
WAYNE; NEBRASKA; ;~,HURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1912----------

VOL. 37, NO. l!T


}'or Prc9ident:WILLIAM II. TAFT.

}'or Vice Preiident;.JAMES S. SHERMAN".

Rupubliran Electo!'ll:C. F. REAVIS,VAC. BURESH,_O. A. ABBOTT._GEORGE D. SMITH,

New Coats are coming daily. -- . We havdheStyles.

- We make the nce.--Ev~.mtent-Guaranteed.~_~_

s. R:ffreooakf-=&-eO.

Come anda.b·o.~} fM,innesota

·~'i.bI.,~P~i"'t .Have for .-m'i.~TI¥~

sale~ome=-{)f··-ti1-e:-- -'U'~~F'~

:BEST land in thestat~~at"'BARGAIN r





Three flue return. Nickel re­moved hi -one minute withouttouching a bolt or screw.Ground joints, and the hest of


We Invite You to Investi=gate.

In. fact, there is nothingacking ineithl;r of these>

·stoves'-anct three beauti­tul~designs from which tomade a ·choice.J

Certainly one Q t the s ebeau~ifully designed, -and"ecollo_mical st(~ves shouldappeal to your soundjudg,-.mentw:h~nyoubuya baseburner. Everything-alate­model stove contains is'

--- -~~-z.-:>tmres;--I--

l\\onday, NoVember. 4.

"DOLLAR BILL" says:"U you think clothes don't make any difference in a

man---try walking down the street without any."



c)fromth~lJlKONE TAILORING -eUMPANY, -Chicag(}t~

. LetUnn·Take¥our~.Measure. ...,~ _ - - '~~"- - -- ,C'~:'i_' -. ,

·"LUK()NE" 'is kitownf~"~$ioIlsi~l~~hand"fj~shed';idualtailoring. All goods shown in fuIllengthpieces.

.:~ .~ . Remember thll.Date and Place.'~c-:;.......-.:....:..=-------..: ---- ----------


;~~tloundoak~ .•Riverside""'".;,."------------~-----

~Co'min -- -"Dollar Bill";..;:-....... . .g c···.··· ~c';-


1:What Does aChcll;lge,

MeC\D For YOU?~!

•...:...~...:.~:-- 'With -our abundant crops and pro.-sperity -in ,a.Il..~ lfnes 'of _?.USi;._.~~~'nEWHl in the countr.y, our farmers, our laborers, aJ;l.'d our b~slDes~i

2: men are g6~g to think twice before v(lting for .' change IV th1-~~_republican, mallagement of our nations). -_a_trlli,",,,~__~'fJ}.e_ :f_9.lIl?__'I!i_Il~;;!, wise words of Chairman Hilles, of the national 'republican commi_t~~,_ tee~ are wortll pondering m'er by the_ vo~er: -~~

--:t Two groups of zeaJous politicians- are crying--10 _the countrYt-:__~; for- ~ change in our national administration., -_> • 0--

They- _;:4rnnt to tak'~7'of' the nation;.;;,­

,.--.' ~_ to a~~liniste~

People -not ha\'ing aeeoulltare_(lllarly with-this }laper' iueupected to pay for leadenwhen -eopy is handed in to avoidbook:~eeping,and collecting.


romise-Ii" ~ eageiIy,--"oha ­wil~ do in return-'- if -0 y~,

tht~/\: ,fr:i~~~toCGC~lii~r./~nia, - fheir words - fill, tbe'~

air.-~- have you, the--

~rsaffa:a t~:epe~I1tl1--~~dIi

u,•.men. ".'auld control,;' Istopped to analpe their I-p~._::frers Rnd promises? I'.

-You I!bould. _ : ITo', the 0 politicians _ I.

theIn:#,lves these proffel't!.", ;:1

:~_Jn:~~:ta_~~. -ofTh~;1~ ;~ I'

~h~7·~.::.~;:in~;~;.~~i~.dO~6~.~ r~gaui.- Even if- they lose,.:,;" :-~ey: 'win;_ for tb=-i~~t~1 ,:.!

:;:__ .. _ _ ._ .limelIght.. _ _ _;j- ll~t 'for-you, the workers and tupayere.-~li8,coDt:gt i8 ~OUll'::

• _ - ! ",*buaine&!l, and you should weigh the conleqtienceB wltb -a-serlOulf-"=ayne; ~n~ed to sell WIth good !e~B._" ,~mind. Don't take mere words. Seek facts. , .

parhc.~a~_ ~ee_-[l~ a.~d~!!B_~_-_,r. p~ .-S -Out of this whirlwind of language wbichc~he--"spellbinders"'8end~

. -. 826_t(_, ~:-::~-fbout your ,~rs, what i! it that. ~~~~da out, first and all -c,

"We want a change in Waahington.~. -,i,_ '

A change for what? To wnat?The pl'e6e'nt administration, after- nearly lour years' hard work,

hu finally succeeded in- restoring the_ country's' business to a pros-perous. bua. . I

Th; mill.! af'S running full time, Mines are operating all thsir I.hiftll, Fadorw are working to capac1ty Commerce is thrwing7'4e countf'Y til free of labor trouble.! and financull troubles )

~'!~n~~~d:;;"~~~t';::i.e~:,~mg~:t:a;k~~n, 1:~';:::r 1~=Gm¥m-=- =& W£lchucts has nevefOeen------So generous -- - - __ _ _ _ _ __ _- _. The raIlroads report the heaVIest freight and passenger traffic - -- - - ~ _lD their exIstence Shipping I!'; everywhere active Pubhc works

-----on--a--gre-a.t Jrrg.IT!:!!.~under way Trade IS mOVlDg •

8Il1oothly, In ever-Increai!lng'- _~::::-::=::;;~;:;;~~;;;;:~~~~~~;;;;;:;==========:flowmg with money !I - ~- ~-- --- ;;;-~""-"--"i"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''====~--'-

The United States i8 on the thieshold of tbe greatest boom in _ !_ -- -- -- _ : - ~ . - 1_ ----- - -

ita hi13t.O. '1.. ' .. Within _si.I months., .UD.. aer pre8eDt CO.DditiOns, we ,will-- ~ _ - Mot.he~ Was Right._ _ _ ''Tlmt'''_ hj~ ~._dl,;me. t(~_ g":t till' lln:n!l . - •_d~_arf the great pe~iodt~_at Ioll.Q..~_the...:sPani,bWar. , Ib::te::~d~r:~~d~:re~~~~~:d:andr:~: ;o~~~:r~~trn Jl~. -,T.01usnlle COlmer- "Why did ~:c~l~fp::;;r

And our prospent~- ~lll be _b~ !o_atay, for we are on so.under , er thus: - s b t - ----.-- I "Be It'! lacking In ta~t."

gra;::ed :;: ~er~~:nIDh:rbeeD settled-and sett-led right. "Big-~! lla'~~::.ha~e _another {liel'e of pie. WII-I __ Barber_~;:,~;n~nt~Y~;::~~~art YODJ"lt~;:':-~"; I, tI· 19ht he always Bald nice

~u8i-?eS8" hall bern. put ~ !ts prop~r p.lace, and. this without, bal!- I. ··W.hY .. reaJly: I'''e ~read;;-_-bad_m'o. _balr, sir? Cl.l~fn.uH.r .''''.lrtUlllY _bah!) - "He d(ll'S; b."'. not aIWRY.S ~~r.Ig~..'mg Industry or- dumrgamzmg -affairs; The currency questIOn 18 . Rut-W,; ~o j!OOd-I flt.'lie'e T- mIT hnve Alon~. thE' -l!ne_..ill_ ll'n!lt _resistance: _tblnl-"S.-llc ....ali.Jl.!o~~~l~ ~_~~derstood_ a.S ~LnfIer; has- _~jJ, at!~ :~~1l be solved alOl:"g__ so.und ' :l~:iJkl'.r,·\~,-- ?\rOtht.~',; n winner'" said' young rnan.-Chl<·jl,C"" 'frlhnue, ~e~~~·';~I~:eo;o;~eD~a:::::-an old_-~~l --=- ~~:tIDeB 88 ~OO~l _nil till' he~t o~ p~l811n.pohhcal~trove~~le8--dewn, --:- IIttle-Frank-~:(,ii{'d·I;. -"~he-'snld----she'd -T~~E~btful-One, _ "'-Will yuu love plC wben I get Old_~T~e tanff· IS grll(~u.aU~ b~mg placed on.! busmess ba~ls, and !lOOn bet.- you'd make- a pig or -yoorselr'-'- .spurgeun was OIIRtlrs1wl-lf-the---ma-n,;---llke that woman~' _-

