  • SOLAS 1974International Convention for the safety of Life at SeaPresent form adopted by IMO on 1974 and entered into force in 1980Part of IMOs main interest towards SAFE, SECURE AND EFFICIENT SHIPPING ON CLEANER OCEAN SOLAS 1974 convention has been regularly amended by means of resolutions by Marine Safety Committee(MSC) or by conference of SOLAS contracting Government.

  • SOLASArticles of International convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 197413 Articles regarding obligation, implementation of SOLAS requirements through Contracting Governments.

    Applicable only to ships engaged in international voyagesCargo ships above 500 GT

  • SOLASTypes of Certificates for Compliance of SOLASPassenger Ship Safety Certificate for passenger ships for compliance of Solas Chapter II-1,II-2,III,IV and V Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate for all other ships for compliance of Solas Chapt. II-1 and II-2Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate for cargo ships which comply with solas Chapt. II-1,II-2,III and VCargo Ship Safety Radio certificate for cargo ships for compliance of Chapt.IV of Solas.All above certificates shall be supplemented by Record of EquipmentsApproved plans for Fire Control, LSA, LSS, crew accommodation etc.

  • SOLAS 1974SOLAS CHAPTER 1Covers General Provisions likePart A-Application, Definition, Exception etc.

    Part B-Survey and certificates

    Part C- Casualities- related investigation etc.

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter II-1 covers the followingPart A-General-application/ definitionPart A-1 Structure of the shipsReg.3.1 Structural, Mech. & Elect. RequirementsReg.3.2 Corrosion Prevention of s/w Ballast tanks Reg3.3 Safe Access to tanker bowsReg.3.4 Emergency towing arrangements on tankers Reg.3.5New installation materials containing asbestos Reg. 3.6 Access to and within spaces in cargo area

  • ..SOLAS 1974Chapter II-1 (Contd..)Part B: Subdivision and stabilityApplies to passenger ships and cargo shipsTotal 25 Regulations covering Construction including DB/ Bulkhead reqts., subdivision, stability, damage control , water tight integrity, bilge pumping arrangements Openings/ WT doors and their inspection

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter II -1 (Contd..)Part B-1: Subdivision and damage stability of Cargo ShipsPart C:Machinery installations Main and aux. machinerySteering GearMachinery controlsSteam boilersAir pressure systems, Ventilation of mach. Space Alarms and communications

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter II -1 (..Contd)Part D: Electrical installationMain and emergency source of electrical powerSupplementary em. Lighting for pass. VesselsStarting arrangement for em. generatorSafety against shock, fire and other hazards Part E: Additional Requirements of UMS shipsIncludes i)Fire precautions ii)protection against flooding iii) control on prop. Mach from bridge iv) Alarm, safety and communication systems

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter II-2: Construction-Fire protection, detection and extinction Part A- General, Definition, objectives etc.Part B- Prevention of fire and explosion -potentialPart C- Suppression of Fire-detection, control smoke/fire, FF, structural integrityPart D Escape : notification, Means of escapePart E- Operational Requirements- Readiness, trg. Drills, operationsPart F Alternative design and arrangementsPart G- Special Requirements- Helicopter, IMDG

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter III Life Saving appliances (LSA)and arrangementsPart A- General- application, definition etc.Part B- Requirements for ships for LSASection 1:Passenger ships and cargo shipsSection2: Add. requirements for passenger ships Section 3: Add. Requirements for cargo shipSection 4: LSA requirements as per codeSection 5: Miscellaneous- Training Manual, Instructions for maintenance, Muster list and emergency instruction

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter IV Radio Communication

    Part A: General.-Functional requirements

    Part B Undertaking by contracting governments

    Part C- Ship Requirements

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter V- safety of NavigationRequirements include bridge control, nav. Warnings, use of Charts and Nav. Publications,Bridge equipments, maintenance, records, communication etc.Chapter VI - Carriage of Cargoes Part A: General Application, Stowage etc.Part B: Special provision of bulk cargoes other than Grain Part C : Carriage of Grain

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter VII Carriage of Dangerous GoodsPart A: Carriage of dangerous goods in packaged formPart A-1:Carriage of dangerous goods in solid bulkPart B:Construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk. Part C: Construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk.Part D:Special requirements for the carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and nuclear wastes.

