Henry Pollard,

Peter Garbutt, Australia- Relationships between Injury and Success in Elite Tae Kwon Do Athletes –

Mohsen Kazemi, Canada- A Report of the 2009 World Games Injury Surveillance of Individuals who

Voluntary used the FICS Delegation – Deborah Nook, Brian Nook, Australia


Lecture – 20 minutes- Global Proprioceptive Deficits: Their Prevalence, Patterns, Clinical Implications and

Effect on Performance – John Downes, USA

12:30 – 14:00 LUNCHEON BREAK

14:00 – 15:30 Session 2 – Moderator: Stephen Perle, Chair, FICS Research Commission

Keynote Presentation: A Conditioning Program to Improve Sport Performance in Pre-Teen StudentsLaney Nelson, DC, DACBSP, Logan College of Chiropractic, USA – 20 minutesFive Research Presentations – 10 minutes each- Effects of Cervical Manipulative Vertebral Therapy on Judo Athletes Grip

Strength – Marcelo Botelho, Bruno Bezerril Andrade, Brazil- The Effects of a Closed-Chain, Eccentric Training Program on Hamstring

Injuries of a Professional Football Cheerleading Team – Jay Greenstein, Bart Bishop, Robert Topp, USA

- A Pilot Study of Force Generation at the Achilles tendon in 0°, 30°, 60° and 90° of Knee Flexion, Laney Nelson, Brian McGaughran, Kristina Berry, Roger Tepe, USA

- OTZ Tension Adjustment for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: A Retrospective Case Series of 50 Patients – Michael Hall, Francis Murphy, Anne Jensen, USA

- The Effect of Spinal Manipulation on the Neuromuscular System in Healthy Subjects – Gennaro Boccia, Owain Evans, Thomas Greenway, Peter McCarthy, Marco Gazzoni, Alberto Rainoldi, Marco Cardinale, Italy and UK


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Rio de Janeiro – April 6, 2011


15:30 – 16:00 NUTRITION BREAK

16:00 – 18:00 Session 3 – Moderator: Sheila Wilson, FICS President

Keynote Presentation: 2012 London Olympics and Chiropractic ServicesTom Greenway, DC, ICSSD, Chiropractic Representative, Physical Rehabilitation Work Group for LOCOG – 20 minutes

Two lectures – 20 minutes each- Functional Return to Sport: Bridging the Gap between the Clinician and the Strength

Coach – Jeff Cubos, Canada- Video Profiles of the Functional Movement Screens and Corrective Exercises to Reduce

Injury Risk and Improve Athletic Performance – Jay Greenstein, USA

Keynote Presentations: The Role of Chiropractic Services in the Sports Medicine Team at Major GamesWagner Castropil, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Olympian, Brazil – 20 minutes

Philip Santiago, DC, Secretary-General Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique

du Sport (FICS) – 20 minutesGordon Lawson, DC, Member, Host Medical Services Team 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Canada – 20 minutes

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◊ ICSSD seminars and other meetings

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◊ This and past issues of the FICS News

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2011 FICS General Assembly of Members – Agenda

Date 8:30 – 10:30 am Wednesday April 6, 2011


Rio Intercontinental Hotel – Tapazio/Turmalina Room

Av. Prefeito Mendes de Moraes, 222, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tel: 1-55-21-3323-2263 Fax: 1-55-21-3322-2958

7:30 — 8:30 REGISTRATION

8:30 — 10:00 1. President’s Welcome and Introductions

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Approval of Minutes – April 29, 2009, Montreal

4. Secretary-General’s Report – including Executive Council, Commissions, Membership and Financial Reports

5. Membership

• Ordinary Members (NCSCs) – approval

• Associate Members – approval

• NCSC Reports

6. Amendment to Statutes – Article 8.1.1

7. Executive Council – Election of third member at large

8. Finance

• Auditor’s Report for 2010 - approval

• 2011 budget – approval

9. Awards

• Founder’s Award – Dr. Stephen Press

• Other Awards

10. New Business – for discussion but no vote

11. Ratification of Actions of ExCo

12. Date and place of next meeting

After the Assembly there will be a 30 minute refreshment break followed by the FICS Symposium commencing at 11:00 am. This Symposium is hosted by the SBQE and sponsored by Logan College of Chiropractic.