_W1.11 be out. o~ ~}ohll(';;,.ag It.~h?uld. . . = -RarPer's-lIa~zille, '-who lenrnl"ll to. piny a cornet_oD Son- .. 'Of (,oll~:dilrlIri~_~rJ~

bro~~~~J~~I;:r:tle~~~P~~S ;;v;..~:_;~~e;;~~ty:peoPle a long, __ un- His Little Scheme, d~:~~~t~~r:~(>::~_:e~;PIYwas char· I hl~~()l~~:~~~~~~; t~::k t~~ ~d~u~~And 8.t ~hi_B time! of an.-QUlers, along co.me_these political gentle~ " Wumbat"s dinner party?" flcterlstlc. Said IH:;~'1 doni. see w~,Y t (>":1' ;,et f(, Inok like that bo~ oU

men ahollhng for a ('hang:. _ " "Guess !'lO. W"b,. is he llnnoun('~n:::- ::U~~ou~h~t~~rh\lf~e~:~ an:~~p~ t~~:~~etl are sO partiC'nlnr,--CleV~d I

as~}~~\:~~~ltl~oC~~~~:'itsI~ho~:stW:l\t~~chpck prosperity Just ~~:~~r;rnrt('rs will 1?e ,rlll:ldly ex- "fl"·-J.ondon Tit-Blts._ Plain DNllrr. . :

Would YOli, the worken; who nn:~t pa.... , commit the mad folly'.of tahing {our g~vernment ant of _tried and pro.\'{'t] hande ,and·tul1'1tfJ.g-it O\'e1' to the seIf-.;C{'kers who are clamoring for its control?~ When PrC'!>idcnt Tafi took o\'er the go,>ernment the.OOiantr)' was--­prostrate, Industry was paralYled:. Busine;;>< was- chaotic, uncer­ suspicious. Millions were out of emplo....ment. Investors.wher~ver poo:sihle, had withdrawn their capitaL Ente_rJirise ~as

dead,_- All this was the _~~lt of the panic of 190.1, th~ <ll;;ilking _panic." _::The "Rich l1ao's"._,Panic, it was callffi-, But do YOU- rememberany poor man who Y',~ not burl? ~ ~

It took t~~ T8ft-ad~inistration ~·\·e.r lhree years· to rep·air -the

t&~~-:_i~~;:~'.~~~~ .~~~:~:to~:~~ :di~b~.;0~~~~:~~t:~:~;~::~U~:d::::;~~! -lUld varl-Jffilde~oo to brmg_ t.he -coun~_ out of thaLi>Jac.k-_pi-b~_.

-:Y6ii-know -h6":-- ~on~~o~li/~;: ~~~~J~l~~~~ti:;;e~o;~~~a:t-m-tak~

,;:~I~~o~~::_ ~":n~~ t~~~~ir~oth~~~r~~~ra ~r:. w~t to fi1Ce~.~~ce~--onather and _ -=:- The question ill Dot to be !le~tI~ by till,.mother. _,-The huzzahs of"lhe bU8tings_:_~_m~e

'::bacltgTound of the fuha~ yon:~J._~tQe_inu~ter-iqp:Of,-i':peo:Ple-:;-c~-"_uneruployed, '_ ",,>, _, ' " _ _ . - - _. --:

~ _You_r family stande w,ith_-JO:u-_-.t-:the-di~dirig-linec.~:which--haa':S hl.ppiriess tuld prosperity on one side &J;Id nnhapplness _and even-

WiLnt on the other_ '

\yI~~=-foh~Plb~:i:l~~:B::-i~~~~~~~i,~~f~fthe country. if you have kith or kin dependent o~ the job- you- hold.: nigh carefully1hs words and deeds ~f .thoee who_ would ~ead you- in ;.

~o..:'. mad galloP:t'?,the_ precipice of-apenmental governm~t._j_:_ .:.: : __

~i ~~B::r.;,:.~::&_~~ ==~~u;Ould mean e,,_ery~~ _19~;'ie'Would Mr. Taft'.deleatholp·""'')cccc.---'C'_c·~·-~·-~·i-+:~~~ --Would the -theOri-, untried md-unproven. -~-:-wb~ch_ -the_: pOli~~­i~~e1anI are,_aeekiDg to ride into _oftlot. benefit _~:.~f_e--an~ faJD,iJ..Y1)

,--" -~;-~: ~ aside_all:tbe fine language-oaf the orators long-eno b':; :l~~,0~=~ t:n eleciiol1

Kt'Y:c:f~"::~:4 0::_--:~ •hjc1> !& lieat.nnlJfnr.lIuiol/iff


CrUl!I. ,Mls....Yello·wlt':lf-y('!<, OUnf,IS:l. \'{-'f~

.ld fum\ly. Yuu know. we ('awe owrIn- the .\Ia.ylIower. MI:ls ('nustlql11>-­

'Iiideed!_ And dltl __ you--er":;hn,,_e fl

plea8llut \·oynge?.,..·Jlldge, "

"",c __:.:.'FOR:SALE .::~:_~0<.,::",.I'OI8ALE-MY- RESIDENOE PlOP· I~~3~'8rti......:orlan\ro --Adamii. - - -. --- 017tf

~~:GOOiiSECOND-luzm._ B~E -BuEN~t~,~-,,~ tlr lor'sale, Inq • -

'::-:_~-" F_OI SALE--WAVNE _ POSTOFFIOE;f- -, -..tixturc!.--John T. ,.Bressler, SIiU