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter VIII- Nuclear ships- RequirementsChapter IX- Management for the Safe Operation of Ships ISM Code requirement and certification Chapter X Safety Measures for High Speed Craft Chapter XI-1- Special Measures to enhance maritime Safety -Enhanced surveys in bulk carriers and oil tankers-Ship identification Number -PSC on operation requirements-Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

  • SOLAS 1974Chapter XI -2 Special Measures to enhance Maritime Security -International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code- Application, requirements and certification

    Chapter XII :- Additional Safety Measures for Bulk carriers- Requirements for Structural, strength, damage stability, loading and unloading , loading instrument , water level detectors for cargo hold and dry spaces etc

  • International Convention for Ballast water Management SystemThousands of Marine species such as bacteria, microbes, algae etc are transferred to new areas by ships water ballast . These transferred species may grow faster in new environment affect/destroy the marine life of the areaMEPC 55 (OCT. 2006) Guidelines:Ballast Water Exchange Control StandardsDesign to facilitate sediment control on shipsDesignation of areas for ballast water exchangeSediment/ ballast water reception facility

  • International convention for Anti -Fouling SystemIn 05.10.2001,IMO adopted resolution A928(22) on international convention on control of harmful antifouling systems on ships.Entry into force 17.09.2008Prohibit use of AFS containing TBT.(Organotin Tributylin)Applicable to ships above 400gt on Int. voyageAFS require to protect bottom from fouling/sea growth which is essential to maintain the speed.

  • COLREGConvention in the international Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 Adopted by IMO on20.10.1972Entered into force 15.07 1977Rules of the road- to prevent collision Part A general (rule 1-3) Rule 1 Applicable to all sea going vessels.Rule 2-Reg. Responsibility of master, crew and ownerRule 3-Definitions

  • COLREGPARTB.Sect.1.Steering & Sailing (Rules 410) Rule 4-Apply to any condition of visibilityRule 5- Reg. maintaining look out watch Rule 6 Reg. safe speedRule 7 Complete information shall be available .Rule 8 Reg. actions to be taken to avoid collisionRule 9 Reg. course on narrow channel and to keep starboard side to the outer limit of narrow channel.Rule 10 Reg. the behavior of vessels in or near traffic separation scheme. (Crossing at Rt. Angle)

  • COLREGSection II- Conduct of vessel in Sight of one another (Rules 11-18)Rule 11- Reg sighting of another vesselRule12 Action to be taken when another vessel approachesRule 13- Reg. overtakingRule 14 Reg head on situationRule 15- Reg. crossing situationRule 16- action to be taken by the give-way v/lRule 17-Reg. action of the stand-on vesselRule 18- Reg. Resp. of vessels to keep out of the way

  • COLREGSection III: Conduct of vessels in reduced visibilityRule 19- Reg. safe and reduced speed; use of radar and fog horn and actions.PART C: Lights and Shapes(Rules 20-31)-Reg. power driven, towing, piloting etc.PART D: Sound and Light Signals (Rules 32-37)Reg. Whistle, bell, light signal etc.PART E:Exemtions (Rule 38)Colreg includes various Annexes (I to IV)

  • Convention for International Loadline 1966Adopted by IMO on 05.04.1966 and further amended by protocol 1988All vessels above 24m length require Loadline certificateLoadline 1966- AnnexesAnnex-1; Chapt.I General, definitions Chapt.II Coditions of assignment of freeboard Chapt.III Freeboards Chapt. IV: Sp. Requirements for timber freeboardsLoadline Markings

  • Convention for International Loadline 1966Annex II- Covers Zones, areas and seasonal periods.Annex III contains certificates including international loadline certificate Loadline markings on shipside

  • PORT STATE CONTROLPSC : the inspection of foreign ships in national ports, to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.

    Various IMOs technical conventions contain provisions for ship to be examined by PSC at foreign ports to ensure that they meet IMO requirements.Procedure for PSC as per IMO Resolution A. 787(19) as amended by Resn.A.882(21)

  • PSC / FSIPORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTIONPrimary Objective of PSC is to ensure that Flag state is effectively control its fleet in complying with various IMO conventions( like SOLAS, Marpol, Loadline, AFS, STCW), Classification rules, etc. ISM and ISPS code requirementsand to eliminate sub-standard ships.Review appeal procedure available.