Richard Barrett, Belgium

Mazuel Rabaiolli, Brazil

Henrik Gammelgaard Petersen, Denmark

Paul Neuray, Italy

Juan Carlos Sanchez, Spain

Thomas Schwaninger, Switzerland

Stefan Nilsson, UK

Nick Metcalfe, UK

CongratulatIons to these reCent graduates FroM the ICssd prograM

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FICs eXeCutIve CounCIl - 2011

Roland NoiratSwitzerland


Robert WassermanSingapore


Brian Nook


Chair IFS Commission

Mustafa AgaogluTurkeyEastern


Alex SteinbrennerGermany


John Downes

USANorth America

Marcelo BotelhoBrazil

Latin America

Gaery Barbery



Sheila WilsonUSA

North America

Carla HowUnited KingdomMember at large


KoporaalSouth Africa


Gordon LawsonCanada

Member at large

Commission of Communication (CoCOM)Philippe Roulet, Chair—SwitzerlandMustafa Agaoglu, ExCO—TurkeyGaery Barbery, ExCO—AustraliaYolanda Camacho Kortman—Costa RicaMartin Camara—PhilippinesPhilippe Fleuriau—FranceAnnette Joergensen—DenmarkSaul Luengas—MexicoCommission of Education (CoEDU)Tim Stark, Co-Chair—AustraliaRikke Craven, Co-Chair—DenmarkJohn Downes, ExCO—USARuss Ebbets—USAEd Feinberg—USAScott Howitt—CanadaArnaud Lardon—FranceLaney Nelson—USABrian Nook, ExCO—AustraliaDik Skippings—United KingdomKen Thomas—USACommission of Ethics (CoETH)Carla How, Co Chair, ExCO—United KingdomSusan Bromley, Co-Chair—USARoland Noirat, ExCO—Switzerland

Commission of Finance (CoFIN)Christopher Wegelin, Chair—SwitzerlandMarcelo Botelho, Chief of Finances—Brazil

presIdent1st vICe

presIdent2nd vICe presIdent

seCretaryChIeF oF FInanCes

past presIdent

[email protected]





[email protected]@chiropraktik-

[email protected] b.nook@



[email protected]

Howie Fidler—USASherri LaShomb—USAFabrizio Mancini—USACommission of Games(CoGAM)Tim Ray Chair—USAMarcelo Botelho, ExCO—BrazilTom Greenway—United KingdomCharmaine Korporaal, ExCO—South AfricaGregory Oke—New ZealandGeorge Oxinos—CyprusAngela Salcedo—USAAlex Steinbrenner, ExCO—GermanyRobert Wassermann, ExCO—SingaporeSheila Wilson, ExCO—USACommission of International Sports

Federations (CoIFS)Brian Nook, Chair—AustraliaRoland Noirat, ExCO—SwitzerlandAlex Steinbrenner, ExCO—GermanyCommission of Research (CoRES)Stephen Perle, Chair—USAEduardo Bracher—BrazilJay Greenstein—USACraig Liebenson—USACraig Morris—USAHenry Pollard—AustraliaThomas Souza—USA

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Future events

ICSSD Hands-on Module

(Lower Extremity)

June 24 - 26, 2011Amsterdam, Netherlands

ICSSD Hands-on Module

(Lower and Upper Extremities)

June 30-July 3, 2011Durban, South Africa

Open to South African residents only

ICSSD Hands-on Module

(Lower Extremity)

June or July 2011Sydney (at the Mercure),


FICS Headquarters:MSI Maison du Sport International

Avenue de Rhodanie 54CH – 1007 Lausanne VD SwitzerlandTel: +41 (21) 601 0858 Fax: +41 (21) 601 7923Roland Noirat, DC—[email protected]

Administrative Office:c/o World Federation of Chiropractic

1246 Yonge Street, Suite 203Toronto, ON M4T 1W5 CanadaTel: 1 416 484 9091 Fax: 1 416 484 9665Sandra Brown —Executive [email protected]


Philip Santiago

Secretary GeneralSandra Brown

Executive SecretaryKhalid Salim



David Chapman-Smith

General Counsel

ICSSD Hands-on Module

(Lower Extremity)

October 13-17,2011Lausanne, Switzerland

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Dr. Saul Luengas lives and practices in

Queretaro, Mexico. He is a 1994 gradu-

ate of Palmer College, West Campus,

San Jose, California and serves as Vice-

President of the Federacion Mexicana

de Quiropractica Deportiva. (FMQD).