1'1 u

~~;-~- -:;-::,FOR SALE--GOOD THOBOU51HBBED~S:i: Shorthorn buU,--.Tobn_ T._Bre_Bs1~ ~

~~~- - -

.FOR. RENT,,:;.:'_--,---,c:..=::c=_~

-1EOtJ8B roa BALB--GOoD 7-ROOM', __ <¥Ud with barn,_:wellloe"ted and _fol

~:__?';"•.~-=-~Brown. N2U


- POB BENT-FURMSHED BOOMS,'ODe block south of cit)' hall. Phone SS,

- - ;-c2_Mrs, C, J. Rundell. 03ltf

An Eio:pen.ive Drop." "'- Mr, Hlrlinl JODes had just retuml'd.::".-' ~_ fr'9~.a' personally --O:;ondui:--teil-1:olir~~ -Europi, "I slippo,oe," l:owmenled a--

friend, "tbnt whell ~'OU were In _EUl!­-land you did >l~ tllt-' F.n~li~b do nllf~

-Ilropped your II',,?",~ "No," mool\ll~' re><I'nwl""l Ih,' l't'fllrU-ed travell'r. "T didn't_ 1 lllil il;:' Ih,'Amerlcans dll. 1- drorp{'\l nl'~ YOs It'

r-ll,"Tben he ,.l\)wly mt>:lml\·(·{'(l down n..

')Ile bank 10 'i!c., .if bt> l'oUldn't ~et thei.",,:-:'~ mottgngf' exlend""L:-I.I11pln~Qtrs..

~~}fi:ABD --- AND- -'SOFT~'3;-_o? :4ualilies and lowest''''"----QraiJi compa!1y'---

Poiiti~al Advertising.

J.--W. ZIEGLER • • e: • •

Cleveland, 0., Oct 24, 1912.-~ De~r Ji~: -------

Just ~ line on the Q. T. When it was seen whatI got· together for you, you should have heard the"howl'· that went up from stock-keepers, salesm en etc.;they. actually..did. all but hang. me.

The facts of the' case are, we are 2 to 3 w-etks be.hind on our order~- istougi{ y&u ·'kn~wto/grab

- ---·-·and steal stuff from such- .soun:es;-but-this------don-+----help--you out;-you"want~--goOds.::imclgot~tkm.. .. __

The truth is on plushes..J actuaIly steJe:"em fiom·----;----:-,,­out of orders, in fact 1 ransacked· from c~llar to ganetfor the stuff I sent you, and trust it will please you.All garmepts sent are as clean as .~ whistle. A~

here, to tell-you you'. are lucky to. get.-t,he_ b~n_~h.,_>"Qlt._._got. Yours Truly,' -


The popula;it:y and scarcity 01 black plush ~9ats. is appat~--=­

enf from the following letter. Mr. Fisher who writes the' letter

is .the salesm'-an who s~ns--us ouf. cmits. "He 'wa~ in the houSe

.at the time our orde~ went in for black plushes and it was only:' ­

_~-+~th_(_o_ugh his activity_~.s. we were'for­tunate en~t~-;t-them.----.----

we ordered from were unable to

Coats in All Jizes.

We also received a fine assortment of coats in BouCleS"Diagonals and ChinciIIas. Young people who w~mt nov-elty coats. in pretty mixtures 'will find'a splendid as!.l0rtment at !tand this week. ~on·t delaybuyiIl:g your coat. All the manufacturers are swamped with orders and the best·"sellers areJ!ard to. get. ----.----.c-c-~--,-------,----~..

SubscripUon $1.50 a Year.Telepl>· DJ No. 146,

_.,...JIERALD Pl;JBLISHING ·co.I. w. RUSE. Editor and Manager.

Pnbl1Bb.ed· Every Thursday.

THE WAYNE:a:ERALI).TlQl:BSDAY. OCT. 31, 1912--- .. n ..• n.n__ . - ..-.-.,-,---.,=',.---'ilT'i'~, --

The. Wayne H~rald '*""c'1;"3"'"lf,T-h"'"e'--S-t-o-r-e-F-o-r dl'L e·· fill.- n's "The Store,For;"Ladies' Coats" ./.•1' 'j Ladies' Coats" .

,~Again~ ~lIJe Jfa"eBlackplush·-~--'---~"--

,II JOU vote~·a stru.tgtit~ogrus· :

ticket ,ron will oot \'ote for legisla-!tive or ('ounty officers. ThOI'D who .~o J

.vote,. should follow down the column I::: ~Plae~ crosses after the Ilame~ of i

. Slieakiog of bl.!ss'es, did you ever read.I· or hear of more-;pronount'ed nnd uncom­Ipromising f!0HtiClll' bosses than ':Oleo:

.' dore Roosevelt and William J. Bryan?Don 't.'.th.~>' go to the limi!'


Republi~an Candidate



For lOcNext !iaturday.

..:,ANNUAL SALE Of...:

and Winter Hosiery



-:Organizedi~>,- :~:thi8 bank has been.developod nnd conducted on the principle of safe,'~::::~\ _"conserva.tive banking' slong progrL,~~j ...C HneB. On th.i~ plan'ft· hss !,.'8.ined

'., little eacb day in strength, in sropll-in its ability to gerva its patrons.

In the future I't will be b~\'llrned by tl~; ~lUJlIe prineiple. -And, as_."..~ .tho officers.and 'directotIJ fully appreciate' and recognize the law -of~-,:;:1 ~:(ciproeilJ. 'l"olIl.Hon!'hip between. the bank and. its cnstomet!. we oJ:peeto~~_ ~to continue t.o.grow. both In ita capaoity ·and in its opportunity to

'~'the peoplll of thiF....ommunit)·. . •4S - on t~is' l:>ailis' ),our ncrQuat h rcepectful;,.. solicited.~;.".:,.,.

._-----.. ----~(


o n ;--~~-S-"' u




Friday & SaturdayAs an -extra special ~

'Ne -will sell

111bs. Sugar SOcwith any Cash'order ofgroceries _ amounting _to_$/.50 providing samedoes pot-iD-!Olud"-_.5'I!Iar.



C·lothesMar x&

The" B~st' foundati~nfo~ GOOOCdlffll:s. '

Sc h a f f ner


.N ar t,

_St,leplus -

--your Yote-forlp~esid~ntnext~T uesoay-may and ought to be a serious matter to you=out no matter whet1rer your man wins or ~

16sesyou'l1soon bereconcilerl to the r,esult and continue to be a Patriotic CitizeQ.

--"'but it's different with clothes. mean much toy@u, hut it you vote wrongYou are personaUyc9ncemed with the reo you lose, not only pers9nal comfort, butsuit there. If you vote right you win per- yotft:j;emper too,a great many times beforesonat, comfort and self_sa,t:i§[asJiQn tl1:l!~he ~aqiiji~!~are ha,lf wl?rn out.

Ball Band Artics and O\t~rshoes--,.

None Better. GUARANJff!t..-'-----~"'-"~"~-----~~

A.r~ desel"~edly f:~:.a;:::~r c.~ndid.~~~s_an_~:V~'Nant to,' se.e you vote. for the~.---''''-'''''''''-->2£~~~-,.--'vt,ll~EW~ " : ..ayne countY,and hunareasof voters are vohng contm-

ually Jor the best clothes at the prices $18.00 to $25.00--Suits and Overcoa,ts~-'-~'=-

te' : LOCAL 'NEWS. ': - 'j-ne~ ar~aD~emellt is f~lIy deserved 'and ·hi!"~-:a good time. 'A small admis8io~ 'since-hisiIIMS8j ~rrivedbome8atti.rdaJ"~~~',iD a lIhort' time.'f co~ta}D'lI_~'llO! George- ..T•. q..ta~do.ek-,.. Huby,._ A:t... ~·.:... __ will be duly appreciated by the pub· will be charged. . ) Mrs. Agu~ .Goldcr. ~eturned 8atur- bannfnl drup. 8heIthei.l!' Pharmacy." oya: ~'I was botherell. ....Uh.Iumbago

Mn.1,{In Run.ter is reported quite. ill. lie. '.,' F. A.Nanee and Ea",l Sweet went to iday from .a VUl1t at ~Ibu~r. She wall _ .'. . '. '. for seven ye8l'lj, so bad r eould not 'WWk.

f~"'.'21~~:~-~~. l~~_for r~~.!~ p.h.on~.~~~~~ i;e':.·f~:;o~:a;\~t~~::au:;:;~~ .~:;:~e~e~~~::~raW~.'.:. e fit.h: .~O:=I :.:~.~n:e~;Ir~ri~tS.tlh.s:e~.·.".,.~o~::.~+-'.'.W.B.~~t..;.... ::-.;.:/:~.~:;;.'aO.n1n.s: _~;:~~~~_:.~e~~~~:e:dn:=~~_~~ aweet cider is one of the newarrivaIs his mother, Mrs.':.F!. M. Nangle, in picture' machine for the Crystal thea· ~.~. Ada~!i,_fitWayne,fOl"som~.time. Give the numben of the llind9~pr-jtt'l -T....o boUles of !'oley Kidney' Pin.r at Beaman 'a. . ·031tl Wayne. ~ tr_e. ! 1~~s-~~ G. Dow who.·did the and itnprovements.-Addres8 W;' A'rlenred me and no.... I can do an1 Jdaaf· John L Davis- of Canoll, was in 1£1' and Mrs Henry Hansen arrived 'The follewing from ;\\'aYllC atten,[oti stenographiC work for Beny &.Berryl Hunter, '104: Coming' street, Red' Oak, of work. J '"heerfntly re~ommend the., Wayne Tuesday home Tuesday from Gregory, S D., the eonuty Sunq,ay ~ehool eOll\ll!ltlOll In the preparatIOn of the abstract and I?~a. 017t4 to my J'riellth." Shultbela' Pharmaey.