  • PORT STATE CONTROL ORGANIZATIONSIMO encouraged establishment of regional PSC organizations and MOU of participating countries covering all oceans to co-ordinate PSC inspections effectively.1.Europe & North Atlantic (Paris MOU)2.Asia & Pacific (Tokyo MOU)3.Black Sea Region (Black sea MOU)4.Indian ocean MOU; 5.Riyadh MOU6.Latin America (Vina Del Mar); 7.West & Central Africa; 8.The Mediterranean MOU; 9.Caribbean MOU; 10. US coast Guard

  • PSC/FSIFlag State Inspection (FSI)- Inspection carried out by Flag Administration of its flagged vessels In India MMD carries out Flag state Inspection for GOI.Detention: During PSC/ FSI inspection if the vessel was found with serious deficiency reg. statutory or other compliance, the vessel may be detained in that port. After clearance from respective authority only vessel can move out.Each detention is recorded and informed to all and is a black mark for the vessel , Master/flag , class

  • NATURE OF DEFICIENCIES (PSC)1.Ships certification and documentation.(0100)-Valid class/statutory and other mandatory documents2.Crew certification(0200)- Appropriate Competency, STCW, medical Certs3.Crew Accommodation (0300) Sanitation, cleanliness, ventilation, lighting, medical4.Food and catering (0400)- hygiene5. Work spaces (0500) Ventilation ,lighting..6.Life Saving Appliances (0600)-condition/operation stowage/ familiarisation of LSA items7.Fire Fighting Appliances (0700): condition/ operation /stowage/ familiarisation of FFA items

  • NATURE OF DEFICIENCIES (PSC)8.Accident prevention (0800):-Personal protection..9. Safety in General (0900):-closing devises, signs, plans, ladders, hull corrosion..10.Alarm signals (1000): fire/ safety alarms-identity, audibility.11. Cargo (1100):Stowage, securing, handling..12.Load line (1200)-WT, freeboard, loadline items..13.Mooring arrangement (1300): Anchor, rope, light14.Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery (1400): cleanliness, condition, insulation, lighting, bilges..15.Navigation (1500): condition, familiarisation, availability

  • NATURE OF DEFICIENCIES (PSC)16.Radio (1600): availability, familiarisation,..17. Marpol Annex I (1700): Sopep, ORBs, OWS-15ppm alarm, control, ODMSC, SBT, Type approvals18.Tankers (1800): segregation, cargo area, pump room, handling, protection 19. Marpol Annex II(1900)- CRB, P&A Manual, tank washing, handling,20.Solas Operational defects(2000): Muster list, communication ,drills, plans, operations, manuals..21.Marpol Operational defect(2100): oily mix, cargo, garbage ..

  • NATURE OF DEFICIENCIES (PSC)22.Marine pollution Annex III (2200): IMDG.23.Marpol Annex V (2300): Playcard, GMP, GRB..ISM related deficiencies (2500): Policy, DOC, SMC, documents, related records Bulk Carriers Additional Safety Measures (2600): Bulkhead strength, cargo booklet, loading instrument,26.Other deficiencies (9900): hazards to safety, health and environment..

  • ACTION TAKEN CODESCode 10 Deficiency rectified 12- All deficiency rectified 15- Rectify deficiency at next port 16- Rectify deficiency within 14 days 17 Rectify before departure 18- Rectify within 30 days 19- Rectify Major NC before departure 30- Grounds for detention 40- next port informed

    95- Letter of warning issued 99- others (specify)

  • ISM CODEISM Code: International Safety management CodeSMS: Safety Management System (Linking Shipping Company, master/crew and the ship)DOC: Document of Compliance (Mandatory for any shipping Co. to ply their ships)SMC: Safety management Certificate(Mandatory for any ships above 500 GT to ply) DPA: Designated person ashore (company) with direct access to top managementCompany means Owner or Organisation who assumes responsibility for operation of the ship

  • ISM CODEBACKGROUND Previous ship accidentsAnalysis found above 85% of accidents are due to human errorAdopted by IMO through Resolution A740(I8) and revised by Res.A.913(22)- ISM CodeIncluded in SOLAS Chapter IX Applicable to all passenger ships/High Speed crafts, all cargo vessels above 500 GT