Last year COPAG, the Organizing Committee for the XVI Pan

American Games to be held in Guadalajara in October 2011,

appointed him Chief of Chiropractic Services. Dr. Luengas also

serves as a member of the FICS Communications Commission.

Where is Queretaro and how many chiropractors

practice there?

Santiago de Queretaro, commonly known as Queretaro, has a population of 1 million and is the capital of the State of Queretaro in central Mexico. My city is about 260 km north of Mexico City, the name means “place of the ball game”. There are four chiropractors in the city.

Are you from Queretaro originally?

No, my family is from Guadalajara but I was raised in Mexico City. When I graduated from Palmer West in 1994 I planned to practice in Guadalajara but I ended up going to Queretaro which is where my family’s chiropractor Dr. Francisco Mon-

tano was practising.

How did you decide upon a chiropractic career?

As for many people it was because of successful treatment.

In the late 1980s I was attending the Centro Universitario Mexico (CUM) in Mexico City, where I got my bachelors de-

gree in biochemistry in 1988, and playing semi-professional soccer as a defender. I was planning to progress to a career in

sports medicine and completed a six months pre-med course. During this time I suffered an ankle sprain and on family

advice went to Dr. Francisco Montano and experienced my first adjustments. I was able to play football again within two weeks and was very impressed. Dr. Enrique Benet, a chiro-

practic leader in Mexico, arranged a scholarship for me to attend Palmer West. I went there with the goal of becoming a sports chiropractor – and that has remained my passion to the present time.

Describe your practice.

My clinic named Centro Quiropractico Integral has a main focus on sports chiropractic and rehabilitation. With me in my practice is an x-ray room with a radiological technician, a rehab room with two physiotherapists, and a chiropractic as-

sistant. My wife Martha Laura is administrator. About 70% of the practice involves athletes – many from golf, triathlon and football – and about 30% is a general chiropractic practice.

We have excellent referral relationships with medical spe-

cialists, both referral of sports injury patients to us and refer-

ral out of patients requiring surgery or other medical care.

I understand you have a masters degree in sports science?

Yes. My first postgraduate studies were in sports chiro-

practic. In 2001 I completed a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) qualification through the Northwestern University of Health Sciences in Minneapolis. Subsequently I have gained an ICSSD and various certifications – for ex-

ample FAKTR-PM and taping through Spider Tech. How-

ever in 2008 I completed a masters degree in Sports Science and High Performance from the University of Sports Science and Soccer. This is the first university and masters degree of this type in Mexico, and has been established by one of the leading professional football clubs in the country – Pachuca. Pachuca won the South American Cup, the competition for leading club teams in South America, in 2008.

For this masters degree there were electives you could choose. I selected the modules on rehabilitation and sports

psychology and then did my thesis with research on chiro-

practic management of Tae-Kwon Do athletes.

Why Tae-Kwon Do?

I was seeing a lot of Tae-Kwon Do athletes. In 2005 I had been asked to be the official chiropractor for the Queretaro State Tae-Kwon Do Team. Because this had some of the Mexican National Team athletes I then became the chiroprac-

tor for the Mexican National team in 2007. I have served at many national and international events and at the 2009 World Championships sponsored by the World Federation of Tae-Kwon Do (WTF) in Copenhagen, Denmark I presented my research at the TKD Symposium and was appointed to the TDK Research Study Group on which I still serve.

What was the point of your research?

My masters thesis was titled Chiropractic Treatment and

Isokinetic Evaluation of the Lumbopelvic Area of Elite Tae-

Kwon Do Athletes of the Queretaro State Team in Mexico.

This included case studies demonstrating how much elite athletes could improve their performance after chiropractic

management of lumbopelvic restrictions.

Featured IntervIew – dr. saul luengas

Dr. Luengas working as team chiropractor for El Salvador at the

Athens Summer Olympics in 2004.

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Featured IntervIew – dr. saul luengas ContInued...