-. Beaman i5 r(l¢IVlng re~ar slitpme~sIwhere... th~ spen~ se\eral weeks WIth at Carroll yesterday M~ !!.~ac? Theo brIcf m the F1e:g~ ease, re~ed Fnday ="""=~~"",;;"'"",:,'=';-~b====__~.....=~=__.~r~f?~~;~;~~~~sler re~!ned ~~~~;;~_lre:.V::~rs. L_7~~ ~~~-:n:, ,,~~~~.~C ~:~ett,~lsS ~l~l~. ~~r h~~~~:O:_:I:~~..~~-== -K~~-=",~~~ _- ~ _~ ~__~

.iJ-from afrip to Omaha.~. . iwere in Wayne . Tuesday evening on'l It is reported that a member-oI·t.he MAS~NSENTERT4IN'-- . ----..-- ~.-


;. p.' li.<S:ohl lIl~dC a.. buslDes8 tnp to!their way homli from' a business tripIfamily Of.W.illia.·.ID' _..~~_._. .QN TtLE._SD4¥~~HT -~'- - - -~--.-.- ..--.----.~

-).' Oz;:e~;:s~~~~a;('·rmade (l.busin~ss tri~ I toA~~::e:i~: E. Siman O.·f Winside, i;~::i:~ ::;r::~ttSt::~:~~:n~:~a:I~~~.'. The la.dies 'Of thoe .Ea'st.,.rn Star w~.;e - ' .. 00'.'-··...·• S".·-eo-~.::.'~:-.jr tQ CreIghton yesterday. . stopped off in Wayne yesterday on his Icording}y been quarantined. . guests of the ],~asons at tpe o~era ho~se The ideal

,~ Mrs. M•. P. A.~ern spent SUt!da.y Wtth ~ay hODle from a businl.'ss trip to Gar- Mrs. F. S. Cutter of Milwaukeej W1S,-, .Tuesday evetllng, und an Ip.terestlOg entertain·• er"'- . Mrs. John Ahern at CarrolL.. it.!' S D visited the family of her brother O. progrlllU was curried -out. A I!eries of I' f -i· . Mr..and.Mrs. 'Ya.lter,Weber.werevi!-lre;::~e·ri,:MeirnI formerl oj Cur-'i T. Norton, sautheast'or-w~eW':ah-ofl.---talks,~h---l!park1ing'fith ~ood -," It"'''''' No matter what other}, dore lD Biota:: _CI_ty yesterday. , ·1 .y '. ~ f' Idays last week. She left for Omaha' humor, came fIrst. L_ W. Roe presided, . ~ve' ..' .

":'.''jP"Py,'"','''_,,Pd'''',I,or visited h~..soD, ..T'- .J: iroll, .Wa:YlI: .eourrty,-----i~a .ea~didat~ or. 'Saturday afternoon' where - she' wBsLmd jut-rodu.ced --the' sp~akers.. · "They -.'. . . ,••.: - instruments: you. have. i~:; amify, at Wi~side Fl'id~Y•. ~epresentahYe on the, repub).iean t'cket joined bv her husband. bad been requested to ~ay "funny" your home, no roatter how

!i~r~;:~p~r;;~~r:::;::~o~ ~::::'I1D:::.':°e~ .;:S~~fi~~a~:xeB. Will. lock furry -El1~S of .,NorfOI,k,. fQrmeriy mail :~i~\::,a~~~e:;~d~~ti~::~~\::ee:~eJo:rti well you and your friends

COUll.h' Superintendent Elsie Littell when closcd, and therefore It Will .be CI.erk. on .trslns Nos. 10.and. 11" ·WI1I1 .ap- tho .1' d ' ' .... g Here by prosy-not only ~e able ,to' play and sing,went t~' os lns~~ nccessary for 'eaeh perllon renting a pointed mail clerk on the BloomfIeld: e we prop!lse . -..~ Rooscvelt's bnt Wi)son's and you can hear th~ gems'of~ch(lols. ~ ~. .•.... ._.!box. fo_learn~.. "._ ., _ on lines-and will take up_ ,~Prufe~~or ~I. H.__ Bnten .~o~!ed. on~ ',":Taft!li .vQkes may: be heard.. •• II th· b

.. '.' j Dr. w. B. Vall accompanied" by his duties' next week. Mr. ·Ellis will. ll1ake funny .~:things lie ~adheard.and.sun_ ~... :'here also. music'·. m a elr eauty-8;:J::r~~~~~rotherof NOrfO~J6f~~~-ZD.orn~!lghis ..headouarters inWa~e._, . c.• ~:jJ:~e:t;::t~f~~%e::i~;n:~:~r:~:d; - Speeches 'By All Three~ only-on-the ~tor.--c-_.~.~

DAY 08 NlGRT.· Nitti for WorthIngton, :Mt1lD, nellr which :Urs G C Clark -and ~on, W C Clark, conneetton wlth the Bchooi room; Pro I ";i('c,- - -.:MiBs EVelyn Tha.rp ;'i"a-ughterof Mr. place the doctor OW1Ul land. were arrh-als frOID lincoln Saturday fessor C. H Bright told about Borne ...~

Th ~ . ill 11r and Mrs Glcn Slates of Har where they had V1slted a danghter of .1 f " th' th t h ed d .- -a~d 1dI!. G:r~e arp, ts qlllte llan, la, were m ~ayne the later part Mrs Clark.. They vl.stted with re1a hisu;~~18 t;n:d fr~m :~:~~::s~

Wtth. pneuma a B6 ~j of wt week looking over some- land hves in Wayne until Suutlay 'evenmg A R Da· :re1 t d p.

~da~a~:~:~e;n~~\~rCs:~~~~:lI~;:~~e~:~t::u;~~gn s ~ ~~ole:Y oy-aufOfOr their ODIe delltsrneomin~ u~rhk.!-Oh;e~:tiO~~didacy for county assessor 1 nif-....o:' . had a lawyer; J. G. MlDes gave a reView

~ P .R. Kohl Bold his 160 aetelj three J. F. Barertt :went to Dunlap, Ia J A crowd of Method ~ters of some_ of the expencllcell he hadj,l. nth t of Wayne to Fred Friday fa V181t hIS father and other a IIqUIrrel feast at Blue Spnnge one day abroud. TheBe talJt8:- were made inter~s e~ :~ 000 ' • rela'tives, returning home Monday. HlS last week Squirrels to the- Dtamber ot estmg and kept the a~dIenee-in·&i(.

j w~ria:r h~nh~er 1I0id hie 320 ;:::: ::a:e:n:o~:ef:n:;:.thern Cali~ ;;: :ere :aa~~e:;o;~eru;:a::ea~ PI!C~t~nd llappy; mood. -

aeres, knoWt/. as th? old Benllhoof farm,.i 'Mise De:' HeereD and Mrs Sample as thO~ the old favorite chicken had At the conclUSIOn of this featuN the-1o~.r.•Wood fo:~125 per acre. jOf Port Byron, Ill, who V1slted the been the ehief viana. Passion play :WflS pres~nt~ by movwg

llias B:eIen Blair cam_e up~ Teo fa:niily Of Ziegler left Monday Ernest Cutkoskey, stndent at the pIctures. It lr.!.!1 a pieton~l reprosen~-. j for Courtllt;nd - Neb.,.., :wh91il they will State Normal, had hill left knee throlnl bou of 'the stary. of Christ fron hl9

arents 1U Wa~e.. J. e ti1lf'0re th~ retum ont-ofioint while opl&y:ing foot l)~re- birth to hill ase.amIoo, and was true to• Cullen "and~n !!pe~d $onu~ eenAY eagling him to move arotltld life-and-vety unpr8llllive_ ~

'lIi::~e~ha:m~~ b.~;'porterarnvedhe.r.e~daYfr01l! wi*h difficulty for. taw days. Mr. er~na:;n:a~e: ~e.;e~:: 01:::of Seat*le where he spent 'Sevet1l mon~ha Cut"k05key 1ll the -aHabls bU51UesB man- . . • lIlY •

City, hr~:er h visiting relativeB-"ilnd looking over the agar of the new Stflte Normal 'pape:r, Mills~e Pl~Ellgh furnllhed 1I1Ul1ley, passed oog surroundiu country. Ria wife who ae tbe Goldenrod. during th~ evenmg. The event was

_ _ ~te to¥I~ compa:niea:him stopp<ea-in Sionx Ci Progres8lves vOting tn the partY' cir greatlY: i1nl0:Ied by ~n:bOd! p~~tJam w: ms: for -a bnilf VUlit cie bost plaee erosse after the- 'tandi- and :en~et~ll dilll"Cl'Ved credit ~~ ~e

In e :er:e~ow~ Miss Edith Carter aod lIn. James dates on the repoblican tIcket far rep- -committees that planned and carrIed It

