

DBPOT TALK - - State Repr—ntntivo Plea* MobWy was in Ml. Vernon to discus* wllh tool official* the preliminary plans for obtain ag tne Depot lor the City of Ml Verm». Pictured are: left to right Mayor Carl Brown. Rockcastle County Judge Charles C. Carter. Mr. Mobley. Mrs. Mob ley's father-in-law. W illis Johnson, and County Atty. James W. Lam-jjffc.-. , --.y - . — ->• •• •

Election Set Tuesday

they wish. State Representative Pleaz

Mobley and local officials •were instrumental in bring-ing this action about.

and Herbert Hoover

Honored At MVHS,- LHS Graduation Exercises

UnivorGlty pf- Kentucky l ib ra ry loxington, Kbntucky Mmni PVBLHAL-

Kv StaentJ u t e s Anirt* r*T. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1964 MOUNT VERNON. KENTUCKY

Brodhead Seeks Industry

City Gets Lease On Depot For Library The L & N Depot, Mt. Ver-

non, was formally leased to the City Thursday (today) at 10:30 a. m., in the office of Atty. James W. Lambert.

The lease was brought to Mt. Vernon by John W. Lovell, superintendent of the L & N Railroad Co-, at Louisville. **avor Carl Brown signed the document.

Effective immediately, the lease is a five year perpetual

: lease with provision for re-j ne"-al.

The depot is to be used t>y the City for a library, only. A token fee of $1 per year

, will be charged. Requirements are the usual

or\es. The City must maintain i the building -(paint it and I keep normal repairs made,) erect a barricade between the

I building and the tracks for ! the sake of safety. I At the meeting Mr. Lam-ibert said, ''the" Railroad in-! dustry has been instrumental in the development of this country."

The Railroad is the largest taxpayer of this county. The amount of tax they pay Rock-castle. County- each -yeat?: is $46,000 in addition- to taxes they pay to the towns of Mt Vernon, Livingston and Brod-head.

Attending the meeting were: Mayor Brown; Atty. Lambert,

L o c a l C a m p a i g n F o r Representative* in Congress lot: J. Malcoim Higgins, Joe noydL°0'wens,G BSI Jasper ITsmnArfv T J h r a r v ^ h e l d Tuesday, M a y McCauley, Elmer Begley, Ro- Edd Winstead, and Warren O-e imeay u u r a r y 26, 1964. bert L. Milby, Dr. Tim Lee Carpenter of the L & N police

; Students from Rockcastle A notice of voting precincts C a r t e r Le t t e r T. White H. department. cdunty schools wiU "carry the will be found elsewhere in • Mr. Griffin asked Mr. Lovell torch" Sunday afternoon. May . this issue of the Mount Vernon Clinton • 7. D-?,' i* the City could blacktop the 2)fc.' in a house-to-house can- Signal. Eligah Mills, Tobacco Bill a r e a j,, u,e o{ ^ depot vtes to help raise Kentucky's i The Democratip party only Stanley, Pleaz Wm. MoWey; i and make a parking lot. Mr. $150,000 quota for theNation- has two candidates in this Daniel Boone Smith, James E. Lovell replied yes, the City

chairman of the Kennedy] Republican candidates - , , . ~ Memorial Library Foundation j n u m b e r 15. They are, in the G r a v e s i d e S e r V C e s

^ J S U C ^ k ^ e / e ^ T O u n t y | W i l l i a m EL B a n k s i H e l d F o r P a u l ^ e n s l e y ChCo™™ c£?i™» are^'ciyde j B u r i e d I n O h i o ; Paul Hensley. 58. died May M r s . A d a m s ' P u p i l s UnviOe and Mrs- Neureul| ^ ^ ^ ^ ]P^eM P i a n o R e c i t a l

Bobby Hayos captains art: May 5 at Ashtabula General Jan-_R S e . f " ; The PUpils of Mrs. Mary Mike Proctor, ' Mt Vernon 1 Hospital, Ashtabula, Ohio, , of Wick and Charity Huston E Adams w j U p r e 3 e n t a p i a n 0 High; Rodney Purcell. Brod- where he had lived for 10 Hensley. He had been making r e e i t a l a t ^ - F i r j t head High; Barbara Marshall, years. He was bom in Mt. his home with hus niece Mrs- church of Mt. Vemon May Livingston. High, and John Vernon, the son of Grant and Charlie Smith. Route 2, Mt. 28 and May 29 at 7:30 <•=<•* Reitr Pmwnj; J t a o w U t t w " / u p - T O B S . Bank*. Wrtumt, ^ xx :evening: - -Elementary School. I He was a member of the Survivors are two sisters,: Michael Proctor will be