What are the most common injuries for Tae-Kwon Do


They are knee and ankle injuries, which typically require a range of treatments from adjustment to modalities to tap-

ing. In competition an athlete may have five or six fights a day. Athletes are frequently injured and benefit enormously from chiropractic care. In my experience it has often been the difference between not being able to continue and going on

to win the competition. This is my passion, my excitement in sports chiropractic – helping patients to do their best and even win through improved function and performance and

managing injuries along the way.

Have you ever thought of taking up Tae-Kwon Do yourself?

Of course. Right now I have a red belt and am going for my black belt.

You are Vice-President of the Federacion Mexicana de

Quiropractica Deportiva (FMQD) the FICS national

member for Mexico. How important is it for a country to

have a national sports chiropractic organization?

It is of great importance, even where there are relatively few

members. The FMQD was set up as a legal and official fed-

eration representing sports chiropractic some 20 years ago when there were only 50 doctors of chiropractic in the coun-

try. Although we only have 20 members it is recognized by the national sports federations and other sports authorities in

Mexico. I have mentioned that in 2007 I became the official chiropractor for the Mexican National Tae-Kwon Do Team. The four year contract was between the Tae-Kwon Do Fed-

eration and the FMQD. It was because of the existence of the FMQD that this achievement was possible.

COPAG has appointed you Chief of Chiropractic

Services for the XVI Pan American Games to be held in

Guadalajara from October 13-30, 2011. Congratulations.

How did that happen?

FICS and the FMQD were negotiating with COPAG for the provision of chiropractic services. I represented the FMQD at the last FICS Biennial Assembly in Montreal in 2009 and that resulted in me being part of the FICS negotiating team. Oth-

ers were Dr. Juan Sanchez of Parker College of Chiropractic, formerly Director of Chiropractic Studies at UNEVE in Mex-

ico, and Dr. Marcelo Botelho, who represents Latin America on the FICS Council and Games Commission. Another or-ganization, the International Sports Chiropractic Association (ISCA) led by Dr. Angela Salcedo, was also meeting with COPAG. COPAG’s Medical Coordinator, Dr. Eloy Marquez Ceniceros was very supportive of having chiropractic serv-

ices, wanted an overall coordinator and appointed me.

Describe your responsibilities.

These are to coordinate all aspects of chiropractic services for the Games. This includes not only the 40 chiropractors who will be serving on the team at the Games but also the

chiropractic presentations at the Pan American Sports Medi-cine Congress which is affiliated with the Games but being held July 27-31. Chiropractic involvement at that Congress includes a three day workshop and plenary speakers at the

main interprofessional symposium. These will be led by Dr. Bill Moreau, the sports chiropractor who is now Director of Sports Medicine Clinics for the US Olympic Council speak-

ing on Chiropractic in Multidisciplinary Sports Practice.

Leading sponsors who we all have to thank much, include Logan College of Chiropractic, the Northwestern University of Health Sciences and Spider Tech.

This sounds like a lot of work.

It is demanding. Since early last year I have travelled to meet-ings in Guadalajara at least once every month. This is about four hours by car from where I live. However I have a lot of help from a strong planning committee. Members of that are Dr. Moises Hernandez, FMQD President, Dr. Sheila Wilson and Dr. Phil Santiago from FICS and Dr. Angela Salcedo and Dr. Dale Richardson from ISCA.

Any final comment?Anyone getting into sports chiropractic must understand that

it is very demanding. You need continuing postgraduate train-

ing to broaden your skills, and working with athletes at com-

petitions and elsewhere requires much time out of the office. However I have a passion and a love for what I do as a sports chiropractor. When I am at a Tae-Kwon Do competition with the athletes, helping them between fights, I feel like I am one of the fighters myself. There may be many demands but there are many rewards. Those doctors on our team for the Pan Am Games in Guadalajara this year are going to have the sort of

life time memories I believe you can only get through com-

mitment to sports chiropractic.

Dr. Luengas with a Tae-Kwon

Do competitor at an interna-

tional event in Queretaro

The COPAG Scientific Committee for the XVI Pan American Games, including Dr. Eloy Marquez Ceniceros, Medical Coordinator (front

row centre right) and Dr. Saul Luengas (back row second from left).