if; ~sterda1 morn gnu Glass of WinsideJ

were in Wayne he- resentative. connty attorney, eounv D- out.• City". • • .aw visit. twen tmins yester-day on their way to sessor and county commisllioner, in 01'- __~ :Mrs. Sara,h Fish of PlainVl , ih' Canon to attend the county Bunday del' to liive their votes eauntell for Mn-: Petel Holan, 11501 Buekeye]llL,7'1' .ed M~.,.,l:. ~0tn:ede:r: '&" Jew. days am.. sehool. eonveotio~. lIuch eandidates.--':A.dv. Clevelaf,d, 9 .•.say!':, ,",YelI, Jn~eed... I

ee~, c~t"\1nung to:. he~.. home, TttelId. _1" . Can rooo~end FOll!!Y's, Jilop.e;r'an~ Tar

Many peapl.e ha.e taken ad.antageof the usual values advertised last

- wc~"'k,:b t w~ still ba.4 plenty of thehest on left. You can sal,e almosthalf by \lying. OD~ of these petticoats

Bargains inshortlengthL _Do not overlook this table of bar,

gains in remnants of wool goods. .

Many lengths for waists, little girls'dresses or little boys' suits· will befound .here at .mone,'" sasing prices.

Stop at our dress goods ounter andeee the season's hest fabrics ·n nearlyall the colors. We have inateriaIs tol!uit every purse, the prices :ranging ­from the 36:ineh"a'etg-es at 50 eents upto .the imported worateds, 52 incbeswide, at $2.

--~~t ---------uiafcllall~hil.des.

Petticoat Specials.

--~tIt~~~-- --~~~~-~---r-+--

We will begin at. once to make radi­cal reductions on all women's suits nowin stock. There are -some good suits lefta~d if yolf- ·cun find your sizc amongthese- y()u'1f oe- in liief- for -·the pricewill be 50 low that you will be te.mpted.Let·.us show you thcse suib. T'he \'cryone_you wantma;r still be IJe-l'<!.

We can please you with onr showingof new, up-to.the-minute coats.

You'll be mor!;l.than pleased with aDy. coat you buy of us. They are the beststyles,'the best materials, and show tbebest tailoring.

Women's Coats$W=$30.c

A most CompleteCoat.Stock.

Make a note of this-THURSDAY, NOV.· 7 is. EQ:r Day at Orr & Morris Co·s.

-- All Suits at 25 Per Cent."Discount.


th~ld~ia;;hi~ed -~a;' -~d_- ~ii -Of -- ~:_-

PUrll -. uak-tanned leather tanned. bT _," ­PURE CHESNUT OAKB~ -sue.. -;",namesa "ears longer than an,. two leUmade by ainaemne.Lik~;;eo~-:M:r:iOlIiiW'iN- ~----_:-:

manufactured from'- the beet p~ ~ --- ,. -~

[ tanned._ collar leather " ..riA.: .-:_~;..:-:_:..pure' oak-tanned thou8ll. A8":r:-ult; ~ ':_

•• ~Ithe ~WiDg .d06ll Dot-giV! away Pd.ft.--:::-:=:.::.T"! nrt"I'ltb. 11_DOt heelJD1e DeeM&U'1'.for JOU to- --~'~:

: .liitl"-Iliave tli.em-l'epau~ ~ter_a_few_ moutha"o l'o',- - - lerriee. '.. - '; - <'_'-.

It yoo."have .young children you h&"Ve , The onIy .pl&ee. to_-_pU1'~'~perhap~ noticed that dillorders of. thel u.d leathlJ! gooa. of th1I high ment fa.

=~ar6 =-::::.::m:;:f::d'I,J L c:--t •O..,,;b".:.;:;:S.........aLi""'Tab. ' Onn-\...~ Cew,s-

m:eellent. They are dan 8lld pleu. EBTABLlBBED 18M. ;:e~~:~~ :n~:ntl6 U1 ef Wayne. NebtaSktl ~

".... .... .. .g,~~:···(~·Gm=I1t~~SPONb'ENO·E'~}.·~~..Bl\i····OpTLYIN·G····:POINTS r~

...... . -- --, . -; -_._-_. . ---- ..--~mNS1DE.~-r.,·-~--·,-;-~~;" felll e l~ l\. good onc null we are vcr:; ! tOlln There WVIO no empty hItch racb: 1I"1lB then sorved by the bo~·! dolicioUB refreshments. About fity:five Imeyer .~as fo~merly Miss Mrytle Zie-' ,.,~~_... 4 thankful. Iand the atroets were crowded ~ltb peD:~ The club will meet in two weeks! of Erwin'8 friends. and 8011001 mates II meT., I --" Mr and Mrs A<H E:nhu of Nor(Dlk, I'le 88 milch as Ii' Rmghng Brotlte'l !lfr~ G A .Mlttclstadt fwero present All report a most enJoy A meetlng 18 to be held at the Wood-

~.? .; lit A H. Carter Is tbl! 001 ~\i~rl! down Sunday to ~l'l.!ntl the tUlle he J \\('1e hele 'q ~- .. ~ ablo tlmo - !men hall on Friday evenUlg next for the~-r~;"- lilT u' ~lJo Wlnslde Department' ['WI'11 trllms ,With tht Cluw! Sh,11\' lam I :\fr"- Da\C I.ears won~ to;BWu:r C,ty j Friendly Campafgn, B Ste'~mBon bad qUIte an e:l:cltwg I purpose of conslderlng the proposltloll

~~ ~'~~S;:II:::~:~~t~,a,',::~DIl;" ; ,1\ I )londa\ mornlllg to m&et lier father nnd J 1£ there IS n man ID \Vayne county experience In SIOUX City Monday mght II of bonding tbe vlnage to Install II. wat-".. ,,<1 • !I'h' and Mr" Charlu,'; :'\,cdhnrn nou Ifl.otlwr, \tr'1l.!':~JIfrt; -namsey, wh.o ba'lll h:mkprmg aiter 110htJes whcre It re jHe \\a~.n tlle \Vest Hotel when the fire er \lorks "ystem

~ -:::: wl'lI he appreclBted if elery oD' Inughter Ruth \ltnt to .i\orfoU. Satur '"n makiJJ{r tbelt hOl.lie 1U Shlnl",y quit€',... I i'an\ass for \otes, he has l.liYlal~rm was given .lDd before he eould Charles Bernhardt, on Fruiay even-

f.~.E.~.·.E'-.~.-.;}.f--.1 ;:~;;t~~ ~'i~:·~~:::,{b.i~ J{'plll'tmen I[lay to 'ISlt the 1, 8 ~eedham family l{'lh-n 'an)i111PT~R reGa cOlllcenwrhom: ton~ent and I VIllI enter IOtO a contract L~et out the smoke was so thIck he !lOg last telebrllted hiS bIrthday annt.c:~-~:.i:;;; _ ,OH'"(" Sundll~ I[Oil lit.... S:-1) the past flve-yel\r~ Ithat I wII!-:;Ign away my rIght and tltler;;ould hardly gee biS l1iay out, but he got ,ersary b~ glnng !l, 6 o'clock dmnel'::,-;1[~__• -_ ___- _ _ __ t I MIl'so" Inti Illd Jd,l Rl'e,j Paulw :~flt \f \Ul'!et! ~hller tht> IIble bo}' ,~ho III the lllatter 10 DeHlr get lD hiS way lout alI ngbt followed by a lJar~ dance, to a large CJ!'.;~{;'~:f _ - - . , ' ; Itt'l~tlh1t, .Jullull Smo,le; .\\'1111(1 B.9~rb I\\or~t>d.:~oh1l1d tho bat l!:u;t season lori_~ter !,\o.ember 5, forever and fo_reve_r_1 Last Thursday afternoon while some cIe of- ilis relati,es and fnends_

:-.'~>.•..'....C:~.~:f'-.... Mrs, Dora :.\rt'Cab,C n~ltcrl Wayn~ [an.l Harry,. Cong w,.r,..., ,~o. rfoFk Yh'itO." I.t,he Whi~..'.fl~ n~ue, wen~. ". S.iou," City. !While m",'_ fri~nd, :Mr.. Zieglel', ,a.nd. my-, of the bO.j.-S. at .SCh.,".I. ·W.".'. The. \Vednosda)- _pa.':!seng6l'.•..~.:;_;,~ Thllr~d~r, _' ; I~nlurdl\Y· ~:Jturday._-w\th tho CreIgbt.on foot ball [self have- Dot bad a ,ery strenuou.':! eam., at eu,"h other httle WayDe Bolander was delayed about half an honr beeaose~;~-. M~rtm Itl'rl1ltcr ~f1" at·tbl' "oURrY

I:\Ir. Awl Mn...-·J, O. Brown Rnd :Mr. C.IItlld_HeoRmeo!:QL10 l'J<ign, I~don't bolic"es he enjoj's kiss. was ~tru,,-~ betweeu_ tl.!.e_e~·es with "3. of the breaking-of a spring hammer UIlc-'