Governor Edward T. Brea- Saybrook Methodist Church! Mrs. Mary Gibbons, Route 1, i guest trumpet soloist thitt, in a proclamation, desig- where he served as a trustee! Orlando and Mrs. Jane Elliott Those who will take Dart nated May 24 as 'Torch ' and was a teacher in the Sun-1 of Wallins Creek; also several o n M a y 28 are: Johnny Boone Sunday." The theme is from j day School for the adult class, nieces and;nephews. | Saylor, Amy Hall, Donna Lee the late president's inaugural For 20 years he had been Funeral services were con- Hunt, Bonita Norton, Jerri address statement, "the torch' employed by the Inland Con- ducted May 16 at graveside.: Nunnelley, Pamela Cummins, is passed." I tainer Corp. During the last Bro. Hugh Carpenter was of- Belinda Hall, Mitzi McCauley.

William H. May of Frank- 10 years he served as pro- \ ficiating minister. Interment Howard Saylor, Vickie Smith, fort, foundation president, 1 duction manager. j was in Windy Gap Cemetery. Andrea Anglin. Gail McKin-this week expressed his gra- Survivors are his wife ; C o x Funeral Home was in ney, Cathy Baker, Dcnna titude to the local chairmen, H a z e l [ w 0 sons_ p h i l i p E . a n d charge of arrangements. Stanley, Janice Coffey, Jamie team captains and other work- J o h n B . a t h o m e ; h i s p a r e n t s ; ' Mullins, Virginia Hunt fl? who are organizing the. two brothers, Homer Banks, M r s . C a t h e r i n e G r a v e s ° " 11,0 Program May 29 Torch Sunday fund dnve | (Wjddletown, Ohio, and Grant . , a , , are: T°ny Grant, Elizabeth in Rockcastle County. 'Banks, of Sp.ndkle N. C; G r a n t e d S c h o l a r s h i p Ann Allen, Judy Carter. Jan-

•nwsoUatation wili begin j three sisters. Mrs. Thomas „ „ ice Baker Janet Adams, John-at 1:30 p. m.. May 24, m every ; ( I r e n e , Chattanooga. Mrs. Dee (Catherine) Graves ny S t Clajr, Pamela Cum-Kentucky community follow- T e n n . Mrs John ( Jean ) o f S a n d sPnngs was granted mills, Martha Nlceley, Dwight ing a torch-lighting ceremony j Browning Bristol. Va • Mrs a scholarship to the Universl- Hoskins, R a c h e l Mullins, at the State Capitol in Frank- Harold (Betty Jo) Farmer! t y ot Keptucky at Lexington. Debby Craig. Arlene Bales.

AH J * , „ . Jonesboro, Tenn.; and sever- A Brodhead High School Valerie Cummins, Janice Cof-All donors will be enrolled | j j nieces and nephews. ' English teacher, Mrs. Graves fey. Marsha Grant ' Diane

as members of the Kennedy j Funeral services were held will study English composition Davidson, Brenda Stephens Memorial Library Foundation a l t h e McCoy Leffler Funeral a' 'he University, during the and Dotty Williams". 0 f ^ K > t U ? k y . t£ e iV n?? l e s Hom4 at Middletown. Ohio, month of July. —-——— " V " m

T JJ»e archives M a y 8_ w i t h toe Rev. James Mrs. Graves is a garduate WEATHER ° Til6 r k '1 n -ii ' Gardner, pastor of the Say- of Cumberland Junior Col- For the next five days tem-

I he1 library wiUI be built at brook Methodist Church, of- lege and Eastern State Teach- peratures are expected to ?. J™' 0 . V°n.. raised; f jciating. Burial was in the ers College at Richmond. She average some six degrees a-.nruugn puouc subscriptions, ] Woodslde Cemetery at Mid- holds a Bachelor of Science bove the normal of 67 with Hanrard U ^ t y W ) i<UetOWn- d<* r e e i n E n« l i s h" o n l y m i n o r c h a " ^ operated by the federal gov-ernment. To Enter Business College This Fall

Paula Chlldraas Mt. Verrion and Livingston

High Schools held their grad-uation exercises last week.

At Livingston Miss Barbara Jean Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marsh-all. was awarded the Vale-dictorian trophy at Livings-ton High School graduation exercises Friday, May 15.

She also received the UK Alumni Association pin for high' scholastic achievement Her score of the College Qualification test was 97 on the national percentile rating.