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PhilippinesSports Chiropractic News from the


Submitted by Dr. Martin Camara, a

member of the FICS Communications

Commission who is in private practice in Manila and also

serves as Co-Chair of the Medical Commission for the Phil-

ippines Olympic Committee.

The Philippines holds an impressive record in the sport of boxing. One of the country’s most impressive young stars is Nonito Donaire.

At 28 years old Donaire boasts a 26-1 record, with 18 wins by knock-out, and currently holds the title WBC/WBO Ban-tamweight Champion of the World as well as the IBF Fly-weight championship. This makes him the 2nd best pound-for-pound fi ghter in the World. The number one slot is held by another Filipino Boxer - Manny Pacquio.

Donaire has been a patient at our Intercare Centers for back, neck, ankle and shoulder problems and speaks openly

and positively about the benefi ts of his chiropractic care. His summary in a recent communication – “effective and enables my performance to stay at an elite level”.

Nonito Donaire with Dr. Camara and a trainer.

The Asian Games in Guanghzho, China

Martin Camara, DC

From November 12-27, 2010 Guang-hzho, China played host to the 15 days of competition of the 16th Asian Games or XVI Asiad. Over 19,700 athletes from 45 nations competed for Gold and honor in 476 events in 42 sports.

In terms of participation these were by

far the largest Asian Games yet, and according to Sheik Ah-mad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, President, Olympic Council of Asia were “the best ever”. China dominated the Games with 199 gold medals, followed by Korea with 76 and Japan with 48.

The Philippines is one of only seven countries that has con-tinuously participated in all editions of this continental divi-

sion. They ended this campaign with 3 golds, 4 silvers and 9 bronzes for a respectable 16 medals. We came in 16th overall in terms of total medal standing in this event. Team Philippines sent a medical team of 2 MD’s ( Dr. Ferdinand Brawner, MD and Dr. Alex Pineda, MD) , 1 Sports Chiropractor (Dr .Martin Camara, DC) , 1 Physical therapist (Franc Auto) , 1 nurse and 3 massage therapist to look after the needs of the athletes.

It was an honor to participate.

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South AfricaFICS had a team of sports chiroprac-

tors at the Outdoor World Tug of War

Championships held in Pretoria,

South Africa, September 15-18, 2010.

One member was Dr. Rob Scott from the UK, editor of the

British Chiropractic Sports Council’s Newsletter ChiroSport.

Here are some personal memories of Pretoria from Dr. Scott.

I expect that many of you may have the same opinion of Tug of War that I had - an amateur effort from of a bunch of ma-cho blokes rolling out of the pub or just a bit of fun at the

local carnival with loads of kids and sore hands after. How wrong can you be?

Tug of War is a massively organized, populated and well run sport. The World Tug of War Federation (TWIF) is a well oiled organizational team that turns up anywhere in the world

and makes the games happen. Those of us who worked at the TWIF World Championships in Pretoria had our eyes opened to the sport and were truly impressed by the professionalism

and dedication of the athletes.

I answered an email that was sent to members of the British

Chiropractic Sports Council (BCSC) asking for volunteers to work in Pretoria last year and was lucky enough to be se-

lected. I arrived at Johannesburg to be met by Simon Lawson and we headed off to the Pretoria University TUKS Rugby Stadium to get organized. The site of an empty stadium and no obvious evidence of a World event about to kick off did not augur well but we did fi nd someone who knew what was going on and we collected our passes. The next day we set up our shop at one end of the pitch and had a trickle of interest

as the athletes started to appear as it was weigh in day. By the

end of the day the pitch was marked out, tents were erected, a

huge TV screen appeared, 1st Aiders made camp, barbeques fl ashed up and offi cials started to make themselves known. Suddenly it all started to take shape.

The next day we had all fi ve chiropractors on duty and we discovered that our position was ideal. A grandstand view.

The competition pitches were in front of us and the practice ropes were behind us. Regular deliveries of food and drink appeared, lunch was provided in the offi cials room and we

had a fairly busy day. That night the local chiropractors all went home and I was left to fend for myself but TWIF’s hos-pitality was magnanimous. After a meal in the Sports Centre I was invited to talk to the coaches and managers about our

role in injury prevention and generally about what we did.