,~!.'~ Monda.y. _ _ , L !lu.l Ur!l_' P,ed Bright motored to Pier~(' where he has -2!:' ~ure ing babies for votes anY:JDore than I. pie~e of bJ;ick wbich cut .quite 11._ gash. tbe Joeomoti\'C.. An engine, scnt out~~~~- AlbHt .PnJ$S -W~ltt I" J\()rf()lk Satur~ l:'uudn~· 10 visit .'.fr. aDd .:'otrR. 8am I aOlI wbere therC---i~ no ,Jake and I started in good-fri~nds and ll(l was inken-immediately to Dr. Caulk from Norfolk, eame_to-the rescue.§f~_dflj·~\'l>nmg.- __ ._, '_ ; Schwerin.___ _~ will remain .so; if he CaQ kiss more _ba:, who dreRJ:!ed the wound 'and sewad it up. Rev. :.'tIr: Asplin 0:1' Blair, Neb" on Ito<;:,;~;~ __ ;A. __T. -:W_a.tdc~_wa"';J'l.Q"'r~t-:-£r..[)rn.-.ll.a!; _ T,:-~~-t~ b~_a__y~~~u, elluui- b_ies than I, be ean ha\-e th~ office.- The litH.€' fellow is gettiJ1K,alollguieely business trip Jhrough Ihig part of the

~~. :~';:f:'~~~il,onwa" ",y", d·c ~::~~~::,I:',?:':~;d ~;,:;;':da;~ ::n'3 1{, R,th";,," i, a ,ub.,,,,;,1 ~";;;~~~.- - - .L:~:=f~;E:nt ~o:::::,'i;;':h::~ ~;~~:::f,~~:~;::':::'6.

~oi~-;i'" Mrs. L01ul)J'eedhQJll WIlS ~ pa.Bsenge~, . William- Miller 'went to Olllah~_\Bat, farmer -Uv\ug· four mile~ north of car._ __ _ and CongreSSIDan Dan V. Stepbens ar· Mrs. .!spUn, matron of the M, E. .II

'_~"~~',6a8t IlISt .Tuesday. , . _ ;. ,urday morning and will go :fr_Om:-fllere roll. and t.he people'who know him h$1o Dr. Caulk was a Randolp~ visitor -rived here on ~heir auto tour and,-gavc Old People'!; home of Blair, vislted-her-- ~,,--;. J?bn Dillunell was- In ~~~~U:_ Clt.y o~_ to Neola, -la" to visit his_ par~,nts be~ are his staunch friends and hope for Tuesrlay evening. _ us two very_ interegting talks on the daugllter, -Mrs. O. O. Hager, and family,

: .. ~ __ -bUSUlIlBll- Mond,,:,,_ . . : _fora _returning. -";: hig Clee,tlon.. _Hugh Edwards WIIS_ II Wayne visitor campaign iss_ues. The crow:d was not so 'from Thursday to TU,esday of "this week._-':'_,c~_:;_ Henry Brune ~ W8!l dOIng, blL-o,Jne~8 ~ __ 11.1:1'. and Mrs. John Uluek ~ Plum" .ramos Rolll1l-d, on reeeipt of a tele- Tuesday afternoon. large liS it would ahve been had they Art and Herman Morotz, nephews ot..

~f~:::'-_ Norfolk last ~~Y_· ~ _- _ , C _Creek, _autoed to Winside Sunday to. gram stating that big mother, who re· An-h Jackson Ilntoed up to Randolph arrived on time, but owing to a break- Julius Ma!;s, arrived for a visit las~.~:_:;;~:_: ReillY Brune, ~~nt. to. Norfolk 138~ ,\"isit ~[r. Llluek's siBtef, :Mra.. ~enryI"idi'6 at' Kansas CitYI ],[0" w,n~ ,".ery ITuesday afternoon. down on .the. road tbey were about two we_ek from Long Pine; Neb., on -bOJ'lJe­~:-:~_:: Wednesday on bU!'Ilness_ _ _ __ - _ -~ -Smith, and fn.mlly. .,.~ _ -:C::~_ : ~_o\\; __!!-.nd expected to have an oper~tlon, ~obn C. Davis was a county ge~~ hours'-lato and a good many got tired back, on theh'- way to their home d­5~:~;-- G~_ ~ __ ~~en:~ -went_ to Omaha .1~8t: ]\Jr. and Mrs,. Date Nich~las_an.d>~{r~1t_he next dn.y,·left onthe,af~er!1!>on Ira~n itor Tuesday' afternoon. waiting and went home. vy. B. Root, Sheboygan, Wis. The trip from Lons

....•.-:-.••..• -Tues1ay on buslness. --- '<1. Mrs.. B".'k.sand !\ERl.. of Stankln~'.S.'.'.. turd1\)' t.o he at her_ bedside. She Ig Ch.arles. Clo..~son was S. Randolph ~.'i~i- 1L FriN:80n, A. E .. McDowell- a.nd .Hans Pine was made in one week and will be""0- ~~~; Edith Prl!Jgcott wa: a passenger tO~:were visitin-g Mr:. J,u~ Miller anllj <~ years old and we understand will tor Saturday afternoon. Tietgen autoed to Randolph to-,meet eontinned on next Saturday to Shebo,.-- ~::'--;-- Wayno S~_nday mOl'n~~_. __ ~_- .~ _: _family_lnst-SundRy:. _ --,----~-' 1'~'e "one of her limbs ampntated. - - SanCErskine_ was a passenger _to Nor- the party and several from here ac- gau whieh point they hope to reach~~j,~~~ ~,B, Freneh was _lD S,OOX C,ty ou", !lfrn.-- Dick Hale of _Gresham, ' Keiper who live« neal' Wayne, -folk Saturday afternoon. - -,- ,'ompanied them .to Carroll. : -by November 15.

SW b~~C.~~~I~~:r:i~~~~~_,~a9 -a pasSOng~r~e~~~~~:; ~t-hhO~~- _}~~;~_~:~aM ,;~~k1::~~~~;:; :W~~~~~:;:ei:o-::iDegdtiP-t~ :-:- - _-- - -_-- - ---- --- - -- -- I ~---c-- TY'~.~-':? to WBkefl:td last Mond~y. r.. ('ouplo of weekll. and Wiuside was his tradlng-r George Sweet. was a \-paS8Cnger t~ ~O~S '1' CARROLL VICINI. .

.-~ Harry_ Sunan ,~~nt t~ Garrebon, S~! )ff"and_ Mre._Frit '._. . Sin~e thou£;ide h~ gr?Wn'l Wnyne _Tuesda:r afternoon..L - -Ben:n-'_Parchon w1i8 a Wa one visitor. -~ Corn hnsking has begun in earnest-,:-,-,,_'.i.D.~~~~a~~n~~I!:M:iller were I:X.orfolk Saturday tOr=SIt friends town to ~ nlee littbleJ Ensbe LaPlant was a ....igitor in Ran- Sunday: _ ..:... - y tbi!> ",eek.

..~.~~::-~::." . n t Th rs- ~ --I will go to _Tilden. to ~pend a few 1I ID$.tead of- WOr~lng for_ t e_:j dolph between trains Satnrday. -Hilda Aron of Hadar, ~PCJIt Sunda. The cooler weather ig fine for hllllk~,_._~:~~;=at~~: ~:m:r;;aarttn:ntdn?e~ with M~~ hefore returning nome. ~ . _ ~0ll11'IUlj' Mr. ~C1per own~ a. W. 1. .r-~mhing and faI]1~Y ,,;er~__~_U:!t- at- home. . - lUg an or eriQbing the eorn.- '

::'C'-:~:;"~ - Brn er f~s1>rn~5d.'I.' ,:( Mr. and Mrs, _l"rank Weible lOD of, land ~lth -a modernrlolPh Tls~tors ~aturday-_evemng. - Stella Ziemer o( Wayne, was -home John Gettma-ti~-andJohn Heeren were:-"·';;';,'~oj-Tidr~:k_~"D.t...tO...omn.:~Saturday-I,?::,.u.gbter ,eorn, an~ Mr~_ an~ Mrs. _ and all ih. ('OnyenlenCes and owes I Clareme Beaton made a business trip over SU)lday. ' Wayne visitor!l\lD Saturday.~-_~~:,~. to vi~t his brother- a:--fc-w -dayS. ;- T\\{!lble~a_u~oed _to Tllden_Iast ~Il-D_day _t a dollar. Ito Randoluh l~gt Thursday,afternoon; -Bertha lo{oratz of Norfolk, .wai....ho.ID~ _.~~C;:~~~~!lt1_familyvisited reIa.-:j":_~;'c:,: -Emanuel-Johansen and Dr'. A. B.-,-call ~n Rov. Walzer and family. _ ~- .EI~er Clos~~on ~ame_home :Monda! over Sunday. - tive~ at Concord ilie-Ianet·'Part:-Of----the::-~:-~--'~7:::t;'~Cberry were Wane visitors Frl4ay. J Note t~e difference in business. La"t .. Will Mova to NOrfOlk.. _night aftel; an absenee of -several days~' -Bert Templin was home from Win· 'Yeek. - ,1 "', - -:::~_<,;~::,," -Mrs. Charles_ ,Unger went to Sious-lyeaI:, dUrIng _the month 0 llh;lm Petergon _:went to. ~orfolk f ""Mr. and :llrs. John Beat~n were shop- ",ide OHr Sunday. :Mrs; Frank l'5avis droye to_ Wayne

•.•~.'..••....•..·•.•.·._•... City. ".OndaY morning to do ~._bOPPiDg. _..".. ('('iPts - at. ,our ra.ilWay

..... week _and .P",.'b.~SC.d an ~l~htee~.• ping in Randolph :Monday afternoon. _ .. Mrs; A. M. Averill -visited in Winside. F'.ida)" ViS.iting with her parent~ until_-::;,':,- :Mil!. E W Da.rneU- and danghter+$t,67§.2~._ThIS year they tract of latJd,-,wltll good Jmpro, e·_, Mr. and ~frs.A. E._McDowell are en· Friday- afternoon.--- - Sunday. c