For two years she served as president of the Livingston High School library club; re-porter for the library club for one year; reporter for FHA Club fox two terms and was president of the student lfflnty association of Central Ken-

tor on# year. le In high school the

awards she received were In 9, 10, 11 and 12;

Home Economics- 9; French 11; Journalism; American History and library aid. " Miss Marshall plans to at-tend. Cumberland College at Williamsbul'g and take a pre-medical course.

Eugene CoUins, son of Mrs. 'George Collins, formerly of Pine Hill, was awarded Salu-tatorian trophy.

He has won several awards during high school in physics, math and science. He plans to enroll in Eastern State College at Richmond in Sep-tember and major in Physics.

Eight Seniors who received the National Honor Society pins were: Phillip Johan Ar-<renbright, Brenda Lois Carter, Robert Eugene Collins, Jerry 'Harmon Kirby, Barbara Jean Marshall, June Mariyn Mul-lins, Vonnle Elaine Owens and Carla June . Potter-

Hie M t Vernal Commence-ment address was delivered must rank high academically.

'by D"-. Morris B. Cierley of the University of Kentucky staff at Lexington. He is also fli-'rrn ,n of the proup which i--r°d''s over 2600 schools .annu-'-llv in the Southern As-sorhticn of Schools.

T>T-mpJ Valedir'orhn »-is Paula Childress. Salutatorian was Bobby Hayes.

Other awards presented at the graduation exarcises and those who received them are: English - Claretta Carter, Ma-thematics - Science and Ath-letics Bobby Hayes, Music -Janice Rush, Social Science -Susan Bullock, Industrial Arts - Charles McNcw. Foreign Language - Delores Allen, Home Economics - Made Johnson, Agriculture - Jim-my Cummins, Library - Mary Alice Hunt, Commerce Sharon Carter Coffey, Citizen-

Eugene Collins •Those who belong are: Bobby Hayes, Judy Winstead, Claret-ta Carter, Paula Childress, Mary Alice Hunt, Brenda Os-borne, Delores, Allen, Barbara Alcom and Louise Jordan.

The National Honor Society is another selective academic organization which ~ exists in Mt. Vernon High School. Seniors who belong are: Bobby Hayes, Paula Childress, Louise Jordan, Brenda Osborne, Clar-etta Carter, Barbara'.Alcorn, Mary Alice Hunt, Sharon Carter Coffey and Neoma Bernice Mullins.

The following four students have been accepted by Berea College: P a u l a Childress, Bobby Hayes, Delores Allen and Barbara Alcom.

According to an Air Force Sergeant who gave the test, Bobby Hayes made the high-est score -on the Air Force aptitude test this year that has been made by any boy.

Rockcastle Man Dies In McKee Crash

A Mt. Vernon man, in-volved in an auto accident on US 421 near McKee late Sat-urday afternoon, was dead on jrriyal at Berea College Hos-pital.

Dwight Lakes, 17, Mt Ver-non ;Route 2, was dead at the hospital at approximately 5:45 p. m. Madison County Coro-ner Walter Todd stated that Lakes died of severe head and internal injuries. He also had deep lacerations about the face and moiilh' and his body was covered with bruises and abrasions.

Also fatally injured was Wallace Don Sparks, 28, of Sand Gap, who was killed in

State' Trooper James Neeley, after investigating the accident, stated that a tire blowout caused the car to swerve and plunge down a | daughte- of Mr. and Mrs- Ed 25-foot embankment At the wapl McCracken of Orlando, bottom of the embankment, has been accepted for admis-the car hit two trees and; si on to Fugazzi College for stopped. ' the June Quarter enrollment

date. Miss McCracken is pre- sently attending Livingston sently attending Livingston High School where she gradu-High School where she gradu- a l t 'd this month. She will con-ated this month. She will con- f'nue her education at Fugazzi tinue her education at Fugazzi in the semi-professional Medi-al the 12 month Medical cal Secretarial Program. Secretarial Program.

William S. Payne Jr. William Stanley Payne Jr.,

son of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne Sr., of Route 3, Mt. Vernon, has been accepted for admission to Fugazzi College for the June quarter enroll-ment date. Mr. Payne is pre-sently attending Mt. Vernon High School where he gradu-ated this month. He will con-tinue his education at Fugaz-zi in the 12 month IBM Auto-mation-Accounting and Data Processing Program.

Hazel McCracken Miss Hazel McCracken, the Miss Stella Ruth Bowman,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowman of Route 2, Orlando, has been accepted for the June enrollment at Fugazzi College. Miss Bowman is pre-

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