Later TWIF provided transport back to the hotel.

Based on the numbers from the day before only two of

us were asked to work the next day. Lisa Dickerson was re-covering from laryngitis and I was still acclimatizing to the

temperature. Between us we saw over 50 athletes and by the end of the day we were completely shattered. I had thought

I might enjoy a beer and a swim but I crashed out and slept

for over 10 hours!

The Italian coach came over and watched us before drag-ging the whole team over for treatment. The British Women’s team got the message and started arriving. The Chinese Tai-pei team provided some light relief while we translated the

words for pain and roll over. Poking someone and asking

“Tong?” is not perhaps standard examination technique but proved to be quite successful. The same technique worked for the Basque team. The American team chiropractor came over to watch, have treatment and eventually sent over a

few for kinesio taping. I was interviewed by a South African Sports TV Channel. Dutch physios, South African physios all dropped in and the TWIF Committee was fabulous. TWIF laid on transport, food, the hotel and extended an open invita-tion to me to visit them in South Africa any time.

Tug of War was defi nitely not living up to my initial im-pression! There were about 1000 competitors and these guys really do train hard! I met the top Irish Tug of War legend – the best anchor man for 17 years! I met an English coach who had 4 World medals to his name and had to retire from competition as he had exercised himself to myocardial arrest! They were a serious bunch of hard working athletes and they deserve better accolade for their efforts.

Tug of War used to be an Olympic sport but was removed and they are desperately trying to get back in to the Olympic

fold – I think they deserve it!

There are many different weight categories and so I can-not tell you who won overall. Teams go on the pitch and pull

around the world In sports ChIropraCtIC ContInued...

Drs. Rob Scott (left), Brad Sandler, Rob Donkin, Greg Duddy and

Steve Lawson

Drs. Rob Donkin, Lisa Dickerson, Rob Scott and Simon Lawson

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Trinidad & TobagoSOCA Monarch King of the Caribbean

Dr. Dinesh Anmolsingh

Soca is Trinidad and Tobago’s hugely popular domestic music, with roots

from calypso, the music of India and

black popular music elsewhere in the

Caribbean and the US. The national football team is know as the Soca Warriors.

Each year at Carnival the top Soca artist is crowned the Soca Monarch King of the Caribbean. The winning Soca superstar on Saturday March 5 this year was Machel Montano.

Montano is known for his high energy, unorthodox chore-ography and extremely fast dance moves. Three weeks before his victory he was injured and having much diffi culty in per-forming the dance sequence to his number one hit Advantage.

He had had much soft tissue work and massage interna-tionally, but for the fi rst time consulted a chiropractor, Dr.

TurkeyEquestrian Sports and Patients

Dr. Aurelie Belsot, a 2001 graduate of the Institute Franco-European de Chi-ropratique (IFEC) in Paris, France,

has lived and practised in Istanbul since 2005. She is one of an increasing number of chiropractors who specialize in

veterinary chiropractic.

Since completing a postgraduate qualifi cation in Europe last year Dr. Belsot has devoted half her practice and her

working week to treating animals. She has always had a love of horses, riding and equestrian sports and most of her animal

patients are dressage horses.

“It is really different to work with animals”, says Dr. Bel-sot, “and you have to be completely focused on the animal to build trust and understanding, so that the animal does not get

scared and your care is effective and you do not get hurt!”.

Dr. Belsot also explains that you cannot adjust a animal when you as the chiropractor are stressed or angry “because the animal will feel this and react to it”. On the other hand many re-spond wonderfully to chiropractic care. “After the fi rst adjust-ment they always calm down and relax – it is almost magical”.

every team in their category and then there are pull offs for

the semis and fi nals. It all looks quite confusing as there are always teams coming on or off the pitch but we did manage

to understand the rules and get the general idea. And please

don’t ask me about South Africa – I never got to see it. It was hard work everyday and, frankly, apart from the heat and

the predominantly black population, I could have been in any

city in the world!

I don’t know how many people we treated – well over 250 I imagine. The Tug of War community is great and has a family atmosphere much like the Masters Athletics and I would defi nitely do it again. In fact the European Tug of War Championships are being held in Minehead in the UK from September 22-25th, 2011 this year and I have been asked to provide chiropractors for that. If you are interested please let

me know.