;·<;:--'Grace\ W;ype visitOrs Monday. -I, Mr. Gust---BleiCb-alid- " .' -, - _ P~ter~on joying a visit with _their niece, :Miss Dick Waddellllnd-famil; were Win. Mr!'. Grant Young jg cnjoying a vi.-->-.-:-, Mr. 'and Mrs. John Pnne~ went to I to Battle Creek Sunday to VISit th~ -WIll ro'ltue from tli~ farm ~nd III the_ -Patten. ---- side vi-sitois Sunday. it from her cousin, Mias Neffinger, who

'''.'.·-~'':::~.·.'~.'-Omaba.Sunday afferli~on on business. ifamilies of ~r. :BleiC.h's brother- aD.d..~ _near future make hiS home Jll NorfO~k"11 L. A_,.r. demoeratie candidat.e -~ Carl Strate wall absent f~~;;; home on arrived last week. -_:---- _;j;~~;;t Mr!. Lew Needham went to Emerson iuncIe. They returned tbe same. e¥en:j We .had mu~h rath~r ~r. P~te:son a d for county attorney, was up from Wayne, a visit to Freeport, Ill. H. C. Barte}g and wife and .Mr. and~Jf~~:'io ~peDa Bundn With lier pa;ents.· ling. ; - _ ' ":' ., \famlly would remam In WlOslde. Thnrsday. Miss Elsie Dobbins _of Norfolk,- was Mrs,_ ~Obn Sah.':! attended chureh neat>~t;:- _~ untis NeedhaIn, 'With Oscar Franb, I Bert Lewis went to Omaha yest~yl ~- _. Mrs. Clyde FO:l: wag a vlsitor_ a~ in the village over Sunday, Altona last Sunday. ... ~."·:i~'~_j~lafttQ.rAlamosa, Colo., last Tuesday. Ito purchailc feeders. Buying feeden! at ~es, r~vorabl~. _Impr~on. . Sholes from Randolph last-Thursday at- lofus I:rlnee spent her week e~d vaca.- ~~rold Peterson who _has -been ~.

~?" 1m. J. C. Eekcr and Jaughter Val a {'ost of $100 If. head, as some are doing, I G. W. Nor'ris. Candidate for' United te,moon. .' tion at the home of Julins Mass. ,fenng from an _attaek o~__p~etllll~. - , !.e~e_!;J!l~ of faiJh i.UJ-~e--futnre~.states_~nator~s.pnklLTueliday-( H~:W~Bnrnham and daughters Ethel- ------eIaude Courtright of Wayne, was in is able to sit tip this·week. .. .

keto --~ . -I at tlie opern hou~e and most of tbose and Velma were shopping in Wayne tbe village Wednesday afternoon·.- Mrs. August Miller took a relapllfJ

I Bert Horby_ and· Belle Roland were- in'! wbo had the pleagure _of ,hearing him_ Fri~y aftern~on. _ _ . :Mrs. -Strata, sr.,--= is critically_ lIt at__ L"l~t ~~d:ay and was in-a "Very seriou_

I'Wn.y~~ ~last ThursdJlY· The_ movement; e:r;presse~-.themselves that it ~g -t;t'e_ C. J. HY8ham shipped in :ive car_ the borne of her SOD, Carl Strate. _ eondition the. !_ore p~. of the week. ---c- -

;;:~·)S.,'n"l.y" Rpend, Sunday with friends. looked -a little stlspieioug, bnt Be~i.?e!lt pOhhe~1 t,alk ev~r beard ~n W!~-, loads of cattle Tuegd~y for lilS ~anc_h _ A.'Stockham of Winside, wag if- the John Sshs. ,IS bnl.iiling a new ~Osl['leteher·- went .to _Hos-.i ..did.!l't put. up an}' Cigars., _so will ta.kei.".;j) 11r: Norr:s made many fnend!> In_ sout.b of .,.own.- . .. . \"illage .last Thur.".da.y afternoon.. .. bouse a~~ ehlcken house, also p1allDl.-qnight to -attend a'party.'ba,:k. ..::fIS sbort stay mJown. Sherif:l' G:eorge Porter was -np from Miss Sara Ziemt;lr was a Wayne pag· an additIOn to !he house on :the landrig Wt>iblii-each shipp~dJ~ Willis Reed- 0:1' Madison, talked -jO;t ~- 'I 'Wayne on offieial business b!lt Th.nrs. ~enger on WedneSday a~ternoonlagt._ farmed by his son ,41ba:.

_ cattle to Omaoo lagt Wed-ltbe peopTo of Winside and vicinlty;afi "Pound'_' pluty. dar_ afternoon. . _ _ ReT. and_ MtlI. Aron drove to-Ran-1 Friday, Ko\:emhCl.' 1,_ will be the close- ,::- ------,--- _ _ !the ~pera- house Satnrday night f~JIi"a: The friends of Re'-_ Connell and :l'am· C. A.- Beaton -drove np to ,Randolph dolph Thnrsd~y for a visit with friend~. of tbe different rural sehools for the an·

-,,:,=-~ Mr and M~ Pted W:Jl'IIenlUnde and: rlemol'ratie standpoint. Mr. Reed ill iJ.1 ih', forty or fiftv in number, gathered Saturday after a load of-plaster for B.- Two .ear ]Qads of appleg haTa been, nnal No!em.ber_v.a.eation..-thaltllabl~.

~:.c"~.': ',~on AI~i~ were ,,[ayne vi!titou Wedncs·! f1U~~t speaker and his talk .~s wt>lI int ~h~ parsonage 'Tuegday e:vellcing, !laeh 8teYens~n ,; house.. : . sold the_ track sin~e Friday la~t'll the big boys and girls to help ~ther_::-,-:~-day: _ _ IreeetVed, _ _ _-' j{'arrylllgRPOUndof~omethmgthat.wa.!l1 Mrs. A. E. McDowell and son Ervm Grace and Mont Fleteber were In the corn erQp. . .

:_:_~~_:;:.; ---MtII.-A::--M. Averill was 'dowu- froUl.j. Ooor:ge Farran aud~ \Va1Wr_~Petersoiirll~efnJ--or-ornamental. - Light -refresh·: "1lnd-~N;--Patton---wereRandolph visitors- Hoskins :l'or Saturday _evening's dance. I _: William Bu~~ who makes )ll~ ~om~_~._

.·...,;.,-:HOSkin.~ Friday _to . Vh1it. the Cullen 1. finally ".got the feve.-r".'an..d left for Jme.n". wt>re _takl'~ al~o. and- _beSideSj.Saturoay aftefnoon.. . _ _ - _ Rev. a thl'C.-e ~e~b' va-. l~itlJ hiS.. daughter, G~ttm:._...

~.~.,,:-: c.fIJDIlY, l-Wood~ke Thilrsday night. 'to join the j haYlnJ!. a good !'orml time, tbe Connell ].fr. and -Mrs._-John -DaVIS spent Sun;;: -cation from sebool work, begillDlng lastIeast of town, was stneken With paraly-'c' -,- _Mr~. 'Gust Sehrodl'r and daugbter i_other bunters, wbo went lae{'w!ek, and \ family were ~I'n "pounded." I day at the eountry~omeof their dangh.-' Mond~y. • his side I:ast Snnday an~ ~:= .··.·..--::Awel~'er-e.~aS>\en_~er" t.o W_asne ~!rt_;to help,bring'home the.duekiL 1 -- ~- _ -:C~. __Iter, 1tr~s. John DaVIS. _ ~fr. and Mr~. Ernpst 0._ Behmer be.§t.e helple5s sIDee. We h.opel.t...,------,----,-saturday. - ---- -1-~H. H. Hohi~a~ Strikiiig sunn:artty. - ~:b·;----and-~frs~a1piIl-.-Cllier:.. e..tha.paunts_of,!I...®M...&!:l on Tues· pro~~xt'rma.!~nt. _ . _.

, _~:__w~~:~: -~~~:: ~::,,~:~~:~n~O~;t~;:!ka;; -::~e;,e:~-tl t~a:~~/h'~r~~r;:h~: I~o~e ;:~;:o:hl':t w:~:- a~~oU;:i~b:~~~ !:~np:~- ~~~d:d~~in~-Porter at da:r;~g:~d'Mrs. F. Ziemer and'h-~l;'Ch~eeh ~~;;~~r~g:of:!:tr~. ,:,c,day. --- -- '---:--_:;- , ---,----::- liner....and ~lrs. Fre~ Ziernlll' ~ent to Hos.llot as illuitratl:"Qat the Woman's elub _w.~r.!~Il::Qlo~s~n_wh~~nO_~~~g- gpent se~eral days v~isiting relativedn George Roe .home ~t whie~ tune~ '-it~:~

Grace FlC'l<:hel' "am" dOwn from N~r'l king Saturdaj' to vigit relatives o,er jla"t week when thev voted on pregident,1 for the McCord-Brady Eompany, spent- -HoskinS:-- - - - ----- ~ ---- Il:t.pec.~to_Cr)b_~O.!!.!!I!l~.!".!'"~e ~orn.; __ ---=--+-------folk -Sn~day to Vi~t hi'r home people a· Bunday. '-,:- _ Tllft rel'ei~ing 2, Roosevelt 3 and WiI-:j Wednesday night at home. . _Miss ~an<;.es Crosby arnved Wedne8- ROll wdl scrve luncb lD the evening to