  • ISM CODEThe purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.8

  • ISM CODE- OBJECTIVESTo ensure safety at seaPrevention of Human injury / loss of lifeAvoidance of damage to the environmentAvoidance to damage to propertyOBJECTIVES ARE ACHIEVED BY:Provide Safe practices in ship operation Establish safeguards against all identified risksAssess all identified risks to its ships, personnel and the environment & establish appropriate safeguards Continuously improve safety management skills of personnel ashore and aboard ship

  • ISM Code- Functional Requirements of SMSA Safety and Environment Protection PolicyInstruction & Procedures to ensure safe operation of Ships and protection of the Environment in compliance with relevant international & Flag state legislation Defined level of authority and Communication between shore & ship personnel Procedure for responding to emergency situationsProcedure for reporting accidents and NCsProcedure for internal audits and Management Review

  • ISM CODE CLAUSES IN BRIEFPART A -IMPLEMENTATIONGeneral , definitions, objectives, application & functional Requirements.Safety & Environment Protection PolicyCompany Responsibility and AuthorityDesignated person (s).(+Qualification, trg, experience)Masters responsibility & AuthorityResources and PersonnelDevelopment of Plans for Shipboard OperationsEmergency Preparedness

  • ISM CODE CLAUSES IN BRIEF9.Reports and analysis of Non Conformities, Accidents and Hazardous Occurences 10.Maintenance of Ship and Equipments11.Documentation12. Company Verification, Review & EvaluationPART B: CERTIFICATION & VERIFICATION13. Certification and Periodical Verification 14.Interim certification15.Verification 16. Forms of Certificates

  • ISPS CodeInternational Ship and Port Facility Security CodeBACKGROUNDTerrorist attack on ships 1985/1989Terrorist attack on 11 /09/2001 in USA Piracy at seaIMO adopted ISPS Code and included in SOLAS Chapt. XI and made it mandatory on All port facilities on international tradeAll passenger/ HSC shipsAll cargo ships above 500 GT on int. voyageCoastal ships as per requirements of Administration

  • ISPS CodeISPS Code: International Ship & Port Facility Security code SSA : Ship Security Assessment SSP: Ship Security PlanCSO: Company Security OfficerSSO: Ship Security OfficerPFSO: Port Facility Security OfficerSSAS: Ship Security Alert System AIS: Automatic Identification System

  • ISPS Code- Why ?To detect and deter following threats to International Trade Terrorism Piracy and armed robberyStowaways and illegal migrantsDrug smugglingTheft and Criminal activities

  • ISPS Code- ObjectivesTo establish an international framework involving govts, security agencies, ports and shipping companies to detect security threats and to take preventive measures To establish respective roles for govts, port, sec. agencies etc. for ensuring maritime security To ensure efficient collection & exchange of information To place security procedures and plan to react to various security levels and security incidentsTo ensure confidence and place maritime security Measures

  • ISPS Code- Fundamental RequirementsGather , assess and exchange information reg. security threats between govts/ agenciesMaintenance of communication protocols for ship and port facility (PF)Prevent unauthorised access to ship and PF ( control/ restrict access, mark restricted area)Prevent introduction of weapons, incendiary devices and explosives to ships and PF Provide means for raising alarm in reaction to security threatsRequirement of SSA/SSP and PFSA/PFSP Requirement of training/ drills /exercises onboard.Requirement of security equipments onboard( pass, n.v.binoculars, ll mirrors, metal detector, hb flash light)

  • ISO 9000Quality Management System (QMS)certification Intended to improve Quality in product and services Intended improve customer satisfaction Quality Policy, Internal audits and Management ReviewProcedures for consistent quality of product and services External audit and ISO 9000-2008 certification

  • STCW 1995International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch-keeping for Seafarers 1978 as amended in 1995.Covers training requirement of various category of Officers and crew including pre-sea and post seaCovers requirements of competence for various ranks , certification and watch-keeping

  • IMO ,in its meeting at Manila , during June 2010 has amended the STCW 95And now known as STCW 2010 and adopted on 01 January, 2012.

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