Dinesh Anmolsingh, a 2008 Canadian Memorial Chiroprac-tic College graduate and second generation chiropractor in private practice on Trinidad. Dr. Anmolsingh also serves as Vice-President of the Chiropractic Association of Trinidad & Tobago which has 8 members.

“Although Machel presented to the clinic with severe back pain after an intense session of dancing and hours in the re-

cording studio”, says Dr. Anmolsingh, “after treatment that day he was able to perform freely that night and go on to be

crowned Soca Monarch”.

In a recent newspaper article the singer said that his fi rst thoughts now after an injury are “I need a chiropractor”. Montano remains under chiropractic care and as this year’s Soca Monarch King of the Caribbean has now been wide-ly featured in the media including the reality TV program Machel Montano: The Return Reality Show.

around the world In sports ChIropraCtIC ContInued...

Dr. Dinesh Anmolsingh

Dr. Anmolsingh with Machel Montano, 2011 Soca Monarch King of

the Caribbean

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Proposed programme topics*

Kinematics and rehabilitation of the shoulder

Shoulder and elbow injuries in rugby and contact sports

Prevention of osteoarthritis following exercise and sports:

“Taking the pain out of sports”

Functional assessment of the shoulder

Designing strength training programmes

Diagnostic ultrasound in sporting shoulder injuries

Prescriptions for stretching

Differential diagnosis of shoulder injuries

The Facts and Myths of Sports Nutrition

* tbc


Saturday 2 July 2011

Loughborough University Conference Centre |

+44 (0)1202 436237

[email protected]

The AECC, 13-15 Parkwood Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2DF

For further details and to

register, please contact:

Carleen Coombes

CPD Administrator

t: e: m:

Kinematics and rehabilitation of the shoulder

Shoulder and elbow injuries in

rugby and contact sports

Prevention of osteoarthritis following exercise and sports

Functional assessment

of the shoulder

Designing strength training programmes

Diagnostic ultrasound in

sporting shoulder injuries

Prescriptions for stretching

Differential diagnosis

of shoulder injuries

The Facts and Myths of Sports Nutrition

Proposed programme topics*

*content to be confirmed

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USAACA Sports Council Symposium

San Juan, Puerto-Rico, July 29-31, 2011.

Sports chiropractors everywhere, in-terested in expanding their services in sports injuries prevention treatment of

performance optimization, are invited

to join us for the ACASC’s Annual

Sports Sciences Symposium to be

held in San Juan, Puerto-Rico, July

29-31, 2011. For this seminar, leave your ties at home and don’t forget to pack your swimsuit and dancing

shoes! This will be a welcome relief from this year’s winter blues for our northern friends. This will also be a

pleasantly short commute for many of our friends in the Car-ibbean, Central and South America.

Some of the formidable set of speakers/topics we have assembled:

• Robert G. Silverman DC, CSCS will discuss injury-

specifi c nutrition for recovery and repair. He is a Certifi ed Nutrition Specialist, has a Masters of Science in Human Nu-trition, and is a Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition. He has a full-time private practice in White Plains, New York, where he is a practicing family and sports

United KingdomChampionships Bowler Credits

Success to Chiropractic Care

Adam Cairns of England is a young 10-pin bowling star who last year won the World Youth Championships in Helsinki, Finland then late last year the UK Under 24 Masters Title.

Early last year Cairns had been suffering from debilitating back pain

that did not resolve with rest or pain

killers and was affecting his ability to

compete. Enter British chiropractor Dr. Peter Ellison of Fulwell, Sunder-land who is an instructor for Activator


Says Cairns “I think if I hadn’t been coming to Fulwell Chiropractic Clinic for adjustments I probably would have

given up 10-pin bowling and would not have been able to do anything else

with the pain I was having.”

Fine work Dr. Ellison.

Adam Cairns

Peter Ellison, DC

around the world In sports ChIropraCtIC ContInued...

Carlo Guadagno, DC,

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It is a simple physics equation in golf: the higher the swing speed, the farther the golf ball travels. The average PGA Tour player generates a swing speed in the neighborhood of 110 MPH.