:--,~e'\..d~Ys.- '. _I ::.\fi!lS Abbie Lound returned from Den· son 12, Xow !lote the,l'limllarily of two_ Areh J_ackson and f~:f~autoed to_ day evening for a short visit at the the hnngry workers.:;:':"',- Lilhe Von Seggern went to Wat,efleld1 :ver -last Thnrsdas. after \·i~iting rela- _"ote.s: .Tu"t after Peary's and .Cook's Emerson Saturday mornmg wh"\!re the)'_ Gree~flOme. _ . _ _ '~_

_c:~~,_~ 1ast Tliul' to attend the- weddin~ of (tives a~d friends fO~ th~ pn~t 51'; w.eeks. trips to tbe north, this -8&lIIe eJ,uu voted ,vi~ited uutil Monday Doon. County _ Superintendent, Mrs_. Elsie I _ _WILBUR,_ _ .,~

~:~o:l' II.- COUStn._ --,1 She thlllks J?1l!J-vel' _Ill fInO null enjoyed I to see which reacbed the po e, an _-1. e_ Mrs< ed ath returne a ur ay- l.~\Tllt~ Wed~ r - ____ -- -- - ~-_ ,~

"_:_. Ur. McIntyre -'jl-'_as \'alll'd in \'on~uHa'l e\"er~,. miuute there. _ I'\"oteo-stood Peary. -2; Co:ok. 17;-Taft will night from Kansas City wbere _sha had nasday. __ _ _I :Miss Grace. LyonS _spent &tul'lla1 _ ,1:'~~~tion ,'I'.:ith _Dr..~~ren at Carroll _~nst1 Onr fellow huntJlrs_-a~~h'e~ ~rom Wood be elected. _been ,taking treatment for appendici?;s.[ Mrs. ':Wint~r.s in -C'.ompany witb Mrs.Iand Simd~y with:Mias .Alma Danielson. _~_.~.'

.-::__:~:Sn~~~l; ~:D: ~~~~:~i~:~::ellt to Pierce--]~a~~:. ~~:~a~I~:rt~:gno~~t~~n ~f~:~J ~y Parties Tonight. jGr::se:n:~:lw~n~t:::ns~:O~:S~;-I~i::;eT'vmted Wayne by anto last las~h~n:~~;_:~:~:ga~:\~:~~:::-to)

.~.·.,.,.,o->..Batur.dKY mOt~ing. to visit nn old col J-i.!l late and there_.iS~..... -ll)' .nolh~? t~erel '. Tonight there~will, b.e 'so.mething. d.O .. f,".m wain.e and .'.p.e~t s~da.y-at.-l ~i~s Rutb Sterli.Iig.. was in._ ,_Wayn.:e_! t~nded_.. .. .... '~~.~.,~~-~-lege frjl1-D~o,er_SU~day:• ., --I-now to att~~~t- the~h,unteu. but nahves.!l.lIg about town:- ?t:any smaU boys:wIlI- home;. . __~- - _ -jfrom. - Saturday mormng to ~unday I-~ -Maek- Johnson and~~tly,,---~~':...~ -- "~

~ :Mr.lIDd :Mrs. Arehle L!~_~~a~ "am_~~+_ T~_~~Y_Slel8n,nt. ?t~cIntyre, reportsjgo forth on mlsehlef bent; sometllD~_s :Lee FJtz!llIIpnons ~ent to Wuyne Tues-_lmormng.· ,. _ lck;<on and son Mel VlSJt~ at-~he liome _-: _'-'

~.'- _-:, -lro~ Wayne ~hursdaY ~ght to:YU'It., the son of }\Ir:-:-a~it"'.~frs..---~ltrlO!'~&-OOk....uarg.. -"'e:LoJte~WlllE'~i~tO.-~p_.'.h.'. ,n".ll...d'.Y.: On tlle way dOwn. h..' ba.d ..a ".ightl .. MMr. B..rad~ 'of .SIO.u.X.- ~i.ty, .a.d_v.erti!l-. of H.,n",.". san.. d.a.'.... . . . -_,~.~~au' ~ou H.arry and fannly. lman who ,bas baen _afflict.ed With ty·-!ouesJllong. Mrs. Fred Briglit-wiH--- -lI;eeident---and---ha3----to-,--go--.± Velle ~ar, was m the _Village About twenty-five of -'Miss Stella--,~::_~~c"': -oW. ~. Lowery- a.~~e~;~-~eJ:di~g...(ollr~1'I1J)id fe~t"lr -the,:'_pa~t three ~r four_:bo~tes9 to_ the- ROyal N:eighbor~ _for ~lior repairs. - • _ -! last Th'Ul'sday. _ ___ .;~ ~gerii-tm-'g--f-rieUdS----eame-~e.r...foJul~,=o:,>__ ;:,weeks 111 )tUnM», '\"l_Sltl~g relatives, re.! wE'eks, as .DO~ -l'aco\'e~g nicely.. _ IHallowe'en .party, ~{esdamegMi11~aDdI' _Mrs. Eisit; Littell, eounty SUP~rin-_I. Mr. L: _Koenigstein of _N0rr.0l~, ,,:as her celeb.rate ~er birt~':'y_last ·ThllfB.

;~~;~~'fll::. ~:~n~~~::·~:;:-gF.ridaye\"en_1 F~~~a~· ::::::~;i~--;~t~i .r~'- ~;rt~~ i~::~~~l~i:;t:~:l::~~~ ~·t:~ :~:~r;:~~::;~:~s d:;:nvi:rti~;~h::~::I~t~.J :~~:~o:n::g~~:::r- ~~nday gt~:~_ Ill::, ~;)~;v~~ng. ~ go~d_ bme-_!ia_s r6pl)~}n~ for Manville,_ Wyo., _to visit her ;Oeorge all(l famiIy.::., If it tloe~n't getJof :Miss Ken _Brjght,~ and no doubt_land about town. . _ II A basement is belng_-placed under the! C. -A. Sandquist ,.and f~y__o!....n~c

:,.o,l5On Raymond a~d--jamily, _..i _ •..,.. too eo1d. in t.hill ~.o.""..",try, Mr_ Pinnion-_I.-se~~ral other little parties will h.-e:-..,.'~.'."d.:l Mike. Chuuy, the AS5yn.·~ WhO has. John Fo~te:r'.. h.n.m' .. il;l ,order ~~._m.stall ~ I..a~e.l, .and G:' ~osedal.e th._~.:;>-Mr. and Mrs. H~ph ~~~e, M).nBie_.may_deetde to petm,attenUy locate here. abont town. ·-':.'c':'-~~~_-1be.eU.~orki~gfor E. LaPlant_on the-tlec-.1 5team,'heat1-Dg _plant.. -__ - Damelgon _holIle Sunday.__ -~.' '_ __ c~<

,...~lIa.. ns~n, a.,nd E~ma. Milfh.m .~_llh.OP-~I. Mf. and Mrs. Ber~.rt"Lenek-.of ,wake-I. . .__ ~_:-"- -_ - '..': 1.i.nn .a."..·...'..ummer.• JefLNQIlday noon f.or:.! MtJr.. And.erson, nea. "". '..~ Drevsen. was Mr. H~..}.e.. y and Mr._ 0., ..... Ch..... ~: _..,.:..•... '.PlDg In SIOUX Cl~Yla5t_Sa. "".daY.•-.:, _ ... ,field. up Th,J"'..ililiy - evenlng t.o-.- Leave on Long Vac&tIon.....'I.bis home in.. , Assyrla, . ...1 taken-to. the M.-R _hospital at ChnabR 8Dd'famlllC$.O.',.:wer..• <all"'.!>.

-:-,'~~:-- 1l1r· and Mr8. C~les Riese raturne&;·viait tbe Henry Snqtlt~amUy. Mrs. An- Dr. _-A. -B.-Cherry le:l't Mon- ~ <Mr. and Mrs. E. LaPlant entert&ned:;:'Wednesday morning. ,-- _.. ,-' -. - -_- --

-:~:_~::~~;~~!a~~~~~~-_t~:~;!~~~~__t~1::::e~ak~;~ ';e~:n~ ~:~-I::·and -M~~_ w. _~, Root and -Mrs. Al-J M:,{j;;~~:~,P~:;; ~h- ~:r;,:;~~~~~en~ Sun·

';;:",,:;::k~n:~:,u?;:;::U=:h:~:;t':'d:;1,:.:;:, j>,.n uutiriug wo,',,,, fn,::',.';:~" IWi~...Mi~~:';:';:., wAXEl'IELIi:, .:1-<'.. . . .. ... Fri..·• ·da,....Wbers.'! .."".thnl" ~,vio... ~.,~~.~~::.:-:y.t~.u:~J:rE,:;.~~~.~E;u.~v::~a.Tb.ey--m~Qe'the..-trip j,n.H.wY,s~.·li=.S'h""uJ,,~jt'd. :....":~:":;,·~.-:;f:s~.~.·f.·~~.• a...;.:.:-.:.·.:fOpan.·.;.~.-:~.-.·..;.-~.".:~.·'.•....'c.·

·~:~h~ bo;rs wjU 5p9ud a. few _dayI togeth\~.,..._ :', . there to "Hot Springs; Ark.; and then ~0-r8UtO. . _ . c_ • ~. _~es' Flo!~ee _Wel~h'-~ ~e,,~~~~;~:." •_ . _~ _- .. _+ __Ira. Th_Omall Johnson eaJn_' ,~day -<~alifornia. _Thl} doctor and- wife_ willt The_Iadles.of Sh_oles:~thved,at-:the;Jm- , _ ~ B~da~_a:_~.Wa~e~-~~_,'.!,,-_ '-:_~~; ::;_~~:~::

~ Kenderson-lfroni:o-WIaner and ltlft,_Ba~_~m_ be mlleh niissed .m,Wins.ide. .j5chool grounds_last Tl:i~a..y~oon~lbiy. _ _. _-::_::-:~ _ _ ,~~- Lund~e _~_:i~: __

~_.~~~.~o.';"-'.011..., _t:._.-Vtn..~N...:.O.t.~:~k.-~.a~~e~:~;:·.: i.,:--.--: --::-...,--- •• m.-~~._..------:-~.c.·"l~~:~.~;.f--t~~n.y..'~~~u.~~~.~~j',i.--;:~;;o.~~:;~..,;e..•n.,~e.~.•~;.,..--:~~~~.-I§;U.•.-~.a= ;~...'~.;.:~::..-~...'~-~. ~it~---,' ----:. ~~-- -:rtbeM wilJ'~~to North !ltlkota-to spend- Last- ThUrsday __ afternoon _the ~:WO-;!All had a-Jolly time, -- ,--- ,'." -visit-WIth_his mother ~bo has been nl co~g_np_~!Y:'

•.-'- c :~an'~~ub_l:llet at~e-·hom_e-_o:l'Mrt,.-_C.:-; E•. W, C!oflllon, wn~ ~~~-~lth~ paat"'.:.eek,- __ ._, _ ': __; ._~ -,!e~

d· ....·lil;J'lmw ,nth ;..~t,"', """' .Ti·,g·"'·W.s~';::;l:r-"::'=~;fn:'au:::~~; 'P;;;;";~i... !~I;;'~::;~S::::~1:; ~~f;~t\"ta!~",,~Y;~di";>i>~.,.g

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