At the PGA Merchandize Show in Orlando in January Mau-

rice Allen, a first year chiropractic student at Life University, recorded the highest ever swing of 161 MPH as recorded on the Momentus® Speed Whoosh, a golf training aid.

The previous record of 159 MPH was set by Joe Miller, the 2010 Remax Long Drive Champion. Before Miller, the record of 157 MPH was held by Jamie Sadlowski, the 2008 and 2009 Remax Long Drive Champion. Maurice will attempt to qualify for the 2011 Remax event beginning in March. The finals will be held in Mesquite, Nevada in November.

Allen attributes his long drive prowess to God-given abili-

ties. “I’ve never really played golf,” he says. “My dad played when I was growing up, but I never competed and never

owned golf clubs.” He only discovered his uncanny knack for long hitting about six months ago.

“I lost a bet,” says Allen. “I was helping a friend of mine named Steve Harrison organize a golf event, and he bet me I couldn’t hit the ball very far.” From that first shot, a phenom-

enon was born. You can regularly find Maurice Allen in the PGA Superstore in suburban Atlanta, literally cracking golf balls into a net. On a recent visit, he cracked the covers of

three regulation golf balls, the sheer force of the club splitting

the ionomer polyelectrolyte cover.

Allen is taking his newly discovered talent seriously, train-

ing in the Life University Sport Science Institute (LUSSI). LUSSI is a proprietary center on the campus of Life Uni-versity that specializes in helping elite athletes reach peak

performance. Through a specific regimen of chiropractic ad-

justments, fitness and nutrition, Allen is becoming a finely tuned athlete, ready to take on all comers in long drive com-

petitions. He credits LUSSI’s Dr. Keith Rau with helping him break the club head speed record, and looks forward to seeing

how far he can push the limit of the golf ball.

Source: Life University and Dr. John Downes

chiropractor and clinical nutritionist, while advocating the

use of natural-based medicine.

• John Danchik’s topic includes treatment protocols: a round table discussion. John Danchik DC, FICC, FACC

was a former Boston Red Sox Pitcher who now practices in Cambridge, MA and is clinical instructor at Tufts University School of Medicine.

• Jeff Spencer MA, DC will discuss “The Anatomy of Peak Performance; Structural Interference and Sports Per-formance”. He is a former Olympic Cyclist who was Lance Armstrong’s personal chiropractor for the United States Post-al Service and Discovery Teams. He recently published “Turn

it up, how to perform at your highest levels for a lifetime.”

• George Petruska, DC’s topic will be functional move-

ment screens-performance, scoring and corrective exercises; Vibration Plate Therapy, Treatment Protocols. A healthcare and business professional offering over 30 years experience in chiropractic and rehabilitation, he is a published author of

Rehabilitation and Chiropractic articles. He is a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board, a Fel-

low of the American College of Chiropractic Rehabilita-

tion Science, and a member of the Council of Physiological

Therapeutics and Rehabilitation.

• Jennifer Illes-Rector will discuss shoulder evaluation,

management and rehabilitation with an emphasis on shoulder

myofascial directional therapy, K-T Taping and shoulder ma-

nipulation. Although born and raised in southern Ontario, Dr.

Illes currently resides in Florida where she serves as clinical science instructor at National University of Health sciences. She has worked with athletes from the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Blue Jays, and Buffalo Bills football team. She is also a graduate of Hamilton’s McMaster University Medical acupuncture course, is certified in ART, in myofascial direc-

tional therapy, and as a Kinesio taping instructor.

• Learn suspension training protocols for shoulder rehab from Jason Bettendorf utilizing the TRX suspension training used and developed for the Military, Navy Seals, Army and Special Forces. This bodyweight training tool can be imple-

mented in our offices Monday morning as a therapeutic exer-cise; it helps to build muscle, increase flexibility, and tighten the core.

There will be cash prizes for the winners of the research poster presentation, a trade show featuring vendors with the

latest for the sports health professional, tours of the San Juan area and plenty of salsa dancing. Please make plans now to

join us at the beautiful Caribe Hilton Hotel.

For more information:

Dr. A.Carlo Guadagno at [email protected]

Dr. Shane Espinoza, Chair, ACASC Education Committee

at [email protected].

To register, go to our website I hope to see

you there.

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